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1、Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag?1沐风教资1.会用有关询问物品位置以及确认会用有关询问物品位置以及确认物品位置的表达方法。物品位置的表达方法。2.会使用方位介词会使用方位介词on, in, under 正正确表达物品的位置关系。确表达物品的位置关系。3. 能正确使用能正确使用where引导的特殊疑引导的特殊疑问句问句 2沐风教资1.在沙发上在沙发上_ 2.在桌子底下在桌子底下_ 3.在你的书包里在你的书包里_ 4.快点儿快点儿_5.我认为我认为_ 6.我不知道我不知道_ 7. 录音机录音机_ 8.飞机模型飞机模型_ 重点短语回顾 on the sofaunder the t

2、ablein your schoolbagcome onI think I dont knowtape playermodel plane3沐风教资一、单元语法回顾一、单元语法回顾1、表示位置的三个介词、表示位置的三个介词在在里里 在在上上 在在下下 .2、介词短语的构成、介词短语的构成在在Tom的书包里的书包里 在桌子下面在桌子下面 on my sofa 在她的桌子上在她的桌子上 inonunderin Toms schoolbagunder the table在我的沙发上在我的沙发上on her table4沐风教资1.我的帽子在椅子上我的帽子在椅子上 。2. 吉姆的书在书柜里。吉姆的书在

3、书柜里。3.我的磁带在床下面。我的磁带在床下面。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。My hat is on the chair.Jims book is in the bookcase.或或:Jims books are in the bookcase.My tape is under the bed.5沐风教资根据句意及图片提示,用适当的介词填空。根据句意及图片提示,用适当的介词填空。 31. My pencil is _ my pencil case.32. His books are _ the bookcase.33. Your eraser is _ the

4、 chair.34. The baseball is _ the floor.35. Emmas notebook is _ the sofa.ininunderonon6沐风教资2. 表示表示“某物在某地某物在某地”,句型结构是句型结构是 主语主语+ is/ are +介词短语介词短语单数句型单数句型 The pencil is in the schoolbag. The hat . (帽子在床上)(帽子在床上) My book . (我的书在书包里(我的书在书包里 ) His key .(他的钥匙在桌子底下)(他的钥匙在桌子底下)is on the bedis in the schoolb

5、agis under the desk7沐风教资复数句型复数句型My keys are on the table. His pencils (在铅笔盒里)(在铅笔盒里).Our schoolbags (在桌子底(在桌子底下下). Her CDs . (在桌子上)在桌子上)My dictionary and my radio .(在桌子上)(在桌子上) .are in the pencil boxare under the tableare on the tableare on the table8沐风教资变式训练变式训练假设图片中是你的房间,请根据图片提示,描述一下你房间中假设图片中是你的房间

6、,请根据图片提示,描述一下你房间中物品的位置。要求语句通顺,不少于物品的位置。要求语句通顺,不少于40词。词。This is my room. _I love my room.9沐风教资划线部分提问划线部分提问1.The pencil is in the pencil box.2.My key is in the room.3.The cats are on the box.4.Her jackets are in her mothers room.Where is the pencil?Where is your key?Where are the cats?Where are her ja

7、ckets?10沐风教资把下列句子变为一般疑问句,并做出回答把下列句子变为一般疑问句,并做出回答1.The pencil is in the pencil box.2.My key is in the room.3.Her jackets are in her mothers room.Is the pencil in the pencil box? Yes, it is. No ,it isnt.Is your key in the room? Yes, it is. No ,it isnt.Are her jackets in her mothers room? Yes, they are

8、. No ,they arent.4.My name is Tom.11沐风教资把下列句子变为否定句把下列句子变为否定句1.The pencil is in the pencil box.2.My key is in the room.3.Her jackets are in her mothers room.The pencil isnt in the pencil box.My key isnt in the room.Her jackets are not in her mothers room.12沐风教资4. know是实义动词,意思是是实义动词,意思是_。 -Where are t

9、he pencils ? 铅笔在哪里?铅笔在哪里?- I dont know. 我不知道。我不知道。 / Sorry , I dont know. 对对不起,我不知道。不起,我不知道。当回答别人的问题时,如果你不知道,可以用当回答别人的问题时,如果你不知道,可以用_ / _回答。回答。知道知道 了解了解I dont knowSorry, I dont know.1.Wheres my ruler?- .A Sorry , I dont know. B Yes , I know. C yes , it is. D No ,it isnt.2.Wheres Jim?- I .(不知道不知道)don

10、t know13沐风教资5. think是实义动词,意思是是实义动词,意思是_。I think意思是意思是_含有实义动词的句子,在变成否定句时,含有实义动词的句子,在变成否定句时,用用dont + 实义动词实义动词例如:例如:I think he is a student. (改为否定句改为否定句) I think its in your room. (改为否定句改为否定句)认为认为我认为我认为14沐风教资5. and是连词是连词, 意思是和意思是和, 表表 关系。关系。 but 是连词是连词, 意思是但是,然而,表意思是但是,然而,表 关系。关系。在句中,在句中,but前后的词或短语有前后的

11、词或短语有对立对立关系。关系。Im tidy, Gina is not. Im Kate, _my sister is Gina.我的房间很整洁,但是吉娜的不是。我的房间很整洁,但是吉娜的不是。butand并列并列转折转折15沐风教资( )1. Where are _?_are on the desk.A. the books; They B. books; They C. the book; It D. books; It( )2. The model plane is _ the chair. A. in B. on C. at D. of( )3. Wheres the CD?Sorry

12、,_A. I can B. Im not C. it isnt D. I dont know( )4. Where is the football? _A. Its under the desk B. Its in the pencil boxC. Its in the eraser D. Its big16沐风教资( )7. Is that _eraser? No, its _ruler.A. an; a B. a; an C. an; an D. a; a( )8. Are your tapes in the bookcase? _A. Yes, I am B. No, I dont kn

13、ow C. Yes, they are D. No, it isnt( )9. _ is my pen?Its on the desk. A. What B. Where C. How D. Who( )10.wheres my English book? -, I dont know.A OK B No C Sorry D Yes17沐风教资( )9.I have a clock, Mary doesnt.A .or B but C and D so( )10There is a window _ the wallAon Bin Cat D. under( )11._ is his Engl

14、ish book. A. These B. Those C. Here D. They( )12. My English book is in the room. Can you _ it to me? A. bring B. call C. take D. spell( )13. Wheres my watch? I _ it. A. look B. take C. thank D. need18沐风教资1. The keys are on the bed. (改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句) _2. Her backpack is on the chair. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)

15、 _her backpack?3. Is your TV in your bedroom? (给出肯定答语)给出肯定答语) _Are the keys on the bed?Where isYes, it is.按要求完成下列句子。按要求完成下列句子。19沐风教资4. Its an English book. (改为复数句子)改为复数句子) _5. I know your telephone number. (改为否定句)改为否定句)6. I think he is a good student. (改为否定句)改为否定句) _They are English books.I dont know your telephone number.I dont think he is a good student.20沐风教资



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