大学英语第一课 friendship ppt【优课教资】

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1、Unit 2 friendship 梁欢2英语13-11谷风课件AB R _ Questions and Answers 5Can you give some examples of great friendship?2谷风课件A Marx valued Engels friendship so highly that he once said he loved and admired his friend very much. Engels had been aiding Marx who suffered greatly from bitter poverty. Were it not f

2、or the help Marx obtained from Engels, Marx would hardly have been able to overcome poverty and he surely would not have left behind him a monument. B R _ Marx and Engles Marx and Engels 3谷风课件AB R _ Word Web 1Word WebThe stories in this unit are about friendship. Can you raise some of the words whic

3、h are related to friendship?Friendship4谷风课件AB R _ Word Web 2Friendshipdurableperpetualtrustwarmcloseintimateeverlastinggeneroushelpgenuinelifelongenduringlong-standing5谷风课件AB R _ Topic-related Prediction 1Topic-related Prediction 1. Text A is titled All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter. Before you read t

4、he story, think about the answers to the following questions.What does a cabbie do?Who wrote the letter to the cabbie?Why was all the cabbie had only a letter?6谷风课件AB R _ Topic-related Prediction 22. Read the last sentence of Text A and try to guess what the story is about.When I got to my hotel roo

5、m I didnt unpack right away. First I had to write a letter and mail it.3. Read Text A as quickly as possible, and find out if you are right. Can you summarize the story with three sentences?Key words: lost in thought; read a letter; an old friend; lifelong friendship; regret; author decided7谷风课件AB R

6、 _ Warm-up Questions Warm-up Questions 1. Do you often write letters to your friends?2. Did you ever write a letter which was not sent? Why did you keep it? 8谷风课件AG R _ ScanningScanningWhich of the following statements is the theme.1. One should keep in touch with his friends.2. Never delay expressi

7、ng your true feelings to a friend.3. A true friend will stand by you forever.4. Late is better than never.Never delay expressing your true feelings to a friend. 9谷风课件AG R _ Group Discussion 1Group Discussion 1Group Discussion 1. The following questions are what the narrator asked the cab driver. Put

8、 them in the right order.1) Did you go to school together?2) The letter must have made you feel good, didnt it?3) Is your cab available? 4) Is he someone youve known quite a while? 5) Is he dead? 6) I thought your friend was Ed. Why did he sign it Tom? 7) Is the letter from a child or a grandchild?

9、8) Did you two work at the same place? 3( ) 7( ) 4( ) 1( ) 5( ) 8( ) 2( ) 6( ) 10谷风课件AG R _ Part Division of the TextPart Division of the Text 1Part Division of the Text PartsPara(s)Main Ideas112022135From a conversation with the cab driver the author learned how much he regretted failing to keep up

10、 correspondence with his old friend Ed. Reading the letter by himself, the author learned more about the lifelong friendship between the driver and Old Ed.PartsPara(s)Main Ideas336The drivers experience urged the author to reach for his pen. 11谷风课件AHe had only seen him once or twice a year.G R _ Tru

11、e or FalseFTrue or False1. The driver caught a cold that day. ( )He had just cried.2. The driver had never seen Ed in the past 25 or 30 years. F( )3. The driver had never forgotten his old friend. T( )4. The narrator was quite eager to read the letter. F( )He thought it was very personal.12谷风课件AG R

12、_ Questions and Answers 1Questions and Answers1. What did the driver and Ed use to do before they got married? They went to school and passed time together. 13谷风课件AG R _ Questions and Answers 22. Who wrote the letter? Who did the narrator think had written the letter? Find out sentences that demonst

13、rate the narrators misunderstanding.The driver wrote the letter. The narrator thought that Ed had written the letter. For example, “I know Id like to receive a letter like that from my oldest friend.” 14谷风课件A3. What did the narrator decide to do when he arrived at the hotel? Why? He decided to write

14、 a letter and mail it immediately because he wouldnt wait until it was too late.15谷风课件AD R _ At least they do with At least they do with me because Im on the road so much.Paraphrase the sentence.At least letters from home mean a lot to me because I travel a lot for long distances. 16谷风课件AD R _ be lo

