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1、教材同步复习教材同步复习第一部第一部分分 Grade 7Book 2 Modules 14 中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲重点突破辨 析 look for, find与find out第2页I looked for my purse, but I didnt find it. Finally, I found out that someone had taken it to the Lost and Found Office.我寻找了我的钱包,但是我没有找到。最后我查清楚了是有人把它拿到失物招领处了。第3页 活学巧练look forfind outfound/finds第4页4The poor m

2、other is _ her lost child in the street.Alooking up Blooking forCfindingDfinding out5At last, he _ his favourite book under the bed, then he smiled with happiness.Alooked for BfoundCfound out Dlooked up6We cant find our basketball, and we must _ who has taken it away.Alook forBfindCfind outDlook upB

3、BC第5页 重点突破(一)would like的用法第6页 7Would you like to have some rice?_. Id rather have a piece of bread.ANo, I dont BYes, I likeCNo, thanks DNo, youd better not8Would you like _ camping with me?Id like to. But Im busy doing my homework.Ato go BgoingCwent Dgo活学巧练CA第7页9My parents would like _ to be a docto

4、r when I grow up.AIBmyCmine DmeD第8页 重点突破(二)play的用法第9页常见play短语如下:play football 踢足球 play chess 下国际象棋play the piano 弹钢琴play the violin 拉小提琴play sports 做运动play a role 发挥作用;有影响第10页 10Many young boys enjoy _.(踢足球)11My mother is fond of _ in her spare time.(弹钢琴)12Id like to invite Tom to _.(下象棋)13Mr. Green

5、 enjoys _ in his spare time.(玩纸牌)活学巧练playing footballplaying the pianoplay chessplaying cards第11页14Peter, stop playing _ the toy car. Its so dirty.Awith BatCforDto15I like playing _ tennis while my brother likes playing _ guitar.Athe; / B/; /C/; theDthe; the16As a _(play), he always puts the team in

6、 his mind.ACplayer第12页 重点突破辨析win与beat第13页 17Wu Dajing _(赢得) the gold medal in the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.18The Miami _(战胜) the Pacers 9590.19Who _ the tennis game yesterday?Jack, he _ all the others.Abeat; won Bwon; won Cbeat; beat Dwon; beat活学巧练wonbeatD第14页20Can you guess which team wi

7、ll _ the match tomorrow?All teams are strong. Its hard to say.AwinBachieveCbeat Dlose21Mary _ all the other students and got the first prize in the English competition last month.Awon BlostCbeat DacceptedAC第15页 重点突破ask的用法ask作动词,意为“询问;请求”,常见用法如下:第16页 22She _(询问) the doctor about her health.23My frien

8、d asked me _(wait) for him at the gate.24When I meet difficulties, I often ask my father _ help.AtoBfromCforDwith25The teacher asked us _ the door and the windows before we left the lab.AclosingBclosedCclose Dto close活学巧练askedto waitCD第17页 重点突破not onlybut (also)的用法not onlybut also意为“不但而且”,是并列连词,用来连接

9、相同的句子成分,强调but also引导出的内容(also可以省略)。eg.She not only plays musical instrument well, aslo writes music.她不仅很会演奏乐器,而且还作曲。第18页第19页 26Not only my brother but also my friends _(agree) with me.27Outdoor activities are _ good for kids health, _ help kids get more knowledge.Anot only; but alsoBneither; norCeit

10、her; orDso; that28Not only she but also her brothers _ preparing to study abroad.Ais BwillCareDwas活学巧练agreeAC第20页课堂达标课堂达标 演练演练请点击此处进入请点击此处进入WORD文档文档第21页本阶段的写作话题为“计划与安排”,它主要围绕“毕业活动”“旅游”及“社会实践活动”展开。如:2018柳州“一场告别初中生活的晚会”、2018桂林“去绿色农场的通知”、2018玉林“介绍中国传统文化展活动”、2018百色“一次到公园开展义务劳动的活动”、2018贵港“一次为贫困儿童募捐的活动”、2

11、014南宁“征集毕业典礼活动计划”;2016柳州“去幸福村做志愿者的活动计划”。话题写作话题写作 指导指导计划与安排第22页注意:此类作文通常以要点提示、表格提示的方式来考查,且文体为记叙文。主体时态:一般现在时、一般将来时主要人称:第一、二人称第23页1The summer vacation is coming.What are you going to do?2First of all, please let me tell you what we have in our party.3Ive made a plan for our trip next weekend.4It is imp

12、ortant to make plans for summer vacation after the exam.5The graduation party is on the way.第24页1暑假很快就要到了,你将怎样度过?The summer vacation is coming soon. How are you going to spend it? 2现在让我告诉你一些暑期的计划。Now let me tell you something about the summer plan.第25页1On the one hand, we have many kinds of activiti

