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1、专升本自考英语考试备考详细学习笔记本课程包括较系统的英语语法知识、英语单词约 3000 个和词组约 500 个,阅读量为30000 余词。本课程的重点是英语的基本词汇和语法,课程的主要目的是培养阅读能力。本课程的主要考试内容是从词汇、语法、阅读和翻译着手的。从 2000 年开始考试题型已改为如下七种:A. 客观题部分:1.单项选择 10%;2.完型填空 10%;3.阅读理解 30%;B. 主观题部分:4.单词拼写 10%;5.词形转换 10%;6.汉译英 15%;7.英译汉 15%为了帮助大家在英语学习、考试方面能达到事半功倍的效果,以及从我这几年教受英语课程的经验来看,想给大家提几点建议,:

2、第一,要勤读、多读。我们这里所说的“读”包括朗读和阅读,正确的发音,流利的朗读,对于熟练掌握单词、句子和课文,提高阅读速度都有根本意义;第二,记牢单词。我知道这历来是考生们最头疼的事情,但是我认为只要大家有好的适合自己的方法,那么对于大纲要求的这 3000 词汇来说应该只是 a piece of cake(小事一庄)。发音要正确,背单词要有计划,读写结合,注意常用词的词类和变化规则,记单词要和学习课文结合起来,不能死记硬背,最后一环是和遗忘作斗争的最有效手段-复习。英语中有一句谚语:Rome wasnt built in one day!译成中文是:冰冻三尺非一日之寒。记忆单词尤应记住它;第三

3、点,学好语法。学语法的主要目的是为了用。对于英语教学我最擅长的就是讲解语法,一般我会将语法现象融入所学课文中,让大家感觉不是那么晦涩难懂。只有在错综复杂的语言现象中学和用,才能真正掌握语法。英语学习不是一句两句就说的完的,今后我会在教学中逐步让大家感受到学英语的乐趣,它不仅仅是我们通向事业成功的一座桥梁,也将丰富大家的日常生活。但学习毕竟是件苦事,需要毅力,最后我将四个英文字母以及一句谚语送给我们每一位自学者:IIpp-Interest, Intention, patience and persistence. Where there is a will, there is a way!(有志

4、者事竟成!) Good luck!下面我们开始上课。我想在第一课开始之前对大家提几点要求:1.每人都必须有课本,即高远主编的大学英语自学教程(上);2.每讲后必须要复习、做作业;3.最好能提前看看下讲的课文;4 .每 5 个单元有测验,请大家务必认真完成; 5 有问题随时问,学习上不要害羞。本教程共计 25 个单元。每单元分 A,B 两篇文章,一般 A 位重点文章,精讲;B 为培养阅读能力的文章,略讲。Unit one:Text A: How to Be a Successful Language Learner?.New Words:1.successful: a 成功的;succeed v

5、 : succeed in doing something 做某事成功;success n; successfully ad (*)a.She wished him success_ in his new job.b.Were you successful in finding a new house?c.I finished my training successfully.d.He succeeds in finding a good job.2.disagree: v disagree with somebody(与某人有分歧,意见不一致),n disagreement, a disag

6、reeable;反义词:agree, agreement, agreeablee.g. I always disagree with him.3.guarantee:n / v 保证、担保、保修e.g.1.The watch has a two-year guarantee. (n 保修)2.The TV set is guaranteed for one year. (v 保修)4.intelligent:a 聪明的、明智的,n intelligence 聪明、智慧5.conversely: ad 相反地,converse a 相反的6.similar:a 相似的、类似的,短语 be sim

7、ilar to sth / sb in sth(*)e.g.She is similar in temper(性情、脾气) to her mother.7.independent:a 独立的、自主的,independence n 独立、自主、自立,(*)字根:depend(v):依靠、依赖,depend on / upondependence: n 信赖、信任、依靠 ;dependent: a 依靠的、需要支持的a.When you begin to make money you can live a life of independence.b.Children depend on thei

8、r parents for food.c.I dont want to be dependent on my parents, because I am an adult.8.clue:n 线索、提示,常用短语:clue to something9.adult: n 成年人;a 成年的、成熟的a.She can do it herself, for she is an adult now.b.His behavior isnt adult.10.conclusion: n 结论、推论;v conclude. decide v 决定,decision n 决定、决心municate: v 交流、

9、通讯、传播,习语:communicate sth to sb: 传播某事给某人;communicate with sb: 同某人交流名词:communication: a communication satellite 通讯卫星;a communication network 通讯网,telecommunication:电讯、电信,China telecommunication 中国电信12.inexact: a 不正确的,反义词:exactincomplete: a 不完整的,反义词:complete13.purpose: n 目的、意图,purposeful: a 有目的的,蓄意的,pur

10、posefully: ad 有目的地、蓄意地(*)a.He was a clever man whose every word was purposeful.b.We should use the language purposefully.c.She did it on purpose.14.regularly: ad 经常地、定期地,regular: a 定期的15.technique: n 技术、技巧,16.outline: v 概括;n 轮廓、大纲a.You should outline the story before you write it.b.You can see the o

11、utline of her face in the light of the candle.Intensive reading:1.Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement.大多数学习第二语言的成年人会不同意这种说法的。本句主语为:Most adults who are learning a second language;谓语为:would disagree with;宾语为:this statement主语中包含有一个语法点,定语从句。这是英语中一个非常重要的语法点.顾

12、名思义,定语从句应该在整个句中做定语,请对比如下两句: He bought an interesting book.(定语) / He bought a book which is interesting.(定语从句)。具体介绍该语法点:修饰名词或代词的从句称为定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词后面,它需由关系代词或关系副词引导。通常引导定语从句的关系代词有:who, whom, (一般指人), which(一般指物),whose, that(人、物均可).关系副词有:when(时间), where(地点), why(原因)。不管是关系代词还是副词引导定语从

13、句时,要在定语从句中充当句子成分。上句中的 who are learning a second language 修饰先行词 most adults, who 是关系代词,在从句中作主语。下面我们一起来看另几个例句:仔细听我的分析!a.The man who/that will give us a talk has come.b.I know a lady whose husband is a Nobel prize winner.c.Shes the girl who/whom/that I met at the party.d.I live in the room whose window

14、 faces south.e.Did you find the bike that/which you lost?would 此时为助动词,表示“可能,将会”。需掌握的短语:disagree with sb about / on sthe.g. He disagrees with his wife about the education of their son.2.They need hundreds of hours of study and practicehundreds of:几百,当 hundred, thousand, million 用作不确定数目时,需用复数形式,并加介词 o

15、f;当它们用作确定的数目时,不用复数形式。e.g. five hundred people; hundreds of people3.Language learning is different from other kinds of learning.译:语言学习不同于其他种类的学习。短语:be different from:与不同4.Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. (*)译:有些人很聪明

16、,在他们自己的专业领域很有成就,但发现很难成功地学习语言。本句主语 Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields,谓语 find,宾语 difficult to succeed in language learning,it 语法上称作形式宾语:当宾语较长时,常将它移后在空出的位置上用 it 代替。包含定语从句 who are very intelligent and successful in their fields,修饰先行词 some people, who 在定语从句中作主语。需掌握的习语:be

17、 intelligent and successful in ones field;succeed in sth / doing sth5.Conversely, some people who are very successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.(相反地)这句话意思和结构与上句相似,口头分析。6.Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.

18、(*)译:语言学习研究显示成功的语言学习者在许多方面都是相似的。本句主语 Language learning research;谓语:shows;宾语:that 引导一个宾语从句。在宾语从句中 successful language learners 是主语;are 是系动词;similar in many ways 是表语重要短语 be similar (to sb/sth) in sth 在方面与某人/某事相似7.Instead of waiting for the teachers to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rul

19、es for themselves. (*)译:不是等这老师解释,而是自己努力去发现各种句型和规则。Instead of waiting for the teachers to explain,介词短语作状语,主语:they;谓语:try to find;宾语:the patterns and the rules for themselves介词 of 后的动词要用动名词 waiting短语:instead of sth; wait for sb to do sth; try to do sth;8.They find people who speak the language and the

20、y ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. (*)译:他们寻找说这种语言的人,当他们说错时就请这些人帮助指正。这是一个由 and 连接的并列句,其中有一个定语从句 who speak the language,修饰先行词 people;有一个时间状语从句 when they make a mistakecorrect: v 指正、纠正,短语:make a mistake 犯错误9.They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things

21、.译:他们不害怕重复他们听到的或说一些奇怪的东西。what they hear 是 repeat 的宾语从句afraid 的用法:be afraid of sth; be afraid to do sth; be afraid that 从句a.She is afraid to go out alone at night.b.I am afraid of snake.c.Hes afraid that hell be late for class.10.When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is in

22、exact or incomplete.译:当交流困难时,他们会接受不准确或不完整的信息。本句中包含一个时间状语从句 When communication is difficult,一个定语从句 that is inexact or incomplete,修饰先行词 information,在从句中 that 作主语。11.Its more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word. (*)译:对他们来说,学会用所学的语言来思考比学会每个单词的意思更重要

23、。it 作形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式 to learn to think in the language.原句语序应是:For them to learn to think in the language is more important than to know the meaning of every word.用形式主语的目的是因为不定式作主语太长,为避免句子头重脚轻,用 it 代替真正的主语。e.g. For many people to learn English well is very difficult.=Its very difficult for many peopl

24、e to learn English well短语:learn to do sth 学会做; more important than 更重要12.Its necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them.= For them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them are necessary译:对他们来

25、说,学会这种语言以便同这些人交流并向他们学习是非常必要的这句话较复杂,it 作形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语,in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them 我们称作目的状语短语:in order to do sth; communicate with sb; learn from sb:向学习13.They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.译:因为他们想学会这种语言

26、,所以他们发现不断地练习实际应用这种语言是容易的。it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语 to practice using the language regularly,原因状语从句 because they want to learn with it.practice 是动词,英式英语拼写形式是 practise,美式英语动词和名词拼写都是practice.作动词时,后面只能用动名词,如:practice speaking the language every day. (4 段 2 行)14.If you are a successful language learner, you have pr

27、obably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. (*)译:如果你是一名成功的语言学习者,你大概一直在独立地、主动地、目的明确地学习。if 引导条件状语从句,主句中的 have been learning 是动词的现在完成进行时,表示动作从以前开始一直不间断地进行到现在。三个副词:independently, actively, and purposefully 要会拼写。15.on the other hand, if your language learning has been less than succes

28、sful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.译:另一方面来说,如果你的语言学习一直不太成功,你不妨试试上面提到的一些学习技巧。If your language learning has been less than successful 是条件状语从句。短语:on the other hand: 另一方面来说; less than successful: 不太成功; might do well to do sth:表示一种委婉语气,不妨,最好.e.g. You might do well to tak

29、e the doctors advice.Thats all for this lecture, and lets continue to learn this unit next time. Dont forget to review what we have learnt. ok, see you then!The second lecture of College EnglishHi, everyone! Are you satisfied with the first lecture? Today well continue to learn unit one.Review somet

30、hing in lecture one:A. Useful phrases:1.disagree with (2 段 1 行); 2.hundreds of(2 段 3 行); 3. be different from(3 段 1 行); 4. succeed in sth(3 段 3 行); 5. as much as you can(4 段 2 行); 6. practice doing sth(4 段 2 行); 7. try to do(4 段 4 行); 8. similar in sth(5 段 2 行); 9. first of all(6 段 1 行); 10. depend

31、on(6 段 2 行); 11. instead of sth/doing sth(6 段 3 行); 12. wait sb to do(6 段 3 行); 13. learn from sth/sb(6 段 7 行); 14. make a mistake(7 段 4 行); 15. be afraid to do(7段 5 行); 16. be willing to do(7 段 6 行); 17. be interested in sth(8 段 2行); 18. in order to(8 段 4 行); 19. communicate with sb(8 段 4 行); 20. o

32、n the other hand(9 段 3 行); 21. might do well to do sth(9 段 4 行)B. Some important words:1.successful; 2. disagree; 3.statement; 4. guarantee; 5. intelligent; 6. conversely; 7. similar; 8. independent; 9. conclusion; 10. communicate; communication; 11. purpose, purposefully; 12. regularly; 13. techniq

33、ue; 14. outline.C. Key to part exercises: (from page 8 to 12)一、课文练习:.d, a, c, d, d;. 1.task; 2.intelligent; 3.tudy; 4.clue; 5.conclusion; 6.repeat; munication; 8.purpose; 9.probably; 10.outline. 1. Instead of; 2.therefore; 3. morethan; 4.even; 5.first of all; 6.because; 7.on the other hand; 8.finall

34、y; 9.looking for; 10.conversely.1.见课文;2. Language learning is active learning. Learners should take advantage of every chance to use the language.3. Language learning should be active, independent and purposeful.4.见一讲作业。5. The teachers often pass on their successful experience in language learning t

35、o us.二、词汇练习:.1.2.4.见一讲词汇讲解部分; 3. cover: v 覆盖; uncover: v 揭开,为 cover 的反义词;discover: v 发现,同义词:find, 习题答案为:covered; uncover; discovered.1.inexact; 2.technique; 3.outlined; municate; 5.regularly; 6.clue; 7.intelligent; 8.incomplter; 9.similar; 10.statement.1.disagree; 2.independent; 3.incomplete; 4.inex

36、act; 5.uncover/discover.1,3,4,见一讲作业 3,4,5 题。2 见课文 5. We should learn something new independently, actively and purposefully. Text B:要求作一般了解,属阅读理解课文,对于 text B 的文章来说,虽然较 A 篇稍长,但难度稍低,检测阅读结果的标准是能够独立地完成课后的习题。A. Some new words:1.instance: a single fact, event, example.例子、实例,常用短语 for instance,例如。2.waiter:

37、a person who serves food at the tables in a restaurant(男性),waitress 女服务员、女招待3.traveler: a person who goes from place to place, esp. to a far away placetravel: v 旅游4.primitive: adj 原始的:of the earliest times of life or of man5.exact 反义词 inexact6.consist; v 短语: consist of 组成e.g. My class consists of 20

38、 students.7.simply: adv, simple adj 简单的B. Some language points:1.not onlybut also不但而且,并列连词。(连接两个并列成分)e.g. I hope to be not only your teacher, but also your good friend. , we can do it not only with the help of words, but also in many other ways.2.neithernor:既不也不,并列连词,连接两个并列成分。e.g. Autumn is a good s

39、eason. Its neither hot nor cold. people who can neither hear nor speak talk to each other with the help of their fingers.3.He entered a restaurant and sat at a table.(坐在桌旁)4.in this way:介词短语,用这种方法e.g. I learn English by myself. In this way, I have finally got the diploma of English major.5. The Engl

40、ishman who was very hungry by this time and not at all thirsty looked very sad.a.本句包含有一个定语从句,who was very hungry by this time and not at all thirsty 修饰先行词 The Englishman。b.短语:by this time 到此时为止; not at all 根本不6. Words consist of sounds, but there are many sounds which have a meaning and yet are not

41、words.译:语言是由声音组成的,但具有一定意义的声音并不都是话语。短语:consist of,句子结构中包含有一个定语从句。Key to the part exercises:page 16: T, F, T, F, T, F, F, F, T, F.Unit 2Text A: Taxes, Taxes, and More TaxesMain idea about the text: we know that the taxes in the United States are the highest in the world. Almost everyone need pay taxes

42、 on many things. There are three levels of government in the United States, so there are three types of taxes; they are for the federal government, state government, and city government. Even some Americans think that they are working one day each week just to pay their taxes.A. New words:1.tax: n 税

43、;vt 对征税a. Every citizen has the right to pay tax to our country.b. My income is taxed at source. (我的收入已扣除了所得税。)2.generally: adv 一般地、通常,同义词:usually, 常用语:generally speaking,general adj3.type: n 类型、种类;v 打字a. What type of tea do you prefer? Green tea.b. She typed the letter quickly and well.4.salary: n

44、工资,salaried: adj 拿工资的5.earn: v 挣钱、赚钱,earnings n 赚得的钱6.percentage: n 百分比、百分率; percent n 前用数词(*)a. More than ten percent of the students didnt come today.b. A large percentage of schoolbooks now have pictures.c. I am a hundred percent sure that he will come.7.vary: v 变化、改变; varied adj 有变化的、多样的(*)a. Ho

45、liday jobs are many and varied.b. people vary very much in their ideas of many things.(注意介词 in 的用法)c. prices of fruit vary from season to season.8.sale: n 出售,sell v 出售9.charge: v 收费、控告a. How much do you charge for repairing my shoes?b. He was charged with the guilty of murder.10.addition: n 加法、附加物;

46、add v 增加; additional adj 额外的、增加的(*)a. She always adds sugar to her tea.b. He earned 1000 dollars in addition to his salary.c. We will need additional help to do the work.11. confuse: v 使混乱、混淆;confused, confusing adj; confusion n (*)a. If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get confus

47、ed.b. This is a confusing word because it has two meanings.c. Do you think this will cause much confusion?d. They confused me by asking so many plain: v 抱怨,常跟介词 of, about. complaint: n 抱怨、投诉(*)a. Students always complain about too much homework.b. She complained that the exam was too hard.c. He used

48、 to complain bitterly of his bad memory. (诉说有病)d. There is no reason for complaint.12.useless: adj 无用的,反义词 useful; carefulcareless; helpfulhelpless; hopefulhopeless etc.13.impractical: adj 不切实际的,反义词 practical; practice v 实践、实际14.program: n 计划、节目、程序;v 编程序15.tend: v 易于、倾向于, tendency n 趋势、倾向a. people t

49、end to get fat as they grow older.b. prices continue to show an upward tendency. (物价呈持续上升趋势。)B. Intensive reading:1.Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes.(*)译:美国人常说,一个人一生中只有两件事可以肯定会发生:死亡和纳税。分析:主语:Americans;谓语:say;that 引导一个宾语从句,还包含有一个省略了关联

50、代词的定语从句,a person can be sure in life 修饰 two things.当先行词在定语从句中作宾语时,常可省略。e.g. 1. The watch that/which/省略 I found in the library is his.(why?)2. The girl who/whom/that/省略 you met at the party is my sister.请试着翻译句子:1 你一直在找的那个人来了。2 昨天我妈给我的钱已经被偷走了。Answer:1.The man who/whom/that/省略 you have been looking for

51、 has come.2.The money that/which/省略 my mother gave me yesterday was stolen.短语;be sure of:对确信、确定e.g. We can be sure of his honesty.2. Americans dont have a corner on the death market, but many people feel that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes.(*)译:美国人并不垄断“死亡”市场,但很多人感到美国却以最重的赋税在世

52、界上名列前茅。短语:have a corner on something:垄断; lead with 因领先e.g. China leads the world with her silk products.3.With the high cost of taxes, people are not very happy on April 15, when the federal taxes are due.译:由于高额的税款,每年 4 月 15 日人们很不开心,因为这一天是上缴联邦税款的日子。分析:With the high cost of taxes,介词短语作原因状语,with = bec

53、ause of,由于,when the federal taxes are due 是非限定性定语从句,修饰 on April 15。When 叫关系副词。Where, when, why 是定语从句中的三个关系副词,分别在定语从句中作地点状语、时间状语、原因状语。a. This is the house where I was born.(where = in which)b. Ill never forget the day when I entered the college.(when = on which)c. please tell me the reason why you ar

54、e always late for my class.(why = for which)另外,若定语从句和先行词之间用逗号分开称为非限定性定语从句。它对先行词只是进一步补充说明,删除后不会影响整个句子的基本语意,译成汉语时一般单独翻译。4.Some states have an income tax similar to that of the federal government.(*)译:有些洲有与联邦政府类似的个人所得税。分析:代词 that 指 an income tax, 英文中两个进行比较的事物必须是平等的,如在口语中我们可说“北京的天气比广州干燥”,但译为英语不能写成:The w

55、eather in Beijing is drier than Guangzhou.(x)城市不能和天气进行比较,要改为:The weather in Beijing is drier than that in Guangzhou.()5.other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state.(*)译:其他洲征收销售税,对你在该洲所买的任何商品征收一定比例的税。分析:包含有两个定语从句,which is a percentage charged t

56、o any item which you buy in that state 是非限定定语从句,修饰 a sales tax。其中还含有另一个限定定语从句which you buy in that state 修饰先行词 any item. charged to 表示“向征收”charged 过去分词作定语修饰 a percentage.6.Some states use income tax in addition to sales tax to raise their revenues.(*)译:有些洲除了征收销售税,还征收个人所得税来增加税收。短语:in addition to 除还有(

57、+)e.g. We need fat and protein in addition to vitamin in our diet.raise their revenue:增加税收。7.They often protest that the government uses their tax dollars in the wrong way. They say that it spends too much on useless and impractical programs.译:他们经常抗议政府对他们交纳的税金使用不当。他们认为政府在一些没用或不切实际的项目上花钱太多。短语:use sth

58、 in the wrong way,错误地使用,spend sth on sth 在花费,或 spend sth in doing sth.e.g. Mother says he spends too much time in watching TV every day.8.Although Americans have different views on many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high.(*)译:尽管美国人在许多问题上有不同的观点,但他们往往在这一点上达成共识:税收太高。短语:have d

59、ifferent views on sth 对有不同观点,tend to 通常, agree on sth同意某事,同意某人:agree with sb; 同意做某事:agree to do sth. Summary about the important phrases:1.be sure of(1 段 2 行); 2.have a corner on sth(1 段 2 行); 3.lead with(1 段 4 行); 4.consist of(2 段 1 行); 5. depend on(3 段 3 行); 6.that is(3 段 4 行); 7.be similar to(4 段

60、 3 行); 8.in addition to(4 段 10 行); 9.public works(5 段 4 行); 10.municipal buildings(5 段 5 行); plain about(6 段 3 行); 12.use sth in the wrong way(6 段 3-4 行); 13.spendon(6 段 4-5 行); 14.tend on(6 段 6 行); 15.agree on(6 段 6 行)The 3rd lecture of College English one:. Key to part exercises from page 39 to 43

61、:一、课文练习:.a, c, a, a, c. 1.due; 2.depends on; 3.diverse; 4.consisted of; 5.similar; 6.tends to; plaining about; 8.i addition to; 9.issue;10.agree on. 1. How much do you charge for a haircut?2. We are trying to raise funds for the Red Cross.3. He earned a good reputation for honesty.4. We pay taxes in

62、 exchange for government services.5. An open letter protested governments foreign policy.二、词汇练习:见 2 讲讲课内容。.1. charge; 2.department; 3.due; 4.diverse; 5.earns; 6.vary; 7.property; 8.leading; 9.fund; 10.tends.Text B:Its about advertisement. In such a society, we can see advertisement every day. Some a

63、re from TV, some are from radio, some are from newspaper, and others are from magazines and even Internet. When you find so many ads have penetrated into all the corners of our life, then do you think its good or bad? Now lets find something from our text.A.New words:1. advertise: v 做广告、登广告;advertis

64、ement: n 缩写 ad; advertising company广告公司;advertiser: n 登广告的人2. attract: v 吸引;attraction: n 吸引力;attractive: adj 吸引人的3.design: v 设计; designer 设计师4.persuade: v 劝说, 常用习语:persuade sb to do sth5.leisure: n 空暇、悠闲,at leisure 有空,清闲。6. classified: a 分类的;classify v 分类7. edition: n 版本,a paperback edition(平装版), a

65、 rare edition(珍藏版), a deluxe edition(精装版), a revised edition(修订版);edit: v; editor: n8. entertainment: n 娱乐、款待9. audience: n 观众、听众。10. characteristic: a 典型的; n 特性、特征11. commercial: adj 商业的; n 商业广告; commerce n 商业。12. responsible: a 有责任的; responsibility n 责任13. particular: a 特定的14. estimate: n / v 估计、评

66、价15. management: n 管理、经营; manage: v 管理; manager: n 经理16. approve: v 赞成、同意、批准; approval: n17. involve: v 牵涉、卷入,be involved in sth; involvement: nB.Some difficult sentences:1.Advertising is only part of the total sales effort, but its the part that attracts the most attention.译:广告仅仅是整个销售活动的一部分,但就是这部分最

67、能吸引人们的注意力。注意本句的主语 advertising 是动名词作主语,表示登广告。再如:playing football is my favorite sport.短语:attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力。2. Voices and music have been added to color and pictures to catch the ear as well as the eye.(*)译:色彩和画面配上声音和音乐,既好看又好听。重点掌握短语:1.add sth to sth 加到,e.g. I dont like add milk to/into

68、my coffee.2. catch the ear, catch the eye: 吸引耳朵,吸引眼睛3. as well as:也 ,除了还有 (+)e.g. I like Chinese as well as English.3.Television ads are short, but they are repeated over and over again so that the audience sees and hears them many times.(*)译:电视广告时间很短,但它们被反复播放,可以使观众看听许多遍。短语:over and over again 一遍又一遍

69、; so that = in order that 表目的;audience:称作集体名词,当单形集体名词被看作一个整体时,具有单数概念;被看作若干个个体时,具有复数概念。像这样的名词有:family, government, class, staff etc.a.His family is a big one in our city.b.His family are very friendly to us.c.The audience is quiet when the concert is on.d.The audience like Harry portter very much.C.

70、Useful phrases:1.attract ones attention(1 段 2 行); 2.natural enough(1 段 2 行); 3.for the most part(1 段 6 行); 4.persuade sb to do sth(1 段 7 行); 5.a large amount of sth(3段 1 行); 6.be characteristic of sth(3 段 7 行); 7.catch the eye(3 段 8 行); 8.no more than(3 段 9 行); 9.idebtity with sth(3 段 10 行); 10.add

71、to(4 段 2 行); 11.catch the ear(4 段 3 行); 12.over and over again(4 段 4 行); 13.so that(4 段 5 行); 14.put up with(4 段 7 行); 15.millions of(4 段 8 行); 16.be responsible for sth/sb(5 段 1 行);17.decide on sth(5 段 2 行); 18.make an estimate of sth(5 段 4 行); 19.be involved in sth(5 段 6 行);20.as well as(4 段 3 行);

72、 21.carry over(4 段 1 行)D. Key to some exercises:.page 49: T, F, F, T, T, T, T, F, T, F.词汇练习:page 50-52. e, b, c, d, a.1.attracts; 2.leisure; 3.available; 4.limited; 5.estimate. 1.decided on; 2.approved; 3.estimate; 4.carried over; 5.put up with; 6.characteristic of.B, C, B, A, C, D.Unit 3Text A: The

73、 Atlantic oceanIn the earth, there are four oceans: the pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian ocean, and the Arctic ocean. The Atlantic ocean isnt the biggest in area, but there are other two things that make it very unusual. Do you want to know what they are, and then please read the text v

74、ery carefully? And from the past exams the text is very important.A.New words:1.sailor: n 水手、海员; sail: v 航海, n 航海、帆(*)a.He has sailed for New York.b.He is a good sailor and seldom gets sick during storms at sea.c.How many days sail is it from Tianjin to Dalian?2.unwilling: a 不情愿的, 反义词 willing:愿意的,常用

75、短语:be willing to do, be unwilling to do; 副词:unwillingly, willingly; 名词:will 意愿、意志。(*)a.He is happy with the price and willing to pay.b.The child always does his homework unwillingly, so he hasnt made much progress.c.She is ill and unwilling to go out with us.3.unusual: a 不寻常的、与众不同的,反义词:usual, 副词:usu

76、ally(*)a.Young people should not wear unusual clothes.b.He went to town as usual with his father.c.A classified advertisement is usually a few lines long.4.salty: a 咸的,salt: n 盐;salted 用盐腌的a.The sea water is salty.b.The salted beef is delicious.5.average: n/a/v 平均数、平均的、平均常用短语:on the average(*)a.The

77、average of 2,3 and 4 is 3.b.The average age of the students in this class is eighteen.c.They averaged 20 miles a day during their last journey.6.range: n 山脉、范围;v 变化,排列成行a.She has a wide range of interests.b.He ranged the books by size.7. peak: n 高峰,adj 高峰的,反义词:off-peakpeak hour = rush hour8.eastward

78、, westward, northward, southward: adj adv9. crew:集体名词10. becalm: v become calm; calm: a 平静的、安静的, please keep calm.11.current: n 水流、电流;adj 流行的a.The current is the strongest in the middle of the river.b.Turn off the current while making repairs.c.of all her dresses, only one is still current.12.affect

79、: v 影响、打动;effect n 影响,have an effect on sth; affecting adj 动人的;effective adj 有影响的、有效的。(*)a.Violent TV programs have a bad effect on the children.b.Music can affect some people very strongly.c.The law is no longer effective.13. furnish: v 用家具布置,家具:furniture.B.Grammar knowledge: 定冠词的用法please look at t

80、he following sentences from the text:a.The Atlantic ocean is one of the oceans that .b.The narrowest place is between the bulge of .c.The Azores are the tops of the peak .1.冠词(articles):是一种虚词,放在一个名词前,帮助说明该名词的含义。它分为定冠词和不定冠词两种。2.定冠词 the 的用法如下:重复上文提到过的人或物:e.g. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. Th

81、e refrigerator is white.(第一次提到用不定冠词,第二次用定冠词,表特指。)特指谈话双方都知道的人或物。e.g. How do you like the film?指世界上独一无二的事物。e.g. The earth is bigger than the moon, but smaller than the sun.常用在乐器前:e.g. I want to play the piano/ the violin.用在一些公用事业名称前,e.g. I will go to the post office/ the museum/ the cinema.用在序数词和形容词最高

82、级之前,e.g. the first time, the biggest.用在某些专有名词前,e.g. the peoples Republic of China, the great wall, the white house特指某些江河、山脉、海洋、湖泊,e.g. the Changjiang River, the pacific ocean, the Himalayas, the Salt Lake和某些形容词连用,表示某一类人,e.g. the rich, the poor, the dead, the young用在姓氏的复数形式前,表一家人,e.g. The Greens are

83、watching TV.另外,还用在许多习惯用语中:in the morning/afternoon/evening, on the left. Right, by the way, in the middle of etc.The 4th lecture of College English one:.Intensive reading text A:1.The Atlantic ocean is one of the oceans that separate the old world from the new.译:大西洋是隔断新世界和旧世界的大洋之一。分析:本句包含有一个 that 引导

84、的定语从句,修饰先行词 oceans,注意此时只能用 that,不能用 which.如下的情况属只能用 that 的情况:1.当先行词是最高级形容词或它的前面有最高级形容词时。He is the best person that always helps others2.当先行词是序数词,或前面有一个序数词时。He is the last person that I want to see.3.当主语已有疑问词 who 或 which 时。Which is the bike that you lost?4.当先行词是 all, much, something, anything, everyt

85、hing, little, etc 等词时。We should hand in all that you have found.5.当先行词前有 only, any, few, one of, the same, no etc 等词时。The only thing that we can do is to give you some money.Li Ming is one of the students that want to be teacher in our class.短语:separate sth from sth 把与分开England is separated from Fra

86、nce by the English channel.另外,the old World: Europe, Asia, Africa; the New World: the Americas.2.For centuries it kept the Americas from being discovered by the people of Europe.(*)译:好几个世纪以来,它使美洲一直未被欧洲人发现短语:keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth:阻止某人做谋事The bad weather cant keep us from going to school/

87、being discovered: being 动名词,discovered 过去分词3.Many wrong ideas about the Atlantic ocean made the early sailors unwilling to sail far out into it.(*)译:许多关于大西洋的错误观点使得早期的水手不愿远航驶入大西洋。分析: 主语:many wrong ideas;谓语:made; 宾语:the early sailors; 宾补:unwilling to sail far out into it。短语:be unwilling to do sth; sai

88、l far out into it: 远航驶入;make sb do sth4.one idea was that it reached out to “the edge of the world.”译:一种观点是大西洋远达世界的边缘。分析:that 引导的是表语从句。它是名词从句的一种。主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句属于名词从句。在四种从句中只有宾语从句能省略 that 这个关系连词,在其它从句中不作任何成分,只起连接作用,但绝对不能省略。a. That the earth is round is true.(主语从句)b. All of us know that we must

89、study hard.(宾语从句)c. The idea that we invited him yesterday is quite good.(同位语从句)d. Another idea was that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot.(表语从句)4.The Atlantic ocean is only half as big as the pacific, but it was still very large.(*)译:虽然大西洋只有太平洋的一半,但它也很大。倍数的比较:倍数 + as + adj/adv + asa.My

90、hair is twice as long as yours.b.My classroom is only one third as big as theirs.5.Its more than 4000 miles wide where Columbus crossed it.译:哥伦布穿越大西洋的航线有 4000 多英里宽。基数词 + 形容词作度量状语。a.He is only five years old.b.The river is three meters deep.c.The classroom is five meters long.6.For so large an ocean,

91、 it has very few islands. Also, it is the worlds saltiest ocean.译:这么大的一个海洋却只有少数几个岛屿,并且它是世界上盐分含量最高的海洋。(这是大西洋最大的两大特点。)7.There is so much water in the Atlantic ocean that it is hard to imagine how much there is.译:大西洋中有多得令人难以想象的海水。Sothat 引导结果状语从句。(so + adj / adv)Its so hot these days that we cant go out

92、.8.But suppose no more rain fell into it and no more water was brought to it by rivers.译:假设不再有雨水降入大西洋,也没有河水汇入。本句存在一个重要的语法现象:虚拟语气,即表示非真实的假设。该语法放到 text B 中进行详讲。9.It would take the ocean about 4000years to dry up.译:它大约需要 4000 年的时间才干涸。重要句型:it takes / took sb some time to do sth 花某人多少时间作某事Every day it ta

93、kes me an hour to go to work.10.We now have such fast ways of traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller.译:我们现在有如此多的快速旅行方式,使大西洋似乎变小了。短语:such + n + that 引导结果状语从句,注意和 sothat比较。a.Shes such a lovely girl that everyone likes her very much.b.Shes so lovely a girl that everyone likes her ver

94、y much.seem to 仿佛、好像. Brief summary about the useful phrases:1.separatefrom(1 段 1 行); 2.keep sb from doing sth(1 段 2 行); 3.make sb do sth(2 段 1 行); 4.boiling hot(2 段 5 行); 5.sothat(5 段 1 行); 6.no more(5 段 2 行); 7.on the average(5 段 4 行); 8.pile up(10 段 2 行); 9.suchthat(11 段 1 行); 10.seem to(11 段 2 行

95、); 11.be unwilling to do(2 段 1 行)Text B:做一般了解。A. New words:1. observation: n 观察,observe: v 观察;observer: n 观察者2. continually: adv 不停地,continue v 继续, continual adj 不停的3. merely: adv 同义词 only4. absolutely: adv 完全地、绝对地,同义词:completely, entirely, thoroughly.5. uncomfortably: adv 不舒适地,反义词:comfortably; unco

96、mfortable, comfortable6. inhabitant: n 居民(不是永久的),永久的 resident, inhabit; v 居住7. occasionally: adv 偶尔地; occasional: adj, occasion: n 场合、机会B. Grammar knowledge: Subjunctive Mood 虚拟语气它是谓语动词的一种形式,表示非真实的假设、或表示命令、建议或说话人的主观愿望。a.But suppose no more rain fell into it and no more water was brought to it by riv

97、ers.b.Artists could make their pictures better if they kept this in mindc.If there were any inhabitants of the moon, they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun虚拟语气的主要用法:(1)1.用于非真实条件句中:条件句分为真实和非真实两种。非真实条件句包括违背现在事实的假设、过去事实的假设、以及不希望将来某种愿望实现的假设。a.If I were you, I would reconsider their adv

98、ice.b.If I hadnt been so easy, I would have come early.c.If I should fail, I would try again.为了便于大家学习,在初学阶段可先记住如下表格:条件从句结果主句对现在事实的违背过去式should + 动词原形would + 动词原形对过去事实的违背had + 动词过去分词should + have + 动词原形would + have + 动词原形对将来事实的违背Should + 动词原形should + 动词原形Were + 动词不定式would + 动词原形C. Further notes on som

99、e sentences:1. Except for the sun, the moon looks the biggest object in the sky.译:除了太阳,月球是天空中看起来最大的物体。except for:除了,c.f:except, except that.a.all the articles are good except yours.b.Your article is good except for some grammar mistakes.c.Except that he passed the exam, we all failed.总结:从整体中去除与主语是相同

100、的事物用 except, 若所去除的事物与主语不是同类项用 except for, 而只有 except that 可放在句首引导从句。2. We always find that this is the part which faces towards the sun, while the part facing away from the sun appears dark.(*)译:我们总是发现面对着太阳的那一面是亮的,而背离太阳的那部分则是黑的。这是一个难句。that this is the part which faces towards the sun, while the part

