2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3《Life in the future》(新人教版必修5)

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2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3《Life in the future》(新人教版必修5)_第1页
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《2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3《Life in the future》(新人教版必修5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3《Life in the future》(新人教版必修5)(87页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit3 Life in the future(新人教版必修5)作作佳佳诵诵 读读(2011安徽高考)某校英文报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是如何解决学习中遇到的困难。请你以“My Approach to Difficulties in Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的一些做法。注意:1词数100左右;2短文中不能出现本人相关信息。_点点考考锁锁 定定.重点词汇1_ n方面;层面2_ adj.在前的;早先的3_ vt.系牢;扎牢4_ vt. & vi.(使)闪光;(使)闪现5_ adj.乐观(主义)的6_ n生

2、态;生态学7_ n原料;材料8_ vt.回收利用;再利用9_ n代表;典型人物adj.典型的;有代表性的10_ n动机11 _ n 印 象 ; 感 想 ; 印 记_vt.(使)印象深刻12 _ adj.时 常 发 生 的_adv.不断地13_ n指导;向导;导游vt.指引;指导14 _ n 环 境 adj.周 围 的_vt.环绕;包围15_ vt.容忍;忍受16_ vi.& vt.缺乏;没有n.缺乏;短缺的东西17 _ vi.& vt.按 、 压 ; 逼 近_n压力;挤压18_ n开关;转换vt.转换19 _ n 瞬 间 ; 片 刻_adv.立即;立刻20 _ n 定 居 ; 解 决_vt.解

3、决;定居答案1aspect2.previous3.fasten4.flash5.optimistic6.ecology7.material8.recycle9.representative10.motivation11.impression; impress12.constant;constantly13.guide14.surrounding;surround 15.tolerate 16.lack 17press;pressure18.switch19.instant;instantly 20settlement;settle.短语回顾1take_拿起;接受;开始;继续2make adju

4、stment_调整3be_ones feet站了起来4lose sight_看不见_sight of看见;瞥见5_all directions四面八方6sweep_打扫;横扫7switch_打开(开关等)switch_关掉8slide_(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进9speed_加速答案1up 2.to 3.on 4.of;catch 5.in6.up7.on;off8.into9.up.句式填空1过去分词(短语)作原因状语_(因为担心这次旅行),I was unsettled for the first few days.2主语beadj.to do(不定式的主动形式)At first my n

5、ew surroundings_(让人难以忍受)3as though好像The air seemed thin,_(好像)its combination of gases had little oxygen left.4what引导的名词性从句However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached_(一个看上去像是大市场的地方)because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.答案1 Worried about the journey 2.were difficult to tole

6、rate3as though4.what looked like a large market频频高高考考 点点考点单词 1impression n印;印记;压印;压痕;印象The book left/made a deep impression on him.这本书给他留下了深刻的印象。What he said gave her a bad impression.他的话给她留下了恶劣的印象。【思维拓展】have/make a good impression on sb.给某人留下了好印象impress vt.(1)给极深的印象;使感动We were most impressed with/b

7、y your efficiency.你的工作效率很高,我们印象极为深刻。(2)使铭记;铭刻(impresson/upon)My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。impressive adj.给人深刻印象的an impressive scene一次难忘的场面an impressive story一个感人的故事即 境 活 用 1China has got a good_for helping other countries while they are in trouble.Areputation

8、BinfluenceCimpression Dknowledge解析从句意及空格后面的介词入手,表达“中国在上面有着较好的声誉”应接介词for。influence后接on;impression后接on; knowledge后接of。答案A2lack n缺乏;短缺;没有;缺少的东西vt.缺乏;没有;不足vi.缺乏;缺少;不足He just lacks a little confidence.他只是有点缺乏自信。A lack of food caused her to grow weak.缺少食物导致她身体虚弱。【思维拓展】lack (for) sth.缺少be lacking (in) sth.

9、缺少for/by/from/through lack of因缺乏;因没有have no lack of不缺乏即境活用2The explorer got a disease in blood for the _of fresh vegetables and fruit.Asake BlackCreason Dbenefit解析句意:因为缺乏新鲜蔬菜和水果,这位探险家染上了血液疾病。答案B3assist vt.帮助;援助;协助vi.帮助;帮忙;援助You will be expected to assist the editor with the selection of pictures for

10、 the book.希望你能帮助编辑为这本书挑选图片。I am willing to assist whenever there is an opportunity.有机会的话我随时愿意帮忙。【思维拓展】assist sb. with/in sth.帮某人做某事assist sb. in doing sth.帮某人做某事assistance n帮助;协助assistant n助手;助理即境活用3(2012江苏扬州中学阶段测试)A team of nurses_the doctor in performing the operation on the boy wounded in the ear

