Module 3《Foreign Food》课件1(18张PPT)(外研版选修8)

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1、Module 3Foreign Food核心单词核心单词1. owe v.应给予;归因于;欠钱,负债;欠(人情);感激应给予;归因于;欠钱,负债;欠(人情);感激常用结构常用结构:owe sth. to sb./sth. 归功于;欠某人某物;起源于归功于;欠某人某物;起源于owe sb. sth.=owe sth. to sb.欠某人某物欠某人某物owe for sth. 欠欠owe it to oneself to do sth. 认为自己有必要(不得不)做某认为自己有必要(不得不)做某 事;认为自己有责任做某事事;认为自己有责任做某事He owes his success more to

2、good luck than to his years of hard work.他把他的成功更多地归因于好运气而不是多年的艰苦他把他的成功更多地归因于好运气而不是多年的艰苦工作。工作。I owe my sister 50 dollars.=I owe 50 dollars to my sister. 我欠我妹妹我欠我妹妹50美元。美元。Thanks for your helpI owe you a favour. 感谢你的帮助感谢你的帮助我欠你个人情。我欠你个人情。He still owes for the goods he had bought last month.他仍然欠上个月买东西的

3、钱。他仍然欠上个月买东西的钱。I owe a great deal to my parents and teachers.我深受父母及师长之恩。我深受父母及师长之恩。Toms mother owed it to herself to lose weight at once.汤姆的妈妈认为自己有必要马上减肥了。汤姆的妈妈认为自己有必要马上减肥了。联想拓展联想拓展owing adj.应付的;未付的应付的;未付的owing to=due to(一般不用于句首一般不用于句首)/because of因为;由于因为;由于Owing to/Because of the shower, the basebal

4、l game was interrupted.=The baseball game was interrupted due to the shower.棒棒球比赛因为大雨暂停了。球比赛因为大雨暂停了。表示因果关系的常见短语表示因果关系的常见短语:as a result (of) 由于(由于(的结果)的结果)because of因为因为due to 由于;归因于由于;归因于thanks to 幸亏幸亏owing to由于;因由于;因的缘故的缘故2. requirement n.(规则、法律、合同等的(规则、法律、合同等的)要求,规定要求,规定;必需品必需品,要求之物要求之物require v.

5、需要,要求需要,要求;规定规定safety requirements 安全要求安全要求meet/satisfy requirements for满足满足的要求的要求sth.+require+doingto be done某物需要被某物需要被require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事be required to do sth./for sth.被要求(做)某事被要求(做)某事require+that+主语主语+(should)+do要求要求Do these goods comply with our safety requirements?这些商品符合我们的安全要

6、求吗?这些商品符合我们的安全要求吗?Applicants must satisfy the requirements for admission to the university.申请人必须符合该大学的入学要求。申请人必须符合该大学的入学要求。Working with these children requires a great deal of patience.和这些孩子打交道需要极大的耐心。和这些孩子打交道需要极大的耐心。The amount that patients are required to pay has been raised.病人要付的费用已经提高了。病人要付的费用已经

7、提高了。They required that I(should) sing a song.他们要求我唱支歌。他们要求我唱支歌。The windows of Class 4 require cleaning(to be cleaned).四班的窗子需要擦了。四班的窗子需要擦了。3. trend n. 趋向,倾向趋向,倾向;趋势,潮流趋势,潮流the trend towards/to趋向趋向the trend in 在在方面的趋势方面的趋势an upward/a downward trend 上升上升/下降态势下降态势follow a trend 赶时髦赶时髦set a trend 引领时尚引领时

8、尚Weve seen a trend towards more violent films this year.我们看到今年电影有向更加暴力的方向发展的趋势。我们看到今年电影有向更加暴力的方向发展的趋势。Todays figures continue the upward trend in the stock market.今天的股市指数继续呈上升态势。今天的股市指数继续呈上升态势。Everyone seems to be following the trend for sleek shiny hairstyles.人人似乎都在赶时髦,梳起整齐油亮的发型。人人似乎都在赶时髦,梳起整齐油亮的发型

9、。His designs are setting new trends in womens fashion.他的设计正引领着女装新时尚。他的设计正引领着女装新时尚。4. consequencen.后果,结果(常用复数)后果,结果(常用复数);重要性重要性常用结构:常用结构:answer for the consequences 对后果负责对后果负责as a consequence=in consequence 因而因而;结果结果of consequence 有势力的;重要的有势力的;重要的in consequence of=as a consequence of 由于,因为由于,因为的缘故的缘