101、 facing away from the sun appears dark 是 find 的宾语从句,其中包含有一个定语从句 which faces towards the sun 修饰 the part,一个时间状语从句 while the part facing away from the sun appears dark,还有一个现在分词做定语 facing away from the sun appears dark = which faces away from the sun3. Artists could make their pictures better if they k

102、ept this in mindonly those parts of the moon which are lighted up by the sun are bright.译:只有被太阳照射到的那些部分才是明亮的如果美术家牢记这一点,也许能使他们的画画得更好。本句是对现在某种情况的假设,因此用了虚拟语气。短语:keep sth in mind 牢记谋事;light up:点亮、照亮4. In the same way the surface of the whole earth reflects enough of the suns light on to the face of the

103、moon for us to be able see the parts of it which would otherwise be dark.译:同样整个地球表面将充足的阳光反射到月球表面,使我们能够看到原本会是黑暗的那部分月球表面。这是一个难句,隐含有一个虚拟语气句:which would otherwise be dark.That is: If the surface of the whole earth didnt reflect enough of the suns light on to the face of the moon, the parts of it would b

104、e dark.短语:in the same way 用同样的方式; reflect sth on to/onto sth 反射到; be able to do 能做D. useful phrases:1.except for(2 段 1 行); 2.face towards sth(3 段 4 行); 3.face away from sth(3段 4 行); 4.keep sth in mind(3 段 6 行); 5.light up(3 段 6 行); 6.sth is enough for sb to do(4 段 2 行); 7.speak of(4 段 3 行); 8.know s

105、th well(4 段 5 行); 9.reflect sth onto sth(4 段 6-7 行); 10.in the same way(4 段 7 行); homework:从所给词中选择恰当的填入空格内;boil narrow unusual salty average spot peak crew affect highway1. The _ hours of traffic means the times when the traffic is highest.2. All the _ members on the ship are ready for sail.3. Jacks

106、 work at school is well above the _, but he is still not happy with himself.4. When water _, it changes into steam.5. His _ ideas surprised everyone.6. The information super _ makes the world smaller and smaller.7. He road was too _ for trucks to pass.8. He wants to know why sea water is _.9. He sho

107、wed the police the very _ where he was beaten.10. He said that the climate _ his health.Key:1.peak; 2.crew; 3.average; 4.boils; 5.unusual; 6.highway; 7.narrow; 8.salty; 9.spot; 10.affected汉译英:1、这座山有泰山的一半高。2、这所学校平均每个班有 45 人。3、昨晚他过了好一会儿才入睡。4、电视里的广告太多,无法记住到底有多少。5、许多错误的想法导致哥伦布时代的人不愿西行。Key:1. The mountai

108、n is half as high as Mount Tai.2. on the average, there are 45 students in each class in this school.3. Last night it took him quite a long time to fall asleep.4. There are so many ads on TV that its impossible to remember the exact number.5. Many wrong ideas made people in the days of Columbus unwi

109、lling to sail westward.Homework for 2nd lecture:1. He is not only a teacher, _ also a friend.however but as and2. Deaf and dumb people “talk” to each other with the help of their _fingers eyes faces mouths3. Music is different from languages. It can be _ by people from different countries.spoke unde

110、rstood known taken4. An Italian entered a restaurant and sat down _ a table.on in to at5. Moving ones head up and down generally _ “yes”.means says brings makes6. He was just going to give up _ another chance came.when while although however7. We have _ people to finish the job today.seldom little e

111、nough much8. His words are very clear and _ so that everybody knows what to do next.exciting inexact exact exactly9. Language consists _ words which we put together into sentences.in for of on10. A well-trained parrot can talk _ a man.as like with into汉译英:1 某些洲除了征收销售税还征收收入所得税。2 中国以其丝绸产品领先于世界。3 销售税随你

112、所购物品的价格而变。4 人们总是在抱怨着不断上涨的物价。5 纳税是每个公民应尽的义务。Key:1. Some states charge an income tax in addition to sales tax.2. China leads the world with her silk products.3. Sales tax varies with the prices of the goods you have bought.4. people are always complaining about the rising prices.5. paying taxes is the

113、 duty of every citizen.The 5th lecture of College English oneHi, everyone! Today well learn Unit 4. It is about memory. We can often hear someone complain about their bad memory. Especially some students say even if they have tried hard to remember all the new words, but several days later, they wil

114、l forget them all. So many times I am asked how to memorize those words. Then I think after we learn this text, you will get something useful to help you improve your memory. please listen carefully and intensively.Unit 4 Text A: Improving Your Memory.New words:1.psychological: adj 心理学的; psychology:

115、 n 心理学; psychologist: n 心理学家; psychologically: adv 心理上地 (*)a.His father is a psychologist while his mother is an engineer.b.psychology is a study of mind.c.Memories and dreams are psychological facts.2.focus: v 聚集、集中, 常用短语:focus on sth ;n 焦点a.He took out the camera and brought it into focus.b.Focus

116、your attention on your work.3.basic: adj 基本的;base: n 基础; basically: adv 基本上、根本上4.meaningfulness: n 富有意义; mean: v 意思是; meaningful: adj 富有意义的; meaningless:adj 无意义的; meaning: n 含义(*)a.What does this sentence mean?b.He is sad because he finds what he has done is meaningless.c.Do you know the meaning of

117、this word?d.She always tells us meaningful stories. We learn a lot from her.5.organization: n 组织、团体;organize: v 组织 WTo=World Trade organization ; organizer: n 组织者(*)a.They organized a trip to the South last month.b.The organizers of the New Years party feel very tired but happy.c.The United Nations

118、is a world organization.6.association: n 联合、协会; associate: v 把同联系起来;n 同伙;adj 副的a.NBA means National Basketball Association.b.Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.c.John and paul are associates.d.Mr. Liu is an associate manager in this company.7.visualize: v 想象、设想;visualization: n 想象、设想8.rhyme:

119、字母 h 不发音。9.ability: n 能力,短语:to the best of ones ability,尽力而为。同义词capacity; able: adj 有能力的,短语:be able to do sth, 反义词:unable.10.random: adj/n 胡乱的、随便,常用短语:at random,随便地。He took a book at random.11.categorize: v 分类;category: n 种类12.needless 不需要的,不必要的;needful 需要的,必要的13.refer: v 涉及、参与;reference: n referenc

120、e bookplease refer to the dictionary if you come across a new word.14.relate: v 有关联,叙述,讲述;related: adj 有关联的;relation: n 关系、关联a.I cant relate what he said with what he did.(我不能将他所说与所做联系起来。)b.This part relates to the current situation.(这部分指的是目前的形式。)15.accurately: adv 准确地,同义词:exactly;accurate: adj; acc

121、uracy: n16.memorize: v 记住;memory: n 记忆力;memorandum(memo)备忘录17.improvement: n 改进、增进;improve: v18.image: n 形象、印象;imagery: n 肖像的总称,意象; imagine: v 想象19.repetition: n 重复、反复;repeat: v; repeated: adja.He made repeated efforts to solve the problem.b.pronouns are used to save the repetition of nouns.c.Does h

122、istory repeat itself?20.mental: a 精神的、智力的,physical: 体力的21.preserve: v 保护、维持;preservation: n 保护、维持; preservative: adj 保护性的,保存的.Intensive reading:1.physical research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory.译:心理学研究集中在一些有利于记忆的基本原则上。本句包含有一个 that 引导的定语从句,修饰 basic principles.短语:focus o

123、n sth; a number of = many 许多;basic principles: 基本原则a.please focus your attention on your work.b.A number of students are studying English.c.The number of students studying English is increasing.2. Its useful to know how these principles.本句的主语为:to know how these principles;it 为形式主语。通常由于动词不定式作主语、主语从句作

124、主语、动名词作主语太长,使句子显得头重脚轻,因而借助于形式主语。a.To have a good sleep before the exam is very necessary.Its necessary to have a good sleep before the exam.b.playing with fire is dangerous.Its dangerous playing with fire.c.That the earth is round is true.Its true that the earth is round.3.Information that does not

125、make any sense to you is difficult to remember.译:对你毫无意义的信息是很难记住的。that does not make any sense to you 是定语从句,修饰 information.这句话还可改为:Its difficult to remember information that does not make any sense to you.短语:make some/no sense:有/没有一定意义a.What you said makes no sense.b.Does this paragraph of your compo

126、sition make any sense?4.Needless to say, the second list can be remembered more easily than the first one.(*)译:不用说,第二种词表要比第一种词表更容易记忆。短语:needless to say 不用说5.Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately.译:联想意思是把我们要记住的材料与我们已经准确记住的东西联

127、系起来。分析:主语 Association; 谓语:refers to;宾语:taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately,动名词作宾语。包含定语从句:we want to remember,修饰 the material; we remember accurately 修饰something.短语:refer to sth 指; relate sth to / with sth 把同联系起来。6.Those using imagery remembered

128、 80 to 90 percent of the words, compared with 30 to 40 percent of the words for those who memorized by repetition.译:与通过反复法记忆生词的人只记住了 30%到 40%的相比,用想象法的人记住了 80%到90%。分析:using imagery 现在分词作定语。短语:compare with 拿与对比a.Compare your translation with the example on the blackboard.b.Compared with her house, min

129、e is smaller.7.How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order?(3 段2 行)译:如果一个图书馆的图书陈列得杂乱无章,那么这个图书馆会有什么用呢?这句话需注意:虚拟语气.inorder 以顺序。.Something about Word Formation: 部分构词法:在英语中,词的构成法有四种:派生法、合成法、转化法、缩略法。1合成法:由两个或更多的词合成一个词。如:black + board = blackboard2转化法:由一种词类转化为另一种或其他词类。如:average: n

130、/ adj/ v, random: n / adj etc.3缩略法:将原词缩略,在读音和写法上成为新的形式。如:bicycle 缩为 bike; examination 缩为 exam; the United Nation 缩为 UN etc.4派生法:在词根上加上前缀或后缀构成新词,这是四种方法中最为常见、较难掌握的一种。我将分几讲用表格的形式介绍给大家,请注意平常学习时的总结、记忆!主要的名词后缀:后 缀例 词-er/or/arbuybuyer; teachteacher; visitvisitor; actactor;begbeggar etc.-eseChinaChinese; Ja

131、panJapanese-ianAsiaAsian; musicmusician etc-ismMarxMarxism; socialsocialism etc-istartartist; pianopianist; communismcommunist etc.-mentachieveachievement; agreeagreement; governgovernment etc-nessbusybusiness; illillness; kindkindness etc.-shipfriendfriendship; citizencitizenship etc-thdeepdepth; t

132、ruetruth; longlength etc.-tion, -siondecidedecision; inventinvention; organizeorganization etc.-tysafesafety; difficultdifficulty; activeactivity etc.-sure, -turecreatecreature; pleasepleasure, mixmixture etc. Brief summary about the phrases:1.focus on(1 段 1 行);2.a number of(1 段 1 行); 3.basic princi

133、ple(1 段 1 行); 4.make sense(2 段 2 行); 5.for instance(2 段 4 行); 6.make a difference in sth(3 段1 行); 7.be kept in random order(3 段 2 行); 8.for example(3 段 5 行); 9.as follows(3 段 10 行); 10.needless to say(3 段 11 行); 11.refer to(4 段 1 行); 12.relate sth to sth(4 段 2 行); 13. associate sth with sth(4 段 3 行)

134、; 14. compared with(5 段 6 行);Text B:There are two kinds of memory: long-term memory and short-term memory. And information in short-term memory is kept for only a few seconds, usually by repeating it over and over again while information in long-term memory may be kept for days or weeks. So I think

135、when you learn English, the long-term memory is welcomed by everyone.A.New words:1.short-term, long-term: 是合成形容词。2.contrast: n/v,两个词性发音不同。短语:in contrast with;contrast with sth;3.release: n/v 释放、解放,release sth from sth;4.reward: n/v 奖赏、报答5.proficiency: n proficiency at/in sth; proficient: adj 熟练的B. G

136、rammar point: passive Voice (被动语态)please look at the following sentences from text B:1.Information in long-term memory can be recalled at a later time when it is needed.2.The information may be kept for days or weeks.3.The two experiences here show how short-term memory has been studied.以上每句话中都含有被动语

137、态。接近于中文中的“被”字句。1语态是表示主语和谓语的关系的。若主语是动作的执行者,动词要用主动语态;反之若主语是动作的承受者,则要用被动语态。2英语中共有 16 中时态,其中常用的 10 中存有被动语态。为了便于大家学习,我将被动语态列为 6 个公式,请大家套用。1.s + be + p.p(动词的过去分词)(一般现在时、一般过去时)a.Her room isnt cleaned today.b.Her room was cleaned yesterday.2.s + be + being + p.p(现在进行时、过去进行时)a.White Snow is being told by the

138、 teacher.b.White Snow was being told by the teacher yesterday afternoon.3.s + has/have/had + been + p.p (现在完成时、过去完成时)a.More than 20 people have been saved from the ship.b.Ten bridges had been built by the workers by 1990.4.s + will/would + be + p.p (一般将来时、过去将来时)a.She will be sent to Harvard.b.My tea

139、cher said she would be sent to Harvard.5.s + will/would + have been + p.p (现在将来完成时、过去将来完成时)a.Thirty-seven stadiums for olympic games will have been built by 2008.b.He said thirty-seven stadiums for olympic games would have been built by 20086.s + 情态动词 + be + p.p(情态动词的被动语态)a.Her bedroom should be cle

140、aned at once.b.The window cant be opened now.C.Important phrases in the text:1.in contrast(1 段 5 行); 2.over and over(1 段 7 行); 3.look up(1 段 7 行); 4.be unable to do(1 段 10 行); 5.turn on/off(3 段 4 行); 6.be released from sth(3 段6 行); 7.be rewarded with sth(3 段 7 行); 8.to begin(5 段 1 行);key to part exe

141、rcises: (page 68 to 72)课文练习:.d, d, c, b, d.1.long, wide; 2.deep; 3.across; 4.around; 5.high.见上讲作业。.1.unwilling; 2.average; 3.take; 4.runs; 5.suppose词汇练习:.1.The sailors were afraid that they might meet bad weather.4. Climate affects the growth of plants.5. My work is piling up.Exercise from page 76 t

142、o 79:p76: .F, T, F, T, F, T, T, F, F, T.p78: .d, b, a, c, e; .C, C, B, A, D, C, B, B, B, D.The 6th lecture of College English oneKey to part exercises: from p94 to p98, p103 to p106p94:.c, b, b, d, c.p95:.1.smooth; 2.similar; 3.mental; 4.municipal; 5.meaningful; 6.useful; 7.familiar; 8.single; 9.str

143、iking; 10.difficult.p97:.1.ability; 2.accurately; 3.focus; 4.needless; 5.meaningful; 6.random; 7.repetition; 8.preserve; 9.improvement; 10.image; 11.associated with; 12.relate top98:.2. Its meaningful to know hoe to use these phrases.5. memory refers to ability to remember the past events and experi

144、ences.p103:.T, F, T, F, T, F, F, F, F, T.p105:.e, b, a, c, d.1.kept; 2.contrast; 3.human; 4.released; 5.intermediate.C, D, A, D, B.Unit 5 Text A: Fallacies about FoodWe cant live without food, so in order to live we must eat much food every day. people usually so-and-so food is good for our health,

145、so-and-so food isnt good. Then well have some ideas about the food, wrong or right. Then in our todays text we can know which are right opinions, and which are fallacies.A.New words:1.fallacy: n 谬论、谬误2.quality: n 质量、素质;quantity; n 数量3.deer: n 单复数同形。fish, sheep et.4.savage: a 野蛮的;n 野人; v 残害5.bravery:

146、 n 英勇、勇敢; brave: adj 勇敢的6.eager: adj 渴望的,常用短语:be eager to do sth, be eager for sth. eagerly:adv(*)aShe is eager for knowledge.b.He is eager to know if he has passed the exam.7.civilized: adj 文明的,反义词 savage; civilize: v 使文明;civilization: n 文明(*)a.Education can help people civilize themselves.b.We are

147、 living in a highly civilized society.c.In China, Marco polo found a civilization far ahead of that in Europe.8.magical: adj 魔术的、不可思议的;magic: n 魔术; magician: n 魔术师9.poisonous: adj 有毒的;poison: n/v 下毒、毒药our children are poisoned by violent TV program.10.overseas: adj/adv 海外的、在海外a.There are many overse

148、as students in Britain.b.We are used to living overseas.11.widespread: 合成形容词12.digest: v 消化,n 文摘;digestion: n 消化;digestive: adj 消化的;digestible: adj 易消化的;indigestible: adj 不易消化的 (*)a.Some foods digest more easily than others.b.The meat should have been cooked a little longer. It was not very digestib

149、le.c.She suffers from stomach trouble and has a very poor digestion.d.Water makes the digestive juices flow more freely and makes the food more digestible.e.We often read Readers Digest.13.foundation: n 根据、基础;found: v 奠定基础14.mixture: n 混合物;mix: v 混合15.belief: n 信念、信仰;believe: v 相信bination: n 结合、联合;c

150、ombine: v combine sth with sth17.protein,carbohydrate, fat, vitamin:食物的主要养分。18.contain: v 包含、包括A kilometer contains one thousand meters.19.sustitute: n 替代品, v 代替a.Vegetable oil is a good substitute for animal oil.b.She substituted for the professor who was ill.B. Intensive reading:1. Many primitive

151、peoples believed that by eating an animal they could get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves.译:许多原始人相信通过吃某种动物,他们就能获得它的某些长处。分析:主语 Many primitive peoples;谓语 believed;that by eating an animal they could get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves 是宾语从句,其中 by eating

152、 an animal 是方式状语;peoples:指不同的种族。2. They thought, for example, that eating deer would make them run as fast as deer.译:例如,他们认为吃鹿肉能使他们跑得跟鹿一样快。Eating deer 是动名词作宾语从句得主语。短语:make sb do sth; as + adj/adv + as3. They were called love apples and were supposed to make people who ate them fall in love.(*) 译:西红柿

153、被称作爱之果,谁吃了它,谁就会坠入爱河。注意被动语态的用法:were called 被称作,were supposed to 被认为.; fall in love 短语.4.Later another wrong idea about tomatoes grew up the idea that they were poisonous.本句包含有一个同位语从句 the idea that they were poisonous,它属名词从句的一种.它所表达的意思就是与之同位的名词所表达的意思.通常同位语从句前的名词必须是表事实的抽象名词: fact, news, information, or

154、der, belief, rumor, answer etc.The rumor that therell be an earthquake soon spread.(= The rumor is that therell be an earthquake.) that 在该从句中虽不作任何成分,但一定不能省略.同位语从句和定语从句经常是貌似,请加以区分.a.The news that the leader will come here is not true.b.The news that you told me yesterday is not true.分析:第一句是同位语从句,第二句是

155、定语从句.根据 that 在从句中是否担任成分来判断,若 that 在从句中不担任任何成分,则是同位语从句,反之为定语从句.5. How surprised the people who thought tomatoes poisonous would be if they could know that millions of pounds of tomatoes were supplied to soldiers overseas during World War .(*) 难句!译:如果那些认为西红柿有毒的人们知道在二战期间有成百万磅的西红柿供应给在海外作战的士兵,他们将会多么吃惊!分析

156、:这是由 how surprised 引导的感叹句.整句的主语是 the people;谓语 would be; who thought tomatoes poisonous 是定语从句修饰 the people; if they could know that millions of pounds of tomatoes were supplied to soldiers overseas during World War .是条件状语从句.本句还含有一个语法点:虚拟语气,对现在假设的虚拟.短语:be supplied to/for sb供应给; supply sb with sth 供应a

157、.They supplied the poor with food and clothes.c.They supplied food and clothes to/for the poor.6. Washing food down with water as a substitute for chewing is not a good idea, but some water with meals has been found to be helpful.译:喝水将食物冲下而代替咀嚼不是一个好办法,但人们发现吃饭时喝些水是有益的.动名词 Washing food down with water

158、 as a substitute for chewing 作主语.as a substitute for chewing 介词短语,作为的替代品. 短语:substitute for sth7. A few years ago the belief became general that orange juice and milk should never be drunk at the same meal.(*)译:几年前,橘汁和牛奶在同一餐中不能饮用的这种看法变得十分普遍.that 引导同位语从句,修饰 belief. should never be drunk 是情态动词得被动语态.8.

159、 It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and tomatoes together as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk.译:不要同时吃肉和土豆,这种看法是愚蠢的,就像说不能吃面包或不要喝牛奶一样.正常语序是: To say that one should never eat meat and tomatoes together is just as foolish as to say that one should never

160、 eat bread or drink milk.主语太长用形式主语 it.还要注意英文中讲究 balance the sentence.即,主语是不定式,表语也要是不定式.C. Brief summary about the phrases:1.make sb do sth(1 段 3 行); 2.be eager to do sth(1 段 6 行); 3.be supposed to do sth(2 段 4 行); 4.fall in love(2 段 5 行); 5.be supplied to sb(3 段 4 行); 6.a great many(4 段 1 行); 7.subs

161、titute for sth(6 段 2 行); 8.have sth to do with(7 段 2行); 9.have no foundation(7 段 1 行); 10.as a matter of fact(7 段 5 行); 11.in the same way(8 段 4 行); 12.think of sth as sth(8 段 3 行)Text B: Do Animals Think?A. New words:1.engage: v 从事, engage in sth,His father engages in politics.2.arrange: v 安排,筹划; a

162、rrangement: n, arrange sb to do sth.3.creature: n 生物; create: v 产生4.imitate: v 模仿; imitation : n5.instinct: n 本能,直觉, by instinctThe birds can fly by instinct.6.variety: n 变化; vary: v 变化7.unlike: prep 不像; dislike: v 不喜欢B. Important phrases:1.a great deal(1 段 2 行); 2.be true with/of(1 段 3 行)(3 段 4 行);

163、 3.as well(1段 4 行); 4.engage in(2 段 5 行); 5.search for sth(4 段 2 行); 6.in some respects(5段 2 行); 7.a great many(5 段 3 行); 8.connect with(5 段 4 行); 9.take care of(5 段 7行); 10.make improvement in sth(6 段 1 行); 11.by instinct(7 段 3 行); 12.speak of(8段 1 行); 13.a great variety of sth(8 段 3 行); 14.no use

164、doing sth(8 段 8 行); 15.have no knowledge of sth(9 段 7 行)C. Grammar point: 倒装句1. The ants, hardworking as they are, have their times for play.2. Very busy must be their thoughts while engaged in these sports.3. Nor is this all.我们知道,通常主语应该在谓语之前,这是自然语序,但有时出于某种需要,会对主谓的有特殊的要求,出现部分谓语或全部谓语置于主语之前,这样的语序称作倒装.

165、今天介绍几种常见的倒装的情况.1.当表示否定意义的词放在句首时,句子需部分倒装,即将助动词,情态动词或 be 提至主语之前.常见的这样的词有:never, hardly, little, not only, rarely, scarcely etc.e.g. Hardly had he said anything before he left.2.only 引出的状语放在句首时.a.only after class did he go home.b.only when you finish your homework can you watch TV.3.句首为 so, nor, neithe

166、r 等副词,表明前句说明的情况也适用于本句.a.He can speak fluent English. So can I.b.I cant play computer games. Nor can he.4.在 as 引导的让步状语从句中.1. adj + as + 主语 + be:Young as he is, he knows a lot.2. n(不带冠词) + as +主语 + be:King as he is, he is unhappy.3. adv + as + 主语 + 动词:Fast as you run, you cant catch up with her.4. 动词

167、+ as + 主语 + 助动词:Try as she does, she will never pass it.5.当句子主语过长或需要强调某些词时.More important is the question of how to face the possibilities of illness, injury, and even death.6.在非真实条件句中,若从句有 had, should, were 时将它们倒装到主语之前.a.If I had left earlier, I would have caught the train.= Had I left earlier, I w

168、ould have caught the train.b.If it should drain tomorrow, we would call off our picnic.= Should it rain tomorrow, we would call off our picnic.7.当 here, there, then, thus 等副词放在句首,并且谓语动词为 come, go, be 等不及物动词时.a.Here is a book for you.b.There goes the bell.c.Here comes the bus!8.用在 may + 主语 + 动词原形句式中,

169、表示祝愿,希望.a. May you succeed!b. May you be happy!该语法可参阅课本 p569.The 7th lecture of College English oneKey to exercises:p120:.b, d, d, c, c; p122:.1.bravery; 2.eager; 3.civilized; 4.overseas; 5.substitute; 6.foundation; bination; 8.belief; 9.protein; 10.containp122.1.pianos, violins; 2.firemen; 3.data;

170、4.deer; 5.potatoes, tomatoes.1. During the Second World War, soldiers ate a number of potatoes.3. It remains unproved that fish is the best brain food.4. Milk contains rich proteins and many people have it for breakfast.p123.2.a.free; b. freedom; c. freely; 4.a. scientists; b. scientific; c. science

171、.p124.1.mixture; 2.poisonous; 3.suppose; 4.digest; 5.widespread; 6.overseas; 7.similar; 8.foundation; 9.eager; 10.substitutep124.1.digestion; 2.mixture; 3.belief; 4.civilization; bination.4. Some stories are very widespread, while others are not.6. people often think of a school as a small society.p

172、131:.T, T, T, F, T, T, T, T, F, TUnit 6Text A: DiamondsA.New words:1.rare: adj 稀有的、难得的(不是数量少,而是物种稀有,区别于 scarce),rarely: adv 同义词:unusual2.sustance: n material 物质3.slight: small adj 轻微的4.extreme: a 极端的;n 极端;adv extremely5.pressure: n 压力;press v 压住6.popular: adj 流行的、受欢迎的 be popular with/among; populari

173、ty: n; popularize: v 使流行、普及(*)a.our products have enjoyed general popularity.b.They are trying to popularize their new methods of farming.c.Madonnas songs are extremely popular with young people.7.handful: n 一把;hand: n 手;v 递给(*)a.please put your hand up if you can answer the question.b.please hand m

174、e that model plane.c.only a handful of people came into the meeting.8.formation: n 形成、构成;form: n 表格;v 形成(*)a.They formed a friendship when they were in the army.b.parents play an important role in the formation of their childrens habits.c.Football and tennis are different forms of sports.9.volcano:

175、n 火山;volcanoes10.somewhat: adv 有点Im somewhat surprised about his behavior.11.elevator: n 同义词:lift12.impressive: adj 印象深刻的;impress: v 留下深刻印象;impression: n 印象(*)a.What was your first impression of Beijing?b.We listened to a very impressive speech yesterday.c.I was deeply impressed by his noble deeds.1

176、3.experienced: adj 有经验的;inexperienced 无经验的;experience: n 经验、经历; v 经历(*)a.She has much experience in teaching, so shes an experienced teacher.b.I had a funny experience in Africa last year.14.miner: n 矿工;mine: n 矿,gold mine15.immediately: adv 立刻,at onceB.Intensive reading:1.They are the hardest subst

177、ance found in nature.译:它是被发现的自然界中最坚硬的物质。found 作定语,短语:in nature2.There are only four areas where very many diamonds have been found.(*)译:人们发现的金刚石主要产区只有四个。where 引导一个定语从句。3.Diamonds became very popular with the kings and queens of Europe.became popular with sb:在受欢迎,流行。4.Indias supply of diamonds was fi

178、nally running out after 2500years of mining the stones.译:2500 年的开采终于使印度的金刚石资源枯竭。run out 用尽、枯竭; We are running out of our fresh water.5.These diamonds were probably carried from where they were formed to India by great sheets of moving ice that covered parts of the earth 20000 years ago.译:这些金刚石可能是在两万

179、年前,随着覆盖于地球表面的冰川,从它们的形成漂移至印度的。这句话注意它的从句:where they were formed 作介词 from 的宾语从句,词性相当于后面的 India,不是定语也不是状语;that covered parts of the earth 20000 years ago是定语从句修饰 great sheets of moving ice。6.Diamonds, as they are found, dont look very impressive.译:金刚石刚采出时,并不十分吸引人。7.But some people have carried around an

180、unusual pebble for weeks before finding out that they had got a diamond.译:而有的人数周后才发现带在身边的不寻常的鹅卵石原来是一颗金刚石。finding out that they had got a diamond 作介词 before 的介宾。find out 与 find 不同,find out 强调通过努力之后的发现,而 find 含有偶然性。a. I found my lost pen on the floor.b. I found out that he is a cheat.C.Summary about t

181、he phrases:1.in nature(1 段 2 行); 2.be made from/of(2 段 1 行); 3.chang sth into sth(3 段2 行); 4.be popular with(5 段 4 行); 5.run out(6 段 3 行); 6.pick up(8 段 2 行); 7.sort out(8 段 3 行); 8.so that(9 段 8 行); 9.stick to(9 段 10 行); 10.find out(10段 4 行)Text B:We all know that plants are different form animals.

182、 Whats their difference? Most of us will say that plants have leaves and roots and flowers, but animals havent them. But have you ever found its true or not? The answer is in the text.A.New words:1.beneath: prep 和某物接触并在下面,反义词是 on; under:强调垂直在下,反义词over.2.aside: adv 在旁边,短语:put sth aside3.magnify: v 放大

183、、扩大;magnifying glass:放大镜4.puzzle: v 迷惑;n 智力测验 jigsaw puzzle 智力拼图;puzzled, puzzling: adjl; puzzlement: na.Im puzzled by his puzzling answer.b.He stared at those sentences in complete puzzlement.5.former, latter: Xiao Li is talking with Xiao Zhao. The former is a doctor, and the latter is an engineer.

184、6.inorganic: adj 无机的,organic:有机的7.dissolve: v 溶解、融化B.Several important sentences:1.You may look at a group of cows standing under the trees or catch a bee at his early drink in a morning-glory bell, and you would laugh if any one should ask you whether you can tell an animal from a plant.译:你可能会看着树下的

185、一群奶牛,或者当你捕捉牵牛花里一只正早起采蜜的蜜蜂时,若有人问你能否区分哪是动物,哪是植物,你会觉得好笑。分析:standing under the trees 作 a group of cows 的宾补,类似句型:see sb do/doing sth, hear sb do/doing sth, etc; you would laugh if any one should ask you whether you can tell an animal from a plant 是虚拟语气,对将来某种情况的假设。其中 tell sth from sth:区分某事物。I cant tell he

186、r from her twin sister.2.Students of nature are not satisfied with guessing, but they observe, day after day, the changes which take place in an object; and they see many things which most people would fail to see.译:大自然的研究者不满意于猜测,而是日复一日地观察物体所发生的变化;他们看到了大多数人没能看到的东西。分析:这是一个并列句,用;隔开。有很多短语需掌握:be satisfi

187、ed with sth:对满意; day after day: 日复一日地;take place: 发生(偶然); fail to do sth:没有作成3.It was long supposed that the main difference between animals and plants was that the former could move about while the latter couldnt.译:很长一段时间,人们认为动植物的主要差别是前者能移动而后者不能。分析:it 是形式主语;真正的主语是 that the main difference between a

188、nimals and plants was that the former could move about while the latter couldnt。其中又包含有一个表语从句:that the former could move about while the latter couldnt.这两句话的连词 that 均不能省略。短语:the difference between sth and sth; move about/around.4.No bird nor fish nor other animal could ever have lived on this earth,

189、if the plants hadnt come first and fitted it for the dwelling place of a higher order of beings.译:如果不是先出现植物把地球变为适应更高一级生物生存的地方,就没有鸟,没有鱼,也没有其他动物。分析:本句含有两个语法点:No bird nor fish nor other animal could ever have lived on this earth 否定词在句首需倒装;虚拟语气,对过去某种情况的假设,条件从句if the plants hadnt come first and fitted it

190、 for the dwelling place of a higher order of beings,结果主句 No bird nor fish nor other animal could ever have lived on this earth。D.Summary about the phrases:1.neithernor(1 段 5 行); 2.seem to(1 段 6 行); 3.look up/down(2 段 1 行); 4.a matter of some difficulty(2 段 5 行); 5.tell sth from sth(3 段 4 行); 6.turn

191、aside from(4 段 1 行); 7.be satisfied with sth(5 段 1 行); 8.notbut(5 段 1 行); 9.day after day(5 段 2 行); 10.take place(5 段 2 行); 11.fail to do sth(5 段3 行); 12.lie in(5 段 5 行); 13.hold good(6 段 5 行); 14.whetheror(7 段 1 行); 15.live on(7 段 2 行); 16.fit for(8 段 4 行); 17.take in(9 段 3 行); 18.suck up(10 段 3 行)

192、; 19.take up(10 段 4 行); 20.dissolved in sth(10 段 4 行); 21.be different from(11 段 1 行)Grammar knowledge:句子的分类英语中的句子按其结构可分为四种:简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句。1.简单句:只有一个主语(或多个并列主语)和一个谓语(或多个并列谓语)的句子称为简单句。a.We learn English.b.My father and mother go to work at 8a.m. and come home at 6p.m.2.并列句:由两个或两个以上并列而又相互独立的简单句构成。它

193、们中间常用等立连词,或用分号、冒号、逗号等连接。a.I help him and he helps me.b.Ive just got a piece of good news: I was accepted by Xian Foreign Language University.3.复合句:由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子。主句是句子的主体,从句只是整个句子的一部分,不能单独作句子。如:我们经常见到的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句等。a.We should never pretend to know what we dont know.b.The boy whos

194、e father is a pilot has come.c.What I want to say is that you shouldnt give up, even if you have failed again.4.并列复合句:在一个并列句中的一个或更多的分句中,包含有一个或更多的从句称为并列复合句。a.Last year I met a boy who is an orphan, and now we have become good friends.b.They always help those who are in trouble and they are respected

195、by them.详情见 p135The 8th lecture of College English oneUnit 7 Text A: FamiliesWe know that family is the basic unit of a society. There are many kinds of families nowadays: nuclear families, extended families, DINK families, the single parent families, remarried families etc. so lets study families f

196、rom our text.A:New words:1.definition: n 定义;动词,下定义:define2.marriage: n 婚姻,marriage certificate, marry: v; 反义词:divorce3.descend: v 遗传、下来;后裔:descendant,反义词:ancestor 祖先4.household: n 家庭 adj 家庭的 a household name;householder: n 家长、户主;5.relative: n 亲戚,adj 相对的;relate: v relate to; relation: n 关系(*)a.My unc

197、le is one of my nearest relatives.b.There is no relation between those two events.c.Does what you say relate to what you have done?6.traditional: adj 传统的;tradition: n; traditionally: adv(*)a.Drinking tea is a Chinese tradition.b.Traditionally, women stayed at home taking care of the children.c.He be

198、lieves in traditional Chinese medicine.7.security: n 安全 the Security Council 安理会,security guard 保安8.basically: adv, basic: adj; base9.nuclear: adj 核心的,nucleus: n 核心;nuclear energy 核能;nuclear war,nuclear weapon, nuclear-free area 无核区10.extended: adj 延伸的,extended family; extend: v 延伸;extension: n; ext

199、ensive: adj 广泛的、广阔的(*)a.The extension of the house became a kitchen.b.The professor has an extensive knowledge of Chinese history.c.They have extended the road from ten miles to sixty miles.11.agicultural: adj 农业的;agriculture: n 农业12.industrial: adj 工业的;industry: n 工业、行业;industrialize: v 工业化;industr

200、ialization: n (*)a.These cities are highly industrialized.b.England became the center of the Industrial Revolution.c.The air transport industry is developing very rapidly.13.earner: n 赚钱者;earn; v 赚钱; earnings: n 赚得的钱14.split: n/v 撕裂、裂口a.He split the wood with an ax.b.There is a split in the blackboa

201、rd.15.social: adj 交际的、社会的;society: n 社会;socialize: v 交往、交际;socialism 社会主义16.remarry: marry again;B.Intensive reading:1., having a family simply means having children.(*)译:有家意味着有孩子。主语是动名词,为了平衡整个句子宾语也是动名词。2.No matter if it is young or old, large or small, traditional or modern, every family has a sens

202、e of what a family is.译:无论年轻还是古老,大还是小,传统还是现代,每个家庭都有自己对其理解和感受。No matter引导让步状语从句。3.Its that feeling of belongings, of love and security that comes from living together, helping and sharing.译:那是共同居住、彼此帮助、互相分享而产生的归属感,互爱感和安全感。4.There are basically two kinds types of families: nuclear families and extende

203、d families.(*)译:家庭大致有两种类型:核心家庭和大家庭。5.The children stay in the nuclear family until they grow up and marry.(*)译:孩子们在核心家庭中生活一直到长大结婚。6.With the change from an agricultural to an industrial society, many families moved away from the family home in order to find work.(*)译:随着农业社会向工业社会的转变,许多核心家庭为了寻找工作而从家中搬

