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1、Unit 6Unit 6一、授课时间:一、授课时间:第 1314 周二授课类型:二授课类型:课文分析 10 课时;习题讲解 2 课时三授课题目:三授课题目:The TelephoneThe Telephone四授课时数四授课时数:12五教学目的和要求:五教学目的和要求:通过讲授课文使学生了解作者以一个儿童的眼光和心理,通过大量事实描述了这一现代通讯工具给一个地处黎巴嫩山区小村庄的生活方式带来的影响, 学会用英语解释句子以达到学以致用的目的。要求学生主动地预习课文,课前准备练习,学会分析文章体裁和进行段落划分。六教学重点和难点:六教学重点和难点:1)背景知识的传授:Chickenpox; Who

2、oping Cough; Communion2)文章的体裁分析与段落划分;3)语言点的理解:Word study: amid; bustling; chime; congregate; crank; curse; deli; desolate; devout;divine; drill; escalate; shun; wriggle; wringGrammar Focus: the patterns of concessive clauses七教学基本内容和纲要七教学基本内容和纲要Part One WarmPart One Warm up up1.1 Warm-up Questions1.

3、How would you sum up this piece of writing in one sentence? What is it about?2. Why do you think the author gives the title“The Telephone”? What is the significance of thetelephone in this narration?3. What was the author s village like originally? What specific aspects did the author touch uponto g

4、ive a vivid picture of this traditional society?Part Two Background InformationPart Two Background Information2.1 Author2.2 Kacula, Seffen-ub, and BebsiPart Three Text AppreciationPart Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text AnalysisTheme of the textStructure of the text3.2 Writing Devicescontrastmetaphorpa

5、rallelismparadox3.3 Sentence ParaphrasePart Four Language StudyPart Four Language Study4.1 Phrases and Expressions.Word list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list:WordBuilding4.2 GrammarObjectPart Five ExtensionPart Five Extension5.1 Group discussion5.2 Debating八、教学方法和措施八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备

6、等教学手段, 主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。九作业,讨论题,思考题九作业,讨论题,思考题完成课后练习;多看英语报刊杂志与英语经典小说,扩大阅读量;精听与泛听相结合,逐步提高自己的听力水平;积极参加英语角等有助于提高英语口语的活动;坚持用英语写日记;做一些专四相关练习;十参考资料:十参考资料:1)杨立 XX 编, 现代大学英语精读 (4) 第二版, 学生用书。 : 外语教学与研究,2012。2)杨立 XX 编, 现代大学英语精读 (4) 第二版, 教师用书。 : 外语教学与研究,2012。3)李观仪主编, 新编英

7、语教程 (第三、四册) 。XX:XX 外语教学研究出版, 1999。4)黄源深,虞苏美等主编, 综合英语教程 (1-4 册) 。 :高等教育,1998。5)高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 , :外语教学研究,2000。6)Judy Pearsall 主编, 新牛津英语词典 。XX:XX 外语教育,1998。7)丁往道、吴冰等编著, 英语写作手册 。 :外语教学与研究。8)张道真, 现代英语用法词典 (重排本) 。 :外语教学与研究,1994。9)张道真,温志达, 英语语法大全上、下卷。 :外语教学与研究,1998。十一、课后小结课后小结Unit 6The TelephoneUnit 6The T

8、elephonePart One WarmPart One Warm up up1.1 Warm-up Questions1.1 Warm-up Questions1. How does the installation of the telephone change the village and the life of all the villagers?Are the changes positive? Does it make everybody happy in the village?2. Why do you think the author chooses to use the

9、 first person in the narration and gives this.narration from a childs point of view? Is he writing this piece for children? Is he writing in ahumorous vein because he has no other purpose than amusing readers?3. How do you like this text? Any comments? Any criticisms? This kind of traditional societ

10、y isdead and gone. Why do these writers keep trying to take us to the past? Does it serve any usefulpurpose apart from satisfying our idle curiosity?Part Two Background InformationPart Two Background Information2.1 Author2.1 AuthorAnwar F. Accawi was born in Lebanon in a family whose ancestors are b

