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1、Unit 13 工作与职业(二)维克多英语词汇教学探讨与实践 【(一)认知(一)认知】话题教学词汇表 教学目标检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况网络化复习回顾词汇、了解话题相关知识网络化复习回顾词汇、了解话题相关知识12学生:上台演示学生:上台演示教师:总结补充教师:总结补充 Step I: 主话题Brainstorm网络化回顾词汇apply for a jobbe on a jobquit a jobpaymentapply (applicant, application), inform, interview (interviewer, interview

2、ee) jobsStep II: 子话题词汇聚焦深度认知目的目的在语境中强化记忆在语境中强化记忆步骤步骤1. 1. 子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输入输入(单句单句、文段文段)2. 2. 子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输出输出(语篇语篇)子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输入输入Say & Guess!During and after his bachelors degree, Jack Ma tried and failed to get a job at a large number of places. After spending three years to get into a Univer

3、sity, Jack failed to land a job after applying to them 30 times! He recollects in his interview, “When KFC came to China, 24 people went for the job. Twenty-three people were accepted. I was the only guy who wasnt.” He was also one of the 5 applicants to a job in Police force and was the only one ge

4、tting rejected after being told, “No, youre no good. You dont meet our requirements. Sorry, we cant hire you.”apply, interviewAfter holding the position of CEO for 14 years, Steve Jobs resigned and strongly recommended that the Board name Tim Cook as CEO in 2011.hold, recommendSince Du Lala was prom

5、oted to HR manager last year, she has been occupied with a mountain of work. But she adjusts to her new role without difficulty. And there is no doubt she will get promotion soon.promote, be occupied with, adjustYouve finally decided to quit your job congratulations! Maybe you landed a great new job

6、 and youre moving on to greener pastures (牧场). Whatever is pushing you out of the door, exit the right way: with grace and preparedness. quit, hand over, informFirst, set a firm date for your last day of work. Make sure to give yourself enough time to train your replacement and hand over your job to

7、 him, if necessary. In most states, youre not required to give two full weeks noticebut as a professional courtesy (礼貌) to your co-workers and boss, its a good rule of thumb (凭经验).Once youve decided on your last day, compose your official resignation letter. Heres a sample Ive used:Dear Sam, This le

8、tter is to inform you of my resignation from my position as account executive for The Evans Company, effective May 29, 2013. I truly appreciate the opportunities youve provided during my time here. Thank you for your continued support and guidance. I am happy to assist in the transition process to m

9、ake it as smooth as possible. Best, Allison Smith Finally, schedule a time and date for the face-to-face meeting with your boss to break the news. Make sure you have a printed, signed copy of your letter to hand over to make it official.子话题词汇复现子话题词汇复现输出输出Practice & Write!学生用书学生用书P60-61综合训练:第二题、第三题综合

10、训练:第二题、第三题 【(二)讲练(二)讲练】Part I 基础训练基础训练教学目标讲练重难点词汇,讲练重难点词汇,嚼透嚼透其释义、用法和搭配,其释义、用法和搭配,以能够熟练运用。以能够熟练运用。建立基本的建立基本的英语概念英语概念,培养英语,培养英语思维能力思维能力。12教学目录 重点词释义重点词释义: 重点词用法专练重点词用法专练:promote experience, recommend 重点词块专练重点词块专练: “熟熟”词词“生生”义义:hold, green, land, pay off, report, employ, retireattach importance (to st

11、h), go on strike, hand over, in demand, inform sb of / about sth, meet with, adjust to, take on 重点词释义重点词释义根据每个词的自身特点,释义从以下六个维度讲解:根据每个词的自身特点,释义从以下六个维度讲解: 一词多义;一词多义; 熟词生义;熟词生义; 精准的汉语释精准的汉语释义;义; 英语释义;英语释义; 辨析义;辨析义; 搭配义搭配义【教学建议教学建议】 促进;推动促进;推动 近近 encouragepromote international cooperation 促进国际合作Good lis

12、tening can show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. 认真倾听可以表示尊重,增进理解,并改善人际关系。 2008 江苏改借助词源借助词源“pro-, move (向前移动向前移动)”,启发学生根据基本义,启发学生根据基本义“推推”理解不同的释义。理解不同的释义。promote(关系等)推进(关系等)推进 常用被动语态常用被动语态 晋升晋升He has been promoted topromoted to general manager. 他已被晋升为总经理。While w

