《Unit 5travelling abroad using language整体课件》课件九(70张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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1、Unit 5. Traveling abroadListening and reading Peru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America.国名:国名: 秘鲁共和国(TheRepublicofPeru,LaRepblicadelPer),“秘鲁”在印第安语中是“玉米之仓”的意思。国旗:国旗:呈长方形,长与宽之比为:。由三个平行相等的竖长方形组成,中间为白色,两侧为红色,白色长方形中间有国徽图案。白色象征自由、民主、和平与幸福;红色象征人民在独立战争中取得的胜利,也表示人民对烈士的怀念。national flag国徽:国徽:中心图案

2、为盾徽。盾面左上方是一只南美骆马,为该国国兽,代表国家的动物资源,也是秘鲁民族的象征之一;右上方是一棵金鸡纳树,代表该国的植物资源;下半部为一只象征丰饶的羊角,代表该国的自然资源和矿藏。盾徽上端为一个绿枝叶环;两侧各有两面秘鲁国旗。national emblem国花:国花:向日葵(sunflower)国树:国树:金鸡纳树国兽:国兽:骆马独立日:独立日:月日(年)国庆日:国庆日:月日(年)索尔第54届世界小姐秘鲁的选手玛丽亚-朱莉娅曼蒂拉-加辛尔最终获得本届冠军Map of Peru Lima,the capital of Peru, lies in the north on the Pacif

3、ic coast.on Cuzco ,the ancient Inca capital, and now is a lively city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen. Cuzco 库库斯科位于秘斯科位于秘鲁南部山区,鲁南部山区,是古老的印是古老的印加文化的摇加文化的摇篮。篮。利马唐人街入口处的中国牌楼。利马唐人街位于秘鲁首都利马市中心繁华地段的帕鲁罗街,是该国最大的华人聚居地费利佩城堡。 The Andes Mountains, runs parallel to the Pacific coast, an

4、d it is the longest mountains in the world.“the”“the”用在用在用在用在江河湖海、山脉、江河湖海、山脉、江河湖海、山脉、江河湖海、山脉、群岛、海峡、沙漠群岛、海峡、沙漠群岛、海峡、沙漠群岛、海峡、沙漠等地理名词前。等地理名词前。等地理名词前。等地理名词前。鲁印加古城库斯科的建城者帕查库特克的雕像及纪念碑秘鲁印加遗址MachuPicchuPeruLOCATIONTheMachupicchuarchaeologicalcomplexislocatedinthedepartmentofCusco,intheUrubambaprovinceanddis


6、caataltitudesthatleaveEuropeansandNorthAmericansgaspingforair.ItisalsowheretracesoftherichIndianpaststillstubbornlycling,resistinginpastcenturiestheSpanishconquistadorsaggressivecampaigntoeraseIncaandpreIncaculturesand,inrecenttimes,thelureofmodernization.CuscoSunTempleofQosqoBefore you listen, look

7、 at the map of South America. Find the cities of Lima and Cuzco and the Andes Mountains. And then discuss with others what you already know about PeruPre-listening City Hall of Lima City Hall of LimaCuzco The Andes Mountains The Andes Mountains Lake Titicaca Uros floating Island Amazon JungleListeni

8、ngTick the things Lia likes doing. trying different kinds of food going to historical sights looking at wildlife cycling swimming visiting museums learning about a countrys culture going skiing visiting places on her own staying in expensive hotels1. Has Lia been to Peru before ?No!Have you been the

9、re before?No, but I have heard a lot about it.2. Why does Lia prefer to travel independently?She likes to look at things in her own time rather than being hurried from one place to another with a group.I like to be independent. I enjoy looking around at the things in my own time. I dont like being h

10、urried from one place to the next.3. Why does the travel agent advise her not to travel alone ?She might feel lonely. She might find it difficult because its her first visit.But you might find it difficult because it is your first time.4. Why does the travel agent think Cuzco will be a good place fo

