高二英语外研版选修7课件《Module 5 Ethnic Culture》5-3 Grammar99张

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1、Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语1combine vi. & vt. (使使)联合;联合;(使使)结合结合Ecotravel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning.生态旅游是把普通的旅游和学习结合起来的一种旅游。生态旅游是把普通的旅游和学习结合起来的一种旅游。The two small shops combined to make a large one.这两个小店合并起来

2、成为一个大商店。这两个小店合并起来成为一个大商店。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析combine, connect, join, unite这组词都有这组词都有“结合;连接结合;连接”的意思。的意思。1)combine着着重重指指两两个个或或两两个个以以上上的的人人或或事事物物为为了了共共同同的的目目的的而而结结合合在在一一起起,结结合合后后原原来来的的部部分分可可能能仍仍不不改改变变或或失去其本性。失去其本性。The three parties combined to form a coalition government.三党结盟组成联合政府。三党结

3、盟组成联合政府。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语2)connect指指两两物物有有形形的的连接接,两两者者仍仍保保持持各各自自的的独独立立性性,并并常常与与介介词with或或to连用用构构成成短短语:be connected with“与与 有有 联 系系 ”; connect with“将将 相相 连 ”; connect sb. to“把某人接通把某人接通”。He and the Johnsons are connected by marriage.他和他和约翰翰逊家家联姻。姻。His research work is connected with steel in

4、dustry.他的研究与他的研究与钢铁业有关。有关。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3)join指指任任何何事事物物的的直直接接连接接,连接接的的程程度度可可紧可可松松,还有有分分开开之之意意,如如田田地地与与田田地地、国国土土与与国国土土之之间的的相相互互连接,但只与介接,但只与介词to连用。用。The new highway has joined the two cities.新公路把那两个城市新公路把那两个城市连接起来。接起来。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语注注意意:在在join, connect表表“连连接接”的的句句子子中中,常常用用

5、by sth., by doing sth.短短语语表表示示“用用什什么么方方式式”来来连连接接,用用at表表示示连连接接的的地地点点,有有时时用用with短短语语表表示示“用用某某种种材材料料”来来连连接。接。He joined the two pieces of wood together with nails.他用钉子把这两块木头钉了起来。他用钉子把这两块木头钉了起来。The two railways connect at Zhengzhou.两条铁路在郑州交汇。两条铁路在郑州交汇。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语4)unite意意为“联合合;团结;团聚聚”,指指

6、很很紧密密地地结合合,强强调结合合成成为新新的的统一一体体,如如指指把把两两部部分分或或两两个个国国家家结合合成一体。成一体。Oil will not unite with water.油和水不相融。油和水不相融。Unite to win victories.团结起来,争取起来,争取胜利。利。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语高考链接高考链接(2010福福建建)In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.I cant agree more. Its great to have the two_

7、.AlinkedBrelatedCconnected DcombinedModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语解解析析:考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:在在现现在在这这个个年年代代,妇妇女女可可以以兼兼顾顾养养育育子子女女与与工工作作。我我非非常常同同意意。把把这这两两者者结结合合起起来来是是非非常常棒棒的的。combine“联联合合,结结合合”。A、B、C三三项项皆皆是是“与与相相关关,与与有有联联系系”之之意意;A、C两两项项也也意为意为“与与相连接相连接”。答案:答案:DModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用(1)Lets

8、combine my scientific knowledge_your business skills and start a company.Awith BoverCand DA & C(2)The man who thought of_a gas engine with wheels was the inventor of the automobiles.Acomparing BcombiningCcompeting Dconnecting答案:答案:(1)D(2)BModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语2foolish adj. 愚蠢的;傻的;笨的愚蠢的;傻的;笨的一

9、般指缺乏正常推理和判断的能力或常识。一般指缺乏正常推理和判断的能力或常识。I am not that foolish.我可没那么蠢。我可没那么蠢。Its foolish of you to do so.这样做你真够愚蠢的。这样做你真够愚蠢的。Its too foolish of you not to try to enter college.你不努力上大学是愚蠢的。你不努力上大学是愚蠢的。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析foolish, silly, stupid1)foolish指指不不合合乎乎道道理理、缺缺乏乏识识别别或或判判断断力力的的人人或或言言

