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1、上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BookII应应 用用 型型 大大 学学 英英 语语 系系 列列 教教 程程 Application-oriented college English Course 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Language Skills Development Language in Use Enhancement of Language Abilities Unit 1Unit OneTable of Contents2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1 contentBackNextStarterText: Thanks

2、 for the best laugh weve had in yearsWorking with words and phrasesDiscussionPractice: interpretingPractice: translationPractice: writingSurfing the InternetHighlightsTable of ContentsPart 1 Language Skills Development3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1highlightsBackNextHighlights S: Facial expressionsL: An

3、extremely self-satisfied womans racial stereotypesR: Thanks for the best laugh weve had in yearsW: How to avoid writing sentence fragmentsInternet work: Searching for information about Ritz Carlton Hotel Part 1 Language Skills Development4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1starterBackNext1. StarterA.Canyoudes

4、cribethefacialexpressionsinthefollowingpicturesusingthewordsbelow? confusedguiltypanickedconfident 4._1. _2. _3. _panickedguiltyconfidentconfused5上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1starterBackNextB. Listen to a story about an extremely self-satisfiedwomans racial stereotypes, and then complete thefollowingnot

5、eswiththeappropriatewords.1. StarterNotes to the StoryThe situation of the story: Awhitewomanwasseated ablackmanon .The womans racial stereotypes: 1.Theblackmanisa(n) person.2.Theblackmanshouldntbegivenaseatnextto .The captains solution to the womans complaint and his reasons: 1. isanunpleasantperso

6、n.2.Itisunfairfor tobeforcedtositbesidesuchanunpleasantperson.3.Sothefirstclassseatshouldbegivento .nexttoaflightunpleasantawhitepersonThewhitewomananyonetheblackman6上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1starterBackNextOn a flight, a middle-aged white South African woman found herself sitting next to a black man

7、. She called the flight attendant over to complain about her seating. “What seems to be the problem, Madam?” asked the attendant. “Cant you see?” she said. “Youve sat me next to a black. I cant possibly sit next to this unpleasant person. Find me another seat!” “Please calm down, Madam.” the attenda

8、nt replied. “The flight is very full today, but Ill check to see if we have any seats available in club or first class.” The woman gave an unfriendly glance at the angry black man beside her. 1. StarterMind Mapflightattendantclubclass(客机的)乘务员(飞机)社交舱,公务级Tapescript7上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1starterBack

9、NextA few minutes later the attendant returned with the good news, which she gave to the woman, who looked at the people around her with a very pleased and self-satisfied smile, “Madam, we do have one seat in first class.” Before the woman had a chance to answer, the attendant continued, “I had to g

10、et special permission from the captain. But, in this case, the captain felt it unfair that someone should be forced to sit next to such an unpleasant person.” With these words, she turned to the black man and said, “So if youd like to get your things, sir, your seat is ready for you in first class.”

11、 At this point, the surrounding passengers stood up and clapped their hands loudly as the black man walked up.1. Starter8Warm UpBackNext1.Canyoustillrememberthebestlaughyouvehadinyourlife?Tellusthestory.2.HowdoyouregardBlackpeople?Text Lead-in上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 9BackNextText Lead-in上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版

12、社 Text OrganizationA womans winning lots ofmoney at a slot machine andreturning to the hotel room(Paras._)Thewomansfearwiththetwoblack men she met in theelevator(Paras._)Thewomansstereotypicalreaction to the two black men(Paras._)Thetwoblackmenskindnessandconsideration for the woman(Para._)Thewomans

13、receivinggiftsfromthetwoblackmenshemetthedaybefore(Paras._)1235689101210上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 1 On a recent weekend in Atlantic City, a woman won a bucketful of quarters at a slot machine. She took a break from the slots for dinner

14、with her husband in the hotel dining room.2 But first she wanted to hide the quarters in her room. “Ill be right back and well go to eat,” she told her husband and carried the coin-laden bucket to the elevator.Translation 谢谢您带给我们多年来最畅快的欢笑谢谢您带给我们多年来最畅快的欢笑 1 最近一个周末,有位女士在大西洋城玩老虎机,赢了满满一桶二十五美分的硬币。她暂时离开赌博

15、机,与丈夫前往旅馆餐厅吃晚饭。 2 不过,她想先去客房把硬币藏起来。“我去一会儿就回来,然后我们再去吃饭。”她对她的丈夫说道,之后,便提着满满一桶硬币朝电梯走去。Meaning: She stopped gambling attheslotmachineforawhileinordertohave dinner with her husband in thehoteldiningroom. bucketful:n.C一桶(的量)e.g.Drawabucketfulofwaterfromthewell.n.+-ful=n.e.g.handful,mouthful,pocketfulQuestio

16、nsaboutParas.1-2 slot:n.C硬币投币口;细长的孔,狭缝 e.g. Pick up the receiver anddepositacoinintheslot. take/have a break:休息一会儿e.g.Welltakeashortbreakforlunch,andthenstartagainat2oclock.coffeebreak下午茶时间lunchhour:午餐时间,午休springbreak:复活节假 laden:a.1)(用于构成形容词)充满的,装载的e.g.Theflavorofthesouppermeatesthemoisture-ladenair

17、.2)装满的,有负载的e.g.Theorchardisfulloftreesladenwithapples.11上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNextShe won a bucketful of quarters at a slot machine.1. What happened to the woman in Atlantic City on a recent weekend? She went back to her room. Because she wanted to hide the quarters first.2. Where did the

18、 woman go before having dinner with her husband? Why?2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 123 她正要走进电梯时,看到电梯里已经有两位男乘客。两位都是黑人,其中一位个头很高,体型令人望而生畏。这位女士一下子愣住了。她的第一反应是:“这两个男人会打劫我。”她转而又想:“不要戴着有色眼镜看人;他们看上去完全像是绅士。”然而,种族偏见的力量是强大的,恐惧使她浑身发凉。她定在那里,眼睛紧盯着眼前两位男子。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext

19、3 As she was about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men already aboard. Both were black. One of them was tallvery tallan intimidating figure. The woman froze. Her first thought was: “These two are going to rob me.” Her next thought was: “Dont be a bigot; they look like perfectly nice gentle

20、men.” But racial stereotypes are powerful, and fear froze her blood. She stood and stared at the two men. Translation QuestionaboutPara.3Meaning:Oneoftheblackmenwassotallthathelookedveryfrightening.Meaning: Overwhelmed with fixed andprejudiced ideas of black people, she wasextremely afraid of the tw

