牛津深圳版英语年9.3Historical storiesppt课件

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1、 Have you ever been to the Have you ever been to the Window of the World ? What Window of the World ? What places of great interest do you places of great interest do you like best ?like best ? ListeningLanguageSpeakingWriting PracticeReadingHere are pictures of three places famous in history. Match

2、 the name of each place with the country.Part AWhat do you know about ?PyramidsStonehengeKinkaku-jiThe pyramids were built by the ancient pharaohs of Egypt as their tombs. The mummified bodies of the dead pharaohs,Surrounded by goods and treasures, were hidden somewhere in the centre of the pyramids

3、. The most famous is the Great Pyramid of Giza, just outside Cairo .It dates from about 2600 BC and is made from 2300,000 massive, but exactly cut, blocks of stone.古老的古老的法老王法老王坟墓坟墓 木乃伊化的木乃伊化的被被环绕的环绕的货物货物宝物宝物藏藏巨大的巨大的金字塔金字塔Stonehenge is a strange circle of giant stones in the south of England. Built a

4、round 1800-1400 BC . The stones are arranged so that the sun and moon rise over certain stones on particular days of the year, such as the summer solstice. By observing the sun, moon and stars as they passed over the stones, the ancient people were able to keep a calendar for their religious ceremon

5、ies. 巨石阵巨石阵巨大的巨大的 巨大的巨大的 特别的特别的 至日至日 日历日历 宗教的宗教的 典礼典礼Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion,is one of the masterpieces of Japanese architecture, in the old imperial capital of Kyoto. It was the monastic retreat of Yoshimitsu, a 14th century shogun. In 1950, it was burnt down, but it has not been completely

6、 rebuilt. 楼阁楼阁 杰作杰作 建筑学建筑学帝国的帝国的 僧侣僧侣休息寓所休息寓所金阁寺金阁寺 The Trojan War the Trojan War told in HomersIliad and Odyssey 荷马荷马伊利亚诗伊利亚诗奥德赛奥德赛 the prince of Troy falls in love with Helen, the queen of Sparta. 斯巴达斯巴达 He kidnaps her and takes her to Troy.All the Greek went to bring her back. 绑架绑架 the war lasts

7、for ten years. Part B Look and think These pictures show some of the events in the story on Page 35. Arrange them in the correct order. Answers: c d b a f e P34 The night of the horse Step 1 Listening & Reading The Night of the horse A newspaper ran a short competition on famous tales from history.

8、This is one of the stories. The soldier came down the stairs - two at a time. “ Captain, theyve gone,” he cried. all of themBefore the soldier could finish, the captain of the guards quickly ran up the stairs.比赛比赛传说传说楼梯楼梯长官长官Notes:* two at a time * run up * captain/ capital平原平原Notes:* seconds later

9、* on the wall of / in the wall of * leave sth +地点地点 * wooden /wood * be made of / from / in 希腊人希腊人 Seconds later, the captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy, and looked down at the empty plain. The Greeks have tried for ten years to capture our city. Now theyve gone and weve won, he said

10、. But theyve left their huge wooden horse outside the main gate, the soldier said. 平原平原希腊人希腊人攻占攻占木制的木制的 平原平原Notes:* too to -so that * take with * maybe - may be 希腊人希腊人 Well, it was too big for them to take with them. Pull it into the city now. Its on wheels, the captain ordered. But why is it on whe

11、els? the soldier asked. Maybe the Greeks want us to The captain interrupted him, Youre a soldier. You have to obey orders. Move that horse, now! The Trojans dragged it into the city with ropes.打断打断遵守遵守拖,拉拖,拉绳子绳子 Notes:* including/contain * except for /except/besides/but That night, all the citizens

12、of Troy celebrated. They sang and danced round the horse and made jokes about the stupid Greeks. Then they locked all the gates of the city, and they all went to sleep, including the gate guards. By midnight, the square was empty, except for the giant horse. The six Greek soldiers in the wooden hors

13、e waited for another hour, to be sure.市民市民庆贺庆贺愚蠢的愚蠢的包括包括午夜午夜广场广场Notes:* Outside stood the Greek army. * succeed in doing sth Then they opened the secret door in the side of the horse and climbed out very quietly. They opened the main gates. Outside stood the Greek army. The army entered the city, se

14、ized the captain and dragged him away, along with many other prisoners. For ten years, the Greeks could not capture the city of Troy by fighting. In one night, they succeeded in capturing it by a trick.秘密秘密抓住抓住囚犯囚犯诡计诡计Find the meanings (P36) Part C1 Choose the best meanings. Answers: 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.c

15、 5. a 6.b 7.a 8.c Notes: take hold of =seizebe unable to do sth Find the meanings (P36) Part C2 Find the words in Column A in the story. And then match them with the meanings in Column B. Answers: 1.d 2.a 3.g 4. f 5. b 6.c 7.e D2 Find these words in the story.What do the words in italics refer to in

16、 the passage? Write short answers. Answers: 2.the wooden horse 3.the Trojans 4.the six Greek soldiers 5. the city of Troy Step 2 Listening Answers:a-3 b-5 c-7 d-1 e-4 f-8 g-6 h-2 The present perfect Tense + have has+ ed+ not Have Has+ ed+ have/has +P.P +since+时间点时间点 for+时间段时间段 have/has been to sp go

