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1、intimidating adj. (L1, P1) make timid or fearful :More Practice:1面试对一些人来说是非常可怕的。Some people find interview situations very intimidating.2海伦接到了来自她男友的一封恐吓信。Helen received an intimidating letter from her boyfriend. intimidate v.The boss is quite tough, but dont let him intimidate you.ex-Soviet n. (L2,

2、P1) former Societ ex-boyfriend ex-policeman ex-wife / ex-husband ex-American basketballerMore Practice:1她的父亲是一位前总统。Her dad is an ex-President.2琳达和她的前夫/前男友仍然是朋友。Linda is still friends with her ex.ship v. (L2, P1)1) to order someone to go somewhereHe was shipped off/out to a juvenile detention center.

3、2) send or transport something这家石油公司将用船运出输油管道和重型设备。The oil company will ship out piping and heavy equipment. patting the blanket next to him to get me to sit next to him. ( L5, P2 )Paraphrasing: patting the blanket next to him to get me to sit down beside him.Key Language Pointspat v. (L5, P2) to li

4、ghtly touch someone or something several times with your hand flat,especially to give comfort :More Practice:1母亲拍小女孩入睡。The mother patted the little girl to make her go to sleep .2雪花轻轻拍打着窗户。Snowflakes were patting against the window.in sbs presence (L6, P2) with someone or in the same place as them:M

5、ore Practice:1现在他们每个工作日有多达三分之二的时间是在一起的。Now they spend as much as two thirds of every working day in each others presence.2我叫汤姆不要在我面前抽烟。I asked Tom not to smoke in my presence.promising adj. (L10, P4) showing signs of being successful or good in the future:More Practice:1教练正在帮助後备队中有前途的年轻人提高技术.。The co

6、ach is bringing on some promising youngsters in the reserve team.2我确信在智慧和能力方面他是一个很有希望的学生。为此我特别愿意推荐他。I know him to have been a promising student of intelligence and ability. I stronglyrecommend him in his application.by no means / not by any means (L11, P4) not at all:More Practice:1这件事他绝对没方法处理。 By n

7、o means was he able to handle it .2在这件事上他的判断决不是无可指摘。His judgment in this matter was by no means infallible.count on (L14, P5) to depend on someone or something, especially in a difficult situation:More Practice:1我们全靠他拿下这个合同。 Were all counting on him to win this contract.2你的支持是我的唯一依靠。Your support is

8、the only thing I can count on.cut off (L18, P6) to reduce the amount of something:The new bridge will cut three hours off the driving time between the two cities.More Practice:一条新航线的开通使伦敦至汉城的飞行距离缩短了两个小时。 A new direct service has cut two hours off the flying time between London andSeoul.perceptivity

9、adj. (L28, P9) the ability to notices and understand things quicklyMore Practice:他是一个有洞察力的年轻人。He is a young man with perceptivity.Related words: perceptive adj. perceptively adv.massive adj. (L30, P10) very large, heavy, powerful or damaging:More Practice:1我在会上跟她发生了激烈的争论。 I had a massive argument wi

10、th her.2会员可享受很大的折扣。Club members can get a massive discount.fatigued adj. (L31, P10) extremely tiredHe came in one afternoon, looking white, fatigued. fatigue n.Sams face was grey with fatigue. fatigue v. My new job really fatigued me during the first two months.indifferent adj. (L34, P11) showing li

11、ttle care or interestMore Practice:他的新搭档对他还算友好,但他的新上司看上去似乎有些冷淡。His new partner was quite friendly, but his new boss seemed somewhat cold andindifferent.rebellious adj. (L36, P12) deliberately not obeying people in authority or rules of behavior:More Practice:1像这样的激进组织对叛逆的年轻人也许是有吸引力。Such extremist gr

12、oups may well attract rebellious teenagers.2从儿时起,他就有叛逆倾向。Since childhood, hes always had a rebellious streak ( = a tendency to rebel ).pack v. (L37, P12)1. to make people or animals go in large numbers into a space until the space istoo full:More Practice:1五万多人使体育馆座无虚席。 More than 50,000 fans packed

