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1、外研社高一英语必修二M4-Module-4-Introduction-&-Reading-and-Vocabulary. 基基础单词础单词1. 意意义记词义记词(1) _ n. 景色景色;风风景景(2) _ n. 方面方面(3) _ vt. 临临摹摹;仿造仿造;模仿模仿;仿效仿效(4) _ vt. 观观察察;注意到注意到sceneaspectimitateobserve(5)_n. 风风格格(6)_ vt. 采采纳纳;采用采用(7)_ vi. 以以为为目目标标;打算打算;意欲意欲(8)_ vt. 忍受忍受styleadoptaimstand2. 构构词词助助记记(1) _ n. 爱爱好好;嗜好

2、嗜好dislike n. 憎憎恶恶;不喜不喜欢欢(2) _ n. 艺术艺术家家art n. 艺术艺术(3) _adj. 彩色的彩色的colour n. 颜颜色色(4) _ adj. 令人愉快的令人愉快的;可可爱爱的的delight n. 高高兴兴, 愉快愉快 v. 使高使高兴兴likeartistcolourfuldelightful(5) _ n. 图图画画draw v. 画画画画(6) _ v. 绘绘画画;(用用颜颜料料)画画painter n. 画家画家painting n. 绘绘画画;油画油画(7)_ adj. 传统传统的的;习习俗的俗的traditionally adv. 传统传统地

3、地tradition n. 传统传统drawingpainttraditional(8) _ adj. 有活力的有活力的;有生气的有生气的(近近义词义词)live adj. 活活的的(修修饰动饰动物物, 作前置定作前置定语语), 现场现场直播的直播的(近近义义词词)living adj. 活着的活着的(9) _n. 真真实实;现实现实;逼真逼真real adj. 真真实实的的really adv. 真地真地(10) _adj. 不不寻寻常的常的;非凡的非凡的usual adj. 通常的通常的aliverealityunusual. 重点短重点短语语根据根据语语境猜境猜测测黑体短黑体短语语的含的

4、含义义1. If you tell me the same thing every day, you will be tired of it, too. ( )2. Your father is fond of the painting by Qi Baishi. What about you? ( )对对厌烦厌烦喜喜欢欢;喜喜爱爱3. She is an outgoing girl, isnt she? I can tell by her behavior. ( )4. I am interested in the new hairstyle. ( )5. They were known f

5、or their paintings. ( )从从可以看出可以看出对对感感兴兴趣趣以以著名著名6. I like sports such as playing football, running and so on. ( )7. They like to follow the traditional style. ( )8. The boy has developed an interest in English. ( )例如例如, 像像遵循遵循传统传统方式方式培养培养对对的的兴兴趣趣【寻规寻规巧巧记词记词】 n. /v. +-ful adj. be+ adj. +of固定短固定短语语colo

6、urful adj. 彩色的彩色的useful adj. 有用的有用的helpful adj. 有助的有助的hopeful adj. 充充满满希望的希望的careful adj. 细细心的心的be fond of 喜喜欢欢;喜喜爱爱be afraid of 害怕害怕be proud of 以以骄骄傲傲be short of 缺乏缺乏be full of 充充满满FirstSkimming for the main informationThis passage is mainly about_. A. four Chinese artists B. four famous artistsC.

7、six famous artists D. horses by Xu BeihongSecondScanning for detailed information1. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Pablo Picasso was the greatest artist in the 20th century. B. Pablo Picasso set up Cubism by himself. C. Cubism is one important modern art movement. D. Cubist artists are good at s

8、howing one aspect of an object. 2. Whats the purpose of pop art? A. To show nature very carefully. B. To show different aspects of an object or a person. C. To show ordinary city life in the 20th century. D. To let people love life. 3. What is the main character of Roys paintings? A. They are the fa

