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1、v人教版英语七年级上同步辅导人教版英语七年级上同步辅导12掌握本课重点词与短语掌握本课重点词与短语初步学习双宾语动词初步学习双宾语动词学习本课课文学习本课课文34time (n)时间不可数时间不可数What time is it?几点了几点了?time (n)次数次数;2 times两次两次go to school去上学去上学get up起床起床shower (n)淋浴淋浴;阵雨阵雨show (v)展示展示;显示显示Take a shower洗澡洗澡usually (ad)经常地经常地usual (a)通常的通常的;普普通的通的unusual (a)非同寻常的非同寻常的work (v; n)工

2、作工作(不可数不可数)A piece of work一份工作一份工作job (n)工作工作(可数可数)Work out算出算出;解出解出hour (n) 小时小时An hour注意注意 “一小时一小时”brush (v)刷刷tooth-teeth (n)牙牙(单单-复复)after (prep)在在后后(时时;地地)go to work上班上班get to someplace到达某地到达某地bus (n)公交车公交车5hotel (n)旅馆旅馆all (pron)全部全部;所有所有night (n)晚上晚上;深夜深夜at night在夜里在夜里evening (n)黄昏黄昏;晚上晚上In th

3、e evening 在晚上在晚上love (v)爱爱;喜欢喜欢listen (v)听听listen to sth听听东西东西home (adv)家家at home在家在家homework (n) 家庭作业家庭作业do homework做家庭作业做家庭作业noon (n)中午中午At noon在中午在中午afternoon (n)下午下午In the afternoon在下午在下午letter (n) 信信write a letter写信写信around= about大约;大概大约;大概start (v)开始开始write (v)写写tell (v)告诉告诉tell sb sth 告诉某人某事告

4、诉某人某事tell sth to sb某事告诉某人某事告诉某人6soon (adv)快快best (adj)最好的最好的wish (v)希望希望;祝福祝福Best wish to you最好的祝最好的祝福送给你福送给你I wish to do我希望做我希望做survey (v; n)调查调查go to school去上学去上学go to work去工作去工作go home回家回家go to bed上床睡觉上床睡觉get up起床起床Brush teeth刷牙刷牙Tell sb sth告诉某人某事告诉某人某事Listen to听听Start to do开始做某事开始做某事In the after

5、noon在下午在下午In the evening在晚上在晚上In the morning在早晨在早晨At night在深夜在深夜get to到达到达Take a bus乘公交乘公交Take sb to带某人到某地带某人到某地Take a shower洗澡洗澡;淋浴淋浴78timeWhat time is it?现在几点现在几点time表次数表次数(可数可数) 例例: 2 times两次两次times 时代时代time 表时间(不可数)92、usually (ad)vshe usually buys all kinds of pens.vShe usually goes home after s

6、chool.v考点:注意usually的位置:-动词之前vToo / also/ very/well/often/usually103、toovtoo (adv) 太、也v1、太、非常: too +adj;v例: It is too cold.v2、也:用于句尾-also句中vIt is cold tomorrow, too.vI also like it.114、tell告诉v我告诉他这个故事-.v句型1: tell sb sth告诉某人某事vI tell him the storyv我把这个故事告诉了他v句型2: tell sth to sb把某事告诉某人vI tell the story

7、 to himv考点:注意人和事的位置v练习:他告诉了我这个消息vHe tells me the newsvHe tells the news to me.125、get to 到达vget to 到达v例:He gets to the station.他到达了车站v例:He gets up at 6:00, then he gets to the stop at 6:30, then he gets on the number 11 bus.(请判断这几个get的短语)vget up 起床 get to 到达 get on 登上车136、wish希望,祝愿v一、口语用法v-“ best wi

8、sh to you!” 祝福你v-thank you 谢谢v二、wish to do希望做v例:他希望能去上海vHe wishes to go to Shanghai.1415vScott works very long hours. He usually gets up at 17:00. He brushes his teeth and has a shower. Then he eats his breakfast. What a funny time to eat breakfast! After breakfast he plays his guitar, then he goes

9、to work. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel. The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15. He works all night. People love to listen to him! He gets home at 7:00, and he watches morning TV. He goes to bed at 8:30. Can you think what his job is? 16vScott works very long hours. He usu

10、ally gets up at 17:00. He brushes his teeth and has a shower. Then he eats his breakfast. v翻译:Scott每天工作很长时间.他经常下午5点起床.刷牙,洗澡,然后,他吃 “早餐”.v一:词汇与短语1.Work long hours工作很长时间2.eat ones breakfast 吃早餐v二:重点词的用法:1.then然后. 连接句子用.写文章避免总是简单句堆积,中间要用then; next; after that等连接词把句子连起来,从而形成文章2.Usually通常 :注意位置-主语和谓语之间17请

