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1、Wangchenghu liuzhu and guomatengClass 212因為我的心, It is because my heart. 從未一刻猶豫過, never confused. 你就是我的唯一 It is certain that you are the only one. 不需要什麽理由, There are not many reasons. 只因為,我愛你。 It just because my heart loves you. 3If you meet it just happened to that is the greatest a chance let me kn

2、ow right away love appearance is today my heartbeat incessantly 如果遇到的这件事只是偶然 那也是最伟大的一次偶然 让我立刻知道爱情的模样 就是今天 我的心跳个不停4想要隐藏内心的悸动 却无法控制 不想让你知道我藏在心里的秘密 那是在我心最深处的一件小事 小心保存 或许某天你会察觉 want to hide heart throbbing cannot control dont want to let you know I am hidden in the heart of the secret that is in my hear

3、t most deep place a trifle carefully preserved maybe someday you will perceive 爱 这件小小的事 仅仅是爱或许并不伟大 但我的世界早已为爱你的心而转动 因为你是 love this small things is only love may be not great but my world is already love your heart and rotation because you are. 5把爱藏起来不敢表白 想让你知道 我全心全意爱着你 无论明天会是如何 我的心早已属于你 love hidden d

4、are not vindicate want to let you know that I love you no matter how tomorrow will be that I had mine on you my heart already belong to you tomorrow. Please let me call you love 我的心已属于你 明天请让我叫你爱情6我收集关于你的所有 不知道还要多久 把真相一一埋藏在心底 每一次我们相遇 每一次你回头看我 我装作毫不在意 知道吗 我的心中是多么难受 I collected about you all dont know

5、how long the truth buried at the bottom of each time one we meet every time you look back I I pretend nothing know my heart is how uncomfortable7你听到吗 我的心 正在说爱你 但我却不敢 敞开心扉 表达我的这份爱 你听到吗 我的心 依然在那里等待 等你翻阅 希望有那么一天 你会明白 you hear? My heart is to say I love you but I cant open your heart express my love you

6、 hear you my heart is still there waiting for you browse wish someday you will understand 8每一次我们相遇 每一次你回头看我 我装作毫不在意 知道吗 我的心中是多么难受 你听到吗 我的心 正在说爱你 every time we meet every time you look back I I pretend nothing know my heart is how uncomfortable you hear? My heart is to say I love you9你听到吗 我的心 依然在那里等待

7、 等你翻阅 you hear my heart is still there waiting for you browse10星期一我等待 星期二也等待 等看你会不会来 星期三不来 早晚都不在 星期四无奈 星期五 星期六 还是星期天 没有哪天不想念Monday I wait for Tuesday also waiting for such as watching youll come on Wednesday not to come sooner or later were not Thursday on Saturday or Sunday helpless Friday without

8、which day I dont miss11no days you will return to return to our old days we meet that day we close to that day we hand that I love you the day I say to you that day you listen to me say the day12愛,不是一種巧合, Love, is not a coincidence. 愛,把我你牽繫在一起。 Love,can connect you with me. 只有心知道, Theses only the he

9、art that know. 誰是我命中註定的人,誰是在我夢中的人。 Who is the one whos in my dream. 1314你才是我註定一直等待的人, Youre the one that Ive been waiting. 因為心在乞求, Because the heart is begging, 因為心在召喚 cause the heart is calling for. 註定愛你到永遠. Born to be your forever. 15我不懂, I dont understand, 爲什麽只有你留在我心中。 why it must be you in my he

10、art. 我遇過很多不同的人, I have met many people, 但爲什麽到最後還是只有你在我心中。 but it must be you eventually that is in my heart. 1617181920初恋,其本身就是一个用来错过的过程。而初恋时喜欢上的某人,只是为了教会你如何去爱自己,如何去爱别人。只是多年以后,当你再次重遇那个某人时,你或许会发现他早已无法和你记忆里的那段美好重叠。但请你不要难过,初恋留给我们的,本就只是一段刻骨铭心的记忆和一段深深浅浅的感动。初恋的美好,不是在于你喜欢过的某人有多好,而是在于当年爱人时的纯粹与透明。初恋代表的,不是一段多

11、美好的爱情,而是我们所回不去的热血年少。我们缅怀的,或许只是曾经的自己,曾经的年少。First love, its itself is a used to miss process. But the first love when someone, just like to teach you how to love oneself, how to love others. It was years later, when you met that again when someone, you might discover he had cannot and your memory of t

12、hat beautiful period overlap. But please do not be sad, for our first love, this is just a period of deep and eternal memory and a period of deep shallow moved. First love is not your beautiful, like someone have much good, but that year the pure love with transparent. First love representative, is not a time of many wonderful love, but we cannot go back young blood. In our hearts, maybe just once himself, once the young. 2122



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