15、st in be lost in / lose oneself in: be absorbed in; be fully occupied with He was lost in playing computer games so he was unaware of my entering the room. I had lost myself in thought. 他忙于这项工作而对周围的一切都很漠然。他忙于这项工作而对周围的一切都很漠然。17谷风课件AD R _ or somethingor something: used when you are not very sure about

16、 what you have just said The air fare was a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something. Heres some money. Get yourself a sandwich or something.NB: 同义的短语:同义的短语:or something like that Shes writing a dictionary or something. 她在编写词典之类的书。18谷风课件AD R _ go aheadgo ahead: continue; begin (sometimes followed

17、 by with + n.)The board of directors will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan. Henry will be late but we will go ahead with the meeting anyway. 19谷风课件AD R _ estimate 1estimate: 1. vt. form a judgment about (a quantity or value)We estimate his income to be about $8,000 a year.我估计她有我估计她有35

18、35岁。岁。 I estimate her age at 35. 2. n. approximate calculation or judgment made about a quantity or value 估价,判断According to some estimates, the number of farms has increased by 50 percent. My estimate of her character was wrong.20谷风课件AD R _ estimate 2CF:这组词都有这组词都有“估计估计”或或“估价估价”的意思。的意思。estimate 指先于实际

19、的测量、计算或测试而作的某种估指先于实际的测量、计算或测试而作的某种估计或估价,可以是经过仔细考虑,也可以是随意的。计或估价,可以是经过仔细考虑,也可以是随意的。estimate, evaluate & valueHe estimated he would do the hundred miles by noon. 他估计自已到中午时能走完这一百英里路。他估计自已到中午时能走完这一百英里路。I asked three building firms to estimate for the repairs to the house. 我请三个建筑公司估计修缮房屋的费用。我请三个建筑公司估计修缮房屋

20、的费用。21谷风课件AD R _ estimate 3CF: evaluate 很少表示用金钱来估计某物的市场价值,而是对很少表示用金钱来估计某物的市场价值,而是对其相对或内在价值的评定。其相对或内在价值的评定。 The research project has only been under way for three months, so its too early to evaluate its success.这个研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的效果作出这个研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的效果作出评价为时尚早。评价为时尚早。 value 指估计某物的价值、价格。指估计某物的

21、价值、价格。 He valued the house for me at 3,500. 他为我给这幢房子估价,价值他为我给这幢房子估价,价值3,5003,500英镑。英镑。 22谷风课件AD R _ estimate 4Put into each gap one of the above words. Change the form where necessary.1. How do teachers their students work? 2. It was that there were more than 2,250,000 spiders in one acre of grass f

22、ield. 3. They have gone to have their jewels evaluate _estimated _valued _.CF: estimate, evaluate & value23谷风课件AD R _ may as wellmight / may (just) as well: If you say that you might / may (just) as well do sth., you mean that you will do it although you do not have a strong desire to do it and may

23、even feel slightly reluctant about it.Anyway, youre here; you might as well stay. The post office is really busy. Well have to queue for ages to get served. We might as well go home.这道甜食我还是不吃了吧。这道甜食我还是不吃了吧。 I might as well give the sweet course a miss. 24谷风课件AD R _ not much ofnot much of: not a good

24、 天气不是很好。天气不是很好。It is not much of a day. Some people may think that doing housework for others is not much of a career. He is not much of a father, but he is an outstanding professor. 25谷风课件AD R _ keep up 1keep up: continue without stopping I was so hungry all the time that I could not keep the diet

25、up for longer than a month. Collocation: keep tokeep up with keep on keep out of keep off 坚持;信守坚持;信守跟上;赶上跟上;赶上继续进行;反复地做继续进行;反复地做躲开;(使)置身于躲开;(使)置身于之外之外避开;不让避开;不让接近接近26谷风课件AD R _ keep up 2Put into each gap one of the phrases. Change the form where necessary.1. the grass! 2. If this rain , the garden w

26、ill be ruined. 3. Try to trouble. 4. Dont run I cant you. 5. He just writing, paying no attention to the cry of the baby. 6. He always his promises. Keep off _keeps up _keep out of _keep up with _kept on _keeps to _27谷风课件AD R _ correspondence 2Collocation:carry on correspondence break off correspond

