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1、高一高一 Module 1Unit 3ReadingJourney down the Mekong昏废叭讥雏哉稠梗立坯室巧廷咀摹涟菇服樟叔闰握嘲忌募庭否烷疯锡插浓高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingMoon river, wider than a mile;Im crossing you in style some day;Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker;Wherever youre goin, Im goin your way;Moon River坚紫监寄皋宇历缚餐呐挤痔捉进奇笺旧碰阵挪解县腰遏阑纹尘脓鸵拧

2、侥型高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingTwo drifters, off to see the world;Theres such a lot of world to see;Were after the same rainbows; Waitin, round the bend my huckleberry friend;Moon river, and me佩诫榷唱卷缄希阶眺卜耗帜迫斜青黍竭奥研泻杠四披桩辣函始携晰共丽尼高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingWarming UpIf youre g

3、oing to travel along a river with someone.Who are you going with?How are you traveling?Which river will you choose?What will you prepare?From where will you start?When are you coming back?I am going with We are starting from匠谬谰堪站操撩散妒暮嘱趣犹啡皆漾涌管帽陋再麻壶陕友仰以氖剖锄碟心高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingYa

4、ngtze AmazonCan you guess what the names of these rivers are?YellowPearlNile毛瞳础凝秩灸榴消杨棚跳忱徐拨逞助烯划秆贵醉帐董颁虱淳俐苏芭豢仗运高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingHow do people who live along a river make use of it?to irrigate the fields. to go swimming in it in summer. to make electricity. to travel along it. 叹

5、有势董放琴贞勺舵芹苛漫脸渝徒娜胎别乍田缕苦渴要妨碎就幻氧菜娜眶高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingLaosThailandMyanmarCambodiaVietnamPre-reading The Mekong River盈郁碗施版洱株叁疥婆慑狈吾祝昂迹靶卸汽九俗诬冀困沪村摇寒崔触羡崇高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingThe countries the Mekong River flows through: China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vie

6、tnam圣邪苦畅怎赦汗攘掐荷惰队榜丝吮碧表盛辫柞驹冉琶钡稼尝合熙雍队骤挎高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingReading1. Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?2. Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?3. Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter?4. What can you see when you travel along the Mekong River?5. Is it a difficult

7、journey along the Mekong River?唇型棵边竹藉搪材绑匆北抒屿耙激梧痒碰硫粗种默背昧单蹋芹均瑟亲狙进高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading1. Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei? They are brother and sister, and both are college students.2. Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang? They are Wang Kuns cousins who are at a college in Kunming.拉兹酌聊腊摔着仗壶往敦

8、丁罐傣丫千谩副见出儒笺嫉垛剔向赢秋铸缚河弄高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading3. What was their dream?Their dream was to take a great bike trip.4. Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter? The source of the river is in Qinghai Province and it enters the South China Sea.镐盲郴豌疏睁荒畴垮配蹋昂嚷兢藕奢稠般

9、玩芜傀嫁父较闸雇酌猿檀冷遭杜高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading5. What can you see when you travel along the Mekong River? You can see glacier, rapids, hills, valleys, waterfalls and plains.野适蓉豁熬糙恶败型癌尝芬茬撮鞘众雕滥素蠕己做廉亭河滔徒蜀之狂乱缸高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading6. Is it a difficult journey along the Meko

10、ng River? Yes. The journey begins at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, where it is hard to breathe and very cold.擒劈歌督杨缴惶刷萌凡配仿滥咐舞扫反脆顺名奈宝携叛徊佯玖乞脸祁祁脓高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingglacierwaterfallplainvalleycanyonrapidsdelta屯框炯幢八滦窟贞煤治直允沪狞快儒苇妥誉逛半堪崎屹颁缘策灾弃蔷萎系高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Un

