四年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Weather Part A|人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共34张PPT)

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《四年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Weather Part A|人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共34张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 Weather Part A|人教(PEP)(2014秋) (共34张PPT)(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 WeatherA. Lets talkLets sing101112874510111287451011128745go to beddinner lunchget up1011128745Its_. Its time to _. for_.Whats inside the box?Can I ?Be careful, its veryBe careful, its very hot.doghotsoupBe careful, its very cold.oldcoldBe careful, its very hot.Lets chant!Lets learn to care ab

2、out others.学会关心别人学会关心别人Be careful, be careful, the ice-cream is cold.Be careful, be careful, the soup is hot.Be careful, be careful, the hamburger is hot,too.- Its time for English class now. Can I go outside?-No. you cant. And in the bad weather, we cant go outside, either.-Can I go outside?- No, y

3、ou cant.bad weather-Can I go outside?- No, you cant.-Can I go outside?- No, you cant.- Yes, you can.-Can I go outside?fine weather- Yes, you can.-Can I go outside?fine weatherGame : Little weather report.小小天气预报员小小天气预报员游戏规则:一名同学上讲台来抽天气卡片;全班同游戏规则:一名同学上讲台来抽天气卡片;全班同学一起问:学一起问:Can I go outside?该同学根据图片情况回答

4、:该同学根据图片情况回答: Yes, you can./ No, you cant.并用并用动作动作表示天气。表示天气。MikeMikeMike?MikeCan I _? _, _.Its _ outside.MikeOK. Have some _, Mike.Mike_, you can._ _ have some soup?Be careful. Its very _.MikeLets readMum, what time is it?Its 11:00.Can I go outside now?No, you cant. its cold outside.Have some lunch,

5、 Mike.Ok. Can I have some soup?Yes, you can.Be careful, its very hot.Do you want to get the other gifts?你们想拿到其它的礼物吗?Please finish the tasks.Task 1: Read in groups and retell the story.Task2: Act out the dialogue.Task3: What can Mike do outside?-Yes, you can./ No, you cant.-Can I .?Sum upWhat do we learn today?fine weatherweatherbad weatherCan I go outside ?Yes, you can.No, you cant.Be carefulThank you for listening.Goodbye!同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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