高中英语 Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage[TY]课件 外研版选修7

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1、UNIT 6The Worlds Cultural HeritageINTRODUCTIONLOOK AT THE PHOTOGRAPH AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS.Classical Gardens of Suzhou Classical Gardens of Suzhou Classical Gardens of Suzhou QUESTIONS:1.Haveyoueverbeentheseplace?2.Howabouttheseplace?3.Whatdoyouthinkabouttheworldsculturalheritage?1. UNESCOs agend

2、a for the worlds tangible and intangible heritage is also to act as a warning system for sites which are at the mercy of redevelopment, pollution or even the effects of tourism, and cultural activities which are in danger.在这个句子中,atthemercyof表示“受支配”、“在的掌控之中”Language Points名名词mercy类似的用法似的用法还有有 have me

3、rcy on (upon) “对有怜有怜悯心心”in ones mercy “出于出于恻隐之心之心”e.g. Please have mercy on those endangered animal species! 请对濒临灭绝的的动物物类种多些怜种多些怜悯!He decided to help me totally in his mercy. 他决定帮助我完全出于怜他决定帮助我完全出于怜悯。2. The living treasures are honored for their achievement in many different areas of life.短语arehonore

4、dfor表示“因为而获得荣誉、褒奖”honor作为名词可以表示“尊敬、荣誉(人物)”e.g.Hehasbeenregardedasanhonortothewholefamily.他已经被看作是全家的引以为荣的人。3. While the bid is going through, the state government allocates funds for each items protection.在这个句子中,gothrough表示“被通过”,此外,这个短语还有“经历、经受、履行、把进行到底”的意思。e.g.Iwouldliketogothroughfireandwaterformyb

5、eloved.为了我所爱的人,我愿意赴汤蹈火。4. In return, UNESCO recognizes the autonomy of provincial, federal and state cultural organizations, but offers support and guidance when requested.inreturn(for)表示“作为回报”,同时还有“交换、报答”的意思。e.g.ShehasneverexpectedthatIcouldmakereturnforwhatshehasdoneforme.她从来没有期望我对她所做的能有所报答。5. The

6、y are a precious part of our cultural heritageit is of vital importance that we do something.ofvitalimportance表示“至关重要的”,相当于vitallyimportant类似的用法如:ofgreatsignificance“非常的重要”。e.g.Itisofgreatsignificancethatwepreservewellthoseheritagesalreadyonthelist.很好地保护那些已经在文化遗产名单上的遗产具有重要的意义。6. With more than 50 mi

7、llion Chinese living and working overseas, the Mid-Autumn Festival reminds them of their Chinese origins and would help to unite Chinese people all over the world.remindsb.ofsth.表示“使某人记起、想起某事”,类似的用法如:remindsb.todosth.“使某人想起去做某事”。e.g.Pleaseremindmetopickyouuptomorrowintheairport.请提醒我明天去机场接你。7. Plans

8、for a seminar of experts on the festival have been announced, which will recommend symbolic ambassadors to promote the bid.symbolicambassadors表示“形象大使”,ambassador既可以表示官方的“大使”,也表示非官方的“使者、代表”,如ambassadorofpeace,“和平使者”,ambassadorofgoodwills,“友好亲善使节”。e.g.Heisacknowledgedastheambassadorofpeacebythewholewo

9、rld.他是世界公认的和平使者。8. It is famous for its unique classical gardens and there are more than a hundred preserved ancient buildings in the city.动词preserve有“保护、保藏”的意思,作为名词则具有“保护区”、“专属某人的活动”等意思。e.g.Thereisnohuntingpermittedinthispreserve.在这个保护区是不允许打猎的。9. However, the life span of Beijing Man was short.span

10、在这里表示“跨度、期限”,lifespan则译为“生命期”,span作为动词表示“跨过、持续”。e.g.TheyarebuildingabridgethatspanstheThreeGorges.他们正在建造一坐横跨三峡的大桥。THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA The Great Wall, the symbol The Great Wall, the symbol of the Chinese nation, of the Chinese nation, stretches 6,350 kilometers stretches 6,350 kilometers from Sha

11、nhaiguan Pass on from Shanhaiguan Pass on the east coast to Jiayuguan the east coast to Jiayuguan Pass in the Gobi Desert. Pass in the Gobi Desert. Construction of the Wall Construction of the Wall first began during the first began during the period of the Warring period of the Warring States (476

12、- 221 BC). States (476 - 221 BC). THE GREAT WALL OF CHINAIn 221 BC Emperor Qin In 221 BC Emperor Qin Shihuang decided to have Shihuang decided to have the walls linked up and the walls linked up and extended. Historical records extended. Historical records show that about 1 million show that about 1

13、 million people, one-fifth of Chinas people, one-fifth of Chinas population at the time, took population at the time, took part in the project which part in the project which lasted more than ten years. lasted more than ten years. When it was finished we When it was finished we call it Wan Li Chang

14、call it Wan Li Chang Cheng which means Ten Cheng which means Ten Thousand-Li-Long Wall.Thousand-Li-Long Wall. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS1.Isthereanyworldculturalheritageinchinanow?2.Whatisit?Canyoulistthem?3.Haveyouvisitedtheseplacesbefore?Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSanta Fe Cuisine.Pueblo Feast dayOl