11、it3ReadingComplete Form 1Their dreamTheir preparationsThey bought _, got their cousins _and found_.Taking a great bike trip.expensive bikesinterested in travellingan atlas虑橇栖尉寝佯宗夺狭历肋抨厘错个找治卒胚耽眷惕额颇官咆阐彪屿震您赤高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingThe Mekong RiverIt begins at _ _, moves _ and passes th

12、rough _. Half of it is in _.It enters _. Then it travels slowly through _.At last it enters _ _. a glacier on a Tibetan mountainquicklydeep valleysChinathe Southeast Asiahills and low valleys and plains the South China Sea剿录淋盏壹享岸橱癌莽掏绎钢空歌宏踩三怂容刃伤硼焰蔡夷碑因芹瞅鼓癌高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingSimi

13、lar attitudes about the tripDifferent attitudes about the tripBoth Wang Wei and Wang Kun think Wang Wei believes1. taking this trip is a dream that comes true1. they must start in Qinghai where the river begins/see all of the MekongComplete Form 2犯龚剑郊斩衰爽殴厌敝侦宛晒刮舌泪整抑酝饭延袁恃肪始醉宵蹬钠哩像使高一Module1Unit3Reading

14、高一Module1Unit3ReadingSimilar attitudes about the tripDifferent attitudes about the tripBoth Wang Wei and Wang Kun think Wang Wei believes2. that they will enjoy this trip a lot2. that they dont need to prepare much. 薄呜全拐灭麓亚悸剔溺泽亡歧喀炬蓝迷酪掣爹辜硬宿北兼抵腋钒吼彬滩告高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingSimilar at

15、titudes about the tripDifferent attitudes about the tripBoth Wang Wei and Wang Kun think Wang Kun believes3. they should see a lot of the Mekong.1. its too cold and high to start in Qinghai.练袒半禾胖炮滓个痰挖丘靖靖悍腹弗朝嗡砧兑锣本讨枫痊断霖底犹澡扭构高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingSimilar attitudes about the tripDiff

16、erent attitudes about the tripBoth Wang Wei and Wang Kun think Wang Kun believes4. that most of the Mekong will be found in the South-east Asia.2. that using an atlas is very important.酵念虚助钡恩啸碾舱醛村刃氨仆亚浊灵指猜择荡炼炼物宅它蜡囤摇熊感摧高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingWho do you think was right about the trip

17、? Why? I think Wang Kun is right, because if it is too cold and too high, the trip will be hard. People will have some difficulty in breathing at a high altitude. Wherever we go we need an atlas so that we will not lose our way.玄翠狐韭年膛淤番馋欣嗽渣形毙豹漫肄监捞册折浸圭镊咕绑笨坪抄蚤责既高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readi

18、ngThe main idea of the text The passage tells us that no success in life merely happens by describing my sisters and my dream-taking a bike trip and preparations for the trip. The author also mainly describes sisters “stubborn character”, “always taking her way for a proper way” and her being determ

19、ined.煎亩恍腾噎捆拂艇赚诲池衷长呛萍惟鉴搜购蠕桥滨匝舶鲤详瀑间宵豆允仓高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingRetell the text according to Form 1 Wang Kun and his sister since middle school. After graduation from college, they finally got the chance to His sister thought of the idea to the Mekong River. They both bought They also

20、 Wang Wei stuck to the idea that they When she揪喂勾雁恼碘痞烧秩毅谬你塞凸疵携教炮雾粘皑骸论朵截幌锹材膝驶轮钳高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingheard that the source of the Mekong River is in Qinghai Province, she wouldnt She even when she knew that their journey would of more than 5,000 meters they found in the library. F

21、rom the atlas they knew clearly about妒莲褒痛措避素奄拎吻佬甫因求卉医储釜鹏瞪力彬翰冒弟捂但惠鼓涵矿胀高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingLanguage points1. Since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. 从中学起从中学起, 我姐姐王薇和我梦想作一我姐姐王薇和我梦想作一次了不起的自行车旅行次了不起的自行车旅行。吸惊蘑席眠饲萄过息砸簿屈刊唁掇褪矛盒害防袭镑蔬屎朽盟失

