《Module 7 Revision》课件5(24张PPT)(外研版必修1)

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1、 如何猜测词义如何猜测词义 临沂期中临沂期中 58. what does the underlined word “delegated” probably mean? A. appointed B. replaced C. declined D. handledHave you allowed your time to be over-committed because you never say “No” to anyone? Do you insist on doing things yourself that could be delegated to others? If so , w

2、hy ? Do you believe that everything depends on you?63. What is the meaning of the underlined word “unanimous” in para. 6?A.unwilling B. absolute C. inconsiderate D. uncertain When our advisor asked if we would like to get involved, we responded with a unanimous yes . 在阅读中在阅读中, 我们往往会遇到一些不认识的单我们往往会遇到一

3、些不认识的单词或短语词或短语, 或者认识的单词在文章中有了新的或者认识的单词在文章中有了新的意义、如果这些词或短语不影响对文章主要内意义、如果这些词或短语不影响对文章主要内容的理解容的理解, 我们便可以将它们略过我们便可以将它们略过, 继续阅读。继续阅读。如果了解这些词语的意思对正确理解文意很重如果了解这些词语的意思对正确理解文意很重要要, 这时这时, 我们就必须根据上下文的联系我们就必须根据上下文的联系, 对它对它们的意义进行猜测们的意义进行猜测, 使之不影响对整篇文章的使之不影响对整篇文章的阅读理解。需要注意的是阅读理解。需要注意的是, 一个单词通常有好一个单词通常有好几个意思几个意思,

4、我们要解决的是这些词在文中所表我们要解决的是这些词在文中所表达的意思。因此达的意思。因此, 不可脱离上下文不可脱离上下文, 只根据自己只根据自己以前了解的词义来确定其意义。通常以前了解的词义来确定其意义。通常, 猜测词猜测词义可采用以下几种方法:义可采用以下几种方法:一、一、利用所出现生词的上下文与其意义上的利用所出现生词的上下文与其意义上的 联系或联系或 下文进一步的叙述下文进一步的叙述, 猜测词义。猜测词义。 1.The female mosquito is a vampire and lives on blood. 2.The old man put on his spectacles

5、and began to read. 3.Im sorry Ive been monopolizing you. Your other dinner companion should have the chance to talk to you.4.If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance oftener, and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient.5.Pigeons have a natural instinct to return home, e

6、ven if they are far away and the trip is hard or dangerous. 1.The female mosquito is a vampire and lives on blood. 如不知道如不知道vampire的词义的词义, 从上文从上文1ives on blood(靠靠吸血而生存吸血而生存)则可得知其词义为吸血昆虫。则可得知其词义为吸血昆虫。 2.The old man put on his spectacles and began to read. 如不知道如不知道spectacles的词义的词义, 从下文从下文戴上戴上spectacles

7、后开始阅读后开始阅读可猜得其词义为可猜得其词义为眼镜眼镜。 3.Im sorry Ive been monopolizing you. Your other dinner companion should have the chance to talk to you, too. 根据第二个句子的意思根据第二个句子的意思, 可猜出可猜出monopolize之意为之意为独占独占 4.If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance oftener, and never give up a thing because it was hard o

8、r inconvenient. 根据根据and never give up a thing .可猜测可猜测perseverance之意为之意为坚韧不拔坚韧不拔 . 5.Pigeons have a natural instinct to return home, even if they are far away and the trip is hard or dangerous. 根据后半句让步状语从句根据后半句让步状语从句, 可猜测可猜测instinct为为本能本能。 6.14,000 sanitation workers who carry off, yearly, three mill

9、ion tons of refuse and keep 7,500 miles of streets clean and free of snow. 从上下文可猜出从上下文可猜出sanitation workers为为环卫工人环卫工人。 7.Human beings are a unique species. They have larger brains than any other beings. They have the gift of speech and can communicate their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. 从上下文可猜出从上下文

10、可猜出the gift of speech为为“语言天赋语言天赋”。 8.Our earth is very old. It holds many secrets about life in the past. Archaeologists dig in the ground and bring out these secrets. They discover objects thousands of years old that inform us about how people lived long ago. 不难猜出不难猜出Archaeologists 为为“考古学家考古学家” 9.T

