2013届高考英语牛津译林版选修8总复习课件《Unit 2 The universal language》8-2(江苏专用)

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《2013届高考英语牛津译林版选修8总复习课件《Unit 2 The universal language》8-2(江苏专用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013届高考英语牛津译林版选修8总复习课件《Unit 2 The universal language》8-2(江苏专用)(65页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2The universal language 晨读在线假设你是李华,福建省某中学高中学生,今年暑假将前往澳大利亚参加主题为 “WATER FOR LIFE” 的交流活动。请你以参访代表的身份,根据以下图片提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。注意:1. 根据图片的内容适当展开,以使行文连贯;2. 词数不少于120。【范文欣赏】 请进行完形填空(每空一词)Ladies and gentlemen,Im Li Hua from Fujian,China.Its my great honor to be here to say something about the global water sho

2、rtage and ways of dealing with 1.it.As we know,the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due 2.to global warming,environmental pollution and everincreasing population.3.Therefore,its time we did something about it.Firstly,4.an effective way,I think,is to reserve water in a sci

3、entific way for future use.Secondly,new methods need to be developed to use the existing water resources,for example,turning sea water 5.into fresh water.Thirdly,we must stop water pollution by law.Last but not 6.least,its everyones responsibility to make good use of water,such as recycling and savi

4、ng water in our daily life. 7In conclusion,people should be aware of the real situation of water shortage,protect the present water resources and explore potential 8.ones scientifically.Thats all.Thank you.(155 words) 【名师点评】 本文层次清楚,脉络清晰,要点表达完全,逻辑性强且表达方式灵活多样,如,表达“众所周知”时用了非限制性定语从句as we know;而表述现状时,用了“

5、the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warming,environmental pollution and the everincreasing population”表达“严重情况”时,用了“its time we did something about it”,表达“措施”时,用了插入语I think;另外,文中还用了衔接词,如:therefore,firstly, secondly,for example,thirdly,last but not least,in c

6、onclusion等,增强了文章的层次感和逻辑性。而且,本文还用了高级词汇,如:everincreasing。这些都用得恰如其分,不仅增添了文章的表现力,而且还让读者读起来朗朗上口,不愧为一篇上乘之作。【疯狂背诵】请用10分钟背诵范文【还原范文】请将下列句子翻译成英语1女士们,先生们:Ladies and gentlemen,2我是来自中国福建的李华。Im Li Hua from Fujian,China.3我很荣幸站在这儿谈论一些有关全球水资源短缺和解决方法的问题。Its my great honor to be here to say something about the global

7、water shortage and ways of dealing with it.4众所周知,主要是由于全球变暖,环境污染和逐渐增长的人口,全球水资源短缺日趋严重。As we know,the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warming,environmental pollution and everincreasing population.5因此,该是我们对此采取措施的时候了。Therefore, its time we did something about it

8、.6首先,我认为,一种有效的方法就是科学地储存水资源供未来使用。Firstly,an effective way,I think,is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use.7第二,需要开发新方法来使用已存在的水资源,例如,把海水变为淡水。Secondly,new methods need to be developed to use the existing water resources,for example,turning sea water into fresh water.8第三,我们必须依靠法律手段阻止水污染。Th

9、irdly,we must stop water pollution by law.9最后但同样重要的是,充分利用水资源是每个人的责任,比如在日常生活中回收利用和节约用水。Last but not least,its everyones responsibility to make good use of water,such as recycling and saving water in our daily life.10总之,人们应该意识到水资源的真实情况,保护现有水资源,科学地探索潜在的水资源。In conclusion,people should be aware of the re

10、al situation of water shortage,protect the present water resources mand explore potential ones scientifically.11就是以上这些。Thats all.12谢谢大家。Thank you. .单词默写默写1universal adj 普遍的,共通的,公认的;宇宙的普遍的,共通的,公认的;宇宙的2cast vt. 选派选派扮演某角色;为扮演某角色;为(戏剧、角色戏剧、角色)选派演员选派演员3awesome adj 极好的;令人惊叹的,令人敬畏的极好的;令人惊叹的,令人敬畏的4stubborn

