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1、本溪市水洞枫叶园规划设计方案本溪市水洞枫叶园规划设计方案 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案沈阳市园林规划设计院TCG国际事业部沈阳市园林规划设计院成立于1992年,是经国家建设部批准的园林规划甲级,列国家同行业十大甲级院之一。主要从事园林规划、园林建筑、占建筑和仿古建筑、植物造园、山石水景、城市雕塑、壁画及现代工业民用建筑等规划设计及古典建筑修复设计工作,同时下属园林工程公司承担施工,是集园林设计与施工于一体的国有事业单位。本院技术力量雄厚,专业门类齐全,拥有高级工程师、高级美术师、国家一、二级注册建筑师、国家一级注册结构师等一批经验丰富的专业技术人才。TCG国际事业部楚瀚中国房地产景观设计

2、师奖(东北地区唯一设计师荣获此奖) Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部沈阳市园林规划设计院TCG国际事业部沈阳世园会总体景观设计方案(合作单位荷兰尼克公司)哈巴洛夫斯克中心公园规划方案(国际竞赛项目)包头国宾馆高尔夫度假项目目前进行项目:全运会总体环境规划方案(合作单位荷兰尼克公司)沈阳丁香湖景观大道景观规划方案(国际竞赛项目、高标准城市街区)沈阳丁香湖生态岛景观规划方案(应用多种生态技术)营口西炮台高尔夫湿地综合度假项目(垃圾直埋处理技术)威海北部湾温泉

3、综合度假项目(注重私密性温泉项目) 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案 Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案目录一:城市基本情况-1二:枫树园项目课题研究-2三:规划编制背景-5四:规划编制依据-5五:规划指导思想与理念-5六:规划原则-5七:枫树园规划思路-6八:规划设计-9The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925

4、 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of

5、 forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million

6、mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linde

7、n Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。一、城市基本情况本溪是我国著名的钢铁城市,旧名“本溪湖”,这里矿藏丰富,被誉为“地质博物馆”,以产优质焦煤、低磷铁、特种钢而著称。主要旅游景点有本溪湖、本溪水洞以及东北道教名山九鼎铁刹山等。山野菜、人参、鹿茸、冻梨




11、27亿吨以上,石灰石矿(水泥)储量2.1亿吨,溶剂石灰(冶金)储量1.3亿吨。南芬露天铁矿具有低磷低硫低杂质等特点,用此铁矿炼出的铁被誉为“人参铁”。(4)社会和经济发展状况拥有国家、省级风景名胜区26处,景点近千个,国家、省级重点文物保护单位35个,各类景区与风景区保护区总面积1080平方公里。其中著名的有世界文化遗产桓仁五女山高句丽山城,亚洲最大的天然溶洞本溪水洞,东北道教发祥地-,国家森林公等,集山、水、林、泉、洞为一体,素有“燕东胜境”之称。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi1沈阳市园

12、林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部二:枫树园项目课题研究1:北方旅游度假产品现状分析2:寒地型风景区规划要点研究3:节约生态型景区规划研究4:北方生态低碳技术的研究 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families

13、, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked f

14、irst and called Green screen。园林主题定位项目背景BACKGROUND课题研究Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi2沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部寒地空间基于寒地型旅游景区的设计1:整体布局通过地形起伏及乔木林带,在场地西北侧构筑挡风面,阻止冬季西北风的侵入,并起到丰富景观作用;2:建筑构筑物设计建筑群体形成院落式的功能单元,产生围合感,改善局部小气候;3:绿化环境(1)利用植物配置的季节互补性,形成多层次的绿化体系;(2)通过绿篱剪形树等形成冬季绿化肌理;4

15、:水体环境(1)提高水体利用率,中心大面积水体,在冬季作为冰上运动基地,设置冰球场,滑冰场等;(2)小面积水体以旱地喷泉为主,冬季与硬质铺装融为一体;5:地面铺装适当做出起伏变化,丰富地面景观。 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi3沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部节约型公园设计主要体现在以下几个方面:1:材料的本地化黄石、木材,植物,板岩是本溪特有的景观材料资源。充分使用本地化资源是生态低碳理念应用的重要标志。2:尊重现有地貌地势布置景观设施3:注重灌木

