高考英语复习课件:选修7Unit1《Living well》(新人教广东版)

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1、选修选修7Unit 1 Living well漫画欣赏漫画欣赏画面描述画面描述 The same flower has different fate when put in different situations.When there is protection,the flower blooms beautifully.However,when exposed directly to rain and storm,the flower quickly withers. 寓意理解寓意理解 Greenhouse flowers cannot withstand rain and storm.T

2、he same is true with our children.The more protection they get from their parents,the less ability they acquire 你能否结此加以扩展,写一篇你能否结此加以扩展,写一篇120120词左右的小短文?词左右的小短文? 短文填空短文填空 根据课文根据课文MARTYS STORY完成下列短文。完成下列短文。 Marty is a _ (able) but a fairly positive person _ never feels sorry for himself and has learne

3、d to adapt to his disability. Marty always _ (consider) he has a good life. He is realistic _ his disability _ he never stops doing as much as he can. He keeps _ busy doing things like _ (write) and computer programming that do not require physical strength. He has friends with whom he can go to mov

4、ies and football matches and he has lots of pets. He _ studies hard. He is a _ (mental) strong independent boy. Marty is able to live as rich and full a life as everyone _.disabled who considers about but himself writing also mentally else .单词拼写单词拼写1The theatre has very good access to the _(残疾人残疾人)2

5、We test your _(视力视力) before giving you a driving license.3I couldnt have done it without your _ (鼓励鼓励)4Tom is an old lady of great _(尊贵的尊贵的)5Tom is studying _(政治政治) at university.disabledeyesightencouragementdignitypolitics6One of her a _ is to become a doctor.7She went on holiday aloneshes very i .

6、8She took a years leave of a _ from her job.9The tale of Two Cities is one of the great works of English l .10He g_ from high school and went to college last year.mbitionsndependentbsenceliteratureraduated.短语填空短语填空1By the roadside several young girls were _ looking bored.2No matter what difficulty y

7、ou _,you must carry out your plan.3The little boy tossed the peanuts into his mouth one _.4The bus _ the back of the car.Luckily nobody was hurt.sitting aroundmeet withat a timebumped into5I like to travel _,so I always go first class on the ship.6Many divorced fathers only _ their children at weeke

8、nds.7They asked him to leave_,he was fired.8Is there anything _ youd like for dinner?9Hes been _ making himself understood in English.10We were _ halfway up the mountain.in comforthave access toin other wordsin particularhaving troubleout of breath.完成句子完成句子1Just accept them for who they are and give

9、 them encouragement _ (过丰富充实的过丰富充实的 生活生活) as you do. (live)2Unfortunately,they cant tell me whether I will get worse as I get older,or I will _(保持现状保持现状). (stay)3_ (除了去除了去 看电影和足球比赛之外看电影和足球比赛之外) with my friends when I am well enough,I spend a lot of time with my pets. (well)to live as rich and full a

10、 life stay the same as I am now As well as going to the movies and football matches核心词汇梳理核心词汇梳理1ambition n. 雄心;野心;抱负;志向雄心;野心;抱负;志向 A boy who is filled with ambition usually works hard. 有抱负的人总是踏踏实实地工作。有抱负的人总是踏踏实实地工作。 派生派生 ambitious adj.有雄心的,有志气的有雄心的,有志气的 搭配搭配 be ambitious to do sth.有雄心做某事有雄心做某事 be am

11、bitious of sth.have the ambition for sth.渴望得到某物渴望得到某物 full of ambition野心勃勃野心勃勃 完成句子或用完成句子或用ambition的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1)他胸怀大志。他胸怀大志。He has _.(2)他已实现了自己的抱负。他已实现了自己的抱负。He _.(3)The man with great _ had an _ plan to build a hospital in his home village. (ambition)great ambitions has realized his ambitions