9、mous examples of the twenty-first century art. B. They can show different sides of a thing or a man in the same picture. C. They attempt to show ordinary peoples life in cities. D. They are drawn mainly for advertisements. ThirdIntensive reading to finish the passagePabloPicassothe greatest 1. _ art

10、ist of the 20th centuryHe and another painter 2. _ Cubism. He painted objects and people, with different 3. _ of the object or person showing at the same time. westernstartedaspectsRoyLichtensteina 4. _ American artistHis paintings belong to pop art. He aimed to show 5. _ 20th-century city life. Qi

11、Baishione of Chinas greatest paintersHe painted in the 6. _Chinese style. His paintings are special because of his 7. _ the world of nature very carefully. contemporaryordinarytraditionalobservingXu Beihongone of Chinas 8. _20th-century artistsHis painting 9. _ is like that of Qi Baishi. He is most

12、famous for his lively paintings of 10. _. best-knownstylehorsesFourthExplaining difficult sentences1. Picasso and another painter, George Braque, started Cubism, one of the most important of all modern art movements. 分析分析: 句中句中George Braque是是another painter的的_;one of the most important of all modern

13、 art movements是是Cubism的的_, 对对Cubism补补充充说说明。明。同位同位语语同位同位语语译译文文: 毕毕加加索索和和另另一一位位名名叫叫乔乔治治布布拉拉克克的的画画家家创创立立了了立体派立体派, 这这是所有是所有现现代代艺术艺术流派中最重要的流派之一。流派中最重要的流派之一。2. Pop art(from the word“popular”)was an important modern art movement that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life. 分析分析: 这这是一个复合句是一个复合句,

14、 that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life是是_从句从句, 修修饰饰an important modern art movement。定定语语译译文文: 波波普普艺艺术术(此此词词源源自自popular)是是一一个个重重要要的的现现代代艺艺术术流派流派, 着眼于展着眼于展现现20世世纪纪普通的城市生活。普通的城市生活。【读读而后思】而后思】What were the common things between Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong? _They were both Chinas best-know

15、n twentieth-centuryartists, and theypainted in the traditional style.1. scene n. 景景色色;风风景景;现现场场;(现现实实生生活活中中的的)情情景景;(戏戏剧剧或或电电影中的影中的)片段片段, 场场面面*There were many policemen on the scene of the accident. 事故事故现场现场来了来了许许多警察。多警察。*When did the new teacher come on the scene? 新老新老师师是什么是什么时时候到教室的候到教室的? 【归纳归纳拓展】拓

16、展】on the scene 在在现场现场come on the scene 出出现现, 到来到来, 上上场场【易混辨析】【易混辨析】scene指局部的或周指局部的或周围围的的环环境、境、风风景、景色景、景色, 尤其尤其与与观观看者看法有关看者看法有关, 也可指也可指戏剧戏剧、电电影、小影、小说说等等场场景、布景景、布景view常指从常指从远处远处或高或高处处看到的看到的scenery的一部分的一部分, 有有时时可与可与scene互互换换scenery指某地指某地总总的自然的自然风风景或景色景或景色, 尤指美尤指美丽丽的的乡乡间间景色景色sight既可以指既可以指场场景、眼前看到的景景、眼前看

17、到的景观观(多指人造的多指人造的事物事物)又可以指名又可以指名胜胜、风风景景, 只是在表示后者只是在表示后者的含的含义时义时, 必必须须用复数用复数【即学活用】【即学活用】选词选词填空填空(scene, scenery, view, sight)。The happy _of boys and girls playing brought me back to my childhood. The _from the front of the mountain hotel is even more beautiful. What beautiful _Guilin has! We are going

18、 to Paris for the weekend to see the _. sceneviewscenerysights2. alive adj. 有活力的有活力的;有生气的有生气的;活着的活着的*By inviting the soldier who is still alive to give the students a lively speech, we aim to make history come alive for the children. 通通过过邀邀请请那那位位还还健健在在的的士士兵兵给给学学生生做做生生动动的的报报告告, 我我们们旨旨在在让让历历史史课课对对于于孩孩