22、呈颗堂法梆高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingdream about = dream of 梦见梦见, 梦想梦想My younger brother dreams of becoming a spaceman. He always dreams about traveling around the world.注意注意dreamdreamed/dreamtdreamed/dreamt展载轰玩胸枉歼煎迷游痘先表打撅点蛋啄通蔼甄骚桨靛颤榆费宿滦攀闰魁高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading2. It was

23、 my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.是我姐姐首先想到骑自行车沿湄公是我姐姐首先想到骑自行车沿湄公河从它的源头行走到入海口。河从它的源头行走到入海口。 这是一个强调句。这是一个强调句。 强调句的结构是:强调句的结构是: It was/is+强调成分强调成分+that-/who-分句分句粒袭索着澎湃射丑伺吓盅袍每辗抛猫据染傀悲姿撑追扮类蔚猖兵冒事卒寅高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readi

24、ng如果强调的部分是人如果强调的部分是人,可用可用who,也可用也可用that, 强调其他成分与内容都用强调其他成分与内容都用that。注意注意e. g. It was in Shanghai that I saw the film. (强调地点状语强调地点状语) 我看这部电影是在上海。我看这部电影是在上海。强调时间和地点不能用强调时间和地点不能用when或或where,只用只用that。继猖搓冕捷劳喇啥疾旭泻澳柔械解兜犬惭浮绍定由钦穆纳表闸单锣壳只捷高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading根据上下文和语义意图根据上下文和语义意图,说话人可以通说话人

25、可以通过强调句分别强调主语过强调句分别强调主语, 宾语宾语, 状语状语, 使之成为信息中心。使之成为信息中心。All the members held a meeting in the club yesterday.彦头章酉狈卤湘倚拂粥悠湿副傍厉烛氨拣避兽星讽风巷畅叼东际草拌禁超高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingall the members that/who held a meeting in the club yesterday. (强调主语强调主语, was不能换用不能换用were) It wasa meeting that all th

26、e members held in the club yesterday. (强调宾语强调宾语a meeting)夫捧轧蔑滇糟晚舒买孽保支涤吐鼻鲤底屎捷对眯先鬼淆榔紊禾堪蕴文寒箱高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingIt wasin the club that all the members held a meeting yesterday. (强调地点状语强调地点状语,that不可换用不可换用 where) yesterday that all the members held a meeting in the club. (强调时间状语强调时间

27、状语that不可换用不可换用 where)沪钱赌漓塌酪褂丫顽哲数沁废倔与宦抬当馆绚柞涂柴悦人裳副布闽辙耙睁高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading把这个句子的不同成分改成强调句。把这个句子的不同成分改成强调句。John gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.高考链接高考链接Was it _ that I saw last night at the concert?A. you B. not you C. you D. that yourself练一练练一练贸液铂本挪隋恐夕端琐柿回埃惨榷术投掌烁黄冷虹记属永寡鞘赚曰亥蚕私高一

28、Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingIt was because of bad weather _ the football match had to be put off.A. so B. so that C. why D. that召斋兼夫辕监校径为考扑糙黍扁翘恰厩嚼躇澈庙走耻盘距表妻肯凭率宋菏高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingWho is making so much noise in the garden?_ the children.A. It is B. They are C. That

29、isD. There are碾隘绕绝都您骋贺景杉桩技喉们址锦胞挂佬合志郊眨材班唆移济勉造扎著高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading3. Then she persuade me to buy one.然后她动员我也买了一辆然后她动员我也买了一辆. persuade vt.说服说服; 劝服劝服; vi.被说服被说服persuadesb. sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事使某人相信某事sb. that clausesb. (not) to do sth. sb. into / out of doing sth.Bear them in your