12、 ambition ambitious 2beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的有益的;受益的 派生派生 benefit n利益,好处利益,好处v有益于有益于 完成句子或用完成句子或用 benefit的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。 (1)骑单车对健康和环境有很大的益处。骑单车对健康和环境有很大的益处。 Cycling _ _health and the environment. (2)It is well known that fresh air is _ to our health and the new park _ us all,so we should keep it cle

13、an. (benefit)is highly beneficial to/is of great benefit to/greatlybenefits beneficial benefits 3adapt vt.&vi. ( (使使) )适合,适合,( (使使) )适应;改编;改装适应;改编;改装 To our delight,she quickly adapted herself to the situation. 使我们高兴的是,她很快适应了环境。使我们高兴的是,她很快适应了环境。 The author is going to adapt his play for television.

14、作者打算把剧本改编成电视剧。作者打算把剧本改编成电视剧。 搭配搭配 adapt for使适合于;为使适合于;为改编改编/ /改写改写 adapt from根据根据改写改写/ /改编改编 adapt oneself to使自己适应或习惯于某事使自己适应或习惯于某事 adapt sth. to使某事物适应或适合使某事物适应或适合 辨析辨析 adapt/adjust/fit/suit/match都含都含“适合、适应适合、适应”的意思。的意思。adapt指指“修改或改变以适应新条件修改或改变以适应新条件”;adjust指指“调整、调节调整、调节”使之适应;使之适应;fit多指多指“大小适合大小适合”,

15、引申为,引申为“吻合吻合”;suit多指多指“合乎要求、口味、性格等情况合乎要求、口味、性格等情况”;match指指“大小、色彩、形状、性质等相配或相称大小、色彩、形状、性质等相配或相称”。 完成句子完成句子(1)他适应了寒冷的天气。他适应了寒冷的天气。He _ the cold weather.(2)她缺少适应能力。她缺少适应能力。She lacked the ability _ easily.adapted himself to to adapt 用用adapt,adjust,fit,suit,match填空填空(3)你应该适应新环境。你应该适应新环境。You should _ yours

16、elf to the new environment.(4)你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后,你才能看得见。你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后,你才能看得见。You cant see through the telescope until it is _ to your eyes.(5)这鞋我穿正好。这鞋我穿正好。The shoes _ me well.(6)众口难调。众口难调。No dish _ all tastes.(7)红上衣与绿裤子不相配。红上衣与绿裤子不相配。A red jacket doesnt _ green trousers.adapt adjusted fit match su

17、it 4annoy vt. 使使不悦;苦恼;打搅不悦;苦恼;打搅 He got annoyed with me about my carelessness. 我太粗心,他很生气。我太粗心,他很生气。 搭配搭配 annoy sb.使人烦恼使人烦恼 annoy at sth.讨厌某事讨厌某事 be annoyed with sb.对对生气生气 It annoyed sb. that.使某人懊恼的是使某人懊恼的是 完成句子完成句子 (1)蒂娜把我们差来遣去的做法真让我恼火。蒂娜把我们差来遣去的做法真让我恼火。 The way Tina orders us around really _. (2)使他

18、懊恼的是这个样品安装不上。使他懊恼的是这个样品安装不上。 _ the model didnt fit together properly. annoys me It annoyed him that 派生派生 annoyed adj.略感烦恼的;生气的略感烦恼的;生气的annoying adj.令人略感心烦的;烦人的令人略感心烦的;烦人的(3)邓肯忘了打电话让她很生气。邓肯忘了打电话让她很生气。She was _ with Deng Ken for forgetting to phone.(4)令人恼火的是,我们事先并不知道。令人恼火的是,我们事先并不知道。Its _ that we didn

19、t know about this before.annoyed annoying 5resign v. 辞职;辞去辞职;辞去( (职位、工作等职位、工作等) ) 搭配搭配 resign from sth./resign as sth.辞职辞职 resign oneself to (doing) sth.只好接受;听任只好接受;听任 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 (1)我决定辞去主席的职务。我决定辞去主席的职务。 I have decided to _ my position _ General Manager. (2)她只好接受车丢失的事实。她只好接受车丢失的事实。