21、o men. Shestoppedmovingforwardandlookedatthemintentlyforalongtime.Meaning:Thewomanbecamestiffwithfearandstoodtherewithoutmoving. be about to do sth.:正要,就要(做某事)e.g.Iwasabouttoleavehomewhenitpouredcatsanddogs.notbeabouttodosomething意思是“不愿意做,无意做某事”.e.g. She was not about to leave officeafter10yearsinpo

22、wer. aboard:ad.在/到(船、飞机、火车或其他交通工具)上e.g. The plane crash killed 100passengersaboardyesterday. intimidating:a.吓人的,令人胆怯的e.g. They shrug at mentioning theintimidatingbarrister. freeze:vi./vt.1)(因恐惧、震惊而)呆住,僵住,愣住e.g.Iheardtheexplosionandfrozeinmytracks.2)(使)冻结,凝固e.g.Itwassocold;thelakewassuretofreezeovern

23、ight.3)(使)感到极冷;冻僵,冻死e.g.Theyalmostfrozetodeath. racial:a.种族的,人种的,民族的e.g.Wemustfightracialdiscrimination. stereotype:n.C成见,陈规,老一套,刻板印象e.g. The study says that Britishadvertisementshavestereotypesaboutwomen.vt.对有成见,对形成模式化看法e.g.Blackpeopleareoftenstereotypedastroublemakers. freeze ones blood: 使人恐怖万分,令人

24、毛骨悚然e.g.Iheardascreamthatfrozemyblood.2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 13上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNextBecause there were already two black men aboard and she was afraid that they were going to rob her.3. Why did the woman hesitate to enter the elevator? 2. Text: Thanks fo

25、r the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 14上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext 4 She felt anxious, upset and ashamed. She hoped they didnt read her mind but gosh, they had to know what she was thinking! Translation4 她开始焦虑,心神不定,又感到不好意思。她希望他们没有看出她的心思,但是,天啊,他们肯定已经知道她在琢磨什么了! have (got) to:表示一定真实或肯定发生e.g.The

26、rehastobeareasonforthis.2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 15上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext 5 Her hesitation about joining them in the elevator was all too obvious now. Her face was flushed. She couldnt just stand there, so with a mighty effort of will she picked up one foot

27、 and stepped forward and followed with the other foot and was on the elevator. Avoiding eye contact, she turned around stiffly and faced the elevator doors as they closed. A second passed, and then another second, and then another. Her fear increased! The elevator didnt move. Panic consumed her. “My

28、 God,” she thought, “Im trapped and about to be robbed!” Her heart sank. Sweat poured from every pore. Translation 5 5 要不要进去和他们同乘一部电梯?她迟疑不决的态度已经太过明显了。她涨得满脸通红。老站着不动也无济于事,于是她横下心来,抬起一只脚往前挪,接着另一只脚也跟了进来,站在电梯内。她不敢抬眼,僵直地转过身,脸朝外,这时,电梯门合上了。时间一秒一秒地过去。她越来越害怕!电梯纹丝不动。她陷入了恐惧的深渊。“我的天啊,”她暗忖,“我被困在这里,要遭人劫财!”她的心往下沉,每个

29、毛孔都在冒汗水。 Meaning: She didnt know whethershe should step into the elevator andstandtogetherwiththetwoblackmenalready aboard. Her uncertainty hadbecome too obvious. She became soembarrassedthatherfaceturnedred.Meaning: She felt more and morefrightened She was hit by fear thatwasextremelystrongandnearl

30、ylostherreasoningShelostcourageandhope.Shewasfilledwithsuchgreatfearthatshesweatedalot. all too:太(强调达到极端的程度)e.g.Hisfathersoldhispropertytoamanalltooanxioustobuy. flushed:a.脸红的e.g. Her face was flushed withhappiness. pick up: 抬起,拾起;取或收集某物;接乘客e.g.Whenweteachahorsetopick up its feet, we start bygetting

31、itaccustomedtohavingaropedangledaroundhislegs.Atruckpicksuptherecyclingonceaweek.Illpickyouupatsix. mighty:a.1)强而有力的e.g.Heisstrongwhoconquersothers;hewhoconquershimselfismighty.2)巨大的,非凡的e.g. They are cruising on themightyChangjiangRiver.ad.非常,极其e.g.Immightypleased. avoid:vt.躲开,避开;使无效,避免e.g.Toavoidwr

32、itinganinvoiceisataxdodge. stiffly:ad.僵直地e.g.Justthentheoldwomanstrodestifflyintotheroom. consume:vt.1)使充满(强烈的感情)e.g. She was scared by thedepression which threatened toconsumeher.2)吃,喝,饮e.g. Mom was amazed by howmuchpizzaTomcouldconsume.3)消耗,消费e.g.TheUShas5%oftheworldpopulation,butconsumes25%oftheg

33、lobalenergy. trap:vt.1)使陷入困境,使落入险境e.g.Manywomenaretrappedinlovelessmarriages.2)使陷入圈套,使中计e.g.Hefelthehadbeentrappedinto accepting the terms of thecontract.2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 16上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text 6 Then one of the men said, “Hit the floor.” Instinct told he

34、r to do what they told her. The bucket of quarters flew upwards as she threw out her arms and collapsed on the elevator floor. A shower of coins rained down on her. “Take my money and spare me,” she prayed. More seconds passed. She heard one of the men say politely, “Maam, if youll just tell us what

35、 floor youre going to, well push the button.” The one who said it had a little trouble getting the words out. He was trying mightily to hold in a belly laugh. NextBack Translation 6 这时,她听到其中一个人说:“趴下(与“按下楼层”同音)。”她的本能反应就是照着他们的话做。于是她张开双臂,趴在了电梯地板上,满桶的硬币飞向空中,洒了出去。硬币如雨点般落在了她的身上。她在心里默祷:“把钱拿去吧,饶我一命。”又过了几秒钟,

36、她听到其中一位男子彬彬有礼地说:“夫人,您只要告诉我您要去几楼,我们来按按钮。”说这话的人有点费力才把话说完,尽力忍住没有放声大笑。 QuestionaboutPara.6 collapse:vi.1)倒下,倒塌e.g. One of the four medievalchurcheswasnotstructurallysoundandcollapsed.2)崩溃,瓦解e.g.Amonarchycollapsed.n.倒塌,塌陷;崩溃,瓦解Theseminersweretrappedbythecollapseofthetunnelroof. a shower of:一阵,一连串e.g.asho

