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1、Unit 4 What can you do?Lesson 1通榆明德通榆明德 刘大军刘大军Part A Lets learn1What can you see?I can see2The dog is helpful.The panda is helpful.The mouse is helpful.Im helpful. I can clean theWindow. I can open the door.3What can they do?4 _, _, What can you do? I can _.Birdbirdfly5_, _, What can you do? I can _

2、. Kangaroo kangaroojump6_, _, What can you do? I can _.Fish fishswim7Lets do Run, run, I can run.Jump, jump, I can jump.Read, read, I can read.Write, write, I can write.Sing, sing, I can sing .Dance, dance, I can dance.你还能用你还能用I can 说句子吗?说句子吗?8Chen Jies school will have an English part next Tuesday.

3、Everybody will show their skill.What can they do?9play the pipa10Sing English songs11draw cartoons12dance13do kung fu1415161718192021Dance,dance,dance.I can dance.Draw,draw,draw.I can draw cartoons.sing,sing,sing.I can sing English songs. pipa,pipa,pipa.I can play the pipa.Kung fu,kung fu,kung fu,I

4、can do kung fu.22If our school will have an English party next Tuesday.What can you do? 如果我们学校下星期二举办一次英语晚会.你会做什么?232425 danceI can . 26sing English songsI can .27Chen Jies school will have an English part next Tuesday.Everybody will show their skill.What can they do?28play the pipaI can .29do kung f

5、u I can .30draw cartoonsI can .3132Play the pipaSing English songsDraw cartoonsDo kung fudance33Play the pipaSing English songsDraw cartoonsDo kung fudance34Spell the wordsd n e s ng En li h s ngs pl y t e pip . Do k ng f . dra ca too sa ci g s oa h au uw r n35Make a sentence.I can .I can ,too.36Gro

6、upwork.快乐的假日Whatcanyoudo?37Do a survey.38What can you do?在小组里说一说394041 Unit4 What can you do? A Lets learnLesson 2通榆明德通榆明德 刘大军刘大军42Play the pipaSing English songsDraw cartoonsDo kung fudance43Play the pipaSing English songsDraw cartoonsDo kung fudance44I am helpful at home. Are you helpful, too?help

7、wellbedspell smellhelpfulbeautifulusefulWhat can you do?45What can you do?I can play the pipa.46What can you do?I can play the erhu.47What can you do?I can dance.48What can you do?I can play football.49What can you do?I can play basketball.50What can you do?I can play ping-pong.51What can you do?I c

8、an do Chinese kung fu.52What can you do?I can draw cartoons.53What can you do?I can sing English songs.54What can you do?I can clean the classroom.55Dog, dog, what can you do?I can run , I can run.Panda, panda, what can you do?I can eat , I can eat.Sarah, Sarah, what can you do?I can dance , I can d

9、ance.Mike, Mike, what can you do?I can draw , I can draw.Lets chant!56Today is Monday, the next day is57Today is Tuesday, the next day is58EnglishTuesdayaboutsingcankung fu听录音,将课文内容补充完整:59根据课文内容回答问题:When will they have an English party?What can Zhang Peng do for the party?What can John do for the pa

10、rty?They will have an English party next Tuesday.He can sing English songs.He can do some kung fu.60Hello! Im Xiao Wanzi.I am a good girl.I can do many things.I can clean the windows. I can empty the trash . I can water the flo-wers . I often help people.Am I helpful? Hi! Im Xiao Xin.Im a super boy.

11、I can play computer games. I can play football.I can eat tasty food.Oh,ice-cream is my favourite food.Am I helpful ?61We must remember(我们必须紧记)我们必须紧记)No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘一分耕耘 一分收获一分收获 。Try your best to do everything.尽你的能力去做好每一件事。尽你的能力去做好每一件事。6263Unit 4 Unit 4 What can you do?What can you do?lesson3

12、lesson364book65 look66football67good68goodlookfootballbook/u/69balloon70food71 zoo72noodles73noodlesfoodzooballoon/u:/7475Unit 4 What can you do?PartB lets talk Lets learn Lesson 476Greeting:Hi,everyone! How are you?What day is it today?What do you have on Mondays?What can you do at school?77T:What

13、can you do?Ss:I can. T:Great! You are helpful! Ask and answer78Can you?Wash your clothes79Can you?cook80Can you?clean the classroom81Can you?read books82Can you?play basketball83Can you?swim84Can you?play ping-pong85Can you?speak English86Can you.?你会.? 肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, I can. 否定回答否定回答:No,I cant.87cook

