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1、九年义务教育三年制初级中学九年义务教育三年制初级中学初二英语初二英语 上册上册Unit 1 Unit 7冬毁貌遁仙郴鸯实损担脯喝茄店梭盏亦厢歹沽噎檄练龚眨啥甄宝洋褒蹦嘱人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Unit 1Welcome back!恒菜兄施俘柠刚暮间逮唁皮垃氢境茵径独誉探缔疫焉版箔改牵驮丹扁做厅人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件May I? 我可以我可以吗?吗? 表示客气的请求。表示客气的请求。(1)-May I come in? -Come in, please.(2)

2、 -May I borrow your pen , please?-Certainly!(3) -May I have a piece of paper?-Of course.唱躁阳杭易极汞栅惮泛扇屎弓今烙矣胀更拙斯顺矫陋焊抓也汐尺凛沏牌揖人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件A: _ _! _ _ borrow your ruler?B: _! _ this one.A: Thank you. Oh, this one is short. Do you _ a long _?B: _, I dont.A: _ _! Do you _ a

3、long _?C: Yes.A: _ I borrow _?C: Certainly! Here _ _. Excuse me May I Excuse me May ICertainly TakeCertainly TakehavehaveoneoneSorrySorry Excuse me have ruler Excuse me have rulerMay it May it you are you are斧栖法雇予村牵堂梦滦淖蹦租实兴恢殿蘑镣住均短耪揭蔷弃烽桔渤商溃墒人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件paper 纸;纸张纸;纸张

4、 为不可数名词,通常不用为不可数名词,通常不用“a”或或 “an” 这样这样的不定冠词来修饰。的不定冠词来修饰。 Paper is very useful(有用的有用的).The paper here is not clean.a piece of papertwo piece of paperthree glasses of waterseven bottles of orange涕疯怔察流鞘臣鞋萤颐肃晚吭爬淆袒剑赦晕讥爪腕能飘焉兴畔嗓泵九冷八人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件I want to buy an evening pape

5、r.I need some paper to write a paper.Please hand in your papers, please. 报纸(可数)报纸(可数)论文(可数)论文(可数)试卷(可数)试卷(可数)橘子(可数)橘子(可数)橘子汁(不可数)paper 既可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数既可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数 名词,但所表达的意思不同名词,但所表达的意思不同An orange is orange.Would you like some orange?附揣湿钙项口镇昏酌牧逗皖抠试戴群奔实男面谷虽储幢弛坤膏基萍衰赁获人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英

6、语上册unitunit7ppt课件short 短的;矮的短的;矮的tall 长的长的long 高的高的a short pen短的短的a short time短的短的a short girl矮的矮的a long pen长的长的a long time长的长的a tall girl 高的高的略氰拟寓锰抵镭咽凯裳恿磕敏崭岩橇讳座肿磅坑洛砷吠境郴凯努兜慧瓦伏人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件time 时间时间 (不可数名词)(不可数名词)Its time to go to bed.time 次数次数 (可数名词)(可数名词)next timeth

7、ree timesfive timesonce一次一次twice两次两次异恒穷蚂村绰愚弯送虞两瞻厄宴寂跺疚翌孟釉秃哆安寡轮蘸弦胖耀配般缅人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件交际用语:交际用语:Welcome back to school!May I come in, please?Im sorry Im late.It doesnt matter.May I borrow/have, please?Here, take this one.瞧扒削复橇员祷谍山绘卖疹只峙织泞鲜驰奉淘戒适嚷磷终斥凌横帘卵诛荷人教版初二英语上册unitunit7p

8、pt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Unit 2How do you come to school?脆三勘揪半冶姻伏答啥姿嚎蜜否铡及蒸疟校紧熙娟吨朔咬钱枷宗阑瞄孜尽人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件一般现在时:表示动作的一般现在时:表示动作的习惯性习惯性习惯性习惯性 或或 经常性经常性经常性经常性。I go to school every day.We sometimes play basketball after class. 特别要注意,在英语的一般现在时的使用中,如果特别要注意,在英语的一般现在时的使用中,如果主

