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1、学习目标1.熟悉肠胃系统的正常功能2.认识肠胃系统的异常表现3.掌握肠胃系统的评估要点4.熟悉肠胃系统评估技巧分辨不同年纪、性别、疾病谱在消化系统的表现 GI System Assessment 消化系统评估健康史: 1.生活背景Biographical and demographic data2.目前健康状况 Current Health3.过去健康病史 Past Health history4.家族史 Family Health5.心理社会因素 Psychosocial Factors6.系统回顾 Review of system Demographic Data背景资料评估 Gender

2、AgeMarital StatusWorking condition Women (calcium), elderly (inadequate food intake, gastric ulcer, colon cancer), teenagers (Duodenal ulcers, gastric cancers) may have different health problem and nutritional needs. Current Health Assessment 目前健康评估评估主诉是否出现: 恶心、呕吐吞咽困难:梗阻与疼痛不消化 :反酸或嗳气腹痛呕血、便血腹泻、便秘腹水黄疸

3、体重及食欲改变. Past Health History 过去病史1.Bleeding-iron deficiency anemia2.Liver Disease: protein malnutrition 3.Peptic Ulcer With bleeding4.Jaundice5.Gallbladder sisease6.Pancreatitis7.Cancer8.Change of bowel habits9.Tarry stools 10.Unexplained weight loss or gain Health History of The GI SystemHealth Per

4、ception-health management patternNutritional-metabolic patternElimination patternActivity-exercise patternSleep-Rest PatternCongitive-preception patternSelf-Perception, self-concept patternRole-relationship patternSexuality-reproductive patternCoping-stress tolerance patternValue-belief pattern Lewi

5、s, 2004, p.955Assess for Medications药物评估Use of Aspirin, NAISD (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) gastritis/bleeding是否使用阿斯匹林,非激素类止痛药,胃出血Antacids: type and frequency 制酸剂,种类、频率Laxatives or stool softeners? 软便剂Dietary Supplement: vitamins,minerals, herbs, amino acids 食品补充,维生素、草药、蛋白质Assessment for Al

6、lergies 评估过敏史Food allergies: hives or dyspnea Food intolerance: GI abdominal cring, flatulence, or diarrhea (lactose intolerance)Comment food allergies items: nuts, shellfish, cows milk, food additives Assessment for Family HistoryGI problem may associate with family history and environment factors.

7、 Ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎Crohns Disease 克罗恩病Alcoholism 酗酒Liver diseases 肝脏疾病Family history of DM, anemia, jaundice, hepatitis, Pancreatitis, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome. 糖尿病家族史、贫血、黄疸、肝炎、胰脏炎、肥胖、小肠激惹症候群Psychosocial History 心理社会病史Occupation: environmental toxins (lead, mercury, carbon tetrachlor

8、ide) Travel: Pathogens (protozoa, parasites),eating raw shellfish, swimming in polluted water Diet habits change Assessment of GI SystemAbdomen Inspection 视诊1.skin intact, smooth 皮肤完整、平滑2.Contour: flat, rounded, no distention or irregular contour 形状,腹胀、不规则形状3.Rashes, discoloration, scares, petechiae

9、, striate, dilated veins 红疹、变色、疤痕、青紫、横纹、扩张静脉4.Peristaltic movement if pt has obstruction of the bowel 小肠阻塞可见肠蠕动运动5.Abdominal pulsation 腹部可见脉动Review of System系统回顾Mouth:oral lesions, excessive salivation, mouth dryness, oral ulcer Dental cavity: floss usageWater supply with fluoridate? Dentist for tee

10、th cleaningPeriodontal diseaseTrouble tasting, chewing or swallowing?Assessment of the GI systemMouth Lips: symmetry, color, hydration, lesions, nodules, position of teeth (malocclusion), dental caries, color of mucosa and gums, swelling or lesions, leukoplakis lesion (白斑)Tonsils: redness, swelling,

