高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors课件 北师大选修8

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1、Unit 5Meeting your ancestors1alternative n可能的选择adj.供选择的;其他的止2interrupt3assume4sharpenvt.& vi.打断讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中vt.假定;设想vi.& vt.(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰5significance n意义;意思;重要性;重要意义6division n分割;划分;分配;分界线7applaud8acceleratevi.& vt.鼓掌欢迎;赞赏vi.& vt.加速;促进9arrest vt.逮捕;吸引n逮捕;拘留10dizzyadj.晕眩的;昏乱的;使人发晕或困惑的1assumevt.假定;设想例句I

2、 assume this is what you want.我假定这就是你想要的。派生搭配assumption n假定;设想assume sb./sth.to be 假定/假设某人/某事为It is assumed that-clause 假设;有人认为运用完成句子(1)我们可以设想他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里。We may _ they lived in these caves, regardless ofthe cold.(2)在失业和犯罪率高的地方,我们可以设想后者是前者的结果。Where unemployment and crime are high, it can _that th

3、e latter is due to the former.(3)让我们假定这是真的。Lets _ true.(4)普遍认为,紧张是工作过重所致。_that stress is caused by too much work.assume thatbe assumedassume it to be/(that) it isIt is generally assumed2sharpenvi.& vt.(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰例句He neatly sharpened pencils.他利索地把铅笔一只只削尖。派生sharp adj.锋利的;敏锐的sharpener n磨具;削具;卷笔刀运用用 sh

4、arpen 的适当形式填空His kitchen knife isnt _ enough, so he _it with a_.sharpsharpenssharpener3arrest vt.逮捕;吸引n逮捕;拘留例句What she did arrested my attention.她所做的事吸引了我的注意力。The riot led to the arrest of three young men.暴乱导致了三个年轻人被捕。搭配be/get arrested for sth.因某事而被捕arrest ones attention 吸引某人的注意under arrest 被捕;被拘留运用

5、用 arrest 相关短语的适当形式填空(1)I got _ careless driving.(2)Her uncle was under _, but nobody knew the reason.(3)Five youths _ in connection with the attack.(4)The title of the essay _my attention.arrested forarrestwere arrestedarrested用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子1罢工将加剧这个国家的困境。Strikes will _ the countrys dilemma.2(两种选择

6、中)不论哪一种选择都是正确的。Either _ is correct.3他们在会上提出的建议无足轻重。The proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little_.sharpenalternativesignificance4公众为犯罪嫌疑人的被捕而鼓掌。The public _ the _ of the criminal suspect.5我想他去散步了。I _ he had gone for a walk.6他的学习因为吵闹而中断。His studies _ by the noise.7他决定增加工厂的汽车产量。He decid

7、ed to _ his factorys output of cars.8房间里热得她头晕目眩。The room was so hot that she felt _.applaudedarrestassumedwere interruptedacceleratedizzy1cut up 切碎2fed up with 受够了;饱受;厌烦3look ahead 向前看;为将来打算4date back 追溯到1cut up 切碎例句I cut up meat for cooking meat balls.我把肉剁碎后做肉丸子。拓展cut off 切断;使孤立burn up 烧掉;焚化break u

8、p (联盟、乐队等)解体运用完成句子(1)我们正交谈时,线路被切断了。We _in the middle of our conversation.(2)木柴全部烧光了。All the wood has been _.(3)把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内。_the carrots before you put them into the pot.were cut offburnt upCut up2fed up with 受够了;饱受;厌烦例句Im fed up with waiting for her to telephone.我等她的电话都等得不耐烦了。拓展feed sb./sth.on sth.