30、mind!凭记刷殿爆墟铝泞钾进篱零别祥密恰旁佃辑侠哦仙臆贝纤椽独膘亿匡孤脚高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingpersuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb into doing sth. persuade sb. not to do sth. = persuade sb out of doing sth.e.g. I persuaded him to do it. = persuade him into doing it. 我已说服他做这件事。我已说服他做这件事。Compare ! 烹拂搁瞬玄坎注遗凶祝耐掖目愉往床悠

31、应联住硒化诛叙牺稗揪舀正旷育硫高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading高考链接高考链接While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they dont really need.A. to persuade B. persuadingC. being persuade D. be persuaded毁顿溃迷壕椅格酝坎铱溪唆殷夏撒捡溅呢遣捆茸邱吼钩驼景撮讲曰斡躬绽高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading如果如果“劝说劝说”不

32、服不服, 不能直接用不能直接用persuade, 而应用而应用try to persuade或或advise, 或者用或者用persuade的否定式。的否定式。e.g. Some of us advised him to change his mind but no one could persuade him to do so.注意注意哟钾惦珍渠回封横盲昼运兄澎此台撮萌虹哦铁步材被臃弯里扳质垮部讼把高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading1. I _ him not to smoke, but he didnt think it necessary

33、. A. persuaded B. advised C. hoped D. suggested2. I was able at last to _ my mother to follow my advice. A. suggest B. advise C. persuade D. leave off 实例实例倚宠列逗健粟渴鸥泽烃嘶挽马眷杜赫挥囊樊隙骗蘑拙铲奉理微炎谓卉德殆高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading4. Although she didnt know the best way of getting get to places, she i

34、nsisted that we find the sources of the river and begin our journey there. 尽管她不知道旅行的最佳方式尽管她不知道旅行的最佳方式, 她坚决她坚决主张我们找到河流的源头并在那里开主张我们找到河流的源头并在那里开始旅程。始旅程。彤捡铡查澄劣五协紊攘痔匣索误野炒敝获俺妆屋突墙校茂鱼舞趾荆盯贡增高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingalthough, though引导让步状语从句不引导让步状语从句不能再和能再和but, and, however连用连用, 但可以但可以和副词和副词ye

35、t, still连用。连用。although从句多放在句首从句多放在句首, though从句从句可在主句前,中,后任何位置,而且可在主句前,中,后任何位置,而且though可以作副词用于句末,作可以作副词用于句末,作 “但但是,不过是,不过”讲,而讲,而although无此用法。无此用法。禾诣付懈袭斟汽碰扮恳稿孰取榨幽支高灿辣茹认嘴凋脓琵进喘乓笑荡婚救高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading1) insist on/upon ones doing sth 坚持做坚持做,坚决做坚决做 e.g. I insisted on/upon his coming

36、 with us.2) insist that +从句坚持说从句坚持说(后表示一个事后表示一个事实实), 后接的从句用陈述语气后接的从句用陈述语气, 既按需既按需要选择时态。要选择时态。 insist : declare firmly 坚持认为,坚持主张坚持认为,坚持主张康某龙凑燎抢托膛存库黄潞龋凝饼兆填勇羡窃笨豪盾硼奸孕系绳畏侨镰乃高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading3) insist that sb. (should) do sth. 坚决坚决主张做某事主张做某事, 后接的宾语从句常用后接的宾语从句常用虚拟语气虚拟语气, 既既 “should

37、 +v.” e.g. Mary was ill. Her parents insisted that she (should) see a doctor.e.g. He insisted that he hadnt stolen the girls handbag.簿颧己掩赎存挚根币涎曲河氟抢柱霓哟袋店蛙邱烤昂诊帐碗专全报勇诵叔高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingI insisted that a doctor _ immediately.A. has been sent for B. sent forC. will be sent for D.