11、elieved to have gone toJerusalem in the “Crusades.” While he was teaching English at the University of Beirut, hemarried an American from Tennessee. When the civil war broke out in Lebanon, they were forcedto leave the country and settle in the United States. Anwar F. Accawi became a teacher of Engl

12、ishat the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.2.2 Communion2.2 CommunionIt refers to the religious ceremony in which believers eat bread and drink wine as symbols ofChrists body and blood to remember the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.Part Three Text AppreciationPart Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text Anal

13、ysis3.1 Text AnalysisTheme of the textTheme of the text1) The text describes, from a boys perspective, howthe telephone affected peoples way of life ina Lebanese mountain village: It broke the seclusion of the village.2) The text raised us a question: what attitude we should adopt toward new things,

14、 whether weshould welcome them or boycott them.PlotPlot: The coming of telephone brought some changesinto a small village, both personally andThe coming of telephone brought some changesinto a small village, both personally andsocially.socially.SettingSetting: social setting: in the early 20th centu

15、ry before the process of modernizationsocial setting: in the early 20th century before the process of modernizationstory setting: in the village in Lebanonstory setting: in the village in LebanonProtagonistProtagonist: “I”“I”when the author was youngwhen the author was youngStructure of the textStru

16、cture of the textI. Life in the village before it had a telephone (paras. 1-10)I. Life in the village before it had a telephone (paras. 1-10)A. How the village kept track of time in the past (paras. 1-8)A. How the village kept track of time in the past (paras. 1-8)B. What happened in the year of the

17、 drought (paras. 9-10)B. What happened in the year of the drought (paras. 9-10)II. The installation of the first telephone in the village (paras. 11-18)II. The installation of the first telephone in the village (paras. 11-18)A.A. How the villagers came to decide to have a telephone (para. 11)How the

18、 villagers came to decide to have a telephone (para. 11)B. What sensation and curiosity the installation created (paras. 12-18)What sensation and curiosity the installation created (paras. 12-18)III. Effects of the telephone on the life of the villagers (paras. 19-25)III. Effects of the telephone on

19、 the life of the villagers (paras. 19-25)A.A. How the village center shifted (paras. 19-22)How the village center shifted (paras. 19-22)B. How and why a lot of people left the village (paras. 23-25)How and why a lot of people left the village (paras. 23-25)Relevant questions:Relevant questions:Q1: W

20、hat was the overall picture of the this village before the telephone arrived? What specific.details did the narrator give to present thispicture?A:from its geographical location; (Para. 1)from the detailed description; (Paras. 13)from the carefully-chosen wordsQ2: What do you make of the fact that t

21、he people in the village had no calendar and clock and hadno need for them? What kind of society is it that does not need so much to keep track of the hours,days, months, and years?A:Not industrialized countryside. Everything is slow and there is no need to hurry.Q3:What can we infer from the fact t

22、hat the roof of the mayors house caved in under the heavysnow?A:Snow was usually heavy. It was a good sign of heavy snow.Q4:How did the people there keep track of the important events in their lives?A:The important events were always remembered with time marked by the mentioning ofearthquakes, droug

23、hts, floods, locusts, and pestilencesQ5: What interesting things happened the year of the drought which the narrator remembered sovividly as a boy?A:Arguments escalated into full-blown, knockdown-drought fights for water.Q:What impression did you get about the life in the small village according to

24、the text?A:The very traditional countryside society.Q: Retell the normal life in the small village.Q1: Why did the narrator say that it was one of the worst years for him? What happened?A:Magdaluna decided to install its own telephone.Q2: Why does the author introduce the subject of the telephone so

25、 late in the article?Does it indicate poor organization and lack of coherence on the part of the author?Q3: Why did the narrator think the telephone installment was a big event?Well-chosen words to describe peoples reactionto the telephone installment.Q4: Where had the village center been in the pas

26、t?A: The home of Im KaleemHer appearance: short, middle-aged, black-haired,with a loud unpleasant voiceHer character:generous, understanding, sensibleHer role: confessor, good listener, pressure-reliever and troubleshooterQ5:Where was it now?A. At Abu Rajas home where the telephone was installed.Why

