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1、会计英语练习题及答案会计英语练习题及答案一、单选题一、单选题1. Which of the following statements about accounting concepts or assumptions are correct?1) The money measurement assumption is that items in accounts are initially measured attheir historical cost.2) In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to o

2、verride theprudence concept.3) To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policiesand changes in them are disclosed.4) To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must always be reflected infinancial statements.A 1 and 3B 1 and 4C 3 onlyD 2 and 32. J

3、ohnny had receivables of $5 500 at the start of 2010. During the year to 31 Dec 2010he makes credit sales of $55 000 and receives cash of $46 500 from credit customers.What is the balance on the accounts receivables at 31 Dec 2010?A. $8 500 DrB. $8 500 CrC. $14 000 DrD. $14 000 Cr3.A.B.C.D.Should di

4、vidends paid appear on the face of a companys cash flow statement? Yes No Not sure Either4. Which of the following inventory valuation methods is likely to lead to the highestfigure for closing inventory at a time when prices are dropping?A. Weighted Average costB. First in first out (FIFO)C. Last i

5、n first out (LIFO)D. Unit cost5. Which of following items may appear as non-current assets in a companys the statementof financial position?(1) plant, equipment, and property(2) company car(3) 4000 cash(4) 1000 chequeA. (1), (3)B. (1), (2)C. (2), (3)D. (2), (4)6. Which of the following items may app

6、ear as current liabilities in a companys balancesheet?(1) investment in subsidiary(2) Loan matured within one year.(3) income tax accrued untill year end.(4) Preference dividend accruedA (1), (2) and (3)B (1), (2) and (4)C (1), (3) and (4)D (2), (3) and (4)7. The trial balance totals of Gamma at 30

7、September 2010 are:Debit $992,640Credit $1,026,480Which TWO of the following possible errors could, when corrected, cause the trial balanceto agree?1. An item in the cash book $6,160 for payment of rent has not been entered in the rentpayable account.2. The balance on the motor expenses account $27,

8、680 has incorrectly been listed in thetrial balance as a credit.3. $6,160 proceeds of sale of a motor vehicle has been posted to the debit of motor vehiclesasset account.4. The balance of $21,520 on the rent receivableaccount has been omitted from the trialbalance.A 1 and 2B 2 and 3C 2 and 4D 3 and

9、48. Listed below are some characteristics of financial information.(1) True(2) Prudence(3) Completeness(4) CorrectWhich of these characteristics contribute to reliability?A (1), (3) and (4) onlyB (1), (2) and (4) onlyC (1), (2) and (3) onlyD (2), (3) and (4) only9. Which of the following statements

10、are correct?(1) to be prudent, company charge depreciation annually on the fixed asset(2) substance over form means that the commercial effect of a transaction must always beshown in the financial statements even if this differs from legal form(3) in order to achieve the comparable, items should be

11、treated in the same way year on yearA. 2 and 3 onlyB. All of themC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 3 only10. which of the following about accruals concept are correct?(1) all financial statements are based on the accruals concept(2) the underlying theory of accruals concept and matching concept are same(3) accruals

12、 concept deals with any figure that incurred in the period irrelevant with its paidor notA. 2 and 3 onlyB. All of themC. 1 and 2 onlyD. 3 only二、翻译题二、翻译题1 1、将下列分录翻译成英文、将下列分录翻译成英文1. 借:固定资产清理 30 000累计折旧 10 000贷:固定资产 40 0002借:应付票据 40 000贷:银行存款 40 0002 2、将下列词组按要求翻译(中翻英,英翻中)、将下列词组按要求翻译(中翻英,英翻中)(1) 零用资金(2)

13、 本票(3) 试算平衡(4) 不动产、厂房和设备(5) Notes and coins(6) money order(7) general ledger(8) direct debt(9) 报销(10) revenue and gains三、业务题三、业务题Johnny set up a business and in the first a few days of trading the following transactionsoccurred (ignore all the tax):1) He invests $80 000 of his money in his business

14、bank account2) He then buys goods from Isabel, a supplier for $4 000 and pays by cheque, the goods isdelivered right after the payment3) A sale is made for $3 000 the customer pays by cheque4) Johnny makes another sale for $2 000 and the customer promises to pay in the future5) He then buys goods fr

15、om another supplier, Kamen, for $2 000 on credit, goods isdelivered on time6) He pays a telephone bill of $800 by cheque7) The credit customer pays the balance on his account8) He returened some faulty goods to his supplier Kamen, which worth $400.9) Bank interest of $70 is received10)A cheque custo

16、mer returned $400 goods to him for a refund参考答案1、单选题1-5 CCACB 6-10 DCABA2、翻译题1)中翻英1. Dr disposal of fixed asset Depreciation Cr fixed asset2Dr notes payable Cr bank4、业务题1) Dr CashCr capital2) Dr finished goodsCr Cash3) Dr CashCr sales revenue4) Dr accounts receivableCr sales revenue5) Dr finished goodsCr accounts receivable6) Dr administrative expenseCr Cash7) Dr CashCr accounts receivable8) Dr CashCr finished goods9) Dr CashCr financial expense10)Dr sales revenueCr Cash



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