高二英语人教版选修6精选课件《Unit 4 Global warming》第4课时 Using language

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1、.词汇词汇1He has made an important c_ to this companys success.2On b_ of my colleagues and myself, I thank you.3They are preparing for the p_ of a new musical.4Lack of demand will slow down our economic g_.5There are many lights and e_ instruments on the computer console (控制板控制板)6They decided to establi

2、sh a(n) _ (核核的的) power station.7 Many people _ (主主 张 ) building more hospitals.8 A _ (漫漫 不不 经 心心 的的 ) newspaper reader wouldnt like articles on politics every day.9I looked at the map to _ (使使恢恢复复) my memory of the road.10I felt I did not have to make such a _ (承承诺) to them.答答 案案 : 1.contribution 2.

3、behalf 3.presentation4.growth5.electrical6.nuclear7.advocate8.casual9.refresh 10commitment.短语短语1和和意见不同意见不同_2等等等等_3在此情况下在此情况下_4so long as _5put up with _6on behalf of _答答案案:1.be in disagreement with 2.and so on3.under the circumstances4.只只要要5.忍忍受受;容容忍忍6.代代表表一方;作为一方;作为的代言人的代言人1advocate 1)(v.) 拥护;支持;提倡

4、拥护;支持;提倡I advocate a policy of gradual reform.我拥护逐步改革的政策。我拥护逐步改革的政策。He advocates reforming the prison system.他主张改良监狱制度。他主张改良监狱制度。Zhang Shizhao advocated that the press law should be cancelled to protect the freedom of press.章章士士钊钊认认为为,要要保保护护新新闻闻自自由由就就应应取取消消报报律律,新新闻闻不不立法。立法。 2)n.(1)(of/for sth/sb) 拥护

5、者;支持者;提倡者者;支持者;提倡者They are advocates of free trade.他他们是自由是自由贸易的倡易的倡导者。者。(2)辩护律律师;辩护人人He will be his own best advocate.他自己就是最好的他自己就是最好的辩护人。人。【知识运用知识运用】(1)I_separate classes for students to learn Chinese in different ways.AswearBadvocateCplot Dregister答答案案:B本本题题题题意意:我我建建议议我我们们分分班班授授课课,让让不不同同的的学学生生以以不不

6、同同的的方方式式学学习习汉汉语语。advocate表表示示“拥拥护护;支支持;提倡持;提倡”。(2)It is_that to build a healthy and progressive culture atmosphere for students, the whole society should unite to do the work of teaching the next generation well.Asupported BdefendedCadvocated Ddemanded答答案案:C本本题题意意:呼呼吁吁全全社社会会共共同同担担负起起教教育育下下一一代代的的任任务,

7、为青青少少年年营造造一一个个健健康康向向上上的的文文化化氛氛围。advocate表示表示“拥护;支持;提倡;支持;提倡”。2circumstance (n.)1)C, usually pl. 条件;环境;状况条件;环境;状况In normal circumstances, I would have resigned immediately.在正常情况下,我本会马上辞职的。在正常情况下,我本会马上辞职的。2)pl. 境况;境遇;境况;境遇;(尤指尤指)经济状况经济状况They have been living in reduced circumstances since John lost hi

8、s job.约翰失业后,他们一直生活拮据。约翰失业后,他们一直生活拮据。3)U 命运;客命运;客观环境境He had to leave the country through force of circumstances.为环境所逼,他不得不离开境所逼,他不得不离开这个国家。个国家。【知识拓展知识拓展】1)in/under the circumstances 在在这这种种情情况况下下;既既然然如如此此I planned to leave the next day but under the circumstances I decided to stay another night.我我原原计计

9、划划第第二二天天离离开开的的,但但在在这这样样的的情情况况下下,我我决决定定又住了一夜。又住了一夜。2)in/under no circumstances 决不;无论如何不决不;无论如何不I made up my mind that under no circumstances would I agree to such a decision.我决心在任何情况下都不同意这样的决定。我决心在任何情况下都不同意这样的决定。【知识运用知识运用】(1)Try to put yourself in his shoes. Would you have behaved any differently_the

10、 circumstances?AatBforConDin答答案案:D本本题题题题意意:你你设设身身处处地地替替他他想想想想,在在这这种种情情 况况 下下 , 你你 会会 有有 什什 么么 不不 同同 的的 表表 现现 吗吗 ? in/under the circumstances 表示表示“在这种情况下;既然如此在这种情况下;既然如此”。(2)She was determined under no_to return to Paris.Acondition BstateCsituation Dcircumstances答答案案:D本本题题意意:她她下下了了决决心心无无论如如何何不不回回巴巴黎黎