10、行等。行等。Its foolish to idle away ones precious time.把大好时光浪费掉是愚蠢的。把大好时光浪费掉是愚蠢的。It was very foolish of you to park the car in the middle of the road.你把车停在路当中,真不懂事。你把车停在路当中,真不懂事。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语2)silly指极端指极端显著的愚蠢和低能,比著的愚蠢和低能,比foolish语义强强。The books title sounded silly but it was really a serio

11、us study.这本本书的的标题听听起起来来毫毫无无意意义,但但该书却却是是严肃认真真研究的成果。研究的成果。Its silly to go out in the rain if you dont have to.下雨天如果你不必要出去却出去,就是傻。下雨天如果你不必要出去却出去,就是傻。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3)stupid指指缺缺乏乏正正常常的的智智力力或或理理解解力力,反反应迟钝,学学习能力能力较差等。差等。He asked a stupid question.他他问了个愚蠢的了个愚蠢的问题。Hes a stupid person.他是个笨人。他是个笨

12、人。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用用用silly, stupid和和foolish填空。填空。(1)Despite a lack of formal education, she was far from_.(2)It was_of you to park the car here.(3)How_of you to do that!答案:答案:(1)stupid(2)foolish(3)sillyModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3hop v. 单足蹦跳;单足蹦跳;(指鸟兽指鸟兽)双足或齐足跳行双足或齐足跳行He had hurt

13、 his left foot and had to hop along.他左脚受伤了,不得不单足跳行。他左脚受伤了,不得不单足跳行。Several frogs were hopping about on the lawn.有几只青蛙在草地上跳来跳去。有几只青蛙在草地上跳来跳去。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析bounce, jump, leap, hopbounce指借外力弹跳。指借外力弹跳。jump, leap指自行跳跃。指自行跳跃。hop指单足跳跃。指单足跳跃。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用Both of T

14、oms shots_off the rim of the basket.Ahopped BbouncedCjumped Dleaped答案:答案:BModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语4firm1)adj. 牢牢固固的的;稳稳固固的的;坚坚实实的的;(指指动动作作)稳稳定定而而有有力力的的Stand the fish tank on a firm base.把鱼缸放在牢固的基座上。把鱼缸放在牢固的基座上。I have a firm belief in his honesty.我坚信他的诚实。我坚信他的诚实。Mother kept a firm hold on her son

15、s hands as he said goodbye to her abroad.儿儿子子向向母母亲亲告告别别到到国国外外去去时时,母母亲亲紧紧紧紧地地拉拉住住他他的的双双手。手。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语2)v. 使牢固;使使牢固;使坚定;定;变稳固;固;变坚实The government must act to firm prices up.政府必政府必须采取行采取行动使物价使物价稳定下来。定下来。Exercise will firm up your muscles.锻炼身体能使肌肉身体能使肌肉结实。3)n. 公司;公司;(合伙合伙)商商He has esta

16、blished his own firm.他已建立起自己的公司。他已建立起自己的公司。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展as firm as a rock 坚如磐石坚如磐石be on firm ground 脚踏实地脚踏实地firmly adv. 稳固地;坚定地稳固地;坚定地He held his mothers hand firmly when crossing the street.过马路时他紧握着母亲的手。过马路时他紧握着母亲的手。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子这块湿地不够坚实,不能在上面走。

17、这块湿地不够坚实,不能在上面走。This wet ground is not _ _ _ walk on.答案:答案:firm enough toModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语5fasten v. 系牢;缚紧;集中于;强加于;使固定系牢;缚紧;集中于;强加于;使固定The handbag wont fasten properly.这手提包的口关不紧。这手提包的口关不紧。Please fasten your seat belts.请系好安全带。请系好安全带。The tent flaps should be tightly fastened.帐篷的帘布应紧紧系住。帐篷的帘

18、布应紧紧系住。The dress fastens at the back.这件连衣裙是在背后系扣的。这件连衣裙是在背后系扣的。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展fasten.with. 把把跟跟固定在一起固定在一起fasten two sheets of paper(together)with a pin 用用大大头头针把两张纸别在一起针把两张纸别在一起fasten on/upon 把把(目光、注意力、思想目光、注意力、思想)集中于集中于fasten.on/to 把把固定固定(粘、拴、系粘、拴、系)到到上上The childrens eyes were f

19、astened on the stranger.那些小孩的眼睛紧盯住那个陌生人。那些小孩的眼睛紧盯住那个陌生人。fasten a lock on/to the door 把门用锁锁好把门用锁锁好Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用As the plane was getting ready to take off, we all_our seat belts.AtiedBattachedCfastenedDbound答案:答案:CModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语6fold v. 折叠;对折;合拢;交叠折叠;对折;合拢;交叠She fo