13、aiting for the opportunity to get promoted, Henry did his best to perform his duty. 在等待升迁机会的同时,亨利竭力做好自己的工作。 2014 安徽职位推进职位推进 促销;推广促销;推广The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. 这个乐队已经开始巡回推广他们的新唱片。【拓展拓展】 promoter n C 筹办人;倡导者筹办人;倡导者 promotion n U 促进;促进;C & U 晋升;推销晋升;推销 promotional adj 广告推销的

14、;广告宣传的广告推销的;广告宣传的(唱片、商品等)推进(唱片、商品等)推进【备考指导备考指导】 promote释义释义 考频均较高;考频均较高; promote在高考各题型中均有出现。在高考各题型中均有出现。 The airport to be completed next year will help promote tourism in this area. (2013 四川单选) (释义 ) I hear theyve promoted Tom, but he didnt mention having been promoted when we talked on the phone.

15、(2008 江西单选) (释义 ) With great efforts to promote long-term services to people much older and richer than me, I gradually learned what we all need is to think more like customers. (2015 广东阅读) (释义 ) Throughout history, advertising has been an effective way to promote the trading and selling of goods. I

16、n the Middle Ages, merchants employed “town criers” to read public messages aloud to promote their goods. (2011 全国阅读) (释义 ;释义)巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P59基础训练:第一题基础训练:第一题 “熟熟”词词“生生”义义 一词多义中的衍生义一词多义中的衍生义 培养学生结合具体的语境由词汇的基本义推测其衍培养学生结合具体的语境由词汇的基本义推测其衍生义的能力。生义的能力。 “生义生义”与基本义联系不紧密与基本义联系不紧密 教学侧重,需要在词汇学习时注意一些低义频的释教学

17、侧重,需要在词汇学习时注意一些低义频的释 义,特别是与基本义联系不大的释义。义,特别是与基本义联系不大的释义。hold基本义:基本义:拿着;抓住;抱着拿着;抓住;抱着衍生义:衍生义: 担任担任He holds the position of CEO in the company. 他在公司担任总裁的职务。【教学建议教学建议】培养学生借助基本义推测衍生义的能力。培养学生借助基本义推测衍生义的能力。抓住职位抓住职位green【教学建议教学建议】 绿绿 (色色) 的;青翠的的;青翠的 未熟的;生的;嫩的未熟的;生的;嫩的 不成熟的;缺乏经验的不成熟的;缺乏经验的a green hand 生手The

18、new trainees are still very green. 这些受训的新学员还很不成熟。 绿色的;对环境无害的绿色的;对环境无害的 通过基本义通过基本义“绿色的绿色的”推测出,指果子时意为推测出,指果子时意为“未熟的;生的未熟的;生的”,指人时意为,指人时意为“不成熟的;缺乏经验的不成熟的;缺乏经验的”; 重点讲练释义重点讲练释义 。land【教学建议教学建议】 vi & vt (使使) 登陆;登陆;(使使) 降落;降落;(乘飞机、乘飞机、船等船等) 着陆着陆 vi 落下;掉下落下;掉下 近近drop vi (出乎意料地出乎意料地) 降临降临;使陷入(困境)使陷入(困境) vt 谋得

19、谋得 (难得的工作、合同等难得的工作、合同等)Shes just landed herself a company directorship. 她刚在一家公司谋得一个主管的职位。 释义释义与基本义与基本义“着陆;登陆着陆;登陆”联系不紧密,需单独记忆;联系不紧密,需单独记忆; 重点讲练释义重点讲练释义 。【备考指导备考指导】各主流版本教材未收录释义各主流版本教材未收录释义 ,高考阅读中已出现过。,高考阅读中已出现过。Jimmy sat down and they shared a cup of well-deserved coffee as he landed himself a new jo

20、b. (2013 山东阅读)【教学建议教学建议】 pay off的三层释义中,学生最熟悉的是释义的三层释义中,学生最熟悉的是释义,可以通过简单提,可以通过简单提问回顾的形式复习;问回顾的形式复习; 结合本单元话题,在语境中强化记忆释义结合本单元话题,在语境中强化记忆释义,重点掌握。,重点掌握。 还清还清 (欠债等欠债等)Once weve paid off the debts, well owe money to no one. 一旦还清了债务,我们就不欠任何人的钱了。 取得成功;得到好结果取得成功;得到好结果He studied hard before the examination, an