11、adj.固执的,顽固的固执的,顽固的5desire n,vi.&vt. 愿望,渴望,欲望愿望,渴望,欲望6bachelor n. 单身汉;学士学位单身汉;学士学位7dare vt.,vi.&aux. 敢于,胆敢敢于,胆敢8swing n. 摇摆;摇摆乐 vi.&vt. 摇摆,摇晃9discrimination n歧视;辨别,区别10opportunity n机遇,时机11personnel n. 人事部门;职员;全体人员12affection n. a feeling of love or fondness13hire vt. to employ someone to work for you

12、 for a short time14 unwilling adj. without any desire, not ready15promoter n. a person who arranges an event or works for the success of something.词汇拓展1marriage n结婚,婚姻marry v结婚,嫁,娶married adj已婚的2collection n采集,收集collect v收集,采集collective adj集合的,集体的3direct v导演,指挥,指导direction n指挥,导演,指导director n指挥4 flu

13、ent adj流 利 的 , 流 畅 的 fluently adv.fluency n流利,流利程度5unemployment n失业employment n(反义词)employ v雇用employee n雇员employer n雇主语境助记词不离句,句不离段Its universally accepted that happy marriage is unconditional, far from discrimination and full of affection. Everyone has a desire for it. .短语落实1leave out 删除,去掉2be drun

14、k with 醉心于,沉溺于;由于而忘乎所以3go wrong出毛病,坏了4break ones promise 食言,收回承诺5apply for 申请6make friends with 和交朋友7be anchored in 扎根于之中8make a fortune 发财,赚钱9look up 向上看,查找10take part in 参加.句子翻译1Some of the worlds greatest opera singers were cast in this production,and many great Chinese musicians also participate

15、d.(Page 18)几位世界顶级歌剧演唱家担当主演,许多杰出的中国音乐家也参加了演出。2However,in this wonderful production,it has been transformed into the spot for a beautiful and heartbreaking love story.(Page 19)但在这次精彩演出中,它变成了一个美丽而令人心碎的爱情故事的发生地。3This man deserves his status as one of the most popular composers in Western musical history

16、.(Page 27)这个人称得上是西方音乐史上最受欢迎的音乐家之一。4我申请了这份工作,他们给我发了邀请,让我在合唱团里试演一个角色。(Page 25)I applied for the job,and they sent me an invitation to try out for a part in the chorus.5现代流行音乐起源于奴隶制时期美国黑人的民歌。(Page 30)Modern pop music has its roots in the folk songs of black Americans held in slavery.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过3个单词)

17、1Puccini,an Italian,wrote Turandot towards the end of his life,between 1920 and 1924.(教材P18)Puccini was an Italian,who didnt finish (writing) Turandot until the end of his life,between 1920 and 1924.2In order to avoid marriage,she says that any potential husband must solve three riddles if he wants

18、to marry her.(教材P18)In order to avoid marriage,she says that (if) not solving three riddles any potential husband will be unable to marry her.3Seeing this,Calaf says that if she can guess his name by sunrise,she will not have to marry him.(教材P19) Seeing this, Calaf says that (if) having_guessed/gues

19、sing his name by sunrise,she will not have to marry him.4While she is being tortured,Liu grabs a sword from a guard and kills herself.(教材P19)While being tortured,Liu grabs a sword from a guard and kills herself.5However,though he is angry,he still loves her.(教材P19)However,angry as/though he is,he st

20、ill loves her.【课本原句】 This means that few men would dare to ask for her hand in marriage.(P18)这意味着没有几个人敢于向她求婚 dare v&aux.敢,竟敢敢,竟敢【联想拓展】(1)dare 作情态动词主要用于疑问、否定或条件句中。在使用时没有人称和数的变化,但有时态的变化,后跟不带to的不定式,否定形式直接在后面加not或缩写为darent。(2)dare 用作实义动词时常与不式连用,在否定句中也可省略 to。 看看高考怎么考弗莱德,你怎么敢把我的父亲和你相提并论?How dare you make