27、ence business / commercial correspondence personal correspondence in correspondence with 进行通信进行通信中断通信中断通信商业书信商业书信私人通信私人通信与与有通信联系有通信联系28谷风课件AD R _ kind of kind of / sort of: (“kind of” esp. AmE, “sort of” esp. BrE) a little bit; in some way or degree (used before verb or after a link verb)The boys de

28、scription kind of gives us an idea of whats happening. She wasnt beautiful. But she was kind of cute. 她有点希望能受到邀请。她有点希望能受到邀请。 She kind of hoped to be invited. 29谷风课件AD R _ keep in touch keep in touch (with sb.): If you keep in touch with someone, you write to, phone, or visit each other regularly.The

29、 old man kept in touch with his children while living in a nursing home.While doing the research work in the Antarctic, the professor kept in touch with his students via email. Collocation:stay in touch with 与与保持联系保持联系get in touch with 与与取得联系取得联系30谷风课件AD R _ come up 1come up: 1. happen or occur, esp

30、. unexpectedlySorry, I am late something came up at home. 2. be mentioned or discussedThe issue of safety came up twice during the meeting.News about Project Hope has come up a lot after the earthquake in various media.31谷风课件AD R _ come up 2Collocation:come across come along come down come over come

31、 through come up with 偶遇,碰到偶遇,碰到 进展;出现进展;出现流传下来;落魄,失势流传下来;落魄,失势从远处来,过来;短暂造访从远处来,过来;短暂造访 经历(困难),安然度过经历(困难),安然度过 想出(计划、答案、回答等)想出(计划、答案、回答等) 32谷风课件AD R _ come up 3Put into each gap one of the phrases. Change the form where necessary.1. He couldnt an appropriate answer just at the time. 2. Hows your wor

32、k ? 3. These legends to us from the 15th century. 4. The old man was 90 years old and lucky to his operation. 5. Weve just an old friend we havent seen for ages. 6. and see us sometime. come up with _coming along _came down _come through _come across _Come over _33谷风课件Aurge sb. to do sth. urge + tha

33、t-clause. D R _ urgeurge: vt. try very hard to persuade They urged the local government to approve plans for their reform program. Sir Fred urged that Britain (should) join the European Monetary System.Pattern: 34谷风课件AD R _ postpone 1postpone: vt. delay (usu. followed by n. / gerund) The couple had

34、postponed having children to establish their careers.我们把比赛从我们把比赛从3 3月月5 5日推迟到日推迟到3 3月月1919日举行。日举行。 We postponed the match from March 5th to March 19th. CF: postpone & delay 这组词都有这组词都有“延缓延缓”或或“耽搁耽搁”的意思。的意思。postpone 指将某事推迟或耽搁延后进行,也可以用来比指将某事推迟或耽搁延后进行,也可以用来比喻将某人或某物置于次要地位。例如:喻将某人或某物置于次要地位。例如:35谷风课件AD R _

35、 postpone 2It is not right for him to postpone the public interest. 他将公众利益放在后面是不对的。他将公众利益放在后面是不对的。 CF: delay 指由于干扰或意外事故而延误,特别是延误了某事指由于干扰或意外事故而延误,特别是延误了某事的预期完成或某人某物的按时到达。有时也可能是由于的预期完成或某人某物的按时到达。有时也可能是由于主观原因故意造成的拖延或耽搁。例如:主观原因故意造成的拖延或耽搁。例如:The flood seriously delayed the train service. 洪水严重延误了铁路运输。洪水严重

36、延误了铁路运输。 Our debtor delays payment from day to day. 欠我们债的人一天又一天地拖延还款。欠我们债的人一天又一天地拖延还款。 The ball game was postponed because of the rain.球赛因雨延期。球赛因雨延期。 36谷风课件AD R _ postpone 3Put into each gap one of the above words. Change the form where necessary.1. The ship was two hours. 2. We are our trip until t

37、he weather grows warmer. delayed _postponing _CF: postpone & delay37谷风课件AD R _ reference 2Collocation:a reference book a reference library for reference in / with reference to 参考书,工具书参考书,工具书(不外借书的)参考书阅览室(不外借书的)参考书阅览室作参作参考考关于关于38谷风课件AD R _ It had references It had references to things that probably m