20、lded the letter and put it in an envelope.她把信折起来,放入信封中。她把信折起来,放入信封中。Jim folded his arms.吉姆双臂交叉。吉姆双臂交叉。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展fold.in sth. 把把包在包在里里fold sb./sth. in ones arms 抱住某人抱住某人(某物某物)fold up 折叠;对折折叠;对折(强调结果强调结果)Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用The little girl took off her new ski

21、rt, and_.Afolded up it Bfolded it upCunfolded it up Dunfolded up it答案:答案:BModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语7adjust1)v. 适应;使适应适应;使适应adjust to a new environment 适应新的环境适应新的环境adjust oneself in the school 适应学校生活适应学校生活The body quickly adjusts to changes in temperature.身体迅速调节以适应气温的变化。身体迅速调节以适应气温的变化。Module 5 Eth

22、nic Culture外研版英语2)v. 调整;整;调节;校准;校准Please do not adjust your set.请勿自行勿自行调节。The brakes need adjusting.制制动器需要器需要调节了。了。There is no call for us to adjust the price.我我们无需无需调整价格。整价格。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展adjust(oneself)to sth.使使(自己自己)适合;适应于某事适合;适应于某事He adjusted himself very quickly to the hea

23、t of the country.他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析adapt, adjustadapt指使某物或某人做稍微的改变,以适应新的需要。指使某物或某人做稍微的改变,以适应新的需要。adjust指借正当的判断或熟练技术使某两者相配合。指借正当的判断或熟练技术使某两者相配合。I quickly adapted myself to the new job.很快我就适应了新工作。很快我就适应了新工作。adjust differences of opinion 调停歧见调停歧见M

24、odule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语高考链接高考链接(2009浙浙江江)The good thing about children is that they_very easily to new environments.Aadapt BappealCattach Dapply解解析析:题意意:孩孩子子们有有一一个个优势就就是是他他们很很容容易易适适应环境境。adapt“适适应”,符符合合题意意。appeal“吸吸引引,号号召召”;attach“贴,附,附”;apply“使用,申使用,申请”。答案:答案:AModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即

25、用He_his clothes and his hair before going out.Aadjusted Badjusted toCadopted to Dadopted答案:答案:AModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语8furnish v. 为为(房屋或房间房屋或房间)配备家具;供给配备家具;供给He furnished his house with a set of furniture.他用一套家具布置了他的房子。他用一套家具布置了他的房子。He furnished the refugees with food.(He furnished food to the

26、refugees.)他供给难民食物。他供给难民食物。They are renting a furnished flat.他们租用了一套带有家具的公寓房子。他们租用了一套带有家具的公寓房子。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展1)furnished adj. 配备家具的;备有家具的配备家具的;备有家具的furnishment n. 装备;装置装备;装置2)常用词组:常用词组:be furnished with 备有;安装有备有;安装有furnish out 补充;使补充;使(房屋的设备房屋的设备)完备完备furnish sb. with sth. 供给某人某物

27、供给某人某物furnish sth. to sb. 供给某人某物供给某人某物Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用单句改错单句改错His room was plainly furnished in a bed and a desk._答案:答案:inwithModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语1have a population of 有有人口人口The city has a population of 250,000.这个城市有这个城市有25万人口。万人口。Module 5 Ethn

28、ic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展population n. 人口人口What is the population of this city?这个城市的人口是多少?这个城市的人口是多少?The population in these villages still uses well water.这些村里的人依然饮用井水。这些村里的人依然饮用井水。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语当当population表表示示整整体体人人口口时谓语动词用用单数数;表表示示部分人口部分人口时,谓语动词用复数。用复数。The population of China is very

29、 large.中国人口众多。中国人口众多。70% percent of the population of China are peasants.中国人口有中国人口有70%是是农民。民。Whats the population of.? 的人口是多少?的人口是多少?a large/small population 人口众多人口众多/稀少稀少an increase/growth in population 人口增人口增长with a population of. 有有人口人口Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语巧记巧记population的用法的用法1)对对populatio

30、n提问用提问用what,不用,不用how many/much。What is the population of India?印度的人口是多少?印度的人口是多少?2)“人人口口的的增增加加减减少少”用用grow/increase和和fall/decrease;“人口的多少人口的多少”用用large和和small。The population in the area has increased in the past few years.近几年这个地区人口的数量有所增加。近几年这个地区人口的数量有所增加。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语高考链接高考链接(2009江江苏苏)