204、出去。7.The nuclear family is becoming smaller as parents want fewer children, and the number of childless families is increasing.(*)译:由于父母都愿意要更少的孩子,核心家庭日趋缩小,而无子女家庭日益增多。注意:the number of sth 后用单数谓语动词。8.Traditionally, the father of a nuclear family earned money for the family while the mother cared for t

205、he house and the children.(*)译:传统上,核心家庭由父亲挣钱养家,而母亲照看家庭和孩子。短语:care for = take care of9.Most single parents find it very difficult to take care of a family alone, so they soon marry again (*)译:大多数单亲父母发现独自一人照料一个家庭很难,于是很快他们再婚。分析:it 是形式宾语,短语 take care of sth 照料、照看。C.Brief summary about phrases:1.and so o

206、n(1 段 5 行); 2.think of sth as sth(1 段 5 行); 3.far away from(1 段 8行); 4.in order to(4 段 4 行); 5.care for(5 段 5 行); 6.take care of(5 段 9 行); 7.split up(5 段 10 行); 8.talk of (6 段 2 行)Text B: The Changing American FamilyA.New words:1.generation: n generation gap 代沟2.customary: adj 习惯上的;custom: n 习惯、习俗;c

207、ustomer: n 顾客; customs: n 海关3.similarity: n 相似、类似;similar: adj 相似的;similarly: adv4.emotional: adj 感情的;emotion: n 感情5.provider: n 供应者;provide: v 供应,provide sb with sth; provide for sb.6.preparation: n 预备、准备;prepare: v 准备7.primary: adj 初级的,primary school. primary colors8.preschool: adj 学龄前的,pre 前缀,反义词

208、 post, prewar, postwar.9.baby-sitter: n 临时看小孩的人;baby-sit: v 帮人照看小孩B. Important phrases in text:1.be important to sb(1 段 1 行); 2.all over the world(1 段 1 行); 3.provide for(2 段 4 行); 4.be expected to do(2 段 5 行); 5.on the other hand(3 段 1 行); 6.in addition(3 段 8 行); 7.share sth with sb(3 段 10); 8.in c

209、ontrast(3 段 12 行); 9.give up(4 段 4 行); 10.instead of(4 段 7 行); 11.be busy doing sth(5 段 9 行); 12.in conclusion(6 段 1 行); 13.help sb with sth(3 段 11 行)Grammar knowledge: Tenses 时态这是英语(一)考试的重点,无论选择、完形填空、词类转换、翻译都会出有关时态的题目。因此这部分语法很重要。请大家一定要 100%掌握。见课本 p1591.时态实际是指:时间和体。英语中共有 16 种时态,我们着重讲考试的 6 种。2它们分别是:一

210、般现在时,一般过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时,将来完成时,现在完成进行时。其余的书上写得很详细,大家自己看。1.一般现在时的用法有 6 点:经常或发生的动作行为;主语的特征、性格、能力;客观事实或永久不变的真理;计划或安排好的事情;用在某些从句中;用于某些惯用表达语中;a.He often goes home at four oclock every afternoon.b.Light travels in straight lines.c.I like any kind of fruit.d.The train leaves at 6a.m. and arrives at 10p.m.e.I

211、ll thank you if you give me a lift.f.There goes the bell.2.一般过去时的 3 种常见用法:过去某一段时间发生的动作或存在的状态;过去接连发生的一系列动作;用于某些从句中。并且常和时间状语连用。a.I was born in 1971.b.They got married last year.c.This morning they got up at seven oclock, and then went out to work.d.She told me that she would come back in 2 hours.3.现在完

212、成时有“已完成”和“未完成”两种用法。该时态指动作开始在过去,但对现在留下某种结果和影响。这是它区别于一般过去时的主要特点。a.He has turned off the light.b.I have taught English for 6 years.4.过去完成时表示在过去某个时间或动作之前就已经完成的动作。即我们常说的“过去的过去”。它也同样分为“已完成”和“未完成”两种用法。a.I had hardly got home when the telephone rang.b.She said she had worked in that factory since 1990.5.将来完

213、成时:表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作。请注意该时态的时间状语。a.By the time you come back, Ill have prepared supper.b.By 2008, Beijing will have built 37 stadiums.6.现在完成进行时可以表示一个动作开始于过去某个时间,一直延续到说话时刻未结束,还可能继续进行;也可表示到说话时刻为止该动作已结束。a.It has been raining for three hours.b.I have been waiting for you for five hours.另外,还有一个考点就是“时态呼应

214、”,即,当主句有过去时出现的时候,从句必须要用过去的某种时态进行时态呼应。但有几点除外;1.所说的是真理或客观事实。The teacher told us that the earth is round.2.说话者强调动作正在进行或将发生。He told me the train leaves at three.作练习 p169.The 9th lecture of College English one:Key to some exercises:p138.1.B; 2.D; 3.D; 4.C; 5.B; 6.A; 7.C; 8.C; 9.D; 10.A(讲解)p146.b, a, b, c

215、, c.1.rare; 2.substance; 3.slight; 4.pressure; 5.crystal; 6.crack; 7.gem; 8.elevator; 9.crush; 10.pebbles.1.stick to; 2.changeinto; 3.stick to; 4.running out; 5.pick up; 6.changed into; 7.ran out; 8.picked up; 9.sorting out; 10.sort outp149.1.experienced; 2.extreme; 3.formation; 4.pressuer; 5.blaste

216、d; 6.handful; 7.crystal; 8.destroyed; 9.unusual; 10.flow.1,4,5 见课后作业。2.The price of the lift is somewhat higher than expected.3.These designs are very popular with / among young people.p156.F, T, F, F, F, T, F, T, T, T.p157.d, b, a, c, e.1.puzzled, 2.dissolve; 3.aside; 4.magnifying; 5.latter; 6.obse

217、rves; 7.beneath; 8.broadp169:这部分练习讲解。(*).1.died; 2.doesnt guarantee; 3.advised; 4.is looking; es; 6.was going; 7.will have left; 8.would help; 9.will be sitting; 10.were playing; 11.will go; 12.had helped; 13.would be; 14.will have locked; 15.had been getting; 16.had been helping; 17.had happened; 1

218、8.will tell; 19.had finished; 20.has passed, failed.1.B; 2.B; 3.D; 4.D; 5.B; 6.B; 7.D; 8.A; 9.D; 10.A.1.invented; 2.offer; 3.have been sitting; 4.brought; 5.has not paid; 6.had seen; 7.was making; 8.has been working; 9.am preparing; 10.has happened.1.The students of a medical school are observing an

219、 operation.2.The wind in March blows hard.3.Where are you going to hang that picture?4.She fell when she was going downstairs.5.How many years has Henry been learning the cook from Miss Smith?6.The history teacher said that the first World War ended in 1918.7.Mary has been waiting for you this morni

220、ng.8.My sister told me that the programs werent interesting at all.9.You can see him at the office if you come at eight tomorrow morning.10.- Have you seen this movie? - Yes, I have. I saw it in Nanjing.p179.b, b, d, b, c.1.divorce; 2.single; 3.extended; 4.together; 5.traditional; 6.increase; 7.resu

221、lt; 8.like/love; 9.earn; 10.usuallyp182.1.relatives; 2.extend; 3.marriage; 4.desended; 5.nucleus; 6.traditional; 7.social; 8.definition; 9.security; 10.basically.1,4, 8 见课后作业。2.She is a teacher while her brother is an engineer.3.Traditionally, Chinese young people live with their parents until they

222、grow up.5.In some families, both parents work and take care of their home and children.6.The group was split into two, for its too big.7.They plan to extend their research in this field.p188.F, F, T, F, T, F, T, T, F, T.p189.1.d; 2.a; 3.b; 4.c; 5.d.1.dependent; 2.primary; 3.structurd; 4.similarities

223、; 5.role; 6.partners; 7.customary关于语法:被动语态,前面已经讲过,大家自己看看书,今天讲解练习。.1.are being printed; 2.are guaranteed; 3.will be pulled; 4.were developed; 5.will be built; 6.was praised; 7.have been translated; 8.had been sent; 9.would be given; 10.is being done.口头练习。.1.is spoken; 2.cant be kept; 3.was turned off

224、; 4.were believed; 5.shouldnt be eaten; 6.were let out; 7.were taken care of; 8.can be remembered; 9.would be becalmed; 10.are lit up.1.Was the United Nation founded in 1945?2.Its said that he was badly injured.3.The building will be designed by Dr. Ford.4.Where was the last meeting held?5.Was Ameri

225、ca discovered by Columbus in 1492?6.The task must be performed by you.7.The patient should be treated with care.8.She was warmly welcomed at the railway station.9.Hes called Lao Wang, though hes not old at all.10.The gate was closed when I went back.Unit 8 Text A: Telecommunication via SatelliteWe l

226、ive in a highly developed society. Everybody knows telecommunication, which can not only transmit television broadcasts, but also telephone calls and printed materials. So do you know it also has shortcoming? If you want to know the answer, you must read our todays text. This is a very important tex

227、t.A.New words:1.telecommunication: n 电信,communication 通信,tele 表示远距离的、电的telephone, telegraph etc.2.via: prep 拉丁文,by way of,经由3.transmit: v 播送、发射,transmit sth to sth. 名词:transmission4.photograph: n 简称 photo, photos.5.establish: v 建立、创立,同义词:found; established: adj; establishment: n(*)a.The university w

228、as established 150 years ago.b.You should not break the established rule.c.They suggested the establishment of a school for the blind.6.signal: n/v 信号,发信号。sign: n 标识;signature: n 签名(*)a.Sailors signal with flags by day and with lights at night.b.The traffic signal turned red.c.There is a non-smoking

229、 sign on the wall.7.orbit: v 绕轨道运行,n 轨道a.How many planets are orbiting the sun?b.The earths orbit round the sun.8.capable: adj able 有能力的,ability, capacity. be capable of doing, be able to do,9.broadcast: n/v 广播、播音BBC: British Broadcast Corporation10.theory: n 理论,theoretic adj 理论的,短语:in theory = theo

230、retically11.access: n 进入的机会,accessible: adj 可接近的,常用短语:have access to sth 可接近,可进入12.unlimited: adj 无限的,反义词:limited, limit: v 限制,n 界限(*)a.He is not very clever and his ability to improve his work is very limited.b.our life has a limit, but knowledge is without limit.c.There is an unlimited number of s

231、tars in the sky.13.entertain: v 娱乐、招待;entertainment: n; entertainer: n 供人娱乐者a.A cinema is a place of entertainment.b.He may not be a great actor but he is a very popular entertainer.c.He entertains himself with his piano when he is free.14.demonstrate: v 说明、演示;demonstration: n15.educational: adj 教育的

232、;education: n 教育;educate:v 使人受教育a.Higher-education self-taught exam are held twice per year.b.In order to keep up with our times, we have to educate ourselves in the evening class after work.16.remote: adj 遥远的、偏僻的17.isolate: v 隔离、孤立,isolated: adj 孤立的;isolation: n18.instruction: n 教学、指示;instruct: v;

233、instructor: n 指导者19.conversation: n 谈话,converse with sb about/on sth(正式用法)20.simultaneously: adv at the same time, in the meanwhile21.risk: n 风险;v 冒的风险,risky: adj 有危险的risk doing sth, risk ones a health/fortune/neck22.privacy: n 隐私,private: adj 私人的23.contact: n/v,短语:make contact with 与接触,结识a.I dont h

234、ave much contact with her family.b.I will contact you next month.24.harm: n/v 伤害、损害;harmful, harmless25.expert: n 专家;adj 熟练的。expert in/at sth26.application: n 申请、应用;apply: vB.Intensive reading:1.By the middle of the century, both radio and television had become established means of transmitting soun

235、ds and/or pictures.译:到二十世纪中叶为止,广播和电视已成为公认的传送声音和/或图象的工具。分析:由于用了时间状语:by the middle of the century,因此要用完成时态。若时间是过去的,用过去完成时;若时间是将来的,用将来完成时。a.By the end of 2000, we had learned 50 texts.b.By the end of 2003, we will have learned 100 texts.means: n 单复数同形,方法、手段。2.In 1964, the olympic Games in Tokyo became

236、the first to be transmitted via satellite.译:1964 年,东京奥林匹克运动会是第一次通过卫星传送的节目。to be transmitted 是动词不定式作定语。3.The combination of satellites, which transmit information, computers, which store information, and television, which displays information, will change ever home into an education and entertainment

237、 center.译:卫星传送信息,电脑储存信息,电视播放信息,把三者结合起来能使每个家庭成为一个教育娱乐中心。分析:虽然句子长,但成分简单。the combination 是主语,will change 是谓语。从satellites, which transmit information, computers, which store information, and television, which displays information 是介词 of 的宾语。每个词都包含有一个非限定性定语从句。短语:change sth into sth4.In theory, every pers

238、on will have access to an unlimited amount of information.(*)译:从理论上讲,人们都能获得无限量的信息。短语:in theory, have access to sth, amount of sth (un)5.The most common use of telecommunication satellites, however, has been for transmitting telephones calls.译:然而,通信卫星最广泛的用途还是电话的传送。注意该句的时态。6.Telecommunication can make

239、 information from around the world available to use quickly and easily.译:电信使得人们能快捷方便地使用来自世界各地的信息。注意:短语 make sth available to sth 使被获得7.Its important to realize that the same technology that helps us may also harm us.(*)译:同一技术既可助人也可害人,认识到这点很重要。to realize that the same technology that helps us may als

240、o harm us 是真正的主语,it 是形式主语。that the same technology that helps us may also harm us 是宾语从句;that helps us 是定语从句修饰 the same technology.8.Its the intelligent application of technology that will lead us to success.(*)译:只有明智地运用技术才能获得成功。这是一个强调句式。正常的句子应是:The intelligent application of technology will lead us

241、to success.强调句的基本公式:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that(who) + 其余成分。请注意该句式不能强调谓语部分,只能强调主语、宾语、状语。Ann had a heavy cold last week.我们可强调主语、宾语、状语。a.It was Ann that/who had a heavy cold last week.b.It was a heavy cold that Ann had last week.c.It was last week that Ann had a heavy cold.C. Brief summary about the phra

242、ses:1.at the beginning of(1 段 1 行); 2.by the middle of(1 段 3 行); 3.in order to(2段 1 行); 4.such as(2 段 1 行); 5.pick up(2 段 5 行); 6.be capable of(2 段 7 行); 7.changeinto(3 段 3 行); 8.have access to(3 段 4 行); 9.in remote areas(4 段 3 行); 10.for the first time(4 段 4 行); 11.provide sth to sb(5 段 1 行); 12.fo

243、llow sbs instruction(5 段 5 行); 13.care for(5 段 5 行); 14.at the same time(6 段 7 行); 15.make sth available to sth(7 段 1-2 行); 16.pay for(7 段 5 行); 17.isolate from(8段 1 行); 18.as well as(8 段 4 行); 19.prevent from(9 段 2 行); 20.lead to(9 段 5 行); 21.in theory(3 段 4 行)The 10th lecture of College English on

244、eUnit 8 Text B: What people Dont Know about AirWe all know that without air, we couldnt live. Its like fish couldnt live without water. But do you know if there werent air, we would have no sound, no wind or clouds? So if you are interested all of these, please read the text very carefully.A.New wor

245、ds:1.obvious: adj 明显的,obviously: adv2.shelter: n/v 掩蔽、庇护;shelter from sth3.atmosphere:n 大气;atmospheric: adj 大气的4.electrical: adj 电的、电气的;electricity: n 电;electrician: n 电工5.existence: n 存在;exist: v 存在6.lightening: n 闪电,thunder:打雷;7.unending: adj 不尽的、不停的;ending8.atomic: adj 原子的,atom: n 原子9.explosion:

246、n 爆炸、爆发;explode: v 爆炸;explosive: n 炸药、adj 爆炸性的B.Grammar point: Subjunctive Mood (2)第一讲中介绍过在非真实条件句中的虚拟语气的主要用法,难点在于句子的时态比真实条件句的时态后退一步。即:现在时过去时;过去时过去完成时;将来时过去将来时;在今天这讲中将继续将它在一些从句中的用法介绍给大家。1 在宾语从句中的用法:1.在 suggest, insist, order, demand, request, command 等含有希望、建议、命令等语气的宾语从句中。(*) 句型:主语 + should(省略) + 动词原形

247、a. I suggest that we (should) do it at once.b. I insist that he (should) give up smoking.2.在 wish 后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气,而其时态的用法与非真实条件句一样。(时态后移)a.I wish I were you.(与现在事实相反的愿望)b.I wish I had learned more. (与过去事实相反的愿望)c.I wish I would have another chance. (与将来事实相反的愿望)注意区分:wish + 从句:表示不可能实现的愿望,必须用虚拟语气;而 hope +

248、 从句:表示可能实现的愿望,不用虚拟语气。a.He hopes well go there with him.b.He wishes we would go there with him.3.在 would rather 后的从句中. 句型:主语 + would rather + 从句(用一般过去时)I would rather you stayed at home.2.在主语从句中的用法。在下列结构的主语从句中,谓语必须用虚拟语气。见课本 p542。考试的考点时 should的省略。3.在表语从句和同位语从句中的用法。当宾语从句中那些使用虚拟语气的动词的名词形式出现在表语从句和同位语从句中时

249、,必须用虚拟语气。即,suggestion, order, insistence, demand, request etc.a.My suggestion is that we (should) try again.(表语从句)b.My suggestion that we (should) try again is accepted by them.(同位语从句)4.在定语从句中的用法。It is time + that + 主语 + 动词的过去时。It is time that you left.= It is tome for you to leave.5.在含蓄条件句中的用法。有时一个

250、假设的情况并不是用条件从句表示,而用其它方式表示,称含蓄条件句。1.用 with, without 介词结构代替条件从句。We might have died you without your help.= We might have died if you hadnt helped us.2.用相当于 if 的其它连词表示虚拟结构。常见的连词有:otherwise, in that case, on condition that, provided that, but for, etc.a.I was busy last week, otherwise I would have come t

251、o see you.= I as very busy last week. If I hadnt been busy, I would have come to see you.b.But for the storm, we should have arrived early.= If we hadnt met the storm, we should have arrived early.6.在错综时间条件句中的用法。有时非真实条件句中,主句谓语动词所表示的动作和条件句中的谓语动词不是同时发生,这时可按照需要来调整各自的时间。a. If you had followed the doctor

252、s advice then, you would have be all right now.主句与从句发生的时间不同,进行调整。b. If you had followed the doctors advice, you would have been all right then.主句和从句的动作同时发生。请注意:碰到这种从句要特别注意它的时间状语,必须明确给出时间,否则按同时发生使用。7.虚拟语气的倒装与省略。符合下列条件,可以省略 if,并进行倒装。必须是非真实条件句。只有当从句中出现 were, had, should 时,才可省略 if,并把这些词放在主语之前。a.If I sho

253、uld meet her, I would tell her.= Should I meet her, I would tell her.b.If I were in your position, I would do it better.= Were I in your position, I would do it better.请阅读课本 p539-p545,并完成课后练习。看看本文中出现的虚拟语气句:1. Without air, we could not exist.2. If we didnt have air, there would be no sound.3. Without

254、 air, there would be no wind or clouds.C. Important phrases in the text:1.be important to sb(1 段 1 行); 2.be forced to do(3 段 3 行); 3.shelter from(3段 3 行); 4.consist of(5 段 1 行); 5.rest upon(5 段 4 行); 6.gazt at sth(6 段 5 行); 7.in wonder(6 段 5 行); 8.notuntil(6 段 6 行); 9.large amounts of(7 段 3 行); 10.

255、the sameas(8 段 3 行); 11.learn to(9 段 1 行); 12.in the meantime(9 段 3 行); 13.pay attention to(9 段 4 行); 14.add to(9 段 6 行); 15.in order to(2 段 4 行); 16.protectfrom(3 段 4 行)D.本文在写作时有一个非常明显的特点,运用了大量的同根词,即在这句话中出现的是动词,在下句中就出现它的名词或形容词。我们总结一下:1.existexistence; 2.atmosphereatmospheric; 3.pressurepress; 4.wei

256、ghweight; 5.electricelectrical,electricityUnit 9 Text A: Learned Words and popular WordsIn fact, every language has the similarity. For example, in Chinese we call potatoes tudou, and malingshu. In our oral language, we say tudou but not malingshu. So can you tell me the difference between them? obv

257、iously, one is popular word while the other is learned word. So now we can say its just the two classes of words that consist of the whole vocabulary. Now lets learn our text A and know more about the words.A. New words:1.learned: adj 有学问的,博学的;learn: v; learner: n2.cultivated: adj 耕种的、有修养的;cultivate

258、: v 耕种、培养;cultivation: n 耕种、培养;cultivator: n 耕种者 (*)a.Workers work in their factories while farmers cultivate their land.b.Cultivated people should have good manners.c.The old man pays much attention to the cultivation of her mind.3.concern: v 涉及、使关心、挂念;n 关心、挂念; concerned: adj 担心的、焦虑的常用的短语:so/as far

259、 as concerned:至于,对而言;be concerned for/about sth/sb:对人或事关心、挂念。a.we are all concerned for his happiness.b.As far as the structure is concerned, the article is quite good.4.stock: v 储备、储存;n 库存、股票sth in stock/ out of stock 某物有库存/没有库存5.possession: n 所有、拥有;possessions: n 所有物; possess: v 所有、拥有;6.relatively

260、: adv 比较而言;relate: v; relation: n; relative: adj7.educated: adj 有知识的;educate: v 受教育;education: n 教育; educational: adj 教育的 (*)a.Higher education plays an important role in ones life.b.She has been doing educational work for forty years.c.The man had to educate himself in the evening after finishing h

261、is work.d.our society needs more educated people.8.acquaintance: n 认识、熟人;acquaint: v 使熟悉/通晓9.formal: adj 正式的,反义词:informal; formally: adv(*)a.Although the visit he paid to the country was informal, he thought it was quite necessary.b.Formal dresses are required for such an important party.c.He formal

262、ly presented his application form.10.highly: adv 非常、高度地;high: adj 高的;height: n 高度(*)a.She spoke highly of his discovery.b.He is 1.76 meters in height.c.The church tower is 20 meters high.11.elevated: adj 提高的、高贵的;elevate: v 提高; elevation: n 提高; elevator: n 电梯12.importantce: n 重要性; important: adj 重要的;

263、unimportant, unimportance.13.grown-up: n 成年人;adj 成熟的;adult.14.apply: v 申请、应用;application: n;applicant: n 申请人(*)常用习语:apply to sb for sth:向某人申请某物;apply to sth:适用某物; apply sth to sth:将运用到中。a.She applied to the university for her degree of Master of Arts.b.What he said applies to us all.c.We should appl

264、y what we have learned to our work.15.absolute: adj 绝对的、完全的;absolutely: adv16.popularity: n; popular: adj;popularize:17.clssification: n 分类;classify: v 分类;classified: adj 分类的18.convenient; adj 方便的, convenience: n ;反义词:inconvenient, inconvenience19.avoid: v 后用动名词;avoidance: n;avoidable: adj 可避免的;unav

265、oidable: 不可避免的。I am trying to avoid meeting him.20.misconception: n 误解,反义词:conception. 前缀:mis-含有“错误地”,mistake, misunderstand, misapply etc.21.presence: n 出席、存在;present: adj 到场的22.literature: n 文学;literary: adj 文学的B. Intensive reading:1.First, there are those words with which we become familiar in or

266、dinary conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our friends, and which we should know and use even if we could not read or write.(难句!)译:首先是那些我们在日常交谈中逐渐熟悉的词语,即我们从家人、朋友那儿学来的和那些即使不会读写也应该知道和会用的词。分析:主语:those words,在它之后有三个定语从句修饰它,with which we become famili

267、ar in ordinary conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our friends, and which we should know and use even if we could not read or write.看出这一点对于理解整个句子是至关重要的。下面分别看看这三个定语从句。with which we become familiar in ordinary conversation,掌握短语:become/be familiar w

268、ith sth 对熟悉。注意:在定语从句中若介词置于关系代词之前,介词宾语只能用 which 代物,whom 代人,其余的关系代词都不能用。这是考点!a.This is the hero of whom we are proud.= This is the hero who/that/whom/省略 we are proud of.b.I want to find the pen with which I finished my papers.= I want to find the pen that/which/省略 I finished my papers with.which we le

269、arn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our friends,掌握短语:that is to say = that is 所作成分属插入语; Learn from sb 向某人学习。We should learn from LeiFeng at any time.which we should know and use even if we could not read or write本句包含一个让步让步状语从句,even if即使.2.They concern the common things o

270、f life, and are the stock in trade of all who speak the language.译:这些词和生活中的普通事情相关,是所有使用这门语言的人的常备词汇。短语:stock in trade: 库存、常用手段。3.Such words may be called “popular”, since they belong to the people at large and are not the possession of a limited class only.译:这些词可以被称为“普通词”,因为它们属于广大的普通百姓,而不只为有限范围内的一个阶层

271、所有。since 为因为,短语:belong to: 属于; at large: 普遍地、逍遥法外地a.These books belong to me.b.Do the people at large approve of the governments economic policy?c.The escaped prisoner is still at large.4.our first acquaintance with them comes not from our mothers lips or from the talk of our classmates, but from bo

272、oks that we read, lectures that we hear, or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in an elevated style.(2 段 4 行起)译:我们初识这些词不是从母亲的口中或同学的话中,而是从我们所读的书中,所听的课中,或从对某一特殊话题进行严肃的讨论的受过高等教育的人们的较正式谈话中首词次了解到的。本句的难点实际上是名词的修饰语多。分析:主语 our first acquaintance

273、 with them;谓语:comes; 剩余部分为宾语部分。在该部分中有一个大结构:notbut 不是而是。books, lectures, conversation 三个名词后有很多的修饰关系,请大家注意。C. Summary about the phrases:1.learned words; 2.popular words; 3.make up(1 段 2 行); 4.be familiar with(1 段 3 行); 5.that is to say(1 段 4 行); 6.even if(1 段 5 行); 7.stock in trade(1 段 7 行); 8.belong

274、to(1 段 8 行); 9.at large(1 段 8 行); 10.on the other hand(2 段 1 行); 11.a large number of sth(2 段 1 行); 12.be known to(2 段3 行); 13.acquaintance with(2 段 4 行) 14.not but(2 段 5-6 行) e up(4 段 6 行); 16.as to(4 段 6 行); 17.as a whole(4 段 11 行); 18.be due to(4段 14 行); 19.rather than(4 段 15 行)The 11th lecture o

275、f College English one:Check the exercises on p545:(讲解).1.knew; 2.were; 3.were; 4.would have been; 5.would eat; 6.could build; 7.hadnt come; 8.earn; 9.didnt have; 10.would be; 11.apply; 12.go; 13.would be; 14.were; 15.had been; 16.bought; 17.be put off; 18.would get; 19.had been caused; 20.had grown

276、up.1.C; 2.B; 3.B; 4.D; 5.A; 6.D; 7.A; 8.A; 9.A; 10.D.1. If only the Englishman had spoken Italian.2. If you should have a panic attack, what would you do?3. I wish I could lose one pound in weight per day.4. Its very important that you take responsibility for your own health.5. Without water and air

277、, all living things would die.6. If I were you, I would join the army.7. If we had paid more attention to those factors, we would have greatly reduced he risk of heart disease.8. If you had taken my advice then, you wouldnt have got into trouble.9. Its suggested that each class give a performance.10

278、. If he hadnt been so busy then, he would have given you more help.Exercise on p206: .1.c; 2.a; 3.b; 4.d; 5.d.1.transmit; 2.access; 3.remote; 4.demonstrate; 5.instruction; 6.simultaneously; 7.travel; 8.available; 9.privacy; 10.applicationp210:.1.displayed; 2.theory; 3.established; 4.remote; 5.visual

279、; 6.signal; 7.access; 8.channel 9.transmitted; 10. transportation.1. Satellites are capable of transmitting not only TV broadcasts, but also telephone calls.3. You should follow the doctors instructions on how to take this kind of medicine.4. Computer systems can transmit sound as well as pictures a

280、t the same time.6. This patient should be isolated from the other patients.7. The soldier displayed courage and skills.8. His experiments fully demonstrated that principle of psychology.p216:.F, T, T, T, F, F, T, T, T, F.p218:.d, c, b, e, a.1.atmosphere; 2.existence; 3.thorough; 4.radar; 5.elements;

281、 6.protect from; 7.created; 8.rest onp237:.c, a, d, b, a.1.to concern; 2.possession; 3.situation; 4.acquaintance; 5.lively; 6.grown-up; 7.classification; 8.principle; 9.convenient; 10.presencep240.1.style; 2.occasions; 3.highly; 4.concern; 5.possessions; 6.topics; 7.formal; 8.cultivated; 9.convenien

282、t; 10.absolute.2. After he arrived in that country, he found there few occasions to speak Chinese.4. No two leaves are exactly the same in the world.5. When I say theyre friends, I dont mean they share everything.6. The meeting concerns trade and agriculture.7. Serious problems may come up if the si

283、tuation becomes worse.Text B: How Should You Build Up Your Vocabulary?I think this is a question concerned by anyone. You can find some best ways in this text to give you some help, I am sure. We can get more words through context and through word parts. Maybe you have more of your ways. No matter w

284、hich, I just hope you can succeed in English studying!A.New words:1.vocabulary: n 词汇表2.context: n 上下文,from context; through context; contextual: adj 上下文的3.securely: adv 安全地;secure: adj; security; n4.intend: v 打算,intend to do sth; intention: n 意图5.preference: n 偏爱,用介词 for; prefer: v 用介词 to.a.I prefer

285、 to do it myself.b.She has a preference for blue.6.prefix 前缀,suffix 后缀7.apparently: adv 同义词:obviously,明显地。8.consult: v 请教、查阅;consultation: n; consultant: n 顾问;常用短语:consult with sb:讨论谋事;consult sb about sth:向某人请教谋事9.personally: adv = in person; personal: adj;10.heighten: v 提高、加高;high: adj; highly: ad

286、v; height: n 高度11.maximum: n 最大量;反义词:minimum:最小量12.effectiveness: n 有效性;effective: adj 有效的;effect: n 影响;affect: v13.sharpen: v 削尖;sharp: adj 尖的14.awareness: n 意识、觉悟;aware: adj 有意识的,be aware of sth; 无意识的:unaware15.accuracy; n 准确性;accurate: adj 准确的16.ease: n 舒适、安逸,feel at ease with sb; v 缓和; easy: adj

287、 容易的。The aspirins eased my headache.B.Some important sentences in the text:1.When students in a college were asked what should be done when they came across a new word in their reading,84% said, “look it up in the dictionary.” If you do so, you interrupt the very mental processes needed to make your

288、 efforts most productive.译:当问大学生阅读时遇到生词时该怎么办,84%的人回答是“查字典”。然而,这么做,你就会打断最富有成效所需的思维进程。短语:come across 偶然遇到。I came across one of my schoolmates in the street yesterday.look sth up in在中查阅I often look some grammar knowledge in reference books.make sth + adj 使如何please make the room warm.2. It all depends.

289、(*) = It all depends on the situation.(金牌口语句)依情况而定。3. Thats why it makes such good sense to begin with context.译:这就是为什么我们得从上下文入手。why 引导表语从句。make such good sense:有充足的理由;begin with 从开始4. only when you go through the mental exercise to come up with a tentative definition should you open the dictionary

290、to see if youre right.译:只有在你经过一番脑力活动想出一个推测性的定义后,才应该打开字典来看看你的猜测是否正确,。注意:由于 only+时间状语从句放在句首,用了部分倒装。短语:go through:仔细研究或检查,Ive gone through all my pockets but I cant find my e up with:想出、提出He came up with a new suggestion.5. Well, there it is, your new formulaContext, parts, Dictionary. Use it! the exer

291、cises which follow will give you specific step-step help in sharpening your awareness of contextual clues, learning the most useful word parts, and using the dictionary with increased accuracy and ease. The result will be like money in the bank.译:好,你的新公式上下文,构词成分,字典。运用它!随后的练习将具体地、循序渐进地帮你敏锐察觉到上下文提示,学会

292、最有用的构词成分和越来越轻松地使用字典。其结果就像你在银行里存了一笔钱。这是本文的最后一句总结全文的句子,它给大家最好的提示:如何最有效地记住单词。请大家参照着做。但也应因人而宜。最后一句:The result will be like money in the bank.Means that as long as you have mastered good methods in English studying, the longer you study English, the bigger vocabulary youll build up.在这里我也把这句话送给大家。May you

293、succeed!New grammar knowledge: Non-finite Verbs(非谓语动词)英语中的动词根据它是否能单独做句子的谓语分为:谓语动词和非谓语动词两种。不能单独作句子谓语的称作非谓语动词。它又分三类:动词不定式,分词,动名词。今天先介绍动词不定式。A.不定式(Infinitive):大多数是由不定式标记 to 加动词原形构成,但有一些是以省略 to 的形式出现的。B.在句中它除了不能作谓语外,可担任其他句子成分:主语、宾语、表语、状语、定语、宾语补足语。在句中起名词、形容词和副词的作用。1.不定式作名词时在句中充当主语、宾语和表语. a.He likes to pl

294、ay basketball.b.For him to learn English well in such a short time is not easy.c.His job is to clean all the windows.注意:1.当作主语的不定式较长时,常用 it 作形式主语而将真正的主语放在谓语后,将上面 b 可改为:Its not easy for him to learn English well in such a short time.2.在这种情况下我们常用 for sb.或 of sb.来做不定式的 逻辑主语,但是有区别的。for sb.常用表示客观情况的形容词,如

295、:easy, difficult, hard, important, interesting, impossible etc.of sb 常用表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如:good, kind, foolish, clever, etc.a.Its important for us to say something directly.b.Its clever of him to leave that country.3.不定式作主语时谓语动词用单数。4.不定式作宾语时,若宾语有自己的表语,常用 it 作形式宾语。I know to finish the work so soon imposs

296、ible.I know it impossible to finish the work so soon.2.不定式作形容词的用法:通常在句中担任定语。,并且放在它所修饰的名词后面。He always has a lot of meetings to attend.注意:1.有时不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点,工具,不定式后应该加上必要的介词。please pass me some paper to write on.2.当一句话中既有形容词又有不定式修饰 something, anything, nothing 这三个词时,请注意词序:something/anything/not

297、hing + 形容词 不定式Do you have anything interesting to read?3.不定式作定语时有时用主动语态表示被动含义。a.There is a letter to write.b.There is no time to lose.c.Mary has three babies to look after.3.不定式作副词的用法;在句中担任状语a.He is lucky to get there on time.(原因状语)b.He came here to help me with my math.(目的状语)c.After that day they w

298、ere separated, never to see each other.(结果状语)请注意以下固定句型中不定式的用法:1.too + adj/adv + for sb + to do sthThe book is too hard for the boy to read.2.enough 的用法:a. He is old enough to go to school.b. The road is wide enough for three horses to go.3.不定式在句中作为独立成分:a.To tell you the truth, I dont like this film.

299、b.To be frank, you are lying.c.To make matters worse, it began to get dark.4.不定式作宾语补足语。a.I dont want her to leave here so quickly.b.We allow you to enter the room.注意以下省去 to 的情况:1.在某些感官动词和使役动词后作宾补时省略 to,但在被动语态中不可省略 to.a.I hear someone sing this morning.b.The workers were made to work day and night.c.