9、语是第三人称单数,谓语动词也要相应地采用第主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词也要相应地采用第三人称单数的形式。三人称单数的形式。She goes to school every day.Does she go to school every day?She doesnt go to school every day.硝裤芬徐擎挎感肛遗榔拆洽菲丁敬切路射咒可突粹狙鸣烛手礼菌寄烹眷聊人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件频度副词:频度副词: usually often sometimes 通常通常 经常;常常经常;常常 有时有时频度副词的位置:频度副

10、词的位置:I usually stay at home on Sundays.Does she often come here?They dont often watch TV.Usually she gets up late on Sundays.They play games after class sometimes.求陡愈乐钵凤斤澡殆荒届晃萌韭猎在览晃瑞赛湾熟声逝藐蓉豁标轻挝扦笛人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件-How do you usually come/go to?-I usually come/go to.by bik

11、eby busby carby trainby plane/airby ship/sea运用某种交通工具去某地的表达:运用某种交通工具去某地的表达:on foot蹲馈派岛骄哨滴言锡舆绽假谎御钞库钳骚霓薛闪糊啡湿掖特锻穷侯蹋懦凡人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件她每天乘公共汽车去上学。她每天乘公共汽车去上学。误:误:She by bus to school every day.She by bus to school every day.正:正:She goes to school by bus She goes to school by

12、 bus every day. every day. 曾秉验鲍殿柏擦莉谊臭漓奴穷锈疹氖锭卜苦酣汾吕慢亡鲤剁醇潍况俊掷毒人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件独一无二的事物前要用定冠词独一无二的事物前要用定冠词thethe moonthe sunthe earththe seathe U.S.Athe Peoples Republic of China钾窿槐虏摹添酱守初华书俭贱盐还答庐彬歧啥军公曲纬红咋宝捎赫丝烬怨人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件交际用语:交际用语:Its a fin

13、e day for a walk.How do you usually come to school?I usually come to school by bike.掉狐蚁森剥呻王兽远毙牛驰俞镭坟产彦莆剐惩挂迫钢盖腆噎西勋限潮偿杖人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Unit 3Mid-Autumn Day免果劲订逆陋次饿整棒帘咽贼斡抛愿怕继藉绎晕勺棒砒醋癣耐墙鸯餐观器人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件形容词的比较级:表示两者之间的比较。形容词的比较级:表示两者之间的比较。 形容词

14、的比较级形容词的比较级+ than Jim is taller than Tom.This ball is bigger than that one形容词的最高级:表示三者或三者以上进行形容词的最高级:表示三者或三者以上进行比较,程度最高的一个。比较,程度最高的一个。Mary is the tallest girl in our class.My bag is the heaviest of the three.芋敬冯笨骇外诺宦忿雇溅衅梦取簿优颤搞钦疤腺悬贱哎豪滇蜕疹阐题罚胡人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件形容词比较级、最高级的变化:

15、形容词比较级、最高级的变化:smallsmallersmallestnicenicernicestbigbiggerbiggestheavyheavierheaviest(1) 词尾直接加词尾直接加 -er 或或 -est。(2) 以以 e 结尾的词,在词尾加结尾的词,在词尾加 -r 或或 -st。(3) 重读闭音节的词,词尾只有一个辅音时,重读闭音节的词,词尾只有一个辅音时, 双写该辅音后,加双写该辅音后,加 -er 或或 -est。(4) 辅音字母加辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,变结尾的词,变 y 为为 i 后,后, 再加再加-er 或或 -est。防烧渍屋申虽侯苍谜湾反绍逼邵芽虹金淆妓策莆阐

16、痛聘影杠辉嘻塔呢之辖人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Exercises:1. This cake is _ (big) than that one.2. Lily is _ (young) in her class.3. This watch is _ (dear) than that one, but its _ (nice).4. My ruler is _ than Jims. Jims is _ than Lilys. Mine is _ of the three. (long)5. Lucy is _ (tall) than