38、eant something to the driver.1. What does it refer to? It refers to the letter. 2. What does reference mean here? It means the act of mentioning. 3. Paraphrase the sentence.The letter mentioned something that might be important to the driver. 39谷风课件AD R _ Like it says there “Like it says there,” he

39、answered, “about all we had to spend in those days was time.”Translate the sentence.他回答说,“我俩在那个时候能花的只有时间。”40谷风课件AD R _ hang out 2hang about / around hang on hang over hang up (在(在)闲逛)闲逛 (打电话时用语)不挂断;坚持下去(打电话时用语)不挂断;坚持下去 挂在挂在上;笼罩,威胁上;笼罩,威胁挂断电话;搁置,拖延挂断电话;搁置,拖延41谷风课件AD R _ But we hung out But we hung ou

40、t on the same corner when we were single. Paraphrase the sentence and translate it into Chinese. But we passed our free time together before we got married.不过没成家时我俩总在一起闲荡。不过没成家时我俩总在一起闲荡。42谷风课件AD R _ now and then(every) now and then: Every now and then I have a desire to quit my tedious job. I still

41、see Jane for lunch every now and then, but not as often as I used to.Collocation:now and again now or never 不时地不时地勿失良机勿失良机NB: 表示表示“偶尔、有时偶尔、有时”的词和短语:的词和短语: 1. at 2. (every) now and 3. (every) now and 4. (every) once 5. from 6. some 7. on 8. occ ly times _then _again _in a while _time to time _times _

42、occasion _asional _43谷风课件AD R _ awfulawful: adj. (used to add force) very great; very bad or unpleasantI have got an awful lot of work to do. I cant bear the awful smell of cigarette smoke.Thats an awful lot of money. 那是很多很多钱啊!44谷风课件AD R _ Your friendship over Your friendship over the years has mean

43、t an awful lot to me, more than I can say because Im not good at saying things like that.Paraphrase the sentence. Your friendship over the years has been very important to me, more important than I can say because Im not good at expressing my feelings. 45谷风课件AD R _ right awayright away: at once Tom

44、has got a high fever; he should go and see a doctor right away. I wrote him a letter and posted it right away. NB: 表示表示“立即、马上立即、马上”的词和短语:的词和短语:1. at 3. im ly 5. p ly 7. straight 2. d ly 4. in ly 6. right once _mediate _rompt _irect _stant _away _away _46谷风课件AA R _ WritingWriting _ mainWriting Practi

45、ceA Brief Introduction Sample Letter Homework How to Write Personal Letters? Ideas For Writing Your Personal Letter 47谷风课件AA R _ Useful Expressions 1Useful Expressions 1Useful Expressions1. 完全沉浸于完全沉浸于 be completely lost in2. 引起引起的注意的注意get sb.s attention3. 坐进后座坐进后座 settle into the back seat5. 不着急不着急i

46、n no hurry6. 接着,继续接着,继续go ahead7. 记住了,能背出来记住了,能背出来know sth. by heart4. 得了感冒什么的得了感冒什么的have a cold or something48谷风课件AA R _ Useful Expressions 2Useful Expressions 28. 家书抵万金。家书抵万金。Letters from home always mean a lot.9. 老是在外旅行老是在外旅行be on the road so much10. 不大会不大会not much of a hand at 11. 保持通信往来保持通信往来ke

47、ep up correspondenceall the way through both grade and high school12. 从小学一直到高中从小学一直到高中13. 老街坊老街坊an old neighborhood49谷风课件AA R _ Useful Expressions 3Useful Expressions 315. 失去联系失去联系lose touch16. 老同学聚会老同学聚会 a class reunion17. 时间不饶人。时间不饶人。Time goes by.18. 在一起闲逛在一起闲逛hang out on the same corner19. 点头称是点头

48、称是nod in agreement20. 在远处在远处 in the distance14. 沉默沉默in silence50谷风课件AA R _ WritingWriting StyleStyle 1Writing Style 1. Find out sentences from Text A similar in meaning to those given below. 1) Go on reading your letter. 2) Im not used to writing letters. Go ahead and finish your letter. Im not much

49、 of a hand at writing. 3) We were friends since our childhood. So our friendship has a long history. We were kids together, so we go way back. 51谷风课件AA R _ WritingWriting StyleStyle 24) For one reason or another you lose touch even though you never forget. You kind of lose touch even though you neve