11、区别,分析下列4个what都有什么不同1.What a funny time to eat breakfast! 2.What do you like to play?3.What time is it?4.Can you think what his job is?1.吃早餐是多么好的时光啊!(感叹句,what做感叹词,意思变为:多么!)2.你喜欢玩什么?(what做特殊疑问词)3.几点了?(what time做特殊疑问词)4.你能想到他的工作是什么吗?(从句,what做连接词,意思不变)18感叹句v感叹句表现汉语中的:某物/人多么.啊!v基本结构:what+名词+陈述句.(此结构只能是wh

12、at +n,并且名词必须紧跟what!1.It is a very hot day.今天很热.2.What a hot day it is!今天多热啊!3.You are a good girl.你是个好女孩.4.What a good girl you are!你是个多么好的女孩啊!19强调句与特殊疑问句的区别结构不同What +名词+陈述句特殊词+一般疑问句意思不同表强调What a bad job he gets!他得到的是多糟糕的工作啊!表疑问What job does he get?他得到了什么工作?20vAfter breakfast he plays his guitar, th

13、en he goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel. v翻译:早饭后,他弹吉它.接着他去工作.为了到达工作地方,他乘17路公交车到达一个旅馆.v一:词汇与短语1.After breakfast早餐后2.Before breakfast早餐前3.At breakfast在早餐时4.Play the guitar 弹吉它-复习play其他用法5.The number bus 几路公交车v二:重点词的用法:1.To get to work.请区分两个to的用法,并翻译此句2.To动词不定式前置于句首-为了

14、3.Get to work介词.到达工作处4.Take the number 15 bus to乘公交车到21vThe bus usually takes him to work at 19:15. He works all nigh. People love to listen to him! v翻译:公交车通常晚7:15分带他到工作地方.他整晚工作.人们喜欢听他!v一:词汇与短语1.All night整晚2.Take sb to someplace带某人到地方v二:动词不定式与介词分析:1.takes him to work2.People love to listen to him22v

15、He gets home at 7:00, and he watches morning TV. He goes to bed at 8:30. can you think what his job is? v翻译:他七点到家,接着看早晨的电视节目.8:30上床睡觉.你能想出他是什么工作吗?v一:词汇与短语1.Get home到家(可否get to home?为何)2.Watch TV3.Go to bedv二:语法复习:vcan you think what his job is? v情态动词是哪些?v陈述疑问否定句结构是什么样子?23vDear Mona:vThanks for your

16、letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six-fifteen. I do my homework at six-thirty, and then I eat breakfast at around seven-thirty. At around eight oclock, I go to school. School starts at nine oclock. Please write and tell me about your morning.24词组1.Thank y

17、ou2.Thanks for you!3.Thank sb for sth4.Thank you for your help5.Know about6.At about six-thirty7.Tell sb sth8.Tell sth to sb1.谢谢2.谢谢3.因某事感谢某人4.感谢你的帮助5.了解6.在大约6:307.告诉某人某事8.告诉某人某事25v1. it is my first _ to visit the Great Wall.vsecond/ time/ timesv2. Do you read the very famous magazine “_”.vtime/ Tim

18、es/ two timesv3. Excuse me, _?vWhen is it nowvWhat time is it?vWhen it is nowvWhat time it isv4. It is an exciting film, I watches it _.vsecond time/2 time/ 2 times26v5. He usually _ school at 7:00, _ school at 7:30.vgoes to; goes to/ goes to; gets to/ gets to; gets tov6. We _ home in dark多.vgo/get/

19、 go to/ get tov解析:见到home,前面去tov7. The train _ at 8:30.vgets/ gets to/ goes tov解析:v8. He tries to _, he sees a bird in the sky.vlook/ look at/ sees/ looks v大27v9.He _ very hard. He usually works at night.vwork/ works/ job/jobsv10. It is a good _. So he likes it very much.vwork/ works/ jobv11. You mus

20、t _ before next month.vWork it out/ work out it/ out itv解析;vWork 不可数名词(工作量). A piece of workvWork 动词 工作 背; work hard努力工作/ work out 做出;算出v区别: work hard努力工作-hard work很难的工作v例: Do you work out the question?你算出这道题没有?vJob可数名词 v例:a job 一份工作v背; work it outwork out the question28v11You are mad! Why do you te

21、ll _?多vthe sad news her/ her the sad news/ to her the sad new/ the sad new to herv12.please give _.多vthe right answer/ to the right answer/ me the right answer/ mev13. _ means 30 minutes.vHalf hour/ an half hour/ a half an hour/ half an hourv背:半小时-half an hour29v14. _ a cold day today is!vWhat/ how/ what about/ whyv15. _ cold today is!vWhat/ how/ what about/ whyv解析:vHow +形容词+ 陈述句!vWhat +大名词+陈述句!30



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