14、play basketballswimSpeak Englishplay ping-pongRead the words together.88Consolidation 巩固练习8990Lets talk听录音,读对话,回答问题。Who is the strong man?What does he teach?What can John do?Can Oliver do any kung fu?9192听录音,将课文内容补充完整.afternoonsomeCanYesanycant93some 常用在肯定中,而常用在肯定中,而any 则常用在否定则常用在否定句和疑问句中句和疑问句中 。肯定句

15、:肯定句:I can do some kung fu.否定句:否定句: cant do any kung fu.疑问句:疑问句:Can you do any kung fu?Some & any “一些”94Group in two.S1:Can you. .?S2:Yes.I can./No,I cant.95根据课文内容,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。The children have PE class in the afternoon. ( )John cant do any kung fu.( )Oliver cant do any kung fu.( )TFT96Oliver,

16、Oliver, can you swim?No, I cant. No, I cant. Sarah,Sarah, can you dance?Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Mike, Mike, can you cook?No, I cant. No, I cant.Amy,Amy,can you play ping-pong. Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Lets play! Lets chant!97Homework1.Copy the words of lets learn.2.Read the dialogue in two.98See

17、you!99Unit 4 What can you do?Lesson 5100Can you?101Can you?102Can you?103Can you?104Can you ?105Can you ?106Can you ?107Dog, dog, can you run?Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Panda, panda, can you swim?No, I cant. No, I cant. Sarah, Sarah, can you dance?Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Mike, Mike, can you cook?No

18、, I cant. No, I cant. Lets chant!108听录音,将课文内容补充完整:afternoonsomeCanYesanycant109I can do some kung fu.I cant do any kung fu.Can you do any kung fu?some 常用在肯定中,常用在肯定中,而而any 则常用在否定则常用在否定句和疑问句中句和疑问句中 。110根据课文内容,判断正误。The children have PE class in the afternoon. ( )John cant do any kung fu.( )Oliver cant

19、do any kung fu.( )111112Unit4Unit4What can you do?What can you do?Lesson6113根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。swim 114根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。Play basketball 115根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。draw cartoons 116根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。do kung fu 117根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。Play ping-pong 118根据首字母和图片提示猜单词或短语。Speak English 119Hello. Im Robin the Robot, I

20、can do many things. Read the email, and find what can I do.120What can I do?speak English speak Chinese do kung fuplay ping-pong121But I cant swim.122What can you do?在小组里说一说123124Unit 4What can you do?Lesson 7125What can you do?I can play basketball.126What can you do?I can play ping-pong.127What ca

21、n you do?I can play football.128What can you do?I can play the pipa.129What can you do?I can play the piano.130What can you do?I can play the erhu.131play basketballplay ping-pongplay footballplay the pipaplay the pianoplay the erhu132no“the”球球/棋类棋类with“the”乐器乐器play小结:小结:ping-pongfootballchessthe er

22、huthe pianothe violinthe .133134亲爱的同学们亲爱的同学们: 我们的身边有很多独居老人,我们的身边有很多独居老人,他们行动不便,又没有人帮忙做家他们行动不便,又没有人帮忙做家务务,我们正准备招聘一批志愿者,帮我们正准备招聘一批志愿者,帮助他们做一些力所能及的家务活,助他们做一些力所能及的家务活,为他们减轻负担。你愿意加入我们为他们减轻负担。你愿意加入我们吗吗?135Make a survey(你能为老人们做什么呢?)你能为老人们做什么呢?):A: Hello. B: Hello. A: Are you helpful ? B: A: What can you do

23、? B: I can A: Great! Youre helpful!namesweepthe floorcook the mealsclean the bedroomempty the trashwash the windowsset the tablemake the bedwater the flowersChen Ruini136 Try to be a helpful child! 做一名乐于助人的好孩子!做一名乐于助人的好孩子!137 Labor star(劳动之星)劳动之星)Hello, my name is _ (名字). Im _(年龄). Im a good _(男,女孩)

24、.I can do housework at home. I can_. I can _. I can _. I can _ .Im helpful at home. Sports star(体育之星)(体育之星)Hello, my name is _ (名字). Im _ (年龄). Im a good _ (男,女孩). I can_. I can _.I can _. Im great. Im going to be a sports star.138139加入志愿者队伍,写自己的简介加入志愿者队伍,写自己的简介 Im_.Im_yearsold.Ican_.Ican_.Ican_. _.Imhelpful.Thevolunteers(志愿者)arewarmhearted(热心的)andhelpful.Letsjointhem.140141Thank you!142



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