16、植物多样性原则,减少草坪使用面积,植物配置上要考虑建成后不再需要大量人力物力去维护提倡零维护观念4:通过生态节能技术的应用有效实现生态节能目标 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi4沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It i

17、s the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic m

18、eters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。三、规划编制背景现代城市正快速地成为钢筋混凝土森林,人们的工作与生活节奏越来越快,所要面对的是高度紧张的生活方式,及越来越小的生存空间;同时,社会老龄化现象严重,老龄人活动场所严重缺乏。因此,能使身心都得到放松的休闲健身活动,将是发展趋势。目前的双休日和长假以及随之而来的假日休闲活动,使得集休闲、娱乐、健身为一体的森林公园大有可为。为保护、利用、



21、时结合远期发展目标,采用分期分区的开发模式。从而在规划目标和建设时间等因素上,保留有规划的弹性、应变性和开发的时序性。(4)参与性原则随着社会的进步,人们对城市环境的追求,也由功能型逐步向生态型、文化型演化。本规划高度关注人与自然生态的和谐交融与对话,提高森林公园的科学性和知识性,在规划设计上应强调游客的参与性、娱乐性和舒适性,使人们充分领略森林公园独特的文化魅力。(5)可持续性原则应高度重视森林公园资源的利用和发展的可持续性,避免过度开发而造成的资源破坏和枯竭,在积极保护生态系统的前提下,有独创性地开发特色旅游项目。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden o

22、f Forestry Department of Benxi5沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species W

23、oody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。七


25、改变生活节奏和提供放松的机会;接近自然、阳光、湖水、雪地、森林、山地;提供人文关怀;由运动和游憩带来的活动的变化与生活圈和工作圈之外的人群交往;发现别的文化和生活方式;Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi6沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the

26、 most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters

27、,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。七:本溪枫树园规划思路3、创造有吸引力的“形象”尽量赋予风景区以个性、易于记忆的特征。可以通过如下几类方法:(1)最佳利用度假村内特殊的资源和特性,利用其环境和气候,在有条件的地方利用地方材料和技术;(2)独特的体验主要活动的特点:枫树林、滑草场、香草种植等(3)提供接触当地居民及其手工艺、风俗的机会。Planning of Tunnel Maple Le

28、af garden of Forestry Department of Benxi7沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 25

29、1 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Gre

30、en screen。七:本溪枫树园规划思路4、自然景观与人造景观的融合好的景观设计在度假产品中最为重要。自然景观比如岩石、成年的树木、流动的水,并作为景观设计的内容来强调。陡峭的山坡和岩石构造可以与露台设计、踏步结合在一起。人造景观作为自然景观补充最佳地利用可利用的资源,尽可能地引进补充的人造景物和按需要移植植被创建高品质景区。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi8沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部八规划设计(一)总体布局规划1规划结构与功能分区再细分为十个功能区,即入口景观区、管理服务区、

31、景观湖主景区、民俗风情区、枫树园区、观光生态农业区、滑草运动区、栈道区和丛林区。功能区的划分,。十个功能区由西向东有机展开,空间景观形成由人工向自然渐进的审美感受,以及自然生态和地域人文相互交相辉映的空间序列。 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi9沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地布局与规划设想(3)景观湖景观区1:区域分布:主景观区域2:构思设想:围合路网3:设计元素:湖面、溪流跌水、景观生态岛、临水设施、枫林、香草坡景、景观桥等元素4:功能设计:

32、候鸟栖息、湖边赏景园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woo

33、dy plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Pla

34、nning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi14沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi2用地布局与规划设想(1)入口景观区入口景观区由公园大门、入口广场、停车场、主题雕塑等组成。大门西侧停车场地,一方面利于会车,另一方面,也方便游客集散和观景需要。对于大门的设计主要考虑其标志性,既要反映森林公园自然、质朴的个性,又要融于环境,所以其风格、材

