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1、1.In failing to return the money he _ (背叛背叛) our trust.2.His school results are not very good because he is often _ (心不在心不在焉的焉的) in class.3.When he was six years old , he entered_(初级的初级的) school .4.Although he did wrong , yet his mother _ (原谅原谅) him.5.Last year he joined the school _(羽毛球羽毛球) team.be

2、trays absent-minded primary forgavebadminton Words:6. He seems to have _( 忽略忽略) one important fact.7. She had a _( 聪明聪明) mind.8. Our teachers told us to do everything well to our _.(力量力量)9.He _( 道歉道歉) for his being late.10.His mother said that if couldnt pass the exam, she would sell the computer as

3、 _(惩罚惩罚). 11.The girls have different _(态(态度)度) towards the books .12. He gets along well with his classmates because he is an_(外向的)(外向的)boy.overlooked brilliant strengthsapologizedpunishment attitudes outgoing13.I thought he told my secret to others d_.14.When asked what he wanted to be, he answere

4、d without h_.15.We all want to make friends and develop f_ with others.16.I dont like him because he is always j_ of others success.17.George felt very g_ about forgetting to post Herberts letter.18.He felt ashamed of his b_ at the party.deliberately hesitation friendship jealous guilty behaviour 19

5、.You shouldnt have said that ,which puts me in an a _ position.20.You are already grown-ups; you are required to take r_ for what you do.21.He is a person g_ at football.22.I finally succeeded in p_ him to come to the party.awkward responsibilitygifted persuading Phrases:1.相处融洽;进展顺利相处融洽;进展顺利 get _/

6、_ well _;2.被出卖被出卖 get/be _;3.你你(这样做这样做)真不公平真不公平 Its _ _ you to do.4.承认做承认做 admit _ sth; 5.被录取被录取/接纳接纳 be _ _;6.守诺守诺 keep _ _; 7.在困境中在困境中 _ _8.(使使)某人陷入困境某人陷入困境/麻烦缠身麻烦缠身_ () _ _;9.聚焦聚焦()于于 _ () _; 10.结果,因而结果,因而 as a _; 11.因为,由于因为,由于as a _ _;on along withbetrayedunfair ofdoingadmitted to/intoones wordi

7、n troubleget into troublefocus on/uponresult/ consequenceresult / consequence of12.难以忍受难以忍受 cannot _ /_ _; 13.情不自禁地做情不自禁地做 cannot _ _;14.不能帮做不能帮做 cannot _ _; 15.就就向某人道歉向某人道歉say _ _ sb _ sth; make an _ to sb _sth; _ to sb _ sth;16.某事是不可能发生的某事是不可能发生的 Sth/Sb be _ _ do; _ _ to do sth (or that-clause)17.

8、在公共场合在公共场合 _ _; 18.推迟做推迟做 _ _ sth; put _ _ sth;19.努力劝说某人做努力劝说某人做 _ _ persuade sb _ _sth;20.说服某人做说服某人做 persuade sb _ do sth; persuade sb _ doing sth;stand bear doinghelp doinghelp (to) dosorry to forapology forapologize forunlikely toIts unlikelyin publicdelay doingoff doingtry toto dotointo21.对某事难辞其

9、咎;应受责备对某事难辞其咎;应受责备 be _ _ for sth;22.因为因为责备某人责备某人 blame sb _ sth; blame sth _ sb; 23.保重,小心保重,小心 take _;24.阻止某人做阻止某人做 discourage/prevent sb _ _ sth;25.对忧虑对忧虑 be _ _; 26.忍受忍受 _ from;27.渴望渴望/着急做着急做 be anxious _ _ sth; 28.接通某人电话,终于通过接通某人电话,终于通过 get _;29.专注于专注于 be _ _; 30.究竟,到底究竟,到底 in _ _; on _;to blame

10、foroncarefrom doingworried aboutsufferto dothroughabsorbed inthe worldearth31.对友谊的不同态度对友谊的不同态度 different _ _ _; 32.与与是一致的是一致的be _ _;33.迟疑不决做迟疑不决做hesitate _ _ sth; 34.毫不犹豫地毫不犹豫地 without _35.彼此彼此,相互相互 each _; one _;36.不管不管,不考虑不考虑 paying no _ _; _ of; 37.很值得一听很值得一听 be _ _ listening _; be worthy _ _ _ _

