Module 1《British and American English》课件4(25张PPT)(外研版必修5)

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《Module 1《British and American English》课件4(25张PPT)(外研版必修5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 1《British and American English》课件4(25张PPT)(外研版必修5)(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必修5Module 1British and American English 漫画欣赏 画面描述 A student stands at a table staring at a birdcage with a cat in it.The cat looks uneasy and unhappy.How it wishes that he could be freed from the cage! 寓意理解 Children should have their own place suited to their nature.Parents and teachers should not s

2、et too many limits.Only in this way can they develop well both physically and mentally. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?重重 点点 单单 词词1confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的What he said was confusing,so I was confused at his words.他说的话很难懂,所以我对他说的话感到迷惑不解。The instructions are terribly confusing.Could you help me with them,plea

3、se?这些使用说明太让人费解了。你能帮我看一下吗?剑桥高阶【思维拓展】(1)confuse vt.使迷惑;使难于理解confused adj.感到迷惑的,感到难懂的confusion n困惑,混乱;混淆(2)confuse A with/and B 把A和B相混淆be confused by sth.被搞糊涂了get/become confused困惑,不知所措in confusion困惑地;困窘地【特别提示】当修饰一个人的表情(look,expression)及声音(voice)时应该用confused。即景活用The instructions on the bottle are very_

4、.No one can understand them. Aconfusing Bconfused Cconfusion Dconfusedly解析:句意:“瓶子上的说明很令人费解,没人能弄明白。”考查confusing(adj.)难懂的,令人费解的,故答案是A。答案:A2compare vt.&vi.比较,对比,把喻为,匹敌Mans life is often compared to a candle.人生常被喻为蜡烛。This poet often compares his lover to a rose in his poems.这个诗人在他的诗歌中经常把他的情人比作玫瑰花。This r

5、oad is quite busy compared to/with ours.与我们那条路相比,这条路很繁忙。剑桥高阶【词汇派生】comparative adj.比较的,相当的comparatively adv.比较地,相当地comparison n比较,对照,比喻,比较关系【用法拓展】compare A with B拿A和B比较compare A to B 把A比作Bcompared with/to和相比compare opinions交换看法by/in comparison with与相比即景活用_ other students,Hank is _ student.ACompared w

6、ith;a most satisfied BCompared to;the most satisfiedCComparing to;the most satisfying DCompared with;a most satisfying解析:句意:“与其他学生相比,Hank是一个非常令人满意的学生。”考查compare A with B及a most和the most.答案是D。过去分词短语作条件状语,可以用增元法补全(if he is compared with.),a most.very 而the most.是最。答案:D3differ vi.不一致;不同;不像;相异;使不同,使相异(常与

7、from连用)My brother and I differ in many ways.我和我兄弟在许多方面都不同。The incidence of the illness differs greatly between men and women.该病的发病率男女相差很大。剑桥高阶Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.汉语发音跟日语发音大不相同。【思维整合】difference n不同;区别;差数;争执different adj.不同的;相异的;分别的agree to differ求同存异differdiffer wit

8、h sb.about/on/over sth.关于某事与某人意见不同the difference between A and BA与B之间的区别即景活用She always differs_me_how to spend the vacation.Which is wrong?Awith;in Bfrom;on Cfrom;over Dwith;about解析:句意:“她总是在如何度假上与我的意见不一致。”本题就是考查differ with/from sb.on/about/over sth.的搭配。故B、C、D都讲得通。答案:A4.present v赠予,授予;引见;提出;n.礼物,赠品;a

9、dj.出席,在场;现有的,现存的The letter presented the family with a problem that would be difficult to solve.这封信给这家人提出了一个难题。剑桥高阶The mayor presented a silver cup to the winner.The mayor presented the winner with a silver cup.市长把银杯授予了获胜者。There were no children present.没有孩子在场。剑桥高阶【思维链接】on present form 鉴于现时表现the pre

10、sent day 当今,现今at present 现在;目前for the present 眼前;暂时up to the present 直到现在present oneself 出席;到场【特别提示】present用作形容词,表示“在场的”意思时,通常作表语或后置定语;表示“现在的”意思时常用作前置定语。即景活用The people present _with a present.Apresent Bpresented Cwere presented Dwere presenting解析:句意:在场的人都被赠送了礼物。本题考查present adj.作后置定语,“在场的”;n.“礼物”,v.“