17、ne to sp 延续性动词和非延续性动词延续性动词和非延续性动词 It is +一段时间一段时间since一般一般过去时过去时 Practice about The present perfect Tense 2.Henry speaks Chinese very well. He _ in China since 2002. (07河北省河北省) A. stays B. stayed C. is staying D. has stayed1.-Hello, this is Lily speaking. Could I speak to Mr Black ? -Sorry. He _ the

18、 Xuanwu Lake Park. A. has been to B. went to C. has gone to D. will go to (07南京)南京) 3. Nancy lots of charity work in her free time since she entered college.(07上海市)上海市)A. has done B.will do C.was doing D.is doing 5.-Tony, you smoking?(07河南省河南省) -Yes. Drinking tea is my favourite now. A.will, stop B.

19、did, stop C.would, stop D.have, stopped 4. -Why not see the film Harry Porter with me? -I it.(07辽宁)辽宁)A. have seen B.see C.was seeing D.saw 6. -Doctor, I caught a bad cold, and I had a sore throat.-How long like this? (07厦门市)厦门市)A.did you B.were you C.have you been8. I to Canada twice. Its so beauti

20、ful.(06重庆)重庆)A.wont go B.have gone C.dont go D.have been7. My aunt isnt here. She Shanghai on business. She will be back in three days.(07重庆市)重庆市)A.went B.has gone to C.has been to D.will go to 9. Hurry up! The film for ten minutes.(06辽宁)辽宁)A. has been on B.began C.had begun D.has begun11. How long

21、have you _ this book ?A.borrowed B. had C. lent D. bought 10. It _ten years since we last_ in Beijing. A. was, met B. has been, met C. was, meet D. is , meet 12. - Does your sister remember to return the library book today ? - Oh, yes. Thank you. Shes _ it for two weeks. A. kept B. had C. borrowed D

22、. keeping14. This is the most beautiful park I have _ visited. A. ever B. never C. not D. yet13. Which of the following sentences is WRONG?A.The football match has already begun when I got to the City Stadium.B. The football match has begun for half an hour.C. The football match began half an hour a

23、go. D. The football match will begin in half an hour. 16. - _ you _ your homework yet ? - Yes, I _ it a moment ago.A. Did, do , finished B. Have, done, have finished C. Have, done, finished D. Will, do, finish15. They have_ since the factory opened.A. left the school B. joined the teamC. become a wo

24、rker D. worked here. 17. -_ your brother _ a new watch ? - Not yet. A. Have, bought B. Did, buy C. Has, bought D. Will, buy19. - Who is Mary ? - _? I was talking with her at the meeting.A. Dont you meet her yet ?B. Didnt you meet her yet ?C. Havent you met her yet ?D. Hadnt you met her yet ?18. My t

25、eapot is empty. Who _ all my tea ? A. drinks B. had drunk C. has drunk D. drank 20. His grandma_ for two years.A.was died B. has been dead C. was dead D. has died Answers to A2 A3 &A4A2: TFTT A3: 1. have fixed 2. have emptied 3.Have hung up 4. have not mended 5. have got rid of A4: 2.Have.swept Yes,

26、have3.Havepainted No,havent4.Haveemptied Yes,have5.Havemade No,havent Answers:3. Have already got 4. has not got5. yet 6. has not saved 7. yet8. Has already packed 9. have not packed 10. yetB Already and yet (P 40) Answers to C2:1.have never been on a 2. has never had a 2.3. has never seen a 4. has

27、been in a 3.5. has had a 6. has seen a C Ever and never (P42)D Since and for (P43) Answers to D1:1.lives Hamburg 2.has livedsince 19882.3.has livedfor 14 years 4. was born in Shenzhen Step 3 writingAnswers:1. left it outside the main gate 2.they did not go far away 3.saw the horse 4.inside with five

28、 other soldiers 5.pulled the horse into the city 6.celebrated 7.made jokes about us 8.locked all the gates 9.went to sleep 10.climbed out of the horse 11.opened the gates 12. our army entered the city 13.seized him 14.dragged him away I remember having a party with friends and family. Later, I feel

29、asleep. Suddenly, Greeks appeared in front of me. They seized me and put me in prison. There I found my soldiers. One of them told me, The Greeks were in the wooden horse while we were celebrating! It was a big mistake to drag the horse inside the city. Beware of the Greeks bearing gifts! B (P46)Ans

30、wers to A: 1.e 2.h 3. a 4. c 5. l 6. g 7. b 8. j 9.k 10. i 11.d 12.f Step 4 More Practice (P47) Answers to B:1-7 FTFFTTF Answers to C: 1.Qian Xuesen is a pioneer in the development of Chinas aerospace science and technology. 2.Public funds.3. After completing his doctorate in the USA, he spent many

31、years teaching and doing research work at universities in the USA. Step 4 More Practice (P47) 4. The American writer thought highly of Qians theories and wrote and article describing their importance.5. The Committee of the Aerospace Industry.6. Qian is also interested in medicine, philosophy and music.



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