9、给(人或动物)某物作为食物feed on (动物)以为主食feed sth.to sb./sth.给(人或动物)食物;喂;饲养运用用适当的介词填空(1)Im fed up _ the same breakfast every morning.(2)Several children were feeding bread _ the ducks.(3)What do you feed your dog _?(4)Cows feed _ grass.withtoonon3look ahead 向前看;为将来打算例句If only she had looked ahead and planned be

10、tter!要是早有预见,她会计划得更好些。拓展look forward to 期待;盼望look down on 轻视look into 调查look after 照顾look on 旁观look through 浏览;快速查看运用完成句子(1)我期待收到你的来信。I am _your letter.(2)我们将深入调查这件事。We will _ this matter.(3)你往远处看,便可以看见村庄里的灯光。_in the distance, and you can see the light of thevillage.(4)她考试前匆忙看了一下笔记。She _her notes bef

11、ore exam.looking forward tolook intoLook aheadlooked through4date back 追溯到(后接时间段)例句The story dates back 200 years.这个故事发生在两百年前。拓展date from 始于;自至今date back to 可追溯到;始于某时期(后接时间点)运用用 date 相关短语的适当形式填空(1)The custom _ hundreds of years.(2)Our friendship _ the late 70s.(3)This is a law _the 17th century.date

12、s backdates back to/fromdating back to/from用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子1不顾其他学生的嘲笑,他继续一个人做实验。_other students laughing, he went on doing theexperiment by himself.2虽然他还是个孩子,他很擅长和别人交流。Child as he is, he _communicating with otherpeople.3作为一个老师,他应该耐心对待每一个学生。As a teacher, he should _ every student.Regardless ofis ski

13、lled atbe patient with4至多两小时便可到达那里。It will take two hours _ to get there.5在你煮肉之前,你最好把它切碎。Before you cook the meat, you had better_ .6向前看,你看见山顶上有什么东西?_.What can you see on the top of the hill?7这个城堡可追溯到罗马时代。This castle _Roman times.8我受够了这种枯燥的生活。Im _this boring life.at mostcut it upLook aheaddates back

14、 tofed up with原句 1Worried about the preparations for her feast, Lalaquickly turned for home with her collection of nuts, melons andother fruit.拉拉担心她这次盛宴的准备工作,所以赶紧把坚果、甜瓜和其他水果收集起来就快步回家了。精讲精练结构:分词(作状语),主句with 短语(作伴随状语)根据中文提示,完成下列句子(1)怀特先生对中国历史感兴趣,所以在北京的时候他在当地导游的引领下参观了所有的博物馆。_, Mr.White paid a visit to

15、all themuseums _ a local guide during his stay in Beijing.(2)舞狮,象征着兴旺与吉祥,富有浓厚的民族色彩和独特的传统艺术性,是中华民族文化中一颗璀璨的明珠。_, lion dance is a bright star in thegalaxy of Chinese traditional culture _ rich national feature andunique traditional art.Interested in Chinese historyStanding for success and luckwithwith原

16、句 2.Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the cavesfearing that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her.拉拉加快了回洞穴的步伐,她担心会有野兽隐蔽埋伏着,正等着她。定语精讲精练结构:主句现在分词作状语宾语从句分词作根据中文提示,完成下列句子(1)我可以说考试对我们学生是一件好事,它可以测试出我们对老师所教知识的掌握程度。I can say examination is a good thing for us students,_ _weve mastered the

17、knowledge _ the teachers.(2)我深深得益于网络,每天都期待着有大量的信息和宝贝等着我去淘。I deeply benefit from the Internet, _there isplenty of information and treasure _ me to explore everyday.testinghow welltaught byexpecting thatwaiting for运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之Davidson Black was a Canadian doctor who helpeddevelop the techn

18、iques that (1)_ ( 导 致 ) the discovery ofthe bones in the Zhoukoudian Caves, near Beijing.He was a (2) _( 专 家 ) in the study of bones and found itchallenging to (3) _( 寻 找 ) and identify bones ofearly peoples.As the university in which he worked was awareof the (4) _( 重要意义) of his work, they gave him

19、(5) _ ( 足 够的 ) free time to do the research.And at last, itled tospecialistsearch forsignificanceamplewas his assistant, Pei Wenzhong, who made the discovery ofthese (6) _(原始的) bones and (7)_ (削尖的)stone tools.Dr Davidson (8)_ ( 高度赞扬 ) PeiWenzhong because of his talent and hard work.primitivesharpenedthought highly of



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