35、质和手法要充分体现森林生态的意境。园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming10沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地布局与规划设想(1)入口景观区/构思灵感来源于一年四季枫叶色彩变化园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi11沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地布局与规划设想(1)入口景观区/生态停车场区构想1:区域分布:入口处2:构思

36、设想:枫叶主题形象构图3:生态设计:材料本地化/植物遮阴功能广植乔木,以便夏季防晒遮阳,同时也可削弱大面积的停车场地对森林公园生态环境的影响。园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondar

37、y forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover i

38、s 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi12沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地布局与规划设想(2)民俗风情区及餐饮区1:区域分布:入口处2:构思设想:提供基本餐饮服务及接触当地民俗及其手工艺的机会与现有服务项目关系。园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land i

39、s 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch

40、and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi13沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地

41、布局与规划设想(3)景观湖生态岛景观区1:区域分布:主景观区域2:构思设想:围合路网3:设计元素:湖面、溪流跌水、景观生态岛、临水设施、枫林、香草坡景、景观桥等元素4:功能设计:候鸟栖息、湖边赏景园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation

42、forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest

43、 of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi15沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地布局与规划设想(4)滑草场景观区园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming1:区域分布:枫叶园东部主景区2:设计元素:枫树林及香草园组成景观区3:功能设计:高坡低坡两个区域(成人儿童) 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园

44、规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious w

45、ood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of

46、Benxi16沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地布局与规划设想(5)观光农业示范区设计园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming1:区域分布:东侧区域2:构思设想:乡村旅游产品也经历着从“观光”到“休闲”,从“农家乐”的简单模式到“休闲度假”的体验模式,从传统乡村旅游到现代乡村旅游的转变。3:设计元素:水景、木栈道、枫树林、采摘果园、玻璃温室、休闲茶园等等休闲设施4:功能设计:经营性及观赏性产品 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest are

47、a,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of

48、 the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi17沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地布局与规划设想(6)制高点设计园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Pla

49、nning programming1:区域分布:南侧区域2:功能设计:登高观望及信仰需求 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody p

50、lants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Plannin

51、g of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi18沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部2用地布局与规划设想(7)木栈道景观区设计园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming1:区域分布:全区域分布2:构思设想:栈道区是枫树园景区的主体元素之一,通过木栈道的引导,提供游客与大自然交流的机会和场所,让人们充分领略枫树园不同视角的魅力,结合栈道布置休息亭和森林木屋,强调可参与性、趣味性和潜移默化的生态教育功能。 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land

52、is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch

53、 and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi19沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部1:


55、用地布局与规划设想(8)香草景观区设计 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest ar

56、ea,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf ga

57、rden of Forestry Department of Benxi20沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部(二)道路交通系统规划园区的道路系统规划,应充分考虑公园自身环境地形特点,便于同外围道路的联接,注重园内各功能区的联接。车行、步行各成体系,同时满足路网的交通功能、管线埋设、景观环境、防灾疏散等方面的要求。道路系统由主干道、次干道和游览步道构成,停车场分散布置在公园集中景区入口处。规划道路指标一览表类别长度(米)路面材料密度(米/公顷)主干道3450沥青110次干道800卵石26游览步道2600块石、卵石82栈道1200防腐木35 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The city

58、s forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pi

59、nus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi21沈阳市园林规划

60、设计院/TCG国际事业部(二)道路交通系统规划 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which fores

61、t area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Lea

62、f garden of Forestry Department of Benxi(1)主干道森林公园的主干道,主要为游客能便捷地抵达园内而设计。主干道两纵一横,贯穿全园,并在南园形成环路。主干道主要是在现有生产道路的基础上延伸、完善、改造而成,按两车道设计,道路宽7米,两侧各有0.5米排水沟;主入口处考虑人流集散和景观需要,规划道路红线11米,中间通道宽7米,两侧各2米绿化带。(2)次干道次干道全部是对现有生产道路的利用、完善而成。为了保护园区内生态植被,同时为了节约投资,规划设计的道路宽为4米,并与主干道和游览步道形成环路,能到达园内的主要景点。(3)游览步道园区内的游览步道结合现状环境、水