300、please let the dog go out!2.当介词 but, except, besides 前面有实义动词 do 时,可省 to.The enemy can do nothing but/except surrender.3.在下列固定词组中:had better do sth; would rather do sth than do sth; cant but do;a.You had better not go now.b.He would rather look after the baby than do his homework.c.I cant but think s

301、o.C.不定式的否定形式:not + 不定式My father told me not to skate on the lake.D.连接代词或副词不定式,相当于一个名词短语,一般充当宾语。a.Mr. Li taught us how to work out the difficult problem.b.please decide as soon as possible when to start.E.不定式的常用时态有:一般式,进行式,完成式三个.a.He has decided to give her some money.b.He pretended to be studying wh

302、en his father came in.c.I am sorry to have kept you waiting.F.不定式的被动语态:to be done; to have been donea.Its an honor for me to be invited to attend the meeting.b.He seems to have been taken good care of by the nurse.见课本 p219-p226The 12th lecture of College English one:Review some important phrases in

303、text B:e across(1 段 2 行); 2.look sth up in(1 段 3 行); 3.at top speed(2 段 4 行); 4.after all(2 段 6 行); 5.make good sense(2 段 8 行); 6.begin with(2 段 9 行); 7.provide sb with sth(3 段 2 行); 8.preference for sth(3 段 3 行); e up with(5段 5 行); 10.find out(6 段 3 行); 11.lead to(6 段 4 行); 12.in black and white(6

304、段 6行); 13.build upUnit 10 *Text A: Scientific AttitudesFrom very early time science began in the earth. Because we are curious about anything around us, we often ask many questions, such as: why the sun only come out at daytime; why the sky is blue; why we have four different seasons etc. then in th

305、is text we wont study those questions but what attitudes we should have when we study the science. So I think its very necessary for us to learn them.A: new words:1.scientific: adj 科学的; scientifically: adv 科学地; science: n 科学; scientist: n 科学家2.attitude: n 姿势、态度,常用介词:to, towards3.environment: n 环境;en

306、vironmental: adj 环境的,environmental protection 环保(*)4.curiosity: n 好奇心;curious: adj 好奇的,常用短语:be curious about sth / to do sth(*)5.imagination: n 想象力;imagine: v 想象;imaginative: adj 富于想象的6.stimulate: v 刺激、鼓励;stimulation: n 刺激、鼓励;stimulant: n 刺激物、兴奋剂7.phenomenon: n 现象,phenomena(复数)8.unknown: adj 未知的,反义词

307、:known 被人所知的,know: v; 短语:be known to / be unknown to 被人所知/所不知; be known as 被认为是 (*)a. He was known as a successful writerb. That actor was almost unknown before he played that part.c. You never know what the result is till you finish the test.9.open-minded: adj 无偏见的,open-mindedness: nminded 是形容词,表示具

308、有某种心智、头脑的,如:strong-minded; feeble-minded; narrow-minded; absent-minded etc.10.regardless: adj/adv 不留心的、不关心的,不顾、不惜;regard: v 注视、认为,n 问候;regarding: prep 关于;常用短语:regard sth as sth; regardless of sth(*)a.please give my kind regard to your grandparents.b.His experiment is always regarded as a dig success

309、.c.He tried again and again regardless of the failure.11.previously: adv 在前地、早先地;previous: adj12.disagreeable: adj 让人讨厌的,反义词:agreeable 另人愉快的、宜人的13.failure: n 失败;fail: v 失败,fail to do sth; fail in sthFailure is the mother of success.14.solution: n 解决办法,solution to/for/of sth15.adapt: v 适应、改编 adapt to

310、 sth 适应;adapt for sth:适用于; adaptation: n; adaptable: adj 适应的,(*)a.She found it difficult to adapt herself to the life in a foreign country.b.He is not adapted for this job.16.perfect: adj 完美的,反义词:imperfectNo one is perfect.人无完人。17.acceptable: adj 可以接受的,accept: v 接受;acceptance: n 接受; acceptability: n

311、 可接受性a.Is this program acceptable to you?b.The acceptability of the proposal is under discussion.c.He asked her to marry him and she accepted him.18.frequently: adv usually; frequent: adj; frequency: n 频繁(*)a.He has written to me frequently since I went abroad.b.Rains are very frequent here in summe

312、r.c.The frequency of her visit surprised him.19.determine: v 决定,determine to do sth; determined: adj; determination: n20.growth: n; grow: vB:Intensive reading:1.Science had its beginning when man started asking questions about his environment.译:科学源于人们/人类开始对周围事物提出疑问的时候。Starting asking动名词作 start 的宾语。a

313、sk question about sh2.Not all his answers were correct, but at least he did want to know.译:并非所有的答案都正确,但至少那时的人们确实想了解他周围的世界。当 not 放在 all, both 表示半否定,若要表示全否定两者间用 neither,三者用 none.a.They both are my friends.b.Not both of them are my friends.c.Neither of them is my friend.d.They are all good students.e.T

314、hey are not all good students.f.None of them is good students.3. Curiosity and imagination are important qualities which help stimulate the discovery of new facts and advance science.译:好奇心和想象力是帮助发现新的事实并推动科学发展的重要素质。help do sth, help to do sth,4. Scientifically minded people believe in a “cause-and-ef

315、fect” relationship.译:具有科学头脑的人们相信因果关系。短语:believe in sth 相信5. Changes such as these, which are easily observed, are called phenomena.(*)译:像这些容易被人观察到的变化称之为现象。这句话包含有两个被动语态,一个出现在定语从句中,另一个出现在主句中。6. In cases where the explanation is unknown the scientific point of view is that there is a reason if it can o

316、nly be discovered.译:对于一些人们不知其解的现象,科学的观点是必有其因,只是尚未被发现罢了。分析:主语 the scientific point of view;系动词:is;后跟表语从句 that there is a reason if it can only be discovered。In cases where the explanation is unknown 是状语。In cases:在情况下,后跟定语从句。注意 if it can only be discovered 的翻译:尚欠缺的唯一条件。7. This means the ability to fac

317、e the facts as they are regardless of what one has previously thought.译:这指的是面对现存的事实而不管自己原来想法的能力。分析:to face the facts 是动词不定式作定语修饰 the ability; as they are 表示按照它们的实际情况;regardless of 常用短语,不管、不顾。what one has previously thought 作介词 of 的介词宾语。8. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he succeeded i

318、n producing the first electric lamp.(*)译:托马斯。爱迪生失败了成千次才成功制造了第一盏电灯。注意本句的几个考点:thousands of times; succeed in producing; 连词 before9. The solutions to real problems cant be seen in advance.(*)译:实际问题的解决方法是不能事先预见的。注意考点:the solutions to sth; cant be seen ; in advance 短语:事先。10. Scientists must be able to ch

319、ange their thinking and to adapt their theories to new facts as they are discovered.译:科学家们必须能改变思路,调整自己的理论,使之于新发现的事实相适应。分析:change their thinking 改变思路;adapt their theories to new facts 使适应; as they are discovered 状语从句。11. This is another way of saying that mans understanding is always less than perfec

320、t.(*)译:这是人的理解总是不尽完美的另一种说法。考点:动名词 saying;短语 less than12. A scientific truth offers an explanation that is acceptable only in the light of what is known at a particular time.译:科学的真理提供了一种解释,这种解释为人们所接受,使相对于某一特定时间内人们的知识而言的。分析:that is acceptable 定语从句修饰 an explanation; what is known at a particular time 作介

321、词 of 的宾语。注意:in the light of sth 按照、根据 = according to; be known; at a particular time.13.区分下面两句话中的被动语态用法:. Views which are entirely new or foreign may also be hard to accept. New ideas are frequently very slow to be accepted.当碰到 hard, difficult, easy 时后面的不定式用主动表被动,除此外其他的形容词要用过去分词表被动。14. It may take t

322、ime for new acts to become available.译:新事实的发现、获得使需要时间的。基本句型:It takes sb some time to do sth;C. Summary about all the phrases:1.start doing(1 段 1 行); 2.at least(1 段 5 行); 3.lay aside sth(2 段 1 行); 4.be curious about sth(2 段 3 行); 5.take apart sth(2 段 3 行); 6.wonderabout sth(3 段 1行); bine sth with sth

323、(3 段 1-2 行); 8.carry out(3 段 2 行); 9.believe in(4 段1 行); 10.cause and effect; 11.in case(4 段 7 行); 13.point of view(4 段 8 行); 14.regardless of sth(5 段 2 行); 15.be willing to do(5 段 6 行); 16.thousands of(5段 6 行); 17. succeed in doing(5 段 7 行); 18.in advance(6 段 1 行); 19.adapt sth to sth(6 段 2 行); 20.

324、once and for all(6 段 4 行); 21.make a change in sth(6 段 4 行); 22.in the light of sth(6 段 8 行); 23.respect for(7 段 1 行); e up(7 段 3 行); 25.be laughed at(8 段 2 行); 26.in all fields of knowledge(8 段 4 行).Text B:1.arouse: vt 引起、唤起,区别:rise: vi; raise: vt; arise: vi 出现、呈现(*)a. His behavior aroused my suspi

325、cion.b.A new difficulty has arisen.c.The sun rises in the ease and sets in the west.d.He raised his voice to make everyone hear.e.once his curiosity has been aroused, he uses certain methods and procedures to obtain new knowledgef.problems arise in a variety of ways.2.obtain: v 得到,get, gain.3.biolog

326、ical: adj 生物学的;biology: n 生物学;biologist: n 生物学家4.account: n 叙述、帐户;v account for sth 说明的原因; accountant:会计a. I have 2000 yuan in my account.b. His illness can account for his absence.5.logical: adj 符合逻辑的,反义词:illogical6.analysis: n 分析;analyze: v; analyst: n 分析者7.indicate: v 指示;indicator: n; indication:

327、 n8.inference: n 推论;infer; v ;类似的词还有:refer, reference; prefer, preference9.prediction: n; predict: v 预计10.confidence: n 信心;confident: adj 有信心的; self-confidence 自信11.unreliable: adj 靠不住的,反义词:reliable.12.accurate: adj; accuracy: nThe 13th lecture of College English one:A. Intensive reading Text B:1. p

328、lease look at the second paragraph on page 275. Ill read and then Ill translate it, especially pay attention to those phrases。译:首先要认识问题。只有问题找对了,才能得出正确的答案。解决问题始于透彻的理解。问题的出现有各种情况。它们有时产生于偶然的观察,有时可能出自于阅读、实验或仅仅思考,也有可能来于新的发展或人类新的不同的需求。例如:今天,许多问题产生于核物理、生物工程和微电子领域的新发现。工业的发展也已经带来了大量的必须被解决的问题。短语:first of all

329、首先;only if 除非;grow out of=arise from 产生于;result from 产生于;bring about 导致;large number of 大量的2. Sometimes it will suggest areas that are in need of further study.(5 段)译:有时未回答的问题会显示需要进一步研究的领域。注意在这句话中 suggest 不是“建议”而是“暗示,显示”,因此不用虚拟语气。a.He suggested that we leave the country at once.(虚拟语气)b.His face sugg

330、ested that he was angry.(非虚拟语气)短语: in need of sth 需要3. Should the observation or predictions turn out to be as expected, the scientist has added confidence in the probable truth of his hypothesis. (8 段)译:如果所观察到的或预测结果正如所料,科学家对他假说的可靠性就增加了信心。通过翻译我们会发现这句话包含有一个虚拟语气,并且省略了 if,进行了倒装。原句应是:If the observation

331、or predictions should turn out to be as expected, the scientist has added confidence in the probable truth of his hypothesis.但请大家注意此时主句用了陈述语气,属于非正式用法。短语:turn out 结果是He turned out to be a cheat.4. Experiments have to be made under carefully controlled conditions.(*)译:实验必须在严格控制的条件下进行。考点:under carefull

332、y controlled conditions.B. Important phrases:1.first of all(2 段 1 行); 2. only if(2 段 2 行); 3.grow out of/arise from(2 段4/8 行); 4.result from(2 段 5 行); 5.bring about(2 段 10 行); 6.large number of(2 段10 行); 7.build a firm foundation(4 段 5 行); 8.in need of sth(5 段 5 行); 9.build up(6 段 1 行); 10.turn out

333、to be(8 段 1 行); 11.give up(8 段 4 行); 12.check with(9段 1 行); 13.a variety of sth(2 段 3 行); 14.carry out(7 段 2 行)C. Grammar knowledge: Non-finite Verbs (2)Gerund and participles:(动名词和分词). Gerund:动名词是三种非谓语动词的一种。由动词原形加 ing 构成。具有某些动词的特点,在句中起名词的作用,由此得名动名词。它可以有自己的宾语和状语,这是动词的特点;在句中担任主语、表语、宾语,及定语,这属于名词的特点。a.

334、Learning English very well is not easy.(主语)b.His job is teaching computer at college.(表语)c.I enjoy sleeping.(动宾)d.She is thinking of finding another better job.(介宾)e.Take some sleeping pills, and you will fall asleep.(定语)动名词也可根据需要在前面加上物主代词或名词所有格来表示它的逻辑主语。a.Marys being late again made me very angry.b

335、.Do you mind my/me opening the door?1.动名词作主语:a.Seeing is believing.b.Talking too much is no use.注意:用动名词作主语,有时也可用 it 作形式主语。如上面的第二句可改为:Its no use talking too much.常用的句型有:Its no use doing sth; its no good doing stha.Its no use crying over spilt milk.b.Its no good eating so many ice creams.2.动名词作表语:一般表示

336、比较抽象的习惯性的动作,这时表语和主语常可互换。a.What he likes best is making jokes.b.Making jokes is what he likes best.3.动名词作宾语:既可作动词宾语,也可作介词的宾语。有些动词后面必须用动名词,请记住下列常考动词:admit, avoid, consider, enjoy, finish, deny, mind, practice, risk, suggest, postpone, miss, cant help, put off, give up, keep on etc.a.She denied stealin

337、g her money.b.I tried my best to avoid meeting him in the street.c.Youd better put off having the meeting because of SARS.d.If you want to make great progress, you must practice speaking every day.e.I am considering doing it again.动名词常跟在一些固定的词组后面,如:insist on, look forward to, be used to, succeed in,

338、 be interested in, be engaged in, depend on, be busy doing, stick to, devote to, etc注意:有些动词后面既可用不定式作宾语也可用动名词作宾语,且差别不大,如:continue, begin start, prefer etc.a.I prefer making a plan before I go over my lessons.b.I prefer to make a plan before I go over my lessons但有些动词区别却很大,如:remember, forget, regret, g

339、o on, try, etc.(*)a.I remember giving money to him. (表示 give 这个动作已在 remember 前发生过了。)b.I remember to give money to him. (表示 give 这个动作还未在 remember 前发生。)c.I regret accepting your advice.d.I regret to tell you that I wont accept your advice.e.They went on talking about it.f.They went on to talk about it

340、.g.They stopped talking.h.They stopped to talk.4.动名词作定语:一般表示所修饰词的用途,如:drinking water, writing desk, reading room, etc.5.动名词的否定式:not + 动名词Im sorry not getting there on time.6.动名词的时态和语态:1.一般时表示一般性的动作,发生的时间不明确。而完成时表示动作在谓语动词之前发生。a.I am looking forward to seeing you soon.b.Thank you for having helped me

341、so much.2.当动名词逻辑上的主语是它所表示的动作的对象时,要用它的被动语态。a.He insisted on being sent to hospital.b.He insisted on sending her to hospital.3.当句子谓语是 want, need, require, deserve 时,常用动名词的主动形式表被动含义。a.The radio needs repairing. (= The radio needs to be repaired.)b.The babies require examining. (= The babies require to

342、be examined.)4.主语 + be worth doing / 主语 +be worthy + to be done/of being done.a.The book is worth reading.b.The book is worthy to be read.c.The book is worthy of being read.participle:分词也是非谓语动词的一种,它有两种形式:现在分词和过去分词。分词可以有自己的宾语和状语,也可有逻辑主语,在句中担任表语,定语,状语和宾补。a.The story is interesting. Im interested in it

343、.(表语)b.This is a moving film.(定语)c.She came in, singing and dancing.(状语)d.He saw that man jumping off the wall.(宾补)1.现在分词和过去分词的区别:从语态上讲,现在分词表示主动,而过去分词表示被动;从时态上讲,现在分词表正在进行的动作,而过去分词表示已完成的动作。a.Do you know the woman talking to Tom?b.We can see only the part of the moon lighted by sunlight.c.China is a d

344、eveloping country while America is a developed country.d. Look! The falling leaves are yellow. Lots of fallen leaves make the road yellow.2.分词作表语:一般当主语是物时,用现在分词,含有“令人” ;当主语是人时一般用过去分词,表示“感到”.a.They got very excited after watching the exciting movies.b.We are encouraged by the encouraging news.3.分词作定语

345、:单个分词作定语一般放在它所修饰的名词之前,但有时为了强调动作,也可放在它所修饰的名词后面。a.The swimming boy is my brother.b.What is the language spoken in Japan?分词短语作定语放在被修饰的名词之后。The girl dressed in white is Helen.4.分词作宾补:补充说明宾语的意义。通常用在一些感官动词和使役动词后面。与句子的宾语是主动关系用现在分词;若与宾语是被动关系,用过去分词。a.I heard someone calling me.b.I heard my name called.过去分词在

346、have, get 后作宾补时,常表示该动作不是由主语完成的,而是由别人完成的。(考点)a.Youd better have your hair cut.b.He had some pictures taken in the park.5.分词作状语:来修饰谓语动词或整个句子,表示动作发生的时间、原因、条件、结果、让步或伴随等情况。a.(on) hearing the news, they couldnt help laughing.b.Having turned off the TV, he began to read a book. (强调分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,用分词的完成形式

347、作状语。)c. Being so angry, he couldnt go to sleep. (原因状语)d.Given more attention, the trees could have grown better. (条件状语)e.Although working from morning till night, he cant finish his papers. (让步状语)f.The hero sat there, surrounded by a lot of students.(伴随状语)如上的句子中的分词都可改成从句,大家自己练习改写一下。注意:分词短语作状语时,它的逻辑主

348、语通常应是句子的主语,这点很重要。a. If you see from the hill, the city is beautiful.(不可改为分词作状语,主句和从句主语不一致。)b.Seen from the hill, the city is beautiful.= When the city is seen from the hill, the city is beautiful.6.分词的被动语态形式:a.The question being discussed is very important.(表示一个动作正在进行,而又含有被动意味。)b.You are welcome to

349、a party to be given in our class on Dec. 25.(将来要发生动作的被动语态。)c.This is a picture painted by my boyfriend.若分词有自己单独的主语,而并非句子的主语,那么我们称它为独立主格。(以后介绍。)key to some exercises:p270:.d, a, c, c, a.1.curious about; 2.take apart; 3.stimulate; 4.telationship; 5.previously; 6.acceptable; 7.solution; 8.proper; 9.det

350、ermine; 10.sproutp273:.1.failure; 2.relationship; 3.environment; 4.imagination; 5.evidence; 6.findings; 7.ohenonmenon; 8.curiosity; 9.attitude; 10.solution.1. Man wondered why birds could fly while man couldnt.2. The child took the toy apart but he didnt know how to put it together again.4. Shes ver

351、y tired, but she is still willing to help others.6. We have determined to seek the answers to the questions.8. You should adapt yourself to the new environment.p280.T, T, F, T, F, T, F, F, T, FThe 14th lecture of College English one:Test about unit 1 to unit 10:大学英语(一)测试 1本试题分两部分,第一部分为选择题,50 分;第二部分为

352、非选择题,50 分。part one、选择题。(20 分)1. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find _ difficult to succeed in language learning.A. them B. themselves C. it D. itself2. Death and taxes are two things in life that every American can be sure _.A. of B. for C. at D. with3. The Atlan

353、tic ocean is only half as big as the pacific, _ it is still very large.A. but B. and C. so D. therefore4. A red pencil-mark on the fifth page _.A. catch his eye B. catches his eyes C. caught his eye D. caught his eyes5. In most large companies management is directly _ planning the advertising.A. kno

354、wn as B. capable pf C. involved in D. satisfied with6. Some states use income tax _ sales tax to raise their revenues.A. with regard to B. in search of C. to combine with D. in addition to7. The mother warned her son not to associate himself _ bad men.A. with B. to C. by D. and8. Material that is or

355、ganized _ remembered than jumbled information.A. is better B. to be better C. better D. as better9. Meaningfulness _ memory at all levels.A. effects B. effects on C. affects D. affects on10. The children are eager _ if there are people on the Mars.A. to know B. know C. knowing D. about knowing11. Th

356、ere is no substitute _ good food and excise.A. of B. for C. to D. with12. He offered to supply us _ another clock free of charge.A. with B. for C. of D. to13. _ contrast to his brother, he is more considerate and friendly.A. By B. In C. With D. Through14. Sometimes you have to _ a new word in the di

357、ctionary.A. look into B. look up C. look over D. look through15. Animals can live only on _ plants have already turned from inorganic to vegetable matter.A. that B. which C. what D. how16. The difficulty _ their great poverty.A. lies in B. lies on C. lies with D. lies down17. She isnt satisfied _ th

358、e present living conditions.A. for B. by C. with D. to18. Traditionally, the father of a nuclear family earned money for the family _ the mother cared for the house and children.A. while B. because C. where D. therefore19. Generally, the children stay in the nuclear family _ they grow up and marriag

359、e.A. although B. as C. until D. where20.Its important to realize that the same technology _ helps us may also harm us.A. as B. that C. what D. when二、完型填空。(10 分)Most forgetting takes place immediately after learning. An hour after studying or learning something new, more than 50% has been forgotten.

360、After one month 80% has been forgotten and so on.This shows that review is very important. If you _ new material you have learnt, you remember much more. Its important to review newly learnt material a little and often. Its also necessary _ frequent breaks. We best remember _ we learnt at the beginn

361、ing of a learning period and at the point _ we stop. After the break, its necessary to review what was learnt _ the break-and then to continue learning the new material.other experiments have shown that the brain needs time to digest what has been learnt. The time necessary _ this is 5 to 10 minutes

362、. After a break of this time, the memory will have absorbed what it has _ learnt, and more will be remembered. During this break it is important to _ the right side of the brain, because the left side is used during a learning period. Therefore you should _ in some way. Listening to music, breathing

363、 in fresh air, and looking at a picture, are all ways of using the other _ of the brain.1.A. review B. remind C. recover D. remember2.A. have B. has C. to have D. having3.A. that B. what C. which D. this4.A. when B. that C. which D. where5.A. before B. since C. after D. until6.A. to B. for C. on D.

364、by7.A. merely B. only C. just D .recently8.A. practice B. drill C. train D. exercise9.A. relax B. release C. relieve D. relay10.A. part B. portion C. side D. section三、阅读理解。(20 分)passage oneThe problem of leisure is new. Until very recent times people worked each day to the limit of their strength. o

365、f course there were always a privileged few who had leisure; but most men had to work 12,14, or even 16 hours a day, six days a week. As late as1840 the average factory worker labored 72 hours a week. “Sunup to sundown” was the farmers day, or as another phrase, “from can to cant.”Today, working les

366、s than 40-hour week, people enjoy more leisure time. Hence, the wise use of leisure time has become an important problem for everyone, young or old. It is a particularly difficult problem for the sick, the aged, and those who have retired from earning a living. Those people have so much leisure that

367、 it is hard for them to find interesting and worthwhile ways to use it.However, short the work week becomes, work is still the most important part of life. We dont work to get leisure and the pleasures leisure brings us; rather, we use leisure wisely so that work itself can become awarding and enjoy

368、able. The feeling of success at doing ones daily work-whether it is a job, maintaining a home, or going to school-depends largely on coming to it each day with fresh energy and active interest.Leisure and recreation go together, though they are not necessarily the same thing. “recreation” has an obv

369、ious meaning. It is the kind of leisure activity that brings re-creation of strengthen and spirit. When one speaks of making good use of leisure, he means choosing recreational activities which contribute to health, growth, and spirit.1. The phrase “from can to cant” in paragraph 1 means _.A. from b

370、eginning to end B. from birth to death C from morning to night .D. from time to time2. How to spend leisure time wisely is not a particularly difficult problem fro people _.A. who are very busy every day B. who are sick in bedC. who are aged and in good health D. who have retired from work3. How doe

371、s the author look at work and leisure?A. We work hard so that we can enjoy more leisure.B. We enjoy leisure so that we can come back to work with fresh energy.C. Leisure can bring us a lot of pleasure that cannot.D. The success of work has little to do with how we spend our leisure time.4. What is t

372、he relationship between leisure and recreation according to the author?A. Leisure and recreation are closely related.B. Leisure and recreation are identical.C. Recreation covers all kinds of leisure activities.D. Recreation doesnt belong to any leisure activities.5. From the passage we know that _.A

373、. leisure has been an old problem since ancient times.B. leisure cant be replaced as the most important part of life.C. our success in work is mostly determined by whether we use leisure wiselyD. good recreation activities contribute greatly to health, growth and spiritpassage TwoEach nation has its

374、 own peculiar character which distinguishes it from others. But the peoples of the world have more points in common than points in which they differ. one type of person that is common in every country is the one who always tries to do as little as possible and to get as much as possible in return. H

375、is opposite, the man who is in the habit of doing more than is strictly necessary and who is ready to accept what is offered in return, is rare everywhere.Both these types are usually unconscious of their character. The man who avoids effort is always talking about his “rights”: he appears to think

376、that society owes him a pleasant, easy life. The man who is always doing more than his share talks of “duties”: he feels that the individual is in debt to society, and not society to the individual. As a result of their views, neither of these men thinks that he behaves at all strangely.The man who

377、tries to do as little as he can is always full of excuses: if he has neglected to do something, it was because he had a headache, or the weather was too hot or too cold, or because he was prevented by bad luck. At first, other people, such as his friends and his employer, generously accept his stori

378、es; but soon they realize what kind of person he is. In the long run he deceives only himself. When his friends become cool towards him and he fails to make progress in his job, he is surprised and hurt. He blames everyone and everything except himself. He feels that society is failing in its duties

379、 towards him, and that he is being unjustly treated.6. The central ides if paragraph 1 is that _.A. Each nation is peculiar enough to enable us to distinguish it from others.B. The peoples of the world are as alike as they are different.C. The peoples of the world have more similarities than differe

380、nces.D. Those who do more than is strictly necessary are common in every country.7. According to paragraph 1, the man who does more than is required _.A. is ready to accept what the society offers himB. excepts nothing in return for his workC. feels that he is under heavy debtD. thinks this makes hi

381、s life easy8. Those who try to do as little as possible _.A. envy others good luck B. are good story-tellersC. supply false reasons for their lack of responsibilityD. think that their opposites owe them a pleasant life9. The phrase “in the long run” is closest in meaning to _.A. in practice B. in th

382、e end C. in effect D. in no time10.It can be inferred from the passage that people who cheat_.A. will be unjustly treated B. will cheat only themselves eventuallyC. will change their behavior D. will get surprised by their own storiespart two四、单词拼写。(10 分)1. 重复、反复 n r_ 2.传统的 a t_3.代表、象征 vt r_ 4.熟练、精通

383、 n p_5.文明的、开化的 a c_ 6.消化 vt d_7.有经验的 a e_ 8.给人印象深刻的 a I_9.火山 n v_ 10. 美味的_11.准确地 ad a_ 12. 改进、增进 n _13.不能消化的 a I_ 14.准备、预备 n p_15.工业化 v i_ 16. 相似、类似 n s_17.与众不同的 a u_ 18. 观察,观察物 n o_19.完全地,绝对地 ad a_ 20. 仍然是,剩下 vi r_五、用动词正确的时态填空。(10 分)1.In the 1600s, travelers from Europe _ (bring) back diamonds from

384、 India.2.Sometimes information in the long-term memory _ (be) hard to remember.3.Well-organized material is _ (well) remembered than jumbled information.4.These plants can be _(easy) categorized.5.Some common _(phenomenon) are not completely understood.6.We did that just for your _(convenient)7.Comp

385、uters are now being _(wide) used in China.8.Sometimes ocean currents _(call) “rivers in the sea”.9.The inhabitants of the moon would see our earth _(reflect) the light of the sun.10.For centuries the Atlantis ocean kept the Americans from _(discover) by the people of Europe.六、汉译英。(15 分)1.世界上只有四个地区发现

386、有很多金刚石。2.说肉和土豆不能一起吃是愚蠢的3.不用说,第二个词表比第一个词表更容易记忆。4.我们应该设法寻找问题的答案,而不是等待老师的解释。5.随着现代交通的发展,太平洋似乎变得越来越小。七、英译汉。(15 分)What is color? Why do some objects look red, others green, others blue?Color is caused by reflected light rays. We see color because objects reflect light. Something that is red reflects most

387、ly red light. ( it reflects a little green or blue light, too, but we do not see it. ) in the same way, a green object reflects mostly green light. White objects reflect all colors of light. Black objects dont reflect any light.What happens to the colors of light that are not reflected? They are abs

388、orbed by the object. The darker the color, the less light is reflected and the more light is absorbed. Light that is absorbed is turned into heat. For this reason, darkcolored clothes are warmer in the sunlight that lightcolored clothes.Key to exercises:p258:.1.standing; 2.rising; 3.beginning, advan

389、ced; 4.done; 5.playing; 6.pleasing; 7.reflecting; 8.closed; 9.reading; 10.charged, bought; 11.living; 12.extended; 13.outlined; ing; 15.wearing; 16.lying; 17.having gone; 18.working; 19.moving; 20.running.1. Hes quite satisfied with the test result.2. She saw a group of cows standing under the trees

390、.3. on hearing the news, they set off for the railway station at once.4. Hong Kong, returned to China in 1997, is one of the most important commercial and financial centers in Asia.5. please turn off the light when leaving the room.6. She has two sons living in Macao.7. He gave an important talk at

391、the meeting held last week.8. presents costing less than $200 may be brought into the country duty free.9. Seeing him coming over, we hid ourselves behind the door.10. At this moment, she felt her heart beating fast.p291:.1.to say; 2.leading; 3.to say; 4.eating; 5.to learn, experienced; 6.belonging;

392、 7.banking, leaving; 8.doing; 9.finished; 10.smoking, eating; 11.driving; 12.buying, washing, to make; 13.going; 14.happening, controlling; 15.to bring; 16.to be done, to move; 17.being discussed; 18.meeting; 19.being, to help; 20.knowing, learning.C, D, D, B, A, D, C, C, C, AThe 15th lecture of Col

393、lege English one:Unit 11 Text A: The Great American Garage SaleWe have heard of flea market in China. But in America there is another kind of market used to sell and buy those second things. And such sales often happen in the garage, the yard, or the basement. Rising living costs are considered as a

394、 main reason for holding such sales and in such sales people can know many new friends, so they have become social events.A. New words:1.unwanted: adj 不需要的;反义词:wanted; want2.neighborhood: n 四邻、附近;neighbor: n 邻居;hood 后缀,表示“状态/状况”。3.advertisement: 缩写 ad.; advertise: v4.buyer, seller:买主,卖主, buy, sell:

395、v; sale: n(*)a.Is the house for sale?b.This little shop sells a wide variety of goods.c.The market of farm produce was filled with sellers and buyers.5.save: v 救助,储蓄,节省。a. The doctor has tries her best to save her life.b. We are saving money for a holiday.c. please save a seat for me in the reading

396、room.6. original: adj 起初的、新颖的;origin: n 开端、背景;originate: v 起因;originality: n 创造力;originally: adv 起初地(*)a.He is a Chinese by origin.b.Her works of art show a great deal of originality.c.The original plan was better than the plan we puterization: n 计算机化;computerize: v 计算机化;computer: n 计算机(*)a.Computer

397、s are used by people of all walks of life.b.The computerization of management makes things easy and convenient.c.The airlines have already computerized their booking system.8.era: n 时代、纪元We are living computer era.9.bargin: v/n 讨价还价;交易a.-The bike only cost me 50yuan. -oh, you have a good bargain!b.S

398、he always bargains with the salesmen for the necessaries.10.hunter: n 猎人;bargain-hunter:专找便宜货的人。11.fabulous: adj 神话式的,惊人的;fabulous heroes 传奇式的英雄, a fabulous performance 精彩的表演12.mercy:n 仁慈、宽容;merciful: adj 仁慈的;mewrciless: adj 无怜悯心的13.reluctant: adj 不情愿的,同义词:unwilling; 反义词:willing; reluctance: n14.ent

399、husiasm: n 热情;enthusiast: n 热心人;enthusiastic: adj 热情的: (*)be enthusiastic for/about sth;15.recent: adj 最近的;recently: adv 最近16.bound: adj 一定的,有约束的,准备到去的a.The weather is bound to get better tomorrow.b.Where are you bound for: Im bound for school.B. Intensive reading the text:1.Sorting through their po

400、ssessions, they came up with some 1500 old, unwanted itemsall sorts of things they wanted to get rid of.译:把家里的东西整理一下,找出大约有 1500 件不用的旧货这些东西他们都想扔掉。分析:Sorting through their possessions 现在分词作时间状语,all sorts of things they wanted to get rid of 是 1500 old, unwanted items 的同位语。短语:come up with: find out; som

401、e: about; all sorts of: all kinds of; get rid of:摆脱、除去a.I came up with a better way to solve the problem from the experiment.b.He finally got rid of those dirty and old shoes.2.The Ericksons neednt have worried.译:其实埃里克森一家本没有必要担心。neednt have done sth:是虚拟语气的一种形式,表示原本没有必要做谋事,但实际还是做了,反义词:should have don

402、e 本应做,但却没做。a.I should have helped you.b.They neednt have come here so early, for its Sunday!3.Eager buyers bought all but 50 of the items in one weekend, leaving the family $442 richer. (*)译:踊跃的买主在一个周末就把全部商品几乎全买走了,除了剩余的 50 件商品外,给一家人增加了 442 元的收入。考点:all but 其中 but 位介词“除了”,leaving 现在分词做伴随状语;richer 更多的4

403、.What would Americans want to shop by searching among someone elses cast-offs?译:为什么美国人这么喜欢光顾别人的旧货摊,在里面翻翻拣拣?Would 表示愿意; shop: v 购物,shop: n 商店;shopping:n 购物a.We are busy with our work during weekends, therefore, we usually shop on Sundays.b.The family goes shopping once a week.c.I went to several shop

404、s but still couldnt find the sort of diamond ring she wanted.Searching 是动名词;some elses 别人的。5.Rising living costs are considered by almost everyone as a reason both for holding sales and for attending them.译:不断上升的生活费是举办和光顾这些旧货展卖的会被每一个人考虑的几个原因之一。Rising living costs 是现在分词做句子的主语。请大家区分一下:rising, living 形

405、式相同但用法也相同吗?rising 是现在分词,living 是动名词。区分二者的方法是:看能否将动词的 ing 形式改为定语从句,可以则是分词,反之则为动名词。a.Look at the sleeping boy. (Look at the boy who is sleeping.)b.please go to your sleeping car.(the car for sleep 是说明用途。)6.The seller makes a little extra money and the buyer saves quite a lot, since garage-sale items u

406、sually are priced at a very small part of their original cost.译:车库展卖的价格是原来价格的很小的一部分,所以卖主能挣一点额外的钱,买主却省了一大笔钱。Since 因为,sth is priced at some price:标明价格7.one psychologist suggests that people are fed up with the computerization of their livesthey may be searching for their roots.译:一位心理学家解释说,人们厌倦了电脑网络化的生

407、活也许他们正在寻根。Suggest 在这里也不是“建议”,因此不用虚拟语气。短语:be fed up with 因而厌烦;search for 到处寻找We are fed up with the traffic and noise in big cities.8.Some people have made garage-sale shopping into a hobby; they spend their weekends going from sale to sale, hoping to run across a real treasure.译:有些人已经把逛车库展卖当成一种业余爱好;

408、每个周末他们都泡在里面,从一家逛到另一家,希望能找到一件真正的宝贝。make sth into a hobby 使成为一种爱好;hoping to run across a real treasure做谓语 spend 的伴随状语; run across 偶然遇见、发现,同义词:come across9. How long will all this enthusiasm continuesome day the people who are buying are bound to be faced with the same problem we had- getting rid of th

409、is stuff.译:这种热情会持续多久? 某一天买了我们东西的顾客将会发现,他们也面临和我们同样的问题怎样处理掉这些旧东西。some day 用于一般将来时中,be bound to do; be faced with 面临,面队. getting rid of this stuff 是 the same problem 的同位语。a.Lazy Tom is bound to fail this exam.b.The country is faced with the economic crisis.C. Summary about the phrases:1.not long ago(1

410、段 1 行); 2.decide to do(1 段 1 行); 3.sort through(1 段 2 行); e up with(1 段 3 行); 5.get rid of(1 段 4 行); 6.all sorts of(1 段 3 行); 7.set out(1 段 7 行); 8.neednt have done(1 段 9 行); 9.for sale(3 段 1 行); 10.be consideredas(6 段 1 行); 11.be priced at(6 段 4 行); 12.be fed up with(7 段 4 行); 13.search for(7 段 5 行

411、); 14.be turned off(7 段 6 行); 15.make sth into sth(8 段 1 行); 16.run across(8 段 2 行); 17.separate sth from sth(9 段 3-4 行); 18.be bound to(10段 2 行); 19.be faced with(10 段 2 行);Text B: American StoresA: new words:1.urge: v urge sb to do sth 鼓励2.practically; adv 几乎、简直,同义词:almost3.normal; adj 正常的,反义词:abn

412、ormal4.confusing:adj 使人困惑的,confused: adj; confuse: v; confusion: n5.explore: v 探险;explorer: n; exploration: n6.specialize: v 专门研究,specialize in sth; specialist: n 专家7.likely; adj 有可能的,be likely to do sth8.profit: n 利润,收益,同义词:benefit; v 有益于 profit from sthprofitable, profitless: adj9.flavor: n 味道;v 给

413、调味B. Important sentences:1. In the United States you will find yourself being urged from every page of newspaper and on practically every television station to buy all kinds of goods that you are actually quite happy without.译:在美国,你会发现,几乎是每张报纸的每一页或每一个电视台都在极力怂恿你购买各种各样的商品,其实不买它们也无所谓。find yourself bein

414、g urged 现在分词的被动语态做宾补,be urged to do sth2. Not only is there a wide range of prices for goods in America, there is also 否定词放在句首句子需倒装。CSummary about the phrases:1.urge to do(1 段 1 行); 2.instead of(2 段 4 行); 3.range from(3 段 1 行); 4.as well as(3 段 3 行); 5.specialize in(3 段 4 行); 6.depend on(6 段 4 行); 7

415、.be likely to do(6 段 5 行); 8.refer to(7 段 1 行); 9.small profit on a great quantity of goods(7 段 4 行);10.be known for(8 段 1 行); 11.the vast majority(9 段 1 行);The 16th lecture of College English one:Key to exercises:p303:.d, a, d, c, dp304:.1.possessions; 2.advertisement; 3.variety; 4.replica; 5.casto

416、ffs; 6.extra; 7.era; 8.hobby; 9.fabulous; 10.relunctantp305:.1.seller; 2.buyer; 3.reporter; 4.waiter; 5.artist; 6.owner; 7.earner; 8.visitor; 9.actor; 10.sailor.2. I ran across his early works in a second-hand store.3. You will never believe that there are people who would like to buy those unwanted

417、 objects.5. We are bound to win the battle.p307:.1.hobby; 2.local; 3.recent; 4.extra; 5.stuff; 6.original; 7.reluctant; 8.neighbourhood; 9.advertisements; 10.enthusiasm.1. The shop has put up many ads in the neighborhood.3. I ran across a friend of mine in the park last week.4. He didnt take money w

418、ith him, so he was bound to come back.6. All useless items should be got rid of.7. our duty is to meet ever-increasing needs of the people.9. The music really turns me off.10. He set out his viewpoints clearly in the book.p313: F, T, T, T, F, F, F, T, F, F.p315: .b, d, c, e, a.1.b, 2.a, 3.d, 4.a, 5.