11、r Lia to go?Cuzco combines many of the things Lia likes doing. She can stay on her own hotel and take tours when she wants some company.I could travel by myself to Cuzco and stay in a hotel and when I wanted some company. 5. How will Lia know about tours from Cuzco ?Thetravelagentgivesherabrochure.H

12、ere is a brochure that lists our tours from CuzcoListen again and complete the sentences.1.I _ _ _ independent.2.But you _ _ _ _ because its your first time.3.But I also _ _ .4.You _ _ from Lima, the capital of Peru, to Cuzco.5.We _ _ _ into a hotel in Cuzco.liketobemight finditdifficultlovemountain

13、scould flycouldbookyouReading I-scanning& skimming (2m)Read the passage and answer the following questions: 1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists?2. What is special about Lake Titicaca?3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are?Reading 1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists? Cuzco is

14、 a popular tourist destination as it is close to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu. Its a city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen. 2. What is special about Lake Titicaca? Lake Titicaca is the highest lake in the world, and boats can travel on it. 3. What do you

15、 think the official languages of Peru are? They are Indian and Spanish.4. Peru gained its independence from _ in 1821. A. England B. America C. Spain D. GermanyC语篇领悟语篇领悟1. On which Tours can you visit the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu? A. Tour 1 and Tour 2 B. Tour 2 and Tour 3 C. Tou

16、r 1 and Tour 3 D. Tour 3 and Tour 4CGlance quickly through the brochure and then try to find out the answers to the following questions.小册子,背景材料小册子,背景材料2. If you want to get an opportunity to learn about the Uros Indians life, you can choose _ . A. Tour 1 B. Tour 2 C. Tour 3 D. Tour 43. You can _ on

17、 Tour 4. A. explore the jungle B. enjoy some excellent food C. buy some great souvenirs D. Stay with a local family for a fully-dayBA尤若奥斯人的生活尤若奥斯人的生活1.Whichtourswouldbestsuitpeoplewholikeanactiveholidayanddontneedfirstclassaccommodation?Tour 1 and 4.2.WhatkindofpeoplewouldenjoyTour2?People who enjoy

18、 learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country they are visiting, people who enjoy beautiful scenery but prefer to see it through the windows of a comfortable bus.Read the brochure and answer the questions3.OnwhichtoursdoyouvisitMachuPicchu?Tours1 and 3.4.IfyouspenttwoweeksinandaroundCuzco

19、,whichtourwouldbebesttodolast?Tour 2 would be best to do last because it ends in Lima, the capital.Language points for Reading II1. Why does the travel agent advise her not to travel alone?1)advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事,不定式建议某人做某事,不定式作补语。作补语。 类似的动词还有类似的动词还有: advise, allow, believe, command, conside

20、r, declare, encourage, find, forbid, imagine, know, like, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, require, suppose. advise与与suggest两者的区别是:两者的区别是: advise后后面加面加somebody (not) to do.,而而suggest后面必后面必须加须加somebody (或者或者somebodys) doing.,当然两者都可以接宾语从句,注意宾语从句的动当然两者都可以接宾语从句,注意宾语从句的动词形式必须是词形式必须是(should) (not

21、) do e.g. I advise my father to stop smoking. I suggest my father( fathers) stopping smoking. I advise/suggest (that) my father (should) stop smoking.2.scene, scenery, view, sightscene 指指“一眼可以浏览的风景一眼可以浏览的风景”,但多,但多半半包括其中的人物、动作和行为。包括其中的人物、动作和行为。(可数名词可数名词)scenery 指该地区的指该地区的“整个风景整个风景”,由多,由多个个scene 构成的景色

22、。构成的景色。(不可数名词不可数名词)view 指人从远处或高处以人的角度看到指人从远处或高处以人的角度看到的的scenery的一部分。的一部分。(可用作动词可用作动词)sight 风景、名胜,常用复数形式,指人风景、名胜,常用复数形式,指人文景观。文景观。Language points1.There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window.2.The Imperial Palace is one of the sights of China.3. Hangzhou is world-famous for its beautif

