外研版高三英语一轮必修3 Module 5复习课件

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1、走向高考走向高考 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 高考总复习高考总复习 Module 5Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China 必修三必修三第一部分基础知识聚焦第一部分基础知识聚焦基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 2考点探究演练考点探究演练 3单单 元元 语语 法法 4基础知识巩固基础知识巩固 5课课 时时 作作 业业 6话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵 1话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵话题:中国古代伟人和伟大发明假如你是李华,你的美国朋友布鲁斯开始学习中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及其作品。你回信向他介绍作家

2、鲁迅。词数120150。关键词语:鲁迅,原名周树人,浙江绍兴人,为了国家,弃医从文;作家,思想家,而且还是中国现代文学的开创者;小说被译成多种文字,并被制成电影,如阿Q正传祝福这两部影片;一些作品还被选入了中学和大学课本。参考词汇:阿Q正传:The True Story of Ah Q祝福:The New Years Sacri fice.头脑风暴,知识链接单词短语1.thinker思想家2influential有影响的3contribution贡献4benefit受益1.become interested in对感兴趣2be proud of为自豪3make a contribution t

3、o为做出贡献4translate.into.把翻译成句式1.I was glad to know you began to study and become interested in Chinese literature.2Now let me tell you something about Lu Xun whom we Chinese are proud of.3Not only was Lu Xun an influential Chinese writer and thinker,but also the father of modern Chinese literature, wh

4、ich Lu Xun made a great contribution to.范文必背Dear Bruce,I was glad to know you began to study and become interested in Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about Lu Xun whom we Chinese are proud of. Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, Lu Xun with the real name Zhou Shuren abandoned the

5、study of medicine and began to write. Not only was Lu Xun an influential Chinese writer and thinker, but also the father of modern Chinese literature, which Lu Xun made a great contribution to. His novels have been translated into many languages and some of novels have been made into films, such as

6、The True Story of Ah Q and The New Years Sacrifice. Some of his novels have been collected in high school and college textbooks.Since you are learning Chinese literature, I think reading Lu Xuns novels will benefit a lot.Yours,Li Hua基础知识梳理基础知识梳理.单词速记核心必记1_(n.)秩序2_(n.)职位3_(vt.)强调4_(n.)状况;条件;环境5 _(adj

7、.)平 等 的 _(adv.)平 等 地_(n.)平等6_(n.)重要;重要性_(adj.)重要的7_(vt.)发明_(n.)发明_(n.)发明家8_(n.)争论;辩论;议论_(v.)争论,辩论OrderPositionstressconditionequalequallyequalityimportanceimportantinventsinventioninventorargumentargue高频必知9_(n.)善良10_(n.)原则;准则11_(vi.)辞职12_(n.)公正13_(n.)自由_(adj.)自由的;空闲的;免费的14_(adj.)有影响的_(n.)影响15_(n.)贡献

8、_(vt.)贡献kindnessprincipleresignjusticefreedom; influentialcontributionfreeinfluencecontribute.短语互译1与交战_2养育;抚养_3为自豪_4 同 意 ; 与 相 符 ; 适 合 (某 人 )_5become interested in_6in conclusion_7for the first time_8a sense of responsibility_be at war withbring upbe proud of4.agree with对感兴趣总之第一次责任感情景活用选用上面的单词或短语的正确

9、形式填空Mr. Smith, who is an _(有影响的) person, holds an _(重要的) _(职位) in a company. He cares about workers living and working _(环境). He also encourages workers to _(发明) things, and he says that he _(为感到自豪) those who have made great _(贡献) to the company.答案:influential;important;position;conditions;invent;is

10、 proud of;contributions.典句析练1Treat others in the _ you want to be treated.己所不欲,勿施于人。解析way“方式,方法”,作先行词时,用in which,that或省略关系词的形式引导定语从句。仿写她羡慕我回答问题的方式。She admired _ I answered the questions.2Mencius believed that _ man is different from animals _ man is good.孟子认为人区别于动物的原因就在于人性本善。解析“The reason why.is tha