419、aUnit 12 Text A: How Dictionary Are MadeMost of us look a dictionary as the supreme authority. Then do you how dictionaries are made? Then please read our text very carefully, you can find the answers.A.New words:1.mainly: adv; main: adj2.grammarian: n 语法学家;grammar: n 语法;grammatical: adj 语法的3.author

420、ity: n 官方、权力;author: n 作者;authoritative: adj 权威性的,官方的a.Dont be so authoritative when you ask me to do something.b.Her father is the author of the book Focus on the Learner.c.The government is the highest authority in the country.4.usage: n 使用,用法;use: n 利用, v 使用、利用;used: adj 用过的;useful: adj 有用的;usele

421、ss: adj 无用的(*)a.He bought a dictionary of modern English usage yesterday.b.We may make good use of the ads to compare the prices of goods.c.Used cars are priced at a small part of their original cost.d.Just use your imagination to picture what could become of her.5.dispute: n/v 争吵6.editor: n 编辑;edit

422、: v; edition: n 版本;(*)a.The first edition of the book was 20000 copies.b.They are going to edit a book for children.c.She is a reporter as well as an editor.7.occurtence: n 发生、出现;occur: v8.occupy: v 占用、使忙碌;occupation: n; occupied: adj 已占用的9.alphabetize: v 按字母顺序排列;alphabet: n 字母表10.quotation: n 引文、引语

423、;quote: v11.historical: adj 历史的;history: n 历史;historian:历史学家;(*)a.The book is based on both personal and historical events.b.He was interested in history when he was a child and later became a historian.c.China has a recorded history of 5000 years.12.reveal: v 揭露、泄露;反义词:conceal, hide; revelation: n1

424、3.influence: n/v 与 affect 不同,该词强调潜移默化的影响。Influential: adj 有影响的14.invention:n 发明;invent: v 发明;inventor: n 发明家15.ordinarily: adv 通常地16.peculiar: adj unusual17.discard: v throw away 抛弃、扔掉B.Intensive reading;1. Its widely believed that every word has a correct meaning, that we learn these meanings mainl

425、y from teachers and grammarians, and that dictionaries and grammars are the supreme authority in matters of meaning and usage.译:大多数人认为每个单词都有一个确切的意思,而我们主要是从教师和语法家那儿学会这些意思的,而且在涉及到意思和用法上,词典和语法书是最高权威。很多人看不懂这个句子,是因为它含有由 that 引导的三个主语从句。It 是形式主语。短语:in matters of sth 涉及到2. I once got into a dispute with an

426、English woman over the pronunciation of a word and offer to look it up in the dictionary.(*)译:曾经有一次,我和一位英国女士为一个词的读音争执起来,我建议去查字典。短语:get into a dispute with sb about/over sth; offer to do; look sth up3. In the United States, however, anyone who is willing to quarrels with the dictionary is regarded as

427、 either eccentric or mad.译:而在美国,任何一个对词典提出异议的都会被认为是偏执狂或疯子。短语:be willing to do; quarrel with sth; be regarded as; eitheror4. What follows applied only to those dictionary offices where first-hand, original research goes onnot those in which editors simply copy existing dictionaries.译:下面的叙述仅仅适用于那些进行第一手

428、创造性研究的词典编辑室,而不适用那些编辑们单纯照抄现有词典的编辑室。主语是 What follows,where first-hand, original research goes on 是定语从句修饰 those dictionary offices,短语:apply to sth 适用于.5. If, for example, we had been writing a dictionary in 1890, or even as late as 1919, we could have said that the word “broadcast” means “to scatter”,

429、but we could not have stated that from 1921 on, the most common meaning of the word should become “to send out programs by radio or television.”译:举个例子来说,如果我们从 1890 年以来就一直在编写一本字典,或甚至推迟到1919 年,我们可以说单词“broadcast”意思是“播种”,但从 1921 年起,我们就不可以这么说了,它最普遍的意思变成了“通过广播或电视传送节目。”这句话特别注意它的虚拟语气的用法。C.Summary about the

430、phrases:1.in matters of(1 段 3 行); 2.get into a dispute with sb over/about sth(1 段 5-6 行); 3.offer to do(1 段 7 行); 4.look sth up(1 段 7 行); 5.bring up(1 段 8 行); 6.be willing to do(1 段 11 行); 7.quarrel with sb(1 段 11 行); 8.be regarded as(1 段 12 行); 9.eitheror(1 段 12 行); 10.arrive at(2 段 1 行); 11.apply

431、to sth(2 段 2 行); 12.begin with(2 段 5 行); 13.a large number of(2 段 8 行); 14.that is to say(3 段 1行); 15.along with(3 段 1 行); 16.divide up(4 段 5 行); 17.according to(4 段 5 行); 18.base on sth(4 段 7 行); 19.set up(5 段 1 行); 20.to the best of ones ability(5段 3 行);Text B: Reading provides necessary survival

432、skillsA. New words:1.survival: n 幸存、生存;survive: v; survivor: n2.emphasis: n 强调;emphasize: prehension: n 理解力4.concentration: n 专注、专心; concentrate: v on sth.5.challenge: n/v 挑战6.register: v 登记、记录,registered letter 挂号信7.alert: adj 警觉的,be alert to sthB. Intensive reading:1. The expression “haste makes w

433、aste” does not apply to reading.译:“欲速则不达”不适用阅读。2. Nothing hurts concentration more than reading too slowly.译:没有什么比读得慢更影响集中力了。3. The more words you are familiar with, the less you are aware of reading words and the more you are aware of content and meaning.译:你所熟悉的单词越多,你就越不会觉得你在读单词,而越觉得你在读内容和意思。短语:The

434、 morethe lessthe more; be familiar with sth; be aware of sth4. Good reading habits like these can help students and working adults alike to be more successful.译:像这样好的阅读习惯能够帮助学生和工作的成人取得更大的成功。Working 是现在分词,alike 是副词,同样的。Grammar knowledge: preposition介词是一种乍看不起眼的虚词,但它起到媒介的作用,使句中的某些词与其余词发生一定的关系,因此它又是十分重要

435、的。在历年的考试中往往会出现在:选择填空,完型填空,翻译等题型中。请大家记住课本上要求记忆的固定搭配。见课本 p3481. A modern woman usually does two jobs instead _ one.2. We must remember that it is the intelligent application of technology that will lead us _ success.3. There is atmosphere to protect us _ the suns deadly rays.4. The food of the plant i

436、s different _ that of animals.5. Washing food down with water as a substitute _ chewing is not a good idea.6. He always turned on the lights _ a random order.7. You have to put up _ the advertising if you want the entertainment.8. She was not well prepared _ too much new technology in the office all

437、 at once.9. They are not satisfied _ the conclusion they have come to.10. _ contrast, the modern husband may do some of the household jobs, and it is not unusual _ him to cook.key to the exercises: of; to; from; from; for; in; with; for; with; in, forThe 17th lecture of College English one:Unit 13 T

438、ext A: InsuranceDo you buy any insurance for yourself or your family? This lecture well talk insurance in America. There are many kinds of insurance in the United States. Americans are unwilling to discuss insurance out of some reasons. But no matter how its better to plan for unpleasant situations

439、by finding means to deal with them to just hope that they will never happen.A. New words:1.insurance: n 保险;insure: v 给买保险2.agent: n 代理人;agency: n 代理3.coverage: n 覆盖,总括;cover: v4.protection: n 保护,防护;protect: v protect sb from sth; protective: adj 保护的5.consumer: n 消费者;consume: v 花费,消费;consumption: n(*

440、)a.We should protect the interest of consumers.b.He consumed much time and energy in writing this book.c.The consumption of the material has been reduced year by year.6.disturb: v 打扰;disturbance: nMay I disturb you for a moment?7.policy: n 方针,保险单8.sum: n 总数;v 总结,概括,sum up9.miracle: n 奇迹;miraculous:

441、adj 奇迹般的10.adequate: adj sufficient,反义词:inadequate;11.major: n 专业;v 主修a.My major is English and American literature at college.12.remind: v 提醒,remind sb of sth, remind sb to do sth(*), remind that.a.I must remind you of your promise.b.please remind me to answer that letter.13.unsafe: adj 不安全的,同义词:da

442、ngerous, 反义词:safe; safety: n 安全(*)a.The police work for the safety of all the people who live in this city.b.It is not safe to skate on that thin ice.c.Tell them not to cross that bridge because it is unsafe.14.possibility: n 可能性,possible: adj 可能的,impossible.15.injury: n 伤害、损害;injure: v; injured: ad

443、j 受伤的16.loss: n 损失;lost: adj 丢失的、迷失的;lose: v(*)a.You should make good use of your time. There is not a moment to lose.b.The explorers got lost in hate thick forest.c.The loss caused by the fire was adequately covered by insurance.17.financial: adj 财政的、金融的;finance: n 财政、金融;financier: n 金融家,CFo18.unfo

444、rtunate: adj unlucky, 反义词:fortunate, lucky,名词:fortune, luck19.occur: v 发生,sth occur to sb 某事被人想起; occurrence: na.The traffic accident occurred at midnight.b.A good idea occurred to me immediately.20.professional: adj 职业的;profession: n 专业、职业21.ignorance: n 无知、愚昧;ignorant: adj 愚昧的22.intelligently: adv

445、 明智地;intelligent: adj; intelligence: n 智慧(*)a.Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.b.The children were given an intelligence test.c.The smart boy answered every question intelligently.23.somehow: adv 不知怎么地,以某种方式;somewhat: adv 稍微24.opposite: adj/adv/na.I sat opposite to him during the

446、meal. (prep)b.The girl sitting opposite is a famous dancer. (adv)c.In England you must drive on the opposite side of the road to the rest of Europe. (adj)25.effective: adj 有效的;effect: n; affect: v26.proven: adj 被证实的;prove: v 证实、证明,不用被动语态。a.The method proved to be very effective.b.He proved himself t

447、o be an excellent designer.B. Intensive reading:1. The American consumer often feels constantly disturbed by insurance agents.(*)译:美国的消费者常常觉得受到保险代理人的不断骚扰。考点:feels constantly disturbed2. Three reasons why we are unwilling to discuss insurance can be suggested.译:有三条理由可以说明为什么我们不愿讨论保险。Why 引导定语从句。短语:be u

448、nwilling to do;3. We feel inadequate and try to hide our ignorance by avoiding discussions of insurance.译:我们感到对保险知识的缺乏,于是逃避讨论保险,企图掩饰我们的无知。考点:feel inadequate; try to do; by avoiding;4. These three reasons for not discussing insurance provide three excellent reasons why we should learn more about it.译

449、:这三个不讨论保险的原因恰恰是我们为什么要知之更多的好理由。分析:not discussing 是动名词的否定式。主语:These three reasons for not discussing insurance;谓语:provide; 宾语:three excellent reasons why we should learn more about it,包含一个 why 引导的定语从句。5. Neither should we depend entirely on the agent when we buy insurance.译:买保险的时候也不能完全依赖保险代理人。因为以否定词“n

450、either”开头,因此需要部分倒装。短语:depend on6. It is better that we plan for these situations by finding means to deal with them than to just hope that they will somehow go away.译:我们对这些情况做出安排,找到应付它们的方法,这就比仅仅希望这些厄运能远离我们要好得多。正常语序:That we plan for these situations by finding means to deal with them is better than t

451、o just hope that they will somehow go away.考点:betterthan; deal with; plan for sth, by finding means7. Insurance fundamentals can be understood by those willing to study them.译:那些愿意学习它们的人能理解保险的基本原理。考点:can be understood; willing to study them 作定语修饰 those.C. Summary about phrases:1.be eager to(1 段 8 行)

452、; 2.on guard(2 段 3 行); 3.at best(2 段 4 行); 4.agree to do(3 段 3 行); 5.a sum of money(3 段 3 行); 6.in effect(3 段 5 行); 7.pay for(3 段 7 行); 8.remind sb that; (4 段 1 行) 9.in our heart(4 段 4 行); 10.depend on(6 段 6 行); 11.look sth in the face(7 段 1 行); 12.deal with(7 段4 行);Text B: What Is Money and What Ar

453、e Its Functions?The four major functions of money are as a medium of exchange, a standard of value, a standard of deferred payment, and a store of value.货币的四个主要功用是:交换的媒介,价值的标准,延期付款的标准和价值的储存手段。A. New words:1.disagreement: agreement, disagree, agree2.economist: n 经济学家,economy: n 经济、节约;economic: adj 经济

454、的;economical: adj 节约的;economize: v 节约3.exchange: n/v 交换、交流4.payment: n 付款;pay: v; payer: n 付款人,tax payer5.inconvenient: adj 不方便的,inconvenience; convenient, convenience6.sacrifice; v/n 牺牲7.coincidence: n 巧合、同时发生;coincide: v 同时发生;coincident: adj 巧合的What a coincidence!8.respond: v respond to sth; respo

455、nse: n9.conscious: adj 有意识的,be conscious of sth; unconscious10.reduce, decrease: 减少11.GNp = Gross National product 国民生产总值;GDp = Gross Domestic product 国内生产总值B. Summary about the phrases:1.be familiar with(1 段 1 行); 2.a great deal of(1 段 5 行); 3.a number of(1 段7 行); 4.rule out(3 段 2 行); 5.search for(

456、3 段 5 行); 6.respond to sth(4 段 5 行); 7.rather than(4 段 6 行); 8.in terms of(4 段 6 行); 9.whether or not(4 段 7 行); 10.be conscious of(4 段 7 行); 11.serve as(5 段 6 行); 12.only if/If only(5 段 9 行); 13.convert into(6 段 6 行); 14.associate with(6 段 7 行); 15. be involved in(6 段 9行)分词的独立主格:当我们介绍分词短语作状语时讲过它的逻辑主

457、语应是主句的主语,但有时根据句子的需要分词短语要有一个独立的主语,我们称之为独立主格。a.It being Sunday, you neednt go to school.= Because it is Sunday, you neednt go to school.b.All people having arrived, the meeting began.= After all people had arrived, the meeting began.c.Weather permitting, well go to the Summer palace.= If weather permi

458、ts, well go to the Summer palace.d.All the work done, you can go home.= After all the work is done, you can go home.当动词和主语之间存在主动关系时,用现在分词;当动词和主语之间存在被动关系时,用过去分词;另外,分词作独立主格时前面可加 with.The park is beautiful with all the trees putting on a tender green.Exercise:1. The murderer was brought in, with his ha

459、nds _ behind his back. (tie)2. The first textbook _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. (write)3. I played under a big tree, with my father _ in the fields. (work)4. All our savings _, we must look for a new job. (go)5. The question _, we continued to do the work

460、. (settle)key: 1.tied; 2.written; 3.working; 4.gone; 5.having been settledThe 18th lecture of College English one:形容词后缀:able, ibleacceptacceptable; responseresponsiblealformformal; nationnationalanAmericaAmerican; RussiaRussianant, entdifferdifferent; resistresistantary, oryexplainexplanatory; secon

461、dsecondaryerneasteastern; westwesternfulcarecareful; helphelpful; useusefullesscarecareless; helphelpless; useuselessicbasebasic; economyeconomiciveactactive; progressprogressiveousdangerdangerous; famefamousywindwindy; cloudcloudy; dirtdirtyishEnglandEnglish; foolfoolish; redreddish动词后缀:enblackblac

462、ken; sharpsharpen; widewidenfy; ifypurepurify; beautybeautifyize, isecomputercomputerize; realrealize副词后缀:ly: carefulcarefully; easyeasily; truetrulyKey to some exercises:p365:.a. c. c. d. b.p366:.1.agent; 2.policy; 3.adequate; 4.occur; 5.remind; 6.ignorance; plex; 8.entirely; 9.fundamentals; 10.con

463、cepts.1.evil; 2.sell; 3.inadequate; 4.expensive; 5.unfortunate; 6.impossible; 7.finally; 8.unsafe; 9.illness; 10.hide, concealp367:.looking for, address, familiar with, guide, places of interest, sum, period, if, look forward to, sincerelyp369:.1.effective; 2.evil; 3.inadequate; 4.sum; plex; 6.agent

464、; 7.miracle; 8.protection; 9.opposite; 10.possibility.2. In effect, it took us as much time to look for the book as it did to read it.3. Her letter reminded me of the good days that we spent together.4. Except for a few insurance professionals, most of us dont understand exactly what insurance is.5.

465、 The method has been proven and is still effective.8. His major is engine technology in this institute.Unit 14 Text A: The Importance of Being Kind and politeThere is a saying: when salute, youll be saluted. people usually follow some rules of behavior in social activities. These rules represent wha

466、t a majority of people consider acceptable and unacceptable. However, there are rude people whose behavior shows little respect for such rules. As we know, being polite and showing respect can lead us to success in life. So its a good idea to be kind and polite people.A. New words:1.frankly: adv, fr

467、ank: adj, to be frank; frankness: n2.boring: adj 令人讨厌的;bore: v; bored: adj; boredom: n 厌烦、厌倦3.honestly: adv 正直地;honest: adj, to be honest; honesty: n 诚实、正直 (*)a.Honesty is the best policy.b.I didnt tell anyone, honestly, I didnt.c.To be honest with you, he often speaks evil of you behind your back.4

468、.impress: v; impression: n; impressive: adj(*)a.I was greatly impressed by his speech.b.The book didnt impress me at all.5.collection: n 收集、收藏品;collect: v6.misunderstand: v 误解、误会;understand: v; understanding; misunderstanding(*)a.I cant understand why he shows no respect for the rules the majority f

469、ollows.b.We should do everything possible to clear up the many misunderstandings between us.c.He is not happy because his wife always misunderstands him.7.interact: v 互相作用;interaction: n8.behavior: n; behave: v9.unacceptable: adj; acceptable: adj; accept: v; acceptance: n (*)a.She received a gift fr

470、om him, but she didnt accept.b.He is angry with her because her words are totally unacceptable.c.If you think the plan is acceptable, you should do it according to the plan right now.10.rude: adj; rudely: adv11.bother: v; bothersome: adj12.adolescent: n 青少年;adolescence: n 青春期13.swear: v 宣誓、咒骂a.She s

471、wears on her honor.b.What is she swearing about?14.indifferent: adj 冷漠的 be indifferent to sb/sth;different: adj 不同的;difference: n(*)a.Im indifferent to whether you go or stay. To be honest with you, I dont care.b.There are big differences between the two languages.c.She is wearing a different dress

472、every time I see her.15.discipline: n 纪律,v 训练16.employer: n 雇主;employee: n 雇员;employ: v; employment: n(*)a.The factory is going to employ 20 more workers.b.He left his hometown to look for employment in a big city.c.She has been working for the same employer for 20 years.d.The total number of office

473、 employees almost doubled.17.individual: n/adj; individualize: v 个性化;individuality: n 个性18.kindness: n; kind: adjB. Intensive reading:1. Failing to be impressed by a friends collection of stamps, yawning when a golfer tells you that great shot he made on the 14th hole, or falling asleep when friends

474、 show pictures from their last trip to Sault Ste are all things that educated people try not to do.译:一个朋友向你展示他的邮票集,你却毫无感觉;一个高尔夫球手告诉你他在打第十四洞时打了多么漂亮的一杆,你却打哈欠;或者当朋友们向你展示上次去圣苏马力旅行的照片时,你却睡着了,这些都是有教养的人尽力避免去作的事情。分析:Failing to be impressed by a friends collection of stamps, yawning when a golfer tells you t

475、hat great shot he made on the 14th hole, or falling asleep when friends show pictures from their last trip to Sault Ste 是句子的主语,动名词作主语。短语:fail to do; be impressed by; fall asleep2. This is what manners are about: acting in a civilized way to avoid misunderstanding, friction, and conflict.译:这就是礼节所包含的内

476、容:以文明的方式行事,防止产生误解、摩擦和冲突。注意: in a way; avoid doing sth3. A new class of rude people has been born: the look-at-me phone users whose boring conversations are just as dangerous to our mental health as smoke is to our lungs.译:一个新的举止粗鲁的阶层正在兴起:那就是“看我多神气”的打电话者,无聊的电话聊天对我们的头脑健康造成的危害不亚于吸烟对于肺部造成的危害。注意:as + adj

477、 + to sb + as 比较对象Reading is as important to us as it is to you.4. There are many children and adolescents whose behavior is generally unacceptable.译:很多孩子和青少年的行为总的来说是不可接受的。考点:whose behavior5. Kids who have no idea what being polite means will pay the price sooner or later.译:不懂得礼貌的孩子迟早会为此付出代价的。短语:hav

478、e no idea; pay the price; sooner or later分析:Kids 主语,will pay 谓语;the price 宾语;who have no idea what being polite means 定语,包含一个宾语从句,being polite 是宾语从句的主语。6. When they join the work force, their employers and associates alike will soon realize that the behavior of these rude young people is closer to t

479、hat of animals than civilized individuals.译;当他们工作后,老板和同事不久就会认识到这些粗鲁的年轻人的行为更像动物而不象文明人。注意几个词:alike; be closer to that of animals 其中 that 代表 behavior; thanC. Summary about the phrases:1.think of(1 段 3 行); 2.fail to do(1 段 4 行); 3.tell sb about sth(1 段 5 行); 4.fall asleep(1 段 6 行); 5.in a civilized way(

480、1 段 8 行); 6.avoid doing(1 段 8 行); 7.interact with sb(2 段 1 行); 8.respect for(2 段 5 行); 9.light up(3 段 3 行); 10.be dangerous to(3 段 6 行); 11.refuse to do(4 段 4 行); 12.have no idea(4 段 5 行); 13.pay the price(4 段 5 行); 14.sooner or later(4 段 6 行); 15.be close to(4 段 8 行); 16. because of(4 段 11 行); 17.g

481、et ahead(4 段 12 行); 18.give sb an edge(5 段 3 行); 19.start with(5 段 4 行); 20.be based on(5 段 5 行)Text B: Why We Walk in CirclesA. New words:1.foggy: adj 有雾的;fog: n 雾2.motion: n 运动;v 打手势,motion to3.intend: v intend to do;4.even: adj 平坦的、平滑的;uneven: 不平坦的5.mystery: n 神秘,mysterious: adj 神秘的B. Important p

482、hrases:1.rather than: youre watching rather than pinning.(1 段 2 行)2.keep from: all these can keep a traveler from seeing where he is going.(2 段 3 行)3.be worth doing: this problem was worth investigating.(4 段 2 行)4.succeed in doing: one group of rowers who tried to cross three miles of water in foggy

483、 weather never succeeded in reaching their goal.(5 段 3 行)5.wind up: have you ever wound up a toy automobile and started it off across the floor?(7 段 1 行)6.no morethan: the muscles of a mans arms are no more identical than the muscles of his legs.(11 段 1 行)The 19th lecture of College English one:Key

484、to exercises:p396:.d, c, c, a, d.1.impression; 2.kindness; 3.ignorance; 4.behavior; 5.majority; 6.awareness; 7.attraction; 8.danger; 9.possibility; 10.protectionp399: .2. They arent even aware that this is not a good habit.3. We should learn to respect fro others and avoid friction or conflict.4. Th

485、ey swear theyll finish the job no matter what happens.6. Im not thirsty. Dont bother to make tea for me.7. His attitude towards his work impressed me deeply.Unit 15 Text A: How TV Violence Affects KidsDo you liking watching TV? What are your favorite programs on TV? TV has been part of many peoples

486、daily life since it was invented a century ago. and most evidence show that the violence programs on TV affects most children. Why and how we should do to avoid such bad effects on children? Now lets read the text together. This is an important article. You need learn it very attentively.A. New word

487、s:1.violence: n 暴力;violent: adj 暴力的;violently: adv,nonviolent: adj(*)a. Many people complain too much violence is shown on television.b. people are sometimes violent when they become very angry.c. Ten years later, when she saw her friend again, her heart began to beat violently.2.exposure: n 暴露、揭露;e

488、xpose: v expose to sth;3.allocate: v 分配、分派 allocate sth to sb;allocation: n4.significantly: adv 有意义地;significant: adj; significance: n 意义;insignificant(*)a. The return of Hong Kong is of great historical significance.b. The old man said to us significantly, “life is not easy for any of us.”c. Few th

489、ings are more significant of a mans interests than the books on his shelves.5.given: prep 考虑到Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.6.adopt: v 采取、采纳、收养;adoption: na. We adopted their suggestion.b. They decided to adopt the homeless child.7.distinguish: v 区别、辨别;The ability to talk dis

490、tinguishes human beings from animals.8.reality: n; real: adj; really: adv (*)a. Things that happen in real life are sometimes stranger than things that occur in fiction.b. He really didnt know the answer.c. Her dream of coming to China has become a reality.9.subtlety: n 微妙之处;subtle: adj 微妙的10.moral:

491、 adj 道德的,反义词:immoral11.recovery: n 恢复;recover: v, recover from sth12.unrealistic: adj 不切实际的,反义词:realistic13.imitative: adj 模仿的;imitate: v 模仿;imitation: n14.imaginative: adj 富于想象的;imagine: v; imagination: n 想象力(*)a. You can never imagine how inconvenient our life would be without electricity.b. His p

492、aintings show that he is a very imaginative child.c. The job requires not only intelligence, but also imagination.15.expressive: adj 表现的;express: v 表达;expression: na. She can express herself well both in Chinese and English.b. There is a strange expression in her eyes that I cant understand.c. I can

493、 never forget her expressive smile.16.interpret: v 解释、说明;interpretation: n; interpreter: n 翻译(口译)17.monitor: n 监听器,v 监听、监视18.crazy: adj 发疯的;be crazy about sth; crazy English19.critique: n 评论文章;critic: n 评论家;20.imply: v 暗示;implication: n21.fascination: n 魅力;fascinate: v 吸引;fascinating: adj 吸引人的22.gui

494、lty: adj 内疚的;guilt: n;guiltless: adj 无罪的mercially: adv 商业地;commerce: n; commercial: adj24.altenative: n 取舍;adj 供选择的B.Intensive reading:1.For more than a quarter of a century, evidence has been increasing that childrens exposure to violence on television has long-lasting effects on their behavior.译:在

495、 25 年多的时间里,越来越多的证据表明,孩子们接触到电视里的暴力场面对他们的行为有着持久的影响。that childrens exposure to violence on television has long-lasting effects on their behavior 是同位语从句,修饰 evidence; 短语:have effect on sth2.points out that preschool children are particularly easily affected by the media because they are not yet fully abl

496、e to distinguish fantasy from reality and their understanding of the underlying motives for behavior and the subtleties of moral conflicts is not yet well developed.(2 段 3 行)译:指出学龄前儿童特别容易受到传媒的影响,因为他们还不能把幻想与现实完全区别开来,对做出行为的潜在动机和道德冲突的微妙性的理解力还没有得到很好的发展。分析:that preschool children are particularly easily

497、affected by the media是宾语从句;because they are not yet fully able to distinguish fantasy from reality and their understanding of the underlying motives for behavior and the subtleties of moral conflicts is not yet well developed 是原因状语从句。短语:point out; be able to do; distinguish sth from sth;3.Children n

498、aturally often want the toys shown on and advertised during these programs.译:很自然地,孩子们常常想要在这些电视节目里展示的或做广告的玩具。考点:shown 和 advertised 是过去分词作定语修饰 the toys4.With these toys, their play tends to be more imitative than imaginative.译:有了这些玩具,他们游戏时就更倾向于模仿而不是想象。短语:tend to 有倾向;morethan 与其而不如5.Some research even

499、suggests that children apply the behaviors observed on TV programs to their real-life situations.译:某一项研究表明孩子们甚至把从电视里观察到的行为应用在真实生活的场景中。Suggest 这里不用虚拟,apply sth to sth 应用; observed 过去分词作定语。6.It is a good idea for parents to monitor the amount as well as the kind of television their preschool child wat

500、ches.(*)译;父母们监控学龄前儿童看电视的时间和节目类别,这是一个好主意。考点:the amount of sth, as well as,主语:for parents to monitor the amount as well as the kind of television their preschool child watches;it 是形式主语。7.Many preschool teachers dont like to have commercially made toy weapons brought into the classroom and welcome hear

501、ing your concerns about this matter.译:许多学龄前儿童的老师不喜欢商业性的玩具武器被带进教室,他们愿意听听你们对这件事的关心。句型:have sth done(*); welcome doing sth; concern about sthplease have your blood pressure taken.8.Work together to control the amount of violence programs watched and the number of violent toys found in the home.译:一起商量如何

502、监控孩子们的游戏时间,以及控制家里的暴力玩具的数量。考点:the amount of time of violence programs; the number of violent toys; found 过去分词作定语修饰 toys.C.Brief summary about phrases:1.exposure to sth(1 段 2 行); 2.have effect on(1 段 2 行); 3.the amount of/ the number of(1 段 3,5 行); 4.point out(2 段 3 行); 5.distinguish from(2 段 5 行); 6.

503、tend to(3 段 2 行); 7.make sense of sth(3 段 7 行); 8.apply sth to sth(3 段 9 行); 9.appear to(4 段 2 行); 10.be crazy about(4 段 3 行); 11.act on(1 段 5 行)Text B: Why Dont Girls Think Like Boys?1.exception: n 例外;except: prep/v2.male, female3.aggression: n 侵犯,aggressive: adj 侵略的;aggressiveness: n 进取精神4.sample:

504、 n 样本5.advantage: n 优点、优势;disadvantage6.treatment: n 治疗;treat: v7.consequently: adv therefore8.satisfactorily: adv 满意地9.responsibility: n 责任;be responsible for sth 对负责任的Homework:选词填空:as well as, crazy about, distinguish from, apply to, tend to, put together, point out, the amount of, the number of,

505、make sense1. He is _ computer.2. The test is important for you _ for me.3. Did he mean to _ the principles _ software development?4. _ lift increases with the speed of the aircraft.5. Your whole account of these incidents doesnt _.6. I can hardly _ one _ the other; they are so much alike.7. people _

506、 get fat as they grow older.8. It is about time someone _ his errors to him.9. It is easier to take a machine to pieces than to _ them _ again.10. _ competitors for selling computers is increasing.1.crazy about; 2.as well as; 3.applyto; 4.the amount of; 5.make sense; 6.distinguish from; 7.tend to; 8

507、.pointed out; 9.put together; 10.the number of写出下列单词的名词形式:1.imaginative; 2.evident; 3.fascinating; 4.imitative; 5.real; 6.violent; 7.significant; 8.relate; 9.observe; 10.naturalkey:1.imagination; 2.evidence; 3.fascination; 4.imitation; 5.reality; 6.violence; 7.significance; 8.relation; 9.observation

508、; 10.natureThe 20th lecture of College English one英语(一)测试本试题分两部分,第一部分为选择题,50 分;第二部分为非选择题,50 分。part one一、选择题。(20 分)1. Sickness often results _ eating too much.A. from B. in C. as D. by2. They have decided to carry _ their own views.A. through B. on C. out D. over3. Though it looked like rain this mor

509、ning, it has turned _ to be a fine day.A. down B. to C. on D. out4. problems _ in a variety of ways.A. rise B. arise C. arouse D. raise5. Im _ with talking to you. You never listen to me.A. feeding up B. fed up C. fed off D. fed back6. They spend their weekends _ from sale to sale, hoping to run acr

510、oss a real treasure.A. to go B. going C. at going D. gone7. Some children get _ a bad habit of switching on TV as soon as they come back home.A. in B. up C. on D. into8. _ of my knowledge, I have never seen the person before.A. To the best B. With the best C. In the best D. Make the best9. You must

511、_ what you are doing is quite illegal.A. aware that B. be aware of C. be aware that D. aware of10. The doctor took X-rays to _ the chance of broken bones.A. rule against B. rule off C. rule over D. rule out11. Money provides a unit of account that serves _ a standard to measure value.A. as B. for C.

512、 with D. in12. Did he intend us _ the cost of dinner?A. sharing B. to share C. share D. shares13. There are many children _ behavior is generally unacceptable.A. their B. who C. whose D. of whom14. She has neither read the book nor _ the film.A. see B. seen C. sees D. saw15. Children naturally often

513、 want the toys _ on TV programs.A. show B. to show C. showing D. shown16. The American family of today is different from the family _ fifty years ago.A. for B. of C. in D. about17. Heat has many effects, most of _ will be familiar through everyday experience.A. them B. those C. that D. which18. Ther

514、e were firms who specialized _ supplying cars.A. in B. on C. with D. for19. Remember, nothing hurts concentration _ reading too slow.A. rather than B. as well as C. more than D. instead of20. In the garage sale, eager buyers bought all but 50 of the unwanted items in one weekend, leaving the family

515、$442 _A. rich B. better C. richer D. good二、完型填空。(10 分)“Thank you ” means 1 you realize that someone has done something for you. Thus we thank people all day long, 2 for the smallest, most ordinary things. If a waitress brings you a cup of coffee, you say “thank you”. When you pay 3 your food and get

516、 your 4, you say “thank you” to the cashier. If someone 5 you directions in the street, you say “thank you”. However, those are all inappropriate expression of gratitude to make westerners very 6 and give them an impression of insincerity. For example, if your advisor spends half an hour 7 you with

517、your thesis, you 8 say “ thank you, I really 9 your kindness.” That is quite enough. Still better to say “I am sorry to have taken 10 so much of your time.” Try to make things casual, never overdo.1. A. what B. that C. all D. things2. A. especially B. even C. in addition D. whatever3. A. back B. off

518、 C. for D. on4. A. change B. money C. pay D. bill5. A. does B. shows C. has got D. goes for6. A. comfortable B. uncomfortable C. dissatisfaction D. satisfied7. A. to help B. helping C. on helping D. help8. A. should B. will have to C. might D. are able to9. A. appreciate B. accept C. want D. get10.

