Unit 2《Sporting events》Welcome to the unit课件7(28张PPT)(译林版必修4)

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《Unit 2《Sporting events》Welcome to the unit课件7(28张PPT)(译林版必修4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2《Sporting events》Welcome to the unit课件7(28张PPT)(译林版必修4)(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2Sporting events Project Entering a new sport into the Olympicsmens 110-metrehurdlesCan you name the following sports?judofencingrugbypologolfwushu1. Food is a r_ of life.2. Who was the p_ owner of the house?3. The _(目前的目前的) fashion is for men to have short hair.4. They have _ (保持保持) a close re

2、lation- ship with a college in the US.5. English is a b_ of the Germanic family of languages.6. He r_ his story to make it shorter.7. I cant _(保证保证) that he will be there on time.8. She is a strong _(支持者支持者) of womens rights.9. Riders need a good sense of b_.10. Dont _(卷入卷入) me in your quarrel! Word

3、-spelling:equirementreviouscurrentmaintainedranchevisedensuresupporteralanceinvolveListening and understanding of the passage:Para1: How a sport enters the Olympics:How many requirements should a new sport meet to enter the Olympics? And what are they?First, a sport must have its own international a

4、ssociation. Next, it must be practised by men in at least 75 countries on at least four continents and practised by women in at least 40 countries and on three continents. Besides, a current sport must be dropped. Recitation:Para1( 3 requirements)First, (international association)Second, ( men in 75

5、 c, on 4 c; women in 40 c, on 3 c)Third, (current; dropped ) sports Reasons Which ones are out ?They became less_ and had to _new, more _ sports.Which ones are in? They are _ and _all over the world.Which ones are still trying?The IOC wants to maintain a _of sports and there are already many other s

6、ports in _ like _,_ and_.Complete the following form according to para 2, 3&4.golf, rugby, polo, powerboatingtae kwon dowushu popularmake way forpopularplayedbalanceMartial Artsjudofencingtae kwon dopopularFill in the blanks:_a sport _the Olympics can be a long _. There are many _that must be _befor

7、e a sport can be _by the IOC. First, a sport must have its own international_. Second, it must be _by men in at least 75countries on at least 4 _and practised by women in at least 40 countries and on 3 continents.Third, in order for a new sport to be _, a _sport must be_. This helps _that the IOC ca

8、n keep the Olympics under_. EnteringintoprocessrequirementsmetconsideredassociationpractisedcontinentsaddedcurrentdroppedensurecontrolSome sports such as golf and rugby were _ because they became less _ and had to_ new and more _sports. Some sports like tae kwon do have been _ as they are very _ and

9、 are _ across the world. And Some sports like wushu are still trying to get into the Olympics because the IOC wants to _ a balance of sports.removedpopularmake way forpopularaddedpopularplayedmaintainParaphrase the following sentences:1.This helps ensure that the IOC can control the Olympics. This h

10、elps ensure that the IOC can _ the Olympics _ _.2. These sports were taken away because they became less popular and had to give way to new , more popular sports. These sports were _ because they became less popular and had to _ _ _ new , more popular sportskeepunder controlremovedmake way for3.The

11、IOC has still not accepted the sport because it wants to keep a balance of sports. The IOC has still not _ the sport because it wants to _a balance of sports.4. The IOc is considering revising the number and type of sports which are included in the Olympics in the future The IOc is _ _ revising the

12、number and type of sports _ in the Olympics in the future approvedmaintainlooking atinvolvedkeep/bring/getunder control使使处于控制之下于控制之下 The government is now trying to keep bird flu under control.政府正在努力使禽流感政府正在努力使禽流感处于控制之下。于控制之下。 火火势终于被控制住了。于被控制住了。The fire was finally brought under control.1.This helps

13、 ensure that the IOC can keep the Olympics under control.nbeyond control nin control ofnin the control ofnlose control ofnout of controlntake control of无法掌握无法掌握,无法控制无法控制管理管理,管理管理被被控制控制/管理管理无法控制无法控制,对对失去控制失去控制不受控制不受控制,失去控制失去控制n控制控制,管理管理1.与一个脾气经常失控的人是很难相处的。与一个脾气经常失控的人是很难相处的。Its difficult to deal with

