高考英语一轮复习精品课件《Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》(外研版必修4)

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1、必修4Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World课程解读课程解读话题Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World(自然界未解之谜)功能Talking about possibility and improbability(讨论可能性与未必性)语法情态动词+have done的用法归纳课程解读课程解读重点词汇及拓展1.attack vt.袭击;攻击2.sharp adj.锋利的;尖的3.mysterious adj.神秘的4.claim vt.声称5.dive vi.潜水6.sceptical a

2、dj.怀疑的;不相信的7.cover vt.占地(多大面积)8.adapt vi.适应;适合9.disappear vi.不见;消失10.extinctive adj.绝种的;消亡了的11.fierce adj.凶猛的;残暴的12.graceful adj.有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的13.reputation n.名誉;名声14.exist vi.存在existence n.存在existent adj.存在的,现存的15.evolve vi.进化,演变evolution n.进化(论)16.destruction n.毁坏destructive adj.造成毁灭的destroy v.毁灭,

3、破坏17.positive adj.正面的negative(反义词) adj.消极的课程解读课程解读重点短语1.be back in the news再次被新闻关注2.close up靠近3.die out灭绝4.throw light on阐明某事;帮助弄清楚e straight to the point谈正题,开门见山6.due to由于;因造成7.stand out突出;伸出8.be sceptical about怀疑9.adapt to适应10.go for选择;喜欢重点句型1.It seems/appears that.好像2.be of+n.结构知识要点知识要点要点一 单词1. a

4、ttack v. 进攻;攻击;开始;着手;(疾病)侵袭;侵害n. 攻击;进攻;病情发作(可数名词)归纳拓展(1)make/launch an attack on/upon.=attack.攻击;向进攻under attack受到攻击a heart attack心脏病突发(2)attack against/on.向攻击,袭击attack sb.with sth.用某物攻击某人be attacked with a disease患病知识要点知识要点例句:Once again we came under attack from enemy fighter planes.我们又一次遭到敌人战斗机的袭击

5、。At dawn the army attacked/made an attack on the town.军队在黎明时向这座城镇发动攻击。The baby is in a poor health,and it is often attacked with a disease.婴儿的身体状况很差,经常患病。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】If you were _ in the street,would you be able to defend yourself?A.destroyedB.attackedC.advisedD.killed【解析解析】句意为:如果你在街上遭遇袭击的话,你能

6、够保护自己吗?attack“进攻,攻击”,与题意相符。destroy“毁掉”;kill“杀死”;advise“建议”,均不符合后面的语境。【答案答案】B知识要点知识要点The reporter heard the news that a Northeast Tiger _ people suddenly.A.attackedB.attacksC.attackD.attacking【解析解析】句意为:那个记者听说了东北虎突然袭击人的新闻。由主句时态可知用一般过去时。【答案答案】A知识要点知识要点2. claim vt.(根据权(根据权利)要求;认领;声称利)要求;认领;声称 vi. 要求;要求;

7、声称声称 n.(根据权利而提出的)要求;索赔;主张;断言(根据权利而提出的)要求;索赔;主张;断言归纳拓展(1)claim that-clauseclaim to do sth. 声称claim sth. from sb.for sth.因为向索要claim for sth.要求;宣称;索赔claim sth.back要回某物It is claimed that.据称(2)lay claim to声称对有权利make a claim for sth.(因某事的损害)提出赔偿要求知识要点知识要点例句:They claimed to have discovered/that they have d

8、iscovered a cure for the disease,but this had not yet been proved.他们声称已经发现了治疗此病的一种药物,但此事尚未得到证实。They made a claim on the insurance for the stolen luggage.他们在行李被偷后向保险公司提出索赔要求。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】Mary _ her coat with red buttons on it at the Lost and Found.A.provedB.claimedC.lookedD.sorted【解析解析】句意为:玛丽在失物