20、She resigned herself _.as resign fromto losing her car6access n. 接近;进入;接近的方法;利用的权利或机会接近;进入;接近的方法;利用的权利或机会 搭配搭配 have/get/gain access to进入;接近;利用进入;接近;利用 (1)使用这个计算机系统需要口令。使用这个计算机系统需要口令。 You need a password to _ the computer system. 提示提示 access通常与介词通常与介词to搭配搭配。 (2)去那农舍的惟一通路是穿过田野。去那农舍的惟一通路是穿过田野。 _ is acr

21、oss the fields. (3)只有国防部人员可以接触这些文件。只有国防部人员可以接触这些文件。 _ is restricted to Defense Department personnel only.get access to The only access to the farmhouse Access to the papers 7congratulate vt. 祝贺;庆贺祝贺;庆贺 搭配搭配 congratulate sb.on/upon sth.祝贺某人祝贺某人 congratulate sb.on doing/having done sth.祝贺某人做了某事祝贺某人做了某

22、事 congratulate oneself on doing/having done sth.庆幸自己做了某事庆幸自己做了某事 (1)她热烈祝贺我考试取得好成绩。她热烈祝贺我考试取得好成绩。 She _ me warmly _ my exam results. (2)我热烈祝贺她的这一伟大发现。我热烈祝贺她的这一伟大发现。 I _ her _ this great discovery. (3)我庆幸自己没有受伤。我庆幸自己没有受伤。 I _ having escaped being hurt. 派生派生 congratulation n祝贺;祝辞;恭喜祝贺;祝辞;恭喜 提示提示 congra

23、tulation一般用复数形式一般用复数形式。 You have passed the test? Congratulations! 你通过测试啦?祝贺你!你通过测试啦?祝贺你!on congratulatedwarmly congratulated on congratulated myself on 8absence n. 缺席,不在缺席,不在 In the absence of my manager,I shall be in charge. 经理不在的时候,由我负责。经理不在的时候,由我负责。 搭配搭配 absence of mind心不在焉;神不守舍心不在焉;神不守舍 leave o

24、f absence休假休假 派生派生 absent adj.缺席的;不在的缺席的;不在的vt.使缺席;使离开使缺席;使离开 be absent from缺席;不在缺席;不在 反义反义 presence n出席;到场出席;到场 present adj.出席的;在场的;出席的;在场的;完成句子完成句子(1)Mr Green will be in charge _(在我离开期在我离开期间间)(2)In the _(缺乏证据缺乏证据),the police had to let him go.(3)Why were you _(旷课旷课) yesterday?during my absence abs

25、ence of evidence absent from school9conduct v. 领导,指挥;引导;控制,管理;主持领导,指挥;引导;控制,管理;主持n品行;品行; 指挥指挥 The waiter conducted him to the door.服务生领他到门口。服务生领他到门口。 He conducted a small business.他经营着一个小工厂。他经营着一个小工厂。 搭配搭配 conduct of对对的指挥的指挥( (管理等管理等) ) conduct oneself well (badly)表现的好表现的好( (不好不好) ) 完成句子完成句子 (1)校长带领

26、我们在学校里参观了一圈。校长带领我们在学校里参观了一圈。 The headmaster _ the school. (2)你的孩子们在晚会上表现很好。你的孩子们在晚会上表现很好。 Your children _ themselves well at the party. (3)Have you attended concert _ (由由指挥指挥) by Langlang?conducted us around conduct conducted 10courage n. 勇气勇气 派生派生 (1)_ vt.鼓励,鼓舞鼓励,鼓舞 (2)_ n鼓励,奖励鼓励,奖励 (3)_ vt.使使泄气泄气

