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1、Module 5 Unit 1 Language Points(1)Great Scientists1.put forwardput forward a theory about black holes提出一个有关黑洞的理论提出一个有关黑洞的理论2.scientist科学研究n.scientificAdj.scientific researchscience3.draw a conclusionVt.conclude我觉得此事难下结论我觉得此事难下结论. I find it difficult to draw a conclusion on that. n.conclusion4.analys

2、e/analyzen.analysis分析这个问题Analysize the problem.5.defeatThey defeated the enemy in the battle.他们在那次战斗中打败敌人。n.1.U,C 失败;战败;挫败 2.可数名词: 击败;战胜Defeat is unthinkable.战败是不可能的 .He attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of babies.6.attend vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴伴 vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾出席;致力于;照料;照顾

3、to attend a concert 去听音乐会to attend church 上教堂做礼拜to attend a lecture 听讲课The nurse attended the patient daily.护士每天照看着这病人。But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.7.expose to be exposed to暴露于,面临,遭受暴露于,面临,遭受Do not expose it to the sun.此物谨防日晒。此物谨防日晒。He is ex

4、posed to the ridicule of the public.他受到公众的嘲弄。他受到公众的嘲弄。8.neithernor 我和你都没见过他。Neither you nor I have seen him.9.cure His cough was nearly cured.他的咳嗽差不多全好了。Time cured him of his grief.时光的流逝消除了他的悲痛。10.Challenge n. 挑战;怀疑 vt. 向挑战 She looked at me with challenge.I want to challenge you.The second suggested

5、 that people obsorbed this disease with their bodies with their meals.11.absorbabsorb (v.) to take or suck in 吸收吸收e.g. A sponge absorbs water. 海绵吸水。海绵吸水。 The big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization. 这家大公司渐渐把这些小公司吞并了。这家大公司渐渐把这些小公司吞并了。 to take in (knowledge,

6、ideas) 专心于,吸取专心于,吸取e.g. The little girl was absorbed in reading a tale. 小姑娘正在全神贯注地阅读一篇故事。小姑娘正在全神贯注地阅读一篇故事。 I was so interested in these new ideas that I absorbed them without thinking. 我对这些新观念非常感兴趣,甚至于不求甚解地吸我对这些新观念非常感兴趣,甚至于不求甚解地吸收了。收了。12.suspectn. 嫌疑犯 vt. 怀疑;猜想 vi. 怀疑;猜想I suspect he is a thief.我怀疑他是

7、贼。13.blame2. It seemed the water was to blame. (vt.) 责怪;把责怪;把归咎于归咎于 blame sb. for sth./doing sth. blame sth. on sb. e.g. She was blamed for the mistake. be to blame (固定搭配)(固定搭配)应受到谴责;该怨应受到谴责;该怨 e.g. The children were not to blame. I am to blame. (n.) 过失;责备;埋怨过失;责备;埋怨 put / lay the blame on 怪在怪在身上身上

8、take the blame 承担责任承担责任 e.g. Everyone put / laid the blame for that on me. The car driver took the blame for the accident.pollute一条受污染的河流a polluted river 一条受污染的河流a river polluted by the river to remove the handle from the water pump so it could not be used.handle handleto deal with or control a situ

9、ation,a person,an area of work or a strong emotion处理、控制、管理(局势、人、工作或感情)e.g.A man was apppointed to handle the crisis.新指派一个人来处理这场危机 We can handle up to 500 calls an hour at our new offices. 我们的新办公室每小时可以处理500个电话。to control a vehicle,an animal ,a tool,etce.g.I wasnt sure whether I can handle such a powe

10、rful car. She is a difficult horse to handle.He found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.16.link tolink to 把把与与连接;联系连接;联系 e.g. Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.指纹证实了嫌疑犯的犯罪事实。指纹证实了嫌疑犯的犯罪事实。The video cameras are linked to a powerful com

11、puter.The pay will be linked to the inflation rate. 将工资的增长与通货膨胀率的上升挂钩。将工资的增长与通货膨胀率的上升挂钩。 link (v.) : to be joined (常与(常与together, to, with 连用)连接连用)连接 e.g. The two towns are linked by a railway. 17.announciationannounciation18.instructinstruction constructconstruction 19.apart from 除之外 Apart from a f

12、ew words, he knows nothing about Chinese. 除了几个单词外,他对汉语一无所知。 We all went except (=apart from) him 。除了他(没去)以外,我们都去了。 Besides other considerations, time is also a factor. (=Apart from) 除了别的考虑之外,时间也是一个因素。 20. Make sensemake sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 It doesnt make sense, you see? 它不再有意义,你明白吗?This sentence doesnt make any sense. This sentence doesnt make any sense.



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