9、招领处认领了上面有红色纽扣的上衣。claim“认领”。prove“证实”;look“看”;sort“分类”。【答案答案】B知识要点知识要点3.indicate vt. 指出;标出;表明;暗示指出;标出;表明;暗示归纳拓展(1)indicate sth.to sb.向某人指出某物indicate that.示意,表明(2)indication n. 指示;象征,表明;表示某种意思的言语、姿势、记号等indication of (doing) sth.=indication as to sth./that 的迹象(3)indicator n.指示信号;指示者;标志traffic indicator

10、(汽车等的)方向灯例句:With a nod of his head he indicated to me where I should sit.他点头示意我应坐的地方。The minister has indicated that he may resign next year.该总理已示意他明年可能辞职。A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.红色的夜空往往预示第二天天气晴朗。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】A flashing red light _ that a stretch of road was

11、 under repair.A.indicatedB.suggestedC.symbolizedD.represented【解析解析】本句句意为:闪烁的红灯表示前边一段路正在维修中。indicate 意为“表明,指示”,指文字、符号及标志所表示的简明意思。suggest 意为“暗示,建议”;symbolize 意为“象征”,指抽象象征概念;represent 意为“作为一群人的代表,作为的发言人”。【答案答案】A知识要点知识要点How badly reform is needed was _ recently by the rising youth crime rate.A.suspected

12、B.indicatedC.influencedD.announced【解析解析】考查动词辨析。句意为:年轻人犯罪率的提高表明改革是多么的急需。indicate“表明,暗示”。suspect“怀疑”;influence“影响”;announce“宣布”。【答案答案】B知识要点知识要点4. identify v. 认出;鉴定认出;鉴定归纳拓展(1)identify A with B视A与B为相等identify (oneself) with sb./sth.支持;与认同;觉得与接近be identified as被认出是(2)identification n.认出;鉴定;视为同一(3)identi

13、ty n.身份;完全相同identity card身份证(4)identical adj.同一的;完全相同的be identical to和一致知识要点知识要点例句:She was able to identify her attacker.她认出了袭击她的人。I can identify with your problems as Ive had them myself.我觉得你的问题就像我自己遇到的问题。The identity of the killer is still unknown.凶手的身份仍未查明。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】The police are trying

14、to find out the _ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.A.evidenceB.recognitionC.identityD.status【解析解析】考查名词辨析。句意为:警方试图找出这位死于车祸的女性的身份。identity“身份”,符合题意。evidence“证据”;recognition“认知”;status“地位”。【答案答案】C要点二要点二 短语短语知识要点知识要点1. die out(风俗、习惯等)逐渐消失;灭绝;熄灭,绝(风俗、习惯等)逐渐消失;灭绝;熄灭,绝种种归纳拓展die away(声音等)变弱;渐渐停止;

15、渐渐消失die down(风或噪声等)变弱;渐渐平息;缓和die off相继死去;先后死去die of/from因而死;死于die for渴求;迫切需要;为而死知识要点知识要点例句:Many old customs are gradually dying out.许多旧的风俗习惯都在日益消失。Smallpox has completely died out in this country.天花在这个国家已经绝迹了。The small boats had to take shelter until the storm died down.在暴风雨平息之前,小船不得不躲起来。They had to

16、 watch their young family died off through the lack of food and proper medical attention.他们眼看着他们的孩子因没有食物和适当的治疗而死去。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】Because of heavy pollution some species are _.A.dying offB.dying awayC.dying outD.dying down【解析解析】句意为:由于严重的污染,一些生物正在绝种。die out意为“灭绝;绝种”,符合题意。die off“相继死去”;die away“(声音等

17、)变弱,渐渐停止”;die down“渐渐平息”。【答案答案】C知识要点知识要点2. adapt(oneself)to.(使)适应(使)适应(to是介词)是介词)归纳拓展(1)adapt (sth.) to(使某事物)适应或适合adapt oneself to使自己适应(2)adapt sth.for sth.改变某事物,以便在不同的情况下运用;把改作他用be adapted for.为改编/写;被改编成adapt from.根据改写(改编)be adapted from.根据改编知识要点知识要点例句:The children are finding it hard to adapt to t