11、he teacher did not hear the knocking at the door because he was completely engrossed in his reading. 以因果关系为线索以因果关系为线索, 可确定可确定engrossed的意思为的意思为“被吸引被吸引”, “全神贯注全神贯注”。 10.I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I wont give it up easily. 通过第二句通过第二句, 可推出可推出resolute的意思是的意思是坚定的坚定的。 二二. 利用文中的举例猜测词义。利用文中的举

12、例猜测词义。 常见的举例的提示词有:常见的举例的提示词有:for example, such as , for instance 等。等。 1.Some artists plan their paintings around geometric forms like squares, circles and triangles. 如不知道如不知道geometric forms的意思的意思, 可从文中所列举可从文中所列举的三角形、正方形、圆形来猜得其意义为的三角形、正方形、圆形来猜得其意义为“几何图形几何图形”。 2.Today young couples who are just starti

13、ng their households often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing-machines, refrigerators and color televisions. 如不知道如不知道appliances的意思的意思, 从文中的举例从文中的举例washing-machines, refrigerators, color televisions可以猜出该词可以猜出该词的意思为的意思为“家用电器家用电器”。 3.There were disastrous fires in some cities

14、, such as the great fire of London in 1666. such as 列举出如列举出如1666年伦敦大火一类年伦敦大火一类“灾难性灾难性”(即(即disastrous)的火灾。)的火灾。 4. The government promises to give millions of deprived black the essentials in life - housing, education, health facilities, and job opportunities. 可猜出可猜出essentials是是“必需品必需品”。 三三. 利用文中说明词义

15、的同位语或定语利用文中说明词义的同位语或定语, 猜测词义。猜测词义。 1.Tom was a roamer, a wanderer who could never stay in one place. roamer是生词是生词, 但但wanderer是由我们所熟悉的是由我们所熟悉的wander变化而来的名词变化而来的名词, 那可以推出的意思是那可以推出的意思是“流浪汉流浪汉”。 2.Nearby is the race course, where the towns most famous car race is held each year on May 30th. 以以where引导的定语

16、从句为依据引导的定语从句为依据, course应是汽车赛应是汽车赛举行的地点举行的地点, 所以排除所以排除“过程过程”, “课程课程”, “航向航向”, 而要定义为而要定义为“跑道跑道”。 3.They will be on the night shift - from midnight to 6 a.m. - next week. 由破折号之间的解释内容由破折号之间的解释内容, 我们可以了解到我们可以了解到night shift意思为意思为“夜班夜班”。 4.In sports, especially athletics, success is often prevented by psyc

17、hological obstacles, that is, barriers that exist in the mind only. that is后面的内容解释说明了后面的内容解释说明了psychological obstacles为为“心理障碍心理障碍”。 四四. 利用文中的反义词猜测词义。利用文中的反义词猜测词义。 表示对比的词有表示对比的词有but, while, however, otherwise 等。等。 1.American businessmen expect employees to be punctual. They do not expect that the wor

18、kers will come late. 文中文中be punctual.的意思的意思, 可理解为可理解为not come late, 即即准时准时, 不迟到不迟到。 2.Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends. 根据文中根据文中Unlike的意思的意思, shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends.应该表应该表达了达

19、了gregarious相反的意思相反的意思, 所以所以gregarious的意的意思为思为好交际的好交际的。 3.All of these ideas about the communication of the future are fantasies, to be sure, but many of them are fantasies that are very likely to become realities. fantasies与与realities意义相反意义相反, 可猜测其词义为可猜测其词义为幻想幻想。 4.Most of them agreed; however, John

20、 dissented. dissented通过通过however与与agreed对比对比, 反对反对 5.Jane was talking with others while Bliza remained reticent all the time. 根据根据while的提示的提示, 前后对照前后对照, reticent的含义是的含义是沉沉默寡言默寡言。 五五. 利用同义词利用同义词, 近义词或词组。近义词或词组。 1.One of the predominant concerns today is the future of our natural resources. This issue

21、 is of greatest importance because it is becoming clear to many people that our present resources will not last forever. 文中文中predominant的词义可猜测为与的词义可猜测为与of greatest importance的意思相近。的意思相近。 3.Doctors, scientists, and public health experts often travel to these regions to solve the mystery of a long hea