37、werofleaves一阵落叶ashowerofdust一阵灰尘ashowerofsparks一连串火花 pray:vi.1)祈祷e.g.Theywenttothemosquetopray.2)请求e.g.Ihopeandpraythatthisisjustamisunderstanding. have trouble (in) doing sth.: 做有困难e.g. What do you do when youhave trouble solving a problem intheworkplace?2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had

38、in Years 17She took it as “fall on your knees to the floor”.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text4. What did the woman take “hit the floor” to mean? NextBack 2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 187 这位女士抬起头望着这两位男乘客。他们弯下腰,把她搀扶起来。她满腹疑惑,挣扎着站了起来。“我叫我这个朋友按楼层,”那位普通个头的男子说,“意思是叫他按我们要去的楼层的按钮。夫人,我并非要您

39、趴在地上。”他说话时态度和蔼,紧咬着嘴唇。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1textBackNext 7 The woman lifted her head and looked up at the two men. They reached down to help her up. Confused, she struggled to her feet. “When I told my friend here to hit the floor,” said the average-sized one, “I meant that he should hit the eleva

40、tor button for our floor. I didnt mean for you to hit the floor, Maam.” He spoke pleasantly. He bit his lip. TranslationQuestionaboutPara.7Meaning:Shewasstillunsureofwhat was happening. She made anefforttogetup. confused:a.迷惑的,糊涂的e.g. Jo looked very confused, butthenshelaughed.confused派生自动词confuse,意

41、为“使糊涂,疑惑不解;混淆,使分辨不清;使混乱”。e.g. He kept asking unnecessaryquestions that only confused theissue. struggle:vi.1)努力;争取e.g. Fish struggle for survival whenthewaterleveldropsinthelake.2)挣扎着前行或进行某事e.g.Hestruggledalongtheroughroadholdinghisson.n.C挣扎,战斗,斗争 bite ones lip:抑制情感的流露,忍住话e.g.Shepauseduncertainly,bi

42、tingherlip.2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 19According to the two black men, “hit the floor” meant “to push the button for the floor they were going to”.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text5. What did “hit the floor” mean according to the two black men? NextBack 2. Text: Thanks for the

43、 Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 20Meaning:Shefeltlikesayingsorrytothetwomenforhavingmistakenthemforbadguys,butshedidntknowwhattosayandbecamespeechless.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text8 It was obvious he was having a hard time not laughing. The woman thought: “My God, what a spectacle Ive made of myself.”

44、 She was too embarrassed to speak. She wanted to make an apology, but words failed her. How do you apologize to two perfectly respectable gentlemen for behaving as though they were going to rob you? She didnt know what to say. The three of them gathered up the scattered quarters and refilled her buc

45、ket. BackNextTranslationQuestionaboutPara.8 make a spectacle of oneself:当众出丑,出洋相e.g.Hedranktoomuchandmadeaspectacleofhimself. fail:vt.没有帮助;辜负e.g.Hisstrengthfailedhim.他(一下子)失去了力量。Hisfriendsfailedhim.他的朋友没有帮他的忙。 respectable:a.1)人格高尚的,值得尊敬的 e.g. The Chinese are a hard-working,respectablepeople.2)相当多的;满

46、意的;体面的e.g. She received a respectablesum of money for New Year giftfromrelatives. scattered:a.分散的,零 散的,疏落的e.g.scatteredvillagesscatteredshowersscattered派生自动词scatter,意为“分散;散播;撒”。e.g. The crowd scattered at thesoundofgunshots.2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 8 很显然,他在极力忍住不笑出来。该女士心想:

47、“我的天啊,真是丢人现眼,出大洋相了!”她羞愧难当,默不做声。她想要道一声歉,却不知如何开口。把两位绝对体面正派的绅士看作劫匪,如何请求他们的谅解?她不知该怎么说。他们三人拾起散落的硬币,重新放进了桶里。21She felt apologetic and embarrassed.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text6. How did the woman feel toward the two black men later? NextBack2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 22pull onese

48、lf together:控制自己,镇定下来;重新控制感情,重新振作起来e.g.Stop crying andpullyourselftogether!brush oneself/sb. off:(尤指摔跤后)拂去衣服上的灰尘,掸净自己/某人e.g.Igotup,brushedmyselfoff,andcarriedonwalking. unsteady:a.1)不稳固的,失去平衡的e.g. They are sitting at anunsteadytable,enjoyingtheyear-enddinner.2)容易变化的,不稳定的e.g.Allgoessmoothlyexcepttheu

49、nsteadyairflow. roar:vi./vt.1)放声大笑e.g. These children roared inamusementatthefairytales.2)吼叫,咆哮e.g.Couragedoesntalwaysroar.Sometimes courage is the quietvoiceattheendofthedaysaying,“Iwilltryagaintomorrow.”3)(车辆)呼啸而过e.g.Thecarroaredoffdowntheroad.9 电梯在她要去的楼层停下了,两位男士坚持要陪她到她的客房,因为她的脚步似乎有点摇晃,他们担心她在过道里会有

50、闪失。他们将她送到门口,然后道了晚安。她迅速进入客房,耳边传来他们走回电梯时发出的哈哈大笑。她掸了掸灰,定了定神,便来到楼下与丈夫一起用餐。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text 9 When the elevator arrived at her floor they then insisted on walking her to her room. She seemed a little unsteady on her feet, and they were afraid she might not make it down the corridor. At her d

51、oor they bid her a good evening. As she slipped into her room she could hear them roaring with laughter as they walked back to the elevator. The woman brushed herself off. She pulled herself together and went downstairs for dinner with her husband. BackNextTranslation walk:vt.使(某人/某物)行走e.g.Wewalkedo

52、urhorsesthelastquarterofamile.QuestionaboutPara.9 2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years bid:vt./vi.1)向某人打招呼e.g.bidsomebodygoodafternoon/goodmorning,etc.2)吩咐e.g. He bade them (to) leave atonce.3)出价,投标e.g.Howmuchdoyoubidforthelateartistspainting?n.C竞标 23They helped her up, gathered the

53、scattered quarters with her and walked her back to her room seeing that she was still unsteady on her feet.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text7. How did the two black men exhibit their friendliness to the woman? NextBack2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 2410 第二天早晨,鲜花送到了她的客房是12朵玫瑰,每一朵玫瑰都

54、附上了一张崭新的百元美钞。11 卡片上写着:“谢谢您带给我们多年来最畅快的欢笑。”12 落款是: 艾迪墨菲 迈克尔乔丹上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1text10 The next morning flowers were delivered to her rooma dozen roses. Attached to EACH rose was a crisp one-hundred-dollar bill. 11 The card said: “Thanks for the best laugh weve had in years.” 12 It was signed: E