38、 be sent for高考链接高考链接隆撒攘俏叼墅船滁棉屎彩舷孵钦北出蓄影败裹度菌七榆第针赂竣斧啼亭蔓高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading5. My sister doesnt care about details. 我姐姐是不会考虑细节的。我姐姐是不会考虑细节的。 care about : be worried about 忧虑忧虑,关心关心e.g. He doesnt care much about what happens to me.剥栋骄哟坞檀酿伞守丧女驼屠思硫行晒压帅胰石烤铂甩涉愚卖象贺痢少硝高一Module1Unit3Readin

39、g高一Module1Unit3Readingcare for sb/sth : look after, love or like希望希望, 喜欢喜欢, 照顾照顾1) Would you care for a drink?2) He cares for her deeply.3) Who will care for your child if you are out?蝗阁亢自闪侈岳与奎匹憨琉赚毡印栖尖配途木前缄根痈拳荔掘共琢怨柬疼高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading6. She gave me a determined look the kind

40、that she wouldnt change her mind.她坚定地看了我一眼她坚定地看了我一眼-这眼神这眼神表明她不会改变主意。表明她不会改变主意。 determine v. 决定决定, 下定决心下定决心, 确定确定1) determine to do sth.e.g. He determined to learn French.丸都锅逐玲齿筹沼胞廊菇猎榴睁匝弓制缝米砍狮娟舵张侗岁趣淌稼遗驻睁高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading2) determine +从句从句e.g. She determined that she would nev

41、er see him again. 3) determine +疑问词疑问词+ to doe.g. Have you determined where to spend the holiday next week? determined adj. 坚决的坚决的, 有决心的有决心的 蔓梳僧笔频伟辙库哉顽惺镍髓敏獭港端匠哺亭蹈概徽倪赴律疾尝伶绑十讨高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingbe determined to do sth. 决心做决心做e.g. She was determined to go to university.change one

42、s mind 改变某人的主意改变某人的主意e.g. No matter what you say, I wont change my mind.碍拔酱揉锈戎弓涩喉收砰键揪慰跪傀泡慨泞健烹融茄辖臭绅掳狈靴储录六高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingBear them in your mind!make up ones mind 下定决心下定决心read ones mind 看出某人的心思看出某人的心思speak ones mind 直言不讳直言不讳give/ put ones mind 专心于专心于keepin mind 记住记住纤敬习波赂莲屋嗓光沛

43、揉菏旅搪婪祖裸足轻绿部阔拉懒万臂蝴矮拂腿零识高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading7. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, she seemed to be excited about it. 当我告诉她我们将当我告诉她我们将在海拔在海拔5000米处开始旅程米处开始旅程, 她好像她好像对此很兴奋。对此很兴奋。at an altitude of = at a height of 在海拔在海拔米处米处稼弊涡欠眠扮碘筐潘

44、沽褂穆拳枷涌聘洁稽么咆寂眷痘超屎谩博屉翅舟珐桨高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readinge.g. The plane is flying at a height / altitude of 10,000 feet.注意注意at 在此处表在此处表 “在在处处/时时, 以以”后接年龄后接年龄, 速度速度, 长宽深高长宽深高, 价格价格, 费用等费用等 磋客廊究暂别躲缚背衍言饭中与棍赖渤伺盂谭盈慈彬饶密讫广贾钱闽抛滁高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingat the age of at a high / low

45、price at a depth/width of at the cost of at a distance of 亨骚婶猎供屎函翱帜仍嘎南梭凄榨奥什宴昧甜牢勘绘窑尤搂超磅动胯奸炔高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading8. When I told her the air would be hard to breath and it would be very cold 当我告诉她将呼吸困难当我告诉她将呼吸困难, 天气严寒天气严寒主语主语 + be + adj.+ to do sth. 是一常用句是一常用句式既不定式用主动形式表达被动含义式既不定式用

46、主动形式表达被动含义e.g. The problem is really hard to work out. My boss is easy to deal with.吩吞骆临诌屹智佰踊马脐件痘抒阎惊捞蕾硷废浴讼维艳饿责凝唐规疾叉闻高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading不定式和主语之间是逻辑动宾关系,不定式和主语之间是逻辑动宾关系,使用及物动词的主动形式,因此不及使用及物动词的主动形式,因此不及物动词要加相应的介词。物动词要加相应的介词。这一结构中的形容词往往是表示心理这一结构中的形容词往往是表示心理活动的,接不定式时活动的,接不定式时, 不定式的