19、子子来来说说不不再再沉沉闷闷。*Every animal had a way to stay alive. 每种每种动动物都有生存之道。物都有生存之道。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】stay alive 活下去活下去come alive 变变得活得活跃跃起来起来catch sb. /sth. alive活捉某人活捉某人/某物某物【易混辨析】【易混辨析】lively意意为为“生生动动活活泼泼的的, 栩栩如生的栩栩如生的”, 既可指人也既可指人也可指物可指物alive通常作表通常作表语语或后置定或后置定语语, 不能作前置定不能作前置定语语, 意意思是思是“有生命的有生命的, 活的活的”living既可作表

20、既可作表语语又可作定又可作定语语, 意意为为“活的活的, 健在的健在的, 现现行的行的, 现现代的代的”live作形容作形容词时词时多用于修多用于修饰饰物物, 指真的、活生生的指真的、活生生的, 而不是照片或而不是照片或图图画等描画等描绘绘的情景。的情景。live还还有有“现场现场直播的直播的(地地)”之意之意【即学活用】【即学活用】选词选词填空填空(alive, live, living, lively)。He is dead, but his dog is still _. It is important for a teacher to make his classes _and mov

21、ing. A _language should be learned through listening and speaking. It is said that the two boys saved a _fish on the beach. alivelivelylivinglive3. observe vt. 观观察察;注意到注意到*Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully, and his paintings are special because of this. 齐齐白石白石观观察自然界很察自然界很细细心心, 他的

22、画也因此很特他的画也因此很特别别。*(2015江江苏苏高高考考)It is everybodys duty to observe them to keep our society in order. 为为了保持社会的安宁了保持社会的安宁, 遵守它遵守它们们是每个人的是每个人的责责任。任。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】observe sth. 观观察某事物察某事物observe sb. do sth. 注意到某人做了某事注意到某人做了某事observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事注意到某人正在做某事observe sb. /sth. done 注意到某人注意到某人/某物被某物被o

23、bserve+从句从句 注意到注意到【名【名师师点津】点津】(1)observe sb. do sth. 中中的的observe用用于于被被动动语语态态时时, 变变成成be observed to do sth. 。(2)observe还还有有“遵守遵守;评论评论;庆庆祝祝”的意思。的意思。*Many people are observing Christmas Day in the street so observe the speed limit and dont drive fast. 很很多多人人都都在在街街上上庆庆祝祝圣圣诞诞节节, 所所以以要要遵遵守守限限速速规规定定不不要要开快开

24、快车车。s【即学活用】【即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。They did not _and go upstairs. 他他们们没注意到没注意到玛丽进玛丽进来来, 并上了楼。并上了楼。The woman _him closely. 有人看到那个女子有人看到那个女子紧紧跟着他。跟着他。observe Mary come inwas observed to followWhen a policewoman _at 120 miles per hour, she hurried up to stop him. 一位女警察看到他以每小一位女警察看到他以每小时时120英里的速度开英里的速度开车车, 赶快赶快

25、去制止他。去制止他。observed him drivingThe teacher _that the girl was not listening and _in thought. 老老师观师观察到那个女孩没有在听察到那个女孩没有在听课课, 并且并且观观察到她陷入察到她陷入沉思中。沉思中。All citizens should _. 所有公民都所有公民都应应遵守交通遵守交通规则规则。observedobserved her lostobserve traffic rules4. aim vt. 以以为为目目标标;打算打算;意欲意欲n. 目目标标;瞄准瞄准*He aimed his gun a

26、t the bird, fired but missed it. 他用他用枪枪瞄准那只小瞄准那只小鸟鸟开火开火, 却未打中。却未打中。*I aim to be one of the top ten students in my class in my study. 在学在学习习上我的目上我的目标标就是在班里是前十名。就是在班里是前十名。*The aim of the China Manned Space Program is to put a man on the moon by 2036. 中中国国的的载载人人太太空空计计划划的目的目标标是到是到2036年年时时送一位宇航送一位宇航员员登上月