55、ddie Murphy Michael Jordan QuestionaboutParas.10-12BackNextTranslation deliver:vt.1)投递;传送;运送e.g. Could you try to deliveraheadoftime?2)发表(演讲);宣布e.g.ProfessorLiwilldeliverthecommencement address to thisyearsgraduatingclasses.3)接生e.g.Hereshowtheydeliveredthebabyinsideaparkedcaratthegasstation. attach:

56、vt.将某物系在另一物上e.g. Bill was frustrated when hetriedtoattachthetrailertohistruck. crisp:a.1)崭新的,挺括的e.g.acrispnew5note2)脆的,酥的,松脆的e.g.crisppotatochips脆脆的薯条2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 258. What did the woman receive the next morning? Who sent them and why?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1

57、textBackNextShe received a dozen roses and twelve crisp 100-dollar bills. They were sent by Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan to thank her for the best laugh theyd had in years. 2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh Weve Had in Years 26When I born, I blackWhen I grow up, I blackWhen I go in Sun, I blackW

58、hen I scared, I blackWhen I sick, I blackAnd when I die, I still blackAnd you white fellowWhen you born, you pinkWhen you grow up, you whiteWhen you go in sun, you redWhen you cold, you blueWhen you scared, you yellowWhen you sick, you greenAnd when you die, you grayAnd you calling me colored?Readal

59、oudthepoemanddiscusswhatyoucanlearnfromit.InteractionBackNext27( ) 1. struggle a. fear( ) 2. intimidatingb. separated( ) 3. racialc. ethnic( ) 4. scattered d. shaky上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1words&phrasesBackNext4. Working with words and phrases A.Findwords(18)inthetextthatmatchtheirsynonymsornearsyno

60、nyms(ah).gfcb28( ) 5. attach e. connect ( ) 6. trapf. threatening( ) 7. panicg. battle( ) 8. unsteady h. catch上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1words&phrasesBackNextehad4. Working with words and phrases 291. I heard his scream and felt my blood f_ with fear.2. Some teachers tend to s_ students who are from r

61、ural areas. 3. His first i_ was to call 911 when he realized there was a burglar in his house.4. The building c_ during the earthquake. It went all to pieces. 5. We promise that the products will be d_ on time.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1words&phrasesBackNextB.Completethefollowingsentenceswithappropria

62、tewordsinthetext.reezetereotypenstinct4. Working with words and phrases ollapsedelivered30上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1discussionBackNext 5. Discussion Discussthefollowingquestionswithapartnerorinasmallgroupof4to6students.Mind MapMind Map1) in the past, afraid, frightening, evil, intimidating, robber, e

63、tc.2) after the incident, gentle, generous, friendly, helpful, grateful, etc. 3) in the future, equal, friend, trust, etc. 31上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1discussionBackNext1. Which should you keep throughout the talk with your business associate: handholding, body contact, or eye contact? Eye contact. H

64、aving eye contact means that two people look at each other in the eye at the same time. It is a form of non-verbal communication and is thought to have a large influence on social behavior. Frequency and interpretation of eye contact vary between cultures. 5. Discussion HintsEye contact;a form of no

65、n-verbal communication;have a large influence on social behavior.32上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1discussionBackNext2. Do you think the story told in the text is true? Why (not)?I believe the story told in the text is true. In the United States, there are rooted stereotypes among white people towards blac

66、k people. Some of the white people are haughty enough not to take note of the feats of black people like Michael Jordan. 5. Discussion HintsTrue. rooted stereotypes among white people towards black people, haughty white people33上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1discussionBackNext3. In what way might the woma

67、n in the text change her racial stereotypes against black people? In the past, white people simplified the images of black people as frightening, evil, or intimidating. After the incident, the woman in the text might change her prejudice against black people. Black people are also gentle and friendl

68、y. In the future, the woman might treat the black as her equals and try to trust them. 5. Discussion HintsTreat gentle and friendly black people as her equals and trust them.34上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1interpretingBackNext6. Practice: interpreting The woman went downstairs for dinner with her husband

69、. On the way they had a conversation as follows. Interpret it into English with your partner.伍兹先生:亲爱的,你怎么这么晚才下来?伍兹太太:我跟你讲,我今天真是难为情死了。(in shame)伍兹先生:究竟发生了什么事?(the hell)伍兹太太:我正要走进电梯时,忽然发现里面站着两个黑人,其中一个还是彪形大汉,怪吓人的。(aboard, intimidating)伍兹先生:那你进电梯没有顾虑吗?(hesitate)伍兹太太:有,那还用说吗!伍兹先生:后来呢?ForReferenceAnswerCl

70、ick Here35上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1interpretingBackNextMr. Woods: Why are you so late, honey?Mrs. Woods: I tell you I caused myself so much in shame a while ago.Mr. Woods:What the hell happened to you?Mrs. Woods: As I was about to walk into the elevator, I noticed two black men already aboard. One o

71、f them had an intimidating figure.Mr. Woods:Did you hesitate about joining them in the elevator?Mrs. Woods: Yes, that is for sure.Mr. Woods:What then? 6. Practice: interpreting 36上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1interpretingBackNext伍兹太太:我犹豫了一下,还是进了电梯。后来,我听到一个人说,“趴下!”伍兹先生:他们是要抢劫你吗?(rob)伍兹太太:是啊,我的第一反应就是这个。所以我

72、两手撒开,趴到了地上。(collapse)伍兹先生:当时你肯定吓晕了。(panicked)伍兹太太:是啊,说那句话的那个人极力忍着笑向我解释,说他不是要我趴下,而是告诉他的同伴按电梯按钮去他们要去的楼层。(fall on ones knees, a belly laugh)伍兹先生:你真是出尽洋相了。(make a spectakle of)伍兹太太:是呀。都是我对黑人抱有偏见,弄得很尴尬。(a state of embarrassment)伍兹先生:我看你的老观念得改改了。(get rid of)ForReferenceAnswerClick Here6. Practice: interpr

73、eting 37上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1interpretingMrs. Woods:I hesitated for seconds before joining them in the elevator. Then I heard one man say, “Hit the floor!”Mr. Woods:Were they going to rob you? Mrs. Woods:That was my first thought. So I threw out my arms and collapsed on the floor. Mr. Woods:You

74、must have been panicked. Mrs. Woods:Yes. But that man explained to me that he didnt mean for me to fall on my knees. He told his companion to push the elevator button for the floor they were going to. He had quite a lot of trouble holding in a belly laugh.Mr. Woods: Oh. What a spectacle you made of

