Lesson 21 Mad or not- 是不是疯了

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《Lesson 21 Mad or not- 是不是疯了》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson 21 Mad or not- 是不是疯了(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 21 Mad or not?Lesson 21 Mad or not? 是不是疯了是不是疯了展开全文1. Aeroplanes areslowly driving me mad.飞机正在逐渐把我逼疯。drivedrovedriven(动词:驾驶;驱赶/驱使;逼迫). 【比较】drive in 是“乘车”。He drives his car very(bad). 他开车技术非常糟糕。The farmer(drive) the cattle in the fieldjust now. 那位农夫刚才把牛赶进田里。During the war, many people(drive) ou

2、t of their homes.战争期间,许多人被赶出家园。driveme mad:drive+宾语+宾补(形容词/不定式/介词短语等)Hunger drove them (sell) their children.饥饿迫使他们卖儿卖女。drive(名词:驾驶;车程;开车旅行)两小时的车程: ; 驾车载某人出游: 。2. I live near an airport and passing planes can be heardnightand day. (.过往飞机日夜不绝于耳。)一、passing planes 中的 passing 是,用作。现在分词是非谓语动词的一种,具有双重性,一方

3、面具有动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语;另一方面具有形容词和副词的特征,可以充当表语,定语,状语,补足语,可以表示主动或正在进行的动作。现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。也可以说明被修饰词的性质和特征,此时可换成相应的定语从句。例如: There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst oflight.= There was a terrible noisethat/ which is following the suddenburst of light. He saw a flying bird.= He saw a bir

4、d that/ which is flying. I was satisfied with the exciting speech.= I was satisfiedwith the speechthat/which is exciting .二、“be+(及物动词的)过去分词”构成被动语态。被动语态表示主语是谓语动词的承受者。( )*The PLA in 1927.A. was found B. found C. was founded D. founded( )The trees must three times a week.A. water B. be watered C. is wa

5、tering D. waters3. The airport was builtyears ago, but for some reason it couldnot be used then.(机场是许多年前建的,但由于某种原因当时未能启用。 )一、 for some reason 因为某种原因。some+ 单数名词:某一;任一种/个(人或物)。如:Well talk about it some other day. (我们改日再谈。)( )*Ask student to come here. I want a student to help me.请随便叫一位同学来这,.。A. thisB.

6、 theC. thatD. some( )Mr. Wang wanted you on the phonejust now.He asked youcall him back.A. ThisB. TheC. ThatD. Some【拓展】*someone 和 some one 都是说某个人,someone(=somebody, 常用于口语) 就是指某个人 ,任何人都有可能 ,不能和 of 短语连用; some one 特指一群人中的某个人,后面加的是 of 一群人。( )*the students was late this morning. 今早有个学生迟到了。A. SomeB. Someo

7、neC. Some one ofD. Someone of( )Youd better ask to help you. 你最好找人帮你。A.someB. someoneC. some oneD. some body二、was built 是过去时态的被动语态;could(not) be used 是含情态动词的被动语态。This new car must be tested. They this new car. I told you that it could be done by him. I told you that heit.4. Over a hundred people mus

8、t have been driven away fromtheir homes by the noise.(有 100 多人一、over 表示(数目)超过 =肯定是被噪音逼得已经弃家远去。)二、 “must+havedone”用于肯定句中表示对过去发生完的事情有把握的肯定推测,意为“想必,准是,一定”, 是历年中、高考的热点。 ;must have been done (是其被动形式) 。如:( ) Itlastnight,fortheroadisquitemuddy.A.mustrainB.mustberainedC.musthaverainedD.mustberainy( ) Ihavel

9、ostoneofmygloves.I_itsomewhere.A.mustdropB.musthavedroppedC.mustbedroppingD.musthavebeendropped5. I am one of the few people left.(我是少数留下来的人当中的一个。)一、few 表示否定“几乎没有”,修饰可数名词=或afew 表示肯定“有几个”修饰可数名词=;;等。一般说来,在 only,still,quite,not 等词之后通常用带有不定冠词的 afew,而在 very,some,the,no,so,too 等词之后通常用不带冠词的few。( )fewpeople

10、understandwhathesaid. 几乎没什么人懂他的话。A. OnlyB. NotC. QuiteD. Very( )afewstudentspassedtheexam.好几个学生考了及格。A. SoB. QuiteC. SomeD. Very【比较】little 表示否定“没有多少”“几乎没有”修饰不可数名词(反义词: )alittle 表示肯定“有点儿”修饰不可数名词(反义词: )二、left(leaveleftleft), 过去分词 left 在句中作后置定语,用以强调动作,修饰名词 people。过去分词作定语,在时间上,表示动作已经发生或完成,与它所修饰的名词有逻辑(意义)