27、球。登上月球。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】aim to do sth. 立志做某事立志做某事;意欲做某事意欲做某事aim at sth. /doing 对对准准, 瞄准瞄准;目目标标是是be aimed at 以以为为目目标标【微思考】【微思考】下面下面译译文哪个是正确的文哪个是正确的? 为为什么什么? 我我们们力求做到年底前人人都得到培力求做到年底前人人都得到培训训。We are aimed at training everybody by the end of the year. ( )We are aiming at training everybody by the end of the y

28、ear. ( )_aim at力求达到、力争做到力求达到、力争做到, 主主语语是人是人, be aimed at目的目的是是, 旨在旨在, 主主语语多多为为活活动动、计计划、措施、划、措施、项项目等。目等。【巧学助【巧学助记记】“瞄准目瞄准目标标”学学“aim”【即学活用】【即学活用】句型句型转换转换。I aim to be a doctor by the time Im 25. _ _is to be a doctor by the time Im 25. The aim of this measure is to reduce road accidents. This measure _

29、_ _reducing road accidents. My aimis aimed at完成句子。完成句子。He _the last bus. 他想赶最后一班公交他想赶最后一班公交车车。These measures _closing the gap between the rich and the poor. 这这些措施旨在些措施旨在缩缩小小贫贫富差距。富差距。aimed at catching/to catchare aimed at5. be/get tired of对对厌烦厌烦*Im studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, altho

30、ugh I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time. 我我在在学学校校学学习习美美术术, 尽尽管管总总是是看看画画我我会会厌厌烦烦, 但但我我还还是很喜是很喜欢欢美美术术。*He was tired of doing the same work every day. 他他厌烦厌烦每天做同每天做同样样的工作。的工作。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】(1)tired adj. 疲疲劳劳的的, 厌厌倦的倦的be tired from/with 因因而疲倦而疲倦be tired out 精疲力竭精疲力竭;十分疲十分疲劳劳(2)tiring adj. 引

31、起疲引起疲劳劳的的, 累人的累人的*You must be tired from the long flight. Please take a rest today. 长时间长时间地搭乘地搭乘飞飞机您一定累了。今天就机您一定累了。今天就请请好好休息吧。好好休息吧。【巧学助【巧学助记记】tired短短语语含含义图义图解解【知【知识识延伸】延伸】一些表示一些表示“感情感情”的的动词动词的的-ed形式和形式和-ing形式形式一一些些表表示示“感感情情”的的动动词词的的-ed形形式式和和-ing形形式式可可以以相相当当于于形形容容词词, -ed形形式式表表示示人人内内心心的的感感受受;-ing形形式式

32、表表示示“令令人人的的”。常。常见见的的这类词这类词有有: surprisesurprisedsurprising; exciteexcitedexciting; interestinterestedinteresting; amazeamazedamazing; boreboredboring; disappointdisappointeddisappointing; embarrassembarrassedembarrassing等。等。【即学活用】【即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。I _all her non-stop complaints so I decided to get away

33、 from her. 我我厌烦厌烦了她的不停的牢了她的不停的牢骚骚, 所以我决定离开她。所以我决定离开她。I _the heavy work last night so that I fell asleep quickly. 昨晚干重活累了昨晚干重活累了, 所以我很快就睡着了。所以我很快就睡着了。got/was tired ofwas tired fromRiding my old bike to go home was _. When I got home, _. 骑骑着我的旧自行着我的旧自行车车回家太累人了。我到家回家太累人了。我到家时时, 累坏了。累坏了。tiringI was very

34、 tired6. Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time. 在在描描绘绘物物体体或或人人的的时时候候, 立立体体派派画画家家会会同同时时展展现现物或人的多个不同物或人的多个不同侧侧面。面。(1)with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time是是with的的复复合合结结构构, 作作状状语语, 表表示伴随。示伴随。(