21、d it paid off. He made an A. 他在考试前努力学习,功夫没有白费,他得了个A。pay off 付清工资后解雇;遣散付清工资后解雇;遣散Over 1,000 workers will be paid off if this factory closes. 如果这家工厂关闭,会有超过1 000名工人被解雇。【备考指导备考指导】pay off的三层释义在高考中均有考到,但对学生理解造成困难或因的三层释义在高考中均有考到,但对学生理解造成困难或因此失分的主要是释义此失分的主要是释义。 They have loans, bills, a mortgage (抵押贷款) to p

22、ay off, retirement to save for. (2015 浙江完形) (释义) Sacrifices pay off in the end. (2014 天津完形) (释义) Thanks to my dearest teacher, all my efforts paid off and finally I became a top student. (2014 山东书面表达) (释义) Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is cleaner than ever. (2014 全国

23、语篇填空) (释义) The athletes years of hard training paid off when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. (2012 安徽) (释义) A. went on B. got through C. paid off D. ended up Dad, I dont think Oliver the right sort of person for the job. I see. Ill go right away and pay him off. (2014 江苏) (释义) A. pay him bac

24、k B. pay him off C. put him away D. put him off【教学建议教学建议】report结合本单元话题重点讲练释义结合本单元话题重点讲练释义。 vt & vi 报告;报道;汇报报告;报道;汇报 vt 举报;告发举报;告发 vi 报到报到All visitors must report toreport to the reception desk on arrival. 所有来访者到达后务必在接待处报到。employ【精讲】【精讲】 雇用雇用;聘请;聘请 正式用语正式用语 使用;利用使用;利用They are not allowed to employ to

25、ols that use electricity. 他们不准用电动工具。 2008 湖南【备考指导】【备考指导】释义 主要在高考阅读理解中出现。The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind. (2005 江苏阅读) retire (使使) 退休;退休;(使使) 引退引退 正式用语正式用语离开离开(尤指去僻静处尤指去僻静处)The jury retired to consider the evidence. 陪审团退庭对证据进行评判。【精讲】【精讲】巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P59基础训练:第二

26、题基础训练:第二题 重点词用法专练重点词用法专练 嚼透词汇的释义、用法和搭配,在语境中理解掌握;嚼透词汇的释义、用法和搭配,在语境中理解掌握; 熟悉考点,查漏补缺。熟悉考点,查漏补缺。experience【教学建议教学建议】 n U 经验;实践经验;实践 the knowledge and skill gained through time spent doing a job or activityIve got a lot of experience inexperience in teaching English. 我有丰富的英语教学经验。I havehave no driving exp

27、erienceexperience. 我没有驾驶经验。 n 注意释义注意释义是不可数的,释义是不可数的,释义指具体的一次经历时是可指具体的一次经历时是可数的;数的; v 重点掌握释义。重点掌握释义。由实践得来的知识和技能由实践得来的知识和技能从不同人生境遇得来的生活知识从不同人生境遇得来的生活知识 U 经历;阅历经历;阅历 the knowledge you get from life and from being in a lot of different situationsIn my experienceIn my experience, very few people really u

28、nderstand the problem. 据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。From my personal experiencepersonal experience, I know the traffic in Beijing is terrible. 根据我个人的经历,北京的交通状况很糟糕。 C (一次一次) 经历经历 sth that happens to you or sth you doHe thought the trip was a life changing experience. 他认为这次旅行是改变人生的一次经历。 2013 福建改Breaking my leg

29、 was a very bad experience. 腿骨折对我来说是一次糟糕的经历。发生在你身上的事或你做过的事发生在你身上的事或你做过的事 vt 体验体验 (到到);感受;感受 (到到)Welcome you to come here to experience our Chinese traditional culture. 欢迎来这里体验我们中国的传统文化。 2009 山东 经历;遭受经历;遭受experience failure / success 经历失败 / 成功Children need to experience things for themselves in order

30、 to learn from them. 儿童需要亲身经历事情以便从中学习。New companies often experience a loss in their first few years. 新公司在它们的最初几年中往往会遭受亏损。【拓展拓展】 experienced adj 有经验的;经验丰富的有经验的;经验丰富的 反反 inexperiencedan experienced driver 有经验的驾驶员be experienced inexperienced in teaching 教学经验丰富【备考指导备考指导】名词:名词: Id like to share my Engli

