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1、实用大学英语实用大学英语3Unit Unit SixSixSection A Listening and Speaking 掌握Training and Learning的相关表达Section B Reading 阅读两篇有关Politics的文章 阅读一篇有关Fax的应用文Section C Trying Your Hand 了解基本句型的转换方式 学习Fax的写法 pick up 学会,捡起 set aside 拨出,留出 by oneself 单独地,独自地 self-study 自学 be up to 从事,忙于 as a matter of fact 事实上 asas 如(像)一样

2、 skim 浏览,略读 cup of tea 喜爱的东西,合意的人 day and night 夜以继日地Dialogue 1. Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following statements with the information youve heard .Dialogue 2. Listen to the dialogue and c

3、omplete the following statements with the information youve heard. Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions. Oral PracticePassage 1. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions according to the information youve heard. Then listen to it again and check your answer

4、s. Oral PracticePassage 2. Now youll hear a passage, which is followed by three questions. Listen to it and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. . Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with the information youve heard. 韩国礼仪教育略览韩国礼仪教育略览 韩国幼儿园都设有专门的礼仪室和礼仪课,并配有韩式家具、传韩


6、的影响力。孝具有无声的影响力。孝道、和谐道、和谐(harmony)、为他人着想是韩国家庭教育的重点。大人们以、为他人着想是韩国家庭教育的重点。大人们以身作则、言传身教、遵守秩序身作则、言传身教、遵守秩序(order),孩子们就会效仿,从礼貌精,孩子们就会效仿,从礼貌精神神(spirit)、礼仪形式、礼仪形式(form)到实践行动,大人的行为都对儿童有着到实践行动,大人的行为都对儿童有着潜移默化的影响。潜移默化的影响。 Pre-class Work: Two-minute Presentation read the text by yourself before class try to ans

7、wer the questions below with the given expressions organize your ideas into a short passage give a two-minute presentation in class Questions: 1. How do you get news or information about the Olympic Games? 2. Which media do you prefer? 3. What news do you know about the Olympic Games? 4. What do you

8、 think of the 2008 Olympic Games? 5. What will you do for the 2008 Olympic Games? Useful Expressions:resource 资源,来源 furthermore 而且,另外citizen 市民,公民 campaign 竞赛theme song 主题歌 musical score 乐谱lyric 歌曲,歌词 musician 音乐家Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesBackground Tips 奥运会的标志奥运会的标志 奥林匹克运动会有一系列独特而鲜明的象征性标志,如奥林匹克五环奥林

9、匹克运动会有一系列独特而鲜明的象征性标志,如奥林匹克五环标志标志(Five Olympic Rings)、格言、格言(Olympic Creed)、奥运会会旗、奥运会会旗(Olympic Flag)、会歌、会歌(Olympic Anthem)、会徽、会徽(badge)、奖牌、奖牌(medal)、吉祥物、吉祥物(mascot)等。这些标志形象地体现了奥林匹克理想的价值取向和文化内涵。等。这些标志形象地体现了奥林匹克理想的价值取向和文化内涵。 1979年年6月,国际奥委会月,国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee) 正式正式宣布了会旗和五环的含义。根据宣布了会旗

10、和五环的含义。根据奥林匹克宪章奥林匹克宪章(the Olympic Charter),奥林匹克旗帜和五个圆环象征着五大洲的团结以及全世界运动员以公正、,奥林匹克旗帜和五个圆环象征着五大洲的团结以及全世界运动员以公正、坦率的比赛态度和友好的精神在奥运会上相见。坦率的比赛态度和友好的精神在奥运会上相见。 奥林匹克宪章奥林匹克宪章规定,奥林匹克标志、奥林匹克旗、奥林匹克格言规定,奥林匹克标志、奥林匹克旗、奥林匹克格言和奥林匹克会歌的产权由国际奥委会专有。和奥林匹克会歌的产权由国际奥委会专有。StructurePara1 The governments of China and Beijing hav

11、e been working with great efforts for the theme of “Green, High-Tech and Peoples Olympics”. Para2-3 The government has been working to protect the environment and improve the environmental quality. Para4 High-tech will be used to serve the 2008 Olympics.Para5 Chinese people are eagerly involved in t

12、he voluntary work for the Olympic Games.Para6 A good expectation for Beijing 2008 Olympics is depicted.New Words Phrases and Expressions Proper NounsExercisesTask 1 Trying to Remember It Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Then check your answers. After that, read the passage

13、aloud until you can say it from memory.Task 2 Reading Comprehension . Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text. . Explain the following sentences.Task 3 Vocabulary & Structure. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given below (Please noti