519、A. in B. on C. up D. off三、阅读理解。(20 分)passage oneEveryone has to buy or sell things sometimes. Even students, who are usually not very rich, have to learn something about making purchases intelligently. As a student you may find, for example, that you need to buy a typewriter or winter clothing. You

520、may want to buy a television or a used car. of course, you want to get good value for your money. If you are considering a major purchase, or any purchase, you should remember three important things.Study first, and then decide what you want to buy. You can learn a lot by reading books and ads.Remem

521、ber that is a high quality product will probably last longer and work better. of course, for a superior product you can expect to pay more. An inferior product may not give you the same quality, but the price should be low. perhaps this seems obvious, but you must know the quality. Dont just look at

522、 the price. A poor quality product could be expensive. And a valuable one could be on sale at a greatly reduced price.Dont hurry. Take your time. After you decide what product you want, go to many different stores. If you cant find the product you want, you may try to order it directly from the fact

523、ory or ask the store to order it for you. Look for a good deal. If you wait, you will probably find that your product will go on sale and you may be able to save 10, 20, or even 50 percent off the original price.Finally, before you buy, make sure that the product is guaranteed. If you dont like it,

524、you wan to be able to get your money back. If you carefully examine your own preferences and then shop until you find the lowest possible price, you will generally be happy with your purchase and also keep more money in the bank.1. While you go shopping, you should pay more attention to _.A. price B

525、. quality C. information D. intelligence2. You can get by reading books and ads_.A. information about products B. facts of propertyC. messages of a process D. knowledge of the amount of products3. It is dangerous by its price alone _.A. to bring a product into effect B. to argue about a productC. to

526、 judge a product D. to deal with a product4. Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the passage?A. If you wait for a sale, you may be able to save 10, 20, or even 50 percent off the original price.B. A superior product will probably work better but the price may be high.C. Two importa

527、nt things should be remembered when you have some shopping to do.D. You have to pay in advance when you order a product from the store.5. You may buy a television or a used car. Here the word “used” apparently means _.A. helpful B. producing good results C. second-hand D. valuablepassage TwoThe olym

528、pic Games are an international sports competition. In the olympics, men and women from almost every nation in the world attempt to run faster, jump higher and longer, lift heavier and heavier weights and throw further and further. They are all competing for that ultimate prize: an olympic gold medal

529、. Some only fail by hundreds of a second or fractions or a millimeter but are content with silver or bronze. Most are extremely happy just to be there and in so doing agree with the other motto of the games which says that it is not winning that is important but taking part.However, as the olympics

530、reach the end of the 20th century and look forward to the 21st, it seems as if this second ideal is no longer a realistic one for our competitive world. Much as we are happy to see the medals won, it is not enough. We all want to witness that moment in history when something is achieved for the very

531、 first time.Yet in this search for greater achievements we are seriously in danger of losing the very ideal of the olympic Games and possibly of sport in general. We are no longer content to see men and women try their hardest having trained themselves to the peak of their performance; we demand new

532、 records. Although we criticize them for doing so, turning to drugs may be the only way some athletes see of satisfying the publics hunger.Even though we pretend that the olympics are still the last preserve of the amateur ideal, we know that to be a world class athlete now is full time activity. It

533、 is not only the intensive training given to potential champions by the super powers. But many athletes are paid now. Since 1982 the International olympic Committee has allowed money from appearance and advertising to be kept for the competitor until he or she retires and even used for training purp

534、oses and expenses.Are we pushing the athletes too hard? Can we expect the athletes to live up to the ideal of the Games without the help of modern science and technology? Indeed, how much further can the human body go? Is it too late to go back to the pure ideal of the ancient Games or is it just an

535、other part of our life that is increasingly dominated by technology?6. Competitors at the olympics want to _.A. do more than just participate B. perform better than anyone elseC. come as close as possible to the fast timeD. entertain the spectators in the stadium and at home7. The second motto _.A.

536、is too idealistic B. has never satisfied the general publicC. would most likely to the best of their abilityD. has been overtaken by the first motto8. Non-competitors desire most strongly to see _.A. a world record being broken B. an olympic record being brokenC. athletes contest to the best of thei

537、r abilityD. their countrymen and women win a first prize9. Taking drugs may help athletes _.A. to eat more B. to train less C. to be critical D. to perform better10. The International olympic Committee _.A. makes athletes pay to enter the games B. lets athletes be paid to enter the gamesC. prevents

538、amateurs from entering the gamesD. lets athletes use the money from commercials.part two四、单词拼写。(10 分)1.收集、收藏品 n c_ 2. 冷漠的、不关心的 a i_3.优点、优势 n a_ 4. 非暴力的 a n_5.财政的、金融的 a f_ 6. 交换、交流 n/v e_7.挑战 n/v c_ 8. 发明、创造 n i_9 占用、占有 v o_ 10.有效果地 ad e_11.讨价还价 n b_ 12.勉强的 a r_13 专门研究 v s_ 14.起初的、原来的 a o_15.环境 n e_

539、16.想象力 n i_17.预言、预报 n p_ 18.不能接受的 a u_19.供选择的 adj a_ 20.现实、实际 n r_五、用动词正确的时态填空。(10 分)1. Insurance fundamentals can _(understand) by those willing to study them.2. Do you know why people are unwilling _(discuss) insurance?3. This is another way of saying that mans understanding is always _(little) th

540、an perfect.4. He bought her what she wanted, _(regard) of the expenses.5. _(Use) cars are priced at a small part of their original cost.6. The _(far) away an object is, the smaller it looks.7. To some extent, my opinion _(influence) by my parents.8. He had his leg _(injury) trying to save a boy from

541、 a passing train.9. The headmaster made a bad _(impress) on the parents.10. We thanked them for their _(kind).六、汉译英。(15 分)1解决实际问题的办法事先不能预见。2他昨天买到的只是一件没有什么价值的东西。3任何与字典争论的人被看成是疯子。4我们不愿意讨论保险的一个原因是保险很费钱。5父母控制孩子看暴力电视节目的数量是个好主意。七、英译汉。(15 分)A hobby is an interesting way of spending your free time. Its an a

542、ctivity you turn to for pleasure, not something that you have to do, like helping with dishes. Its more like a special friend that you choose for yourself. You spend your free time with it because it interests you and because you enjoy it.Since different people like to do different things in their s

543、pare time, we would make a long list of hobbies, taking in everything from collecting matchboxes and raising rare fish, to learning about the stars and making model ships. Some hobbies are very popular: stamp collecting, painting and cycling, for example; while others are quite unusual, like collect

544、ing insects or traveling on all the trains in one country.Key to some exercises(20 讲内容)p432:.d, a, c, b, a.1.allocate; 2.significantly; 3.model; 4.fantacy; 5.motive; 6.jeopardize; 7.interpret; 8.monitor; 9.initate; 10.depict; 11.critiques; 12.fascination; 13.alternativep433:.1.imagination; 2.evidenc

545、e; 3.fascinationl; 4.imitation; 5.reality; 6.violence; 7.significance; 8.relation; 9.observation; 10.naturep434:.1. Violence movies have a powerful effect on preschool children.2. parents should monitor the amount as well as the kind of TV their children watch.3. preschool children arent fully able

546、to distinguish fantasy from reality.p436: .1.imitate; 2.interpret; 3.motive; 4.monitor; 5.evidence; 6.recovery; 7.reality; 8.undermined; 9.alternative; 10.violencep437: 1. The peace talks have a long-lasting effect on the relationship between the two countries.2. Given good health, I hope to finish

547、the wotk this year.3. I must point out that its unrealistic for us not to make a mistake.4. Many young people are crazy about football.5. I think your plan is good but is there an alternative to it?6. We should learn to distinguish right from wrong.7. You can interpret this term in many ways.8. He a

548、dopted a firm attitude towards this matter.9. The mothers words implied that the children might watch TV twice a week.10. His job is to monitor radio broadcasts from a certain country.p444:.T, T, F, F, T, T, T, F, T, Fp446: .1.a. 2.c. 3.b; 4.c; 5.bThe 21st lecture of College English one:Unit 16 Text

549、 A: Heart Disease: Treat or prevent?The death rate from heart disease has been increasing at an alarming speed. Its said that heart diseases associated with stress, smoking and a lack of exercise and the way people live. people are paying more and more attention to avoid suffering from the heart dis

550、ease. So I hope this text will be beneficial to all of you.A.New words:1.killer: n 凶手、杀人者;kill: v2.alarming: adj 惊人的;alarm: n 警报的声音或信号,alarm clock; v 警告或惊吓3.surgical: adj 外科的;surgery: n 外科、手术;surgeon: n 外科医生,physician: n 内科医生(*)a.Surgery is the science and practice of treating injuries and diseases

551、by operations.b.A good surgeon must have an eagles eyes, a lions heart and a ladys hand.c.The patient is in need of surgical treatment.4.technological: adj 工艺的、工业技术的;technology: n 工艺、技术应用;technique: n 技能、技术、方法;technical: adj 技术的、技艺的;technician: n 技术员、技师(*)a.The machine has broken down, but one of ou

552、r technicians will repair it.b.Jim has always been interested in engineering, but he has not yet had any technical training in the field.c.The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is called MIT for short.d.Technique must be gained by practice.e.The invention of the steam engine was a great technolo

553、gical advance.5.advance: v/n 前进、进展;advanced: adj 进步的6.enable: v 使能够,enable sb to do sth; en + adj/nV: en + largeenlarge; en + richenrich; en + dangerendanger etc.able: adj 能够的;ability: n 能力Airplanes enable people to travel in the air.7.benefit: n 益处、好处;v 得益,benefit from sth/sb; beneficial: adj 有益的;b

554、eneficiary: n 受益人8.critic: n 批评家、评论家;critique: n 评论9.disadvantage: n 不利地位、不利条件, 反义词:advantage; disadvantageous: adj 不利的;advantageous: adj 有利的10.resource: n 资源、谋略, HR= human resource11.prevention: n 防止、预防;prevent: v, preventfrom; preventable: adj 可阻止的;preventive: adj 预防的、预备的(*)a.prevention is better

555、than cure.b.Security measures were taken to prevent the prisoners from escaping.c.Her brother caught cold yesterday, so her mother asked her to take some preventive medicine.12.recover: v 恢复,recover from; recovery: n 恢复I hope you will soon recover from your disease.13.expertise: n 专门知识;expert: n 专家,

556、adj 熟练的14.researcher: n 研究者;research: n/v15.emphasize: v 强调;emphasis: n 强调16.connection: n 连接、关系;connect: v17.sufficient: adj 足够的,反义词:insufficient; adequate, inadequate; sufficiency: n 足够18.rely: v, rely on/upon; depend on/upon19.dietary: adj 节食的;diet: n 饮食;be on diet 节食20.stress: n 压力,pressure; v 强

557、调 emphasizeB.Intensive reading:1.The death rate from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years.译:由于心脏病死亡的人数在过去的三十年中一直以惊人的速度增长。考点:介词 from,表示“由于”,has been increasing 是现在完成进行时,强调动作一直持续进行,未间断。atspeed 以速度。2.Western health-care systems are spending huge sums of money o

558、n the surgical treatment of the disease.译:西方国家的卫生保健体系花费大笔的金钱研究这种疾病的外科治疗方法。注意:习惯用法:huge sum of money; spend on sth3.This emphasis on treatment is clearly associated with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten to fifteen years.译:对治疗方法的强调显然是与过去十年至十五年间发生的技术进步联系在一起的。注意:emphasis

559、on sth; be associated wit sth; take place:发生,该短语无被动语态。 定语从句的时态。4.Although there is no doubt that a large number of people benefit from heart surgery, critics of our health-care systems point out that the emphasis on the surgical treatment of the disease has three clear disadvantages.译:虽然毫无疑问心脏手术可以让很

560、多人获益非浅,但有些卫生保健体系的批评人士指出,强调以手术治疗这种疾病有三个明显的缺陷。短语多:there is no doubt that 毫无疑问; a large number of 很多; benefit from获益; point out 指出.5.First, it attracts interest and financial resources away from the question of prevention.译:首先,它使人们的兴趣和资金都不放在疾病的预防上。That is, people dont spend too much interest and financ

561、ial resources on the prevention of the disease.6.Second, it causes the costs of general hospital care to rise. After hospitals buy the expensive equipment that is necessary for modern heart surgery, they must try to recover the money they have spent. To do this, they raise costs for all their patien

562、ts, not just those patients whose treatment requires the equipment.译:其次,它导致普通医疗费用的上涨。医院在购买进行现代心脏手术所需的昂贵设备后,必定要设法收回投入的资金。因此,他们提高对所有病人的收费,这其中包括不仅仅是那些需用这些设备进行治疗的病人。考点:causeto rise 导致的上涨,be necessary for sth; they raise costs ; whose treatment requires the equipment.7.The third disadvantage is that doct

563、ors are encouraged to perform surgery even on patients for whom an operation is not at all necessary because the equipment and surgical expertise is available.译:第三个缺陷,因为他们既有设备又有专业知识,医生们被鼓励施行此种手术,即使有些病人根本不需要。考点:be encouraged to do sth; on patients for whom an operation is not at all necessary 的语序是:an

564、 operation on the patients is not necessary for them注意介词的使用。8.In the recent past, medical researchers have begun to emphasize the fact that heart disease is associated with stress, smoking and a lack of exercise, and we can often reduce the risk of heart disease by paying more attention to these fac

565、tors.译:最近几年,医疗研究人员开始强调心脏病是由压力,吸烟以及缺乏锻炼引起的。如能对这些因素多加注意的话,患心脏病的机率就会降低。注意:the fact that是一个同位语从句;be associated with; lack of sth; by ; pay more attention to9.Many people are paying more attention to reducing stress in their lives.译:许多人注意减少他们生活的紧张程度。考点:reducing stress in their lives 是动名词作宾语。10.The number

566、 of smokers in the USA is now far below the level of twenty years ago as many people succeed in breaking the habit and as fewer people take it up.译:今天美国的吸烟人数远低于二十年前,许多人成功戒烟,更少的人开始吸烟。考点:the number of谓语要用单数形式;far below 远远低于;as既克理解为原因状语从句,也可理解为时间状语从句;succeed in doing sth; break the habit 戒掉这个习惯;take up

567、 从事C.Summary about the important phrases:1.atspeed(1 段 2 行); 2.die of(1 段 4 行); 3.spend on sth(1 段 5 行); 4.huge sum of money(1 段 5 行); 5.be associated with(2 段 1 行); 6.take place(2 段 2 行); 7.enable sb to do sth(2 段 3 行); 8.there is no doubt that(3 段 1 行); 9.a large number of(3 段 3 行); 10.benefit fro

568、m(3 段 1 行); 11.point out(3 段 2 行); 12.be encouraged to do(3 段 10 行); 13.pay more attention to sth(4 段 4 行);14.as a result of(5 段 2 行); 15.tend to(5 段 4 行); 16.rely on(5 段 5 行); 17.take more responsibility for sth(5 段 8 行); 18.far below(5 段 12 行); 19.succeed in doing(5段 12 行); 20.take up(5 段 13 行); 2

569、1.be aware of sth(5 段 14 行); 22.instead of(5 段15 行);Text B: Dieting Your Way of HealthA.New words:1.misguide: v 误导,同类形的词还有:mislead, misunderstand, mistake etc.2.resistance: n 抵抗、反抗;resist: v3.essential: adj 必要的,be essential to sb/sth4.recommend: v 推荐; recommendation: n5.appetite: n 食欲、胃口;appetizer:

570、n 开胃品;appetizing: adj 开胃的6.harmful: adj,反义词:harmless7.nutrient: adj 营养的,n 营养品;nutritious:营养价值高的;nutrition: n 营养;nutritionist: n 营养学家8.mineral: n 矿石;mine:矿山B.Some sentences in the text:1.Almost everyone considers going on a diet sometime in his or her life. All, regardless of sex or age, have somethi

571、ng in common losing weight and losing it fast.译:几乎每个人在其一生中的某个时间都会考虑节食一段时间。无论性别或年龄,所有人共同的一点就是减肥,而且要快速减肥。考点:consider doing sth; go on a diet; sometime 某一段时间,一般用于一般将来时或一般过去时。Regardless of sth 不管、无论;have something in common 有某些共同之处。2.They soon lose interest in everything going on about them, and their r

572、esistance to illness becomes so low that they are easily attacked by one illness after another.译:很快他们对周围的一切事物都失去了兴趣,对疾病的抵抗力降低,很容易接连不断地生病。短语:lose interest in everything; going on about them 发生在他们周围,现在分词作定语修饰 everything; resistance to sth 对的抵抗力;sothat; one after another.3.They begin to have difficulty

573、 sleeping properly and start to suffer from radical mood changes.译:他们开始睡眠不在香甜,心情变化无常。短语:begin to / start to do; have difficulty doing sth; suffer from4.Its strange enough that most strict diets recommend artificial sweeteners to take the place of sugar and other natural sweeteners.译:奇怪的是,许多严格规定的食物中推

574、荐用人造甜食剂代替糖和其他甜食剂。考点:这是 it 引导的一个主语从句;recommend sb to do sth; take the place of sth 代替,和 take place 进行区分。C.Summary about the phrases:1.consider doing sth(1 段 1 行); 2.go on a diet(1 段 1 行); 3.regardless of sth(1 段 2 行); 4.have something in common(1 段 2 行); 5.convert into(2 段 8 行); 6.supply to sth(2 段 8

575、 行); 7.at a rate(2 段 9 行); 8.lose interest in sth(2 段 10行); 9.go on(2 段 10 行); 10.one after another(2 段 11 行); 11.be essential for sth(3 段 3 行); 12.as a result(3 段 4 行); 13.avoid doing(3 段 5 行); 14.have difficulty doing sth(3 段 61 行); 15.suffer from(3 段 7 行); 16.take the place of(4段 2 行); 17.lead to

576、(4 段 4 行); 18.result in(5 段 1 行); 19.be harmful to(5 段 3 行); 20.lead a life(5 段 4-5 行); 21.in other words(6 段 3 行); 22.provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb(6 段 4 行); 23.large amount of(6 段 7 行); 24.such as(7 段 1 行); 25.on the other hand(8 段 4 行); 26.substitute for(9 段 2 行); 27.in the same way(9段

577、5 行); 28.be used for(9 段 5 行); 29.instead of(9 段 6 行)The 22nd lecture of College English one:Key to exercises:p459:.b, d, b, d, a.1.alarming; 2.killer; 3.emphasis; 4.perform; 5.surgery; 6.recover; 7.reduce; 8.connection; 9.sufficient; 10.merelyp461:.1.emphasis; 2.awareness; 3.treatment; 4.prevention

578、; 5.technology; 6.surgery; 7.increase; 8.responsibility; 9.illness; 10.benefitp463:.4. a. attractive; b. attract; c. attraction; 5.a. encouraged; b. discourage; c. couragep464:.2. Technology advances enable people to live more happily and comfortably.4. Children are often encouraged to imagine inste

579、ad of imitating.p471:.F, T, T, T, F, F, T, F, F, Tp473:.1.balance; 2.appetite; 3.harmful; 4.vitamin; 5.metaboism; ponents; 7.resulted in; 8.essential to; 9.excess; 10.balancedUnit 17 Text A panic and Its EffectsNow more and more Americans are having panic attacks. The victims suffer from shortness o

580、f breath, experience chest pains, a quick heartbeat. Sudden fits of trembling, and most of all, a fear of dying or going crazy. psychological stress could be a logical cause to it. The victims should consult a doctor and seek a medical and psychological help.A. New words:1.panic: v/n/adj 恐慌、慌乱的a.I g

581、ot into a panic when I found myself left alone.b.The gunshot panicked the horse.c.I feel panic when I found myself left alone.2.severe: adj severe test 严峻的考验; severe competition 激烈的竞争; severe storm 猛烈的风暴3.accompany: v; accompaniment, accompanist4.shortness: n 缺乏、不足(状态);short: adj 短的;shortage: n 缺乏(物

582、品)shortage of sth; shorten: v 变短;shortly: adv 立刻、马上(*)aHis answer was short and to the point.b.people are perfectly aware of the shortness of days in winter.d.Food shortage often occurs in time of war.5.diagnose: v 诊断疾病;diagnosis: n 诊断、诊断书;diagnostic: adj 诊断的6.conduct: n/v 处理、指挥、举止、行为7.approximately

583、: adv 近似地;approximate: adj 大约的,v 接近 approximate to sth; approximation: n 近似值8.recurrent: adj 复发的、反复发生的;recur: v 复发;recurrence: n9.bear: v 忍受、负担、生孩子,born 出生;borne 忍受10.uneasy: adj 担心的、忧虑的,同义词 worried;easy:容易的;ease: n 舒适、安逸;unease: n 忧虑、担心;easily: adv(*)a.All things are difficult before they are easy.

584、b.He works so hard that his mother feels uneasy about his health.c.He used to be very strong and could swim across the river easily.11.multiplicity: n 多样性;multiple: adj 多样的12.mention: n/v 提及、说起a.Did you hear your name mentioned?b.The concert didnt get a mention in the newspaper.13.endanger: v 危及;dan

585、ger: n 危险;dangerous: adj 危险的(*)a.He has been very ill, but the doctors say that he is now out of danger.b.A war can endanger millions of lives.c.Its dangerous to walk on thin ice on a lake.14.unnecessarily: adv 不必要地;unnecessary, necessary: adj; necessity: n 必需品(*)a.Youd better cut out the unnecessar

586、y words.b.He didnt care about it at all, so he thought her explanation was unnecessarily detailed.c.Its necessary to know the differences between a heart attack and a panic attack.15.disrupt: v; disruption:破裂、分裂16.eventually: adv 终于, finally17.confirm: v 证实; confirmation: n; confirmative: adj 确认的18.

587、psychology: n 心理学;psychological: adj 心理学的;psychologist: n 心理学家(*)a.Ten years after his graduation, he became a well-know psychologist.b.psychology is the study or science of the mind and the way it works.c.She is interested in the psychological development of the child.B.Intensive reading:1.Frighten

588、ed by the thought that she was having a heart attack, Anne screamed for help.译:她以为自己是心脏病发作,吓得赶紧大叫救命。分析:Frightened by the thought that she was having a heart attack 是过去分词做原因状语,内含 that 引导的同位语从句,修饰 thought.2.More and more Americans nowadays are having panic attacks like the one experienced by Anne.译:现在

589、越来越多的美国人患有像安尼那样的恐慌症。注意句子的时态,like 介词像;experienced 过去分词作定语修饰 the one.3.These attacks may last for only a few minutes; some, however, continue for several hours.译:恐慌症发作可能只持续几分钟,而有些要持续几个小时。考点:last for 持续4. The symptoms of panic attacks bear such remarkable similarity to those of heart attacks that many

590、victims believe that they are indeed having a heart attack.译:恐慌症的症状与心脏病发作时的症状很相似,以至于许多患者以为他们得了心脏病。考点:bear 负担、承担;suchthat 如此以至;similarity to sth 介词的用法;those 代指 symptoms.5. panic attack victims show the following symptoms: they often become easily frightened of feel uneasy in situations where people n

591、ormally would not be afraid; they suffer shortness of breath, experience chest pains, a quick heartbeat, sudden fits of trembling, a feeling that persons and things around them are not real; and most of all, a fear of dying or going crazy. A person seized by a panic attack may show all or as few as

592、four of these symptoms.译:恐慌症患者表现出如下症状:他们很容易受惊吓,在通常人们不会感到害怕的地方惊恐不安;呼吸急促,胸口疼痛,心跳加速,一阵阵的战栗,感觉周围的人、事虚无缥缈;最严重的是,有死亡或变疯的恐惧感。被恐慌症侵袭的人可能会表现出全部症状,至少也会有其中的四种。注意:in situations where 引导定语从句;a feeling that persons and things around them are not real 中有一个同位语从句修饰 a feeling; seized by a panic attack 过去分词作定语修饰 a per

593、son; as few as 像一样少;短语:fits of; most of all; go crazy6. However, studies show that more women than men experience panic attacks and people who drink a lot as well as those who use drugs are more likely to suffer attacks.译:然而,研究表明,患有恐慌症的女性多于男性,饮酒过多和吸毒的人更有可能遭受恐慌症的侵袭。考点:more than; as well as; be more l

594、ikely to do sth;7.It is reported that there are at least three signs that indicate a person is suffering from a panic attack rather than a heart attack. 译:据报道,至少有三种标志可以表明一个人是由惊吓引起了恐慌症而非心脏病发作。注意:基本句型 it it reported that,全句的正常语序:That there are at least three signs that indicate a person is suffering f

595、orm a panic attack rather than a heart attack is reported.短语:at least; suffer from; rather than8.It is generally agreed that a panic attack does not directly endanger a persons life。(背!)译:人们通常认为恐慌症并不会直接危及人们的生命。9.All the same, it can unnecessarily disrupt a persons life by making him or her so afraid

596、 of having a panic attack in a public place that he or she may refuse to leave home and may eventually become isolated from the rest of society.译:尽管如此,它却毫无必要地扰乱了人们的生活,人们担心自己会在公共场所发生恐慌,因此拒绝离开家,最终导致与社会隔离。考点:短语:all the same; sothat; be afraid of sth; refuse to do; be isolated from sthC.Summary about th

597、e phrases:1.rush to(1 段 5 行); 2.as many as(2 段 4 行); 3.at least(2 段 5 行); 4.suffer from(2 段 8 行); 5.last for(3 段 1 行); 6.suchthat(3 段 3-4 行); 7.similarity to(3段 4 行); 8.go crazy(4 段 6 行); 9.as to(5 段 1 行); 10.as well as(5 段 5 行); 11.be likely to do(5 段 6 行); 12.it is reported that(6 段 1 行); 13.rathe

598、r than(6 段 2行); 14.all the same(7 段 2 行); 15.refuse to do(7 段 4 行); 16.be isolated from(7段 5 行); 17.rule out the possibility of sth(7 段 7 行); 18.seek help(7 段 9 行)Text B: Sleeping Fact or Fancy?A.New words:1.sleepwalk: n/v 梦游,sleepwalker: n 梦游者pose: v 组成、构成、作词、作曲,compose of sth,compose mit: v 犯,comm

599、it crime4.nevertheless: adv 仍然、然而,however, anyway5.border: n 边界、边缘;v 接壤 border on/upon sth6.disturb: v 扰乱;disturbance: n7.anxiety: n 焦虑;anxious: adj 焦虑的,uneasy8.extraordinary: adj 非同寻常的,unusual9.inhibition: n 抑制,inhibit sb from doing sth10.publicize: v 宣扬;publicity: n11.dramatic: adj 引人注目的;drama: n

600、戏剧12.exaggerate: v 夸张;exaggerated: adj; exaggeration: n13.temporary: adj 临时的,temporarily: advB.Some important sentences:1.If I were to advertise for sleepwalkers for an experiment, I doubt that Id get many takers.译:如果我刊登广告寻求有梦游症的人来帮我做实验,我怀疑肯定会有不少人。特点:虚拟条件句,对即将发生动作的一种假设。2.Sleepwalking, nevertheless,

601、is a scientific reality. It is one of those strange phenomena that sometimes border on the fantastic.译:然而梦游,是一种科学可以解释的客观事实。它是那些近于难以置信的现象之一。注意:现象的复数形式 phenomena; border on sth 接近于C. Summary about the phrases:1.search for sth(2 段 1 行); 2.wake up(2 段 2 行); 3.have the habit of sth(3 段1 行); 4.border on(5

602、 段 2 行); 5.be certain about(5 段 3 行); 6.in other words(6 段 5行); 7.in general(7 段 4 行); 8.agree with sb(7 段 5 行); 9.against ones own moral standard(7 段 6 行); 10.as for(7 段 7 行); 11.point out(7 段 7 行); 12.take all sorts of measures(8 段 3 行); 13.moer or less(9 段 2 行);Grammar point: Attributive Clause 定

603、语从句该从句我们在前面已分几讲介绍给大家了,因此今天不再重复。自己将笔记仔细复习一下。这个语法很重要,因此每一点都要搞清楚,不要摸棱两可。今天讲解练习。p481:.1.b; 2.c; 3.a; 4.b; 5.c; 6.a; 7.c; 8.d; 9.b; 10.d.1.That was the first movie (that) I had ever seen.2.She lives in village, where its neither very cold in winter nor very hot in summer.3.Let us study more closely the w

604、ays in which a plant grows.4.We shall never forget the day when Hong Kong returned to China.5.There were only four areas in the world where many diamonds have been found.6.Those who have no bikes can go to the summer palace by bus.7.Is there any student in our class whose father works in an insuranc

605、e company?8.I know the reason why shes very angry.9.She wears the same clothes as her mother does.10.Commercial advertising is one of the things we have to put up with when we watch TV.Homework:翻译;1.心脏病发作有可能直接危及患者的生命安全。2.这些天他常遭受头疼的困扰。3.到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性。4.地板太薄承受不了机器的重量。5.现在已经有许多关于这种病的起因的解释。1. Heart

606、attacks may directly endanger a victims life.2. He suffers from headaches these days.3. As yet, possibilities of an earthquake cant be ruled out.4. The floor is too thin to bear the weight of the machine.5. Now there are already a lot of explanations as to the causes of the kind of disease.选择:1. The

607、 artist _ an interesting picture by putting the variously-colored shapes together.consulted committed consisted composed2. Some drunken men made a great _ in the street last night.disturbance coincidence resistance influence3. His behavior is _. No one knows what has happened to him.Authoritative ex

608、traordinary characteristic professional4. We must _ the people to the dangers facing our country.Awaken avoid adapt adopt5. Even the doctors were surprised at the _ improvement in his condition.Rational diverse derivative dramaticThe 23rd lecture of College English one:Key to some exercises of unit

609、17:p491:.d, a, b, c, b.1.panic; 2.diagnose; 3.approximate; 4.currently; 5.symptoms; 6.remarkable; 7.shortness; 8.evidence; 9.multiplicity; 10.confirmp493:.1. panic attacks may last for few minutes or even several hours.3. Age, sex and the multiplicity of symptoms are the three signs to distinguish a

610、 panic attack from heart attack.p495:.1.kitchen; 2.mention; 3.claims; 4.confirm; 5.symptom; 6.disgnosed; 7.morever; 8.endangered; 9.drugs; 10.victims.4. Some bad habits can endanger a persons health.5. Its very necessary for some patients to seek psychological help.8. The news that the agreement was

611、 signed hasnt been confirmed.9. Endless disputes eventually disrupted plan.10. The authors name was mentioned several times in this article.Unit 18 Text A: Why Are Maps Drawn with North at the Top?We know that north is at the top of each map. But do you know how is it formed? The oldest known map wa

612、s drawn about 3800BC. The Greek mathematician and philosopher ptolemy was the first to draw a map with North at the top. In the early Middle Age, the church began to interfere seriously and east was moved to the top of the maps.And later with the spread of trade and advances in navigation, more accu

613、rate maps appeared in the 14th century and North assumed at the top of maps.A. New words:1.feature: n/v 特色、以为特征,featureless: adj 无特色的, feature in sth 起重要作用。a. He can recall her features very clearly.b. This is a magazine that features childrens stories.c. They all feature in the decision-making.2.ro

614、ugh: adj rough hands 粗糙的手, rough sport 剧烈的运动, rough sketch 草图, rough calculation 粗略计算3.localize: v 使局部化,local: adj, location: n 位置(*)a. There is little hope of localizing the disease.b. The local government plans to set up another power plan.c. This is a good location for wildlife preservation.4.phi

615、losopher: n 哲学家;philosophy: n 哲学;philosophical: adj 哲学的(*)a. plato was a great Greek philosopher.b. He read a lot of philosophical works when he was a college student.c. My philosophy of life is “serving the vast majority of the people.”5.popularly: adv 通俗地,普遍地,popular: adj; popularize: v 使普及;popula

616、rity: n(*)a. He enjoyed great popularity with young audience.b. His name is Robert, but he is popularly known as bob.c. Books of this kind are popular among advanced readers.6.attempt: n/v 试图,企图a. He failed in his first attempt.b. I attempted to speak but was told to keep quiet.7.reference: n 参考,提及;

617、refer: v8.navigational: adj 航行的;navigate: v 航行;navigation: n; navigator: n9.calculate: v 计算; calculation: n;calculator:计算器;calculating: adj 狡猾的a. The population of the city was calculated about one million.b. The new club is calculated to hold 2000 people.10.unaware: adj 未察觉的,反义词:aware + of sth; awa

618、reness; unawareness(*)a. I was too sleepy to be aware of how dangerous the situation was.b. They didnt make any preparation, because they were unaware that a war was near.c. It seems he has no awareness of the sharp division of opinion.11.immovable: adj 不可移动的;movable: adj; move: v 移动;(*)a. The artif

619、icial satellite moves round the earth.b. The toy soldier with movable arms and legs can be made to walk.c. You cant have a party in the classroom, because the desks and chairs are immovable.12.voyager: n 航海者;voyage: n/v 航海13.arrangement: n 安排;arrange: v13.interfere: v 干涉、介入,interfere in/with sth; in

620、terference: n14.accordance: n 一致,符合;accord: v, accord with sth 与一致,短语:in accordance with sth = according to sth15.reliance: n 信赖、信任;rely: v; reliable: adj 可信任的,unreliable16.rightful: adj 合法的;right: n 权利B.Important sentences in the text:1. Its hard to visualize a map that does not feature north at th

621、e top, but this was not always so.译:很难想象一幅地图没有把北方设在上端,但是这种绘制地图的方式并非一直这样。基本句型:its hard to do sth; 动词 feature; was 表示曾经。2. The oldest known map in the accepted sense of the word was drawn about 3800BC, and represents the river Euphrates flowing through northern Mesopotamia, Iraq.译:被世人所接受的地图中,最古老的一幅绘制于

622、公元前 3800,它绘出了幼发拉底河流经伊拉克的美所不达米亚平原。注意几个动词形式:known, accepted, was drawn, represents, flowing. In the accepted sense of the word:被世人所公认,承认。3. It was not until many centuries later that the ancient Greeks placed the science of map-making on a sound footing.(*)译:直到几个世纪后,古希腊人才在坚实可信的基础上建立起地图绘制学。本句基本句型强调句:it

623、s that; not until many centuries later 是时间状语;主句:The ancient Greeks placed the science of map-making on a sound footing.如果不是强调句,当把 not until 放在句首,句子需要倒装。Not until many centuries later did the Greeks place the science of map-making on a sound footing.4. Given the state of knowledge of those times, he

624、got things wrong.译:鉴于那个时代的知识水平的局限,在绘制地图时他犯了一些错误。Given 是介词,鉴于,考虑到5. More accurate maps began to appear in the 14th century, with the spread of trade and increasing reliance on the compass.译:随着贸易的传播和指南针的帮助,14 世纪开始出现较为精确的地图。With 随着; reliance on sthC. Summary about the phrases:1.flow through(2 段 2 行); 2

625、.not until(2 段 5 行); 3.be known to(3 段 3 行); 4.be based on(3 段 4 行); 5.rather than(3 段 5 行); 6.attempt to do(3 段 6 行); 7.in the form of(3 段 7 行); 8.far from being(4 段 3 行); 9.place trust in sth(5 段 4 行); 10.interfere with(6 段 2 行); 11.in accordance with(6 段 3 行); 12.point of view(7段 4 行); 13.relianc

626、e on sth(8 段 2 行); 14.once again(8 段 2 行)Text B: You Have a ChoiceEinsteins Relativity: all motion is just relative, not absolute.A. New words:1.converse: adj 相反的2.motionless: adj 静止的,immovable, movable3.frustrate: v 使受挫折;frustration: n; frustrated, frustrating: adj4.devise: v 设计;device: nB. Some im

627、portant the phrases:1.side by side; at the same speed;(1 段 1 行)Two trains are traveling side by side and at the same speed along parallel tracks.译:两列火车肩并肩以相同的速度行驶在两条平行轨道上。3.be seated; (1 段 2 行)We are seated in one of the trains译:我们坐在其中一列火车上。4.pull ahead of sth;Suddenly the other train seems to start

628、 pulling ahead of us.译:突然另一列火车似乎开始赶到我们这列车的前面去了。5.be certain of;Can we be absolutely certain of this increase?译:我们能绝对断定它加速了吗?6.bring about;This change could have been brought about in one of two ways译:下面任一种方法都可能引起这种变化。7.account for;There are thus two possible explanations to account for the change in

629、 speed译:因此有两种可能的解释来说明相对速度的变化8.regardless of sthFurthermore, regardless of which explanation we choose, the end result will be the same.译:况且,不管我们选择哪种解释,最终结果都是一样的。9.apply to;This principle that if two objects are in uniform motion relative to each other, it is impossible to decide which one is moving

630、and which one is at restapplies to all objects moving uniformly in a straight line through the universe.译:如果两个物体已相对均衡的速度前进,就不太可能分清楚哪个在运动,哪个是静止的。这个原则适用于宇宙中所有以均衡速度做直线运动的物体。Grammar knowledge: Noun Clause 名词从句 p447在复合句中若一个从句担任主语、宾语、表语和同位语,则形成了主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。1. That the moon moves round the earth i

631、s true.2. He wants to tell us what he thinks.3. My idea is that we should go there early.4. I have an idea that we should go there early.注意:1.在主语从句,表语从句和同位语从句中连词 that 不担任任何成分,但不能省略。2.时态呼应:宾语从句的主句若是一般过去时,那么从句要用过去的某种时态。3.对于宾语从句,若出现两个从句,第一个的连词 that 可省略,第二个 that 必须要加上。He said he had worked for him for t