75、yourself! Mrs. Woods: You bet. It was my own racial stereotypes toward black people that put me into a state of embarrassment. Mr. Woods: I think its time for you to get rid of your old ideas.6. Practice: interpreting BackNext381. As she was about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men alread

76、y aboard. 2. Her hesitation about joining them in the elevatorwas all too obvious now. Her face was flushed. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1translationBackNext7. Practice: translation A.PutthefollowingsentencesfromthetextintoChinese.Payspecialattentiontotheitalicizedexpressions.她正要走进电梯时,看到电梯里已经有两位男乘客。要不要进

77、去和他们同乘一部电梯?她迟疑不决的态度已经太过明显了。她涨得满脸通红。393.The one who said it had a little trouble getting the words out. He was trying mightily to hold in a belly laugh. 4.How do you apologize to two perfectly respectable gentlemen for behaving as though they were going to rob you? 5. The woman brushed herself off. S

78、he pulled herself together and went downstairs for dinner with her husband. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1translationBackNext说这话的人有点费力才把话说完,尽力忍住没有放声大笑。把两位绝对体面正派的绅士看作劫匪,如何请求他们的谅解?她掸了掸灰,定了定神,便来到楼下与丈夫一起用餐。7. Practice: translation 401. Tom Long _ (向花园里的一草一木道别) as he wept tears.2. She was clear-headed (头脑清醒的)

79、 and _(从不出洋相).上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1translationBackNextB.CompletethesentencesbytranslatingintoEnglishtheChinesegiveninthebrackets.bid goodbye to everything in the garden never made a spectacle of herself 7. Practice: translation 41上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1translationBackNext3. He looked at the fu

80、nny-looking man, _(咬着嘴唇强忍住不笑出声). 4. Gazing at his clipboard, he murmured, “It _ (看来你恐怕不行了).”5. _ (幸存者都无比惊恐) after the tragedy of a disastrous plane crash.biting his lip doesnt look like youre going to make it Panic consumed the survivors 7. Practice: translation 42上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBac

81、kNext8. Practice: writing A.Writeasummaryofthetext(max.150words),referringtotheoutlinebelow.Summary outline:1. The womans bias against black people;2. Her misunderstanding of the two black men in the elevator;3. The two black mens help to the woman;4. The womans guiltiness about her racial stereotyp

82、es.ForReferenceAnswerClick Here43Reference answer:A woman won a bucketful of quarters at a slot machine in Atlantic City. She found two black men already in the elevator as she went back to her room to hide the quarters. She hesitated to enter the elevator because she was afraid that the two men wer

83、e going to rob her. After she joined them in the elevator, she heard one man say, “Hit the floor”, which was taken by her for falling on her knees to the floor. So she did. The two men explained to her “hit the floor” meant “to push the button for the floor they were going to”. The womans fear gave

84、place to embarrassment. The two men gathered up the scattered quarters with her and accompanied her to her room.The next day the woman received a dozen roses and twelve 100-dollar bills given by Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan to thank her for the best laugh theyd had in years.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Foc

85、us1writingBackNext8. Practice: writing 44上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNextB.Basicsentencewritingtechniques:howtoavoidwritingsentencefragments(不完整句不完整句).1.a.Althoughthecompanyisfinallyshowingaprofit.b.Thisyearmaynotturnouttobeprofitable.Although the company is finally showing a profit, this ye

86、ar may not turn out to be profitable. (a is a dependent clause, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence)8. Practice: writing 45 Raymond had to give up skiing because he developed sore knees. (b is a dependent clause, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence)上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社

87、Focus1writingBackNext2. a. Raymond had to give up skiing. b. Because he developed sore knees.8. Practice: writing 46上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNext3. a. My work consists of many necessary office duties. b. For example, taking telephone messages.My work consists of many necessary office duti

88、es, for example, taking telephone messages. (b is an appositive, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence)8. Practice: writing 47上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNext4. a. It was illegible. b. The address written on the package.The address written on the package was illegible. (b is a

89、noun phrase with a noun modified by a past participial phrase, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence)8. Practice: writing 48上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1writingBackNext 5. a. Regarding the issuing of liquor licences to restaurants. b. What do you think the best policy is?What do you think

90、the best policy is, regarding the issuing of liquor licences to restaurants? (a is a prepositional phrase, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence)8. Practice: writing 49上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1internetBackNext9. Surfing the Internet Go to http:/ or http:/ to learn the information about

91、 a Ritz Carlton Hotel which is nearest to where you are (The Ritz Carlton Hotel chain has hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Sanya, Hong Kong, and Macau). Prepare an oral presentation to recommend the hotel to your classmates after returning to class. Give reasons why you recommend it

92、.ForReferenceAnswerClick Here50Reference answer: Hotel InformationStroll down the famous West Nanjing Road, past the magnificent Bund buildings and restored architectural icons, to a place where the traditions of the past intersect with the ultra-modern. Here, in the heart of Shanghai, youll find th

93、e Portman Ritz Carlton a timeless symbol of luxury, perfectly at home in a constantly changing metropolis.Setting the standard for hotels in Shanghai, the Portman Ritz Carlton features: .Guest Room Features & Amenities: .Property Features & Amenities: .Business Services: .Hotel Policies: .上海交通大上海交通大

94、学学出版社出版社 Focus1internetBackNext9. Surfing the Internet 51上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 contentBackNext Dialogue: Freshman orientation week Pair work: talking about freshman orientation Text: Harvard Opening Ceremony Speech Working with words Research project Listening-based writing HighlightsTable of Co

95、ntentsPart 2 Language in Use52上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2highlightsBackNext HighlightsR&L: Dialogue: at the reservation deskS: Reserving hotel rooms Language for telephone reservationsR: Burj Al Arabultimate luxuryResearch project: Reserving a hotel roomL&W: Reserving a hotel roomPart 2 Language in Us

96、e53上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2dialogueBackNext 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk541. Evergreen Hotel, Reservations. Sophia speaking. How can I help you? 您好,这里是常青酒店预订部。我是索菲娅。欢迎致电。 “Sophia speaking”此句是电话用语“This is Sophia speaking”的缩略形式。类似的说法还有:“This is Sophia”,“Speaking”等,但“Speaking”这个说法不适合饭店接待要求。上海交

97、通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogueBackNext Notes to the Dialogue 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk552. Id like a double room, for two people. 我想要一间双人房,两个人住。 注意区别 twin-bedded room(对床房、标房)。double room指一个房间有一张双人床。 饭店客房分类方法有多种。按房间内床位数量与大小来分,有以下房型: 按房内装修程度,客房可分为:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogueBackNext

98、 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk56上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogueBackNext房型房内床位数单人房(Singleroom)1标房(Twin-beddedroom)2双人房(Doubleroom)1套房(Suite)房内分两个区:卧室和休息室。卧室内放置一张特大号床(king-sizedbed) 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk57上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogueBackNext低中高标准单人房(StandardSingle)高档单人房(

99、SuperiorSingle)豪华单人房(DeluxeSingle)标准双人房(StandardDouble)高档双人房(SuperiorDouble)豪华双人房(DeluxeDouble)标准双人对床房(StandardTwin)高档双人对床房(SuperiorTwin)豪华双人对床房(DeluxeTwin)标准套房(StandardSuite)高档套房(SuperiorSuite)豪华套房(DeluxeSuite) 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk583. Could you spell your surname for me, please? 能请

100、您拼一下您的姓吗? surname: n. C 姓氏 e.g. Just call me by my surname. 4. My wife and I are going to spend the weekend sightseeing. 我和妻子来这里观光旅游度周末。 sightsee: vi./vt.观光,游览 e.g. In Rome, we only had two days to sightsee. 注意,现在常见其名词形式sightseeing,为不可数名词。 e.g. Good morning, Mr. Smith. Sightseeing is our agenda toda

101、y. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialogue BackNext 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk595. Its jj_Woodszednet.co.uk. Thats JJ underscore W-O-O-D-S at Z-E-D-N-E-T dot co dot uk. 我 的 邮 箱 地 址 是jj_Woodszednet.co.uk。J-J,下划线,W-O-O-D-S, Z-E-D-N-E-T, 点co,点uk。underscore: n. C 下划线 e.g. My email address is x-u, u

102、nderscore, y-o-u-n-g, at hotmail dot com.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus2 dialogue BackNext 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk606. Dont you need a credit card number or something to guarantee the booking? 您不需要我的信用卡号或其他东西做预定担保吗?guarantee: vt. 1)保证,担保 e.g. We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains

103、 in foggy weather. 2) 给予书面保证,提供保修单 e.g. The stereo is guaranteed against failure for a year.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogueBackNext 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk61上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 dialogueBackNext饭店客房预订类型:饭店预订通常包括有保证预订(guaranteedreservation)和无保证预订(non-guaranteed reservation)两种方式。通

104、常客人如果在下午六点钟前抵达饭店进行入住登记,无须做有保证预订。有保证预订是通过下列方式来完成的:1)预付款(Prepayment)担保:客人提前支付足额房费;2)信用卡(Credit card)担保:记下客人信用卡号码,如果客人没有按预订来饭店入住客房,饭店可向持卡人收取费用,这是最常用的一种有保证预订方式。世界较通用的信用卡有:美国运通卡(American Express)、万事达卡(Master)、大来俱乐部卡(International Diners Club)、维萨卡(Visa)、长城卡(International Great Wall)等;3)押金(Advance deposit)

105、担保:客人提前支付一天的房租;4)合同/协议(Contract or agreement)担保:饭店与经常使用饭店设施的公司有协议在先,无论公司是否有人入住预订客房,房费由公司承担。 1. Dialogue: at the reservation desk62上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 pairwork 2. Pair work: reserving hotel roomsWorkinpairstorole-playthefollowingsituation.BackNextYouarethereservationscerkatFortuneHotelinVienna.

106、Answerthephoneandtakethebooking.Student AStudent BYouareBradleyorKelly.Youwanttobookadoubleroomfor7nightsfromJune14to21.Theroomisforyouandyourspouse.Youarenon-smokers.Youraddressis9784AlaskanBoulevard,Seattle,USA.Yourzipcodeis98101.Yourtelephonenumberis1206246-8099.Youremailaddressiso_.RoomtypeRoomr

107、ate(pernight)Singleroom90Doubleroom120Suite200Learning63上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 pairwork 2. Pair work: reserving hotel roomsLanguagefortelephonereservationsAnswering reservation telephonesReservations. Su Hui speaking. How may I help you?How can I help you?GettingreservationinformationFor how many

108、 nights/people, please?What type of room do you require?May I take your name, please?May I have a contact phone number, please?Im sorry, sir/madam. Could you repeat that, please?What time are you arriving?Learning BackNext64上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 pairwork 2. Pair work: reserving hotel roomsRoomra

109、tesOur price for a standard twin-bedded room is 860 yuan per night.We charge 860 yuan for a standard twin-bedded room per night.ConfirmingreservationsWe (can) confirm ten standard doubles from May 7th to the 9th.We (can) confirm advance deposit guaranteed reservation.We (can) confirm travel agent gu

110、aranteed reservation.Learning ForReferenceAnswerClick HereBackNext65Reservationist (R): Fortune Hotel. Reservations Desk. How can I help you?Bradley (B): Yes. This is Henry Bradley calling from Seattle. Id like to book a room, please.R: Yes, Mr. Bradley. For when?B: From June 14.R: How long will you

111、 be staying?B: About a week.R: What kind of room would you like, Mr. Bradley?B: Id like a double room for my wife and myself. By the way, whats the rate of a double room?R: Its 140 for a superior and 120 for a standard. Which one would you like?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 pairworkBackNext 2. Pair work

112、: reserving hotel rooms66B: 120 a night is OK. It is about 100 US dollars, isnt it?R: Yes, Mr. Bradley, a standard double, from June 14th to June 21st. Am I correct?B: Yes. Thats right.R: What time will you be arriving?B: Around 4:00 p.m. By the way, do you have the airport shuttle bus?R: Yes, Mr. B

113、radley. We have airport representative desk. Just contact them and they will help you.B: Thats fine. Thank you. Goodbye.R: Thank you for calling, Mr. Bradley. We are looking forward to your coming. Goodbye.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 pairworkBackNext 2. Pair work: reserving hotel rooms67上海交通大上海交通大学学出版

114、社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 3. Text: Burj Al ArabUltimate Luxury Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).( ) 1. The hotel is built on the beach at Dubai.( ) 2. The Burj Al Arab Hotel has over 200 bedrooms.( ) 3. Every suite has a view over the sea.( ) 4. Ever

115、y suite has a private elevator.( ) 5. The Royal Suites have the best facilities.( ) 6. To get to the Al Mahara restaurant, you have to go under the water.( ) 7. The Burj Al Arab is the worlds most profitable hotel.F TT T T F F 68迪拜泊瓷大酒店迪拜泊瓷大酒店极度奢华极度奢华1 迪拜泊瓷大酒店是世界上最高的酒店。酒店高321米,比埃菲尔铁塔还高,比纽约帝国大厦仅仅矮60米

