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1、Unit 1 Whose bag is this? 南宁十四中南宁十四中 梁彬梁彬Module 1 Lost and foundWhat color is his cap?Yellow.What color are your caps?Our caps are purple.Words and expressionscrayoneraserglovewalletwatchwhosefirst of alllosefind蜡笔蜡笔橡皮檫橡皮檫手套手套钱包钱包表表谁的谁的首先首先失去失去发现,找到发现,找到Words and expressionslost and found boxmineyou

2、rstapepurpleherscarefulbe careful withon失物招领箱失物招领箱我的我的你(们)的你(们)的录音带录音带紫色的紫色的她的她的仔细的仔细的小心(对待)小心(对待)从某刻起从某刻起Words and expressionsfrom now onhere is/ are从现在开始从现在开始在这儿在这儿 bag _ crayons _ erase _ football _ gloves _ wallet _ watch _ Listening and vocabulary1 Match the words with the pictures.1. Is the fo

3、otball Tonys?2. Are the crayons Bettys?3. Whose gloves are these?Yes, it is.No, they arent.They are Bettys.2 Listen and answer the questions. “Tonys” 意为意为“托尼的托尼的”,其构成方式是在,其构成方式是在名词后面加名词后面加“s”,是名词所有格的一种形式。,是名词所有格的一种形式。 *当可数名词以当可数名词以s结尾时,其名词所有格形式是名词结尾时,其名词所有格形式是名词后加后加“ ”。 如:如:Teachers Day 教师节教师节 注意:注意

4、:Kate and Lucys room 凯特和露西的房凯特和露西的房间间(两人共有的房间两人共有的房间););Kates and Lucys rooms 凯特的房间和露西凯特的房间和露西的房间(的房间(两人各自的房间两人各自的房间)。)。 另外,另外,of 短语也可以用来表示所属关系。短语也可以用来表示所属关系。如:如: a map of China 一幅中国地图一幅中国地图小明在班上捡到一只钢笔,想找小明在班上捡到一只钢笔,想找到失主,但如何用英语说呢?到失主,但如何用英语说呢? Help:Whose pen is it?Is it your pen?Yes, its my pen/its

5、 mine.No, its not my pen/its not mine.Ms Li: Welcome back to school, everyone!First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this?Lingling: Oh sorry! Its mine. Are my crayons there too?Ms Li: Are these crayons yours?Lingling: Yes, they are and th

6、is eraser too. Thank you.3 Listen and read.Ms Li: Whose tapes are these?Daming: Theyre mine.Ms Li: Heres a purple wallet!Tony: Its mine. Look! Heres my name “Tony”! Thank you.Ms Li: Youre welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming?Daming: No, it isnt. I think its Bettys.Lingling: Yes,

7、 its hers.Ms Li: Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on.Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they?Ms Li: Let me see Oh, theyre mine! Thank you!1. Lingling a) crayons 2. Daming b) gloves3. Tony c) tapes4. Betty d) wallet5. Ms Li e) watch Now match the people with thei

8、r things.my mine 我的我的 your yours 你的你的,你们的你们的 his his 他的他的her hers 她的她的 our ours 我们的我们的their theirs 他们的他们的 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词 + 名词名词 (不跟名词)(不跟名词) e.g. my book = mineA: Whose bananas are these?B: They are its bananas. They are its.A: Whose shoes are those?B

9、: They are our shoes. They are ours. 对话练习对话练习A: Whose apples are these?B: They are their apples. They are theirs.A: Whose toys are those?B: They are your toys. They are yours.重点句型重点句型 请背下句型:请背下句型:Is this? 这是这是? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Are these? 这些是这些是? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.Whoseis thi

10、s? 这个这个是谁的?是谁的? Whoseare these?这些这些是谁的?是谁的?e.g. Is this your bag?这是你的包吗?这是你的包吗?Are these her books?这些是她的书吗这些是她的书吗?e.g. Whose bag is this?这个包是谁的?这个包是谁的?Whose books are these?这些书是谁的这些书是谁的?Whose crayons are these?They are my crayons .They are mine .是我的。是我的。mine 我的我的my crayons = minewhose 谁的谁的Are these your crayons?Yes, theyre my crayons .Theyre mine .



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