632、en years and that he wanted to continue to work.4.同位语从句用抽象名词,如:belief, doubt, evidence, idea, fact, hope, thought etc.key to the exercises:p450.口头作。.1.a; 2.c; 3.a; 4.d; 5.b; 6.b; 7.b; 8.b; 9.a; 10.a.1. We should know learning a language is different from learning other subjects.2. Its well known tha

633、t the Atlantic ocean is only half as big as the pacific ocean.3. His conclusion is that meaningless information is hard to remember.4. It hasnt been decided who will host the meeting tomorrow yet.5. She explained to me why she wanted to send her child to the nursery.6. He wants to ask the manager wh

634、ether he should buy a cat.7. More and more people have realized the fact that heart disease has much to do with the way people live.8. Its said that nerves in the left side of the brain develop faster in girls than in boys.9. This photo shows how the roots of a plant go into the earth.10. They are n

635、ot very clear about why every kind of bird has its own way of making nests.Homework选词填空:feature, rough, sketch, ancient, classical, version, unaware, arrangement, reliance, compass1. He was _ of the conflict of interests between the two sides.2. I have a _ idea of how to keep ones weight down withou

636、t going on a diet.3. Fish _ very largely in the food of these islanders.4. Do you prefer _ or popular music?5. The Great Wall is evidence of Chinas _ history.6. He made several _ before starting the painting.7. I place complete _ on his judgment.8. All necessary _ have been made for the operation to

637、 be started.9. Working without a plan is sailing without a _.10. The play was in German, but I had read the English _ of it.1.unaware, 2. rough, 3. features, 4. classical, 5.ancient, 6.sketches, 7.reliance; 8.arrangements, pass, 10.version翻译:1 直到半夜才发现孩子们并不在他们的卧室里。2 我们的结论基于全部可获得的知识,而不是基于猜测和想象。3 他的统计根

638、本不准确。4 根据安排,我们今天将参观颐和园。5 你可以充分信赖他的许诺。1. It was not until midnight that the children were found not in the bedrooms.2. our conclusion is based on all available knowledge rather than guesses or imagination.3. His statistics are far from being accurate.4. In accordance with the arrangement, were going

639、to visit the summer palace.5. You can place full reliance on his promise.The 24th lecture of College English one:Key to some exercises:p525:.b, b, c, c, b.1.visualize; 2.sketch; 3.footing; 4.forefront; 5.disc; 6.estimate; 7.orientate; 8.immovable; 9.faith; 10.reliancep527:.1. It was until I read you

640、r report that I learned the truth.2. Goods will be delivered to you in accordance with your requirement.3. In the Middle Ages, the European church interfered seriously with the advance of science.5. He drove hurriedly in the direction of the pole star.p530:3. She told us about her past in the form o

641、f a story.7. His point of view is for your reference only.8. They attempted many experiments in the past two years.Unit 19 Text A: Animals at Risk: Who Cares?our world consists of human beings, animals and many plants. So without the animals, our human would be lonely and well in some trouble. But b

642、ecause of our greed, the changeable natural environment, many species are becoming extinct. So I hope we can harmonize with all the animals and plants. This is an important article.A.New words:1.species: n 种、类,单复数同形。其他类似词还有:clothes, means etc.2.extinct: adj 灭绝的,绝种的;extinction: n 灭绝3.pace: n/v 速度,踱步,

643、短语:keep pace with sb/sth 与并驾齐驱,齐头并进pete: v 竞争、比赛;competition: n; competitor: n; competitive: adja.They cant compete with/against such an experienced team.b.Do you want to compete in the 100 meters race?c.They are competing for an important position.5.likelihood: n 可能性,同义词:possibility; likely: adj 可能

644、的,be likely to do;6.clearance: n 清除、清理;clear: v 清除 clear away sth;adj 清楚的7.vegetation: n 植物的总称;vegetable: n 蔬菜; vegetarian: n 素食主义者8.ignore: v 不顾、不理;ignorance: n 不知、无知; ignorant: adj 无知的She saw him coming but she ignored him.9.threat: n 威胁、恐吓;threaten: v 威胁;threatening: adj10.tourist: n 旅游者;tourism:

645、 n 旅游业;tour: n/v 旅游(*)a.Tourism is an important part of our economy.b.paris is full of tourists all the rear round.c.He wishes to make a round the world tour.11.variation: n 变化、变化量;vary: v 变化;variety: n 种类;various: adj 各种各样的(*)a.Differences among living things of the same kind are known as variation

646、s.b.All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.c. Your reasons for not wanting to meet Smith may be many and various, but you must still meet him.12.magnificent: adj 壮丽的;magnificence: n13.survive: v 幸存; survival: n; survivor: n(*)a.The principle of survival of the fittest is one of the

647、 major findings of charges Darwin.b.The government sent help to the survivors of the earthquakes.c.Few people survived the flood.14.conservation: n 保存、保护;conserve: v; conservative: adj 保守的15.reserve: v/n 保留、预定; reservation: n16.provided: conj 假如(*)a.I will accept the invitation provided that you go

648、with me.b.Well have a visit to the seaside providing the weather remains good.17.determination: n 决心、决定;determine: v determine to do sth; determined: adj 下定决心的18.specialize: v 特殊化、专攻,specialize in sth; special: adj 特殊的;specially: adv 特殊地(出现在课文中 *)a.Is there anything special to disclose to me?b.He ha

649、d been interested in history since he was a child, so he specialized in history when he was in college.c.I came here specially to reserve tickets for tonights show.19.publicity: n 宣传; publicize: v 宣传;public: adj 公共的(出现在课文中 *)a.There is a lot of publicity about the harm of excess dieting.b.They worke

650、d hard to publicize their new products so as to develop business.c.people like going to parks on public holidays.B.Intensive reading:1.An animal species becomes extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death-rate.译:当一种动物不能在每一代都生育出足够的后代以便与死亡率相平衡时,它就会濒临灭绝。

651、注意:谓语动词 becomes; fail to do; keep pace with sth 与保持平衡2.It is a natural process and extinction is the fate of any animal that has specialized too far to change when its environment changes, or has to compete with a better-adapted and more powerful animal.译:这是一个自然的过程。如果一种动物过于特殊化,不能随着环境的变化而变化,当它与适应能力较强

652、,更强壮的动物竞争时,注定会死亡。考点:tooto; compete with sth3.Because of remarkable technical developments during the past few centuries, man has destroyed or nearly destroyed some species by killing them at such a rate that they couldnt produce enough offspring, or by completely changing their environment at surpri

653、sing speed.译:这句话含有一定的讽刺意味,告诉我们正是由于在过去的几个世纪里,科技的巨大发展,人类才快速捕杀生物,以致他们无法繁衍足够的后代来延续物种,或是人类以惊人的速度完全改变他们生存的自然环境,导致物种的灭绝。注意:介词 by“通过”;suchthat 如此,以致;atspeed 以的速度4.A number of examples can be given of the way in which natural environments are being rapidly changed(*)译:自然环境正在被迅速改变的例子多不胜数。注意:a number of 许多;in

654、which = in the way 以某中方式;时态 are being changed5.But even when the danger is widely publicized, the financial rewards for the hunters may be so great that they choose to ignore the threat to the species.译:即使人们广泛宣传这种危险的存在,偷猎者也会因为经济利益而漠视物种的灭绝。考点:reward for sth; sothat; choose to do; threat to sth6.Many

655、people are concerned about animals and wildlife conservation.译:许多人都非常关心动物和野生生物的保护。重要短语:be concerned about sth 关心7.one way to preserve species under threat of extinction -whatever the cause - is to remove them to zoos and parks and breed them there.译:不管是由何种原因造成他们的灭绝,有一种方法可以挽救濒临灭绝的物种,那就是把物种迁移至动物园和公园喂养

656、。考点:to preserve species under threat of extinction 是不定式作定语,修饰 one way;to remove them to zoos and parks and breed them there 是不定式作表语;under threat of extinction 避免濒临灭绝;remove sth to8.There is always the chance that enough offspring will be born to return them one day to their natural environment provi

657、ded it still exists, and that hunters dont kill them again!译:在那里总是有可能让他们生育出足够的后代,有朝一日再把他们重新放回自然生存环境假如他们的自然生存环境依然存在的话,假如偷猎者不在捕杀他们的话!分析:the chance 句子主语,that enough offspring will be born to return them one day to their natural environment 是同位语从句修饰 the chance; provided it still exists, and that hunters

658、 dont kill them again 是条件状语从句,但不用虚拟语气。C.Summary about the phrases:1.fail to do(1 段 1 行); 2.keep pace with(1 段 2 行); pete with(1 段 7 行); 4.at a rate(1 段 10 行); 5.suchthat(1 段 9-10 行); 6.a number of(2 段 1 行); 7.lead to(2 段 10 行); 8.be concerned about(3 段 1 行); 9.be armed with(3 段倒数 2 行); 10.add to(4 段

659、 2 行); 11.in a form(4 段 3 行)Text B: The Killer SmogsI often tell my students that everything is just like a double-edged sword. on the one hand, advanced technology can bring us many benefits; but on the other hand, it harms our living environment in some way.A.New words:1.smog: n smoke and fog 烟雾2.

660、disaster: n 灾难;disastrous: adj 灾难性的3.conclude: v 推断出;conclusion: n 结论4.pollute: v 污染;pollution: n; polluted: adj 污染的5.invisible: adj 看不见的;visible: 看得见的6.exhaust: v 用尽、耗尽;exhaustion: n; exhausted: adj tired 筋疲力尽的7.fortunately: adv 幸运地,luckily.B.Important phrase and sentences:1.be filled with = be ful

661、l ofThe hospitals were filled with patients.(1 段 6 行)2.be known for = be famous forLondon, England, has always been known for its “black fogs.” (3 段 1 行)bine sth with sthThe chemical fumes combined with the water droplets in the fog to form harmful substances caused the illness of those who breathed

662、 the polluted air.译:含有化学物质的烟尘与雾气中的水珠结合形成有害物质,它们让呼吸了污染过的空气的人得病。4.be covered by sthThis is covered by an upper layer of warm air that acts like a lid.5.prevent sth from doingIt prevents the polluted cooler air from rising.Homework:选择填空:1. The earthquake was the greatest _ the country had ever experien

663、ced.disaster disturbance disruption disadvantage2. Air _ can cause human diseases.pollution pattern phenomenon pressure3. This room is much too hot; its like a _.fantasy fossil fashion furnace4. Many people were killed in the _ between the bus and the car.conflict contrast collision contact5. The la

664、rge oil _ is responsible for the air pollution in this area.refinery recycle resource reference翻译:1 他发现要赶上物理学的进步很难。2 现在,中国可以与世界上大多数国家竞争。3 只要我们努力,就完全有可能做得更好。4 越来越多的人开始关心我们的自然环境。5 如果你不泄露给任何人,我就告诉你实情。1. He finds it hard to keep pace with the development in physics.2. Now China can compete with most of

665、the countries in the world.3. Theres every likelihood that we can do it better if we work hard.4. More and more people are beginning to be concerned about our natural environment.5. Ill tell you the truth provided that you dont disclose it to anyone else.The 25th lecture of College English one:Key t

666、o some exercises:p556:.d, c, a, d, b.p557:.1.extinct; 2.species; 3.offspring; 4.likelihood; 5.fur; 6.trophy; 7.survive; 8.arrangement; 9.development; 10.reserve.1.existence; 2.extinction; 3.lilkelihood; 4.variety; 5.creation; 6.death; 7.determination; 8.arrangement; 9.development; 10.clearness/clear

667、ance.1. The natural environment in which animals grow has been worsening all the time.2.The hunters often go hunting for their own purpose without considering the living environment of others.3.If there were no natural reserves, more species of animals would be extinct.p559:.1.Fossils; 2.species; 3.

668、tourism; 4.extinct; 5.by-product; 6.offspring; peted; 8.fate; 9.treat; 10.pace.5.The warship is armed with nuclear weapons.7.Were very happy that he has survived the heart attack.8.The danger of tiger extinction in our country should not be ignored.Unit 20 Text A: You Cant Do It Because It Hurts Nob

669、odyIn our China, theres an old saying: Dont fail to do good even if its small; Dont engage in evil even if its small. From it, you should realize whats about the text. please pay attention to the translation of the title.这是一个带原因状语的否定前移,译成:不能因为没有伤害任何人,就可以干坏事。A. New words:1.tough: adj tough glass 不易碎的

670、玻璃, tough criminal 粗暴的罪犯, tough steak咬不动的牛排, tough problem 难题2.crime: n 罪,criminal: n 罪犯,adj 有罪的(*)a. He committed a crime last year and was sent to prison.b. Do you know that the man has a criminal record?c. The criminal was sentenced to five years hard labor.3.drunk: adj 喝醉的,drink: v4.admit: v 承认,

671、后接动名词;admittance: nHe admitted having stolen that persons wallet.5.citizen: n 公民、居民;city: n 城市;citizenship: n 公民权(*)a. She comes from the United States and has applied for Chinese citizenship.b. Many Chinese in the United States have become American citizens.c. Beijing is known to be one of the larg

672、est cities in the world.6.fatal: adj 致命的,同义词:deadly7.threaten: v 威胁,threat: n; threatening: adj8.tolerate: v 容忍,tolerable: 可容忍的; tolerant: adj 容忍的; tolerance: na. Nowadays, parents often treat their children with too much tolerance.b. I cant tolerate your carelessness.c. He is tolerant of opinions d

673、ifferent from his own.9.celebrate: v 庆祝;celebration: n10.championship: n 冠军身份;champion: n 冠军11.rob: v 抢劫;robbery: n; robber: n 抢劫者a. The robber is still at large.b. In the morning they found that the bank had been robbed.c. There have been several robberies near here lately.12.honesty: n 诚实; honest:

674、 adjB. Intensive reading:1.Among the people you know, how many have never broken the laws?(*)译:在你认识的朋友中,有多少从未犯过法呢?2.In the same way that diseases range from the common cold to fatal forms of cancer, crimes vary in degree.(*)译:如同疾病可以分为从普通的感冒到致命的癌症不等一样,犯罪的程度也有所不同。考点:in the same that 引导定语从句;range fromt

675、o; vary in sth3.In addition to breaking the law themselves, people tolerate various levels of crime.译:除了自己违法外,人们容忍不同程度的犯罪。考点:in addition to sth; break the law;4.It may be that, by seeing others do something, we accept it more easily./ if they see someone breaking store window, they might start break

676、ing windows注意:这两句话包含有一个句型:see sb do sth; see sb doing sth 前一句强调看见事情发生的全过程;而后者强调看见某一个动作正在发生。a. I saw a man steal that persons purse.b. I saw a man stealing that persons purse.5.We must also wonder whether seeing violence on television or reading about it in the newspapers every day makes us tolerate

677、crime more than we should.译:我们一定也想知道,每天从电视报纸上接触到的暴力行为会不会使我们更能接受违法行为。分析:whether seeing violence on television or reading about it in the newspapers every day 作宾语从句的主语,谓语动词用单数形式 makes; make sb do sth; more than we should 超过我们应该的程度。6.We become used to seeing blood on the news on TV, or in full color in

678、 newspaper and magazines.译:我们习惯了从电视上看到血腥场面,或者在报纸上看到色彩逼真的流血事件。重要短语: be used to doing sth = be accustomed to doing sth7.perhaps this is why someone who robs a few dollars by force from a corner store will often end up with a longer jail term than a fraud artist who swindles thousands of dollars: threa

679、tening the life of an individual is not acceptable in our society.译:也许这就是为什么从街角的商店里抢劫几美元会被判刑长于那些冒牌艺术家行骗几千美金:因为威胁某个人的生命在我们的社会里是不被接受的。Why 引导表语从句;rob sth from sth 从抢劫;end up with 以告终;longerthan;分号后的部分是解释这样做的原因,动名词作主语。C. Summary about the phrases:mit crimes(1 段 2 行); 2.tell the truth(1 段 5 行); 3.go thro

680、ugh the customs(1 段 6 行); 4.in case(2 段 1 行); 5.break the law(2 段 2 行); 6.go to jail(2段 3 行); 7.divideinto(2 段 4 行); 8.range fromto(2 段 6 行); 9.in addition to(3段 1 行); 10.be tolerant of sth(3 段 2 行); 11.be used to doing(4 段 3 行); 12.care about sth(5 段 3 行); 13.preventfrom(5 段 4 行); e to sth(5 段 5 行)

681、; 15.rob from(5 段 11 行); 16.end up with(5 段 12 行); 17.keep an eye on sth(6 段 7 行);Text B: Marriage in Iran and America: A Study in ContrastsA. New words:1.culture: n 文化;cultural: adj 文化的2.bride: n 新娘;bridegroom: n 新郎;3.symbolically: adv 象征性地;symbol: n 象征;symbolize: v 象征4.religious: adj 虔诚的;religion:

682、 n 宗教5.preparation: n 准备;prepare: v; prepared: adj, be prepared for sth;6.potential: n/adj 潜在的、潜力7.prefer: v 更喜欢, prefer to sth; preference: n, preference for sth/to sthB. Some phrases:1.be different from sth(1 段 2 行); pare sth with sth(1 段 3 行); 3.be comfortable with(2 段 2 行); 4.for the purpose of

683、sth(2 段 3 行); 5.be willing to do sth(4 段 6-7 行); 6.be involved in(4 段 11 行); 7.be dressed in(6 段 2 行); 8.be surrounded by(6 段 4 行); 9.respond to sth(6 段 9 行); 10.in the manner(6 段 9 行); 11.along with(7 段 7 行); 12.in contrast(标题)Grammar point: Emphatic Sentence前面我们已介绍过,这里在强调一下,为了强调句子的某一成分,可以用该句型。但并不是

684、所有句子成分都能强调,通常只能强调:主语、宾语、状语。当你在考题中看到“是”,“就是”,“正是”时一定要求用强调句型进行翻译。强调句的构成形式:it + is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 句子其他部分。注意:若被强调部分是人称代词,可以用主格也可用宾格。若想强调谓语可以用 do, does, or did.a. I do miss you!b. He does finish his work.c. We did arrive there on time.Exercises on page 599:.1. It was her husband that / who took

685、 her to the nearby hospital that afternoon.2. It was their third man-made satellite that launched last week.3. Its on this matter that she doesnt have anything to say.4. Its your uncle that/who wants to sell the old car.5. Its a more detailed report that I hope youll give me.6. It was the key to he

686、door that they were looking for yesterday.7. It was by changing the natural environment in which the animals lived that humans destroyed some animal species.8. Its your manager who / that I want to see.9. It was in Hong Kong that I first met her.10. It was not until yesterday that I got your letter.

687、The 26th lecture of College English one:英语(一)测试(L16-L20)本试题分两部分,第一部分为选择题,50 分;第二部分为非选择题,50 分。part one一、选择题。(20 分)1.That young lady spent a lot of money _ clothes.A.on B.in C.for D.to2.We naturally associate the name of Darwin _ the theory of evolution.A.to B.with C.and D.towards3.Their views have no

688、thing _ with ours.A.of common B.in common C.common sense D.common ground4.The body needs fat to keep it from cold and to provide a _ layer for the organs, but only is small quantities.A.preventing B.practical C.private D.protective5.A thick forest _ the school ground _ the south side.A. bordersin B.

689、 borderson C. bordersat D. bordersby6.He has not _ made up his mind what attitude to adopt towards her.A. as far as B. as yet C. and yet D. by far7.He gave us a lot of trouble, but I like him _.A. the same B. just the same C. at the same time D. all the same8.What is certain about sleepwalking_ it i

690、s a symptom of emotional disturbance.A. is B. are C. is that D. are that9.They were certain _ she would get over her illness.A. of B. of that C. that D. in that10.Scientists say that many factors brought _ changes in the weather.A. forth B. about C. around D. forward11._ being slow, they worked actu

691、ally very fast.A. Far from B. Far to C. Far away D. So far12.They presented the world in the form of a flattened disc _ a sphere, which was the form adopted by ptolemy.A. more than B. rather than C. better than D. other than13.Many species of animals are under the threat of _ because of the rapid ch

692、ange of natural environment.A. guns B. extinction C. hunters D. existence14.We must try to _ with the western countries in science and technology.A. keep pace B. take pace C. put pace D. set pace15.She got ten pounds for _ fifteen rooms.A. looking on B. looking for C. looking after D. looking about1

693、6.He was clever enough to compete _ the mathematics scholarship.A. for B. with C. against D. in17.She took a spoonful and tasted it _ it was hot.A. in case B. in case of C. in the case of D. in that case18.You will soon become _ to the weather here.A. using B. used C. use D. useful19.Did any young p

694、eople _ anything old people said to them.A. care of B. care about C. take care D. take care of20.Will you _ on our things while we are away.A. keep an eye B. make an eye C. open an eye D. set an eye二、完型填空。(10 分)The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In

695、 speaking, the choice of words is _1_ the utmost importance. proper selection will eliminate one source of _2_ breakdown in the communication cycle. Too often careless use of words _3_ a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may _4_ unfavorable reaction in t

696、he listener _5_ interfere with his comprehension; hence, the transmission reception system breaks down._6_, the inaccurate or indefinite words may make _7_ difficult or the listener to understand the _8_which is being transmitted to him. The speaker who does not have specific words in his working vo

697、cabulary may be _9_ to explain or describe in a _10_ that can be understood by his listeners.1. A. of B. at C. for D. on2. A.inaccessible B. timely C. likely D. invalid3. A. encourages B. prevents C. destroys D. offers4. A. encourage B. take away C. back up D. stir up5. A. who B. as C. which D. what

698、6. A. moreover B. however C. preliminarily D. what7. A. that B. is C. so D. this8. A. speech B. sense C. message D. meaning9. A. obscure B. difficult C. impossible D. unable10. A. case B. means C. method D. way三、阅读理解。(20 分)passage oneLondon is great. Its great. Rome and paris were fine places, but I

699、 knew as soon as we landed in London, this was the finest of the three.There are only two small things which I dont like about London. First of all, everyone speaks English here. I had so much fun in Rome and paris. There I could speak in foreign languages. In words, I made a lot of friends that way

700、. But here everybody can understand me. I dont have any reason to start up a conversation with a stranger. And speaking of restaurants that is the other problem with London. The food here is no good at all! I havent had one good meal in the three days weve been here.Since you asked me to write to yo

701、u about everything I learned on this trip, here is what Ive learned about London.Londons population of eleven million makes it the second largest city in the world. It is bigger than New York but not as big as Tokyo. London is twice the size of New York. It has an area of 620 square miles!The Thames

702、 River runs right through the center of the city. Someone once called the Thames “liquid history”. It is a very good name. Dozens of armies have crossed it over the past few thousand years. one of the first was the army of Julius Caesar two thousand years ago. And most recently Mr. and Mrs. Gill.So

703、far I have only had time to visit one neighbourhood. It is called Bloomsbury. In fact there is a group of writers known as the Bloomsbury Group. It got its name because so many of them lived there. Virginia Woolf was one of them. I know how much you like her novels.Baker Street is also part of Bloom

704、sbury. Do you remember who once lived on Baker Street? When I asked bob this question, he answered, “” a man who baked bread, right? Sherlock Holmes, of course, I wont have time to find his address. Maybe you will when you come.1.We learn from the first two paragraphs that _.A. it is more difficult

705、to start up a conversation in English in London than in any languages.B. the writer had made a trip in Italy and France before she came to England.C. of all the meals the writer has had in London, only one she thinks is good enough.D. the writer hates to talk to strangers who can speak English.2.It

706、seems that the writer _.A. can speak English as a foreign languageB. does not like her mother languageC. does not speak French at allD. can speak French as a foreign language3.Who do you think Mr. and Mrs. Gill?A. A famous general and his wife.B. As famous American writer and his wife.C. Two friends

707、 of the writers.D. The writer and his husband.4.Who once lived on Baker Street?A. A man who baked bread.B. Sherlock Holmes.C. The former US Secretary of State.D. A friend of the writers.5.Where is the passage most probably taken from?A. A letter. B. A diary. C. A guidebook. D. A business report.pass

708、age twoA person who is able to operate a machine, prepare a financial statement, program a computer, or pass a football has a technical skill. That is, he or she is able to perform the mechanics of a particular job. Managers such as production supervisors must often understand a technical skill well

709、 enough to train workers in their jobs. In certain companies, executive without technical skills in programming, engineering, or accounting. But even here, most managers have to have some technical skills such as scheduling techniques and the ability to read computer printouts.Technical skills are s

710、ometimes not readily transferable from one industry to another, whereas general management skills can often be applied to a wide range of industries. If youre trained to operate textile cutting machines, you probably would be unable to use your skills in the restaurant business. If youre an executiv

711、e who runs a garment business, however, you might be able to use your general management skills in different enterprises.1. Which of the following does not seem to be a technical skill?A. Managing non-production workers.B. programming a computer.C. preparing a financial statement.D. operating a text

712、ile cutting machine.2. The first paragraph is mainly about _.A. a person who has a technical skillB. the definition of a technical skillC. managers such as production supervisorsD. how to operate a machine.3. In the writers opinion, _.A. technical skills are more important than management skillsB. t

713、echnical skills are more complex than management skillsC. it is necessary for managers to learn some technical skillsD. it is difficult for managers t learn technical skills4. General management skills _.A. are used by general managers in different waysB. can be applied to different enterprisesC. ca

714、n be can be learned but not be taught at a technical schoolD. are not readily transferable from one industry to another5. Te best title for this passage would be _.A. Importance of the technical skills.B. Managers and their business skillsC. Technical skills and management skillsD. How one skill is

715、transferred to anotherpART TWo四、单词拼写。(10 分)1.有益的、有利的 a b_;2.足够的、充分的 a s_;3.恢复、痊愈 v r_;4.外科的、手术的 a s_;5.诊断、判断 v d_;6.显露、揭露 v d_;7.征候、征兆 n s_;8.显著的、值得注意的 a r_;9.提及、说起 v m_;10.特征、特色 n f_;11.哲学家 n p_;12.大众化地 ad p_;13.干涉、介入 v I_;14.威胁、恐吓 n t_;15.灭绝、熄灭 n e_;16.壮丽的、宏伟的 a m_;17.幸运地 ad f_;18.冠军身份 n c_;19.诚实、

716、正直 n h_;20.潜在的、可能的 a p_;五、用动词正确的时态填空。(10 分)1.Her main task is organizing _ (culture) and social activities.2.In fact, I have known several friends who got _ (marry) without even telling their parents or other family members.3.Honesty will have to come from social _(press).4.She finally _ (conclusion

717、) that she would try to get a job on a store.5.The new law will reduce _ (pollute) of the air.6.Stinging eyes and dry coughs show that _ (harm) chemicals fill the air.7.The oldest _ (know) map in the accepted sense of the word was drawn about 3800BC.8.They went along the main road _ (lead) to a dist

718、ant town.9.Its generally agreed that a panic attack does not _ (danger) a persons life directly.10.Their replies were _ (remarkable) similar.六、汉译英。(15 分)1 西方世界最大杀手之一是心脏病。2 研究表明女人比男人更易患恐慌症。3 许多人都关心野生动物的保护。4 在你的朋友中有多少人从未犯过法呢?5 为什么你容忍他们所犯的这些罪行呢?七、英译汉。(15 分)A guide dog is a dog especially trained to gui

719、de a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good disposition, intelligence, physical fitness and responsibility.At the age of about fourteen months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts from three to five months. It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and stiff leat

720、her handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner. The dog learns to watch traffic and to cross street safely. It also learns to obey such commands as “forward”, “left”, “right” and “sit” and disobey any command that might lead its owner into danger.The most important part of the training course

721、is a four-week program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together. However, many blind people are unsuited by personality to work with dogs. only a tenth of the bind find a guide dog useful.Key to some exercises:p583:.b, d, a, c, d.p585:mit; 2.customs; 3.fatal; 4.jail; 5.tole

722、rate; 6.anonymous; 7.rob; 8.tax; 9.keep an eye on; 10.misconceptionp586:.1.by going with her; 2.and not to stop; 3.and call off; 4.and stress; 5.experimented and; 6.pulling down all buildings and other facilities; 7.at the end of the semester; 8.which did not belong to him; 9.and prohibited; 10.and

723、not workingp588: .1. The prices of these goods range from few dollars to a few hundred dollars.3. His foreign friends have become used to living in china.6. please take an umbrella with you in case it rains.8. The crops are threatened by lasting dry weather.9. The company threatened the inhabitants

724、with cutting off the water supply.The 27th lecture of College English one:Unit 21 Text A: The Language of UncertaintyIn our opinion, we always hope to get something certain from others or give others the same thing. But its not always so. Uncertainty is full of our everyday life. And we also find th

725、at such uncertainty is not always harmful, so we neednt criticize it.A.New words:1.dominate: v 统治、支配;domination: n; dominant: adjThe high building dominates over the river.2.judgement: n 判断;judge: n/v 法官、判断3.editorial: n 社论,adj 编辑的;edit: v; edition: n; editor: n4.probability: n 可能性; probable: adj 可能

726、的;improbable: adj; probably: adv(*)a.It is highly probable that it will rain today.b.The storm is one of the probabilities for tomorrow.c.He will probably refuse the offer.5.verbal: adj 语言的;non-verval: 非语言的6.imprecision: n 不精确;precision: n; precise: adj 精确的;imprecise: adj 不精确的;precisely: adv; imprec

727、isely: adva. The imprecision of information led to their failure in the battle.b. Its necessary to give precision to hte report if you want to impress the audience.c. The soldiers should be very precise in following instructions7.necessarily: adv 必然、必定;necessary: adj 必然的;unnecessary: adj; necessaril

728、y: adv8.criticize: v; criticism: n; critic: n; critical: adj9.quantitative: adj 定量的;quantifiable: adj 可量化的;quantity: n 数量(*)a.A quantitative research is absolutely necessary for the solution of the problem.b.The quantity of equipment was enough, but the quality was far from being satisfactory.c.Word

729、s such as frequently, rarely, occasionally, though quantifiable, denote a quantity imprecisely known.10.subjective: adj 主观的;objective: adj 客观的11.potentially: adv 可能地,潜在地;potential: adj/n12.prediction: n 预言、预告;predict: n 预言;predictor: n 预言家;predictable: adj 可预测的13.signify: v 意味;significance: n 意义;sig

730、nificant: adj 有意义的14.assign: v 分配、指派;assignment: n15.proportionately: adv 成适当比例地;proportion: n 比例16.marked: adj 明显的;同义词:obvious, clear17.widen: v 加宽;wide: adj 宽的;widely: adv 宽地(*)a.There is a wide river between the small villages.b.The two students gave two widely different accounts of a quarrel.c.T

731、he officers are holding a meeting on when to widen the road.18.consistent: adj 与一致的,consistent with sth; consistence: n 符合;inconsistent: adj 与不符的19.intelligence: n 智力;intelligent: adj 聪明的20.numerical: adj 数字的;number: n 数字;numerous: adj 极多的21.ratio: n 比率,ratios22.systematically: adv 有系统地;system: n 系统

732、;systematical: adj 系统的(*)a.How to develop a good system of memory training is an important problem.b.A systematical attempt is a guarantee for success.c.The profits of the company are increasing systematically.B.Intensive reading:1.Uncertainty spreads through our lives so thoroughly that it dominate

733、s our language.译:不确定的语言彻底贯穿我们的生活,以致于它在我们的语言中占主导地位。短语:spread through 贯穿2.our everyday speech is made up in large part of words like probably, many, soon, great, little.译:我们的日常语言由大量这样的词组成注意:everyday 形容词,作定语; be made up of = consist of 由组成3.Indeed, it has a value just because it allows us to express ju

734、dgments when a precise quantitative statement is out of the question.译:事实上,这种语言具有它的价值,正因为在无法精确定量表达时,它能让我们来进行判断。indeed = in fact; allow sb to do; out of the question = impossible; out of question = no problem4. The size of the population of items influences the value assigned to an expression.(6 段 1

735、句)译:事物数量的大小影响某一表达所赋予的量值。注意:assigned 过去分词作定语C.Summary about the phrases:1.spread through(1 段 1 行); 2.sothat(1 段 1 行); 3.be made up of(1 段 2 行); 4.be likely to do(1 段 5 行); 5.allow sb to do(2 段 2 行); 6.out of the question(2段 3 行); 7.pin down(4 段 1 行); pare with(4 段 6 行); 9.depend on(5 段 1 行); 10.be ce

736、rtain to(5 段 6 行); 11.in place of sth(7 段 5 行); 12.not so much as(3 段4-5 行)Text B: It Never Rains but It pours! (proverb)A. New words:1.relevance: n 关联;relevant: adj 有关联的2.reminder: n 提醒物;remind: v3.behave: v 举动;behavior: pensation: n 补偿;compensate: v;5.vicious: adj 恶性的,反义词:virtuous: 良性的;vicious cir

737、cle: 恶性循环6.hence: adv 因此、由此, for this reason7.enrich: v 丰富8.enterprise: n 企业、事业;enterprising: adj 有事业心的9.vehicle: n 交通工具B. Some proverbs in the text:1.It never rains but it pours.译:不雨则已,一雨倾盆。比喻:祸不单行。2.Theres no smoke without fire.译:无风不起浪。(苍蝇不叮无缝的蛋。)3.Dont wash your dirty linen in public.译:家丑不可外扬。4.I

738、ts no use crying over split milk.译:覆水难收。5.Make the best of a bad work.译:亡羊补牢。6.Ever dog is allowed one bite.译:人非圣贤,孰能无过?7.one mans meat is another mans poison.译:对这个人有利的未必对那个人也有利。8.He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.译:骑虎难下。9.A friend in need is a friend indeed.译:患难中的朋友才是真朋友。10.Theres no such

739、thing as a free lunch.译:无故献殷勤,必有大企图。C. other useful phrases in the text:1.regard sth as sth(1 段 5 行); 2.an old womans tale 老生常谈(1 段 5 行);3.with no relevance to sth 与无关(1 段 5 行);4.pass on to 世代相传(2 段 2 行);5.in the form of 以的形式(2 段 3 行);6.a waste of time 浪费时间(3 段 6 行);7.be native to 源于(4 段 1 行); 8.dat

740、e back to 追溯到(4 段 5-6 行); e into contact with 与接触/交往(6 段 1 行);10.carry through 进行(6 段 5 行);11.in times of trouble(7 段 3 行); 12.turn ones back to sb 拒绝某人(7 段 4 行);13.in return 回报(8 段 6 行);14.be reluctant to do sth = be unwilling to do(9 段 1 行)The 28th lecture of College English oneKey to some exercis

741、es:p608:.d, b, a, c, d.1.dominate; 2.imprecision; 3.out of the question; 4.denote; 5.specific; 6.prediction; 7.assign; 8.marked; 9.consistent; 10.intelligence.1.probable; 2.syre; 3.possible; 4.likely; 5.necessary; 6.rare; 7.through; 8.potential; 9.near; 10.systematical. In, how, her, in, for, rang,

742、to, to, later, who.3. Age also has an effect on peoples understanding of imprecise words.4. Experiments show that the ratio increases systematically with age.p620: vocabulary exercise:A, B, D, D, C, A, C, A, D, B.Unit 22 Text A: Current Attitudes towards physical FitnessRecently I find more and more

743、 people are doing exercises. We know it is because of SARS, which can be avoided by those strong people. otherwise, not so many people would pay attention to physical fitness. And they always find many excuses for not doing so. Although we all know fitness cant guarantee we will live longer, it can

744、help us enjoy the time we live. So now lets change those old attitudes to physical fitness and begin our new life!A. New words:1.fitness: n 健康、适合;fit: adj 健康的,unfit:不健康的2.misuse: v 误用、滥用;use: n/v 使用、用途;usage: n 用法;used: adj 用过的;useful: adj 有用的;useless: adj 无用的(*)a.We should not misuse our natural re

745、sources.b.This expression has been actually used in modern Chinese literature.c.A TV station is absolutely useless without electricity.d.The book is particularly useful for foreign students.3.assure: v 使确信,assure of sth; assurance: n 保证;assured: adj 有把握的a.The man tried to assure the nervous boy of t

746、he safety of the bridge.b.The teacher assured the students that the final exam was quite easy.4.pro and con = for and against 赞成或反对5.involvement: n 卷入、牵连;involve: v be involved in sth; involved : adj 卷入的(*)a.All the workers were involved in the strike.b.His involvement in the dispute led to many tro

747、ubles.c.None of the students can analyze that involved sentence.d.The task involves much difficulty.6.pursuit: n 追捕、追寻 pursuit of sth7.limitation: n 限制;limit: v 限制/n 极限;limited:有限的8.time-consuming: adj 耗费时间的,构成:名词 + 动词 ing9.recreation: n 消遣、娱乐, entertainment;recreate: mitment: n 义务、承诺;常用短语:make comm

748、itment to sb; commit: v 犯、承诺(*)a.We can meet our present commitment in less than time and with fewer men.b.He committed himself to the cause of revolution.c.We have made a commitment to pay our bill on ment: n/v 评论,comment on sth; No comment! 没门!12.maintain: v 维持、保持;maintenance: n13.short-sighted: a

749、dj 近视的、目光短浅的,构成:adj/n + n + edadj14. reexamine: examine again15.approach: n/v 接近、靠近a.Christmas is approaching.b.The scientists havent found a correct approach to the disease.16.positively: adv 积极地、肯定地;positive: adj; negative: adj 消极的17.aspect: n 方面、外表18.emerge: v 出现、涌现;emergence: n; emergent: adj19.