31、The population of Jiangsu_to more than twice what it was in 1949.The figure is now approaching 74 million.Ahas grown Bhave grownCgrew Dare growing 解解析析:题意意:江江苏省省的的人人口口已已经增增加加到到了了1949年年的的两两倍倍多多。现在在已已接接近近七七千千四四百百万万。the population作作主主语,指指“人人口口数数”时,谓语动词用用单数数形形式式;根根据据题意意判判断断应用用现在完成在完成时,故,故选A。答案:答案:AModul

32、e 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用(1)This is a city_a population of almost two million.AbyBoverConDwith(2)The population of the world has become very much_and its necessary to control the increase.Alarger BsmallerCfew Dlittle答案:答案:(1)D(2)AModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语2wish for 希望得到;渴望希望得到;渴望You have eve

33、rything you could wish for.你想要的已经全有了。你想要的已经全有了。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展wish v. 但愿;希望但愿;希望n. 愿望;祝愿望;祝/意愿意愿I wish you a very happy future.祝你一生幸福。祝你一生幸福。I wish I were 30 years younger.我但愿自己能年轻三十岁。我但愿自己能年轻三十岁。wish sb. sth. 祝愿某人某事祝愿某人某事wish to do sth. 希望希望wish的的宾宾语语从从句句要要用用一一般般过过去去时时和和过过去去完完成

34、成时时表表示示虚虚拟语气。拟语气。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用Please accept our sincere_.Awish BwishesChopes Dhope答案:答案:BModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3in the distance 在远处;在远方在远处;在远方The sound of the cheering faded(away)in the distance.欢呼声在远处逐渐消失了。欢呼声在远处逐渐消失了。I could see the bus coming in the distance.我看见公共汽车从远

35、处开来了。我看见公共汽车从远处开来了。I heard a faint sound in the distance.我听到远处有微弱的声音。我听到远处有微弱的声音。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展at a distance 相距;相隔相距;相隔from a distance 从远方从远方keep ones distance 保持一定距离保持一定距离keep sb. at a distance 对某人保持疏远对某人保持疏远out of distance(from) 离离太远;达不到太远;达不到Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语注意:注意

36、:Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子即使隔了一段距离,他也能看出她情绪不好。即使隔了一段距离,他也能看出她情绪不好。Even _ _ _ he could see she was in a bad mood.答案:答案:at a distanceModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语4set off1)动身;出发动身;出发They set off in search of the missing child.他们出发去寻找那个丢失的孩子。他们出发去寻找那个丢失的孩子。He will set off for Beijing

37、at 700 tomorrow.明天七点他将动身去北京。明天七点他将动身去北京。2)燃放燃放(烟火、鞭炮等烟火、鞭炮等)Its a custom for Chinese to set off firecrackers in the Spring Festival.对于中国人来说春节燃放鞭炮是一种风俗习惯。对于中国人来说春节燃放鞭炮是一种风俗习惯。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3)引起引起What he said set off the anger of the crowd.他的他的话激起了人群的激起了人群的愤怒。怒。The discovery of gold in C

38、alifornia set off a rush to get there.加加利利福福尼尼亚州州发现金金矿一一事事引引起起了了淘淘金金者者蜂蜂拥而而至至的的热潮。潮。4)把把衬托得美托得美丽The red belt sets off her black dress.那条那条红色皮色皮带把她的黑色衣装把她的黑色衣装衬托得更美。托得更美。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语5)使某人开始做使某人开始做Whatever you say will set her off crying now.现在不管你在不管你说什么都会使她哭泣。什么都会使她哭泣。注注意意:表表示示“出出发/动身

39、身到到某某目目的的地地”时,用用for,不不用用to:set off/out for动身身/出出发到到。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展set about sth./doing sth. 开始某工作;着手做某事开始某工作;着手做某事set sth. aside 将某事物放在一边;节省;保留将某事物放在一边;节省;保留set sth. down 写下来;将某事物记在纸上写下来;将某事物记在纸上set up 摆放或竖起某物;建立或开创某事物摆放或竖起某物;建立或开创某事物set an example to. 给给树立榜样树立榜样set out to do s