23、ul scenery .4.The scene of sunset was very beautiful.You can always see a happy _ of children playing in the garden.A. scene B. scenery C. view D. eventA从我们旅馆的窗口可以看看到秀丽的山景山景。故宫是中国名胜名胜之一。日落的景色景色是非常美的。一个地方的总体外貌一个地方的总体外貌(不可数名词不可数名词)scene 指人们看到的包括人和人的活动的情景。指人们看到的包括人和人的活动的情景。3.paralleladj.平行的,parallellin

24、e平行线beparallelto/with与平行Theroadandthecanalareparalleltoeachother.4. Peru has a wide variety of plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle, and abundant wildlife. 秘鲁有大量的植物,从沙漠里的小草到大面积秘鲁有大量的植物,从沙漠里的小草到大面积的丛林,而且还有大量的野生动物。的丛林,而且还有大量的野生动物。abundant adj. be abundant in 富于富于.,.很丰富很丰富abundance n. 丰富丰

25、富 in abundance 大量,充裕大量,充裕 an abundance of 很多的很多的.abundantadj.大量的,丰富的,充实的beabundantin富有alandabundantinminerals矿产丰富的土地Thecountryisabundantinnaturalresources.5. Cuzco is a lively city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen. 库斯科是一个可爱的城市,在那里随处可见印库斯科是一个可爱的城市,在那里随处可见印第安人和西班牙人的文化和艺术。第安人和西

26、班牙人的文化和艺术。 1) lively: 活泼生动的,有生气的活泼生动的,有生气的,作定语和表语作定语和表语 a lively mind 头脑灵活的头脑灵活的 2) alive:活着的,活的:活着的,活的 作定语放于名词后,表语形容词作定语放于名词后,表语形容词=living His dog is alive. the greatest man alive keep sth. alive 3) living活着的,逼真的活着的,逼真的+n. the living writer the livings 4) live: 现场直播的现场直播的, 活着的活着的 a live whale. The

27、football match will be broadcast live.6.govern统治,控制,支配ThecountrywasgovernedbytheQueen.Thelawofsupplyanddemandgovernsthepricesofgoods.governmentn.政府;内阁;管理governorn.统治者,主管7.destinationn.目的地,终点arriveat/reachonesdestination到达目的地Tokyoisourfinaldestination. Speaking1After listening to this text, you shoul

28、d know how to consult a travel agent for some necessary information about your tour. Now practice with your seatmate about how to get information from a travel agent. Form a dialogue.The following sentence patterns may help you.Can I help you?Have you been there before?Would you like to go by yourse

29、lf or with a tour?I like to be independent.What do you suggest?I enjoy I like . You could.I think I know the perfect place for you.Here is a brochure that lists our tours from.How much the airfare to.?Speaking2Imagine you have ten days holiday. Then your group plans to spend eight days in and around

30、 Cuzco. Discuss which two tours you will like . Youd better use the following useful expressions:DiscussionSpeaking (group works)Words and expressions for you:We would You might It would be possible to . It isnt possible to would be a perfect place for us . I dont think youd enjoy would probably sui

31、t us. A: Among the four tours, which one would best suit people who like an active holiday and dont need first class accommodation? B: I think Tour 1 would be. Because in Tour 1 people can experience the jungle and its diverse wildlife close up during four-day walking tour, also can enjoy the wonder

32、ful scenery of mountain and the ancient ruins. A: If you spent two weeks in an around Cuzco, which tour would be best to do last? B: Maybe Tour 2 would be best to do last. Because in Tour 2, after traveling we could return to Puno for our flight back to Lima.A: What kind of people would enjoy Tour 2? B: I think Tour 2 would suit the people who like to travel by boat and like to get close to Indian culture and learn more about their life.A: On which tours do you visit Machu Picchu (马丘比丘马丘比丘)? B: We could visit Machu Picchu in Tour 1 and Tour 3.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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