18、heir new school.孩子们发觉很难适应新学校。When you go to a new country,you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.当你到一个新的国家时,你必须使自己适应新的风俗习惯。It is hard to adapt this story for the film.要将这部小说改编成电影很困难。知识要点知识要点同类辨析adapt与adjustadapt和adjust都含有“适合,适应”的意思。(1)adapt 意为“修改或改变以适应新条件、新环境等”。(2)adjust 意为“调整、调节以适应”。例句:

19、You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.把望远镜调节到适合你之后,你才看得见。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】The newcomers found it impossible to _ themselves _ the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.A.adapt;toB.be used;toC.adapt;forD.be used;for【解析解析】句意为:这些新来者发现,在这个新国家要完全适

20、应这儿的气候以永久定居下来是不可能的。adapt sth./oneself to“使某人适应”,符合题意。be used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事”。【答案答案】A知识要点知识要点Even though he has lived in China for many years, Mark still can not _ himself to the Chinese customs.A.applyB.admitC.adaptD.accept 【解析解析】考查动词的辨析。句意为:尽管马克在中国生活已经很多年了,但是他仍然不能适应中国的风俗习惯。adapt oneself to“使适

21、应”,符合题意。apply“适用,申请”;admit“承认,允许进入”;accept“接受”,三者均与题意不符,故排除。【答案答案】C知识要点知识要点3. come straight to the point谈正题;开门见山谈正题;开门见山归纳拓展come to/get to/reach the point说明重点,直切正题beside/be off the point不切正题,无关紧要miss the point抓不住重点to the point切题,中肯be on the point of.正要when it comes/came to the point到了关键时刻,到该作决定时Ther

22、es no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义知识要点知识要点例句:I wish you would come straight to the point.我希望你能切入正题。Lets come straight to the point and get down to our business.让我们开门见山开始我们的正事吧。When it comes to the point,I am prepared to resign over this.到了关键时刻,我愿为此辞职。I was on the point of leaving when the phone rang.我

23、正要走的时候,电话铃响了。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】The point is that you should have told me where you were going,but what you said was _.A.made a pointB.to the pointC.beside the pointD.on the point【解析解析】句意为:问题是你本应该告诉我你要去哪儿,但是你说得根本离题。beside the point“不切正题,无关紧要”,符合题意。【答案答案】C知识要点知识要点4. due to由于,因为;应付的,预期由于,因为;应付的,预期归纳拓展(

24、1)due for sth.应有,应得到某物due to do sth.预定;约定;预期做某事(2)同义短语还有:because of,as a result of,thanks to,on account of,owing to。(3)当due to意为“由于;因造成;应给予”时,其中的to是介词。当due to意为“即将/预期做”时to为不定式符号。知识要点知识要点例句:The flight from Boston is due to arrive at 9:30.从波士顿来的航班应于9点30分到达。Im due for a pay rise soon.不久就该给我加工资了。The tea

25、ms success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成绩在很大程度上是由于她的努力。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】The policeman said the accident last night _ careless driving,so much money _ be paid by the driver.A.was due to;was due toB.due to;was due toC.is due to;is due toD.is due to;was due to【解析解析】由时间状语last night“昨天晚上”可排除C、D两项;

26、B项无谓语动词,应排除;be due to sb.意为“应支付,应给予”。句意为:警察说昨天晚上的事故是由于大意驾驶造成的,因此大部分的钱应由司机来支付。【答案答案】A知识要点知识要点要点三要点三 句型句型Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols,too,but with fewer claws and of a different colour.皇室家族其他的成员也允许穿带有龙标志的衣服,但是皇室家族其他的成员也允许穿带有龙标志的衣服,但是爪子比较少而且颜色也不同。爪子比较少而且颜色也不同。be

27、 of+抽象名词抽象名词知识要点知识要点归纳拓展(1)“be of+抽象名词”相当于“be+这一名词的形容词形式”,表示主语的性质或事物的特征。该结构在句中可作表语或定语。这一结构中的抽象名词前可以用great,no,little,some,any,not,much等修饰,以表示不同的程度。抽象名词常用的有importance,value,use,interest,education,size,colour,age,shape等。(2)“be of+表示年龄、颜色、重量等的抽象名词”,表示主语的特征,of可有可无。这些抽象名词没有相应的形容词形式,例如size,weight,height,de