116、。这座独特的帆形建筑坐落在波斯湾的一个人工岛屿上,酒店大堂大到可容纳一幢38层高的建筑。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNextBurjAlArabUltimateLuxury1 The Burj Al Arab in Dubai is the worlds tallest hotel building. At 321 meters, it is taller than the Eiffel Tower and only 60 meters shorter than the Empire State Building in New York. This un

117、ique sail-shaped building stands on an artificial island in the Persian Gulf. The hotel lobby is big enough for a 38-storey building to fit inside. Translation 3. Text: Burj Al ArabUltimate Luxury ultimate:a.极端的,最(重要,好,坏等)的e.g.theultimateinsultultimateprinciplestheultimatestupidity luxury:n.U,C奢侈品,豪

118、华e.g.Heleadsalifeofluxury. artificial:a.人工的,人造的,非自然的 e.g. Medical scientists havedeveloped artificial heart modelsthatcankeepthepatientalive.69泊瓷大酒店没有普通客房,而只有202间套房。即使最便宜的套房每晚房费也要超过1000欧元。从每一间套房都能欣赏到壮观的海景。劳斯莱斯豪华轿车从25公里以外的迪拜国际机场迎接宾客。同时,酒店侧面半空有一个直升机停机坪可供直升机降落。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 2 T

119、he Burj Al Arab does not have ordinary bedroomsinstead, it has 202 suites. The price for a nights stay in the least expensive suite is over 1,000. Every suite has a spectacular sea view. Rolls Royce limousines pick up the hotels guests from Dubai International Airport, 25 kilometers away. Alternativ

120、ely, you can land your helicopter on the helipad high up on the side of the hotel. Translation spectacular:a.壮观的,令人惊叹的e.g. This mountainous area hasspectacularscenery. alternatively:ad.另外e.g.Alternatively,distinctcontrolscouldapplytotransport. 3. Text: Burj Al ArabUltimate Luxury 703 位于25层的两间皇家套房是酒店

121、最豪华的套房,它们都设有专用电梯、专用影院、旋转床,甚至有比普通饭店客房还要宽大的更衣室。这种套房每晚房费高达15000多欧元。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext3 The most luxurious suites are the two Royal Suites on the 25th floor. They both have a private elevator, a private cinema, rotating beds, and even dressing rooms which are larger than the average

122、hotel bedroom. A night in one of these suites can cost over 15,000. Translation luxurious:a.奢侈的,十分舒适的e.g.Theinteriorofthebuildingismagnificentandluxurious. rotate:vi./vt.旋转 e.g. Does the earth rotate on anaxis? 3. Text: Burj Al ArabUltimate Luxury 714 在泊瓷大酒店里吃饭选择简直太多了,难以取舍:可以去200米高空的阿曼塔哈餐厅,也可以通过水下通道

123、进入到位于海面之下的阿玛哈拉海鲜餐厅,还可以在户外海滩上用餐。饭店共设8个酒吧和餐厅。5 尽管泊瓷大酒店是世界上最昂贵的酒店之一,但它可能永远都无法赢利。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 textBackNext 4 Diners at the Burj Al Arab are spoilt for choice: they can dine 200 meters above the sea in the Al Muntaha restaurant, below the waves in the famous Al Mahara seafood restaurant, whi

124、ch has an underwater entrance, or alfresco on the beach. In total there are eight bars and restaurants in the hotel. 5 Although the Burj Al Arab is one of the worlds most expensive hotels, it will probably never make a profit. Translation spoil:vt.1)无微不至地照顾;纵容e.g. You know youre spoilingmewithallthi

125、sgoodcooking.2)毁坏e.g. Hetried not to let the badnewsspoilhisevening.be spoilt for choice: 面对众多选择难以取舍e.g. These shoes are all soattractive.Imspoiltforchoice. spoil:vt.1)无微不至地照顾;纵容e.g. You know youre spoilingmewithallthisgoodcooking.2)毁坏e.g. Hetried not to let the badnewsspoilhisevening.be spoilt for

126、choice: 面对众多选择难以取舍e.g. These shoes are all soattractive.Imspoiltforchoice. 3. Text: Burj Al ArabUltimate Luxury 72上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 working with wordsBackNext4. Working with words A. Which of the facilities given in the box could you expect to find in the following hotels?a.airconditioningb.

127、conferenceroomc.en-suitebathroomd.Internethookupe.fitnesscentref.laundryserviceg.swimmingpoolh.tenniscourti.beautysalonj.Wi-Fiaccessk.BC(businesscentre)1. business hotel _ _2. luxury (5-star) hotel _allfacilitiesconferenceroom,airconditioning,Wi-Fiaccess,ensuitebathroomBC(businesscenter)73上海交通大上海交通大

128、学学出版社出版社 Focus2 working with wordsBackNext4. Working with words 3. resort hotel _ _4. small family-run hotel _5. motel _6. sports hotel _swimmingpool,fitnesscentre,ensuitebathroom,beautysaloonensuitebathroomensuitebathroom,airconditioningtenniscourts,swimmingpool74上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 working w

129、ith wordsBackNext4. Working with words B. Find Chinese equivalents for the hotel facilities shown in the layout maps below.75上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 working with wordsBackNext4. Working with words 76上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 working with wordsBackNext4. Working with words ForReferenceAnswerClick H

130、ere77上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 working with wordsBackNext4. Working with words basement 地下一楼地下一楼elevators自动扶梯fitnesscentre健身中心saunaandsolarium桑拿/日光浴室changingroom(female/male)(男/女)更衣间swimmingpool游泳池stairs楼梯ground floor 一楼一楼giftshop礼品店bureaudechange外币兑换处hairsalon美发厅newsagent报刊零售店elevators自动扶梯restauran

131、t餐厅terracecaf露天咖啡馆entrance入口处reception总台office办公室kitchen厨房cloakroom衣帽间WC卫生间stairs楼梯bar酒吧first floor 二楼二楼conferenceroomA/B/C会议室A/B/Cbusinesscentre商务中心elevators自动扶梯coffeelounge咖啡休息室office办公室WC卫生间stairs楼梯78上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 research projectBackNext 5. Research project Issue/Event/Context:You ar

132、e the secretary of the GM (General Manager) office of ABC Corporation. The GM is scheduled to attend a business conference in Shanghai. He would like to stay in the Ritz Carlton Hotel Shanghai and will be staying there for three nights. You are asked to reserve a de luxe (豪华的) single for the GM. Res

