高中英语 Unit 21《Human Biology》课件 北师大版选修7

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1、类别课标要点要点重重点点单词1._ vi.循循环2._ vt.滥用用3_ vt. 寻找找 4._ vt. 推推迟;延期;延期5_n. 癌;癌症癌;癌症 6._ vt. 联合;合;团结;统一一7_ n. 暂停;停停;停顿 8._ n. 常常规;惯例例9_adj. 彻底的;底的;细致的致的 10._ _adj. 临时的;短的;短暂的的11_vi. 下降下降 12._ vi. 表决表决13_vt. 容忍容忍 14._ vt. 反反对15_ vt. 款待款待 16._ n. 储存存17_ vt. 禁止禁止 18._n. 变化;化;变种种19_n. 信心信心 20._ vt. 使有准使有准备circul

2、ate abuseseekpostponecancer unitepauseroutine thorough temporary decline vote tolerate oppose treatstorage prohibitadaptationfaith equip 常常用用短短语1._ 徒然;白徒然;白费力气力气2._ _不管多大代价,无不管多大代价,无论如何如何3_ 立刻,立刻,马上上 4._ 彻底底毁毁灭5_无无论如何;至少如何;至少 6._ 通通过( (考考试等等) );完成;完成7_知道;明白知道;明白 8._ _清理;清除;解决;清理;清除;解决;说明明9_随便地,随意地随便

3、地,随意地 10._ 永久地永久地in vainAt all costsStraight away Wipe out At any rate Get throughBe aware of clear.up At random For good 典典型型句句式式无知,成千上万的人无知,成千上万的人们错过了用了用传统中医治中医治疗的机会。的机会。1.Many 1.Many contemporary amateur athletes _ _ _ world records contemporary amateur athletes _ _ _ world records if they _ _ _

4、_the first Olympic Games.if they _ _ _ _the first Olympic Games.许多当代的多当代的业余运余运动员如果参加了首届奥运会,他如果参加了首届奥运会,他们会打破很多会打破很多项世界世界纪录。2 2With all the international effort _ _With all the international effort _ _,we have to we have to _ _ _there will be solutions in time to _a Bird _ _ _there will be solutions

5、in time to _a Bird Flu epidemic _ _ _Flu epidemic _ _ _目前全世界都在努力,所以我目前全世界都在努力,所以我们相信将会相信将会及及时找到方法消找到方法消灭禽流感。禽流感。would have broken had taken part in being madehave faith that stopin its tracks.典典型型句句式式3 3Many people doubted ArmstrongMany people doubted Armstrongs ability s ability to become a top cyc

6、list again but theyto become a top cyclist again but they _ _ _. _ _ _._很多人怀疑阿姆斯特朗再次成为顶级车手的能力,很多人怀疑阿姆斯特朗再次成为顶级车手的能力,但他们本没必要担心。但他们本没必要担心。4 4It _ _ _ _ _thousands of It _ _ _ _ _thousands of people who _ _ _ _people who _ _ _ _Traditional Chinese Medicine _ _ Traditional Chinese Medicine _ _ because o

7、f ignorance.ignorance.很遗憾,由于无知,成千上很遗憾,由于无知,成千上万的人们错过了用传统中医治疗的机会。万的人们错过了用传统中医治疗的机会。Need not haveworriedseems a real pity that could have benefited from missed outabuse还可用做及物动词。abuse sb.s trust/confidence背信弃义The farmer often abused his wife.这位农夫经常虐待他的妻子。abuse nabuse n滥用;虐待;辱骂滥用;虐待;辱骂 You shouldnt abus

8、e your eyes.你不应该过度使用你的眼睛。I dont understand why I should put up with this kind of abuse from her.我不明白我为什么要忍受她这样辱骂我。1.He was accused_his power for personal gain.Aof abusingBto abuseCof using Dusing【解析】此句意思是:“他被指控以权谋私。”根据句型结构accuse sb.of (doing) sth.“指控某人(做)某事”。可以排除B和D选项。abuse意为“滥用”,根据句意,应选A项。【答案】Areco

9、ver vt.recover vt.重新重新获得;重新找到;恢复原状;恢复;得;重新找到;恢复原状;恢复;vi.vi.恢复健恢复健康;恢复康;恢复 It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold.他患重感冒,很长时间才康复。Its hard to recover lost time.弥补失去的时间并不容易。Has the country recovered from the effect of the war yet?那个国家已从战争的影响中恢复过来了吗?get well恢复健康Have a good rest,and you wi