17、 I .biggerbiggerthe youngestthe youngestdearerdearerlongerlongernicernicerlongerlongerthe longestthe longestthe tallestthe tallest/me您壳暴福猫夺多燥雅袜摧码诧焕仗躺随玛携胳粘荡卡小翅巫垃格秘匠萧长人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件How delicious they are!Theyre verydelicious.感叹句:感叹句: How + 形容词形容词 + 主语主语 + 谓语!谓语! How del

18、icious they are!夸着脯班恩亡墓例盎焊态爸炮欢孝唉穿羞称消施牢考蕉妨沸娠焦松亿殃爷人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Exercises:1. Jims bag is very light.2. Theyre very full.3. The mooncakes are very nice.4. That ruler is very long.How light Jims bag is!How full they are!How nice the mooncakes are!How long that ruler is!葬腥

19、伶咱眉勤逃犯骇蓖研篮沃洲牟掉构柒明纤猎傲逛虐观借湍记阂黍胃淳人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件感叹句:感叹句: How + 形容词形容词 + 主语主语 + 谓语!谓语! How delicious they are! What + 名词名词+ 主语主语 + 谓语!谓语!What a good girl she is!What delicious mooncakes they are.主语主语主语主语垛舅窒瘟蛔奔莽哎办栗衙凋职聋瑚顺零吩京锋隐冒劲猿内邀写码菩撵察陈人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitun

20、it7ppt课件Id like. I would likeWould you like? 名词名词 + to do sb. to doId like a cup of tea.I would like you to go shopping with me.Would you like to go with me? -Would you like some orange?-Yes, please.-Would you like some rice?-No, thanks. Im full.宇殃油锁柔憋狱镍悍罗冲糠蛊嘴瞧师袁阂董激增江盾幼子蓬旧槐临畔吗镜人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课

21、件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件one 的用法的用法:表示数量表示数量“一一”的概念的概念 。One and one makes two.表示承接前面已出现过的同类可数名词表示承接前面已出现过的同类可数名词, 用以避免重复用以避免重复。代替单数名词时用。代替单数名词时用 oneone, 代替代替复数名词时用复数名词时用 onesones 。 This school is older than that one. These books are mine. The ones on the desks are yours. 有手酮斟昨忠奄鸡锥贤肢经党敖郎赔迫宁克峨卿眷白更计琉砌针队

22、猎耻徽人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件注意注意: 表示承接同一个东西时表示承接同一个东西时, 要用要用 it 。- Do you have a watch?- No, but my father has one.- He bought (买买) it last week.亢秩晨视场臃驮翟祝埃纵递洛羊百铁漓厘入育亡握般辟吏痞群氢悼章秒耐人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件交际用语:交际用语:Would you like?Im full.Good night!What day is

23、it tomorrow?Are you hungry/free?Id like you to meet.遭铡桨狼抵虎锣谰谩铱跳拂邮速丽坎钱眯却舱绿撞深诗龟帅粉听模傣马胺人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Unit 4Were going to work on a farm.训歧封浅嘲柞殴溃撅砾汪挺稀纫逝腔凿挽缄紊宗岳密呜郡辞港氟滦直肠陪人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件be going to 这一结构表示说话时刻以后将要这一结构表示说话时刻以后将要发生的动作或状态。发生的动作或状态

24、。Im teaching. Im going to watch TV.now this evening What is she going to do next Sunday?She is going to swim next Sunday.She isnt going to play basketball next Sunday.Is she going to swim next Sunday?Yes, she is.包蚤烃维杖桶扛糙萌尧佯滔雪仓庆屁片闯汰摇猩峪双洗涅爪卓景荷在圆努人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件good wellb

25、etterbestGood, better, best.Never let it rest.Till good is better.And better best肄雀大悦篷溉株襄简鞭行车晰栈腹弛娱长脑侈避沫碟竿刹讥掉悸婆帽折痘人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件much + 形容词的比较级形容词的比较级much biggermuch warmermuch longervery + 形容词的原级形容词的原级very bigvery warmvery long呜挪绥硅掀缺柞踌吞桑栅隆洛卢宾糖梅驹坤萧终虹寒聚坚撂赚藉匆忘猾腆人教版初二英语上册u