31、sh learning experience outside class with you. (2012 山东书面表达) (释义 ) From my experience, there are three main reasons why people dont cook more often: ability, money, and time. (2014 全国补全文章) (释义) experience名词和动词释义及派生词名词和动词释义及派生词experienced考频都很高;考频都很高; experience在高考各题型中均有出现,是在高考各题型中均有出现,是写作写作常用词汇;常用词汇;

32、 experienced常在高考阅读和完形中出现,为完形词汇。常在高考阅读和完形中出现,为完形词汇。 From this experience I have learnt that questioning can serve as a bridge that helps us to seek the truth. (2015 湖北书面表达) (释义) I had many wonderful experience, but I also had a sad one. (2008 天津短文改错) experience experiences (释义)动词:动词: Itll be a great

33、place for you to experience the local culture. (2013 重庆听力) (释义) I experienced my little moments of pleasure yesterday. (2013 天津阅读) (释义 ) He experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early l930s. (2011 山东阅读) (释义)experienced: Practise unde

34、r the guidance of some experienced writers and teachers who can help you with basic writing skills. (2014 湖南阅读) They are experienced labourers who know how to spread the weight of the rocks they carry. (2008 江西完形)【教学建议教学建议】 vt 推荐;介绍推荐;介绍 to say that sb / sth is good and that sb should try or use the

35、m for itI dont know what to read. Can you recommend anything? 我不知道该读些什么,你能推荐点什么吗? 2010 上海This book is highly recommendedhighly recommended by teachers. 老师们强烈推荐这本书。分别掌握释义分别掌握释义的重点用法、搭配的重点用法、搭配recommend sb / sth to sb和和recommend (that) . (should) do sth。recommend recommend sb / sth to sb:I recommend t

36、his book to anyone with an interest in art. 我把这本书推荐给对艺术感兴趣的人。 recommend sb / sth for sth:I have decided to recommend you for the directorship. 我决定推荐你担任董事。 劝告;建议劝告;建议 to tell sb what you strongly believe they should do recommend (that) . (should) do sth:I recommend that you (should) get some professi

37、onal advice. 我建议你听取专家的意见。It isIt is strongly recommended thatrecommended that the machines (should) be checked every year. 强烈建议将这些机器每年检查一次。 recommend sb to do sth:The doctor recommended me to take a long rest. 医生劝我长期休养。【拓展拓展】 recommendation n U & C 推荐;介绍推荐;介绍a letter of recommendation 推荐信 C 正式建议正式建议

38、;推荐信;建议推荐信;建议follow sbs recommendations 听从某人的劝告 recommend doing sth:I recommend meeting him first. 我建议先见见他。【备考指导备考指导】 I recommend it to any student and any teacher, including the self-taught student. (2010 湖北阅读) Therefore I recommend myself to you without hesitation. (2008 福建书面表达) recommend的用法、搭配的用法

39、、搭配recommend sb / sth to sb和和recommend (that) . (should) do sth考频较高;考频较高; recommend在高考听力、单选、阅读和在高考听力、单选、阅读和写作写作中常出现。中常出现。 The doctor recommended that you shouldnt swim after a large meal. (2009 浙江)A.wouldnt B. couldnt C. neednt D. shouldnt We recommend you make time to enjoy simple pleasure. (2009 上

40、海阅读)巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P59-60基础训练:第三题基础训练:第三题 重点词块专练重点词块专练 要求全面理解和掌握重点词块的释义、用法、要求全面理解和掌握重点词块的释义、用法、搭配;搭配; 结合例句猜测词义,结合语境归纳总结。结合例句猜测词义,结合语境归纳总结。attach importance (to sth)【教学建议教学建议】attach importance (to sth) 重视重视 (某事某事);认为;认为 (某事某事) 重要重要People attach too much importance to economic forecasts. 人们把经济预测看得过于重

41、要。I attach great importance to this research. 我认为这项研究十分重要。importance前常加前常加much, great等修饰词。等修饰词。【备考指导备考指导】attach importance (to sth) 主要在高考单选中出现。主要在高考单选中出现。Parents attach much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. (2010 江西)A.attach B. pay B.C. lin

42、k D. applygo on strike【教学建议教学建议】go on strike 举行罢工举行罢工The workers will go on strike if the demands they put forward are turned down. 如果工人们提出的要求被拒,他们将罢工。strike 前没有冠词前没有冠词。【备考指导备考指导】go on strike 主要在高考单选主要在高考单选和阅读中出现和阅读中出现。Reality shows arent dependent on “star” actors with enormous salaries. And actors

