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1、Unit 6 From Place to Place I call flight board literal meaningcelery cress board: n. 1. long piece of wood 木板木板 2.on board: on or in a ship or an aircraft 在船上,在在船上,在飞行器上飞行器上 Have the passengers gone on board? 旅客已旅客已经上船经上船/上飞机了吗?上飞机了吗?v. get on or into 上(船,火车,飞机,公共汽车)上(船,火车,飞机,公共汽车) e.g. Please board

2、 the plane immediately. 请立刻上请立刻上飞机!飞机! Last call for British Airways flight BA912 for Tokyo. BA912 for Tokyo due to depart at 11:20 boarding at Gate 17. British Airways flight BA877 to Boston. British Airways flight BA877 to Boston due to depart at 11:20 boarding now at Gate 14. British Airways flig

3、ht BA292 for Frankfurt, Athens and Karachi. Flight BA292 for Frankfurt, Athens and Karachi due to depart at 11:25 now board at Gate 19. TWA flight, TW695 to New York. TWA flight TW695 to New York departing 11:30 boarding Gate 16. British Airways passengers for the British Airways Super Shuttle fligh

4、t to Edfnburgh. this flight is now boarding at gate No. 4. British Airways Super Shuttle flight to Edinburgh: this flight is now boarding at gate No. 4. East African Airlines flight EA831 to Nairobi, EA831 to Nairobi due to depart at 11:35 boarding Gate 24. British Airways passengers wishing to trav

5、el to Cork flight No. BA838 - this flight is now checking in at gate No. 9. British Airways passengers to Cork on flight No. BA838: this flight is now checking in at gate No. 9. Iberia flight IB290 to Madrid, Iberia flight IB290 to Madrid due to depart at 11.35 boarding Gate 15. Lufthansa flight LH0

6、39 to Hamburg, Lufthansa flight LH039 for Hamburg departing at 11.40 boarding at Gate 9. Passengers for British Airways flight BA666 to Muscat, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, BA666 for Muscat, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore due to depart at 11.40 boarding Gate 18. Aer Lingus passengers to Dublin - flight n

7、umber AI141: this flight is now closing at gate No. 6. Aer Lingus to Dublin - flight number AI141; this flight is now closing at gate No. 6. British Airways passengers for flight number BA560 to Athens i this flight is now closing at gate No. 22.Chief Steward: May I have your attention please, ladie

8、s and gentlemen? This is the Chief Steward speaking. We would like to inform all passengers that the buffet car is now open. The buffet car is situated towards the middle of the train. On sale are tea, coffee and soft drinks, a selection of fresh and toasted sandwiches including egg and tomato, ham

9、and tomato, egg and cress, roast chicken and toasted cheese; cheeseburgers, beef burgers and sausages and a licensed bar. The buffet car is situated towards the middle of the train. Thank you.城市概述城市概述法兰克福,德国重要工商业、金融和交通中心,黑森州最大城市。位于莱茵河中部的支流美因河的下游。人口约66万。十四至十八世纪为德意志皇帝选举及加冕处。是德国最大航空站、铁路枢纽。德意志联邦银行(Deuts

10、che Bundesbank) 、欧洲央行(欧元发行的银行)及其他大银行总部多设于此。工业以化学工业(染料、制药、化肥、人造纤维、合成橡胶)最为发达,其次是电子机械等。人文方面,这里是德国著名诗人歌德的诞生地,有歌德大学、博物馆等。第二次世界大战时曾遭严重破坏,战后重建为现代化大城市。被誉为“莱茵河畔的曼哈顿. Industry and commerce financial transportationFrankfort International AirportFrankfort International Airport卡拉奇 :位于巴基斯坦南部海岸、印度河三角洲西北部,南濒临阿拉伯海居莱


12、329年建市,14371707年为苏格兰王国首都。造纸和印刷出版业历史悠久,造船、化工、核能、电子、电缆、玻璃和食品等工业也重要。随着北海油田的开发,又建立一系列相关工业与服务业。重要的运输枢纽,航空港。城东北临福斯湾的利斯为其外港,是福斯湾港区大港口之一。文化古城。十八世纪时为欧洲文化、艺术、哲学和科学中心。有1583年建立的爱丁堡大学,还有古城堡、大教堂、宫殿、艺术陈列馆等名胜古迹。 爱丁堡是一个历史悠久、风景秀丽文化城市,依山傍水,地貌多姿,素有“北方雅典”之称。也是苏格兰首府和医疗、司法、银行保险、核能及电子研究的中心。该市人口44万。始建于公元6世纪,12世纪建成。有“欧洲最美丽城市之誉”。 New York Seven out of eight out of this is the case London Part B 1-3Calcutta Part B 4-5Japan



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