35、2)with的的复复合合结结构构中中的的宾宾语语补补足足语语通通常常是是形形容容词词、副副词词、介、介词词短短语语、动词动词不定式、不定式、动词动词-ing形式或形式或过过去分去分词词。*He often sleeps with the windows open. 他常开着窗睡他常开着窗睡觉觉。*He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. 他和衣躺在床上。他和衣躺在床上。*She said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 她含着眼泪她含着眼泪说说了声再了声再见见。*I cant go out with al

36、l these clothes to wash. 要洗要洗这这些衣服些衣服, 我无法出去了。我无法出去了。*(2015安安徽徽高高考考)Their expanding business became a large corporation in 1996, with three generations of Ans working together. 在在安安家家三三代代人人的的努努力力下下, 他他们们家家的的公公司司在在1996年年发发展展成成一个大型企一个大型企业业。*He sat there with his eyes closed. 他他闭闭目坐在那儿。目坐在那儿。【名【名师师点津】点

37、津】“with+宾语宾语+to do”中中, 动词动词不定式表示将来不定式表示将来;“with+宾宾语语+动动词词-ing形形式式”中中, 动动词词-ing形形式式与与宾宾语语之之间间是主是主动动关系关系, 且且强强调动调动作正在作正在进进行行;“with+宾宾语语+过过去去分分词词”中中, 过过去去分分词词与与宾宾语语之之间间是是被被动动关系关系, 且且强强调动调动作的完成。作的完成。【即学活用】【即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。With haze _, more people suffer from sore throat. 由于由于雾雾霾越来越霾越来越严严重重, 更多的人患喉更多的人患喉咙

38、咙痛。痛。becoming more and more serious_, I have to work really hard these days. 由于担心期中考由于担心期中考试试, 这这些天我要用功。些天我要用功。_, many people were out of work. 由于由于这这家大工厂关家大工厂关闭闭, 很多人失很多人失业业了。了。With the mid-term exams to worry aboutWith the big factory closed down【要点拾【要点拾遗遗】1. dislike n. 憎憎恶恶;不喜不喜欢欢 vt. 不喜不喜欢欢;厌恶厌恶

39、*Im afraid Dad took a dislike to this junk food. 恐怕父恐怕父亲亲不会喜不会喜欢这欢这种垃圾食品。种垃圾食品。*Hes the sort of person I really dislike. 他他这这种人我真不喜种人我真不喜欢欢。*I dislike living in a large city. 我我讨厌讨厌生活在大城市。生活在大城市。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】likes and dislikes 好好恶恶;爱爱憎憎have a dislike of 不喜不喜欢欢dislike+it+从句从句 不喜不喜欢欢dislike doing sth. 不

40、喜不喜欢欢做某事做某事*I dislike it when you sing that sad song. 我不我不爱爱听你唱那首哀听你唱那首哀伤伤的歌曲。的歌曲。【名【名师师点津】点津】dislike误误区区须须知知(1)dislike后后面面接接动动词词-ing形形式式, 不不接接动动词词不不定定式式;hate, like后面接后面接动词动词不定式和不定式和动词动词-ing形式都可以。形式都可以。(2)dislike, hate, like后面都可接后面都可接it作作宾语宾语, 后面再接从句。后面再接从句。*I hate it when people speak with food in

41、the mouth. 我不喜我不喜欢欢人人们满们满嘴含着食物嘴含着食物说话说话。*I like it when he smiles at me. 我喜我喜欢欢他他对对我笑。我笑。【知【知识识延伸】延伸】dislike中中的的dis-是是前前缀缀, 我我们们学学过过的的前前缀缀为为dis-的的单单词词 还还 有有 : disappear(消消 失失 ), dishonest(不不 诚诚 实实 的的 ), disagree(不不同同意意), disagreement(分分歧歧), disadvantage(缺缺点点), disable(使使丧丧失能力失能力), disability(残疾残疾)等。