27、用用courage的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。 (4)Students should be _ instead of being scolded when they make mistakes. (5)The failure in the experiment didnt _ him. (6)Whenever I fail my exam,my teachers always give me a lot of _.encourage encouragement discourage encouraged discourage encouragement 重点短语例释重点短语例释1in ot

28、her words 换言之;换句话说换言之;换句话说 In other words,they were surprisingly good humoured. 换言之,他们脾气特别好。换言之,他们脾气特别好。 I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone elsein other words,I was wasting my time. 我很快发现我正在做的工作已有人做过了,也就是说,我在我很快发现我正在做的工作已有人做过了,也就是说,我在 浪费时间。浪费时间。拓展拓展 in words用语言用语

29、言in a/one word总之总之with these words说完这些话后就说完这些话后就She couldnt express her feelings in words.她无法用语言表达她的情感。她无法用语言表达她的情感。In a word,I think he is innocent.总之,我认为他是无辜的。总之,我认为他是无辜的。With these words,he left the room hurriedly.说说完这些话后,他就匆忙离开了房间。完这些话后,他就匆忙离开了房间。完成句子完成句子(1)_ (总之总之),there is no living things on

30、the moon.(2)_ (我还没来得及插嘴我还没来得及插嘴) he had measured me.(3)He became,_(换句话说换句话说),a great hero.(4)He is an honest man,he always _.(他总是信守诺言他总是信守诺言)(5)_ (消息传来消息传来) that hes gone to America.In a word Before I could say a word in other words keeps his word word comes Word came2all in all 总而言之,总的说来,总之总而言之,总的说

31、来,总之 联想联想 in all总共总共 not at all一点也不一点也不 above all首先,最重要的是首先,最重要的是 after all毕竟;终究毕竟;终究 first of all首先首先 all all根本;全然根本;全然 用用all in all,above all,after all,in all填空填空 (1)You must,_,be loyal to your country. (2)There are five hundred books on the shelf _. (3)Everyone makes mistakes,and _,he is only a c

32、hild. (4)The book has some weak spots,but _ I consider it a success above all in all after all all in all 3out of breath 上气不接下气上气不接下气 联想联想 catch ones breath喘息;歇口气;屏息喘息;歇口气;屏息 (1)_ ones breath不出声;屏息不出声;屏息 get ones breath(again/back)喘过气来;恢复过来喘过气来;恢复过来 (2)_ ones breath喘不过气来;呼吸困难喘不过气来;呼吸困难 (3)_ a deep b

33、reath作一次深呼吸作一次深呼吸 take breath歇口气;歇会儿歇口气;歇会儿 take sb.s breath away使某人大吃一惊使某人大吃一惊 hold lose take 4all the best (祝愿用语祝愿用语)一切顺利一切顺利 Im leaving for America.我要去美国。我要去美国。 All the best.祝你一切顺利。祝你一切顺利。 联想联想 at best 至多,再好至多,再好 at ones best最好的时候,极佳时期,表现得好最好的时候,极佳时期,表现得好 do ones best尽力尽力 for the best往好里想往好里想 用用b

34、est的短语填空的短语填空 (1)The garden is _ this season. (2)Anyway,they hoped _.at its best for the best 5make fun of 取笑取笑 (1)嘲笑口吃的人未免不近人情。嘲笑口吃的人未免不近人情。 Its cruel to _people who stammer. (2)人们嘲笑她,因为她常说傻话。人们嘲笑她,因为她常说傻话。 People _ because she always speaks foolishly.6lie in 存在;在于存在;在于 (1)问题在于决定何时介入。问题在于决定何时介入。 Th

35、e problem _ deciding when to intervene. (2)他们把所有的希望寄托在我身上。他们把所有的希望寄托在我身上。 All their hopes _.make fun of make fun of her lies in ie in me 疑难语句细解疑难语句细解1She was proud to have recently represented her country in an athletics competition where she won a gold medal in the 50 metre race. 最近她代表国家参加了一项田径比赛并荣