13、into the stadium.2大约有 100 名学生挤在教室里,我觉得连呼吸都很困难。About 100 students were packed into the classroom and I found it hard to breathe.pack v. (L37, P12)2. to put things into cases, bags etc ready for a trip somewhere:在搬家之前,我们把所有的书装进箱子。We packed all our books into boxes before moving.makeshift adj. (L39, P1

14、2)used at the time because there is nothing betterCollocations:arrangement / shelter / bridge / bed, etc.More Practice:1他们为庆祝活动临时搭建了一个舞台。 They put up a makeshift stage for the celebrations.2他用一块石头当锤子。 He used a rock as a makeshift hammer.assert v. (L41, P12)1. state or declare firmly and forcefullyM

15、ore Practice:1) 律师辩称他的诉讼委托人是无辜的。The lawyer asserts that their client is not guilty.2) 我确信我们应该感到害怕的唯一的东西就是害怕本身。Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.assert v. (L41, P12)2. to state very strongly your right to something:他们要求自己有权坚持不同意见。They assert their right t

16、o disagree.3. to behave in a determined way and say clearly what you think:你必须维护自己的权利,否则他们还会欺负你。You must assert yourself or they will continue to bully you.swear v. (L43, P13)to use rude and offensive language:You mustnt swear at your customers.2) to promise that you will do somethingVictor swore he

17、 would get his revenge.3) to make a public official promise, especially in a court of lawWitnesses in court have to swear on the Bible.Ill swear with my personality.take notice (L44, P13) to pay attention toMore Practice:1) 在行驶途中,随时注意车辆的运行状况。Take notice of the condition of your car while driving.2)

18、别理睬他 -你知道他多喜欢卖弄。Take no notice of him - you know what a show-off he is.sing out (L46, P14)to shout or sing some words clearly and loudly:More Practice:期末考试结束了,学生们感到很放松,大声谈论着暑假计划。Having passed the final exams, students felt relaxed and sang out their plans forthe summer vacation.point out (L50, P15)

19、to draw ones attention to:More Practice:一些经济学家指出通货率低不一定是好事。Some economists have pointed out that low inflation is not necessarily a good thing.persist v. (L53, P17)1. to continue to do something, although this is difficult, or other people opposeitMore Practice:他们坚持要自己解决问题.They persist in/with solvi

20、ng problems by themselves.2) 我希望你们再接再励。I hope you will persist in/with your efforts.persist v. (L53, P17)2. if something bad persists, it continues to exist or happen:More Practice:1可能大部分地区还有雾。The fog is likely to persist in most area.2但是,在其他领域,问题依然存在。But problems persist in other areas.Ive-told-you

21、-a-billion-times (L55, P18)a compound adj. formed from an attributive clause: in a tone that suggested that he had told me a billion timesMore Examples:What made you throw away this once-in-a-lifetime-chance?When I told him that he had failed the make-up exam, he put on a who-cares look.She told me

22、a never-to-be-forgotten encounter.ranking n. (L58, P19)a position on a scale that shows how good sb. or sth. is when compared with others:She is now fifth in the world rankings as a tennis player.More Practice:由于这个裁决足球队失去了排名第一的位置。The football team lost their No. 1 ranking as a result of the decision

23、.reflect on (L62, P20)to think deeply about; consider carefullyMore Practice:1)每当听贝多芬交响乐的时候,我总会仔细思考人生。I always reflect on life when listening to Beethovens symphony.2)我们行动之前必须充分考虑市场可能产生的效应。We need to reflect on the likely reactions of the market before we act.indissoluble adj. (L63, P20) an indissol

24、uble relationship cannot be destroyed:More Practice:1一份不能撤消的合同an indissoluble contract2一个牢不可破的联盟an indissoluble union3语言与文化之间有着一种紧密的联系。There is an indissoluble link between language and culture.in advance (L66, P21)before something happens or is expectedto happen:Book airline tickets two weeks in advance.Could you distribute these copies at least three days in advance of the meeting?



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