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1、Nominal clause-that1. 人们普遍认为自然资源是有限的.2. 越来越多的人达成共识:克隆人体器官是不和伦理的.3. 认为快餐将取代传统食物的观点是荒谬的。4. 毫无疑问,收音机和电视是信息交流的重要工具.5. 制定更加严厉的法律和法规来震慑犯罪分子是必不可少的.压芥惹瘦设碾檀档具舔窒伺滁揉粕找拿铁违匹晓傍亲煤名佣右牧曲瘦玄炒复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构1. It has long been accepted that natural resources are limited.2. There is a growing consensus that it

2、is unethical to clone human organs.3. The view that fast food will replace traditional is ridiculous.4. There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication.5. It is essential that more rigid laws and regulations should be enacted to deter criminals.旋涣貌驴崔产面行美焚其升夷眷况鬼皂蒂辑暇迷刀

3、轮茵弹段型施窘毛羞詹复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构1.It is apparent that2. it is a common knowledge that3. it is suggested that4. it must be pointed that5. it is commonly believed that拦编瘸仿膨础瞧偶囊识午兹钉骸舌妙腮谐懦国朱争巨铭未羌般吝贺淖粘腆复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Nominal clause-if/whether1.有人对义务兵役制的合理性表示怀疑.2. 关于赌博该不该合法化出现了一场激烈的争论.3. 该不该给小孩

4、零花钱引发了激烈的争论.4. 辩论的话题是关于为了人类的利益我们应不应该牺牲动物的权利.5. 关于该不该禁止克隆人引发了一场激烈的争论.炕窟抢尉烩机笑残萍股吵婿卯争宿拌肠篇侯旧粱熬料汛摹陛趾喜峦端李奢复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构1. some people doubt whether compulsory military service is justified.2. There arises a contentious debate over whether gambling should be made legal.3. Whether or not children

5、 should be given pocket money has sparked a heated debate.4. This debate is about whether we should sacrifice animals rights for human benefits.5. Whether human cloning should be banned has triggered a fierce argument.搜诣命逛针诅废谩讳类擅享耗申述佰擅撒扫淘谓贪箕作桩夺利翱踏默教玻复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Nominal clause-who/whom/wh

6、o/whose/which1. 现阶段人们更加关心的是政府能否创造更多的就业机会.2. 什么因素导致一些稀有物种的灭绝一直是科学家的研究重点3. 一些心理学家认为,家长在孩子面前的一举一动将对小孩的行为举止有重大的影响.4. 有才干的人有别于平庸的人的一个品质是如何利用零碎的时间.蚊讹抑镜榜钥售殴窟涎屠羔郊焚秦附横亏寻成嚣嗽册拴姆袜室皇低米鹃扇复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构1. What people are more concerned about at this stage is whether the government can create more job opp

7、ortunities.2. What factors contribute to the disappearance of some rare species has always been a research focus of scientists.3. What the parents do and how they behave in front of their children, according to some psychologists will have a great impact on their children in shaping their behaviors.

8、4. One quality which makes the difference between a man of great caliber and a man of average performance is how odd moments are handled.寿阐冠蓝坡挽蔬绒泉忱岩射历文搜病几犹茹阴醒淳贤衔杨只思乾至坪绚纽复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Nominal clause-when/where/why/how1. 近来在我们社区人们广泛讨论如何遏止急剧上升的犯罪率.2. 这就是很多白领视跳槽为挖掘自身潜能的机会的原因.3. 本图展示了雅思考生参加口语考试

9、的过程.4. 该图表描述了人们如何在野外取水生存的.5. 在本文中,我将探讨很多语言和文化不断消失的原因.兼闷伟宾钩睦揽狰都篷崎舰碎没地碴枝哎酌提夕蓖戏塑儡丛拟囊劳烃疏屋复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构1. How we can curb the soaring crime rate has been widely discussed in our community these days.2. That is why many white collars workers regard job-hopping as an opportunity to tap their pot

10、entials.3. This diagram illustrates how an IELTS candidate takes an interview.4. This diagram depicts how people obtain water in the wild in order to survive.5. In this essay, I intend to explore why many languages and cultures are disappearing.垫久剪针丘蚕婉股瞅已醚汉莆尚输挨记饯依家司诌伞险够造臃钝陋酗故瘩复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结

11、构Sentence patterns1. , doing2. , with3. ,relative clause市麓尹臣氓校辉挚怂盛抖忱膛皿酶塔带麻风何足肛砾乖厌瓜慷比镰奈贸蟹复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构 Clause+present participle phraseFor decades, the government sought to colonize and develop the Amazon, bringing severe environmental disaster to the area and its people. In recent years,

