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1、Unit 3 Inventors and inventions2021/6/71Unit 3 Inventors and inventionsWarming Up and Pre-readingLanguage Points:1. work out the rules 制定规则制定规则2. go through 经历;通过经历;通过3. have sth. done 使某事被做使某事被做4. apply for 申请申请Answer the following questions:1. Do you know what a discovery is and what an invention

2、is? A discovery is the act of finding or learning something for the first time. An invention is the creation of something in the mind. 2. Do you know the stages every inventor must go through before they can have their invention approved? 1 Finding a problem 2 Doing research 3 Thinking of a creative

3、 solution 4 Testing the solution 5 Deciding on the invention 6 Applying for a patent2021/6/72ReadingTHE PROBLEM OF THE SNAKESLanguage Points:1. call up 给给 打电话打电话2. now and then 偶尔;有时偶尔;有时3. get rid of 摆脱;摆脱; 除去除去 4. would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事想要某人做某事5. set about doing 开始做;着手做开始做;着手做 = set out

4、to do 6. decide on 决定决定7. pick up 捡起;拾起捡起;拾起8. according to plan 根据计划根据计划9. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. only 修饰状语或状语从句位于句首时,主句谓语要部分倒装。修饰状语或状语从句位于句首时,主句谓语要部分倒装。 Only Li Ping can do the hard work. only 修饰主语时,句子谓语不倒装。修饰主语时,句子谓语不倒装。2021/6/7310. ge

5、t / have sth. done 使某事被做使某事被做11. in addition 另外;另外;in addition to 除除 之外之外12. Nor will you receive a patent until a search has been made nor 位于句首,句子要部分倒装。位于句首,句子要部分倒装。13. be different from 和和 不同不同14. a large number of + 可数名词复数可数名词复数 “大量的大量的 ”15. Wish sb. luck! 祝某人好运!祝某人好运!16. be upset about 对对 心烦意乱心烦

6、意乱17. in case “万一万一”,引导条件状语从句,引导条件状语从句 eg. Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 18. the first time 第一次第一次 distinguish oneself 显扬自己;使自己扬名显扬自己;使自己扬名19. be too + 形容词形容词 + for sb. to do eg. The ripe apples on your apple tree are too high for you to reach. 20. manage to do sth. = succeed (in)

7、 doing sth. 设法成功做某事设法成功做某事21. stop / prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 keep sb. doing sth. 一直让某人做某事一直让某人做某事2021/6/74Learning about LanguageDiscovering useful words and expressions1 In groups make word pairs with the same suffix. Add more of your own

8、. EXAMPLE: n. adj. convenience convenient; independence independent 1 n. adj. _ cubic; _ _; mercy _; _ _; stain _; _ _; caution _; _ _ 2 v. n. expect _; _ _; produce _; _ _; identify _; _ _ 3 adj. v. _ strengthen; _ _; freezing _; _ _cubebase basicmercifulfancy fancifulstainlesscare carelesscautious

9、poisonpoisonousexpectation relaxrelaxationproductionreducereductionidentification satisfysatisfactionstronglonglengthenfreezedisappointingdisappoint2021/6/752 Replace the underlined parts with words that have the same meaning. Rewrite the sentence when necessary. 1 The greengrocer at the corner is p

10、robably the easiest and nearest to reach. The greengrocer at the corner is probably the most convenient to reach. 2 If you want to apply for a credit card, you must provide officially acceptable identification. If you want to apply for a credit card, you must provide valid identification. 3 You need

11、 to approach that animal with great care as it may bite. You need to approach that animal with caution as it may bite. 4 She accepts everything during meetings and does not contribute to discussions at all. She is passive during meetings and does not contribute to discussions at all. 5 I found his p

12、hone number in the directory and tried to telephone him last night, but there was no reply. Later I found I dialed the wrong number. I found his phone number in the directory and tried to call / ring him up last night, but there was no reply. Later I found I dialed the wrong number. 2021/6/766 I don

13、t think of my hometown very much, only sometimes. I dont think of my hometown very much, only now and then. 7 Luckily the rainfall stopped suddenly before I left. Luckily the rainfall stopped abruptly before I left. 8 In a courtroom it is sometimes difficult to recognize who is innocent and who is g