11、thquake.Asupported BencouragedCassisted Drespected解析句意:一组护士协助医生给地震中受伤的男孩做手术。assist sb.in doing sth.协助某人做某事。答案C4constant adj.不变的,固定的;时常发生的,连续不断的The birth rate in this city is almost constant.(不变的)He drove at a constant speed.(固定的)Babies need constant attention.(不断的,时常的)【思维拓展】constantly adv.经常地;不断地【易混

12、辨析】constantadj.不断的,不断的,经常的。常的。强强调始始终如一地如一地经常出常出现。continualadj.连续不断的,不断的,频繁的。表示繁的。表示时断断时续地地发生。生。continuousadj.不停的,不停的,连续不断的。不断的。强强调中中间不停不停顿。即境活用4(2012湖北八校联考一)Tom feared to go home after his failure in the exam because the _ stream of discontent from his parents would drive him crazy.Aactual BgradualC

13、efficient Dconstant解析constant 经常的。句意:汤姆在考试失败后害怕回家因为父母经常的不满快使他发疯了。actual 实际的; gradual 逐渐的; efficient 高效的。答案D5switch n开关;转换vt.转换make a switch in在某一方面做出改变switch to转(换)到switch on/offturn on/off打开/关掉You pressed the wrong switch.你按错了开关。I decided to make a switch in my plan.我决定对我的计划做一个修改。He switched the li

14、ght on.他打开了灯。He studied chemistry and then switched to biology.他原来学化学,后来改学生物。【巧学助记】Lucy returned home from work early. After changing clothes, she switched_off the light and came downstairs.Then she switched_on the TV and enjoyed the TV program me.露茜早早下班回到家。换完衣服后,她关掉灯来到楼下。打开电视欣赏着电视节目。即境活用5 At first,

15、 the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country but halfway in his speech, he suddenly_to another subject.Acommitted BswitchedCattached Dtransmitted解析switch to转移到。答案B6tolerate vt.忍受;宽容He wont tolerate anyone questioning his decisions.他不能容忍别人对他的决定提出质疑。Perhaps you need to be tole

16、rant of your neighbours.或许你应该对你的邻居更宽容些。tolerate sth.宽容/忍受某事tolerate sb. doing sth.容忍、忍受某人做某事have tolerance for.忍受beyond tolerance无法忍受show tolerance towards sb.对某人宽容be tolerant of容忍;忍受即 境 活 用 6 I cant_the noise upstairs.Atolerate BimpressCpress Dlack解析tolerate忍受。impress 给留下印象;press 挤,压;lack缺乏。答案A7pre

17、ss vt.按;压;逼迫n.按;压;印刷;新闻She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.她力劝客人们多呆一会儿。To judge from the press, the concert was a great success.据新闻报道来看,这次音乐会取得了巨大成功。press (down) sth.踩下;按下某物press sth. into.把某物塞进press sb. to do sth.力劝某人做某事press for催促;极力要求in (the) press在印刷中off press已出版;已发行即境活用7 He told me t

18、o_the button to pause.Apress BimpressCexpress Dswitch解析press the button按按钮。答案A8instant n瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的She paused for an instant and then stepped inside.她停了片刻,然后走了进去。She woke up instantly the phone rang.电话一响她就醒了。for an instant一会儿;片刻in an instant一会儿之后at that instant当时;那一刻the instant一就(用作连词,引导时间状语从句)

19、instantly adv.立即;马上即境活用8The fact is that it took only a(n)_for the old man to react.Aperiod BinstantClength Ddistance解析an instant瞬间,一会儿。答案B考点短语 1take up 拿起;拿走;继续;占用;占去(地方、时间等);开始从事(一项事业、一种职业等)This desk takes up too much room.这张桌子太占地方。Theyve taken up golf.他们学起打高尔夫球来了。She took up the story where Tim h

20、ad left off.她接着讲蒂姆未讲完的故事。【思维拓展】take over接管;控制;占据take back取回;把(某人)带回take for当作;误认为take in吸收;欺骗take off脱掉;起飞;成名take on雇用;聘用;开始呈现take down写下;记录即境活用9(2012吉林市毕业班摸底测试)After recovering from his illness, he was advised to_gardening as a hobby.Atake away Btake offCtake down Dtake up解析take up在此处意为“开始选择或开始从事(一