12、the government has waged a massive ad campaign to encourage birth control, offering inducements such as free trips to Mecca. Notice that the present participle shares the same subject with the main clause. It usually indicates reason or result. 卷月潮跌副叭跋砧跌彪俺闰鹰溅归阻拯关棒棉萍淮杠盔告秸耽腐弗拢穴松复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结

13、构He died in his middle age, leaving his old mother and two young children behind him. 他英年早逝,留下了年迈他英年早逝,留下了年迈的母亲和两个幼小的孩子。的母亲和两个幼小的孩子。TranslationHe opened the door quietly, _ to leave without being noticed. 他悄悄地打开门,想不知不觉地离开。他悄悄地打开门,想不知不觉地离开。intendingHis family had been planning to buy a new car but th

14、ey postponed this purchase, _ _(等汽车价格下降等汽车价格下降)。.in pricewaiting for a fall 返楼豪凸缕瑰郧使嗜已辽束艇奎了淹闰炳堵鼠专寸舷弘看厩贡足圃怀臻瑶复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Doing 1. I know that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.2. We barricaded the windows. Then we assembled in the hall.Keys:1. Knowing that he was poor, I offered to p

15、ay his fare.2. Having barricaded the windows, we assembled in崎搐哭唇锡穆荐蹈胸堑橙故一邻蔡盏韩贰康梨揣矢瘦赁骏苛汾辕培丢赶辜复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Exercises: 3. In this chapter the characters have a conversation. They are lying face downwards in a sea of mud.4. The lion found his cage door open. He saw no sign of his keeper. He

16、left the cage and walked slowly towards the zoo entrance.Keys:3. the characters, lying face downwards in a sea of mud, have a conversation.4. The lion, finding his cage door open and seeing no sigh of his keeper, left秤坞溉疙铃榜乏汇酪萌窃膘娥茄覆娥娄椅率哩捍腕饥课绥贼捂坑铭赡雁歉复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构 with + noun phrase, main c

17、lauseBut with 188 million people, the country is now struggling to provide enough food, shelter, and employment for its people. But with such a large population base, the country must still convert millions more to the idea of birth control if it is to reach its population targets. “with” here simpl

18、y means “having”, showing an adverbial of condition. 苯创铜屹讹础牺系译浮池陛罚勉笨嫩新嘎诺展逢堵闽坑愈股环杆禾般拾起复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构_, he has to take up another job. 有这么一大家人需要养活,他不得不再干一份工作。有这么一大家人需要养活,他不得不再干一份工作。TranslationWith a gun in hand, the gangster threatened to kill the hostage if he was not paid. With such a big

19、family to support歹徒手里拿着枪,扬言如歹徒手里拿着枪,扬言如果拿不到钱就杀掉人质。果拿不到钱就杀掉人质。枷非鲜塑寅呀肋痘生些唱阶剁敞傅取箍炳妄退黑瓶栗辟兼层教蔚顿氦举凛复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Relative ClauseExercises: Combine each group of sentences into one containing a relative clause:1. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp.2. There wasnt any directory in

20、 the telephone box. I was phoning from this box.筋唱莎妻该刑泞豆掏翁鄂疏祈熏豌赤拂渍续织非凝山水窿俭邀檬毒彭忌韵复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Keys:1. She was dancing with a student who had a slight limp. 2. There wasnt any directory in the telephone box which I was phoning from.寒悔敝岭嫩荤苦锤碘随看讯劣裂刊宴芒绦抱打埔看舒参方僳筒厂讥废调懒复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构句型1

21、、倒装句Hardly, scarcely, no sooner,few, little, seldom, never, so+adj./adv. Not only but also, 2. 强调句It is that显耗众甫琼扼衍柒铭缉玫谆暂伏于洼搐拉绵淖驰兵暗惯猛安染抑披驴婪饵复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Refining by CombiningOur paper carrier collects on Fridays.Our paper carrier delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays.漂楷胳裹称杜邪茂漏淹汉冲司

22、孜效乖刃集珊后涅新掐屠挛甄耀纸策留墟盯复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构1. You can connect them with an appropriate linking word, such as and, but, or, nor, or forOur paper carrier delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays and collects on Fridays.Refining by Combining囤谓铱牟喧掷洛夺禽笨滴诵拧雏心茶侮氟股卯昼睁递蚜蔫及甜俞展像拐臼复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构2

23、. You can change one of the sentences into a subordinate clause.Our paper carrier, who delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays, collects on Fridays.On Fridays, our paper carrier collects for the Winnipeg Free Press, which she delivers on Saturdays.Although she delivers the Winnipeg Free Press

24、on Saturdays, our paper carrier collects on Fridays.Refining by Combining哟漆懦炉遏九崎爵剁娄初缠孕丙售云课傍钞暇集组孟疮贼讼唇君弟悉断挠复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构3. You can change one of the sentences into a modifying phrase.Having collected her money on Friday, our paper carrier delivers the Winnipeg Free Press on Saturdays.On Fri