11、 lesions, ulcers, Tongue: color, moisture, atrophy, abnormal coating, swelling, lesions, symmetry movement, difficulty to swallow (Dysphagia 吞咽困难)Assessment for Oral Disorders Stomatitis: 1.Aphthous ulcer (unknown), 口腔溃疡2.Herpes Simplex (HSV infection), 疱疹3.Oral candidiasis-Thrush (Candida Albicans

12、fungus infection)念珠球菌感染Assess for immunosuppression, prolonged antibiotic use, pain, tenderness, bleeding, oral intake/nutrition (免疫低下者,长期使用抗生素者、疼痛、压痛、出血、营养进食情况)Assessment of Oral DisorderPremalignant tumor:恶性肿瘤前期 Leukoplasia 白斑Erythroplakia 红斑Tumor of the oral cavity: Basal cell or Squamous cell ca

13、rcinoma Risk factor: tobacco and long term alcohol consumption, Very Hot beverages, 槟榔评估吞咽困难 (Dysphagia)口腔疾病: 吞咽时梗阻与疼痛,感觉吞咽时间延长,口腔溃疡扁桃体炎咽炎咽壁浓肿、肿瘤急性喉咽喉头水肿喉癌Assessment of the Salivary Glands 唾液腺Sings of inflammationInactivity of the gland caused by medication or prolonged NG tube, NPODry mouth Bad bre

14、ath order from bacteria accumulated in the mouth due to insufficient salivary. Assessment of Esophagus食管评估Dysphagia 吞咽困难Regurgitation 反流: reflux can affect respiratory tractPain 疼痛Heartburn or pyrosis 烧灼感评估吞咽困难(Dysphagia) 食管疾病食管炎食管溃疡食管狭窄食管异常或先天性异常食管裂孔疝喷门口失驰缓症食管癌Assessment of GI SystemAbdomenAusculta

15、tion: Air and fluid move through the GI tract, soft clicks and gurgles q5-15 sec. 1.Normal bowel sound: irregular 4-5/min2.Hyperactivity: Loud, high-pitch sound of the GI tract, 10/min-GI bleeding, acute gastroenteritis3. Hypoactivity: few bowel sound (listen for 5 minutes or 1 minute each quadrant

16、(absence of bowel sounds does not mean absence of bowel peristalsis)Assessment of GI SystemAbdomenPercussion/Palpation 1.疼痛部位、性质(钝、绞痛)腹肌柔软度、是否出现压痛或反跳痛、剧烈绞痛拌有高肠鸣音(肠梗),腹部包块、液波震颤如门脉高压腹水、腹胀、阵痛、是否反射至右肩(胆结石),或后背及中上腹(胰腺炎),右下腹反跳痛(阑尾)2.炎症刺激,腹壁是否紧张痉挛,如穿孔可导致腹肌高度紧张 ( abdominal rigidity)、强直“板样腹”腹部疼痛的病因与特征 1腹部脏器扭

17、转或阻塞 (Organ obstruction or twisting): 1.intermittent collicky pain, 间断性绞痛2.under umbilicus associate with small bowel在脐部位与小肠有关. 3.distended abdomen with no flatus or bowel movement, 腹胀,缺乏排气或肠蠕动4.bowel sound may change from high pitch to absent 肠鸣音由高音到消失腹部疼痛的病因与特征2腹部脏器炎症:Peritoneal inflammation (Perf

18、orated ulcer, ruptured spleen, ruptured appendix) 1.Steady aching pain over area of inflammation, 在炎症部位疼痛2.pain increased with motion, 活动时疼痛增加3.may associate with shock if pain is severe 过度疼痛时可能与休克有关腹部疼痛的病因与特征3腹部脏器血管狭窄或梗阻 Vascular Catastrophe (Aortic aneurysm or mesenteric infarction)1. 2-3 days mil