21、项职业或行当)”。答案D2lose sight of 忘记考虑(处理)某事;看不到;看不见(主语为人,宾语为人或物)Its easy to lose sight of the real issue.真正的问题倒是容易被忘掉的。【思维拓展】at first sight乍一看at the sight of一看到in sightwithin sight在视野内out of sight在看不见的地方;在视野外catch/get/have sight of看到lose ones sight失明come into sight进入视野内go out of sight从视野中消失即境活用10I dare no

22、t let the children out of my_in this park.Asight BreachCorder Dplace解析out of sight 看不见;out of reach够不到;out of order混乱;out of place不合适。句意:在这个公园里,我不敢让孩子们走出我的视线。答案A3as a result 因此,结果as a result意为“因此;结果”,副词短语表因果关系。如接宾语,后需加of。as a result ofbecause ofShe died as a result of serious injuries.她由于伤重而身亡。As a

23、result, they saved 90% of the trees in the forest.结果他们拯救了这座森林里90%的树木。即境活用11Many crops died _ the severe drought.Aas a result of Bon top ofCin front of Din need of解析as a result of由于。句意:许多庄稼由于严重干旱死掉了。答案A4be similar to 类似于;与相似These two signatures are so similar to each other that its very difficult to

24、tell them apart.这两个签名如此相似以至于难以分辨。My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers.我的教学风格和多数教师的相似。即 境 活 用 12 The two dresses look similar_each other, but they differ_material.Ato; in Bwith; fromCto; from Dfrom; in解析be similar to与相似;differ in在方面不同。句意:这两件衣服看着相似,但是质地不同。答案A5in no time 短暂(或快)得令

25、人吃惊;立刻;马上;一会儿He will come back in no time.他很快就会回来的。He answered my letter in no time.他立即给我回了信。This medicine can lessen the pain in no time.这种药可以立刻减轻痛苦。【思维拓展】at any time在任何时候against time争分夺秒ahead of/behind time提前;拖后at the same time同时;然而behind the times落伍;过时in good time及早地at a time每次at one time过去;曾经at

26、no time绝不all the time一直at times有时This/It is the first time that.have done sth.生平第一次做某事即境活用13(2012山东兖州市检测)You can come here to ask me_if you have any questions.Aat one time Bat a timeCat any time Dall the time解析at any time在任何时候,随时。at one time 曾经;at a time 一次;all the time 一直。句意:如果你有问题可以随时来问我。答案C6speed

27、 up加速Well be late unless we speed up.我们如果不加快些,就会迟到了。We must speed up the pace of our economic reform.我们必须加快经济改革的步伐。【思维拓展】at high/low/full/top speed以高/低/全/最高速at a speed of.以速度reduce speed减速pick up speed加速即境活用14The rise in the cost of living has been_in recent years.Aturning up Bspeeding upCgetting up

28、 Dstaying up解析speed up加速。turn up 出现;开大;get up 起床;stay up 熬夜。答案B重点句型 1 Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.因为担心这次旅行,头几天我感到心绪不宁。句中worried about the journey为过去分词短语充当原因状语,相当于原因状语从句because I was worried about the journey。Tired_from_a_whole_days_work,_he fell fast asleep.Beca

29、use he was tired from a whole days work, he fell fast asleep.因为工作了一天累了,他很快就睡着了。【易错提示】分词作状语时,过去分词表示与句子主语为被动关系;现在分词表示与句子主语为主动关系。【思维拓展】(1)现在分词作状语时,如果分词动作发生在主句动作之前,则分词要用完成式结构;表示方式、伴随的现在分词可位于主句之前,也可以位于主句之后,而表结果的现在分词只能位于主句之后。(2)现在分词和动词不定式作结果状语的差别现在分词(短语)作结果状语,多表示顺其自然的结果;而动词不定式作结果状语则表示出乎预料的结果,常被only或just所修

30、饰,构成only/justtov.的结构形式。即境活用15 The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu, _the students to return to their classrooms.Aenabling Bhaving enabledCto enable Dto have enabled解析现在分词作结果状语。答案A2Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.我感到累极了,偷偷爬上床就睡着了

31、。exhausted adj.“耗尽的,疲惫的”,形容词作状语,表示原因。She returned home, exhausted from her day in the city.她回到家,在城里的一天使她疲惫不堪。(1)表原因的形容词或者形容词短语或者形容词化的分词作状语多放在句首,句子的主语就是其逻辑主语。(2)形容词还可以作伴随状语,表状态。Frightened, she asked me to go with her.由于害怕,她要我跟她一起去。Last night, I lay in bed, awake.昨天晚上我躺在床上,醒着。即境活用16_, the boy came hom