11、赠送”,故答案是C。答案:C经 典 短 语1get around 四处走动;旅行;避开;逃避I dont want to stay at home.Id like to get around.我不想待在家里,我想要旅游。Dont try to get around the question by changing the subject.不要企图通过改变话题来回避问题。Spain last week and Germany this weekhe gets about,doesnt he!上星期去西班牙,这星期去德国他可真叫周游列国啊,是不是!剑桥高阶【思维整合】get aroundget a

12、bout (到)各处走动;(到)各处旅行get aroundspread vi.(消息、谣言等)传开get across理解,明白,把传达,表达出来get along(with)进展(行);相处get away(from)逃掉get down to开始认真(做某事)get rid of去掉,处理get back回来;收回get off下来,下车;起飞;脱掉,除去get through做完,通过;接通get close to接近即景活用完成句子那个陌生人迷了路,现在正在大街上四处游逛。The stranger lost his way and is getting around in the s

13、treet now.这个谣言很快在城里传开了。The rumor quickly got around in the town.2be similar to 与相似Your views on education are similar to mine.你的教育观点与我的相似。Paul is very similar in appearance to his brother.保罗和他哥哥长得很像。剑桥高阶【知识链接】be similar in在相似the与相同be different from.与不同in common with与有共同之处similarity n类似,相似si

14、milarly adv.相同地,同样地即景活用Gold is_in colour_brass(黄铜) Asimilar;with Bdifferent;from Csimilar;to Din common;to解析:be similar to为固定搭配,意为“与相似”。答案:C3in favour of赞同,支持The Council voted in favour of a 200 million housing development.政务委员会投票赞成耗资两亿英镑新建住宅区的计划。剑桥高阶Most of the students are in favour of the new rul

15、es.绝大多数学生都支持这些新的规章制度。【知识整合】in favour赞同的;得宠的;流行的out of favour失宠的in sb.s favour对某人有利的/地do sb.a favourdo a favour for sb.帮某人忙ask a favour of sb.要求帮忙owe sb.a favour欠某人情份Could you你能帮我个忙吗?即景活用There were 247 votes(选票)_of the motion(提议)and 152 against. Ain want Bin favour Cin demand Din need解析:句意:“有247票赞成,1

16、52票反对这个提议。”考查词义辨析;in want of“需要”;in demand“要求”;in need of“需要”;in favour of“赞同、支持”,故答案是B。答案:B重 要 句 型.,has made it easier for British people and Americans to understand each other.对于英国人和美国人来说互相理解就容易得多了。句中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是for后的成分。能跟it作形式宾语的动词常用的有:make,feel,think,find,leave,owe,consider,believe,think of,re

17、gard,like,hate,see to等。其基本结构为:主语vt.itn./adj./p.p./prep.phraseto do/doing/that.What he said made it hard for me to do it again.他的话使我很难再做这事。Time made it possible that we should tell her the truth.时间使我们可以把真相告诉她了。即景活用I dont think _possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.Athis Btha

18、t Cits Dit解析:句意:“我认为不付出大量的记忆工作,想精通英语是不可能的。”it是形式宾语,代替动词不定式,possible是宾补。答案:D高 考 经 典 解 读【例1】 All of them try to use the power of the workstation_ information in a more effective way.(2009北京,28) Apresenting Bpresented Cbeing presented Dto present【解题方法指导】 本题考查present的非谓语用法。此处用不定式短语作目的状语。句意:他们所有人都想借助工作站的

19、力量用一种更有效的方式来呈现信息。答案:D教材原文对照Present your ideas to the rest of the class. (P8)Prepositions,too,can be different:compare on the team,on the weekend(American)with in the team,at the weekend(British). (P2)【例2】 Michaels new house is like a huge palace,_with his old one. (2009重庆,25) Acomparing Bcompares Ct