10、ll get well soon.好好休息一下,你很快就能康复。2.He has completely_and will start to work next week.Adiscovered BcoveredCrecovered Duncovered【解析】句意为“他已完全恢复健康,下周开始工作”。【答案】Creact vi.反反应;反抗;反抗;vt.(指物指物质)起化学反起化学反应 She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him.她受他侮辱之后就不再理睬他了。Iron reacts with water and air to pro

11、duce rust.铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。act as充当;担任act for代理I dont understand their language;youll have to act as interpreter.我不懂他们的语言,你得当翻译了。3.The football player reacted_the judges decision by withdrawing from the match.Aon BtoCagainst Dby【解析】react against反动,起反作用,此句意为“反抗”;react on/upon对产生影响,反过来影响,如:The rise of o

12、il costs reacted on the price of food.石油成本的上升对食品的价格有影响。How do acids react on metals?酸对金属起什么反应?react to对作出反应,对有效,如:How did he react to the news?他对此消息如何反应?【答案】Cignore vignore v忽忽视;不理;不管;不理;不管 Youve been ignoring me.你一直不把我放在眼里。He completely ignored all these facts as if they never existed.他完全无视这些事实,好像它

13、们根本不存在似的。(1)ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的be ignorant of/about对不知道(2)ignorance n无知;(对事物)缺乏认识in ignorance of对不知道I was completely ignorant of his plans.我完全不知道他的计划。Do you mean you were in complete ignorance of the fact?你是说这件事你完全不知情?4.So you didnt say “hello” to him last night?Well,I stopped and smiled when I saw

14、 him,but he_me and walked on.Aignored BrefusedCdenied Dlost【解析】句意为:当我看见他时我停下来对他微笑,但他不理睬我继续往前走。ignore不理,符合句意。refuse拒绝;deny否认;否定;lose丢失均不合题意。【答案】Aseek vseek v寻找;找;试图 The travelers sought shelter from the rain.旅行者在找地方躲雨。The company is seeking to improve its profitability.这家公司正力图改进它的盈利能力。look forsearch

15、for 寻找 What are you looking for under the bed?你正在床下边找什么?5.I have never sought_my views.Ahiding Bto hideChidden Dto be hidden【解析】seek后接动词的不定式形式。【答案】Btolerate vt.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受;容忍;忍受;宽恕;容恕;容许;能;能经受受( (困困难) ) I wont tolerate your behaving in this way.我不能容忍你这样做。tolerate,endure,stand与bear用法比较:在指“容忍”意义

16、时,tolerate可与stand换用,tolerate更正式;endure可指忍受痛苦、苦难、困难等;tolerate可指容忍不同观点;stand后除接困难外,更多地接人;bear则指承受重量,负重等。6.用tolerate,stand,bear与endure的适当形式填空:(1)The ice was so thin that it couldnt_his weight.(2)Once you become a member of the organization,youll have to learn to_different views and tastes of the people

17、 you meet.(3)She_three years in prison for that.(4)How can you_such an awful woman in your house?【答案】(1)bear(2)tolerate(3)endured(4)tolerate/standtrial ntrial n试;试验;审判判 The young man was on trial for theft.那个年轻人因盗窃罪而受审。Dont buy that car without giving it a trial first.没有先试用,可别买那部车。be sentenced to被判刑

18、The murderer was finally sentenced to death.杀人犯最终被判处了死刑。7.The new washers are on_trial.None of our products will be put into market before being given_trial.A/;a Ba;aC/;/ Da;/【解析】考查冠词搭配。【答案】Apostpone vt.postpone vt.推推迟,延期,延期 We are postponing our holiday until August.我们把度假日期推迟到八月份。delay,postpone与put

19、 off用法比较:(1)delay强调因某种困难或障碍而延误,动作主体是困难本身,延迟的时间不确定,也可能是无限延迟 (2)postpone动作主体是人,表示有意识地推迟、延迟时间。(3)put off强调拖延时间。delay常指客观原因或者意外原因而不得不推迟,而put off常指主观上有意拖延。No advice given,I had to postpone making a decision.没有得到什么建议,我只好推迟做出决定。8.单词拼写The meeting is _ to next week because of the heavy snow.【答案】postponedpoin