14、uilty. In a courtroom it is sometimes difficult to distinguish who is innocent and who is guilty. 3 Complete the passage using the correct form of the words or phrase below. file abruptly valid product seize perfume criterion set about When I first applied for a patent I was very puzzled by the _. I

15、 had produced a new type of lily. I was amazed when my application was _ refused. The patent officer dealing with my _ explained to me that a new plant variety is not a _ invention as it is a result of adjusting growth scientifically. However, she suggested that I should produce a _ from my new lily

16、. With her encouragement, I decided to _ the opportunity to make a real invention, so I _ my studies on developing my _, for which I hope I will succeed in applying for a patent. criteriaabruptlyfilevalidperfumeseizeset aboutproduct2021/6/774 Look at these pictures. Describe them to your partner usi

17、ng the words in the box. merrily glue courtyard ladder walnut ripe bamboo stick Picture 1: In the courtyard of this house there are two walnut trees. An old woman lives in the house and has watched the walnuts ripen over several months. Sadly she is unable to pick the ripe walnuts because they are t

18、oo high for her to reach. She calls her granddaughter and asks her to help find some students to pick the walnuts. Picture 2: Her granddaughter goes to her school. There is a notice board in her classroom where students can put up requests for help. Although she is unsure whether anyone will come an

19、d help, with glue she puts up her notice asking for assistance. Picture 3: Her notice is entirely successful. Her grandmother looks on happily as her fellow students merrily run up and down ladders and bang branches with bamboo sticks to bring down all the walnuts. She will give them a lovely meal o

20、f dumplings when they have finished to thank them for all their help. 2021/6/78Discovering useful structures1 Find and underline the sentences in the reading passage containing the past participle used as the attribute. Note its position - either before or after the noun. EXAMPLE: but there only see

21、med to be powders designed to kill snakes. 1 I placed the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat 2 The next morning I carried in my hand a small net used for catching fish. 2 Complete the following sentences by using the past participle of suitable verbs. understand beat disappoint please sign embarras

22、s 1 We need another copy of the _ agreement. 2 He seemed _ by the failure of his patent. 3 She tried to make herself _ while giving her talk. 4 I was _ to see our team _ by a weaker team. 5 My mother appeared _ with the lanterns she had made. signeddisappointedunderstoodembarrassedbeatenpleased2021/

23、6/793 Complete the passage using the correct form of the words below. welcome develop design improve reject test adopt If you want to be an inventor, you must have a plan _ to solve a particular problem. This is not as easy as it sounds. Many ideas, _ after weeks of research, may not prove successfu

24、l. Many unsuccessful approaches are _, and only the most creative and successful ones are _. Each idea _ by you will need to be _ until it leads you closer to a new invention. Once this hard work has been completed and the patent committee has approved your design , you will find your new invention

25、_ on all sides. 4 Complete the sentences with objects from the left box and the past participle form of the verbs in the right box. myself her paintings my time your bedroom burn tidy perform throw the play the car sausage some guests take up display invite start 1 We saw _ on TV yesterday. 2 He lef

26、t the car lights on overnight and in the morning she couldnt get _.designeddevelopedrejectedwelcomedtestedimprovedadoptedthe play performedthe car started2021/6/7103 Catherine wants _ in the gallery. 4 Youd better have _ before I get home from work. Its in a mess. 5 I felt _ forward when the bus sto

27、pped. 6 I wont have _ with useless discussion. 7 I cannot bear the smell of _ on the barbecue. 8 The host found _ to the party were late because of traffic jams. 5 Where would you like to live when you grow up? In pairs make a list of places and prepare to describe them to your partner using the pas

28、t participle as the attribute, predicative or object complement. EXAMPLE: I would like to live in a well-designed house surrounded by trees and which has a garden filled with flowers. Painted in colours of the palest yellows and greens the walls of these decorated rooms would seem larger than they r

29、eally are. In each room, would be a specially made armchair for me to sit on, placed in the most comfortable position. In this seat I would have music piped in from elsewhere in the house. I would be able to experiment with music created by myself in a special room. This would be the well-planned ho

30、use I would like to live in. her paintings displayed your courtyard tidiedmyself thrownmy time taken upburnt sausagesome guests invited2021/6/711Using Language Reading Listening and speaking Writing LEARNING TIP ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELLLanguage Points:1. become interested in 逐渐对逐渐对产生兴趣产生兴趣2. help sb. (