11、上的动宾关系。过去分词作定语所修饰的名词在逻辑上相当于被动句中的主语,过去分词相当于谓语。及物动词的过去分词作定语,在语态上,表被动。例如:Heisateacherlovedbyhisstudents. 他是个很受学生爱戴的老师。(过去分词短语作定语)= Heisateacherwho(m) / that is lovedbyhisstudents. (定语从句)Thestudentdressedinwhiteismydaughter.穿白色衣服的学生是我的女儿。=Thestudent(whoisdressedinwhite)ismydaughter.Therearesomelightedca

12、ndlesonthetable.桌上有几支被点着的蜡烛。= Therearesome candles(that / which are lighted)onthetable.6. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but lam determined to stay here.(他们曾向我提供一大笔钱让我搬走,但我决定留在这儿。)一、offer vt. 提供,给予;offer a sum of money 提供一笔钱offer sb.sth.;被动 sb.be offered sth.offer sth.to sb.;被动

13、 sth.be offered to sb.He was offered a job.A jobto him.二、a large sum of+不可数名词( )He got hush money. 他拿到了一大笔封口费。A. a great many B. a large number of C. a large sum of D. manymany( )Such surplus cash can cause a bubble.这么大一笔盈余现金可以促成泡沫。A. a great many B. a large number of C. a great deal of D. alarge su

14、m of三、be determined to do :下定了决心要去做.;注意这里不表示被动含义,而是表示状态。【比较】 determine to do sth. 表示一时的决心, 不与一段时间状语连用;be determined to do“已经决定”便继续下去, 常与时间段连用。还有其它“决定做某事”的表达:make up ones mind to do sth.; decide to do sth.;makea decision to do sth.( )Once he to do something, no one could stop him.A. hasdetermined B.

15、isdeterminedC. wasdetermined D.determines()I to go to the country for my summer holiday for some time.A. have determined B. am determined C. am decided D. shalldetermineHe has(决定) to give up smoking. 他已决定戒烟。He is determined to stay for a long time.他下决心待一段时间。= He to stay for a long time.7.Everybody s

16、ays I must be mad and they are probably right.( 大家都说我肯定是疯了,他们可能是对的。)一、不定代词(如 everybody 等)作主语,看作单数。二、must be 表肯定的猜测含“肯定是”;表示不可能用“不可能是”。三、如果是猜测过去的话,后面要接 havedone;如果猜测现在或是将来,接动词原形或是 be 原形。同样猜测“不可能”的时候,要用 cant,但是命令“不允许”时用 mustnt。I must go with my homework. 我必须去忙我的作业了。Then you(一定是)my cousin. 那么你一定是我的远亲了。

17、You (不允许)smoke in the reading room. 你不允许在阅览室里抽烟。He(不可能)at home,for I saw him just now.(.因为我刚刚看到他了)I didn t hear the phone. I (must be) asleep. 我没有听到电话铃,我一定是睡着了.关键句型 Key Structures:被动语态第十课中,我们对被动语态进行了初步的讲解,特别是一般过去时中的被动语态,本课我们讲一般将来时,现在完成时及含情态动词句子的被动语态。l、一般将来时中的被动语态:will/shall +be+过去分词When will the roa

18、d(open) to traffic? 这条路什么时候开通?Your watch will(repair). 你的表将被修理。2、现在完成时中的被动语态:have/has+十 been+过去分词My bag has(steal).我的包己经被偷走了。This point hasnt (cover)yet.这一点没有被提到。3、含情态动词的被动语态: can(/may/must/could/might)be+过去分词;must have been+过去分词.Your watch can(repair).你的表能够被修理。This new car must(test). 这辆车必须被检验。Cars

19、 must not (park) here. 车不能停在这。My bag must have (steal). 我的包一定是被偷走了( )He asked .他间怎么样来操作这台 DV 机。A.how couldthe video be operatedB. how canthe video beoperatedC. how the video could operate D. how the video could beoperatedExercises:改写以下句子变成被动语态1. I will send a message immediately.我将立刻发出这个消息去。A messag

20、e willimmediately.一个消息将会立刻被我发出去。2. We must sell all these goods. 我们必须卖掉所有的货物。AII these goods must. 所有的货物必须被卖掉。3. I told you that he would receive the parcel in time.我告诉你,他将及时收到这包裹的。I told you that the parcelin time.我告诉你,这包裹将被及时收到。4. He has to deliver the letter by hand.他必须亲手去送这封信。The letterby him by hand.这封必须被他亲手送。5. They must have lost your letter in the post他们一定在邮寄过程中丢掉你的信。Your letter must havein the post.你的信一定是被丢掉了。



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