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1、 Providing for Effective Teaching How to achieve quality teaching Quality teaching is achieved not only as a consequence of how well teachers teach but through creating contexts and work environments that can facilitate good teaching. The following issues will be considered:1.Institutional factors2.

2、Teachers factors3.Teaching factors4.Learner factorsInstitutional factorsv1. the organizational culturev2. quality indicators in an institutionv3. the teaching contextThe organizational culturev The organizational culture in a school refers to the ethos and environment that exist within a school, the

3、 kinds of communications & decision making that take place, and the management & staffing structure they support.v what are the schools goals & mission?v what is the schools management style?v What shared values do staff have?v vBasic to the organizational culture is its management structure.vThere

4、are two types of organization structure(Davidson & Tesh,1997:178):v1. mechanistic model-is a bureaucratic approach to organizing collective activities that stress “the need for authority, hierarchies of control, and an explicit chain of command”.v2.organic model-is one that maximizes flexibility & a

5、daptability, encourages complete confidence & trust between superior & subordinates, and taps a wide range of human motivations to achieve organizational goals.Quality indicators in an institutionvCharacteristics of quality indicators v1. there are clearly stated educational goal.v2. there is a well

6、-planned, balanced, & organized program that meets the needs of its studentsv3. systematic & identifiable processes exist for determining educational needsv4. there is a commitment to learning, & an expectation that students will do wellv5.there is a high degree of staff involvement in developing go

7、als & making decisionsv6. there is a motivated & cohesive teaching fore with good team spirit.vSome of the key dimensions of quality v1. a sense of missionv2. a strategic planv3. quality assurance mechanismsv4. a sound curriculumv5. flexible organizational frameworkv6. good internal communicationsv7

8、. professional treatment of teachersv8. opportunities for teacher developmentThe teaching contextv1. size & staff structurev2. equipmentv3. support staffv4. teacher work spacev5. teacher resource roomv6. teaching facilityv7. class sizeThe teachersv1. skills & qualificationsv components of teacher kn

9、owledge(Robert 1998):v-practical knowledgev-content knowledge v-contextual knowledgev-pedagogical knowledgev-personal knowledge v-reflective knowledgeInitial qualification for language teachersvSix areas of basic teaching skills:v1. language awarenessv2.the learner, the teacher, &the teaching/learni

10、ng contextv3.planning for effective teaching of adult learners of English v4. classroom management & teaching skillsv5. resources & materials for teachingv6.professional developmentWays for Novice teachers developing teaching skillsv1. observation of experienced teachersv2. observation of training v

11、ideosv3.short theory coursesv4.practice teaching under the supervision of experienced teachersv5.working with a mentor teachervTeaching is a complex & controversial profession, and the education literature is full of teaching models that present varied conceptualizations of the nature of teaching.vH

12、ere, teaching is defined in a narrow sense which refers to the activities (techniques & exercises). These activities must be justified according to the kinds of objectives that the program has developed & the teachers have set out to accomplish, but also must be related to the overall approaches & s

13、yllabuses that motivate & organize the curriculum.v2.support for teachersv1) orientationv2) adequate materialsv3)course guidesv4)division of responsibilitiesv5) further trainingv6) teaching releasev7) feedbackv8) help linev9) reviewTeaching processv1.teaching model & principlesv2.maintaining good te

14、achingv 1)monitoring 2) observation 3)identification &resolution of problems 4) documentation & sharing of good practices 5) self-study of the programv3. evaluating teachingv 1) developing the appraisal system 2) the focus of appraisalLearning processv1. understanding of the coursev2.views of learni

15、ngv3.learning stylesv4.motivationv5. support 4 ways to help teachers to teach bestv1.orienting teachers to the new curriculum, v2. supporting their teaching efforts,v3.monitoring instruction, v 4.providing ways for teachers to revitalize(振兴,恢复元气) themselves.Involving teachers in the curriculumvTeach

16、ers play a very important role in the curriculum, so initial information in various form should be put in the hands of teachers, especially those who are new to the program, the purpose is to anticipate the kinds of questions that all instructors will have so that each teacher individually will not

17、have to waste time seeking out the answers.1.Initial informationv the initial information that teachers get is an important part of teaching element of curriculum development. Such information can the take the form of an orientation meeting(情况说明会;学期前会议)during which the basic information needed to pe

18、rform adequately can be conveyed to teachers, or be delivered in the form of a written teachers guide, or both. Ways to get the initial information 1) Orientation任职培训-New teachers should be oriented to the language program in which they are working.2) Teachers guide-It is a good idea for planners or

19、 administrators to prepare a handy guide or handbook containing all vital program information so that teachers can refer to it when they have questions. This guide should contain as much information as possible to help those new teachers.3)Reference document-Other types of documents may serve as use

20、ful references for new teachers. copies of any needs analysis documents might prove interesting to the teachers, teachers should have copies of all the materials that will be used in their classes.Types of information teachers need1) Context of the programTo what extent is the program consistent wit

21、h federal, state, and local government policies?Is there a generally felt need for this kind of program, or is it being imposed on teachers and learners from above?Will opportunities be arranged for articulating the theoretical approach of the program to education officials, teacher trainers, teache

22、rs, learners, parents, and the other interested partied?.v v2)LearnersWho will the program serve?How many learners will the program serve?What is their educational and cultural background?What are their previous language learning experiences?What circumstances have led them to enter the program?v Ho

