2013届高考英语一轮复习课件人教版选修六:unit 1《art

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1、选修六Unit 1Art1abstract adj.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要;抽象(的概念)vt.提取;抽出;摘录要点in the abstract 抽象地;在理论上abstract.from 从中提取运用 完成句子(1)她从橘子中提取汁液。She _ juice _ oranges.(2)有些人认为美本身是抽象的。Some people say that beauty itself is _.abstractedfromabstract2aim n目标;目的vi.& vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力;立志要;目的在于aim at sth.take aim at sth.瞄准某物aim at doi

2、ng sth.aim to do sth.立志要做某事;目的在于做某事aim sth.at sth.把瞄准with the aim of 有的目的aim for 以为最终目的运用 完成句子(1)你永远应该以做好你的工作为目的。You should always _ your job well.(2)为了赚到足够的钱,他工作到深夜。_ enough money, he worked late intothe night.(3)我们必须把持久的世界和平作为最终目标。We must _ the lasting world peace.aim at doing/to doWith the aim of

3、 earningaim for3adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养adopt sb.(as sth.) 收养某人(作为儿女或继承人)运用 完成句子(1)他们采用新的养羊技术。They _ new techniques in raising sheep.(2)他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿。As they had no children of their own, they _.adopt(ed)adopted an orphan运用 完成句子(1)他试图讲话,可是被制止了。He _ but was told to be quiet.(2)他试着算出这道数学题。He made _ thema

4、ths problem.attempted to speakan attempt to work out/at working out4attempt n努力;尝试;企图 vt.尝试;企图attempt to do sth.企图做某事make an attempt to do sth./at doing sth.试图做某事运用 完成句子(1)政府呼吁市民节约用水。The government _ citizens for saving water.(2)意识到了自己的错误,这个犯人请求宽恕。Realizing his mistakes, the criminal _ mercy.appeale

5、d toappealed for5appeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt.将上诉n呼吁;恳求appeal to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣;呼吁;上诉appeal for/make an appeal for 恳求;申请2他怀着我会帮助他的信念来求助于我。He came to me _ that I could help him.3他们试图继续干但却无法继续下去。They _ go on with the work but couldnt.4我们的最终目的是到今年年底完成这项任务。We _ the completion of the task by theend of the

6、 year.in the faithattempted toaim for用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子1众所周知,金属能从矿石中被提炼出来。It is known to all that metal can _ from ore.be abstracted6她成了孤儿,一位贫农妇女收养了她。She was left an orphan and a poor peasant woman _.7太阳下山时,物体的影子会变得更长。As the sun sets, the _ become longer.8有人预言即将发生地震。Someone _ that an earthquake was i

7、mminent.adoptedhershadowspredicted5他的幽默感把她强烈地吸引住了。His sense of humour _ her enormously.appealed to1a great deal 大量的(作名词或副词)表示“许多的;大量的”的常见短语有:a great/good deal of不可数名词(单数谓语)a (large) quantity of可数或不可数名词(单数谓语)(large) quantities of可数或不可数名词(复数谓语)a large amount of不可数名词(单数谓语)large amounts of不可数名词(复数谓语)ple

8、nty of/lots of/a lot of可数或不可数名词(复数或单数谓语)a large number of可数名词(复数谓语)a great/good many可数名词(复数谓语)运用 完成句子(1)他非常喜欢游泳。He likes swimming _.(2)大量的工作等着我们去做。_ work awaits us to do.a great dealA great deal of/A quantity of/A large amount of/Plenty of/Lots of/A lot of(3)这个地区需要大量的水。_ are needed inthis area.2on (

9、the) one hand.on the other (hand) 一方面另一方面注意 on the other hand 单独使用时,hand 不能省略。运用 完成句子一方面我是你的老师,另一方面我也是你的朋友。_, I am your teacher, and _,I am also your friend.Quantities of/Large amounts of waterOn (the) one handon the other (hand)3in the flesh 活着的;本人;亲自运用 完成句子他的粉丝们担心看不到他本人。His fans are worried that t

10、hey will not see him _.用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子1我觉得我们受到了大量的鼓励。I think we were encouraged _.2我承认我更喜欢浪漫电影。I admit that I _ romantic movies.in the flesha great dealhave a preference for3巧合的是,他们一同到达了这里。_, they arrived here at the same time.4我从未见过他本人。I have never seen him _.5一方面我想要更多的钱,另一方面我又不打算靠加班来赚得。_, Id lik

11、e more money, but _,Im not prepared to work the extra hours to get it.6随着新年即将到来,我们有大量的准备工作要做。As the new year is approaching, we have _ preparations to do.By coincidencein the fleshOn (the) one handon the other (hand)a great/goodmany of原句1Without the new paints and the new technique,we would not be a

12、ble to see the many great masterpieces forwhich this period is famous. 没有新的颜料和新的( 绘画) 手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。这里 without 引导的介词短语是一个暗含的非真实条件,主句用虚拟语气。精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子(1)如果没有这项政策,并不是所有的孩子都能够上学,接受家长负担不起的教育。_the policy, not all the children _go to school to receive the education for which their parentswer

