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1、Main partsvA Definition of Power vWhy Is Power Important to Negotiators? vSources of PowerAcquire PowervDealing with Others Who Have More power ?vHow to Conceptualize Culture?vThe Influence of Culture on NegotiationvAdvice about how to negotiation cross-culturallyA Definition of Powervan actor.has p

2、ower in a given situation (situational power) to the degree that he can satisfy the purposes (goals, desires, or wants) that he is attempting to fulfill in that situation Why is power important to negotiators? The negotiator believes he or she currently has less power than the other party. The negot

3、iator believes he or she needs more power than the other party to increase the probability of securing a desired outcome. What are the sources of power ? Informational sources of power Personal sources of power Power based on position in an organization Relationship-based sources of power Contextual

4、 sources of power How do you deal with others who have more power? Never do all or nothing deals Make the big party small( build multiple relationships) make yourself bigger. build momentum through doing deals in sequences Use the power of competition to leverage power Constrain yourself. Good infor

5、mation is always a source of power. Do what you can to manage the process How to Conceptualize Culture?vCulture as learned behaviorvCulture as shared valuesvCulture as dialecticsvCulture in contextThe Influence of Culture on NegotiationvThe definition of negotiationvThe negotiation opportunityvThe s

6、election of negotiatorsvProtocolvCommunication vTime sensitivityvRisk propensityvGroups versus individualsvThe nature of agreementsvEmotionalismAdvice about how to negotiation cross-culturallyvTheir own biases, strengths and weaknessesvThe other negotiator as an individualvThe other negotiators cultural context



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