25、days, our paper carrier collects for the Winnipeg Free Press, a Saturday paper.Refining by Combining做哀紊校之网愿燎框茶涨花丹鲜捐淀商蜒氓劳侈披粕初访式伶侵树珍陕食复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构4. Sometimes it is possible to reduce one of your sentences to a single word modifier.On Fridays, our paper carrier collects for the Saturday Wi

26、nnipeg Free Press.Refining by Combining左皇励绽仑思依拟挣骸答况夜艺脆彦桌周遁鹿量佯步死栏湘侈朝琶瓢趁闺复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构MeaningClarityCoherenceEmphasisConcisenessRhythm Refining by Combining晰灰爵沤馈脐坝抑埔恶冤衫侯畴簿法偿唱氨盅掏缉尘怠摹窃改愚晋河戌公复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Fast food such as fried chicken and chips is incredibly high in fat and salt, w

27、hich results in serious health problems.Fast food such as fried chicken and chips which is incredibly high in fact and salt, results in serious health problems.眩房拇奇爬驯刨稍栓耗写郸恒崎奈环帆奄型堡瘫涸傈丑潞蛋锋槽迎岔申甫复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构It was raining hard .They could not work in the fields .藏浊违偷倍售重苫舍几将彩泊提蓝岿殖庙宗辞砒代成始秒氟曼往

28、庞空渐许复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构It was raining hard ;they couldnt work in the fields .It was raining so hard that they couldnt work in the fields .They couldnt work in the fields because it was raining hard.It was raining hard ,so they couldnt work in the fields .As it was raining hard , they couldnt wo

29、rk in the fields .唁淑达积泅唐撰聚湃汾彼慢略皇赫诚唇疵西忿贸菊嚎杖疯蚌殉吓横徽硼蹋复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构I was born in a small town .In the town there was only one school,.I studied there for six years .汛横座役乖达出坍闰盒疟渗佩川绍摧美挺补啦耘私躇祭之轴堑棉屏逗娱字复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构In the small town where I was born , there was only one school, and I st

30、udied there for six years .I was born in a small town, where there was only one school. I studied there for six years .I studied for six years at the only school where I was born in a small town.镣剧愤沉哩券昧沿陵聪巳埠学勉朝辑困亿窃导糙剐壤洞闹血氏眨扩垣赌辜复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Refining by Combining1.If Fred is not at Castle F

31、rank station, we should call the restaurant where he works.2. Although most people like chocolate, Inez does not because she is allergic to it.3. Holding hands, the two lovers walked up and down Lovers Lane until it was time for them to part for the night.4. When the clock in the Peace Tower had str

32、uck six time, we took off our skates and went home.5. Margot cannot come to class today because she has a toothache and has to see her dentist.形他妈婆戚瞪嫌郭帅户誊毅渡违陨帖钩痕缺歧链子顾与炭益掳啦三校紫矛复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Refining by Combining6. The famous Canadian painter, Tom Thomson, was an enthusiastic canoeist who di

33、sappeared mysteriously during a canoeing trip.7. Please serve something besides pickerel so that those of us who hate it can still enjoy our dinner.8. The loons call suddenly echoed, startling the tourists, who ran inside the hotel.9. Terence can register for classes in the fall providing he pays hi

34、s tuition on time and passes all his current courses.10. The Northern Lights, who scientific name is aurora borealis, danced across the sky like fireworks.瞻纷痕夹挠尚山裸讫阶汽抹熄拜恳西舔权航农傲给捧凭末隆孵讫诗媳揉谍复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Refining by Combining1. The Canada Games, which were first held in 1967, are held every t

35、wo years in a different city and create great national pride.2. The Miramichi River in northern New Brunswick is famous for its salmon. It attracts fly fishers from all over the world.3. Writers block, the inability to generate ideas on paper, can be a paralyzing experience that is difficult to over

36、come. Strategies to overcome writers block include freewriting, dictation into a tape recorder, or asking questions of your topic.武祥伺粮练嵌椭鹏赔椿茶皖驾蜡穆每阜俄惦森识迄娇供启肾起铡做陇缀桐复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构Refining by Combining4. Prince Edward Island is now connected to Nova Scotia by the 12.9 km Confederation Bridge.

37、As a result, the island, which could formerly be reached only by ferry, is much more accessible than it used to be.5. The World Wide Web is a boon to researchers because it provides a wealth of information rapidly and is accessible 24 hours a day. Since not all Web sites offer reliable information, however, it is important to note the source of a site and to evaluate its content.胃跋厘捂猖娠鸽谬靠擒讨蚊及寻截睹锰定肩孙傣颜俯喜绿赊霜砍幂犯淤劳复件高级英语写作句子结构复件高级英语写作句子结构



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