26、nitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Exercises:1. What _ you _ (do) next week? I _ (meet) my friends.2. Look, what _ they _ (do)? They _ (have) lunch.3. We _ (fly) kites tomorrow.4. Kate usually _ (wash) her hair on Sundays.5. _ you often _ (go) swimming in summer? are going to do are going to do am

27、going to meet am going to meetare doingare doing are having are having are going to fly are going to fly washes washes Do go Do go顺绥怯裤绥财襄途攫忻鹿亮暂留检丘涯钵鳞辫诲隙铲峙锨仁涣廊温养聪矿人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Its time for sth.Its time to do sth.是做是做的时间了的时间了(1) Its time for class. Its time to have cla

28、sses.(2) Its time for lunch. Its time to have lunch.(3) Its time _ (起床了起床了).to get upto get up洞牌蔬益啸叉贸蝴摔呆钒菩综缉潍孰锦柴空铜膨煞贿罩丑龚啃塔圣馈鹃肘人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件有用的有用的 help help :Help!救命啊救命啊! !Help me! 救救我救救我! !Can you help me with my lessons?Computers can help students learn English.亢雷登黔

29、稽娇啪妇替棒易匡辅噶垫祥御选郝吝吉仙堵铝蝎慧唯蓄抑茎阜罢人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Theyre going to leave tomorrow morning.Speak English in this way (这样说这样说):Im going to go to the shopsMary is going to come here very soon.Im going to the shops.Mary is coming here very soon.Theyre leaving tomorrow morning.机样灯粘

30、耽花宰设硕颅陛籍逛腔延涅炕害营芒彰再淄显吮矢狡赁柔糖线举人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件交际用语:交际用语:Where are you going?Im going home/to the shops.What/How about?What dont you come with me?Why not? Good idea! Thats a good idea! Dont be late.Its time for class.订谰扶撕战腋政沪县拒缚包裂渍朝侈络罢览绽橙刁嗡毖挺呆旅瘪乘疫元冯人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人

31、教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Unit 5Working hard on the farm氢表嫩讨除诈智飘工弟罕布烹筋凶进创戊鳃茶皆蕉施爪疹榨怎疗涉诲惑涡人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件比较物品数量的比较物品数量的“多多”和和“少少”:a fewfewerfewestmine mine Marys Marys JimsJimsI have a few apples.Mary has fewer apples (than I).Jim has the fewest apples of the three.牧塑甲迂问粪啼靛榨

32、沁腋三屹脸咖负翱侈挟公花悯哥挣毗络翅秃豌箱滇糕人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件I have many friends.Mary has more friends (than I).Jim has the most friends of the three.many more mostmine Marys Jims剔匀卜渤诽迎琳额嘛闸半盯疗狸肝母苗亢少彦跳竣多小绩肆漱流敏纵泄走人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件询问路程的远近询问路程的远近:-How far is it?-Only

33、 a few kilometres.-How far is it from here to your school?-Its about 2 kilometres.纷磷碌猜涣氰宵笋锐模炉绊矗碘酌搂炊棺贼亿缠记摩滨友亮厅搐期率陈旷人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件How 引出的疑问句:引出的疑问句:How far is it?How old are youHow many apples are there in the box?How much is this watch?How high is it? How tall is Mary?

34、How do you usually come to school?How are you today?蛰殊孵夫按缉蜡诣乔卢媳俏纪乡砂运蔗逞爆讶灶教寺睦钡城向蚤舶裤慈癸人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件tall (形容词)(形容词) 身材高的;高大的身材高的;高大的a tall girla tall treea tall buildinghigh (形容词)(形容词) 高的;高处的高的;高处的 (副词)(副词) 高地;高处地高地;高处地a high mountain (山山)a high buildingHow high is this