13、es to join in.2First of all, we have to make a list of all the things we hope to do.3I am going to visit some places of interest that can open up my eyes.4I also wish to learn to play the piano, because it is a good way to relax.5Second/Secondly, I will get some experience in taking care of people i

14、n the refugee camps(灾区)6Last/Lastly, we will enjoy a wonderful meal with others and dance by the campfire.7We can live a greener life by using cleaner energy to solve the problem.8I will go to the old peoples house and chat with them. 第26页1首先,我们将在山村里露营,并自己生火做饭。First/Firstly, we will camp in a mounta

15、in village and cook our meals over an open fire.2其次,我们会在乡间行走,和当地人喝茶聊天。Second/Secondly, we will take a walk in the countryside and have tea with local people.第27页1All of us felt a little tired but very happy.2We will never forget the vacation.3Above all, through the activity, we learn that giving is

16、receiving.第28页我相信通过这次活动我们可以成为好朋友。I believe we can be good friends through the activity.第29页时间飞逝,这学期又要结束了,快乐的暑假即将到来,请用25到30个单词简单介绍一下你的暑假计划和安排。Firstly, my teachers leave us much homework so I should finish them on time. Secondly, I will spend some time with my friends and we can do many things such as

17、 playing basketball, going to see a movie and so on. Generally, we can study together but have little time to play. During the holiday, we wish to have fun together.第30页请根据以下信息将短文补充完整: After a period of _ I decide to _. (确定我们要策划的活动主题) . On Saturday morning,I want to _. I like_. Then _, because _. On

18、 Sunday, I _because_(列出所做的活动的具体内容). I hope I will have a happy and unforgettable weekend.第31页(2018百色)今年5月5日星期六,天气晴朗,你班组织了一次到公园开展义务劳动的活动。请你根据所提示的要点,用英语写一篇日记。1上午8:00 在校门口集合后骑自行车到人民公园;2同学们有的浇树、淋花,有的清扫路面,有的收集垃圾;3同学们还告知人们保护环境的重要性,不少人也加入到我们的行列;4大家虽然很累,但都很开心。第32页写作要求: 1词数80左右;2注意日记的格式,内容须包括所有要点,但不要逐句翻译; 3可

19、适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,但不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等。参考词汇:water(淋水、浇水);collect the rubbish(收集垃圾)第33页1文体: 本文要求写一篇日记,故文体为_。2时态: 活动已经结束,记录活动的经过应用_。3人称: 为本班活动,故人称以第_人称为主。4写作要点:集合地点与时间;所做的事情;告知人们保护环境的重要性;感受。记叙文一般过去时一第34页第35页SaturdayMay 5th, 2018 SunnyFineToday, all the students in our class went to the park to do some cleani

20、ng.First we met at the school gate at 8:00 am, and then we went to the Peoples Park by bike. We got there, and we began to work. Some watered the trees and flowers; some swept the roads, and some collected the rubbish. 用as soon as升格第36页At the same time, we told people that protecting the environment

21、 is important. And many people joined us.Although everyone was very tired today, we felt very happy because we did a meaningful job. 用 do改写第37页SaturdayMay 5th, 2018Sunny FineToday, all the students in our class went to the park to do some cleaning.First we met at the school gate at 8:00 am,

22、 and then we went to the Peoples Park by bike. As soon as we got there, we began to work. Some watered the trees and flowers; some swept the roads, and some collected the rubbish. At the same time, we told people its important to protect the environment.And many people joined us.Although everyone wa

23、s very tired today, we felt very happy because we did a meaningful job.第38页暑假即将来到,同学们都相互询问如何度过这个较长的假期,好好放松一下。你的计划是什么?请根据以下写作要点,用英文写一篇80词左右的短文。写作要点:1坚持运动,锻炼身体;2多读好书;3去旅游观光;4当一名志愿者;5帮助父母做家务。第39页写作要求:1内容必须包括所给要点,可适当发挥,增加细节,以使行文连贯;2语篇完整、语句通顺、语法正确、书写规范;3文中不得出现真实的人名、校名或地名,否则不予评分。第40页1人称:_2时态:_3写作导图:第一人称一般

24、将来时第41页_ Im excited that the summer vacation is coming. Here is my vacation plans.First, Ill keep exercing and learn to play table tennis. Its good for my health. Then Ill read more good books. And I plan to read four great books to improve myself. After that, Ill go sightseeing for two weeks. Also, I want to be a volunteer to serve in the volleyball games. Of course, I would like to help my parents do some housework so that they can feel less tired after work.Im looking forward to having a good time in the vacation.第42页



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