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1、Hewlett-Packard Co. Deskjet Printer Supply ChainPp207-213, pp223-224Vancouver (温哥华)Supply Chain Supply Chain CharacteristicsCharacteristics( (供供供供应链应链的特征的特征的特征的特征) )SupplierSupplierSupplierIC MfgPCATPrint Mech MfgFATSupplierUS DCEuropean DCFar East DCCustomerCustomerCustomerMaterial SSJITPull-modeSt

2、ocklessSupply Chain Characteristics (Supply Chain Characteristics (供供供供应链应链特征特征特征特征续续) )vDC Three DCs: US, European, Far East (3个配送中心)Make-to-stock = maintain high availability (按库存生产)Esp. European DC and Far East DC (far from factory)Inventory = forecasted sales + safety stock (库存=预测+安全)Management

3、stress: DCs role is as warehouse (管理的压力DC仅仅是一个仓库)Simple, standardized process. (简单以及标准化的流程)No MRP, BOM or component procurement labor. (没有MRP/BOM以及部件采购工作)vHappen at European DC (在欧洲的DC发生)vInventory level (库存水平)Some models too many while some stock-out (一些模型过多而另外一些模型缺货)vService level (顾客服务水平)Desire h

4、igh level of product availability (要求比较高的库存水平) i.e. keep higher inventory level Supply Chain Characteristics (Supply Chain Characteristics (供供供供应链应链特征特征特征特征续续) )The Inventory/Service CrisisThe Inventory/Service Crisis ( (库库存存存存/ /服服服服务务危机危机危机危机) )vPoor forecast system (预测系统差) The forecast errors esp

5、ecially alarming in Europe (欧洲的预测误差特别大)Quite common of product shortage from some countries when other models kept piling up (一些模型的产品短缺而另外一些则过剩)vImproper safety stock calculation (不正确的安全库存计算)In the past, rule of thumb (过去靠掰手指)Now, difficult to get accurate forecast = Need to revisit (很难获取准确的预测)The I

6、nventory/Service Crisis (库存存/服服务危机危机)vLong lead time (提前期长) 4 to 5 weeks to ship the printers to Europe and Asia (通常需要4-5周的时间把打印机运往欧洲以及亚洲)vInventory imbalance (库存的不平衡)Wide variety of models and localized inventory (多样化的模型以及本地化的库存)Difficult to forecast the demand for the varied products (很难预测多样化产品的需求

7、)1.Change to air shipment (改用空运)2.Build a European factory (在欧洲建立一个工厂)3.Hold more inventory (存有更多库存)4.Better forecasts (更好地预测)Unidentified alternative: postponement strategy (在没有意识到的方案,延迟差异化策略)nPostponing the task of differentiating a product for a specific customer until the latest possible point i

8、n the supply network (尽可能最后差异化产品)AlternativesAlternatives ( (解决方案解决方案解决方案解决方案) )WithWithpostponementpostponementWithoutWithoutpostponementpostponementModified Supply Chain (改改进后的供后的供应链)Finished Printers:Model AFactory at VVLocalization of Goods:Model AModel A + power cord +manualModel AModel A: Germ

9、any versionEuropean DCModel AModel A:France versionModel AModel A:England versionGermany ResellersFrance ResellersEngland ResellersRegional ResellersFinished Printers:Model AInventories are aggregated here(库存在这个阶段集成)It delays Product Differentiation(这里延迟产品差异化)Preliminary Analysis (初步的分析初步的分析)vParame

10、ters (参数)Target Service Level = 98% (顾客服务水平)Lead Time = 4 Weeks (提前期)Review Period = 1 Week (检视间隔)vAssumption (假定)Demand follows Normal Distribution (需求服从正态分布)Analysis Technique (分析技分析技术) vCalculate Safety Stock (SS) using European Data (从欧洲的数据计算安全库存) a: Probability of stockout sL Cycle Service Leve

11、l: (1 -a) DL ROP Safety Stock 0.980.02Safety Stock CalculationExample Europe AB (安全安全库存的存的计算算)Recall: Safety Stock = z STD * LT+rThe numbers here are slightly different from the next table Implementation (实施施)vR&D Support (R&D支持)“The product is working, so why bother?”vDC Support (DC支持)“Not our core

12、 competency”vNew packaging (新的包装)vCapital investment (新的投资)Notion of design for logistics/SC Results (结果果) vSuccessful implementation (成功实施)vMillions saved (节约数以百万计)vService levels increased (顾客服务水平提高)vPackaging won awards (包装获奖)vBest practice spread to other HP divisions (最好的业务实践推广到其他部门)Prof Hau Le

13、e at Stanford the major driverPostponement Considerations (延延迟差异化策略的考量差异化策略的考量)vTradeoff increased product cost with decreased inventory (产品设计成本与库存成本的权衡)vNeed to decide where to postpone - the push-pull boundary (确定推拉边界)vPosition in product lifecycle is factor in postponement strategies (产品生命周期起很大作用)vInventory value may increase (库存的价值可能增加)vConsider tariffs and duties (关税的考虑)



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