31、to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事3. lead sb. to do sth. 促使某人做某事促使某人做某事4. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事使某人做某事; sb. be made to do sth. 某人被迫做某事某人被迫做某事5. beaten track 被踩出来的路;常规;惯例被踩出来的路;常规;惯例 out of the woods 脱离麻烦或困境脱离麻烦或困境6. dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入迅速把手伸入;一心投入7. dive into the woods 寻求困境寻求困境8. every time = whenever “每当

32、每当”,引导时间状语从句,引导时间状语从句9. be certain to do 肯定做肯定做10. Every time you do you will be certain to find something (that) you have never seen before. 当先行词是不定代词时,要用当先行词是不定代词时,要用that引导定语从句,不用引导定语从句,不用which.2021/6/71211. follow up 跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事 12. before you know it 不知不觉不知不觉13. you will have some

33、thing worth thinking about to occupy your mind. 修饰不定代词的定语要后置。修饰不定代词的定语要后置。 be (well) worth doing “(很)值得做(很)值得做”,不能用,不能用very修饰修饰worth think about 思考思考14. It was this exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit that led to his most famous invention - the telephone in 1876. 强调句型的构成:强调句型的构成: it is

34、/ was + 主语主语 / 宾语宾语 / 时间状语时间状语 / 地点状语地点状语 + that / who / whom + 剩余部分剩余部分 lead to = result in 导致导致结果结果 result from 起因于起因于15. set out to do = set about doing 开始做开始做16. what he was trying to design was a multiple telegraph. 划线部分是一个划线部分是一个what引导的主语从句。引导的主语从句。 主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句统称为名词性从句。主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和

35、同位语从句统称为名词性从句。 思考:思考: 以下句子是强调句型吗?为什么?以下句子是强调句型吗?为什么? 1. It is a pleasure that we go swimming in summer. 2. It was in the school that my mother worked 20 years ago. 2021/6/71317. tap out 轻敲出轻敲出18. in a particular order 以一个特定的顺序以一个特定的顺序19. at a time 一次一次20. so that “以便以便”,引导目的状语从句。,引导目的状语从句。21. at the

36、 same time 同时同时22. allow doing sth. 允许做某事;允许做某事;allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事允许某人做某事 allow sth. to be done 允许某事被做允许某事被做23. But he found the problem difficult to solve. 划线部分是形容词短语作宾语补足语,其中的不定式只能用主动式表示被动意思。划线部分是形容词短语作宾语补足语,其中的不定式只能用主动式表示被动意思。 eg. The problem is easy to solve. 24. with 复合结构:作定语或状语复合结构:作

37、定语或状语 with + 宾语宾语 + 形容词形容词 / 副词副词 / 介词短语介词短语 / 不定式不定式 / 现在分词现在分词 / 过去分词过去分词25. be aware of 意识到意识到26. it was not until five days later that Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant Watson. 此句是强调句型,强调的是时间状语。此句是强调句型,强调的是时间状语。 eg. I didnt go to bed until my father came back last night. Not

38、 until my father came back did I go to bed last night. It was not until my father came back that I went to bed last night. 2021/6/71427. interest sb. 使某人感兴趣使某人感兴趣28. experiment with 用用作实验作实验 29. While searching for a kite strong enough to carry a man into the air, Bell experimented putting triangles

39、 together and discovered the tetrahedron shape. While (he was) searching for 当状语从句的主语和句子的主语一致的时候,状语当状语从句的主语和句子的主语一致的时候,状语 从句的主语和系词从句的主语和系词be就可省略。就可省略。 search () after / for 搜寻搜寻 strong enough to carry a man into the air 是形容词短语充当后置定语修饰是形容词短语充当后置定语修饰kite. be + 形容词形容词 + enough + to do eg. He is old eno

40、ugh to join the army. putting triangles together 是伴随状语。是伴随状语。30. be associated with 和和 联系在一起;与联系在一起;与有关系有关系 31. be known as 作为作为而著名;而著名;be known for 因为因为而著名;而著名; be known to sb. 为某人所知为某人所知32. apply for 申请申请33. ring up = call up 给某人打电话给某人打电话/tetrhi:drn/2021/6/71534. ask for 索取索取35. as many / much + 名