27、?no longer contented with their way of life; hungry for news from the outside worldQ6: What changes happened to the narrator as a boy? Why?The coming of the telephone ended his role as the message boy.Q7: What other changes took place in the village?Many people were leaving the village for big citie

28、s or foreign countries to find jobs and better life.Result: the village reduced to a skeleton of its former self.Q: What was the narrators feeling toward the changes?1. 1. FromFrom thethe pointpoint ofof viewview ofof languagelanguage andand style,style, thisthis storystory deservesdeserves ourour c

29、loseclose attentionattentionparticularly on the following points:particularly on the following points:.a. The authors careful and clever choice of examples for bringing out his key ideasb. The clever way of hiding significant messages in a seemingly childish narrationc. The clever humorous touchesd.

30、 The skillful uses of figures of speeche. The clever use of words that give a strong local colorf. The skillful way of repeating words and sentence patterns to achieve the effect of describing atraditional society and life where things happen without any change3.2 Writing DevicesTypical Narrative Te

31、chniquesTypical Narrative Techniquesthe use of figure of speech with a local flavor (The most striking narrative technique in thethe use of figure of speech with a local flavor (The most striking narrative technique in theessay )essay )We knew what to do and when to do it, just as the Iraqi geese kn

32、ew when to fly north, driven bythe hot wind that blew in from the desert.(Para. 1) the two important-looking men from the telephone company, who proceeded with utmostgravity,likepriestsatcommunion,towireupthetelephone.(Para. 13)I wriggled my way throughthe dense forest of legs to get a firsthand loo

33、k at the action. (Para. 1)Her house was an island of comfort, an oasis for the weary village men, exhausted from having solittle to do.(Para. 1) they were ready to toss back and forth, like a ball, the latest rumors going around the village.(Para.1)Magdaluna became a skeleton of its former self, des

34、olate and forsaken, like the tombs, a place toget away from.(Para. 1)paradoxparadoxa situation or statement that seems strange or impossible because it contains two ideas thata situation or statement that seems strange or impossible because it contains two ideas thatare both trueare both trueExample

35、s:He was shocked by the poverty in the midst of affluence.She was a devout Catholic and also the village whore.He is vain about not being vain.Her house was an oasis for the weary village men, exhausted from having so little to do.All mothers know that they sometimes have to be cruel to be kind.The

36、more we possess, the more we are possessed.No belief is in itself a belief.3.3 Sentence Paraphrase3.3 Sentence Paraphrase1. 1. time didnt mean much to anybody, except maybe to those who were dying. time didnt mean much to anybody, except maybe to those who were dying.The villagers didnt think time w

37、as important until perhaps when they were dying.2. In those days, there was no real need for a calendar or a watch to keep track of the hours,2. In those days, there was no real need for a calendar or a watch to keep track of the hours,days, months, and years.days, months, and years.keep track of: t

38、o keep oneself informed about a person, situation, etc.cf. lose track of: to fail to remain informedExamples:They try hard to keep track of their favorite stars.He loses track of time whenever he surfs the Net.3.Para. 23.Para. 2But ours was a natural or, rather, a divine-calendar, because it was fra

39、med by acts of God:But ours was a natural or, rather, a divine-calendar, because it was framed by acts of God:earthquakes and droughts and floods and locusts and pestilences.earthquakes and droughts and floods and locusts and pestilences. We used natural disasters to keep track of time and of the im

40、portant events in our lives. Thiswas a natural calendar though it is more accurate to say a divine calendar, for sunrise and sunset,the change of seasons, and earthquakes and droughts and floods and locusts and pestilences wereall works of God.4.Para. 44.Para. 4 that caused the roof on the mayors ho

41、use to that caused the roof on the mayors house tocave in.cave in.(of roof or wall) to fall down or inward; to collapse that caused the mayors house roof to collapse.5.Para. 75.Para. 7You couldnt be more accurate than that,You couldnt be more accurate than that,now, could you?now, could you?(spoken)