65、化是景观形成要素之一,绿化配置需服从其立意和内涵的需要,形成情景交融的景象。(1)最大可能性保留原有树种。(2)在游人活动处增加耐水湿的常绿树种和耐阴树种; 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi23沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/pers

66、on。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million

67、 Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi(三)绿化及景观风貌规划主干道路绿化,规划要求在道路的两侧或一侧配置风景树种;转弯或曲折处,结合地形和景点特点,配置高低错落的树丛或林带,其前可种植草本花、草坪和地被植物,形成3-4个层次,以丰富

68、道路绿化景观。沿溪绿化林带构筑森林公园的另一特色,沿溪流两侧结合游览步道的组织,以及水面宽窄不等的地形情况,相应布置一些河边休息观景绿化,从而形成绿化、置石、水面、步道、小品等有机组合的滨河开放空间走廊。水边大量湿生植物,突出森林公园的又一景观主题。24TCGLandscape 景观设计机构春花绿意夏蕴红艳秋含黄灿冬绿洁白 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi园林主题定位规划设计植物种植设计Planning programming27植物种植设计目标沈阳市园林规

69、划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi园林主题定位规划设计Planning programming28枫树景观区设计重点本规划以枫树园为主题定位,枫树种植手法及布局是本方案设计重点。结合各类通道两侧平均布局在整个园区。在十四个组团种植群落中每个群落以二三类不同种类枫树为主要植物品种,配以白桦、松柏类、银杏等树种形成丰富植物群落表现手法。同时结合曲线路网,滨水通道,林间溪水,架空木栈道等共同创造全新的视觉体验。植物种植设计沈阳市园林规划设

70、计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi园林主题定位规划设计Planning programming29枫树园景观区设计植物种植设计沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi园林主题定位规划设计Planning programming30枫树园景观区设计植物种植设计沈阳市园林规

71、划设计院/TCG国际事业部枫树景观区设计枫树科普知识的表现 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi园林主题定位规划设计用地布局与规划设想Planning programming31Bolong International (Braun International) high-end European and American, modern brand of soft fitted furniture vendors, advocacy elegant intel

72、lectual way of life, the pursuit of fashion and classic. Founded nearly 10 years, its agent seven well-known furniture brand, we have been adhering to honest business and the customer is responsible for the professional attitude, has been widely recognized by customers and well received. TCGLandscap

73、e 景观设计机构园林植物配植方法种植适合北方气候观赏树丛生白桦/枫树柞树/造型黑松组合搭配方式落叶白桦/枫树黑松/枫树白桦/白桦柞树种植手法单一品种片植常绿植物的应用32园林主题定位规划设计Planning programming植物种植设计 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部(四)管线综合规划建议枫叶园用水水源建议采用景观湖蓄水的方式。园内给水管网呈环枝状布置,由一条主干管贯穿南北两环和若干条树枝状支管组成。排水系统采用

74、路旁排水明沟雨水的排放依地形分区收集后,由地面坡降自然排放,尽量排入景观湖,不另设雨水系统。枫叶电力电缆进线从市政附近接线,配电房布置在靠近用电负荷中心。规划从配电房有东西两路动力出线。规划输电线均采用地下电缆。通讯网络采用先进的现代化设施,以无线通讯为主的原则,业务包括宽带网络覆盖。通讯总控机房设置在管理服务楼内。管线从乔、灌木设计位置下部通过,其埋深大于1.2米。 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/pers

75、on。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million

76、 Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi33沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部(五)竖向规划由于森林公园北部地形平坦低洼,规划充分结合现状地形条件,按照节约型规划理念创建水系景观环境,局部挖土堆坡,一方面形成水面,丰富游园内容,另一