20、o compare Dcompared【解题方法指导】 本题考查compare的非谓语用法。句意为:与米切尔 旧的房子相比,他的新房子像个巨大的宫殿。compared with.与相 比。 答案:D教材原文对照阅读理解题型攻略(一)人物传记类 阅读中考查人物传记,有可能描述某人一生的主要情况,也有可能是某一阶段的情况,内容多涉及其对人类、社会的贡献,也包括我们所说的“名人轶事”,当然也包括平常人的平常事。在命题时会在数字(出生或死亡年月、电话号码等)、出生地、工作或生活地、与其他家庭成员之间的关系、对他人或社会作出了什么样的贡献及个人言行等方面进行考查,因此解题时需理清先后顺序、人物关系等等。

21、 【典例】 I grew up with a birth defect known as spina bifida(脊柱裂),a disability that affects my sense of balance,causing me to walk with a limp. I can remember the way other children would look at me and stare at me because of the way that I walked when I was a young child.There were many times that my

22、schoolmates would laugh at me and call me names simply because of their lack of understanding of why I was a little different. Now that I am an adult,I have noticed that the stares and names have begun to fade,and judgments that once were negative have begun to turn towards acceptance.Now I look bey

23、ond what I cant do and focus on what I CAN.I have learned that limitations open doors that have been closed,showing other ways to meet our needs.I have always looked at life as a challenge,grasping each obstacle with open arms.There is nothing in this world that comes easy. I must stand tall and loo

24、k forward,to be ever so ready for what still lies ahead. People often feel sorry for those who were born with some type of disability.But their compassion is misplaced.Yes,I may not be able to run fast or perform certain tasks,but my disability gives me a better look at life and all thats around me.

25、I want to be seen not as a disabled person but as a person who has bloomed,and will continue to bloom. So I become an advocate on behalf of disabled Americans,to fight for our rights that for so long have been ignored.I feel that it only takes one powerful voice to change the minds of many nations,a

26、nd as long as I have a mouth to use and a mind to think I will continue to work to bring peace upon the disabled community. 【注】 本句中,I have noticed that.中的that引导宾语从句,and judgments that.中的that引导定语从句,修饰judgments。学海浪花1obstacle n障碍物,障碍2.bloom 本文意为变得健康,快乐3.advocate n拥护者,提倡者,辩护人 v拥护,提倡,主张passion n同情,怜悯5.on

27、 behalf of 代表学海导航:作者一出生就患有脊柱裂,但作者并没有灰心,而是寻找自己擅长的事情,努力使自己的人生焕发光彩。1Spina bifida made the writer_. Awalk with a limp Blose the sense of balance Close the chance to go to school Dgrow up to be short 解析:细节理解题。从文章第一段可知,因为患有脊柱裂,作者走路 一瘸一拐的。 答案:A2Because of the writers disability,his classmates_. Agave him a

28、s much help as they could Bfailed to understand him Ctried to treat him in a different way Dmade fun of him sometimes 解析:细节理解题。从文章第二段可知,同学们有时嘲笑作者,C项意义太 模糊,不够明确;B项的内容和作者残疾构不成因果关系,不合题意。 答案:D3The author thinks that_. Athe disabled should first know their weaknesses Bthe disabled cant set too high a goa

29、l Cthe disabled should find out what they can do Dthe disabled should learn to grasp chances 解析:推理判断题。从文章第三段可知,作者开始专注于自己能做的 事情,因此作者认为残疾人应该找到自己的强项。 答案:C4The purpose of the writer is to tell us_. Aa disabled persons rights are often ignored Bpeople shouldnt feel sorry for a disabled person Ca disabled

30、 person can be a useful one Dits possible for a disabled person to perform certain tasks 解析:推理判断题。从文章后两段作者通过努力,最终使自己的人 生焕发光彩推断作者的目的是告诉我们残疾人也可以成为对社会有 用的人,鼓励残疾人通过努力成为有用的人。 答案:C5We can infer from the text that_. Athe writer is now fighting for the rights of all the disabled Bpeople in the US have a better attitude towards the disabled Cthe writer still hates the way he used to be treated Dthe writer hasnt achieved much in his life 解析:推理判断题。从文章最后一段可知,作者成了美国残疾人权利 的倡导者,为全体残疾人的利益而奋斗。 答案:A 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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