20、t vpoint v指点;指点;n.n.点,要点点,要点 The answer is short and to the point.答案简短入题。pointed adj.尖的;直截了当的I am fond of the house with a pointed roof.我喜欢尖屋顶的房子。9.There are some mistakes in your pronunciation.Would you mind my_?Apointing them out Bpointing out themCknocking them out Dknocking out them【解析】“指出错误”应为p

21、oint out the mistakes。因其中的out为副词,故them应位于point和out之间。【答案】Aoppose vt.反反对;使;使对立;抵抗立;抵抗Why did you oppose my suggestion?你为什么反对我的建议?Im opposed to their marriage.我反对他们结婚。opposite n对立物;反义词;adj.相对的;相反的;对面的;prep.在的对面They went their opposite ways after they quarrelled.他们吵架后就分道扬镳了。10.There is a fine little ca

22、fe_this house.Cross the street and youll be there.Aon the contrary of BoppositeCin front of Dopposite from【答案】Bprohibit vt.prohibit vt.禁止;阻止禁止;阻止Visitors are prohibited before 2 oclock.两点前禁止游客参观。The boy was prohibited from seeing her by her father.她父亲不让这个男孩见她。prohibition n. 禁止;禁令a prohibition agains

23、t.的禁令A prohibition against smoking in offices has taken effect.在办公室吸烟的禁令已生效。11.翻译句子她父亲不允许她嫁给他。Her father prohibited her_.【答案】from marrying himpatient adj.patient adj.耐心的,能忍受的,耐心的,能忍受的,坚韧的;的;n.n.病人病人 The doctor is very patient with his patients.这个医生对他的病人很有耐心。A good teacher is always patient of any qu

24、estions raised by students.一位好老师总是耐心对待学生提出的任何问题。patience n忍耐力;耐心be out of patience with.对忍无可忍have no patience with.对不能容忍with patiencepatiently耐心地He worked hard with patience.他耐心地努力工作。Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest.萨拉对他们那种缺乏兴趣的做法越来越不能容忍了。12.What is he like?He is p

25、atient_others and_hardships.Awith;of Bwith;toCof;with Dto;with【解析】句意为:他这人怎么样?对人有耐心,而且很能忍受苦难。be patient with sb.意为“对某人有耐心”;be patient of意为“能忍受”。【答案】Anormal adj.normal adj.正常的;正正常的;正规的;的;标准的;准的;规范的;范的;n.n.正常状正常状态;( (数量、程度等数量、程度等) )标准准 He speaks English at a normal speed;we can understand him.他用正常的语速讲英

26、语,我们都可以听得懂。Train services are back to normal after the strike.罢工结合后火车服务已恢复正常。The rainfall has been below normal for this time of year.这个时期的降雨量低于正常水平。Its normal to feel tired after such a long trip.这样的长途旅行之后感到疲劳是正常的。abnormal adj.不正常的,变态的normalize v使正常化,使标准化Relations between the countries have normali

27、zed.两国的关系已经正 13.Tom fell asleep while we were having our English class.It wasnt like him.It is_for one after staying up the whole night.Anormal BusualCregular Dcommon【解析】根据句意可知一个人熬夜后,在课堂上睡着也是非常正常的事情。normal正常的,usual通常的,regular有规律的;通常的,common普通的,只有normal符合题意。【答案】Ago through ngo through n穿穿过;经历,检查;浏览;用

28、完;用完 He would go through fire and water for his country.他愿为国家赴汤蹈火。How long will it take you to go through the book?看完这本书你得用多少时间?go in for从事;致力;爱好;追求go with伴随;与协调;与持同一看法go without没有也行go against反对;对不利go about着手做;处理;忙于go over检查;审查;复习;重温go ahead开始;前进;领先;取得进展Go over the new words before the test.考试前复习一下生

29、词 14.The early pioneers had to_many hardships to settle on the new land.Ago along with Bgo back onCgo through Dgo into【解析】句意为:早期的开拓者们定居在新大陆需要经历很多的磨难。【答案】Cbuild upbuild up加加强强;建立;建立 The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it disappointing.准备让这个剧本成为杰作,但我发现很让人失望。The young man gets up earl

30、y to exercise every day in order to build up his body.那年轻人每天早起锻炼来增强体质。build socialism建设社会主义build on sth.在的基础上发展build sth.around.在基础上创作某物We build our hopes on the economic strength of the country.我们把自己的希望建立在国家的经济实力上。15.All the pressure_and he was off work for weeks with stress.Apulled up Bbuilt onCbu