21、any comparison between my father and you,Fred?He wont dare (to) break his promise.他不敢食言。Does he dare to laugh at me?他敢嘲笑我么?翻译句子Only a brave man,or a very rich one,dares to buy and sell on the Stock Market.(2007广东阅读理解A)只有勇敢的人或非常富有的人才敢在股票市场上进行买卖。【课本原句】 Calafs father and Liu have been seen accompanying

22、 Calaf,so Turandot seizes Calafs father and Liu, and demands that they tell her Calafs name or theyll be beaten.(P19)卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿被人看到陪伴着卡拉夫,所以,图兰朵抓住卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿,要求告知卡拉夫的名字,否则他就要挨打。We should seize every opportunity to develop the economy.我们要把握一切机遇发展经济。 seize vt.抓住;抓住;夺取;占取;占领辨析seize/grasp/catch/takeseize指“

23、突然用力抓住不使其逃脱”,还可表示“抓住机会、想法”等,当用作引申意义时,也可加 on或 upon,表示“利用”。grasp 指“牢牢抓住;抓紧”,还可引申为“理解;领会。”catch 有“设法抓住、捉住;偶然撞见”的意思;还可表示“赶上(车);染上(病);吸引”等意思。take为一般用语,常指“拿、握、取”。 看看高考怎么考用seize,grasp,catch或take的适当形式填空The policeman seized the thief by the collar.He took his girlfriend by the hand.I didnt quite grasp your m

24、eaning.He caught the boys stealing apples from his garden.【课本原句】 Some of the worlds greatest opera singers were cast in this production,and many great Chinese musicians also participated.(P18)几位世界顶级歌剧演唱家担当主演,许多杰出的中国音乐家也参加了演出。Children are encouraged to participate in the lives of their communities.人们

25、鼓励孩子们参与社区活动。She participated with her friend in the activity.她和朋友一起参与了这个活动。 participate vi.参与;参加参与;参加辨析participate/attend/join/join in这几个词都有“参加;加入”的意思,但有区别。participate 这个词的语气较正式,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加;attend 也是正式用语,是及物动词,指参加或出席会议或学术活动等,侧重于到场、出席;join 指加入党派、团体或游戏、活动等,侧重于“成为其中一员”;join in指参加某项活动或比赛等,并指加入

26、已在进行的动作。The employees in this company are encouraged to participate in the decisionmaking process.这家公司鼓励自己的职员积极参与公司的各项决策。I dont know the reason why he never attends a funeral.我不知道他从不参加葬礼的原因。He joined the Party yesterday and his coworkers asked him to join in the party held for him.他昨天入党了,同事邀请他去参加为他举

27、行聚会。 看看高考怎么考用 participate in, attend,join(in) 或 take part in 的适当形式填空Her brother joined the army at the age of 20.He participated in/took part in the childrens games.Did you attend/take part in the meeting yesterday?【课本原句】 Those who cannot answer all three riddles however,will be condemned to death.(

28、P18)然而,三个谜语都猜错的人会被处以死刑。【联想拓展】condemn sb/sth as. 指责某人(物)是condemn sb for sth 因某事而指责某人be condemned to death 被处死 condemn vt.判刑,判刑,处刑;刑;谴责,声,声讨翻译句子那囚犯被判死刑。The prisoner was condemned to death.He was _ to spending the rest of the football season on the bench. (2012长郡中学月考)Asentenced BtriedCcondemned Dsugges