42、等。【即学活用】【即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。The girl who _cold weather decides to work in Hainan. 不喜不喜欢欢寒冷天气的那个女孩决定在海南工作。寒冷天气的那个女孩决定在海南工作。Much as she _swimming, she knew she had to be there. 虽虽然她非常不喜然她非常不喜欢欢去游泳去游泳, 她知道她不得不在那儿。她知道她不得不在那儿。has a dislike ofdisliked goingFather _when his daughter behaved badly. 父父亲亲很不喜很不喜欢欢

43、他女儿表他女儿表现现不好。不好。disliked it2. delightful adj. 令人愉快的令人愉快的;可可爱爱的的*Im crazy about the paintings of Qi Baishi, and this delightful picture of the little shrimps is such a lovely example of his work. 我我极极喜喜爱爱齐齐白白石石的的画画, 这这幅幅可可爱爱的的小小虾虾作作品品是是展展现现他他作作品的生品的生动动例子。例子。*It was the most delightful garden I had ev

44、er seen. 这这是我所是我所见过见过的最惹人喜的最惹人喜爱爱的花园。的花园。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】delightn. 高高兴兴v. 使高使高兴兴to ones delight=to the delight of 令令高高兴兴的是的是take delight in 乐乐于于delighted adj. 感到高感到高兴兴的的*To her delight, everybody was delighted to see her. 令她高令她高兴兴的是的是, 每个人每个人见见到她都很高到她都很高兴兴。*The naughty boy takes delight in playing jokes

45、on others. 那个淘气的男孩喜那个淘气的男孩喜欢欢捉弄他人。捉弄他人。【即学活用】【即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。令令这这个学生高个学生高兴兴的是的是, 他那副可他那副可爱爱的小猫作品以的小猫作品以500美元的价格售出了。美元的价格售出了。_the student, his _picture of the little cat was sold out for $500. To the delight ofdelightful听到他听到他们获胜们获胜的消息他的消息他们们很高很高兴兴。They _at the news that they won. 我我们们喜喜欢欢我我们们得到的一切。得

46、到的一切。We _what we achieved. were delightedtake delight in3. adopt vt. 采采纳纳;采用采用;收养收养;领领养养*I think its time to adopt a different way of dealing with your problem. 我我想想到到了了采采取取一一种种不不同同的的方方法法来来处处理你的理你的问题问题的的时时候了。候了。*Since the two-child policy was passed, the old couple with an only child have been hopin

47、g to adopt one. 自自从从二二孩孩政政策策通通过过以以来来, 这这对对有有独独生生子子的的老老夫夫妇妇一一直直希希望收养一个孩子。望收养一个孩子。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】adopt an idea/a plan 采采纳纳意意见见/计计划划adopted adj. 领领养的养的;过继过继的的【即学活用】【即学活用】单单句句语语法填空。法填空。Tom is their _(adopt)son. It is a good idea and is worth _ (adopt). adoptedadopting完成句子。完成句子。After much consideration, I de

48、cided to _. 再三考再三考虑虑后后, 我决定采我决定采纳纳她的建她的建议议。Sally _by the Smiths when she was four. Sally在四在四岁时岁时被史密斯夫被史密斯夫妇妇收养。收养。adopt hersuggestionwas adopted4. stand vt. 忍受忍受*But I cant stand that picture of a golden-haired girl. 但是我忍受不了那但是我忍受不了那张张金金发发女孩的画。女孩的画。*I cant stand being kept waiting any longer. 再等下去我可