36、获最近她代表国家参加了一项田径比赛并荣获5050米赛跑的金牌,米赛跑的金牌, 对此她感到很自豪。对此她感到很自豪。 句型句型 be proud to have done sth.意为意为“为做了某事而感到自为做了某事而感到自 豪豪”。形容词后接动词不定式的完成式表示动作已完成。形容词后接动词不定式的完成式表示动作已完成。 (1)这男孩因在晚会上表现很出色而感自豪。这男孩因在晚会上表现很出色而感自豪。 The boy _ at the party. (2)养了这样一个好儿子,他们感到很自豪。养了这样一个好儿子,他们感到很自豪。 They _.was proud to have behaved s

37、o well are proud to have raised such a fine son2Access to the cinema for people in wheelchairs and those who have difficulty walking. 为坐轮椅的人和行走不便的人进入影院提供方便。为坐轮椅的人和行走不便的人进入影院提供方便。 句型句型 have difficulty (in) doing sth.和和have difficulty with sth.是是 两个固定句式,意为两个固定句式,意为“做某事有困难做某事有困难”。 (1)她不费事地找到一份工作。她不费事地找

38、到一份工作。 _ (2)我认为你拿到驾照并无困难。我认为你拿到驾照并无困难。 _ _. She had no difficulty finding a job. I dont think you will have any difficulty in getting adriving license提示提示 have difficulty in doing中的中的difficulty通常看作是不可数名词,通常看作是不可数名词,不可用复数形式或在其前面加不定冠词不可用复数形式或在其前面加不定冠词a。Did you have much difficulty in locating it?你是不是很

39、费力才找到它的位置?你是不是很费力才找到它的位置?Smith had some difficulty in understanding the mans accent.史密斯听这个人的口音有些困难。史密斯听这个人的口音有些困难。链接链接 have difficulty (in) doing做做有困难有困难have a hard time (in) doing做做很艰难很艰难there is difficulty in doing做做有困难有困难It is difficult to do做做很困难很困难find it difficult to do发现做发现做有困难有困难表示数量表示数量(1)T

40、he number of the students who have been admitted to university has nearly doubled this year,compared to last year.(2)The population in this city has now increased (decreased) to 800,000.(3)The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.(4)The number is 3 times as m

41、uch as that of last year.(5)It has decreased by 10%,compared with two years ago.(6)The technical books borrowed from the library account for 8%,with poem books coming closely.(7)Popular novels enjoy the greatest popularity,taking up 68% while the percentage of unpopular fictions is only 17%.这类表达形式有很

42、多,你能想出更多的句子吗?这类表达形式有很多,你能想出更多的句子吗?_(8)Compared with.,it had fallen/dropped sharply,from 15% to 10%.(根据情况除可用副词根据情况除可用副词sharply外,也可选用外,也可选用steadily,dramatically,gradually,slightly,suddenly,little等等)(9)The number of.amounts to/adds up to/sums up to/reaches.(数量数量总计总计)(10)Compared with.,.make up about.(1

43、1)Popular novels account for the biggest proportion of 68% whereas the unpopular fiction take up only 17%.(12)The technical books borrowed from the library account for 8%,followed by poem collections taking up 5%.你最喜欢的句子你最喜欢的句子_ 你记住了吗你记住了吗练练吧练练吧 山东省自山东省自2008年在全省中小学实行双休日以来,学生们的上年在全省中小学实行双休日以来,学生们的上网时

44、间比原来有了明显的增加,从两年前平均每周上网时间网时间比原来有了明显的增加,从两年前平均每周上网时间2个小个小时猛增到时猛增到4个小时。请你用英语就此做一说明。个小时。请你用英语就此做一说明。_Taking advantage of the two day dayoffs,students in primary and middle schools in Shandong Province are enjoying more on line time nowfrom the average 2 hours per week in 2008 to an average of 4 hours a week now.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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