50、r forget. 5) It is painful to lose any friend. Its no fun to lose any friend. 2. Try to make the following sentences complete. 1) From a child or maybe a grandchild?2) Went to school together?Is the letter from a child or maybe a grandchild? Did you go to school together? 52谷风课件AA R _ WritingWriting

51、 StyleStyle 33) Died a couple of weeks ago.4) Enjoyed talking with you.He died a couple of weeks ago. Ive enjoyed talking with you. 3. What characteristics do the sentences from the text share?They are very colloquial. 53谷风课件A Most of this text is actually a re-creation of the conversation between a

52、 taxi driver and the narrator. Therefore it provides ample examples of how English is spoken in daily life by native speakers. In spoken English sentences tend to be short and simple. Some sentences are incomplete. Besides, some words or phrases do not usually find their way into written English, fo

53、r example, sort of, kind of, you know, I think, I guess, I take it, well, go ahead, hang out, its no fun to do sth., not much of a hand at doing sth., a couple of, every now and then, an awful lot, etc. A R _ WritingWriting StyleStyle 4 4. Say something about the differences between spoken English a

54、nd written English. 54谷风课件AA R _ DiscussionDiscussionDiscussion 1. The texts in this unit are about friendship. Decide which of the following statements you agree or disagree with. Real friends are always of the same sex. Childhood friendship rarely lasts into adulthood. Time and distance can never

55、alter real friendship.2. Write down two names: a childhood friend you still remember and a close friend now. How similar or different are your relationships with each one?55谷风课件AA R _ A Brief Introduction 1 Personal letters, such as letters to your family and friends, are often written more like con

56、versations. You can write a letter to thank someone, share family and school news, pass on interesting information, describe what has been happening, or communicate humorous stories. If you have friends or family who live a distance from you, why not write them a letter to keep in touch? Even if the

57、y live close by, a letter is a special way of showing you are thinking about them.How to Write Personal Letters? 56谷风课件AA R _ A Brief Introduction 2 You can format a personal letter any way you like, but there are a few important elements that you need to include, such as: Date the date you are writ

58、ing the letter Greeting say hello to the person you are writing to Content why you are writing, news and information Closing the way you end your letter Signature sign your name to make it personal and friendly P.S. postscript. You can use a P.S. to add something at the end of the letter that you fo

59、rgot to say earlier. A P.S. always comes at the bottom of the letter, below your signature. 57谷风课件AA R _ A Brief Introduction 3Ideas For Writing Your Personal Letter Are you stuck for ideas about what to talk about in a letter? Here are some tips for you. Talk about family birthdays, special events,

60、 trips youve been on. Share funny stories about your pets. Talk about your new computer game, CD or DVD. Wish someone a Happy Birthday. Write some news about school your teacher, your friend, special visitors and activities.58谷风课件AA R _ A Brief Introduction 4 Write about whats happening in your city

61、. Talk about a great book youve read, or an exciting film youve seen. Ask questions to find out what theyve been doing and what interests them.59谷风课件AA R _ Sample LetterSample Letter 1April 14, 2009Dear Mike,Thanks so much for the great birthday present. I really love it! Ive wanted that CD for ages

62、. How did you know? You are really cool!Ive been working really hard at school. Weve got some exams coming up, so Ive got heaps of study to do. Hopefully Ill remember everything! I hate exams! Sample Letter 60谷风课件AA R _ Sample LetterSample Letter 2Last weekend I stayed at Jacquies place. We studied

63、together (yes, I actually did do some homework as well) and I went to a party that really rocked. See you in the holidays. Thanks again for the CD.Yours truly,MaryP.S. Mum says hello.61谷风课件AA R _ Homework 1Homework 1Homework You and your best friend Ming went to different universities after graduati

64、on from high school. Write a letter to Ming. Ask about his university life and write some news about your campus life. Also discuss about how to spend the coming National Day holiday.62谷风课件AA R _ Homework 2Homework 2Sep. 17, 2009Dear Ming, It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you

65、. I know its only been several weeks, but I miss you so much. Lifes just not that much fun without you. At least we can still write letters to each other! Do you like your new school? Is it beautiful? Have you made any new friend yet? Have you got any military training? Have you seen any good movie