11、t.”中why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句。仿写我没有参加宴会的原因是我太忙了。The reason_ I didnt attend the party _ I was too busy.3However, we _ that in 1092 AD he invented.然而,我们的确知道在公元1092年,他发明了解析“do/does/did动词原形”表示强调。仿写他的确喜欢听古典音乐。He _ listening to classical music.答案:1.way; the way (that)/in which2.the reason why; is that; why; wa

12、s that3.do know; does enjoy.课文回顾Confucius was a famous philosopher whose _(1)_ has been the greatest. He _(2)_(stress) the importance of kindness, duty and order in society. Mencius was a thinker whose _(3)_(teaching) were very similar to that of Confucius. Mencius was _(4)_(bring) up by his mother.

13、 He was given an important _(5)_ in the government of a state. However, he _(6)_ when he saw the ruler wasnt following his advice. He believed that peole were more important than _(7)_ . Mozi was another teacher who was very _(8)_ . He became famous for his unusual clothes and _(9)_(behave) . Mozi b

14、elieved that all men were _(10)_ . He hated the idea of war.(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_(5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_(9)_ (10)_答案:(1)influence(2)stressed(3)teachings(4)brought (5)position(6)resigned(7)rulers(8)influential (9)behaviour(10)equal考点探究演练考点探究演练 1.equal adj. 平等的;相等的;胜任的 v. 等于;比得上填空激活知识完成句子We are sure that Ba

15、rbara _ _ _ the job.我们相信芭芭拉完全能胜任这项工作。Not all the people _ _ _ _.并不是所有人的能力都与他相同。答案:is equal toequal him in ability归纳拓展(1)feel/be equal to(doing) sth.能胜任(做);与相等be equal in 在方面相同/相等without equal 无比,无敌equal sb./sth.(in sth.) 与某人/某物(在某方面)相同或相等(2)equality n平等;相等equally adv.相等地;平等地All students are equal in

16、 the sight of my teacher.我的老师对所有学生都一视同仁。His paintings are without equal in the western world.他的画在西方国家首屈一指。2contribution n. 贡献,成绩;稿件填空激活知识Dont undervalue Jims _ to the research.不要低估了吉姆在研究工作中的贡献。The British Expeditionary Force was no more than a symbolic _.英国远征军不过是一种象征性的支援。答案:contributioncontribution构

17、建导图助记Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?吸烟会导致肺癌吗?It is our duty to make contributions to our motherland.为祖国作出贡献是我们的责任。3order n秩序;次序;命令;规则;订单vt.命令;订购;点菜填空激活知识I couldnt ring because the phone was _ _ _.我没法打电话,因为电话机坏了。He ordered that the work _ _ _ at once.他命令立即开始工作。答案:out of order(should) be start

18、ed归纳拓展(1)in order 整齐,秩序井然,按顺序;妥当的out of order 发生故障;次序颠倒;混乱place an order for sth. with sb. 向某人订购某物(2)order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事orderthatclause 命令Id like to place an order for some tea with your company.我想从贵公司订购一些茶叶。提示:order作动词时,后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语要用“should动词原形”,should可以省略;作名词表示“命令”时,相关的从句也要用虚拟语气。

19、真题寻踪(2014浙江阅读D)Some nights, in order to taste my victory more completely,I cheated.有的晚上,为了更全面地体会胜利,我会作弊。4condition n条件;状况;环境填空激活知识The goods were received _ _ _.货物收到时完好无损。Ill lend you some _ _ _ you never waste money.只要你不浪费钱,我将借给你一些。答案:in good conditionon condition that 构建导图助记注意:(1)condition表示“环境”时,常

20、用复数形式;表示“状况”时,是不可数名词;表示“条件”时,是可数名词。(2)on no condition位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装,即把助动词、情态动词等放在主语之前。5stress n压力;重音 vt.加压力于;使紧张填空激活知识句式转换型He stressed two points in particular.He _ _ _ two points particularly.他特别强调了两点。The English teacher _ _ _ _ reading aloud.英语老师强调了朗读的重要性。答案:laid stress onstressed the importance o

21、f知识拓展(1)lay/put/place stress on sth.stress sth.把重点放在上;强调under stress在压力之下under the stress of为所迫(2)stress the importance of.强调的重要性stress that.强调Janes been under a lot of stress since her mothers illness.自从母亲病倒后,简一直忧心忡忡。6.bring up养育,抚养;提出;呕吐填空激活知识In fact, he was _ _ by his aunt after his parents died.