10、故take the consequences of 承担承担的责任的责任This decision could have serious consequences for the future of the industry.此项决定对该行业的未来可能会产生严重后果。此项决定对该行业的未来可能会产生严重后果。Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger.合并一事直接导致二百人失去了工作。合并一事直接导致二百人失去了工作。The child was born deformed in consequ

11、ence of an injury to its mother.由于母亲受过伤,这小孩生下来是畸形。由于母亲受过伤,这小孩生下来是畸形。Is it of any consequence to you?这对你很重要吗?这对你很重要吗?consequent adj.结局的;跟着发生的结局的;跟着发生的consequently adv.因而,所以因而,所以be consequent on/upon因因而引起的而引起的;随随而发生的而发生的联想拓展联想拓展5. abundantadj.丰富的,充足的丰富的,充足的常用结构:常用结构:an abundant year 一个丰收年一个丰收年be abund

12、ant in=be rich in 在在方面很丰富方面很丰富We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。Fish are abundant in the lake.这个湖里鱼很多。这个湖里鱼很多。The Changjiang valley is abundant in resources.长江流域资源丰富。长江流域资源丰富。联想拓展联想拓展abundance n.丰富丰富;充足充足;富裕富裕in abundance 大量;丰盛;充裕大量;丰盛;充裕an abundance of 丰富的;充裕的

13、丰富的;充裕的Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island.该岛盛产水果和蔬菜。该岛盛产水果和蔬菜。He has kept an abundance of records in weight lifting.他在举重方面保持了多项纪录。他在举重方面保持了多项纪录。重点短语重点短语6. set fire to 放火烧放火烧set fire to sth.=set sth. on fire放火烧放火烧,使,使着火着火make/start/light a fire点火点火play with fire玩火玩火fight the fire救火救

14、火catch fire着火(动作着火(动作)be on fire着火(状态着火(状态)put out a/the fire灭火灭火fight fire with fire 以牙还牙,还击以牙还牙,还击A group of youths set fire to an old truck.一群青年放火烧了一辆旧卡车。一群青年放火烧了一辆旧卡车。The building was still on fire three hours later.三个小时之后,大楼还在燃烧。三个小时之后,大楼还在燃烧。Once the fire was lit, the room seemed more inviting

15、.火一点燃,房间里就显得更加舒适了。火一点燃,房间里就显得更加舒适了。Suddenly a pan of oil caught fire.突然一锅油着火了。突然一锅油着火了。7. make out看出;听出;理解;填写;辨认出;声称;设法应付看出;听出;理解;填写;辨认出;声称;设法应付I could hear voices but I couldnt make out what they were saying. 我能听到说话的声音,却听不清我能听到说话的声音,却听不清他们在说什么。他们在说什么。Looking through the mist, I could make out the f

16、igure of a woman standing under the street lamp.透过薄雾,我能看到路灯下一个女人站着的身影。透过薄雾,我能看到路灯下一个女人站着的身影。How did she make out while her husband was on business?她丈夫做生意期间她是怎么过的呢?她丈夫做生意期间她是怎么过的呢?She is not as rich as people make out.她并不像人们说的那样富有。她并不像人们说的那样富有。He made out a check for 10.他开出一张他开出一张10美元的美元的支票。支票。有关有关ma

17、ke的常用短语的常用短语:make for朝朝行进;对行进;对有好处有好处make up组成;编造;化妆组成;编造;化妆make up for弥补,补偿弥补,补偿make a difference有关系;有影响有关系;有影响make fun of取笑取笑make use of利用利用make the most/best of sth.充分利用某事物充分利用某事物make an effort to do sth.努力做某事努力做某事make it做成;成功做成;成功联想拓展联想拓展make off/make for/make out/make upmake off匆忙离开,仓皇逃跑。匆忙离开,仓

18、皇逃跑。make for朝朝行进;对行进;对有好处。有好处。make out看出,辨认出;理解;开出;填写;声看出,辨认出;理解;开出;填写;声称;设法应付。称;设法应付。make up组成;编造;化妆;弥补。组成;编造;化妆;弥补。When he realized the police had spotted him, the man made for the exit as quickly as possible.当那人意识到警察已经发现他时,他迅当那人意识到警察已经发现他时,他迅速地向出口走去。速地向出口走去。易混辨析易混辨析重点句型重点句型8. No wonder my fellow