29、ted答案C看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考【课本原句】 It had always been one of my strongest desires to have a part in Turandot.(P25)参与制作图兰朵一直是我最强烈的愿望之一。desire后跟宾语从句、同位语从句或表语从句时,从句谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”。 desire n,vi.&vt.愿望,渴望,欲望愿望,渴望,欲望【联想拓展】desire 渴望某物desire to do sth 渴望做某事desire sb to do sth 希望或要求某人做某事desire that. 希望看看高

30、考怎么考The main symptoms are a strong desire to(一个 强 烈 的 愿 望 )text messages, which takes precedence (优先)over everything else,and bad moods, low spirits and a lack of selfconfidence if messages fail to come in.(2011 山东卷 阅读表达)Blessed is the person willing to act on sudden desire to create(突然渴望去创造) their

31、something unique.(2011 天津卷 阅读理解D)He desires that he _ all the book he _. (2011邵东创新实验学校月考)Ahas; needs Bhave; needsCto have; needs Dshould have; need答案BWe are at your service.Dont _ to turn to us if you have any further problems.(2009福建卷单项填空27)Abeg Bhesitate Cdesire Dseek答案B【课本原句】 In order to avoid ma

32、rriage,she says that any potential husband must solve three riddles if he wants to marry her.(P18)为了逃避婚姻,她说任何想成为其丈夫的人,必须猜出三个谜才能与其结婚。She has three daughters from a previous marriage.她上次婚姻生了三个女儿。 marriage n结婚,婚姻婚,婚姻【联想拓展】(1)marry vt.与结婚(2)get married(to sb)(与 )结婚(3)be married(to sb)(与)已婚(4)married adj

33、. 已婚的(5)single adj未婚的Im going to ask her to marry me on St Valentines Day.情人节我要向她求婚。Tom was married to Jane last week.上周Tom与Jane结婚了。看看高考怎么考I am not sure how long they _.Ahave married Bhave been marriedChave got married Dmarried答案BMy uncle _ until he was fortyfive.Amarried Bdidnt marryCwas not marryi

34、ng Dwould marry答案B【课本原句】 From the early 1930s to the early 1950s,traditional jazz went into a bit of a declining,and was replaced in popularity by a new kind of music known as swing.(P30)自1930年代初到1950年代早期,传统爵士乐稍呈滑坡式,在人气上被一种叫摇摆乐的新式音乐所取代。 decline n&vi.衰落,衰衰落,衰败;下降;拒;下降;拒绝【联想拓展】decline an offer/invitat

35、ion谢绝帮助/邀请decline to do sth 拒绝做某事fall/sink into a decline 开始衰落,衰弱下去on the decline 走下坡路,在衰退中看看高考怎么考The problem is that if we invest little time in a person,our engagement with that person will decline(减 弱 )until eventually it dies into “someone I once knew”(2011福建卷阅读理解E)The number of sunspots decline

36、s(下降)after coronal mass ejections. (2010上海卷阅读理解C)She declined to(拒绝了) say more about the plan.She _ to have lunch with her friend,saying that she wasnt feeling well. (2012长沙地质中学月考)Adeclined Bpromised Cobjected Dagreed答案A【课本原句】 Because of the prejudice and racial discrimination of the time,(P31)由于当时的

37、偏见和种族歧视,【联想拓展】be prejudiced in在方面有偏见have prejudice againstbe prejudiced against 对有偏见racial prejudice 种族歧视prejudice sb against sth/sb 使某人对某事/某人产生偏见 prejudice vt.&n.偏偏见看看高考怎么考翻译句子教师决不应对任何学生存有偏见Teachers should never be prejudiced against any of their studentsAsian pupils complained of racial _ at the s

38、chool.(2012湖南攸县一中高三上学期期中考试)Aprejudice Bprejudiced Ccriticism Dcriminal答案A【课本原句】 However,although he would like to,he cannot break his promise and must allow Turandot to do as she wishes.(P18)但是,尽管他想(那样)做,可他不能食言,必须准许图兰朵按自己的意志做。I never break my promise.我从不违约。We arranged it like that,and I do not want