42、 used for giving emphasis to a request, order, or commentBe careful, now. (order)Now, whats going on here? (request)Its marvelous, now isnt it? (comment)6.Para. 86.Para. 8And thats the wayAnd thats the wayit was in our little village for as far back as anybody could remember.it was in our little vil

43、lage for as far back as anybody could remember.And thats how we kept track of the important events in our little village to the extent that/ for aslong as the oldest people could remember.7. 7. because men who would not lie even because men who would not lie even to save their own souls told and ret

44、old that storyto save their own souls told and retold that storyuntil it was incorporated into Magdalunas calendaruntil it was incorporated into Magdalunas calendar. .to save their lives; until the event became one of the things by which we kept track of theimportant events in our lives.This shows,

45、to some extent, the way of thinking of the villagers in those days when honestyprevailed. They trusted honest people and didnt seek any proof for what had been said about pastevents.incorporate sth. (into): to add or include sth. as part of sth. elseincorporate sth. (into): to add or include sth. as

46、 part of sth. elseExamples:The company decided to incorporate the new feature into their microcomputer.A number of courses in public relations have been incorporated into our curriculum.8. There was, for instance, the year of the drought, when the heavens were shut for months8. There was, for instan

47、ce, the year of the drought, when the heavens were shut for monthsand the spring from which the entire village got its drinking water slowed to a trickle.and the spring from which the entire village got its drinking water slowed to a trickle.It didnt rain for months as if the sky were shut tight ; G

48、radually there was only a small amount ofwater coming slowly out of the spring.9.to: used for stating what condition or state sb. or sth. is after a change9.to: used for stating what condition or state sb. or sth. is after a change.The ancient temple has been restored to its former glory.The disease

49、 has reduced the patient to a bag of bones.10. Para. 9their napping men and wet babies10. Para. 9their napping men and wet babiestheir husbands who were taking a nap and their babies who were breast fedCultural Note:Men in Arab countries, especially in the countryside, usually dont do anyhousework.1

50、1.11. Para.Para. 10And10And sometimessometimes thethe argumentsarguments escalatedescalated intointo full-blown,full-blown, knockdown-dragoutknockdown-dragoutfights.fights.in the most complete and developed form; (AmE. ) very violent or uncontrolledAnd sometimes the arguments became so fierce that t

51、he women began to fight violently.12.12.Para. 10 Para. 10 call each other namescall each other namesthat made my ears tinglethat made my ears tingleto abuse them by insulting words the words they used when they were quarreling were so offensive that we little boys feltuncomfortable13. Para.13. Para.

52、 10I10I rememberremember thethe rush,rush, thethe excitement,excitement, thethe sun dancing onsun dancing on the dustthe dust cloudsclouds asas a adress ripped and a young white breast was revealed, then quickly hidden.dress ripped and a young white breast was revealed, then quickly hidden.Some wome

53、n were fighting furiously creating dust clouds. The sun was moving quickly on thedust when a young womans dress was torn open and her breast exposed. We little boys wouldrush to steal a glance before it was hidden again. I still remember the excitementI felt at suchmoments.14.14. Magdaluna was not g

54、oing to get anywhere until it had one. Magdaluna was not going to get anywhere until it had one. Magdaluna wouldnt achieve any success without a telephone.15. to get anywhere/somewhere/nowhere: to make some/no progress or have some/no success15. to get anywhere/somewhere/nowhere: to make some/no pro

55、gress or have some/no successHave you got anywhere in your project?Youll surely get somewhere if you persist in it.Losing your temper wont get you anywhere with them.16. But they were outshouted16. But they were outshoutedand ignored and finally shunned by the other villagersand ignored and finally

56、shunned by the other villagersthose for the telephone were louder (or stronger) than the others in their argumentsBut the majority of the villagers were for the telephone, and they wouldnt listen to those fewpeople who were finally deliberately avoided for resisting progress.17.17. when the loud voi

57、ces of the men talking, laughing, and arguing coul when the loud voices of the men talking, laughing, and arguing coul d be heard in thed be heard in thestreet belowstreet belowa reassuring, homey sound.a reassuring, homey sound.a sound that makes you feel less worried and that is in a pleasant way