11、。in/under no circumstances 表示表示“决不;无决不;无论如何不如何不”。1on behalf of sb|on ones behalf 1)代表代表(或代替或代替)某人某人Im asking you on behalf of my sister.我代表我妹妹邀请你。我代表我妹妹邀请你。2)因为某人;为了某人因为某人;为了某人He spoke on behalf of the plan.他为这项计划辩护。他为这项计划辩护。3)为帮助某人为帮助某人(in behalf of sb| in sbs behalf)They campaigned on/in behalf of

12、 the victims of the war.他们为这场战争的受害者发起运动。他们为这场战争的受害者发起运动。【知识拓展知识拓展】传传统统上上in behalf of 和和 on behalf of 有有着着不不同同的的意意思思。in behalf of (for the benefit of; in the interest of)用用于于美美语语,表表示示“为为了了;为为了了利利益益”。on behalf of (as the agent of; on the part of) 表表示示“作作为为的的代代理理人人;代代表表”。 但但这这两两种种意意思思相相当当接接近近,因因此此经经常常被

13、被弄弄混混,连连一一些些名名作作家家也时常混用。也时常混用。【知识运用知识运用】(1)_my colleagues and myself, I thank you.AIn return for BIn exchange forCOn top of DOn behalf of答答案案:D本本题题题题意意:我我代代表表我我的的同同事事和和我我本本人人向向你你表示感谢。表示感谢。on behalf of sb表示表示“代表代表(或代替或代替)某人某人”。(2)My husband could not be here tonight, but I want to thank you on his_.A

14、demand BbehalfCrequestDcondition答答案案:B本本题题意意:我我丈丈夫夫今今晚晚因因故故不不能能前前来来, 我我代代表表他他向向你你们致致谢。on ones behalf| on behalf of sb表表示示“代代表表(或代替或代替)某人某人”。2put up with 容忍;忍受容忍;忍受She could hardly put up with that fellow any longer.她再也不能忍受那家伙。她再也不能忍受那家伙。I cannot put up with all this noise.我无法忍受这些噪音。我无法忍受这些噪音。【知识运用知识

15、运用】(1)Its too delightful of you to be so nice to him, and_all his tiresome stories.Acome up with Bkeep touch withCkeep pace with Dput up with答答案案:D本本题题题题意意:你你对对他他那那么么好好,那那么么耐耐心心地地听听他他的的无无聊聊故故事事真真叫叫人人高高兴兴。put up with表表示示“容容忍忍;忍忍受受”。(2)No longer able to_my toothache, I went to consult a dentist.Aget i

16、nto trouble Bbreak away Cput up with Dfit in with答答案案:C本本题题意意:我我再再也也忍忍受受不不住住牙牙痛痛,于于是是就就去去请牙科医生牙科医生诊治。治。put up with 表示表示“容忍;忍受容忍;忍受”。3turn up1)到达;来到;露面到达;来到;露面He said he would come, but hasnt turned up yet.他说他会来的,但是还没有到。他说他会来的,但是还没有到。2)(尤指失去后偶然尤指失去后偶然)被发现被发现Dont worry about the letterIm sure itll tur

17、n up.别为那封信担心,我相信会找到的。别为那封信担心,我相信会找到的。3)偶然出现;到来偶然出现;到来Hes still hoping something will turn up.他仍然在希望会有机会出现。他仍然在希望会有机会出现。【知识拓展知识拓展】1)turn sth up 开大;调高开大;调高(音量音量)Please turn the radio up; Id like to listen to the news.请把收音机音量开大一些,我想听听新闻。请把收音机音量开大一些,我想听听新闻。2)turn against sb|turn sb against sb(使使)与与反反目目成

18、成仇,变得敌对仇,变得敌对Why did they suddenly turn against you?他们为什么突然转而反对你?他们为什么突然转而反对你?3)turn around/round|turn sb around/round (使使)翻翻身身,转身,翻身,翻转The bus had to back up and turn round. 那那辆公共汽公共汽车不得不先往后退,不得不先往后退, 然后再掉然后再掉头。4)turn sb away(from sth) 把把某某人人拒拒之之门外外;不不准准某某人人进入入Hundreds of people were turned away fr