43、 wont go on strike. (2008 上海选择标题)hand over【精讲精讲】hand over 移交;交出移交;交出On his retirement, he handed the business over to his son. 他退休时把生意移交给了儿子。【备考指导备考指导】Within a short time, however, the burden of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. (2014 全国完形)hand over主要在高考单选、阅读和完形中出现。主要在高考单选、阅读和完形中出

44、现。in demand【精讲精讲】in demand 非常需要的;受欢迎的非常需要的;受欢迎的While modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand. 由于模特业不易进入,好模特总是供不应求。【备考指导备考指导】in demand在高考听力、单选、阅读和在高考听力、单选、阅读和写作写作中均有出现。中均有出现。The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in great demand in this c

45、ity. (2012 全国) A. quantity B. progress C. production D. demandinform sb of / about sth【精讲精讲】inform vt 正式用语正式用语 告诉;通知告诉;通知 to tell sb about sth, especially in an official wayinform sb about /of sth Bees fly in circles to informinform their partners aboutabout /of food or danger. 蜜蜂跳圆形舞以告诉同伴蜜源的位置,或提示它

46、们有危险。译林 2inform sb + that / wh- 从句:从句:We would like to inform all passengers that the restaurant car is now open. 我们想通知所有乘客,餐车现在开始营业。【备考指导备考指导】inform sb of / about sth主要在高考阅读中出现。主要在高考阅读中出现。The Cambridge Science Festival (CSF) is pleased to inform you of the sixth annual Curiosity Challenge. (2014 全国

47、阅读)meet with【教学建议教学建议】 会见;会晤会见;会晤The President met with the lawmakers yesterday. 总统昨天会见了立法委员。meet with 释义释义 学生相对不熟悉,需要重点讲练。学生相对不熟悉,需要重点讲练。见见“人人” 遭受;遭遇;获得遭受;遭遇;获得meet with success / failure / accidentsmeet with success / failure / accidents 获得成功 / 遭受失败 / 遭遇事故Whatever problem he meets with, he never g

48、ives up. 无论遇到什么问题,他从不放弃。 2013 天津 见见“事事”【备考指导备考指导】 The next day we met with the people who ran the park. (2014 湖北完形) (释义) Old people are more likely to meet with accidents in crosswalks. (2009 四川阅读) (释义) meet with释义释义 考频都较高;考频都较高; meet with主要在高考阅读和完形中出现。主要在高考阅读和完形中出现。adjust to【教学建议教学建议】adjust to 适应;习

49、惯于适应;习惯于 近近adapt toadjust (oneself) to (doing) sth:adjust (oneself) to (doing) sth:After a while, my eyes adjusted (themselves) to the darkness inside the cave. 过了一会儿,我的眼睛适应了山洞里的黑暗。It took him a while to adjust (himself) to working night shifts. 他过了一段时间才适应了上夜班。 to是介词;是介词; 在日常英语中常用在日常英语中常用get used to

50、。【备考指导备考指导】adjust to主要在高考阅读中出现。主要在高考阅读中出现。My work colleagues adjusted to my taking off at a moments notice for medical emergencies. (2015 浙江阅读)take on【教学建议教学建议】 雇用雇用No more workers are being taken on at present. 眼下不再招收工人。 呈现呈现Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced to rui

51、ns, the city took on a new look. 在遭受大地震成为废墟后不久,这座城市呈现出新面貌。 2013 江苏高频多义短语动词,各层释义都要掌握。高频多义短语动词,各层释义都要掌握。 接受;承担接受;承担His secretary will have to take on most of his work while hes gone. 秘书会在他不在的时候接手他大部分的工作。 2010 湖南改【备考指导备考指导】 The program requires professors to take on students in their research projects.

52、 (2013 湖北听力) (释义) Some insects take on the color of their surroundings to protect themselves. (2011 陕西) (释义)A.take in B. take off C. take on D. take out Men usually work more outside the home, while women take on more of the housework. (2009 全国阅读) (释义) take on释义释义 考频都较高;考频都较高; take on主要在高考听力、单选、阅读和完形中出现。主要在高考听力、单选、阅读和完形中出现。巩固练习巩固练习学生用书学生用书P60基础训练:第四题基础训练:第四题Part 综合训练:综合训练:第一题、第四题第一题、第四题



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