11、/_ _ _ _; Its _ to listen to;38.单调的、乏味的单调的、乏味的 be no _; 39.玩得愉快玩得愉快 _ oneself; have _;40.自豪于自豪于 be _ of/ _ _ _ attitudes to friendshipsconsistent withto do hesitationotheranotherattention to regardlesswell worth toof being listened to to be listened toworthwhilefunenjoyfunproudtake pride inTranslati

12、onTranslation1.1.从从2020年前以来,我们就是要好的朋友。年前以来,我们就是要好的朋友。2.2.他沮丧得简直想哭。他沮丧得简直想哭。3.3.他踢得漫不经心,我们因此输掉了那场球。他踢得漫不经心,我们因此输掉了那场球。4.4.足球很重要,友谊又何尝不是呢?足球很重要,友谊又何尝不是呢?5.5.她不可能把这个私密告诉了别人。她不可能把这个私密告诉了别人。Weve always been best friends since 20 years ago. He was so upset as to feel like crying.He played carelessly. As a

13、 result, we lost the game.Football is very important, and so is our friendship.She is unlikely to have told others the secret.Structures:1.since-clause2.so/suchthat/as;3.as a result; as a result of; as a result of which4.as/so +V +S; neither/nor+V+S; its the same with; so it is with;5.be unlikely to

14、/that6.6.比起陪夫人购物,我宁愿呆在家里无所事事。比起陪夫人购物,我宁愿呆在家里无所事事。7.7.她们她们chatchat了那么长时间,叫我很纳闷。了那么长时间,叫我很纳闷。8.8.当被问及谁是最好朋友时,男孩们回答前总是当被问及谁是最好朋友时,男孩们回答前总是犹豫不定。犹豫不定。I would rather stay at home to do nothing than go shopping with my wife. To my puzzlement, they chatted for so long.When asked to name a best friend, boys

15、always hesitate before responding.It is puzzling that they chatted for so long.Structures:6.would rather; wouldrather than7.puzzle; puzzlement; puzzled; puzzling;8.Conj + doing/done;9.It is said that-; As is said,; Sb/Sth is said to;10.be determined to11.must have done9.9.据说,据说,TomTom是她的一个最好朋友。是她的一个

16、最好朋友。10.10.我最终离开了那个城堡,而且决意永不回头。我最终离开了那个城堡,而且决意永不回头。11.11.他那时一准知道妻子的所欲所求。他那时一准知道妻子的所欲所求。It is said that Tom is one of her best friends.= Tom is said to be one of her best friends.I finally left the castle, determined never to return.He must have known what his wife wanted.Structures:6.would rather; w

17、ouldrather than7.puzzle; puzzlement; puzzled; puzzling;8.Conj + doing/done;9.It is said that-; As is said,; Sb/Sth is said to;10.be determined to11.must have doneStructures:1.since-clause2.so/suchthat/as;3.as a result; as a result of; as a result of which4.as/so +V +S; neither/nor+V+S; its the same

18、with; so it is with;5.be unlikely to/that6.would rather; wouldrather than7.puzzle; puzzlement; puzzled; puzzling;8.Conj + doing/done;9.It is said that-; As is said,; Sb/Sth is said to;10.be determined to11.must have done1)Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. A been

19、 fined B to have been fined C to be fined D being fined D 2) My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _ from you sometime. A) to have heard B) to hear C) for hearing D) hearing D 3) The thief took away the womans wallet without_. A) being seen B) seeing C) him seeing D) seeing him A 4) P

20、eople appreciate _with him because he has a good sense of humor. A) to work B) to have worked C) working D) have working C5) Ive enjoyed _ to talk with you. A) to be able B) being able C) to been able D) of being able B6) No one can avoid _ by advertisements. A) to be influenced B) being influenced

21、C) influencing D) having influence B 7) They are considering _ before the prices go up. A) of buying the house B) with buying the house C) buying the house D) to buy the house C 8) He kept _to his parents. A) putting off to write B) to put off to write C) putting off writing D) to put off writing C 9) If I had remembered _ the door, the things would not have been stolen. A) to lock B) locking C) to have locked D) having locked A 10) Your shirt needs _. Youd better have it done today. A) iron B) to iron C) ironing D) being ironed C



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