31、ilt up Dpulled out【答案】Cat all costs at all costs 不管多大代价;无不管多大代价;无论如何如何He saved his son from drowning but only at the cost of his own life.他救了溺水的儿子,但自己却丢了性命。You are not to allow anyone to leave the house at all costs.无论如何你一定不要让任何人离开这个房子。Its not worth arguing with him as I have learnt to my cost.和他争论是

32、不值得的,因为我已经尝过苦头了。cost vt.价钱为;花费,使付出,该动词不能用人作主语,无被动语态。Careless driving will cost you your life.开车粗心大意会使你付出生命的代价。16.I would like to work in a more relaxed environment,but_I enjoy the work Im doing at present.Ain other words Bon the other handCat all costs Das a result【答案】B Unless we are carefulUnless w

33、e are careful,“genegene therapytherapy”will be the next will be the next big threat.big threat.如果我如果我们不注意,不注意,“基因基因疗法法”将是下一个大的威将是下一个大的威胁。unless conj.意为“除非;如果不”。unless是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义。相当于if条件状语从句的否定形式。意思是“如果不就”“除非要不然”。Unless you go at once,you will be late.如果你不马上走,就会迟到的。Unless he studies hard,he

34、 will never pass the examination.他如果不努力学习,就永远不能考及格。在unless和if引导的条件状语从句或假设状语从句中用一般时代替将来时,用完成时代替将来完成时。She will go on to do that unless you stop her (if you dont stop her)如果你不拦住她,她就会接着做那件事。另外,当从句的主语与主句的主语相同且一般情况下代词作主语,并含有be动词时从句的主语与be动词可一块省去,如unless invited是unless Im invited的简略形式,if not是if Im not invit

35、ed的简略形式。I wont attend the party unless invited (if not invited)如没有被邀请,我不会去参加聚会。17.(2007年全国卷)I wont call you,_something unexpected happens.Aunless BwhetherCbecause Dwhile【解析】本题考查让步状语从句。句意为:如果没有意外的事情发生,我就不给你打电话了。unless如果不,除非。【答案】A18(2009年全国卷)All the dishes in this menu,_otherwise stated,will serve two

36、 to three people.Aas BifCthough Dunless【解析】句意为:这个菜单上所有的菜,除非有特别说明,会满足两到三人的需要。本题unless后省略了主语和be动词。【答案】DWhen he went to the doctor that dayWhen he went to the doctor that day,he could have he could have known what was about to happen to him. known what was about to happen to him. 那天他如果去看医生,他可能就会知道自己会出什

37、么事。那天他如果去看医生,他可能就会知道自己会出什么事。be about to do表示最近的将来,意为“就要做某事”。be going to do或现在进行时(be doing)表将来时,往往表示事先经过考虑或做好安排的将来,而“will动词原形”则可表示在说话时才做出的决定。be to动词原形,表示按照安排、计划将要发生的事情或命令做什么。Quiet,please.The meeting is about to begin.请安静,会议就要开始了。They are going to hold a meeting to discuss it.他们打算开个会来讨论这件事。All the que

38、stions are to be answered at once.所有问题都必须立即回答。be about to结构不与表将来的时间状语连用,但可与when 搭配,构成be about to.when.结构。I was about to fall into a doze when he turned up.我正要打盹的时候他突然出现了。19.完成句子I was about to leave the room_(这时电话铃响了)(ring)【答案】when the telephone rangYet,somehow,it was forgotten by history until very

39、recently when SARS became a cause for concern.然而,不知怎么地,它然而,不知怎么地,它为历史所忘史所忘记;直到;直到SARS成成为与其有与其有关的一个原因。关的一个原因。somehow adv.以某种方式(或方法),不知怎么地,由于某种未知的原因Somehow,she managed to persuade him into stopping smoking.也不知用了什么办法,她成功地劝服他戒烟。somehow,anyway,anyhow与somewhat用法比较:somehow (US someway) 以某种方式;莫名其妙地,不知怎么地any

40、way adv.而且,加之,反正,即使这样,无论如何anyhow adv.无论如何,即使这样,随随便便地somewhat adv.有点,有几分,稍微20.用somehow,somewhat,anyhow或anyway填空:(1)I was_surprised to see him on the occasion.(2)_,I dont feel I can trust him any longer.(3)She piled the papers in a heap on her desk,just_.(4)Im afraid I cant come,but thanks for the invitation_.【答案】(1)somewhat(2)Somehow(3)anyhow(4)anyway/anyhow同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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