15、dest ChurchSanta Fes Living TreasuresHorno Ovens.Fine Art MuseumDowntown Santa Fe ProtalHollyhocks.Santa Fes Living TreasuresRed rug with potsFarolitos.Pecos National Historic ParkLilac gateSanta Fes Living TreasuresNative Americans under portalEl Ranch de Las GolondrinasChiles and claypotsGold Port

16、al.Santa Fes Living TreasuresStonehenge1.Where do you guess does it come from ?2. What do you think was it used for?STONEHENGE , ENGLANDStonehenge, a circle of large standing stones near Stonehenge, a circle of large standing stones near Salisbury, England, was probably built in three Salisbury, Eng

17、land, was probably built in three stages between about 3000 and 1000 BC. The stages between about 3000 and 1000 BC. The function of the monument remains unknown: once function of the monument remains unknown: once believed to be a temple, Stonehenge is now often believed to be a temple, Stonehenge i

18、s now often thought to have been either a temple for sun thought to have been either a temple for sun worshipers or a type of astronomical clock or worshipers or a type of astronomical clock or calendar. calendar. BEIJING MANA CAVE OF ZHOUKOUDIANBEIJING MAN HERITAGE SITEZHOUKOUDIAN-HOME OF PEKING MA

19、NInDecember1929,aChinesepaleanthropologistnamedPeiW enzhongdi scov er edacompleteskullof“Pekingman”onDragonBonehillnorthwestofZhoukoudian,inthesouthwestsuburbsof Bei j i ng.l ater,archaeologistsunearthed40-oddindividuallyfossilizedskel etonsof “ Peki ngman” .READ THE INFORMATION IN THE TABLE AND CHE

20、CK THE PART OF THE PASSAGE IT APPEARS IN.Part1Part2BothPart1and21.thelocationoftheZhoukoudiancaves2.informationabouthumanremainswhichwerefound3.anestimateofwhenBeijingManlivedinthearea4.theprobablelengthofBeijingManslife5.informationabouttheproblemsatthesite6.thecostofrepairingthesite7.evidencethatB

21、eijingManusedfire8.arequestforhelpfromordinarypeopleTIBET ThePotalaPalaceIt is made up of 492 caves, which were deserted in the fourteenth century and lay untouched until the beginning of the twentieth century. Its located at the rock side of the Mingsha Mountain in Gansu Province. Its worth the nam

22、e of art treasure house of the Chinese Nation.TerracottaWarriorsandhorsesIt was built in the 7th century. When Zhangpu King (Shuzhan Genpu) set up Tugen Kingdom in Tibet with Lhasa as its capital, the Emperor of Chinas Tang Dynasty sent Princess Wencheng to marry Zhanpu King. Zhanpu King decided “to

23、 build a city to show the glory”, then started to build it on the Red Hill.Longmen Grottoes (2000)Mausoleum of the first Qin Emperor and the Terracotta WarriorsMogao CavesCULTURAL CORNERKunqu OperaKunqu opera, was founded before the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644) in Kunshan, near Suzhou, UNESCO added Kunqu

24、 to its intangible heritage list in 2001.Kunqu Opera1.Hewas_hishardworkinprotectingtheendangeredanimalsinTibetbytheStateCouncil.2.Whetherthiscitycandevelopfastornotisstillaquestionwhichis_transportation,energyandresources.3.Tomwas_thepainsoflosinghiswifeandsoninacaraccident.honored forat the mercy o

25、fgoing throughExercises4.Hisfirstbookisjustamemorythat_over50yearsintheSecondWorldWar.5.Thefamousactor,PuCunxin,hasbeenselectedasthe_topromotetheprotectionofAIDSinChina.6.Cyclinginthisareaisconsideredtobehisown_.spanssymbolic ambassadorpreserve7.Thisoldbagalways_him_histerriblelifeinearlychildhood.8

26、.Wouldyouplease_me_attendtheseminarnextweek?9.Itis_thatyoucandefeathiminthefirstroundandthenyoucansavemoreenergyforthefinalmatch.10.Ihelpedhimoutoftheembarrassmentandthenheinvitedmetoahugedinner_.reminds oftoremindof vital importancein return1.Histeacher_thatheworkintheforeigncompany.A.askedB.recomm

27、endedC.toldD.made2.Thestone_bythefiercewindlookedlikeaswordonthetopofthemountain.A.sharpenedB.cutC.takenD.struck3.Theheadmaster_thatwegotothevillageonfoot.A.raisedB.askedC.proposedD.enjoyedTest yourself 4.Hermotherrequestedthatshe_theEnglishcourseintheuniversity.A.tookB.takesC.takingD.take5.Hedidhis


29、nD.incase9._hesays,Illagreewithhim.A.NomatterB.ItdoesntmatterC.NomatterwhatD.Notmatter10.You can not miss the flight _you remember the time.A. as far as B. as well as C. as soon as D. as long as11.I think that youd better take your raincoat with you_it looks sunny.A. as if B. even though C. in case

30、D. however12.No one knew for_where the small girl came.A. good B. certain C. course D. certainly13.Whatdoyouwanttodowiththe_oftheoldhouse?A.leftB.leavesC.ruinsD.remains14.Hedidwhathecould_hismoneytothepoor.A.contributeB.tocontributeC.contributedD.contributing15.Inthe_oftheearthquake628peoplewerekilled.A.damageB.catastropheC.ruinD.breakThankyou同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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