77、方面在西北部形成一定的地形起伏变化,使得植物多样性在此得以培育。利用现有地形规划出园内所有建筑物、构筑物和主要道路控制点的坐标、标高,坐标体系采用相对坐标系。 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families,

78、 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked fi

79、rst and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi34沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部(六)防洪排涝规划根据总体规划排涝沟渠结合现有水系、沟渠和洼地布置,对设计水系和沟渠进行疏通、延伸,在全园贯通形成环路,排向市政主道。(七)环保环卫规划森林公园环境质量应按国家规定的环境保护标准给以保护。其中,大气质量应达到国家规定的一级标准;自然水体水质达到二级标准,噪声等效值昼间不超过50分贝,夜间不超过20分贝。园内公共活动场所和步行道,每间隔100米设置垃

80、圾废物箱一个,选择隐蔽处布置一垃圾收集点,定期清运处理。 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which

81、forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Mapl

82、e Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi35沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部(八)寒地型低碳综合技术应用1、太阳能光电照明系统2、生态湿地环境系统3、全智能数字化管理控制系统4、雨水污水中水收集利用系统5、新植物物种引进6、标准化色彩应用系统及导示系统 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Wa

83、ter conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the

84、 amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi寒地型低碳综合技术应用园林主题定位规划设计Planning programming36沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部寒地型低碳技术应用1、太阳能光电照明系统 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000

85、 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Bi

86、rch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi寒地型低碳技术应用园林主题定位太阳能光电照明系统37沈阳市园

87、林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部寒地型低碳综合技术应用2、生态湿地环境系统 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, O

88、f which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tun

89、nel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi寒地型低碳技术应用园林主题定位生态湿地环境系统38Bolong International (Braun International) high-end European and American, modern brand of soft fitted furniture vendors, advocacy elegant intellectual way of life, the pursuit of fashion and classic. Founded nearly 10 yea

90、rs, its agent seven well-known furniture brand, we have been adhering to honest business and the customer is responsible for the professional attitude, has been widely recognized by customers and well received. 沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which fo

91、rest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumul

92、ation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi3:智能数字化景区的设计数字景区由信息化基础设施、基础数据采集、资源保护及景区管理、旅游服务四部分组成,形


94、榆、红叶椿等彩叶树为特色的业界发展潮流。目前,海城有彩叶乔木30多种,彩叶灌木及地被类植物百余种,海城已经成为东北彩叶苗木品种最全、数量最大的产区及国内一流的彩叶苗木生产基地。金叶国槐、中华金叶榆、红叶柳、俄罗斯红叶李等目前绿化市场上的“热点”品种。 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and N

95、atural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning

96、。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi40寒地型低碳综合技术应用沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部6、标准化色彩应用系统及导示系统 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu

97、/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera and 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 mi

98、llion Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi41寒地型低碳综合技术应用沈阳市园林规划设计院/TCG国际事业部规划原则及目标与定位可持续发展原则,知识性、文化性原则,创造性原则,借鉴性原则更重要的是将城市旅游产品竞争的新法则引入景区

99、设计之中,建构景区规划的更高境界一个高标准旅游休闲度假的地域综合体一个集生态型,功能型,智能型,人文型、寒地型于一体的绿色生态景区区 本溪市林业局水洞枫叶园规划设计方案The citys forest land is 1000 million mu.Of which forest area,there is 925 million mu。6.4 mu/person。 It is the most important Water conservation forest and Natural secondary forest。There are 47 Families, 100 genera a

100、nd 251 species Woody plants, Of which forest area,there are lots of Precious wood such as Pinus、Pine、Larch and Birch、Linden Elm. Accumulation of the amount of forest is 4860 million Cubic meters,26 percent of the amount of forest of Liaoning。Forest cover is 74 percent。It is be Ranked first and called Green screen。Planning of Tunnel Maple Leaf garden of Forestry Department of Benxi42



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