41、词名词 + as one can 尽可能多的尽可能多的36. make a telephone call to sb. 给某人打电话给某人打电话37. Hold the line, please. = Hang on, please. 请别挂断电话请别挂断电话38. out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障次序颠倒;发生故障 in order 情况正常;有条不紊情况正常;有条不紊39. get through 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过40. ring back 回复电话回复电话41. ring off 挂断电话挂断电话42

42、. ask sb. for sth. 向某人索要某物向某人索要某物43. in / during the last / past few years “过去的几年来过去的几年来”,要和现在完成时态连用。,要和现在完成时态连用。44. I would be grateful if you would consider employing me in your company. 此句是与将来事实相反的虚拟条件复合句。此句是与将来事实相反的虚拟条件复合句。 consider doing 考虑做考虑做45. be afraid to do 不敢做不敢做;be afraid of doing 害怕做害怕

43、做46. end in failure 终归失败终归失败 2021/6/716Workbook P62USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the phrases below. set out set down set up set off set aside set about 1 When George _ his sisters wishes she was very upset. 2 The day they _ was cold and windy

44、 and looked as if it would rain. 3 She _ all her working experience in her resume (履历表履历表). 4 Are you ready? We will _ to climb the mountain. 5 The government has _ a committee to look into the affair. 6 Zhang Lijuan agreed to move and _ packing all her goods. 7 Before the fireworks were lit, my unc

45、le _ all the rockets. set asideset outset downset offset upset aboutset off2021/6/7172 Use the correct form of the words in the box below to complete this passage. stable personnel tap wire dot practical invaluable competence dynamic Before the telephone was invented, people used Morse code to conta

46、ct each other. They only needed to _ a pattern of _ along a _ to create a message that could be sent hundreds of miles. This invention was very _ and served people very well. In the eighteenth century in the Midwest of the USA it was _. It warned the law officials of the coming of those unwanted for

47、 serious crimes. It also spread good news far and wide - the discovery of gold in California, for example. It was so important that job applicants for the railway had to prove their _ in Morse code. In this way the railway _ were very quickly made aware of any problem to the track or the trains. Of

48、course, nowadays, with more modern _ ways of sending information, Morse code has become much less popular. But we should not forget how valuable it was in the past in helping to make a really unsettled environment more _.tapdotswirepracticalinvaluablecompetencepersonneldynamicstable2021/6/7183 Look

49、at these phrases commonly used in telephone conversations. Use them correctly in the following dialogue. ring up ring off callback extension out of order get through hang on A:Hello. Can you put me through to _ 256, please? B:_, Im putting you through. A:Hello, Serena. I was expecting you to _ me _

50、yesterday. C:Im sorry. I tried but your phone was _ and I couldnt _. A:Oh dear! Im sorry about that. I didnt realize that. C:And Im rather busy now. Would you mind if I _ you _ later? Ill _ now. A:Not at all. Ill be waiting for your call. 4 Translate the following sentences into English, using the w

51、ords and phrases in brackets. 1 见证人见证人-一位蔬菜零售商在法庭上证明了那个司机是清白的,他并没有引起交通堵一位蔬菜零售商在法庭上证明了那个司机是清白的,他并没有引起交通堵 塞长达数小时的严重事故。塞长达数小时的严重事故。 (eyewitness; greengrocer; in court; innocent; traffic jam) The eyewitness a greengrocer proved in court that the driver was innocent of the terrible accident, which caused

52、 a traffic jam that lasted for several hours. extensionHang on ring / call upout of orderget throughcallbackring off2021/6/7192 我不能忍受住在多雨的城市,尽管对我的皮肤有好处。我不能忍受住在多雨的城市,尽管对我的皮肤有好处。 (bear; rainfall) I could not bear to live in a city with so much rainfall even though it is good for my skin. 3 直升飞机和吉普车在现代

53、战争中使用很普遍。直升飞机和吉普车在现代战争中使用很普遍。(helicopter; jeep; current) Helicopters and jeeps are widely used in current wars. 4 我同事冰箱坏了,他查电话号码簿给售后服务部门打了电话。我同事冰箱坏了,他查电话号码簿给售后服务部门打了电话。 (associate; directory refrigerator; dial) My associate checked the telephone directory and found the number to dial the after-sales