49、受不了。再等下去我可受不了。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】cant stand sb. /sth. 不能忍受某人不能忍受某人/某事某事cant stand doing sth. 不能忍受做某事不能忍受做某事cant stand sb. doing sth. 不能忍受某人做某事不能忍受某人做某事【名【名师师点津】点津】stand作作“忍忍受受, 容容忍忍”讲讲时时是是及及物物动动词词, 常常用用于于否否定定句或疑句或疑问问句。后跟名句。后跟名词词或或动词动词-ing形式。形式。【巧学助【巧学助记记】stand含含义义面面面面观观【知【知识识延伸】延伸】已学已学过过的后面接的后面接动词动词 ing形式作形

50、式作宾语宾语的的动词动词有有: admit, avoid, appreciate(感感激激), consider(考考虑虑), enjoy, escape, finish, keep, mind, miss(错错过过), suggest, advise等等动词动词。【即学活用】【即学活用】用所用所给动词给动词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。The young man couldnt stand _(live) with his noisy roommates. The student who couldnt stand _(laugh)at ran out of the classroom.

51、livingbeing laughed5. be fond of喜喜欢欢;喜喜爱爱*My parents are fond of going to art galleries and often take me with them, so Ive developed an interest in art. 我我父父母母喜喜欢欢去去美美术术馆馆, 他他们们常常常常带带我我一一起起去去, 我我由由此此对对艺术产艺术产生了生了兴兴趣。趣。*I am fond of the place and find it difficult to leave. 我喜我喜欢这欢这个地方个地方, 发现发现很很难难离开

52、它。离开它。【归纳归纳拓展】拓展】be fond of sb. /sth. 喜喜欢欢某人某人/物物be fond of doing sth. 喜喜欢欢做某事做某事【即学活用】【即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。The couple _so they have decided to have another one. 这对这对夫夫妇妇喜喜欢欢孩子孩子, 所以他所以他们们已已经经决定再要一个。决定再要一个。She _rare handbags. 她喜她喜欢欢收集稀奇的手提包。收集稀奇的手提包。are fond of childrenis fond of collecting6. This is a p

53、ainting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. 这这是是西西班班牙牙画画家家巴巴勃勃罗罗毕毕加加索索的一幅油画的一幅油画, 他被他被认为认为是是20世世纪纪西方最西方最伟伟大的画家。大的画家。(1)Pablo Picasso是是artist的同位的同位语语。(2)considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century为为过过去去

54、分分词词短短语语, 在在句句中中作作定定语语, 修修饰饰Pablo Picasso。(3)consider表表示示“认认为为”时时, 常常用用于于consider sb. /sth. +(as/to be+)n. / adj. , consider+that从从句句以以及及consider+宾语宾语+动词动词不定式。不定式。*It must be painted by Xu Beihong, a famous Chinese artist, considered to be good at drawing horses. 这这幅幅画画一一定定是是徐徐悲悲鸿鸿一一位位著著名名的的中中国国画画家家

55、画画的的, 他他被被认为认为擅擅长长画画马马。*The scientist Tu Youyou is considered to have made a great discovery in medicine. 科学家屠呦呦被科学家屠呦呦被认为认为在医学在医学领领域有了重大域有了重大发现发现。【知【知识识延伸】延伸】consider表示表示“考考虑虑”时时, 后面接后面接动词动词-ing形式。形式。We are considering going to Canada. Which place are you considering visiting? 我我们们正考正考虑虑到加拿大去。你到加拿大

56、去。你们们考考虑虑参参观观哪个地方哪个地方? 【即学活用】【即学活用】完成句子。完成句子。Li Ming, _, dislikes playing football. 被被认为认为是我朋友的李明不喜是我朋友的李明不喜欢欢踢足球。踢足球。Mr Smith, _to us. 我我们们的新老的新老师师史密斯先生被史密斯先生被认为对认为对我我们们很好。很好。considered to be my friendour new teacher, is considered kindWe _to Seattle. 我我们们正考正考虑虑移居西雅移居西雅图图。She is considered to lack experience. 译译: _are considering moving人人们认为们认为她她经验经验不足。不足。谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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