40、th. 着手做某事着手做某事be set in 以以为背景为背景set fire to/set.on fire 点火;放火点火;放火set.free 释放释放Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语高考链接高考链接(2008山山东东)Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he_his own work and translated it into German.Agave off Bturned downCtook over Dset asideModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语解解析析:本本题题主主要要考考查查短

41、短语语动动词词的的词词义义区区别别。句句意意为为“爱爱因因斯斯坦坦非非常常喜喜欢欢Bose的的论论文文,于于是是他他放放下下自自己己的的工工作作并并把把它它翻翻译译成成了了德德语语”。此此处处set aside意意为为“放放下下/置置;搁搁下下/在在一一边边”。而而gave off为为“放放出出;释释放放”,turned down为为“拒拒绝绝;关关小小/掉掉”,took over为为“接接管管;弄弄过过来来”,均均不不合题意。合题意。答案:答案:DModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语即学即用即学即用介副词填空介副词填空(1)She set_clearing up afte

42、r the party.(2)They want to set_their own importexport business.(3)I want to set my feelings_on paper.答案:答案:(1)about(2)up(3)downModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语一、过去分词作状语一、过去分词作状语过过去去分分词词或或过过去去分分词词短短语语作作状状语语修修饰饰谓谓语语动动词词表表示示的的动动作作,其其逻逻辑辑上上的的主主语语就就是是句句子子主主语语。过过去去分分词词短短语语作作状状语往往可

43、以用相应的状语从句或并列复合句代替。语往往可以用相应的状语从句或并列复合句代替。1表示时间,作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句。表示时间,作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句。Seen from the hill(When it is seen from the hill), the town looks very beautiful.从山上看,从山上看,这座城市很漂亮。座城市很漂亮。Badly wounded, the soldier was sent to hospital at once.士兵受了重士兵受了重伤,立即被送往医院。,立即被送往医院。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版

44、英语2表示原因,作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句。表示原因,作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句。Well known for his expert advice(As he was well known for his expert advice), he was able to help a great number of people with their affairs.他他在在探探案案方方面面足足智智多多谋谋是是广广为为人人知知的的,因因此此,他他能能够够帮助许多人解决他们的私人事务。帮助许多人解决他们的私人事务。Encouraged by Jims words( As he was enc

45、ouraged by Jims words), he continued his research work.由于受到吉姆的话的激励,他继续自己的研究工作。由于受到吉姆的话的激励,他继续自己的研究工作。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语Led by the Party, the Chinese people have won one victory after another.在党的在党的领导下,中国人民取得了一个又一个下,中国人民取得了一个又一个胜利。利。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3表表示示条条件件,作作条条件件状状语语,相相当当于于条条件

46、件状状语语从从句句。这这类句子的谓语动词往往用将来时或情态动词。类句子的谓语动词往往用将来时或情态动词。Given an inch(If he is given an inch), he will take a mile.他总是得寸进尺。他总是得寸进尺。Compared with developed countries(If we are compared with developed countries), we still have a long way to go.和发达国家比起来,我们还有很大的差距。和发达国家比起来,我们还有很大的差距。Given good weather( If w

47、e are given good weather), our ship will arrive on Friday evening.如果有好天气,我们的轮船将于星期五晚上到达。如果有好天气,我们的轮船将于星期五晚上到达。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语4表示行为或伴随状况,相当于并列复合句。表示行为或伴随状况,相当于并列复合句。Absorbed in the work, he neglected food and sleep.(He was absorbed in the work and neglected food and sleep.)他专心于工作,废寝忘食。他专

48、心于工作,废寝忘食。Covered with snow, the mountain looks like a white giant.山为雪所覆盖,看上去像白色巨人。山为雪所覆盖,看上去像白色巨人。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语注意:注意:1)过过去去分分词词短短语语作作状状语语时时,它它的的逻逻辑辑主主语语一一般般必必须须与与句句子子的的主主语语一一致致。但但有有时时它它也也可可以以有有自自己己独独立立的的逻逻辑辑主主语语,这这种种结结构构称称为为独独立立(主主格格)结结构构。多多数数情情况况下下它它表表示示一一种种伴伴随动作或情况。随动作或情况。I rushed

49、into the classroom, my face covered with dust.我跑进了教室,满脸是土。我跑进了教室,满脸是土。All things considered, your article is of greater value than his.各方面都考虑进去,你的文章比他的文章更有价值。各方面都考虑进去,你的文章比他的文章更有价值。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语2)有有些些过去去分分词和和定定冠冠词the连用用,表表示示一一类人人或或一一类事物,可以在句中作主事物,可以在句中作主语、宾语。The oppressed have been aw