28、pth,length,age,colour,shade,type等。(3)be of+kind等名词,表示主语的类属。知识要点知识要点例句:This dictionary is of great/much use to learners of English.=This dictionary is very useful to learners of English.这本词典对英语学习者很有用。The two boys are of the same age,but are of different heights.这两个男孩年龄相同但身高不同。Her father is a man of s

29、hort height.她爸爸是一位身材矮小的男人。Several of the stamps were of the unusual kind.其中几张邮票是不常见的种类。知识要点知识要点【链接训练链接训练】This dictionary is _ to my reading,but that one is _.A.great help;helplessB.a great help;of no useC.important;few importanceD.very helpful;of no any use【解析解析】“对有帮助”可用be of (great) help,be helpful

30、或be a great help;be of no use意为“无用的,没用的”,故选B。C、D选项中的few,any用法错误。【答案答案】B知识要点知识要点要点四要点四 语法语法情态动词情态动词+have done的用法归纳的用法归纳1.may/might+have done表示对过去情况的可能性推测,表示“可能/大概(已经)做了某事”的意思。可能性大时用may,可能性较小时用might。主要用于肯定句和否定句中。例句:Tom may have gone to Shanghai,but Im still not sure about it.汤姆可能已经去了上海,但是我还不能肯定。知识要点知识

31、要点2.can/could+have done是对过去的推测,用于否定句、疑问句中,表示对发生行为的惊疑、怀疑或不肯定,could的语气较委婉,“本来可以做;可能已经做”。例句:They could not have gone to the cinema.他们不可能去影院了。could have done还可用来表示对过去可能完成而实际未实现的动作,或与过去事实相反也就是事实上并没有发生过的事情。例句:You could have done better,but you were too careless.你本来能够做好,但你太粗心了。知识要点知识要点3.must+have done表示对过去

32、发生的事情或行为的推测,是一种“十有八九”的肯定的推断,常译为“想必一定;准是”等。这一结构一般不用作否定式。否定意义的表达可用cant/couldnt have done。例句:The ground is rather wet,so it must have rained last night,didnt it?地面很湿,所以昨晚一定下雨了,对不对?知识要点知识要点4.should/ought to +have done表示过去该做某事而没有做的情况,表示说话人后悔、遗憾或责备的语气。例句:I really regretted wasting the hours when I should

33、have studied hard,but it was too late.我真的很后悔该学习的时候浪费了太多时间,但现在太晚了。shouldnt /oughtnt to+have done表示过去不该做某事却已经做了,也表示说话人后悔或责备的语气。例句:Im very sorry for the words I shouldnt have said to you at that moment.我很抱歉当时不应该对你说那些话。知识要点知识要点5.neednt+have done表示过去做了其实不必去做的事,可译为“本可不必”等。例句:You neednt have visited my unc

34、le,as he has been all right for a long time.其实你不必去探望我叔叔的,因为他已经痊愈了好长一段时间了。知识要点知识要点Did Mary come to the party?I dont know.She _ while I was out.A.may have comeB.must have comeC.might comeD.could come【解析解析】句意为:玛丽来参加聚会了吗?我不知道。当我出去的时候她可能已经来过了。may have done猜测过去可能发生但不知是否真地发生的事情。符合题意,故选A。【答案答案】A知识要点知识要点You

35、_ yesterday if you were really serious about the job.A.ought to comeB.ought to be comingC.ought to have comeD.ought have come【解析解析】“should/ought to+现在完成时”可表示本该做而没有做的事,表达劝告或责备的含义。本句中ought to=should,ought to have done表达责备的含义。本句句意为:如果你真地认真对待这项工作的话,你昨天就该来。【答案答案】C知识要点知识要点He _ have finished his work; otherwise,he wouldnt be enjoying music in his study.A.shouldB.mustC.wouldntD.cant【解析解析】从题干的后半部分可知,“他正欣赏音乐”,所以一定是“做完了工作”才去欣赏音乐的。所以选must,表示肯定的推测。【答案答案】BThank you !同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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