14、a man who often loses control of his temper.2.我们必须采取措施使洪水处于控制之下我们必须采取措施使洪水处于控制之下.We must take some measures to get the flood water under control.3. 汽车失去了控制汽车失去了控制,滚下了山坡滚下了山坡.The car got out of control and rolled down the hill.Practice:2. These sports were usually removed because they became less pop

15、ular and had to make way for new, more popular sports.make way for: allow sb./ sth. to pass give way toEg. The out-of-date system should have made way for a new one.请往后退一点请往后退一点,为老年人让路为老年人让路.Please move back a little to make way for the old man.Do you know more phrases about “way”?1.Please move this

16、 chair. It is in the way.2.Do your work in the way I have shown you.3.On the way to the station, I bought some chocolate.4.She has two children with another one on the way.5.He saves old envelopes. In this way, he has collected a great many stamps.挡路挡路以以方法方法在去在去路上路上用这种方式用这种方式即将出生即将出生6. In a way, it

17、is an important book.7. Give up our tea break? No way!8. We lost our way in the dark.9. At last, they found their way out the cave.在某种意义上在某种意义上没门没门迷路迷路找到找到的路的路1.他在赴机场的途中车子发生了故障他在赴机场的途中车子发生了故障.He was on the way to the airport when his car broke down.2.他正在逐渐复原他正在逐渐复原.He is on the way to getting better

18、.3. 开车时开车时,要给救护车让路要给救护车让路.You should make way for an ambulance when you are driving.Practice:3. However, the IOC is looking at revising the number and type of sports involved in the Olympics in the future.involve sb/ sth in (doing) sth: cause sb/ sth to take part inEg.1. All the children were involv

19、ed in the school play. 2. Dont involve me in solving your problem. 3. 他参与了一场激烈的争论他参与了一场激烈的争论. He was involved in a heated argument.Complete the following sentences by using the given phrases: enterinto. meet the requirements look at practise doing keep under control make way for would like to do inv

20、olvein1.After about four hours the firefighters _ the fire _ _.2.I _ _ _ invite you to my birthday party.3.To _ the data _ the computer, you can type it in then press the Enter key.4.Dont _ other people _ your trouble.keptunder controlwould like toenterintoinvolvein enter into meet the requirements

21、look at practise doing keep under control make way for would like to do involvein 5.In order to please her parents, she must _ _(play) the piano twice a week.6.He retired this summer to _ _ _ a young man.7. All the workers refused to work to make their boss_ _ _ .8. His family are _ _sending him abr

22、oad for a further education.prcatise playingmake way formeet their requirementslooking atDiscussion: It is said that triathlon, baseball and soft ball will be removed and golf, rugby and wushu will be included in the 2008 Olympics. Do you think it is possible for wushu to be entered into the 2008 Ol

23、ympics? Why or why not? Introduction to Wushu Wushu (Kung Fu) is the proper term for all the martial arts styles in China. It has become a popular international sport that all people can learn and use to attain its inherent benefits. Aside from a means of self-defense, Wushu has also been developed

24、into a sport capable of improving a participants health and fitness, while improving their reaction time, jumping ability, balance, flexibility, coordination, power, and speed. Even athletes from other sports are taking up Wushu training to complement their physical pursuits and to improve the quali

25、ty of their performance. Today, Wushu is also a performing art. The performance of a superb Wushu participant can captivate and mesmerize an audience. It is reported that there are more than 100 Wushu international associations from 5 continents all round the world.The basic knowledge and training o

26、f WushuWushu is one of the Chinese culture bequests, it has long historical tradition and wide mass foundation. It spreads all over China. Many people are exercising it, performing it and competing in it. Because China has vast territory ,abundant resources and the largest number of people, it bring

27、s on the different characteristics of Wushu. For example, spear art is typical in the east of China, cudgel art is typical in the west of China, fist art is typical in the south of China, leg art is typical in the north of China. China has attached importance to Wushu. In Chinas Eighth National Athl

28、etic Meeting Wushu was still kept in the game while the other non-Olympic-game programmes were kept out of it. So it showed that Chinese liked it very much. Now Wushu has been known by the world. The World Wushu Tournament has been held four times. In the Asia Athletic Meeting, Wushu will be one of

29、the competition. In the future it may be one programme of the Olympic Games. The world loves Wushu, China state pays much attention to it, Chinese people like it, it is useful for peoples healthbuilding. Homework:1. Recite paragraph 1;2. Finish the rest exercises in your learning plan.Thank you!同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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