32、e at last.ATiring and hungryBTired and hungryCTiring and hunger DTired and hunger解析and连接并列成分,前后词性应相同,故D项排除;本题考查形容词作状语,说明主语the boy所处的一种状态,C项不正确;修饰人用tired而非tiring,故选B。答案B3 At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.开始的时候,新的环境让人难以忍受。本句型为“主语beadj.to do”,不定式用于形容词后作状语,其逻辑宾语为句子主语,但不定式要用主动形式表示被

33、动含义。若其中的动词为不及物动词,则应在其后加相应的介词。These programmes are usually easy to receive.这些节目通常容易接收到。I think this man is hard to get along with.我认为这个人很难相处。The box is heavy to carry.这个箱子搬起来很重。【易错提示】该句型的主语可以是人,也可以是物。用于此句型的形容词有easy, hard, comfortable, difficult, nice, pleasant, fit, dangerous, expensive, interesting等

34、。即境活用17 These problems are hard _.Ato deal with Bto be dealt withCdeal with Ddealing with解析句子的主语these problems为deal with的逻辑宾语,故hard后用动词不定式形式表被动。答案A堂堂课课双双 基基.词义辨析1Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to _ at times.AspinBtolerateCrecycle Dfasten解析tolerate 宽容,容忍。spin 旋转;recycle 再循环;fasten

35、 扣紧。答案B2 You have only considered one _ of the problem, but there are many.Aaspect BinstantCcredit Dbutton解析aspect 方面。instant 立即的;credit 信用;button 钮扣。答案A3The _ I saw him,I knew he was the man the police were looking for.Atense BmaskCinstant Dguide解析the instant 一就。答案C4Well see how this schedule works

36、, then well make some _ as necessary.Asurroundings BdescriptionsCmotivations Dadjustments解析adjustment 调整。surroundings 环境;description 描述;motivation 动机。答案D5His failure is due to a _ of confidence.Alimit BlackCneed Ddemand解析a lack of 缺乏。答案B6A student who listens attentively and takes notes in class wil

37、l surely make a good _ on his or her teachers.Aatmosphere BimpressionCtradition Dsurrounding解析make a good impression on sb.给某人留下好印象。答案B7Most of the students feel that English words are easily forgotten unless they are _ repeated.Aimmediately BparticularlyCconstantly Dapproximately解析constantly 经常地。im

38、mediately 立即;particularly 特别地;approximately 大约。答案C8You are more likely to get the job if you have any_experience of this kind of work.Acurious BobviousCcautious Dprevious解析previous 先前的。curious 好奇的;obvious 明显的;cautious 小心的。答案D9He used to play tennis, but now he has _to golf.Apressed BswitchedCflashed

39、 Dassisted解析switch 转换,改行。press 挤,压;flash 闪过;assist 援助。答案B10While we have difficulties, I am still _ about the future of our company.Aoptimistic BprivateCobvious Dconsistent解析optimistic 乐观的。private 私人的;obvious 明显的;consistent 一致的。答案A.短语填空take up; remind. of. ;catch sight of; speed up; suffer from;be s

40、imilar to; put on; in no time; lack of;sweep up1Their house _ ours,but ours has a bigger garden.2She was tall and dark, and _ me _ my cousin Sarah.3As she stood up she _ her reflection in the mirror.4Jane and I were left after school to _ the bits of paper and dirt.5_sleep will severely influence th

41、e work in the daytime.6 The taxi driver suddenly _ before the traffic light turned red.7I have a few dictionaries at hand. I can get the meaning of the phrase for you_.8I used to be very weak and often _ headaches.9One of our greatest athletes is going to_ a new challenge.10Ill have to _ my glasses;

42、I cant read the sign from here.答案1 is similar to2.reminded; of3.caught sight of 4.sweep up 5.Lack of6.sped up 7.in no time 8.suffered from9.take up10.put on.单词拼写1The girl made a good _(印象) on her neighbours and they spoke highly of her.2They had to give up the project in the end because of a_(缺少) of

43、 money.3Please _(系牢) the dog to that tree,or it may hurt others.4He couldnt_(容忍) the noise downtown so he decided to move to the countryside.5As the_ (代表) of the workers,Mr Smith gave a speech at the meeting.6 The manager gave him all the _(材料) he needed to carry out the construction.7 Although he o

44、ften faces many difficulties, the young man is in an _(乐观的) mood.8 Dealing with people is the most important _ (方面)of my daily work.9Tell the boy to _(关掉) off all lights as he leaves the room to save electricity.10He _(经常地) consults the professor when meeting with difficulties.答案1 impression2.lack3.fasten4.tolerate5.representative6.materials7.optimistic8.aspect9.switch10.constantly同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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