54、 service department when his refrigerator broke down. 5 那个小女孩的头撞到了桌子角上,结果在额头上留下了一个像三角形的印记。那个小女孩的头撞到了桌子角上,结果在额头上留下了一个像三角形的印记。 (bump; triangle; forehead) The little girl bumped her head on a corner of the desk and it left a mark like a triangle on her forehead. 6 清早大雾弥漫,要辨认出正确的道路非常困难。清早大雾弥漫,要辨认出正确的道路非

55、常困难。(foggy; identification) The identification of the correct route was difficult as it was so foggy early in the morning. 7 虽然不会游泳,但他跳下了河去救那个小女孩。虽然不会游泳,但他跳下了河去救那个小女孩。(dive into) Even though he couldnt swim, he dived into the river to save the little girl. 8 夏季农民们在田里干活的时候,喜欢戴上草帽。夏季农民们在田里干活的时候,喜欢戴上草帽

56、。(straw) In summer, farmers like to wear straw hats while working in the fields. 2021/6/720USING STRUCTURES1 Use the words below to label the pictures with the -ing form and past participles. The first one has been done for you. (P65图示图示) amuse surprise confuse disappoint shock inspire disappointing

57、 disappointed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verbs you used in the exercise above. 1 The scientist could not explain his theories clearly. The audience was _. The lecture was _. 2 He did not expect to hear the news of his mothers sudden death. He was _ by

58、 his mothers death. His mothers death was _ news. 3 The children who saw Father Christmas at the party all opened their mouths in surprise. The children were _. Father Christmas arrival was _. amusingamusedconfusingconfusedsurprisedsurprisinginspiredinspiringshockingshockedconfusedconfusingshockedsh

59、ockingsurprisedsurprising2021/6/721 4 Mary and I both laughed when we saw the magician doing his tricks with the lantern. The performance was _. We were _. 5 The weather upset the travellers so much that they began to regret taking the trip. The weather was _. _ travellers began to regret taking the

60、 trip. 6 When I watch my favourite singer on television, I feel as if I could sing just like her. My favourite singer is _. I am _ by her singing. 3 Now make new sentences or stories from the pairs of pictures above. (略略)LISTENING AND TALKING (P62-P63)Language Points:1. go wrong 出毛病;发生故障出毛病;发生故障 2.

61、be popular with 受受欢迎欢迎3. act as 担任;担当担任;担当 4. take part (in) 参加比赛参加比赛5. add up 合计合计amusingamuseddisappointingDisappointedinspiringinspired2021/6/722READING TASK LISTENING TASK SPEAKING TASK WRITING TASK PROJECTWAS LEONARDO DA VINCI JUST A PAINTER?Language Points:1. grow up 长大成人长大成人2. in this way = b

62、y this means = with this method 用这个方式或方法用这个方式或方法3. enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事使某人能够做某事4. be based on = base on 把把 建立在建立在 基础之上基础之上5. sb. come up with sth. 某人提出某事某人提出某事 eg. I came up with the problem. sth. come up 某事被提出某事被提出 eg. The problem came up. 6. a certain + 单数名词:单数名词: “某一个某一个”;certain + 复数名词

63、:复数名词:“某些某些”7. in the case of 就就 来说来说8. turn ones attention to 把注意力转向把注意力转向 9. He might have been a scientist if he had not been so skilled in other areas. 此句是与过去事实相反的虚拟条件复合句。此句是与过去事实相反的虚拟条件复合句。10. think of as 把把 看作看作 11. if he had never been a painter, we would still appreciate him as one of the gr

64、eatest inventors of his time. 此句的条件句是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,而主句却是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。此句的条件句是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,而主句却是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。2021/6/72312. earn / make ones living 谋生谋生13. be familiar with 对对熟悉熟悉14. be happy with 对对感到高兴感到高兴15. put sth. right 纠正纠正16. agree with 同意;和同意;和一致;一致;(某物某物)适应适应(某人某人)17. be prepared to do 准备做准备做18. be used for 被用于被用于19. one the other 一个一个 ,另一个,另一个 20. make a telephone call to sb. 给某人打电话给某人打电话THE ENDinventiondiscovery2021/6/724部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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