22、lthy life; the experts hope to bring to the modern world the secrets of longevity. 生词生词longevity,的意思为,的意思为“长命的、长寿的长命的、长寿的”。 4.I see people, old and young alike, are now taking tests of intelligence, education and skill. I wonder why there is not test of ones virtue or goodness. 句中句中or后的后的goodness解释了

23、解释了virtue, 其意为其意为“善行善行”。 六六. 利用下文定义的句子猜测词义。利用下文定义的句子猜测词义。 1.In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. Taboo is a word from the language of the Fiji Islands, used to describe something forbidden. 根据句子内容根据句子内容, 可猜测可猜测Taboo为为“禁忌禁忌”。 2.Instinctive behavior is a pattern of behavior that an animal is bor

24、n with. 根据句子内容根据句子内容, 可猜测可猜测Instinctive behavior为为“本性本性”。 3.Some computer scientists are developing artificial-intelligence machines that they say will think like people. 根据定语从句根据定语从句, 可猜测可猜测artificial-intelligence之意为之意为“人工智能人工智能”。 4.A gorilla always makes me think of the word aloof- not friendly, o

25、f distance from others 破折号后的内容是破折号后的内容是aloof一词一词不友好不友好, 冷漠冷漠的释意。的释意。 5. English speakers use a lot of euphemisms-polite, less direct words for thing or ideas that cause embarrassment. euphemisms意思是意思是委婉说法委婉说法。 6. Children also need convictions - something (and someone)to trust, to hold up as worthy

26、of admiration. convictions意为意为信念信念。 七七. 利用构词法猜测词义。利用构词法猜测词义。 1.They overestimate the interviewees ability and asked him many difficult questions. 在在overestimate词中是前缀词中是前缀, 意思是意思是过分过分-。因。因此此, overestimate的词义可猜测为的词义可猜测为过高估计过高估计。 2. We were told that ours was the most spacious room in the hotel. That w

27、as why we had to pay so much for it. spacious是由词根是由词根 space(空间)和(空间)和 ious(形容(形容词后缀)构成。由此我们可以猜出其意思为词后缀)构成。由此我们可以猜出其意思为有空间的有空间的, 宽敞的宽敞的。 八八. 综合法。综合法。 以上几种猜测词义的方法不是互不联系的以上几种猜测词义的方法不是互不联系的, 有时可以有时可以同时采用几种方法猜测词义。同时采用几种方法猜测词义。 1.Since the discovery of nuclear energy there has been bitter controversy. In

28、the supporters view, atomic energy offers the only chance of survival for civilization. The opponents, however, think that it is the most direct way to extinction. While extremists on both sides shout slogans, moderates tend to agree that new sources of energy will eventually be developed and that n

29、uclear energy will play its part. 根据上下文根据上下文, 可以猜出可以猜出controversy为为争端争端。在。在争端争端中就会有中就会有支持者支持者 supporters和和反对者反对者 opponents, 而两派中还会有而两派中还会有激进派激进派 extremists和和温温和派和派 moderates。 2.Sociologists divide families into two general types: the nuclear family and the extended family, which may include three or

30、 more generations living together. 根据定语从句根据定语从句, 可猜测可猜测extended family意思是意思是大家大家庭庭, 与与extended family意思相反意思相反, 可猜测可猜测nuclear family为为小家庭小家庭。 在阅读理解中要求判断词语意思的问题在阅读理解中要求判断词语意思的问题, 通常通常有以下形式:有以下形式: 1. According to the author, the word . means _. 2.By.,the author means _. 3. Which of the following is nea

31、rest (closest) in meaning to.? 4.The word . in the passage means _. 5. The word . most likely means _.一、利用所出现生词的上下文与其意义上的联系或下文进一、利用所出现生词的上下文与其意义上的联系或下文进 一步的叙述一步的叙述, 猜测词义。猜测词义。 二二. 利用文中的举例猜测词义。利用文中的举例猜测词义。 三三. 利用文中说明词义的同位语或定语利用文中说明词义的同位语或定语, 猜测词义。猜测词义。 四四. 利用文中的反义词猜测词义。利用文中的反义词猜测词义。 五五. 利用同义词利用同义词, 近义词或词组。近义词或词组。 六六. 利用下文定义的句子猜测词义。利用下文定义的句子猜测词义。 七七. 利用构词法猜测词义。利用构词法猜测词义。 八八. 综合法。综合法。 总结总结同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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