39、to break my promise any way.我们是这样约定的,我无论如何不能违背我的诺言。 break ones promise 食言,不遵守食言,不遵守诺言言【联想拓展】make ones promise许下诺言keep ones promise 遵守诺言看看高考怎么考一旦做出承诺,就要遵守诺言。Once you make a promise,you should keep it.他严谨地遵守他的诺言He kept his promise with religious care.Kennedy Airport,please.I have to be there by 7._,bu

40、t Ill do my best.ANo problem BOKCI cant promise DI cant do that答案C【 课 本 原 句 】 Shortly afterwards, another prince,Calaf,falls in love with Turandot at first sight and decides to solve the riddles so that he can marry her.(P18)后来不久,另一王子,卡拉夫第一眼就爱上了图兰朵,并且决定猜迷以便娶她。 at the sight(of). 看到,一看到看到,一看到【联想拓展】(1)

41、sight n. 视觉,视力;视界;看见,景色;名胜;见解(2)catch sight of看见lose sight of看不到out of sight在视野范围外in/within sight在视野范围内看看高考怎么考明天我要测我的视力。Ill have my sight tested tomorrow.胜利就在眼前。Victory is in sight.这女孩害怕见到蛇The girl fears the sight of snakes.在人群中我看不到了我的妹妹。I lost sight of my sister in the crowd.【课本原句】 They continue to

42、 have almost universal appeal today,even though they broke up in 1970.(P31)虽然他们在1970年解散了,但在今天他们还是有着几乎全世界的感染力。 break up 解散,解体;分手,分离,断解散,解体;分手,分离,断绝关系关系【联想拓展】break down 毁掉;分解;(机器等)出故障,(车辆等)抛锚;(身体)出毛病,垮掉;(计划等)失败,中断break in 闯入;打岔break into 闯入break out 爆发,突然发生break through 突破,取得突破break away from 挣脱开而逃走;脱

43、离开,与断绝关系break off 折断,断掉;中断看看高考怎么考When something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say, “Well, its soandsos fault.”or “I know Im late,but its not my fault;the car broke down(抛锚了)”(2010 广东卷 阅读理解B)And as so often in China when someone comes up with a good idea,many others rush in and price wars b

44、reak out(爆发了)(2010 全国卷II 阅读理解C)Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have _.So am IThey seemed very happy together when I last saw them.(2009江苏卷单项填空24)Abroken up Bfinished upCdivided up Dclosed up 答案AWhen a fire _ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completel

45、y destroyed.(2011长郡中学月考)Abroke off Bbroke out Cbroke up Dbroke down答案B【课本原句】 The emperor finds the deaths of so many men disturbing,and although he would like to,he cannot break his promise.(P18)皇帝发现这么多人死去而感到不安,然而尽管他想做到,但是他却不能违背自己的诺言。 find宾语宾语补足语宾语宾语补足语(1)find后可接双宾语,也可接“宾语宾补”,区别下面的句子:I find it a dif

46、ficult book. 我发现这是一本很难读的书。(find 接宾补)Can you find me a good one? 你能为我找一个好的吗?(find接双宾语)(2)当find后接不定式或从句作宾语时,常用it作形式宾语,构成“find it宾补(形容词或名词)不定式或从句”结构,think,believe也有类似的用法。I believe it our duty to help those who are in trouble.我认为帮助那些处于困境中的人们是我们的职责。 【联想拓展】“find宾语宾补”结构中的宾补常为:形容词、副词、介词短语、动词的ing形式、动词的ed形式、名

47、词等。看看高考怎么考A much larger part of the population now finds itself homeless(发现它自己是无家可归的) (2011 辽宁卷 阅读理解D)Not until two days after the earthquake did she find(她发现)her mother alive.(2011 湖北卷 完成句子71) I found it very hard to work with him(和他共事很难)When the man came to life,he found himself _ by a group of children.(2012湖南石门一中高三摸底考试)Asurround Bto surround Csurrounded Dsurrounding答案C同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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