22、事实上,在他父亲去世后,他是由他姑母养大的。Ill _ _ this matter for my managers consideration.我将提出此事请我的经理考虑。Martin has been _ _ all morning.马丁整个早上都在呕吐。答案:brought upbring upbringing up知识拓展bring about 引起;实现;使发生bring forth 生产;生(孩子)bring in 获利;引进;介绍;收获bring on 引起;导致bring out 生产;制造;出版bring round 使苏醒bring.together 集合;召集7.The r

23、eason why.is that.(的)原因是。填空激活知识用适当的关联词填空The reason _ he was absent is _ he was ill.他缺席的原因是他病了。The reason _ I explained for three days leave was _ my sick mother needed my care.我为请假三天解释的理由是我生病的母亲需要我照顾。答案:why;thatthat/which;that知识拓展The reason why. is that.“的原因是。”,其中why引导的是定语从句,is之后的that引导表语从句。注意reason

24、用作先行词时,其后定语从句中的关系代词或副词的选择要依据定语从句所缺少的成分来确定:(1)如果从句中缺少状语,则要用why或for which引导定语从句,why有时可以省略;(2)如果缺少主语或宾语,则要用关系代词that或which来引导定语从句,that/which在定语从句中作宾语时也可省略。单单 元元 语语 法法 定语从句语法填空1(2015乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次诊断改编)That scientist _ work is successful has been made a model worker.答案:whose句意:那个工作很成功的科学家已经当选为劳动模范。句中的先行词为tha

25、t scientist,且空处在定语从句中作定语,修饰名词work,所以用whose引导。2(2015山西太原部分中学高三统一检测改编)His new car, for _ he paid 7,000 pounds, has already had to be repaired.答案:which句意:他花了7,000英镑买来的那辆新车已经不得不修理了。此处是“介词forwhich”引导的定语从句,先行词为his new car。3(2015黑龙江四校高三联考改编)In our school there are 200 computers, _which 60% need replacing.答

26、案:of句意:我们学校有200台电脑,其中有60%的电脑需要更换。此处of表示整体与部分的关系,即用于“部分of整体(which,whom)”结构中。此句可以转化为“In our school there are 200 computers, and 60% of them need replacing.”。4(2015河北普通高中高三数学质量监测改编)Many people tried to leave the country, _ there was much violence and a serious shortage of food supply.答案:where逗号后面的句子为定语

27、从句,修饰先行词the country,且关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以用where。5(2015辽宁六校高三上学期联考改编)The classroom is crowded with children_ have poor eyesight, all of _ interested in painting.答案:who; them句意:教室中挤满了视力不好的孩子,他们都对绘画感兴趣。“who have poor eyesight”是定语从句, 修饰先行词children。“all of them interested in painting”是独立主格结构。1.(四川高考改编)Shell n

28、ever forget her stay there _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.答案:whenher stay为先行词,为抽象的一段时间“她待在那里期间”,when在定语从句作时间状语。2(天津高考改编)Most air pollution is caused by the burning of_like coal, gas and oil.答案:fuelsfuels “燃料”,从后文like coal, gas and oil可知应该选fuels。3(陕西高考改编)Gun control is a subject_ which Americans have argued for a long time.答案:about先行词是gun control,介词与从句动词构成搭配argue about sth.。基础知识巩固基础知识巩固(点此链接)(点此链接)课课 时时 作作 业业(点此链接)(点此链接)



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