50、akened.被被压迫的人迫的人们已已经觉醒了。醒了。We should help the exploited.我我们应当帮助被剥削的人。当帮助被剥削的人。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3)根根据据需需要要,动词ed形形式式前前面面也也可可加加上上when, while, until, once, though, although, as long as, so long as, unless, as if, as though, even if, even though等等词。as后后不不能能跟跟ed形形式式。在在before, after, without等等词后

51、后必必须用用being done结构构形式。形式。Unless invited, I wont attend the gettogether.除非受到邀除非受到邀请,否,否则我不会参加聚会。我不会参加聚会。The boy left the playhouse without being seen.这个男孩离开了游个男孩离开了游戏室没有被人室没有被人发现。Before being called, remain where you are.叫你之前,呆在原地叫你之前,呆在原地别动。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语高考链接高考链接(1)(2009北北京京)_twice, th

52、e postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.ABeing bitten BBittenCHaving bitten DTo be bitten解解析析:本本题题意意:被被我我们的的狗狗咬咬了了两两次次,那那位位邮递员便便拒拒绝给我我们送送信信了了,除除非非是是我我们把把狗狗拴拴起起来来。本本题考考查过去去分分词担担任任原原因因状状语。相相当当于于原原因因状状语从从句句As he was bitten twice,.注注意意:由由过去去分分词转化化而而来来的的形形容容词在在句句中担任状中担任状语或后置定或后

53、置定语时,不能和,不能和being连用。用。答案:答案:BModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语(2)(2009江江西西)_ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars.A. Giving B. Having givenC. To give D. Given解解析析:考考查了了分分词作作状状语。teenage与与give之之间是是逻辑上上的的动宾关关系系,故故只只能能用用given,而而A、B、C都都表表示示主主动关关系。

54、系。答案:答案:DModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语(3)(2009天天津津)_by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.ABeing encouraged BEncouragingCEncouraged DHaving encouraged解解析析:考考查非非谓语动词做做状状语。此此时考考虑句句子子的的主主语和和这个个动词的的关关系系,本本句句中中encourage与与he构构成成逻辑上上的的动宾关关系系,所所以以排排除除B项和和D项,它它们表表示示主

55、主谓关关系系;A项和和C项都都表表被被动, C项还表表示示完完成成;A项还表表示示正正在在进行行。由由句句意意“受受到到新新科科技技的的鼓鼓舞舞后后,许多多农民民在在地地里里建建起起了了农场”知,知,选C项。答案:答案:CModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语(4)(2009福福建建)_not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.AReminding BRemindedCTo remind DHaving reminded解解析析:考考查非非谓语动词。非非谓语动

56、词做做状状语,逻辑主主语是是句句子子的的主主语the manager,非非谓语动词与与句句子子主主语是是被被动关关系系,且且其其表表示示的的动作作在在谓语动词set out之之前前已已经发生生,所以非所以非谓语动词用用过去分去分词,选B。答案:答案:BModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语(5)(2009浙浙江江)_and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.ATo be tired BTiredCTiring DBeing tired解解析析:考考查过去去分分

57、词做做状状语。在在此此句句中中Tired and short of breath做做伴伴随随状状语。句句意意:Andy 和和 Ruby第第一一批批到到达了泰山之达了泰山之顶,筋疲力尽,气喘吁吁。,筋疲力尽,气喘吁吁。答案:答案:BModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语二、短语动词二、短语动词1短短语语动动词词是是由由动动词词、介介词词、副副词词三三者者通通过过一一定定的的结结合而组成的,主要有如下几种:合而组成的,主要有如下几种:1)动词副副词put on 穿上、上演穿上、上演pick out 选出来出来2)动词介介词ask for 请求求break into 破破门而入而入

58、Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语提提示示:很很多多“动动副副”和和“动动介介”结结构构相相当当于于一一个个及及物物动词,如:动词,如:call onvisit 拜访拜访care forlike 喜欢喜欢go bypass 经过经过keep oncontinue 继续继续bring upeducate 教育教育ring uptelephone 打电话打电话Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3)动词副副词介介词go in for 从事;参加从事;参加look forward to 盼望盼望4)动词名名词介介词catch hold of 抓住抓住pay