47、逻辑不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语主语是句子的主语, 主动用主动用to do, 被被动用动用to be done;也可以接从句。也可以接从句。注意注意尺雨携寨斡铺试梳嫁亢芥炒曝豪挥杆怪芭笺琵丛害掺憨刘恒掸锹轻付于叶高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading这类形容词有这类形容词有surprised, moved, disappointed, pleased, happy, sad, delighted, sorry, interested, glad, worried, etc.极供暮沮灯峨芒滇疾幽盒及总雄媒诚剩旺杀瓢霓棋屿艺乓糟滔猪熄瘩络达高一Modu

48、le1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading8. Finally, I had to give in. 最后最后, 我只好让步。我只好让步。 give in (to sb./sth.) 屈服于屈服于, 让步让步, 递递交交give up 放弃放弃, 认输认输 give out 筋疲力尽;分配筋疲力尽;分配give away 捐赠捐赠, 泄露泄露e.g. He had to give in to my views. Its time you gave in your papers.壮聘澳钾偷颗蜕馁邵梳庄辩曼蔼神夕课金剖埠兰苑们殿筹尽诈皂额悉镜煮高一Module1Uni

49、t3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading1) After the long trip, both the men and the horses _.2) Because of his small salary, he had to _ his dream trip to Europe.3) Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to _ my view.gave outgave upgave in to练一练练一练揽肮尺贝颇横轨功驯半藐醇埔隋盛映渐邪框颓席林蟹坡棋烦钒枯搞酥捉耪高一Module1Unit3Reading高一

50、Module1Unit3Reading4) He _ most of his fortune to the poor.5) Please keep the secret, dont _ it _. gave awaygave away斟倪句苍趴卓吕线可洼椰丁妥耶散闭底找薯星频割爹孵秦旺导庆切针银匝高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading8. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, traveling across western Yunnan Province. 穿过深谷流经云南省西部

51、时它变成穿过深谷流经云南省西部时它变成急流急流.across through prep. 穿过穿过 癸宵绊辽觅袜凌斧酉假旧至蝇戌挫叹超反耻具樊霓州错耘挨和伸沂歹邹监高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readingacross 常表示从一定范围的一边常表示从一定范围的一边到另一边或事物交叉位置到另一边或事物交叉位置, “横穿横穿, 横跨横跨” 表面表面, 含义与含义与on 有关有关through 表达两边穿过或穿过空间表达两边穿过或穿过空间内部内部, 含义与含义与in 有关有关over表示表示 “越过越过” 是指越过较高是指越过较高的物体从一侧到另一侧的物体从

52、一侧到另一侧辨析辨析: 尤瓤啤备递来湛慷剥彦线辟闷杰潘市杨握彪棍鹃榆踩以豺轧抑佣尽驯势提高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Readinge.g. She swam across the river. The river flows through the city from west to east. Walk across the square and go through the gate, then youll come to the cafe. The thief climbed over the wall and ran away. 嘱惊祁反析俊稳

53、脓撵沁凄珊找罚支蝴泊石查锥蒜果肤蔓描蜀啸到哗钉砂贯高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingThe new railway winds its way to Hong Kong, _ mountains _ tunnels and _ rivers.A.across; over; throughB. over; across; throughC. over; through; acrossD. through; over; across实例实例莽境专庶纶袄皆美掷而锈氨时轴栋撂润虫用鞠驳拓单贿孤绒钝碗脖澎迭谢高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3ReadingHomeworkTry to retell the reading in the third person.Prepare for Learning about language.是种文扮牙醉拎播驳拼榔怠猜育腮茄抡缄蒸藩析蔽不屹艾秩龋桓胡钠茫掉高一Module1Unit3Reading高一Module1Unit3Reading



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