13、e not able to pay.(2)没有她的及时帮助,我们就不会完成我们负责的项目。_ her timely help, we _the project for which we were responsible.Withoutwould be able toWithoutwould not have finished原句2Among the painters who broke away from thetraditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who livedand worked in Pairs.在那些打破传统绘

14、画风格的画家中,主要的是印象主义者,他们在巴黎居住和工作。结构:among(介词)位于句首的倒装句which/who引导的非限制性定语从句精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子(1)在所有最具有吸引力的城市中有湛江,它是最近被正式宣布为“中国十大休闲城市”之一。_ that are the most attractive is Zhanjiang,_ was recently officially declared one of the Top TenCasual Cities in China.(2)在所有获得奖学金的学生中有杰克,他来自贫困家庭,现在正在做兼职来维持自己的生活。_ who rec

15、eived the scholarshipsis Jack, _ is from a poor family and now is doing apart-time job to support himself.Among all the citieswhichAmong all the studentswho运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之The famous architects designed their buildings likedreams, (1)_ ( 充 满 ) fantastic colors and shapes.TheOpera House in Sy

16、dney (2)_ (使人们想起)seashells.The 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing (3)_( 看 起 来 像 ) a birds nest made of tree branches.Thesebuildings (4)_ (使相信) people that if architectshad not had special mind about the art, we would not have thechance to enjoy the beauty of art works.They seem sotouching that I would

17、rather visit them (5)_ (本人,亲亲自) now.I dream some day I can design a building that would(6)_ (引起注意) people all over the world.full ofreminds people oflooks likeconvincein the fleshdraw the attention of列举个例【概括方法】这里说的“列举个例”是指在一类、一些事物中举出其中的一个或几个例子,即通常在一个复数名词后用介词such as (诸如之类的,例如), like (例如)等列出其中的具体个例(名词

18、或动名词)。这里的“like/such as名词或动名词”可以理解为在句中作定语。注意:虽然 for example 有时也引出表示具体个例的名词,但多用来引出句子、段落或动词不定式等,相当于“举证”,即举个事例来证明前面所陈述的观点。关于“举例证明”以后再进行讲练。【实用套语】1 Nowadays, energy can be obtained through varioussources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind andocean tides.现在,能源可以从多种资源中获取,如石油、煤、天然气、太阳能、风能和海

19、洋潮汐。2 After class we enjoy all kinds of activities, such asdoing sport, doing experiments or surfing the Internet.课后我们有各种各样的活动,如做运动,做实验,或者上网。3 Besides running, we can do many sports such asmor-ning exercises, playing ping-pong ball and playingbasketball, but it shouldnt take up too much time.除了跑步,我们

20、还可以做许多运动,如早操、打乒乓球、打篮球,但不要占用太多时间。4This program will cover topics like history, education,scenic sports, foods and famous people of Foshan.这个节目将涵盖像佛山历史、教育、风景名胜、饮食和名人这些话题。5 Middle school students from all over Guangzhouperformed all kinds of programs, like English songs, Englishshort plays and English

21、stories.来自整个广州的中学生表演了各种各样的节目,如英语歌曲、英语短剧和英语故事。6 Students in China should make better use of theirholiday.Apart from reading, they may spare some time to getclose to nature and learn through experience, for example,visiting museums.中国学生应当更好地利用他们的假期。除了阅读,他们可以花些时间去亲近大自然并且通过实践来学习,如参观博物馆。假如你是李华,现在就读于英国一所高

22、中,是一名交流学生。你要回信告诉你中国同学贾奇有关英国高中生课余时间打工的情况,并谈谈你对高中生课余时间打工的看法。年龄规定 15 岁以上的高中生时间限制 每天不超过 3 个小时,每周 18 小时以 内;晚上工作不得迟于 7 点你的看法 1.可获得一些基本的工作技能,如填表、 应对面试和与人交往 2.学会如何理财,增强自信心和独立性 3.有利于积累工作经验和提高责任感写作内容写作要求1只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总句数。Dear Jia Qi,Very glad to have received your letter.Now Ill tell yousom

23、ething about senior high school students taking thepart-time jobs in Britain.Looking forward to your letter.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua范文诵读:Dear Jia Qi,Very glad to have received your letter.Now Ill tell youSomething about senior high school students taking thepart-time jobs in Britain.In the UK, any h

24、igh school studentover 15 can get a part-time job in his spare time.But they canwork no more than three hours a day or 18 hours a week, andthey are not allowed to work after 7 pm.In my opinion, taking a part-time job is beneficial, forteenagers can gain some basic working skills such as how tofill i

25、n an application form, how to do well in an interview andhow to get along well with their co-workers and bosses.Whatsmore, students are provided with a chance to learn to dealwith their money properly, helping them build up theirconfidence and solve problems more independently whenfaced with difficulties.Above all, taking a part-time job canhelp them accumulate working experience as well as cultivatea sense of responsibility.Looking forward to your letter.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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