19、d tomoderate pain and hyperperistalsis followed by severe abdominal pain 中等度疼痛,肠蠕动增加,腹部疼痛厉害2.Back and flank pain are common with aortic aneurysms. 主动脉瘤常见后背或腰部疼痛Assessment for Regurgitation评估反流(反酸)Regurgitation 是指酸性胃液反流到口腔的现象。导因:炎症、溃疡、肿瘤使喷门扩约肌松弛,胃逆蠕动增加,使胃酸容易反流入口腔,侵蚀食管,容易引起酸性胃液反流入口,胸骨后烧灼感Assessment of

20、 Vomiting 患者的呕吐物需要仔细评估量、色、性质、频率、反射性呕吐?诱发因素?是否带血样?是否呈咖啡色样液体,呕吐后生理变化患者有哪些过去病史、现在疾病导致呕吐或呕血?食管、胃、十二指肠、粘膜、溃疡、癌症、胰胆疾病等因素需要评估评估腹水Assessment of Ascites 腹腔内过多液体积聚,分为浆液性、血性、浓性、乳糜性,依照腹水中的蛋白含量、比重、细胞量而区分。引起腹水原因包括:肝硬化、重度肝炎、腹膜炎、癌症、心衰竭等。评估腹水影响:呼吸、皮肤完整性、血清蛋白缺失、体重变化、行动、活动度,舒适程度评估黄胆Assessment of Jaundice 胆红素代谢障碍使血中胆红素

21、浓度升高,渗入组织、皮肤、巩膜、粘膜,呈黄色。正常血清总胆红素 8.55-17.1 umol/L (0.5-1mg/dl, 升高到34.2umol/L (2mg/dl), 临床可见黄胆。评估:皮肤干燥、骚痒、外观影响,小便颜色深茶色Assessment of the Liver and Spleen Hepatomegaly 肝脏肿大: enlargement of liver, liver edge 1-2cm below costal margin (possible Hepatitis 肝炎, venous congestion 静脉充血, metastatic carcinoma肿瘤转

22、移)Splenomegaly脾脏肿大: Enlargement of spleen (possible portal hypertension 门静脉高压, infection感染) 下胃肠道系统症状评估分析:1.时间:出现时间及持续,突发?是否与进食有关2.性质与量:叙述疼痛性质,深、闷痛、弥散性疼痛,腹泻与血便性质3.部位:反射其它部位,涉及肝脏、脾脏、阑尾区、直肠?4.诱因:压力、食物、药物5.相关表现:生活影响、食物不耐受、黄疸、腹水、腹部绞痛等下胃肠道健康评估腹部评估:腹胀、肿块、对等性、明显的肠蠕动、脐或腹股沟疝气、肠鸣音、腹水、腹痛区是否反射性疼痛、反跳性疼痛(Rebound t

23、enderness)肛门与直肠: 痔疮、脱肛、皮肤完整性、红疹、溃疡、肛裂(Anal Fissure)、瘘管(Anal Fistula)、脓肿(Anorectal abscess)Assessment of the Bowel Elimination 年龄与性别:Colorectal cancer 常见于年纪长者、男性溃疡性结肠炎 Ulcerative colitis 常发生于中年白种人,犹太人Diverticular disease 常见于已开发国家精制食物摄取较多Assessment for Bowel EliminationAscites 腹水 Diarrhea 腹泻Constipati

24、on 便秘Melena 便血Pain in Rectal or Abdominal :腹部疼痛或肛门疼痛Assessment of Diarrhea and Constipation Diarrhea: acute or chronic ( 2 months of diarrhea评估腹泻后生理变化:渗透压升高、消化不完全、肠蠕动过快、肠内容物水份高、消化不完全急性腹泻:与细菌感染有关、与进食感染源有关,包括菌痢评估腹泻 Diarrhea腹泻性质、频率、量。是否腹痛及里急后重感?是否有肠粘膜破坏?浓样血便?水样便?饮食不洁?细菌感染?常见的致病菌为:大肠杆菌、沙门菌、轮状病毒、肠病毒、血吸虫等