58、and reminds you of home18.18. the signal that they were ready to toss back and forth, like a ball, the latest rumors the signal that they were ready to toss back and forth, like a ball, the latest rumorsgoing around the village.going around the village. this showed that now they were ready to exchan

59、ge the latest news.19.19. TheThe telephonetelephone waswas alsoalso badbad newsnews forfor meme personally.personally. It It tooktook awayaway mymy lucrativelucrativebusinessbusinessa source of much-needed income.a source of much-needed income.used humorously to exaggerate the boys disappointment at

60、 his lossFor the boy the coming of the telephone deprived him of the opportunity to earn some money.20.20. OnOn a a goodgood day,day, I I ranran ninenine oror tenten ofof thosethose errands,errands, whichwhich assuredassured a a steadysteady supplysupply ofofmarbles that I usually lost to other boys

61、.marbles that I usually lost to other boys.to make sth. certain to happenExample:.Strength and good tactics assured his success at the Asian Games.When I was lucky, I got nine or ten errands to run a day. With the money I earned I could buy newmarbles so that I always had an adequate number to play

62、with, although I usually lost them toother boys.21. Magdaluna became a skeleton of its former self, desolate and forsaken, like the tombs, a21. Magdaluna became a skeleton of its former self, desolate and forsaken, like the tombs, aplace to get away from.place to get away from.With the healthy, the

63、young, and the able-bodied all gone, Magdaluna was not what it had been.The house, the streets and the store were there, but they were no longer alive with laughter and theloud voices of the men talking, laughing, and arguing. It became a much-deserted place, a place toescape from, like a graveyard

64、or cemetery.Part Four Language StudyPart Four Language Study4.1 Phrases and Expressions4.1 Phrases and ExpressionsWord list:Word list:1. droppings; fish-bearing; flare; forcefully; forsaken; full-blown; grapple; hailstorm; heel;hide-and-seek; homey; incorporate; jet-black; knockdown4.1.2 Phrases and

65、 expressions list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list:1. terraced fields; 2. rocky mountains; 3. whooping cough; 4. surrounding villages; 5. a clearing inthe wood; 6. fine dust; 7. goat droppings; 8. sticky hands; 9. sinewy women; 10. a forest of flags11. firsthand information; 12. jet-black hair; 13

66、. a devout Catholic; 14. household chores; 15. areassuring homey sound; 16. hand-rolled cigarettes; 17. lucrative business; 18. a butcher-shop; 19.a skeleton of its former self; 20. a missionary schoolWordBuildingWordBuildingJet-black; pitch-dark; pitch-black; crystal-clear; snow-white; sea-green; i

67、ce-cold; sky-high;sky-blue4.2 Grammar4.2 GrammarLearn to useLearn to use asas and and thoughthough as concessive conjunctions. as concessive conjunctions.1. adjective + as/though + sb/sth + link verb2. noun phrase + though + sb/sth + link verb3. Much as + subject + verb4. Try as sb might/could/would

68、Learn to useLearn to use It is/was (high) time (that) sb did sthIt is/was (high) time (that) sb did sth1. long past the right time for sth, e.g.Its high time the children were in bed. The clock has struck midnight.(They should have gone to bed long ago)2. the appropriate time for sth, e.g.Abu Raja,

69、the retired cook, decided it was time Magdaluna got its own telephone. (para. 11)(it was the right time for the village to have its own telephone)Part Five ExtensionPart Five Extension5.1 Group discussion5.1 Group discussion1. Do you think that people s natural nostalgia should be encouraged? Wouldn

70、 t it make peoplelook backward and therefore become conservative?2. Can you give examples other than the telephone to show that all important technological and.scientific discoveries lead to economic, political, social and cultural changes?3. Are technological inventions always blessings to us human

71、 beings?5.2 DebatingTopics for debating:1. Describe the year of the drought the author remembers so fondly.2. Describe how the telephone came to be installed in the village.3. Describe how the villages social center shifted from Im Kaleems home to the dikkan.4. Give a brief character sketch of Im Kaleem.



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