59、attention to 注意注意5)动词介介词名名词come into being 出出现come to a stop 停止停止6)be形容形容词介介词be fond of 喜喜欢be afraid of 害怕害怕Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语7)be介介词名名词be on show 在展出在展出be at work 在工作在工作8)动词名名词take place 发生生keep watch 值班班9)动词非非谓语动词go shopping 购物物take.for granted 想当然地想当然地认为10)动词(.)形容形容词drive.mad 使使发疯set.fr

60、ee 释放放Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语2短语动词后宾语的位置短语动词后宾语的位置短短语语动动词词后后直直接接宾宾语语和和间间接接宾宾语语的的位位置置有有如如下下四四种种情情况:况:1)将两个宾语放在构成短语动词的动副词之间将两个宾语放在构成短语动词的动副词之间bring us our books back 把我们的书带回来把我们的书带回来get me my money back 把我的钱要回来把我的钱要回来2)将间接宾语放在副词前,将直接宾语置于副词后将间接宾语放在副词前,将直接宾语置于副词后bring us back our books 把我们的书带回来把我们的

61、书带回来get me back my money 把我的钱要回来把我的钱要回来Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3)利用利用“for型型”和和“to型型”bring some stamps back for me 给我我们带些些邮票回来票回来pass it to me 把它把它递给我我4)有有些些动词后后接接两两个个宾语,通通常常用用介介词分分开开,前前面面为动词宾语,后面,后面为介介词宾语。rob sb. of sth. 抢了某人的了某人的东西西cheat sb. of sth. 把某把某东西从某人那里西从某人那里骗走走remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事

62、提醒某人某事provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物某人提供某物Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语高考链接高考链接(1)(2009全全国国)I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt_.Aget along Bget onCget to Dget through解解析析:考考查短短语动词的的辨辨析析。句句意意为“我我试着着给她她办公公室室打打电话,但但没没有有打打通通。”get along “进展展;相相处”;get on “上上车”;get to“到到达达”;get through“通通过”。依依据据句句意意选D

63、。答案:答案:DModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语(2)(2009湖湖北北)Would you please_the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?Alook around Blook intoClook up Dlook through解解析析:本本题考考查动词短短语的的词义辨辨析析。look around“向向四四周周看看;环视”;look into“调查”;look up“向向上上看看;抬抬头看看”;look through“浏览;通;通览全文全文”。答案:答案:DModule 5 Et

64、hnic Culture外研版英语(3)(2009江江西西)It is reported that the police will soon _ the case of the two missing children.A. look upon B. look afterC. look into D. look out解解析析:考考查了了动词短短语的的辨辨析析。句句意意为“据据报道道警警察察将将会会很很快快调查这两两起起儿儿童童失失踪踪案案件件。”look into意意为“调查”;look upon意意为“认为;视为”;look after意意为“照照顾”;look out意意为“注意;小心注

65、意;小心”。答案:答案:CModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语(4)(2009陕陕西西)A notice was_in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.A. sent up B. given upC. set up D. put up解解析析:考考查动词短短语辨辨析析。send up“发射射”;give up“放放弃弃”;set up“竖起起;开开办;设立立”; put up“举起起;张贴”。句句意意为“一一个个通通知知被被张贴出出来来,以以便便告告知知学学生生们演演讲的的新新时间。”故故选D

66、。答案:答案:DModule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语语法专练语法专练1_more time, he could do it_.AGiving; more better BGiven; any betterCGiven; much better DTo give; good答案:答案:C解解析析:本本题题中中过过去去分分词词的的逻逻辑辑主主语语应应是是句句子子的的主主语语he,而而he在在此此又又不不能能发发出出give这这个个动动作作,故故应应用用过过去去分分词词。much可以修饰比较级,意思是可以修饰比较级,意思是“更更得多得多”。Module 5 Ethnic Cult

67、ure外研版英语2 _the meeting room, he found all the parents already_there.ATo enter; sitting BStepping into; to seatCEntered; seat DEntering; seated答案:答案:D解解析析:enter的的逻辑主主语是是句句子子的的主主语(he),且且该动作作是是与与found同同时发生生。seated可可作作形形容容词表表状状态“坐坐着着”,在在句中作句中作补语。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语3_from the top of the building

68、, and youll find the city more beautiful.ASee BTo seenCSeeing DSeen答案:答案:A解解析析:本本题是是一一个个常常用用句句型型,即即“祈祈使使句句and表表将将来来时间的的分分句句”,相相当当于于一一个个条条件件从从句句。本本句句可可改改为:If you see from the top of the building, youll find the city more beautiful。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语4_the month and the year, the book was put