14、ce that not every one will be used). . Change each group of simple sentences into a complex one. . Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese information. Task 4 Translation. Translate the following sentences . Translate the following sentences into Chinese. About the Theme 随随着着全全球球化化

15、进进程程的的加加速速,双双边边贸贸易易与与多多边边贸贸易易正正对对各各国国的的经经济济发发展展产产生生着着不不可可估估量量的的影影响响,同同时时也也成成为为经经济济外外交交的的一一个个重重要要筹筹码码。围围绕绕贸贸易易问问题题产产生生的的一一些些争争端端与与对对抗抗现现象象成为时事中的热点。成为时事中的热点。New Words Phrases and Expressions Proper NounsExercises. Choose the best answer according to the passage you have read. Talk in groups about the

16、relationship between China and the United States,and your opinions on how a country should build up a good relationship with others . Fax New Words Phrases and ExpressionsExercises Fill in the form with the information mentioned in the fax. 基本句型的转换基本句型的转换 关于基本句型的转换,重点要掌握陈述句与否定句、疑问句的互关于基本句型的转换,重点要掌握陈

17、述句与否定句、疑问句的互换,一般句与祈使句的互换,以及主动句与被动句的互换三种。换,一般句与祈使句的互换,以及主动句与被动句的互换三种。 陈述句:(陈述句:(declarative sentence)用来陈述事实,包括肯定和)用来陈述事实,包括肯定和否定。否定。 一、否定句一、否定句 1. 如果句子的谓语动词为系动词、助动词或情态动词,就直接在如果句子的谓语动词为系动词、助动词或情态动词,就直接在谓语动词后面加谓语动词后面加not。 2. 如果句子的谓语动词为行为动词,须在谓语动词前加助动词和如果句子的谓语动词为行为动词,须在谓语动词前加助动词和not。 注意:加助动词和注意:加助动词和not

18、后,后面的谓语动词要恢复原形。后,后面的谓语动词要恢复原形。 二、二、 疑问句:分为四种形式疑问句:分为四种形式1. 一般疑问句(一般疑问句(general question) 用用Yes或或No 回答的疑问回答的疑问句。句。 (1)肯定结构)肯定结构 (2)否定结构)否定结构2. 特殊疑问句(特殊疑问句(special question) 不可用不可用Yes或或No来回答来回答的疑问句。的疑问句。 (1)与陈述句的语序同)与陈述句的语序同 (2)疑问词)疑问词+一般疑问句语序一般疑问句语序3. 选择疑问句(选择疑问句(alternative question) 用用or连接询问的两连接询问的

19、两部分,以供选择。答案必须是完整的句子或其省略形式,部分,以供选择。答案必须是完整的句子或其省略形式,不能用不能用Yes或或No回答。回答。4. 反意疑问句(反意疑问句(disjunctive question) 附在陈述句之后,附在陈述句之后,对陈述句叙述的事实提出相反的疑问。对陈述句叙述的事实提出相反的疑问。三、三、 祈使句(祈使句(imperative sentence) 通常不说出主语通常不说出主语 注意:祈使句变否定,通常直接在前面加注意:祈使句变否定,通常直接在前面加Don t。 四、被动句四、被动句 由助动词由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成。加及物动词的过去分词构成。 最后我

20、们以最后我们以 “He closed the door.” 为例,来看一下各种句型的构成:为例,来看一下各种句型的构成: 陈述句:陈述句:He closed the door. 否定句:否定句:He didnt close the door. 疑问句:疑问句:Did he close the door? What did he close? He closed the door, didnt he? Did he or his sister close the door? 祈使句祈使句: Close the door, please. Dont close the door. 被动句被动句:

21、The door was closed (by him).Exercise. According to the examples given above, transfer the sentences below into different forms. Translate the following sentences. 传真传真一、简介一、简介 传真是进行沟通、交流、传递信息时常用的方法。传真的正文没传真是进行沟通、交流、传递信息时常用的方法。传真的正文没有固定格式,可以是信函、便条、备忘录等。一般各个公司都会设计有固定格式,可以是信函、便条、备忘录等。一般各个公司都会设计一个带有本公司

22、名称及标识的传真样版(一般是在抬头部分),用的一个带有本公司名称及标识的传真样版(一般是在抬头部分),用的时候直接填写相关信息即可,如时候直接填写相关信息即可,如Text C。 在传真抬头部分需注明收信人(在传真抬头部分需注明收信人(To/致)、发信人(致)、发信人(From/自)、自)、总页数(总页数(total pages)、主题()、主题(Subject)、抄送()、抄送(CC)等。)等。 二、范例二、范例 Exercises. Suppose you are Zhao Xiaodong, now write a fax to your partner Liu Ming and ask him to send you some information about the new product of his company.



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