750、accomplishment: n 完成、成就;accomplish: v; accomplished: adj(*)a.The young lady is a brilliantly accomplished singer.b.We tried to settle the dispute but accomplished nothing.c.It was a real accomplishment to carry out the railway project in a month.B. Intensive reading:1. Recently we were told by a stu

751、dent that setting aside time for improving his physical fitness would be a total misuse of his working hours.译:最近一位学生告诉我们,留出时间来增进健康完全是对工作时间的一种滥用。注意短语 setting aside time for improving his physical fitness 作从句的主语,set aside:留出、忽视2. He assured us that he would be no better served by a fitness program th

752、an by learning to play bridge.译:他要我们相信,健身活动并不比打桥牌对他更有用。注意:no betterthan; learn to do;3. This student has seen being physical fit as an end rather than the means we know it to be.译:这位学生一直把健身看作是一种目的,而不是我们所知道的手段。注意:being physical fit 是宾语,see sth as = look upon as sth; rather than而不是。4. His opinion is o

753、ne of the many feelings, pro or cop, that people hold about their personal involvement in a physical fitness program.译:人们对健身所持的态度各种各样,有支持也有反对,他的观点只是其中之一。分析:主语:His opinion,系动词:is; 表语:one of the many feelings;that people hold about their personal involvement in a physical fitness program 是定语从句;involve

754、ment in 参与; pro or cop = for or against.5. Certainly some of these individuals may have physical limitations that make activity extremely difficult, and others are engaged in time-consuming activities that until finished do not permit opportunities for recreation.译:当然,这些人中有些人可能有身体方面的限制,活动起来极为困难,有些人从

755、事一些费时的活动,直到完成才有机会来娱乐休闲。短语:be engaged in sth6. If you see your own attitude represented by one of these comments, might you be shortsighted in your reason for valuing fitness?译:如果这些评论中有一种代表了你的观点,那么你衡量健身价值的原因不是缺乏远见吗?represented 是过去分词作宾补。 reason for sthC. Summary about the phrases:1.set aside sth(1 段 1

756、 行); 2.assure sb that(1 段 3 行); 3.no better than(1 段3 行); 4.prepararion for sth(1 段 4 行); 5.rather than(2 段 1 行); 6.pro or con(2 段3 行); 7.involvement in sth(2 段 3 行); 8.in pursuit of sth(3 段 2 行); 9.be engaged in sth(3 段 4 行); 10.have on difficulty in doing sht(5 段 1 行); 11.get support from sb(6 段 2

757、 行); 12.make commitment to sb(8 段 1 行); 13.reason for sth(13 段 2 行); 14.approach to sth(13 段 3 行); 15.in top physical condition(13 段 5 行); 16.keep sth in mind(13 段 8 行); 17.in the final analysis(13 段 10 行); 18.help sb do sth(13段 11 行)Text B: people and ColorsA. New words:1.sociable: adj 好交际的2.relax:

758、 v 放松;relaxation: n3.unhappiness: n4.manufacture: n/v 制造、加工;manufacturer: n5.generlize: v 归纳; in generalB. Summary about the phrases:1.in general; 2.talk about sth; 3.remind sb of sth; 4.associate sth with sth; 5.react to sth; 6.on the whole; 7.as a result; 8.except for; 9.in conclusionKey to some e

759、xercises:p629: .c, a, d, c, b.p631:.1.set aside; 2.program; 3.priority; 4.involvement; 5.pro or con; 6.recreation; mitment; ment; 9.maintain; 10.accomlishment.1.involvement; 2.accomplishment; miment; 4.fitness; 5.statement; 6.judgement; 7.illness; 8.carefulness; 9.engagement; 10.awareness. Got, runn

760、er, used, stop, beat, about, was, on, color, whitesp632: 1. Someone thinks of physical exercise as a total waste of time.3. Excellent health condition can help improve your confidence in your work.5. No matter whether youre pro or con, involvement in physical fitness programs is helpful to your heal

761、th.The 29th lecture of College English one:Unit 23 Text A: Non-verbal CommunicationNon-verbal communication (NVC for short) is a technical name for body language. It doesnt involve the use of words. It is categorized into five kinds: body and facial gesture; eye contact; body contact; clothing and p

762、hysical appearance; the quality of speech. NVC is tied to culture. Some are common to all of us. NVC is important because it can speak volumes as the saying goes.A. New words:1.non-verbal: adj 非语言的;verbal: adj2.European: adj 欧洲的;Europe: n 欧洲3.approval: n 批准、赞成;approve: v; disapprove: v 反对;disapprova

763、l: n(*)a.We all like others to show approval of what we do.b.He shook his head in disapproval.c.The government has approved the financial program for the coming year.d.I strongly disapprove of your program.4.frown: v 皱眉, frown at sb/sth5.reaction: n 反应; react: v 反应,react to sth6.embarrass: v 为难、窘迫;e

764、mbarrassment: n; embarrassing: adj; embarrassed: adj(*)a.I often feel embarrassed in the presence of a stranger.b.The little girl raised a rather embarrassing question.c.You cant imagine my embarrassment at having forgotten her name.d.The modern child embarrasses less easily than 50 years ago.7.faci

765、al: adj 面部的;face: n; facial expression, facial paper8.proximity: n 接近、亲近;proximate: adj 接近的; proximately: adv9.cultural: adj 文化的;culture: n10.closeness: n 紧密、严密;close: v/adj; closed: adj 关着的;disclose: v 揭露(*)a.She made a close study of the relationship between culture and language.b.The bank has dec

766、ided to close its New York branch.c.A sphere is a closed surface or figure.d.In some countries more eye contact implies more closeness of relationship.11.dislike: v 不喜欢;like: v 喜欢12.invasion: n 侵略;invade: v; invader: n 侵略者13.control: v/n 控制;a.The machine is controlled by computer.b.in control of sth

767、; out of control; beyond control; under control14.false: adj 假的、错误的15.confess: v 承认、坦白;confession: n, confess sth to sb16.intense: adj strong; intensity: n 强度;tense: adj 紧张的, v 变的紧张,同义词:nervous;tenseness: n(*)a.A bad burn causes intense pain.b.The heat continues with increased intensity.c.His muscle

768、s tensed when he heard the bad news.d.one must learn to hide ones tenseness when speaking in public.17.brief: adj 简短的;v 汇报;briefly: adv, in brief 简而言之18.casually: adv 偶然地,随便地;casual: adj,19.volume: n 音量,体积。书卷20.appear: v 出现,反义词:disappear: 消失;appearance, disappearance(*)a.The appearance of the old gr

769、ay house made us think that it was empty.b.The advertisement didnt appear in yesterdays New York Times.c.The disappearance of the airplane brought about a search of the area.d.The truck disappeared into the night.B.Intensive reading:1.That isnt a catch question.Catch 在这里含义特殊,表示“潜在的困难或不利的因素”。译:那不是一个难

770、回答的问题。2.When someone is saying something with which he agrees, the average European will smile and nod approval.译:在谈论某事时,普通的欧洲人以微笑或点头表示赞许。注意:定语从句 something with which he agrees。3.A smiling Chinese, for instance, may not be approving, but somewhat embarrassed.译:例如:一个正在微笑的中国人可能并不是表示赞许而只是有点尴尬。分词 smilin

771、g 作定语修饰 Chinese; may not be approving 表示情态动词的进行时态; somewhat 有点儿。4.Quite a lot of work is being done on the subject of NVC, which is obviously important, for instance, to managers, who have to deal every day with their staff, and have to understand what other people are feeling if they are to create

772、good working conditions.译:人们现在正在对 nvc 进行大量研究,其重要性显而易见。例如对经理来说,他们每天必须和员工们打交道,若想创造良好的工作环境,他们必须懂得别人在想什么。注意:quite a lot of 相当多的;is being done 进行被动语态;deal with sb = have a social relationship with sb 同某人交往;be to do sth 要去做某事,create good working conditions 创造良好的工作环境。5.A person who holds a hand over his mo

773、uth when he is talking is signaling that he is lacking in confidence.译: 当一个人讲话时将手放在自己的嘴上,表明他信心不足。注意短:lack in sth;6.Unless you are confessing intense love, you hardly ever look into someone elses eyes for very long.译:除非你在表示强烈的爱意,否则你几乎不会长时间盯着别人看。短语:look into someones eyes:直视对方C.Summary about the phras

774、es:1.refer to(1 段 3 行); 2.for short(1 段 10 行); 3.disagree with(2 段 3 行); municate sth to sb(2 段 4-5 行); 5.in this way(2 段 4 行); 6.be tied to sth(2段 6 行); 7.deal with sb(3 段 3 行); 8.be categorized into(3 段 5 行); 9.more or less(3 段 11 行); 10.for instance(3 段 13 行); 11.be common to sb(4 段 1 行); 12.fidd

775、le with sth(4 段 2 行); 13.lack in sth(4 段 5 行); 14.and so on(4 段 8 行); 15.so far(5 段 1 行); 16.give off(5 段 4 行); 17. look into someones eyes(5 段 7 行) ; 18.as saying goes(6 段 6 行); 19.speak volumes(6 段 7 行).Text B: Body talkA. New words:1.considerable: adj 相当大或多的;consider: v 认为;considerate: adj 周到的2.i

776、nteraction: n 相互作用、相互影响; interact: v3.sucbconsciously: adv 下意识地;4.provocative: adj 挑衅的;provoke: v 挑衅;provocation: n5.hostile: adj 敌对的;反义词:friendly; be hostile to sb; hostility: n 敌对; friendliness: n6.submissiveness: n 服从、顺从;submissive: adj7.insistently: adv 坚持地;insist: v; insistent: adj8.sincerity:

777、n 真诚;sincere: adj 真诚的;sincerely: adv9.genuine: adj 名副其实的; genuineness: n10.warmth: n 温暖、热烈;warm: adj11.emotion: n 情感;emotional: adj12.fascinating: adj 迷人的;fascinate: v; fascination: nB.Important sentences:1.Have you ever wondered why you sometimes take an almost immediate liking to a person you have

778、 just met?译:你是否曾想过为什么你有时会立即喜欢上某个你刚遇到的人?2.The chances are that it wasnt anything that was said but something that happened: a gesture, a movement, a smile.译:这种可能性或许不在于所说的话,而在于所发生的动作:一个手势,一个动作或一个微笑。注意本句包含有一个强调句。3.The closeness of two people when talking, movement towards and away from each other, and

779、the amount of eye contact all reveal something about the nature of the relationship between the two individuals.译:两个人说话时的距离、彼此相互靠近还是后退、目光接触的次数都能揭示出两个人之间关系的某些性质。4.And the longer the length of the gaze, the more likely it is that he listener is more interested in the person who is speaking, than the a

780、ctual topic of conversation.译:而且注视的时间越长,表明听者越有可能对说话者本人更感兴趣,而不是对话题本身感兴趣。注意:该句句型,及其中一些词语的使用。5.The person who insistently fixes his eyes on our face is often more successful in arousing our dislike than impressing us with his directness and sincerity.译:如果有人不断地盯着我们的脸,常会引起我们的厌恶,而不会对此人留下直率、真诚的印象。短语:fix on

781、es eye on sb 紧盯着;6.The opened pupil tends to be associated with pleasant, satisfying experiences.译:瞳孔放大表明有令人愉快或满意的事情。注意:此处 pupil 为“瞳孔”;be associated with 同联系起来7.You may find that this silent language is much more fascinating than the actual conversation going on around you.译:你可能会发现,这种无声的语言比你周围实际交谈更令

782、人着迷。much morethan; going on around you 现在分词作定语修饰 the actual conversation.C.Summary about the phrases:1.take an liking to sth/sb(1 段 1 行); 2.worry about(1 段 2 行); 3.devote sth to sth(1 段 5 行); 4.be involved in sth(2 段 1 行); 5.tend to(3 段 4 行); 6.if at all(3段 4 行); 7.expect to(3 段 5 行); plain of sth(4

783、 段 4 行); 9.let alone(5 段 5 行); 10.be indifferent/hostile to sth/sb(5 段 7 行); 11.engage in sth(5 段 12 行); 12.fix onee eye on sth/sb(6 段 6 行); 13.be associated with sth(7 段 9 行); 14.take note of sth(8 段 1 行); 15.go on(8 段 5 行); 16. apart form(1 段 6 行); 17. at times(6 段 1行);The 30th lecture of College

784、English one:Key to some exercises:p652:.1.catch; 2.approval; 3.for instance; 4.categorize; 5.proximity; 6.invasion; 7.fiddle with; 8.message; 9.confess; 10.casually. In, cut, to, said, the, you, two, ago, end, turnp655:. 1.confessed; 2.control; 3.dislikes; 4.appearance; 5.staff; 6.oral; 7.brief; 8.n

785、on-verbal; 9.approval; 10.casually.1. Hes embarrassed for the lack of money.4. His speech won the approval of the audience.5. Dont fiddle with my cassette recorder.6. ones likes and dislikes may change with the circumstances.p665:.1.hostile; 2.took note of; plain of; 4.considerable; 5.at times; 6.le

786、t alone; 7.worry about; 8.tense; 9.satisfying; 10.consideredUnit 24 Text A: Saving the Rainforests for Future GenerationsThe present rate of deforestation is so fast that rainforests could well disappear from the earths surface before the year of 2050. as we know the deforestation may result in a ma

787、ssive up-setting of ecosystems, regional and global change in climate, the extinction of many plants and animal species. But we can do many things to solve the problems. If you are interested, please read our todays lecture carefully.A. New words:1.rainforest: n 热带雨林;2.timber: n 木材;美式英语:lumber3.econ

788、omic: adj 经济的;economy: n 经济,节约;economize: v 节约, economize on sth; economical: adj 节约的;economist: n 经济学家;economics: n 经济学(*)a.The war is a fable blow to the economy of both countries.b.It is important to bring about a new economic order in the world.c.The newly invented machine is economical of time

789、and energy.d.our electricity bills are higher than we can afford, so we need economize on it.4.deforestation: n 砍伐森林;反义词:afforestation:植树造林; deforest: v; afforest: v5.consequence: n 结果;consequent: adj 有结果的;consequently: adv 因此,therefore(*)a.The farmers suffered a drought and there was a consequent s

790、hortage of flood in the market.b.If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready to take the consequences.c.She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.6.massive: adj 大规模的;massiveness: n7.upset: n/v 弄翻、苦恼;adj 心烦意乱的8.ecosystem: n 生态系统;前缀:eco 表示生态的9.erosion: n 腐蚀、侵蚀;erode: v

791、;erosive: adj 腐蚀的10.global: adj 全球的;globe: n 地球仪;globalize: v 全球化11.contribute: v 贡献、捐献;contribution: n; contributory: adj 有助于某事的;contributor: n (*)a.His behavior contributed effectively to the solution of the dispute.b.All contributors to the church will have a meeting today.c.The young policeman m

792、ade a remarkable contribution to the public safety.12.polar: adj 两极的;pole: n;极;polar bear; be poles apart 南辕北辙13.recede: v 退去,recede from sth; 反义词:advance14.overpopulate: v 使人口过密;populate: v 居住;population: n 人口; overpopulated: adj 人口密集的(*)a.If we didnt carry out family planning, our country would be

793、 much more overpopulated.b.The center of the city is a densely populated area.c.The country is adopting radical measures to control the growth of its population.15.poverty: n 贫穷;poor: adj16.cancel: v 取消、删除,同义词:call off;cancellation: n17.owe: v 欠债,归功于owe to sb/stha.I owed a great deal to my family an

794、d my friends for their support.b.We owe our progress to persistence and a little good luck.18.living: n 生计,make a living19.export: v/n 出口;import: v/n 进口20.make-up: n 组成、化装; make up 动词词组,组成、化装a.We do wonder the make-up of the material.b.It took him a long time to do his make-up for this new part.21.d

795、erive: v 由得到;derive from;22.senseless: adj 无知觉的;sense: n 知觉;sensitive: adj 敏感的;sensible: adj 明智的23.pharmaceutical: adj 药物的;pharmacy: n 药物,药店;pharmacist: n 药剂师B. Intensive reading:1. Rainforests are being cut and burned from Brazil to Indonesia at such a rate that they could well disappear from the e

796、arths surface before the rear 2050.译:从巴西到印度尼西亚,热带雨林都在被砍伐和烧毁,其速度如此之快,以至于在年到来之前他们很可能从地球上消失。短语:suchthat; at a rate; 时态:现在进行被动2. They are being cleared for valuable timber and other resources to speed up the economic growth of the nations in which they are located.译:它们被砍伐用作木材或其他能源来加快它们所在国的经济增长。考点:are be

797、ing cleared;speed up;in which they are located 定语从句修饰nations; be located3. The countries in which the rainforests are located are all quite poor and overpopulated.译:那些长有热带雨林的国家几乎是贫穷和人口过于密集的。4. They have no money, so when the poor whom they cant feed find work cutting down trees or burning forestland

798、, the governments often have no choice but to turn a blind eye.译:这些国家没有钱,所以那些政府无法养活是穷人们找到伐木或毁林的工作时,政府往往也别无选择只能对此视而不见。注意:the poor 代表“穷人们”;cutting down trees or burning forestland 是现在分词作定语修饰 work; have no choice but to 固定短语;turn a blind eye 视而不见。5. one way they could help would be by canceling the int

799、ernational debts that countries like brail owe, while also working together with these countries to solve their other economic problems译:他们帮助的方法之一就是取消像巴西这样的许多国家的外债,还可以与这些国家合作解决其他经济问题。注意:they could help 定语修饰 one way; canceling 动名词;that countries like brail owe 定语,修饰 the international debts;working to

800、gether with 同 canceling 用法相同;solve problem6. Last but not least, people in the richer countries of the world could also help save the rainforests by using wood-derived products such as paper more carefully and by recycling used paper products to help reduce the demand for newly cut wood.译:最后但也很重要的一点

801、是,世界上富裕国家的人们也可以通过更加充分使用像纸张这类源于木材的产品以及回收用过的纸产品,以减少对新伐林木的需求来帮助拯救热带雨林。短语:last but not least;C. Summary about the phrases:1.at a rate(1 段行); 2.speed up(1 段行); 3.contribute to sth(段行); 4.derive from(段行); 5.threaten with(段行); 6.in the face of sth(段行); 7.have no choice but to do(段行); 8.turn a blind eye(段行)

802、; 9.pay off(段行); 10.regardas(段行); 11.make a living(段行); 12.cut down(段行); 13.in addition(段行); 14.last but not least(段行); 15.demand for sth(段行)Text B: Life on the TundraA. New words:1.marshy: adj 沼泽般的;marsh: n 沼泽2.horizon: n 地平线3.permanently: adv 永久地4.seemingly: adv 表面地5.hunt: v/n 猎取,hunt for sth6.dis

803、turbance: n 骚乱;disturb: v7.shortage: n 缺乏;short: adj8.explorer: n 探索者;explore: v; exploration: nB.Summary about the phrases:1.border on(1 段行); 2.adapt to(1 段行); 3.to some degree(段行); 4.known as(1 段行); 5.preventfrom(段行); 6.in search of sth(段行); 7.hunt for sth(段行); 8.result in(段行); 9.in turn(段行); 10.i

804、n this way(段行); 11.bring into contact with sth(1段行); 12.depend on(段行);3.provide sth for sth(8 段 4 行);The 31st lecture of College English one:Key to some exercises:p677:. Was, old, care, we, another, doctor, daughter, through, went, roomp679:.1.recycled; 2.upset; 3.exports; 4.massive; 5.senseless; 6.

805、receded; 7.threatened; 8.pay off; 9.local; 10.select.1. We should double our efforts to speed up our socialist construction.2. The leaders visit of this country has contributed to a better understanding between the two countries.3. The talks had to be cancelled because the two sides had failed to re

806、ach an agreement.4. They demonstrated great courage in the face of danger.5. Last but not least, we must find a peaceful solution to the problem.6. He owes his success to his ability instead of luck.7. A lot of English words derive from French.Unit 25 Text A: American Men Dont CryCrying is considere

807、d not characteristic of American men. Its identified with childishness, weakness and dependence. It was not that theyre unable to cry, but that theyre trained not to. This is bad because crying is a natural function of the human organism which is designed to restore the emotionally disequilibrated p

808、erson to a state of balance. Therefore men need to understand the natural necessary crying and they are encouraged to have a good cry if they need.A. New words:1.weakness: n 软弱、缺点;weak: adj2.childishness: n 幼稚;childish: adj 幼稚的3.dependence: n 依靠、依赖;depend: v; dependent: adj4.disapprove: v 不赞成;disapp

809、rove of sth; disapproval: n; approve: v; approval: n(*)a.She wants to be a nurse but her parents disapprove of her intention.b.When the girl picked her nose at the dinner table, her father looked at her with disapproval.c.We have obtained the authorities approval in our involvement in the program.d.

810、f my project isnt approved of by the headmaster all my work will have been wasted.5.discourage: v 泄气;反义词:encourage: v 鼓励;courage: n 勇气;discouragement, encouragement: n; encouraging, encouraged, discouraged, discouraging: adj, courageous: adj 有勇气的(*)a.The young explorer feels greatly discouraged by t

811、he difficulties he ahs encountered.b.When his opinion is different from that of the majority, he doesnt have the courage to say what he 5thinks right.c. The speaker felt fairly confident when he got an encouraging smile from the audience.d.The association for Wildlife preservation encourages its mem

812、bers to protect the environment.e.The young man was courageous enough to break away from traditional ideas.6.permissible: adj 容许的;permit: v; permission: n(*)a. Lies are not permissible evidence in court.b. Nobody can enter the air base without special permission.c. Smoking is not permitted in public

813、 places of recreation.7.excusable: adj 可原谅的;excuse: n/v 原谅 excuse sb for sth8.unable: adj; able; ability: n; enable: v enable sb to do sth9.incapacity: n 无能力,inability; capable: adj10.organism: n 生物体;organ: n 器官;organic: adj 有机的(*)a.The organs of political power should serve the people.b.Cities are

814、more complex organism than self-sufficient villages.c.In a well-written article, all the paragraphs should be written into an organic whole.11.restore: v 恢复;restoration: n12.disequilibrate: v 打破平衡;equilibrium: balance 平衡13.stability: n 稳定;stable: adj 稳定的;unstable: adj 不稳定的14.homeostasis: n 体内平衡;home

815、ostatic: adj 体内平衡的15.interference: n 干涉;interfere: v interfere with /in sth16.unnecessary: adj 不必要的;necessary: adj; necessity: n 需要17.maintenance: n 维持、保持;maintain: v18.animated: adj 栩栩如生的;animate: v; animation: n19.shed:v 流出、发出;shed tears, shed soft light20.lessen: v 减少;less: adj21.defect: n 缺点,wea

816、kness22.confusion: n 混乱;confuse: v; confused: adjb. Intensive reading:1.American men dont cry because it is considered not characteristic of men to do so.译:美国男人不哭,因为哭不是他们的特征。注意:be considered; characteristic of2.In a land so devoted to the pursuit of happiness as ours, crying really is rather un-Amer

817、ican.译:在一个像我们这样热衷于追求快乐的国家哭泣不是美国传统。考点:so devoted to the pursuit of happiness as ours 形容词定语后置修饰 a land, devoted to sth 致力于3.Adults must learn not to cry in situations in which it is permissible for a child to cry.译:成年人必须学会在小孩子可以哭的场面不要哭。注意该句的不定式的否定,in which it is permissible for a child to cry 定语。4.Wom

818、en being the weaker or dependent sex, it is only natural that they should cry in certain situation.译:女性是软弱的和依赖的性别,因此在某种感情场合哭是很自然的。分析:Women being the weaker or dependent sex 现在分词的独立主格作原因状语;5.So goes the American belief with regard to crying.译:这就是美国人对哭的看法。这是一个倒装句。短语:with regard to 关于;6.It is not that

819、American males are unable to cry because of some biological time clock within them which causes them to run down in that capacity as they grow older, but that they are trained not to cry.译:这不是因为他们随着年龄的增长体内的某个生物钟使其哭的能力消耗殆尽,而是因为他们被训练的不哭。分析:本句包含一个大的强调句:it is not thatbut that; which causes them to run d

820、own in that capacity 定语从句修饰 clock; as they grow older 时间状语从句;not to cry 不定式的否定式。短语:be unable to do; run down7. Any interference with homeostasis is likely to be damaging to the organism.译:对体内平衡的任何干扰都有可能损害机体。短语:interference with;be likely to ; to be damaging 不定式的进行时态8. To be human is to weep. The hum

821、an species is the only one in the whole of animated nature that sheds tears.译:是人都会哭。在整个生物界,只有人会哭。C. Brief summary about the phrases:1.be considered(1 段 1 行); 2.be characteristic of(1 段 1 行); 3.identify sth with sth(1 段 3 行); 4.disapprove of sth(1 段 6 行); 5.devote to sth(1 段 7 行); 6.with regard to st

822、h(1 段 13 行); 7.impress on sth(2 段 1 行); 8.feel like(2 段 3 行); 9.be unable to(2 段 4 行); 10.because of sht(2 段 4 行); 11.run down(2 段 5 行); 12.be known as(2 段 13 行); 13.as a whole(2 段 14 行); 14.interference with(2 段 14行); 15.be likely to do(2 段 15 行); 16.be necessary for(3 段 4 行); 17.among other things

823、(4 段 5 行); 18.not thatbut that(2 段 3-6 行); 19.clear sth of sth(4 段 7-8行); 20, in the least(1 段 4 行) key to some exercises:p698:.1.pursuit; 2.excusable; 3.restore; 4.equilibrium; 5.stability; 6.interference; 7.incapacity; 8.lessen; 9.defect; 10.intension.1.necessity; 2.emotion; 3.achievement; 4.weakn

824、ess; 5.approval; 6.excuse; 7.dependence; 8.interference; 9.maintenance; 10.prevention.married, of, marriage, empty, out, love, have, form, fullp701:.1.defects; 2.confusionl; 3.restored; 4.capacity; 5.dynamic; 6.stability; 7.intension; 8.interference; 9.dependence; 10.damageThe 32nd lecture of Colleg

825、e English one:英语(一)测试(L21-L25)本试题分两部分,第一部分为选择题,50 分;第二部分为非选择题,50 分。pART oNE一、选择题。(20 分)1. The committee is made _ seven men and three women.A. up of B. out of C. from D. of2. _ with his brother, he is much more intelligent.A. Comparing B. To compare C. Compared D. Having compared3. The Chinese use c

826、hopsticks _ of knives and forks.A. in place B. in the place C. out of place D. take the place4. Read the letter and pass it_ to your classmates.A. up B. on C. out D. in5. Each month they _ some money for urgent use.A. set aside B. set out C. set about D. set beside6. The police car raced through the

827、 streets _ some robbers.A. in pursuit with B. with pursuit C. in pursuit of D. in pursuit7. We tried to _ the nervous girl of the safety of the game.A. assure B. ensure C. insure D. make sure8. There is one thing you must always _.A. have in mind B. keep mind on C. keep in mind D. give mind to9. His

828、 real name was Thomas, but he was called Tom _.A. for short B. in short C. short for D. in short order10. I am resolved to try story writing but _ have not made a start.A. by far B. so far C. far from D. far and near11. She complained _ they had been rude to her.A. of B. about C. for D. that12. A de

829、tective is trained to _ people and things.A. take notes of B. take note of C. make a note of D. make notes of13. I can pay _ all my debt with this check.A. off B. back C. out D. of14. Nothing could stop me_ achieving my ambition.A. off B. at C. from D. by15. He remained calm even _ such obvious dang

830、er.A. on the face of B. in the face of C. to the face of D. by the face of16. Cigarette smoking is a major factor _ to lung cancer.A. contributes B. contributing C. contributed D. contribute17. He didnt seem to be _ shocked or frightened.A. in the least B. at the least C. at least D. least at all18.

831、 What did he say _ my proposal?A. in ones regard B. out of regard C. with regard to D. without regard to19. We must examine these problems _.A. as a whole B. on the whole C. in whole D. in the whole20. I wish I could clear your mind _ doubts.A. off B. of C. up D. out二、完型填空。(10 分)people work, play, a

832、nd share ideas with one another. To live together, people must understand one another. There are many ways for people _1_ others know what they think or want. There are many ways in _2_ people can find out what others think or want. The ways of knowing about others or letting others _3_ your ideas a

833、re called communication. _4_ communication is done by language. Some is spoken and some is written. There must be someone who listens to and understands _5_ language t have communication. Someone must read and understand written language before there is communication.There are ways of communication

834、without language, too. A smile is understood everywhere; _6_ is laughing or crying. pointing to something directs _7_ to the object. Even a glance can be used to communicate. Some movements of the _8_ have special meanings. For example, we nod our heads to say “yes” and shake them _9_ to mean “no”.S

835、ometimes pictures are used to explain a thought _10_ tell a story. Sometimes a simple sound or even a color is used to give information. For example, red is often a danger sign. Maps show directions.1.A.let B. to let C. letting D. having let2.A.that B. what C. which D. how3.A. know B. t know C. know

836、ing D. known4.A. many B. few C. a few D. most5.A. spoken B. written C. foreign D. native6.A. as B. so C. than D. it7.A. subject B. movement C. attention D. carelessness8.A. language B. eyes C. body D. matter9.A. from side by side B. for side and sideC. from side to side D. at both sides10.A. or to B

837、. and for C. in order D. to not三、阅读理解。(20 分)passage oneThe White Company manufactures automobile tires in two large factories. From several suppliers, the company purchases raw materials such as rubber and steel.The company spends more than four million dollars a year for materials. The labor force

838、in the two plants numbers more than five thousand workers. The company pays even more in wages to the workers than it does for materials. The cost of labor amounts to seven or eight million dollars a year.All of these expensesplant, materials and laborare direct costs in manufacturing the tires. In

839、addition, the company pays a share of the benefits the workers receive, such as health insurance. There is also a tax on the payroll. These are among the companys indirect costs.There are other indirect costs in selling the product. The company has to pay the salaries and expenses of the sales staff

840、. It must also pay for the space that the sales office occupies. Advertising is another major cost in selling the product.Distribution of the product results in still more indirect costs. First the company must store the tires that have not yet been sold. Then the company must prepare the tires for

841、shipment. on some sales it is necessary for the company to pay the cost of transportation and insurance. on other sales there may be a tax as well.A special branch of accounting deals with all these different costs. Cost accountants examine all the direct and indirect expenses involved in manufactur

842、ing, selling, and distributing the product. Then they figure out the cost of each unit of the product.Even then the accountants have not arrived at a final cost. In addition to direct and indirect costs, the company has other expenses. There are the costs for the administration of the company. The c

843、ompany has to pay salaries to its office workers. It also provides space for them to work in and equipment for them to use.1. The White Company provides _.A. automobiles B. raw materials C. car tires D. rubber and steel2. How much does the White Company spend on the labor force every year?A. More th

844、an eleven million dollarsB. More than four million dollarsC. More than seven million dollarsD. Less than seven million dollars3. Which of he following expenses is NoT direct cost?A. purchasing raw materials.B. Salaries paid to the sales staff.C. Wages paid to the labor forces.D. Building the plants.

845、4. Distribution of products refers to the profess of _.A. marketing the products B. manufacturing the goodsC. calculating the costs D. consuming the products5. The best title for the passage would be _.A. How a company works.B. The white company.C. Direct and indirect costs.D. The costs of an automo

846、bilepassage TwoFollowing divorce, life for you and your children can be unnecessarily complicated by a variety of problems you simply hadnt foreseen.Yet, once you understand how and why your life has changed after divorce, and what you can do about it. you can gain a fresh perspective and move in th

847、e direction of improving your life.Richard Crawford was only six years old when his mother, a beautiful 32-year-old woman, first brought him to me. She claimed that Richard had “problems” adjusting to the divorce shed acquired only five months previously. But after several sessions, she tearfully co

848、nfessed that bringing Richard to see me was only an excuse to get help for herself. “I felt shy at first about telling you the truth, but I simply have to get the whole thing off my mind. Since I divorced Clive about five months ago, my lifes collapsed. I feel sp depressed, lonely, rejected, afraid

849、of the future!”“And now you feel the divorce was a big mistake?” I asked.“Yes. But I was the one who wanted the divorce, and now I feel so miserable and depressed. I guess I am too mixed up to think in a clear way,” she replied.“Its very common for somebody to realize gradually that life after a div

850、orce can be more hurtful, in so many unexpected ways, than the life they endured with their former spouse. Right now things look pretty grim and hopeless. But you will survive, and hopefully, start a new and better life for yourself and Richard.”You should not use Richard as an excuse not to be soci

851、ally active. Youve a right to build a new life for yourself, to change your style of living to suit your new circumstances. Your self-confidence can be built up again through happy, pleasant, rewarding social experiences with new friends, new hobbies, a new life style. Dont let guilt feelings stand

852、in your way.6. In this selection, the author mainly talked about _.A.How Mrs. Richard had divorced her husbandB.How the mother and her son felt after the divorceC.What a single mother should do to adjust to the new life after divorceD.His sympathy for a woman who was divorced by her husband7. Why di

853、d the woman come to see the author?A.Her son had some problems in adjusting to he life without a father.B.The author was the only person who could understand what she had been through.C.She felt lonely and depressed and needed some help from others.D.She intended to make a sexual advance to the auth

854、or.8. Which of the following word can hardly be used to describe the feeling of the woman after divorce?A. excited B. depressed C. shy D. regretful9. Most probably the author would advise the woman_.A.to beg her former husband to forgive her.B.to build a new circle of people who are also single pare

855、nts and can share a common understanding of each otherC.to tell her friends about her problems to arouse their pity for herD.not to isolate herself socially bit to go out to make new friends10. The author was most probably _.A. a lawyer B. a psychologistC. one of Mrs. Crawfords friends D. the womans

856、 potential new husbandpART TWo四、单词拼写。(10 分)1.统治、支配 v d_2.可能性 n p_3.坚持的、一贯的 adj c_4.补偿、赔偿 n c_5.卷入、牵连 n I_6.有力的、精力旺盛的 adj e_7.松弛、放松 v r_8.制造、加工 v/n m_9.非语言的 adj n_10.窘迫、使为难 v e_11.神经紧张的 adj n_12.姿势、姿态 n g_13.弄翻、打翻 v u_14.贡献、奉献 v c_15.无知觉的、无感觉的 adj s_16.取消、删除 v c_17.缺点、弱点 n w_18.泄气、阻拦 v d_19.稳定性 n s_2

857、0.强迫地 adv c_五、用动词正确的时态填空。(10 分)1. Many of them wear _ (color) national costumes.2. Being rich is not _ (necessary) being happy.3. Deafness is a serious _ (limit) in her job.4. people think that red is _(excite).5. The local people treated us with great _(friendly).6. Body language is very much _(tie

858、) to culture.7. After living in several towns we have decided to settle in London _(permanent).8. The war soon became _(globe).9. Why dont you do something _(sensibly) in your spare time?10. I wish I _(not lose) it.六、汉译英。(15 分)1.人类是动物界唯一流泪的动物。2我们应该寻找其他方法来加速国民经济的发展。3他把保持身体健康看成是目的而不是手段。4如果你把这个数目和那个数目比

859、较,你会发现它们并不相等。5除了加倍努力他们别无选择。七、英译汉。(15 分)If you are going to a restaurant for dinner, it is usually a good idea to telephone for a reservation. Cities are crowded and good restaurants will not be told reservations for more than a short time. If you cant get into a restaurant because you have not reser

860、ved ahead, dont be angry. This frequently happens to Americans and visitors alike. Restaurants can only serve a certain number of people at one time, and if they are already filled, they must turn away any additional people who want to dine there. Frequently, a table will be available if you are willing to wait 20 or 30 minutes for it.



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