69、 on the bookshelf.ABeing markedly BMarked withCMarking withDHaving marked答案:答案:B解解析析:mark当当“作作记号号于于;标明明”讲时,为及及物物动词,由于由于the book与与mark这个个动作是被作是被动关系,故用关系,故用过去分去分词。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语5_rapidly by the body, sugar provides a quick energy source.ADigested BDigestingCTo digest DHaving digested答案:答

70、案:A解解析析:此此题考考查分分词的的用用法法。句句意意为:糖糖在在体体内内被被消消化得很快,能很快提供能量供化得很快,能很快提供能量供应。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语6She tried hard to keep calm in the face of the students, but the sweat on her forehead_her_.Agave; away Bturned; downCshowed; out Dshut; off答案:答案:A解解析析:give away“泄泄露露;露露出出(马脚脚等等)”;turn sb. down“拒拒绝某某人人

71、”;show sb. out“带某某人人出出去去”;shut sb. off“使某人隔使某人隔绝”。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语7People have planted a great many trees in order to_wind and sand in the desert.Ahold down Bhold upChold back Dhold out答案:答案:C解解析析:hold back“阻阻挡;抑抑制制”;hold down“压制制;限限制制”;hold up“推推迟;耽耽搁”hold out“提提供供;提提出出”。句句意意为:为了阻了阻挡沙漠中

72、的沙漠中的风和沙和沙尘,人,人们种了大量的种了大量的树。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语8 I feel silly in these clothes. Everyone will_me.Aworry about Bmake fun ofCget rid of Dtake interest in答案:答案:B解解析析:make fun of“取取笑笑;笑笑话”;worry about“担担心心”;get rid of“摆脱脱掉掉;除除掉掉”;take interest in“对感感兴趣趣”。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语9If you_your

73、 name and address on the card, well send the book to you as soon as it is returned.Afill in Bcarry outCgo over Dfind out答案:答案:A解解析析:fill in“填填写写”;carry out“执行行”;go over“复复习”;find out“查清楚清楚”。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语10Father reads newspaper every day so that he can_on the latest news.Akeep up Bloo

74、k throughCdip into Dsee to答案:答案:A解解析析:keep up可可与与on搭搭配配,意意为“跟跟得得上上”;look through“浏 览 ”; dip into“朝朝 浸浸 入入 ; 浏 览 ”; see to“负 责 ;照管照管”。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语11_in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.ABeing founded BIt was foundedCFounded DFounding答案:答案:C解解析析

75、:主主语是是Harvard,它它与与“成成立立”这个个动作作存存在在被被动关系,且关系,且该动作已作已经完成。完成。选B项则两句两句间要用要用连词。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语12There was a terrible noise_the sudden burst of light.Afollowed BfollowingCto be followed Dbeing followed答案:答案:B解解析析:A terrible noise和和the sudden burst of light是是逻辑上的主上的主谓关系,所以用关系,所以用现在分在分词作定作定语。Mo

76、dule 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语13 _at failing in the maths exam, John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents.ADisappointed BTo be disappointedCDisappointing DHaving disappointed答案:答案:A解析:解析:形容形容词化的化的过去分去分词作原因状作原因状语。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语14 Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it_that she was t

77、wo hours late on such a short trip.Acame over Bcame outCcame about Dcame up答案:答案:C解解析析:本本题考考查短短语动词的的辨辨析析。A意意为“过来来;顺便便来来拜拜访”,B意意为“出出来来;出出版版;显现”,C意意为“发生生”,D意意为“上上来来;被被提提出出”,根根据据题意意,只只有有C正正确确,句句中中it是是形形式式主主语,that从句是真正主从句是真正主语。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语15(2010山山东东省省实实验验中中学学内内部部材材料料)I_the hobby of fish

78、ing as a child.A. built up B. set upC. kept up D. took up答案:答案:D解解析析:本本题主主要要考考查短短语动词意意义的的区区别。built up 意意为“树立立,逐逐步步建建立立”;set up意意为“树立立(榜榜样);创立立;建建立立”;kept up 意意为“坚持持;继续;使使不不低低落落”; took up 意意为“拿起;吸收;从事拿起;吸收;从事”。Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全Module 5 Ethnic Culture外研版英语同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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