19、guests had had only a few bites of each dish; they knew what was still to come.怪不得跟我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口;他们知道还怪不得跟我一起的客人每道菜也就浅尝几口;他们知道还有什么菜要上呢。有什么菜要上呢。(It is) no wonder (that)难怪,怪不得难怪,怪不得联想拓展联想拓展It is a wonder that 奇怪的是奇怪的是; 真是一个奇迹真是一个奇迹wonder+if/whether-clause 不知道是否不知道是否wonder+宾语从句宾语从句 想知道想知道wonder at 对对

20、好奇好奇/惊奇惊奇in wonder 目瞪口呆地目瞪口呆地I wonder at your ignorance. 你的无知令我惊讶。你的无知令我惊讶。I wonder what happened. 我想知道到底发生了什么事。我想知道到底发生了什么事。That tennis player is a wonder. 那位网球选手真是个奇才。那位网球选手真是个奇才。Its no wonder (that) he is always getting good marks in every exam.难怪他总是在考试中取得好成绩。难怪他总是在考试中取得好成绩。Your writing is so sma

21、ll; it is a wonder anyone can read it.你的字写得这么小,有人能看得清楚真是个奇迹。你的字写得这么小,有人能看得清楚真是个奇迹。I was wondering whether you would like to go to the theatre with me?不知你能否和我一起去看戏?不知你能否和我一起去看戏?9. But one thing I do admire is the polite manner in which British people eat, even if it is just a potato.但是让我非常佩服的是英国人吃饭的举

22、止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也会吃得斯斯文文。但是让我非常佩服的是英国人吃饭的举止,哪怕仅仅是一个土豆,他们也会吃得斯斯文文。本句中本句中I do admire是定语从句,修饰是定语从句,修饰one thing,其中谓语动词,其中谓语动词admire前加了前加了do表示强表示强调。一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定句中,可用调。一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定句中,可用do, does或或did置于谓语动词前强调谓语置于谓语动词前强调谓语动词,此时谓语动词用原形。动词,此时谓语动词用原形。My parents think I didnt study for my exams, but I did stu

23、dy.我父母认为我没有为考试做准备,可我的确是学了。我父母认为我没有为考试做准备,可我的确是学了。Do sit down, please.请务必坐下。请务必坐下。She does like to eat noodles.她真的爱吃面条。她真的爱吃面条。Do take an umbrella with you in case of rain.以防下雨,务必随身带把雨伞。以防下雨,务必随身带把雨伞。在这个模块中出现了以下词汇,如:在这个模块中出现了以下词汇,如:infamous, microwave, reheat, overhead, foreground, transform等,这些词都是由一

24、个等,这些词都是由一个前缀加一个单词构成的词汇,词汇的前缀对词汇的意义影响都比较前缀加一个单词构成的词汇,词汇的前缀对词汇的意义影响都比较大,每个前缀都有不同的含义,在记忆单词的时候请注意。常见的大,每个前缀都有不同的含义,在记忆单词的时候请注意。常见的前缀有:前缀有:un- unhappy untrue uncomfortable undress undo unpackdis-dislike dishonest disagree disown disinfect disconnectin- informal inaccurate inconvenientim- immoral impolit

25、e impossibleir- irregular irresistible irresponsibleil- illegali llogicali llegitimatenon- non-existent non-conductor non-interferencede- decode decentralize demobilize另外还有一些表示其他意思的前缀:另外还有一些表示其他意思的前缀:re- retell redesign rewritemis- misspell misinform misunderstandco- co-exist co-operate co-editorcou

26、nter- counteract counter-attackanti- anti-tank anticlockwisepro- pro-French pro-Britishover- overdo overestimate oversimplifyunder- underfeed underestimate underpayex- ex-husband ex-president ex-servicemanpre- pre-liberation pre-schoolpost- post-war post-election postgraduatefore- foretell foreleg f

27、orefrontself- self-service self-correctingsuper- superman supermarket superstructuresub- subway subdivide subconsciousinter- international interacttrans-transplant transatlanticsemi-semi-circle semi-final semi-conductorvice- vice-premier vice-chairman vice-presidentuni- unicycle unisexbi- bicycle bimonthly bilingualtri- tricycle trianglemulti-multi-racial multi-nationalauto- automation autobiographyneo- neo-Nazi neo-classicism neo-colonialism同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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