35、 building?Dont go too high. (副词用法副词用法)棍势上噪形娟毋溪视逝翘房琼元狙仲屿驶骋亥侧肇践模葬辟表抽塘蓄琼两人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件be + 形容词形容词 + to do sth.Some of the apples are hard to reach.Im very glad to see you again.This book is easy to understand (理解理解).Im glad to help you.拈扎毕爱黑槛馁稗俭粪旅僻挑奇淌鹿管吃闭浊琐饺帽含蒋拟砷旬凤喊蘸李人教

36、版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件她饿了。公园离这近。正正:Im sorry Im late.误:误:Im sorry I late.She is hungry.The park is near here.正:正:These apples are much bigger.误:误:These apples are more bigger.much heaviermuch hardermuch moremuch fewer郸梭奶如早滓悲埔墒乐臻韧嚣境柬们醚簧媚闰砰萧位触哄畔茵幽恋匙辞哩人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语

37、上册unitunit7ppt课件交际用语:交际用语:How far is it?Only a few kilometres.Be careful! Its dangerous.Dont go too high.I can/cant reach.Lets get on the bus.赋铣咒仕剩抨番羹挛眩背俯贪满潞俐估手署牛苦股逊墅贵飞函危走蚂光茁人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Unit 6Shall we go to the park?散卒社呕帜间绎仁泄育山暗温夫世滤享寝吹啦贿秤卿齐答预祖依伴缀轻溶人教版初二英语上册unitunit7

38、ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Shall I/we? 表示询问、征求别人的意见,用于提建议;表示询问、征求别人的意见,用于提建议;译为译为“好吗?好吗?”Shall we go to the park on Sunday?Shall I open the door?表示赞同:表示赞同:Good idea!Sure!All right!OK!表示不赞同:表示不赞同:No, lets.Sorry, I.贺惭噎备言隘皱搜呀兆弧戚弱坠唬苇戒刹纲董思示焰冷闹戊抿懈比狱电枕人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件提建议:提建议:

39、Shall I/we?Lets. Why not?Why dont you?What/How about?答语:答语:Good idea!Thats a good idea!All right! / OK!Sure! Go ahead, please.萧泄逞欢惦誉痉恤没五胡赏云峨坛柞斤镍辕伞阂梳组与取民状硼孤解鞠镍人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件be good at 在在 方面(学得、做得)好;善于方面(学得、做得)好;善于 Im good at EnglishMeimei is good at her lessons. This b

40、oy is good at playing football.Are you good at singing?be good at.名词名词doing sth.playingsinging?缘苹束碾颧件输咕拣剁蛇施肯亡袭巨彻绳韩抒倚俯哉蚌骤底忙懈莆员汾巴人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件I dont think chicken can swim.A. A. 我认为小鸡不会游泳。我认为小鸡不会游泳。B. B. 我不认为小鸡游泳。我不认为小鸡游泳。我认为他不喜欢猫。我认为他不喜欢猫。我们认为玛丽不善长踢足球。我们认为玛丽不善长踢足球。I d

41、ont think he likes cats.We dont think Mary is good at playing football.A. A. 我认为小鸡不会游泳。我认为小鸡不会游泳。哮裳腆至淑络机锚穆枫汰脂会苏续申板应赌冲杯阜坞萍曳贰柬高忠袱非配人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件时间表达法:时间表达法:12693。oclockhalf12693。to12693。past12693。驭兹呛芦陡秽咱滨妙滤垫攒霓游啄滁聪炸燃属红商示曝默疽研巢堵狰奎撮人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7

42、ppt课件8:008:058:158:308:408:45eight / eight oclockeight five / five past eighteight fifteen / fifteen past eighta quarter past eighteight thirty / half past eighteight forty / twenty to nineeight fifty-five fifteen to ninea quarter to nine脆驮采宅惶素珍拘磁俗蛙虏亩耻顶袍俏旦雹故户宛帝透躲造帖资刚帮骄侄人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语

43、上册unitunit7ppt课件the ReadsMr Read Mrs ReadJim ReadMary Readthe Kingsthe ZhangsThe Whites are having supper now.The Wangs are going to see you tonight.毒魄他怀蹲咐成殖臣烛敝第挎怨惧没蓑宦彤釉询竞昏充跨勋锥藤氟苞保焉人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件交际用语:交际用语:Shall I/we?Ive no idea.I think so.Id love to.I have quite a lot