25、。可依可能的感染途径评估致病因素。 评估便血消化道出血,由肛门排出,颜色与出血量、时间、部位有关。1.下消化道出血,近直肠肛门部位,停留时间短:鲜红2.上消化道出血,通过肠道,Hb 与肠道硫化物结合,形成黑色便 (Tarry Stool)3.鉴别:肠道细菌感染或炎症,肠道肿瘤、息肉、痔疮、克罗恩病、肠套叠等。 评估便秘Constipation结肠性便秘:结肠内的机械梗阻,结肠蠕动减少、结肠痉挛直肠性便秘:直肠肛周病变所致,生活习惯改变,排便习惯不正确,常服用泻药或灌肠,导致直肠粘膜感受器的敏感性降低, 常发生于老年人及长期卧床休息者。 Physical Assessment Annus and

26、 Rectum Assess for : 1.Tenderness, 压痛2.Masses, 肿块3.hemorrhoids, 痔疮4.Prolapsed, 脱垂5.Rectal mucosa smooth, 直肠粘膜平滑6.Stool negative for blood 便血阴性 Aging Patient GI Assessment 年长者肠胃系统评估Mouth: 1.Loss of teeth2.Decreased taste buds, decreased sense of smell 胃蕾减少,嗅觉下降3.Decreased volume of saliva 唾液减少4.Atrop

27、hy of gingival tissue 牙龈萎缩Aging Patient GI Assessment 年长者肠胃系统评估Esophagus 食管1.Decreased tone and motility 降低张力及动力Aging Patient GI Assessment 年长者肠胃系统评估Abdominal Wall1.Thiner and less taut 2.Decrese in number and sensitivity of sensory receptors 3.More visible peristalsisStomach: Decreased acid secreti

28、on, atrophy of gastric mucosa 降低胃酸分泌,胃粘膜萎缩Aging Patient GI Assessment 年长者肠胃系统评估Small Intestines :小肠1.Decreased secretion of most digestive enzymes, 消化液分泌减少2.Decreased moltility-complain of indigestion 动力降低,主述“不消化”Liver: 肝脏1.Decreased size and lowered in position 降低尺寸及位置Aging Patient GI Assessment 年长

29、者肠胃系统评估Large intestine, anus, rectum: 大肠、肛门、直肠1.Decreased anal sphincter tone and nerve to rectal area-fecal incontinence 肛门扩约肌张力及神经传导下降,失禁2.Decreased muscular tone, decreased motility-Flatulence, abdominal distension constipation, fecal impaction 肌肉张力下降,活动力降低,腹胀、便秘、粪便嵌塞营养与消化系统评估的重要性The importance o

30、f nutritional health and digestive assessmentNutritional health requires a functional gut to receive,transport, absorb, and metabolize nutrients. Interdependence assessment of the gastrointestinal tract and nutritional status进行营养评估Nutritional Health AssessmentDietary Intake食物摄取量:列出过去24小时所有的饮食摄取(Diet

31、ary intake recall)参考食物建议摄取量(Recommended Daily Allowance)计算健康者每日所需要的热量及蛋白质:1. 3050 Calories/Kg2. 0.8-1.2 g of protein/KgMalnutrition 营养不良Micronutrient Malnutrition 常见于慢性胰脏炎 (Chronic Pancreatitis), 小肠短小症 (shortbowel syndrome), Pressure ulcer 胃溃疡, Cancer 癌症, AIDS 艾滋病, Prior to gastric surgery营养评估收集病史,了解过去资料健康现况现性健康历史家族史社会心理支持总结:肠胃系统评估包括口腔、食管、胃肠道、肝脾腹部器官、大肠、直肠、肛门等器官消化系统的健康与营养的摄取息息相关。评估消化系统需要以整体观点来评估患者,了解正常的肠胃系功能有利于教学。



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