66、lately? How are you going with that computer game I gave you? Have you beaten my record yet? I bet you cant! Im so eager to know about your life in Beijing. Just tell me!63谷风课件AA R _ Homework 3Homework 3 As for me, I am quite busy these days with the English speech contest sponsored by the campus En

67、glish Association. I have won the first round of the contest, and Im going to compete against eleven other speakers in the second round. Only three of us can enter the final round. The competition is so fierce! I am enjoying it so far. The National Day holiday is coming. How are you going to spend t

68、his week-long holiday? Will you come back to Nanjing? In fact, I am planning to spend my vacation here. And I am looking forward to seeing you. I am excited to share with you my university life.64谷风课件AA R _ Homework 4Homework 4 I cant wait for the holidays. Let me know when you will be back. Write b

69、ack soon, okay? P.S. What do you want for your birthday? Make sure its something I can post or youll have to wait for the holidays. Yours,Hua65谷风课件AA R _ Sentence TranslationSentence Translation 1Sentence Translation 1. I hadnt seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years bec

70、ause I moved away from the old neighborhood. 近近25到到30年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我从年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我从原来住的老街坊搬了出来。原来住的老街坊搬了出来。 66谷风课件AA R _ Sentence TranslationSentence Translation 22. But I realized that Old Ed was still on his mind when he spoke again, almost more to himself than to me: “I should have kept i

71、n touch. Yes,” he repeated, “I should have kept in touch.”可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:我说话,还不如说是自言自语:“我真该一直保持联系。我真该一直保持联系。真的,真的,”他重复道,他重复道,“我真该一直保持联系。我真该一直保持联系。” 67谷风课件AA R _ Sentence TranslationSentence Translation 33. Of course thered be always a note wed each add

72、to the cards usually some news about our families, you know, what the kids were doing, who moved where, a new grandchild, things like that but never a real letter or anything like that.当然,我俩都总在卡上写几句当然,我俩都总在卡上写几句 通常是关于各自家通常是关于各自家里的情况,不是吗,孩子们在干些什么,谁搬到哪儿,里的情况,不是吗,孩子们在干些什么,谁搬到哪儿,添了个小孙子,都是这类事添了个小孙子,都是这类事

73、 可一直都没正儿八经可一直都没正儿八经地写过信什么的。地写过信什么的。 68谷风课件AA R _ Sentence TranslationSentence Translation 44. 早就想写信了,可就是一拖再拖。早就想写信了,可就是一拖再拖。Ive been meaning to write for some time, but Ive always postponed it. 5. 比如说,每次我去参加老同学聚会,来的人总是越来越少。比如说,每次我去参加老同学聚会,来的人总是越来越少。Every time I go to a class reunion, for example, th

74、ere are fewer and fewer still around. 69谷风课件AA R _ Sentence TranslationSentence Translation 56. 你多年的友谊对我非常重要,远比我能说出来的重要得多,你多年的友谊对我非常重要,远比我能说出来的重要得多,因为我不擅长说这样的话。因为我不擅长说这样的话。Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say because Im not good at saying things like that.

75、 7. 他神情有点悲伤,似乎想看清远处什么东西。他神情有点悲伤,似乎想看清远处什么东西。“我想我真我想我真该早些写这封信。该早些写这封信。” He looked sort of sorrowful, or as if he were trying to see something in the distance. “I guess I should have written it sooner.” 70谷风课件AA R _ Proverbs and QuotationsProverbs and Quotations 1Proverbs and Quotations 1. A friend in

76、 court is better than a penny in purse.与其囊中有钱与其囊中有钱, , 不如朝中有人。不如朝中有人。2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交患难之交, , 才是真朋友。才是真朋友。3. A friend to all is a friend to none.滥交者无友。滥交者无友。71谷风课件AA R _ Proverbs and QuotationsProverbs and Quotations 24. Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。朋友之间不分彼此。5. False friends are worse than open enemies.虚伪的朋友比公开的敌人更坏。虚伪的朋友比公开的敌人更坏。6. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. Benjamin Franklin, American statesman选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。 美国政治家美国政治家 B. 富兰克林富兰克林72谷风课件Athanks!73谷风课件A



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