19、om the theatre.数以百数以百计的人未能的人未能获准准进入入剧场。5)turn back|turn sb/sth back (使使)原路返回;往回走原路返回;往回走They walked for two hours and then turned back.他他们走了两小走了两小时后又返回来了。后又返回来了。6)turn sb/sth down 拒拒绝;顶回回(提提议,建,建议或提或提议人人)I am afraid your request for a pay rise was turned down again.恐怕你恐怕你们要增加工要增加工资的要求又一次被拒的要求又一次被拒绝了

20、。了。7)turn sth down 把把调低;关小低;关小Please turn the radio down; I am trying to sleep.请将收音机音量将收音机音量调小,我想睡小,我想睡觉了。了。8)turn sth in 上交;呈交;提交上交;呈交;提交Our papers have to be turned in one week before the examination. 我我们的的论文必文必须在考在考试前一周交上去。前一周交上去。9)turn sth on 接通接通(电流、煤气、水等流、煤气、水等);打开;打开You should light the gas a

21、s soon as it is turned on.一扭开煤气管,一扭开煤气管, 你就你就应该点燃煤气。点燃煤气。10)turn out (1)地地发展展(或或发生生);结果果Despite our worries everything turns out well.尽管我尽管我们都很担心,都很担心,结果一切都果一切都顺利。利。(2)原来是;原来是;证明是;明是;结果是果是What he had said turned out false.他的他的话结果果证明是假的。明是假的。11)turn sb/sth out 制造;生制造;生产The school has turned out some

22、good scholars.该校培养出了一些校培养出了一些优秀的学者。秀的学者。12)turn sth out 关掉关掉(等或等或热源源);熄;熄灭Remember to turn out the lights when you go to bed.临睡前睡前别忘了关灯。忘了关灯。13)turn over 翻身;翻翻身;翻转The car turned over three times after the crash.撞撞车后,小汽后,小汽车翻了翻了3个跟斗。个跟斗。14)turn sth over to sb把把移交移交给(他人管理他人管理)When the company presiden

23、t resigned, he turned control over to his associate.公司公司总裁辞裁辞职时,把管理,把管理权让给了副了副总裁。裁。15)turn to sb/sth 向向求助求助(或或寻求指教等求指教等)She often turns to the book for guidance.她她经常参考那本常参考那本书。【知识运用知识运用】(1)(2008全国全国2 9) What are you reading, Tom?Im not really reading, just_the pages.Aturning off Bturning around Ctur

24、ning over Dturning up答答案案:C本本题题题题意意:“汤汤姆姆,你你在在读读什什么么?”“”“我我其其实实没没看看什什么么,只只是是翻翻翻翻书书而而已已。”turn over表表示示“翻翻动动(书页书页); 使翻转使翻转”。 (2)采用适当的介采用适当的介词或副或副词填空:填空:He turned_his best friends.We have turned_four applicants already.All the missing documents had turned_.He was turned_for advice by all sorts of peopl

25、e.Please turn the lights_for me; its getting dark.Weve come too far; turn the car_and go back.Since the original owner was now too old to hold on to his business, he turned it_to his son.Wed better turn_; its getting dark.Dont forget to turn_your gun when you leave the army.Because the hall was full

26、, many people were turned_.答案:答案: against译文:他对最好的朋友也采取了敌对态度。译文:他对最好的朋友也采取了敌对态度。 down译文:我们已拒绝了四位申请者。译文:我们已拒绝了四位申请者。 up译文:所有曾丢失的文件都找到了。译文:所有曾丢失的文件都找到了。 to译文:各种各样的人都向他求教。译文:各种各样的人都向他求教。 on译文:天黑了,请帮我打开灯译文:天黑了,请帮我打开灯 。 round/around译译文文:我我们们已已经经走走了了很很远远, 把把车车掉掉过头来往回开吧。过头来往回开吧。 over译译文文:原原来来的的主主人人因因年年迈迈而而不

27、不能能继继续续从从业业,就转交给他儿子了。就转交给他儿子了。 back译文:我文:我们最好最好还是往回走吧,是往回走吧, 天快黑了。天快黑了。 in译文:离开部文:离开部队时,别忘了把忘了把枪交上来。交上来。 away译文:由于大文:由于大厅已已满, 许多人被拒于多人被拒于门外。外。It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using itif not, turn it off!在在用用电电器器设设备备时时你你可可以以让让它它开开着着,如如果果不不用用就就把把它它关关掉!掉!【知识剖析知识剖析】so/as l