133、earchGoal:To reserve a hotel room. Research Method & Route: Search for reservation information via the Internet (location, reservation & packages, number of rooms, guests per room, select rates (精选价位), room details, rate rules, price and room type).Result:Present an audio recording of the reservatio

134、n by phone, or report to the GM the booking details and the rate rules.ForReferenceAnswerClick Here79Reference research result:ReporttotheGMBookingdetailsofthereservation:Hotel:Ritz Carlton, ShanghaiCheck-in: Sunday, May 31, 2009Check-out: Wednesday, June 3, 2009Roomtype: De luxe Single Room with on

135、e king-sized bed and city viewRates:2,000 CNY per night; 300 CNY for service charge per nightTotalforstay: 6,900 CNYEstimatedgovernmenttaxesandfees:IncludedOff-siteparkingfee:20 CNY hourlyTheHotelRateRules:.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 research projectBackNext 5. Research project 80上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 F

136、ocus2 L&WBackNext 6. Listening-based writing Listentoaconversationonhotelinformationtwice.Writea letter for the conference guest to reserve a hotel roomaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard,referringtothefollowinghints.1. Arrival and departure dates;2. Room type;3. Number of people or rooms;4. Choice of hotel

137、s (two choices) and reasons;5. Request for a one-day excursion;6. Method(s) of payment. 81上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 L&WBackNext 6. Listening-based writing MindMapConvention and Visitors Bureau 会议观光局block / n. 街区amenity / n. 便利设施health spa 休闲健身中心continental breakfast 欧陆式早餐,简易早餐breakfast buffet 自助早餐 F

138、orReferenceAnswerClick Here82上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 L&WAugust 29, 20Dear Sir or Madam,After talking with you over the phone last week, my wife and I have decided on our 4-night accommodation in Shanghai, arriving Tuesday, September 22 and leaving Saturday, September 26. If possible, we would pref

139、er to stay at Dahua Hotel, as it is the nearest to the Conference Center. Our second choice would be Merrin Hotel so that we can still have breakfast buffet, though it is two blocks further. Please take care of all the details of our reservation for a double smoking room. On the 25th when the confer

140、ence is over, we would like to do some sightseeing in Shanghai or its neighbor areas. Could you arrange a one-day excursion for us? When everything is worked out, please just charge the expenses to my MasterCard account and send us a confirmation. Sincerely yours, John Lee 6. Listening-based writing

141、 BackNext83上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 L&WBackNextGivingInformationaboutHotelsStaff: Hello, Shanghai Convention and Visitors Bureau. How may I help you? Customer:Can you tell me about the hotels near Shanghai Conference Center? My wife and I will be attending the meeting from September 22 to 25. Staff

142、:Let me give you some information about three hotels: Dahua Hotel, Xinyuan Hotel and Merrin Hotel. Customer:How far are they from the Conference Center? Staff:Dahua Hotel is one block away from the Center, Merrin Hotel is three blocks, and Xinyuan Hotel is two miles. Customer:And what are the rates

143、for a double room? Staff:Well, the rates are RMB 400 for a double at Dahua Hotel, RMB 350 at Merrin Hotel, and RMB 330 at Xinyuan Hotel. 6. Listening-based writing Continue84上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus2 L&WBackNextCustomer:And is there much difference between the amenities at the hotels? Staff:Let me c

144、heck. Dahua Hotel has a pool, a health spa, a gym, free parking, and shopping. Merrin Hotel has a pool, and an exercise room. Customer:What about Xinyuan Hotel? Staff:It has swimming pools. Customer:What about the size of the hotels?Staff:Lets see. Dahua Hotel has 300 rooms, Merrin Hotel has 200 and

145、 Xinyuan Hotel has 400. By the way, Dahua Hotel offers a complimentary continental breakfast, Merrin Hotel offers a complimentary breakfast buffet, and Xinyuan Hotel doesnt provide breakfast. Customer:OK, thanks for your help. 6. Listening-based writing 85上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3contentBackNext Get

146、 your pronunciation right Reading skills Table of ContentsPart 3 Enhancement of Language Abilities861. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China.2. The telephone rang, but he didnt answer it.3. In the western suburbs of Shanghai there is a lake.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunciationBackNext 1.

147、 Get your pronunciation right A.Listenandrepeat,payingattentiontotheintonationofthefollowingsentences.4. He asked me to stay, but I couldnt spare the time.875. He put on his best clothes, took a small bag, went to the station and got into the train.6. There are many books, periodicals and newspapers

148、 in our reading room.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunciationBackNext 1. Get your pronunciation right 7. We study English, maths, geography, biology, physics and chemistry.881. a. The caller calls Information for her cousins number. b. Some people were queuing outside the theatre for the tickets.上海交通

149、大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunciationBackNext 1. Get your pronunciation right 2. a. You wont keep me waiting in this awful weather. b. Thats not true. c. Its no use sending for the doctor. B.Readthefollowingandpayattentiontotheintonation.893. a. Carol lived with her parents and worked in a trading com

150、pany in the town. b. The driver starts his engine, drives forward, turns right, stops, goes backwards and then drives to the office.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunciationBackNext 1. Get your pronunciation right 4. a. There will be a meeting this afternoon and everybody will attend it. b. The more f

151、requently we get together, the happier we are.905. a. This happened some time ago, and nobody is interested in it. b. Im sorry, but youve got to do it better.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 pronunciationBackNext 1. Get your pronunciation right 6. a. There are two wardrobes, a double bed, a washbasin and a

152、n armchair in my bedroom. b. I went to the supermarket and bought some pork, beef, mutton, onions and lettuce.91上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 reading skills 2. Reading skills Choosethebestanswertoeachofthefollowingquestionsaccordingtothepassage.BackNext1. According to the passage, which of the following

153、 colors is the commonest in the countryside? B. Blue. C. Yellow. D. Orange.2. According to the passage, which of the following colors is the source of positive feelings? A. Purple. B. Red. C. Orange. A. Green. D. Yellow.92上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 reading skills 2. Reading skills BackNext3. Purple i

154、s a color which stands for the following EXCEPT _. B. royalty C. authority D. wisdom4. The word “relentlessly” in Para. 9 probably means “_”.A. heavily B. mercilessly D. angrily5. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Unity makes you powerful. C. Freedom makes a mess.D. What makes a rainbow. A. heightC. continuouslyB. Every person is unique and has his own strengths.93上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus3 reading skills 2. Reading skills BackNext94Thank you!应应 用用 型型 大大 学学 英英 语语 系系 列列 教教 程程



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