23、w are learners expect to learn within the program?v Do teachers & students have conflicting sets of expectation of the program?v3)TeachersvTeachers may differ in their individual teaching skills, in attitudes towards teaching, in how they teach, in different demands on them, all these factors may pl

24、ay a crucial role in determining the effectiveness and dynamics of the curriculum.What teaching skills do the teachers have?Are the teachers native speakers of the language that they are teaching? If not, what is their proficiency level?What expectations are teachers likely to have concerning the ap

25、proaches, syllabuses, techniques, and exercises?How are they expected to teach? What would be regarded as good teaching?v4)Administrative processesHow many teachers are needed to staff the program? What kinds of teachers are selected? How many different kinds of teachers are required?What other kind

26、s of personnel are involved (for example, administrative, secretarial, and so on)?What provisions are made for teacher training or retraining?How are teachers monitored & evaluated?. What provision are made for curriculum revision?v5)Instruction to implement the programWhat overall approach has been

27、 adopted? How can this overall approach be characterized?Does the program have a particular emphasis? Is the program a special-purposes program, a vocational program, an academic program, a competency-based program, or one based on a set of general proficiency guidelines?What were the units of analy

28、sis in the needs analysis? In what form are the program goals and objectives stated? Are Kinds of learning outcomes are expected?What kind of syllabus is being used?What kinds of testing & evaluation are used?.Supporting teachersThe teachers place in the curriculumv1) Teachers rolev(1) Need analyst

29、v(2) Provider of student inputv(3) Motivator v(4) Organizer and controller of student behavior v(5) Demonstrator of accurate language production (6) Materials developer v(7) Monitor of students learning v(8) Counselor and friendThe learners place will relate to their preferences to the following con

30、cepts (1) Learning approaches (2) Attitudes towards learning (3) Learning styles (4) Strategies used in learning (5) Learning activities (6) Patterns of interaction (7) Degrees of learner control over their own learning(8)What constitutes effective teaching? (9) The nature of effective learning Ther

31、e may be conflicts between the teachers & students, discussion would be the best way to solve the problem.v Helping teachers to teachvTeachers should always think about the teaching issues so that the assumptions that guide their teaching will always be clear to them.v1) Suppose a total stranger wal

32、ked in and observed one of your classes. What aspects of teaching style would give that person clues as to your basic personality?v2) What aspects of your teaching style might misled that same person about your true personality?v3) Who does best in your classes? How would you describe a typical “exc

33、ellent learner” for the sort of teaching you do?v4) Have you ever gone through a major change of teaching style?vProviding a framework or supportvAdministrative supportv Provide the teachers with buffers between them & negative aspects of the world outside the program, by eliminating all unnecessary

34、 paperwork, and by ensuring that all required resources are available for the teachers to deliver instruction & to continue developing themselves professionally.vCurricular supportv All the elements in the curriculum can be supported by sound curriculum development processes that are designed to mak

35、e individual teachers job easier. The more these processes draw on the combined energies of the entire staff, teachers & administrators alike, the more effective and supportive, the processes will be.v vDealing with politicsvCurriculum ImplementationInvolve all the participants in the process of cur

36、riculum development at least to the point of consulting with each interest group and seeking their views.Avoid taking the position of an omniscient “expert” who knows what is good for the program.Make only reasonable demands on the time and energy of the people involved.Remember that any group of pe

37、ople may be entrenched and resistant to change.vProgram managementTo provide good quality instruction (an objective shared with ESL teachers)vMaintain high standards b. Have well-defined, testable objectivesvc. Have systematic and consistent placement and advancement of studentsTo have everything ru

38、n smoothlyva. Avoid frequent major changes b. Devise a curriculum which is easy to implementvc. Please supervisor, teachers, students, themselves.Monitoring teachersRegular scheduled monitoring, as part of the curriculum can help both the program staff as a group & teachers as individuals to think a

39、bout what good teaching is & improve in-class performance.What is good teaching? consistent instruction-the results of a learning process in a program should be consistent over time & between sections of the same course. relevant instruction-the relevancy of the instruction of a program can be defin

40、ed as the degree to which what it is producing reflects sound language teaching practice. efficient instruction-program efficiency: not being wasteful of the funding, resources & the energy of those individuals who make it work. Instructional efficiency: not wasting the students money, time or energ

41、y.Observations as a means to support teachersThe purpose is to help teacher grow, for needs analysis, foe research or for teacher performance evaluation. v4 types of observation:v1) Administrator observations 2) Peer observationsv3) Self-observation 4) FeedbackvStudents evaluationsv Since the studen

42、ts are the ultimate clients of language teaching, their attitudes & feelings should be taken into account when monitoring the quality of the service that is being provided. There are 3 ways to get students opinionsv1) Course evaluation forms 2) Interviews v 3) Student representative meetings Revital

43、izing teachersTeacher burnout According to Grasse(1988:4) burnout means the exhaustion that results from excessive drain on a persons energy & resources because of overwhelming problems. Victims of burnout feel frustrated & cynical about their work & gradually lose their effectiveness on the job. 3 main causes for burnout: stress, frustration, low status Growing as a teacher teachers must adopt positive attitudes toward their job matter, their students, their colleagues, the problems and themselves.



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