28、ong as 表示表示“只要只要”,引导条件状语从句。例如:,引导条件状语从句。例如:It matters little who does it so long as it is done.只要事情做了,谁做都行。只要事情做了,谁做都行。I dont care, so long as she let me be with her.只要她让我和她在一起,我才不在乎呢。只要她让我和她在一起,我才不在乎呢。You may borrow this book, so long as you keep it clean.这本书你只要能保持整洁,就可以借给你。这本书你只要能保持整洁,就可以借给你。【知识拓展

29、知识拓展】条条件件状状语语从从句句有有两两种种:真真实实条条件件句句和和非非真真实实条条件件句句(即即虚虚拟拟条条件件句句)。能能引引导导真真实实条条件件句句的的连连词词除除了了so/as long as外外,还还有有if, unless, suppose/supposing (that), providing/provided that, given(that), on condition that, only if等。例如:等。例如:If you are tired, we will go straight home.如果你疲倦了,我们就直接回家。如果你疲倦了,我们就直接回家。I wont

30、 go to the party unless Im invited.除非我被邀请,否则我不会去参加晚会的。除非我被邀请,否则我不会去参加晚会的。You can go there on condition that you dont come back late for dinner.你可以去那儿,条件是回来吃你可以去那儿,条件是回来吃饭不能太晚。不能太晚。Supposing that there is no pure water; what shall we drink?假如没有假如没有纯净的水,人的水,人们喝什么?喝什么?I will go providing /provided that

31、 you go too.如果你也去,我就去。如果你也去,我就去。Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.我只有找到了工作才有足我只有找到了工作才有足够的的钱上学。上学。Given that he can get another chance, he will surely succeed.如果他能再一次得到机会的如果他能再一次得到机会的话,他肯定会成功的。,他肯定会成功的。【知识运用知识运用】(1)(2010江西江西22) Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it? Well,

32、 that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselves.A. as long asB. unless C. as soon as D. though答答案案:A本本题题题题意意:“休休假假花花了了不不少少钱钱。” “是是吗吗?嗯嗯,那那没没多多大大关关系系,只只要要你你玩玩得得开开心心就就行行。” as long as引导条件状语从句。引导条件状语从句。(2)(2010全全国国130) The little boy wont go to sleep _ his mother tells him a story.A. or B. unless C. but D.

33、 whether 答答案案:B本本题题意意:这个个小小男男孩孩儿儿不不会会去去睡睡觉,除除非他非他妈妈给他他讲故事。故事。unless引引导条件状条件状语从句。从句。(3)(2010山山东28) The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, _ accompanied by an adult.A. once B. when C. if D. unless 答答案案:D本本题题意意:学学校校规章章规定定:除除非非有有成成年年人人陪陪同同,否否则学学生生在在校校期期间不

34、不能能外外出出。unless引引导条条件件状状语从从句,采用了省略形式句,采用了省略形式“连词过去分去分词”结构。构。(4)(2010上上海海秋秋39)_ our manage objects to Toms joining the club, we shall accept him as a member.A. Until B. Unless C. If D. After答答案案:B本本题题意意:除除非非经理理反反对汤姆姆加加入入俱俱乐部部,否否则我我们将接将接纳他他为会会员。unless引引导条件状条件状语从句。从句。(5)(2010辽宁宁31) I agree to his sugges

35、tion _ the condition that he drops all charges.A. by B. inC. onD. to 答答案案:C本本题题意意:我我同同意意他他的的提提议,条条件件是是他他撤撤销所所有有的的指指控控。on (the) condition that表表示示“只只要要;以以.为条件下条件下”,引,引导条件状条件状语从句。从句。(6)(2009北北京京22) You may use the room as you like_you clean it up afterwards.Aso far as Bso long as Cin case Deven if答答案案

36、:B本本题题意意:你你可可以以随随便便使使用用这个个房房间,只只要要你你用用过后后把把它它打打扫干干净就就行行了了。so/as long as表表示示“只只要要”,引引导条条件件状状语从从句句。注注意意:as you like表表示示“随随你你的的便便”。例如:例如:Stay as long as you like.你愿停留多久皆可。你愿停留多久皆可。(7)(2009陕西西13) My parents dont mind what job I do_I am happy.Aeven though Bas soon as Cas long as Das though答答案案:C本本题题意意:只只要要我我快快乐,我我的的父父母母并并不不介介意意我我做做什什么么工工作作。as/so long as表表示示“只只要要”,引引导条条件件状状语从句。从句。Unit 4 Global warming人教版英语同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全Unit 4 Global warming人教版英语同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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