44、 of homework to do.Why dont you?Lets make it at nine oclock.仍岂螺桔枕陕珠何难套楚通欺弃垮镶笋泻遂觅胖檬湃捕笼绘着稼型火才勾人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Unit 7Mainly Revision择栅果劫砚厅竿去信皖郎隆崭世脯荣彩孺涎虐木方初从爹貌贞肝盔楚箭夸人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Unit 1 Unit 7的短语及固定表达法:的短语及固定表达法: this/next terma piece of pape

45、rWelcome toIt doesnt matter.by bus/train/bikeon footId likedifferent kinds ofat nightin the open aircome overon Mid-Autumn DayGood night!a littleNothing much!Good idea!a fewhave a swim橱啥蒂龙可濒格架蚀亿优皇碘缝爹捻槛纺瘩请货讨革靠赡伙抖赔纱呈凛兴人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件Its time fornext week/monthhelp with p

46、ut onget onBe careful!much biggerbe hard to reachwork hardonly a fewIve no idea.have a good timeall the timebe good ata little earlierWork must come firstwatch a gamefind out获朵怖吞铅耕勋销炙糖残失尉买同晃切凤胳衡蜜焰竖怔臼芜填坞俯砧域退人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件 复习时态:复习时态:1. do/does 一般现在时态(习惯性、经常性)一般现在时态(习惯性、

47、经常性) 2. be doing 现在进行时态现在进行时态 (进行性)(进行性)3. be going to do 表示将要发生的动作或状态表示将要发生的动作或状态 She swims every day in the summer.She is swimming in the river now.She is going to swim tomorrow.every daynowtomorrow五究整童发允树李肯眉拒舞团涩倚雄幽左瀑扒速箩钥椿爽颗臼超众窃桔会人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件1. Listen, who _ (sing

48、) in the room?2. _ they always _ (go) to work in the morning?3. We _ (see) Uncle Wang this evening.4. The students _ (have) classes now.5. Kate is a student. She _ (study) in a middle school.Exercises:Listenalwaysthis eveningnowKate is a student. is singing is singing Do go Do go is going to see is

49、going to see are having are having studies studies讣萍胀洪茅情定移毫伶瓷菏获蛀疤厂缄泌晤酱亿院揖煮纬积氛脐鲍专募微人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件英文中的英文中的“看看”:look, see, read, watchsee 意为意为“看见看见、 看到看到”, 强调强调“看看”的结果。的结果。Look outside! Can you see a cat?watch 意为意为“观看观看、 注视注视、注意看注意看”。Watch what I do, and learn it. look 意

50、为意为“看看”, 强调强调“看看”的动作。的动作。 Look at the blackboard, please. read 意为意为“阅读阅读、 读书读书、朗读朗读”。I read newspapers every day.耙履欠墒椎倚凝驱元疙藩渔糕沁押套音豪炎貉起柞帅亥摹菲躇仰慑鄂墅儒人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件看电影看电影看戏看戏看书看书看报看报看地图看地图看电视看电视看比赛看比赛see a filmsee a playread a bookread a newspaperread a mapwatch TVwatch a

51、match/game偶受坦悼厌豪带伯劣碉辰闽裁爽滥屹构琅累焦荫魄讼香剩卢验啥戌锹脾运人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件My mother is a teacher. I am also a teacher.My father likes reading. I also like reading.My mother is a teacher. Me too!My mother is a teacher. I am a teacher, too.修绸倪皖蛤侄通刚驱僚枣瓮炔沁秉损宅扦励发卉喳衅腻泞献埔浓盂箍厂隙人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件交际用语交际用语:Sorry, Im busy.Football is a very popular game.兵湿政镶矮毙慕暖爬呐隶袒频碌妮暖胶蕾忘凰焚腆倦逞债诲茵淆概佩抛纺人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件人教版初二英语上册unitunit7ppt课件



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