Unit 1《School life》grammar and usage课件5(25张PPT)(牛津译林必修1)

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1、Unit 1Unit 1Language pointsLanguage points1.Know 认识 know of/know about 知道,了解 I dont _ the writer,but I _ him.2.Difference 1)不可数There was not really much difference in their points of view. Theres not much difference in price between the two computers. 2)可数There are several important differences betw

2、een cricket(板球) and football. 3)make a difference 产生差别,有影响 It makes a difference which you choose.你选择哪一个,事关重大It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not. 4)differ/v. different/adj. Our opinions differ greatly from each others in that respect. 我们的意见在那方面有很大的出入A is different from B3.Attend Vt.

3、be present at an event 出席参加We would like as many people as possible to attend. They are sure to have attended Marys wedding. 辨析take part in,join in,join ,attend 1)take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动,着重参加活动并发挥作用Well take part in social practice during the summer vacation.暑假期间我们将参加社会实践2) Join a) 指加入党派,团体组织,成为其成员

4、之一,如参军,入团,入党等join the party/the league/the army/club b) join sb. In (doing) sth 和某人一起做某事,加入某人中Will you join us in the discussion? Hell join us in singing the song. 3) join in 多指参加小规模的活动,如球赛,游戏Come along,and join in the ball game. Why didnt you join the talk last night? 4) attend 参加会议,婚礼,葬礼,典礼,去上课,上学

5、,听报告等attend a meeting/wedding/funeral/school/class/lecture对应练习1.My brother _ the army in 2002. 2.Would you like to _ playing basketball? 3.Yesterday my parents went to _ an evening party. 4.We should _ the sports and games.5.Assembley /n. 集会,会议 The headmaster will give a speech at the assembly.校长将在晨

6、会上讲话assemble /vi. To come together as a group All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall.6.Respect 1) (u) 尊重,尊敬,关心,问候 have/show respect for We have been told to show respect for our elders. gain/win respect lost the respect of 2)vt. Have a good opinion of 尊重,敬重 Ill respect your advice.

7、 3) (c) 方面,细节in every respect/in all respects 无论从哪方面讲in respect of 关于,就来说without respect to 不管,不考虑7.Achieve 1)vt.赢得,取得,实现,成就2)n.achievement 成就,功绩8.)vt.错过,想念Miss the train错过火车,没搭上Miss sb very much非常想念)当miss 表示“错过,避免”之意时,其后可接v.-ing做宾语,而不能接动词不定式dont want to miss seeing that singer on television tonight

8、. The bird missed _ (catch).9.experience 1) 经历(c.) He had many interesting experiences while travelling in Africa. an odd experience 一次奇异的经历 2) 经验,体验 (u.) We all learn by experience. He hasnt had enough experience for the job. 3) 经历,体验I dont think I have experienced real pain. The boy has never expe

9、rienced kindness. 4) experienced 有经验的,熟练的,有见识的an experienced teacher/nurse She is experienced in looking after children.10SoundVt.和look,seem,smell,taste一样,可做连系动词,后接形容词,名词,介词短语做表语Sound goodSound a reasonable ideaLook fine/taste sour(酸)/smell terrible11A bit 和a little 1)在肯定句中两者意义基本相同,意为“一些,一点儿”,修饰形容t词

10、,副 词时可互换,但修饰名词时a bit 后要接of再接名词 A bit/a little tired A bit of/ a little water 2)在否定句中,两者的意义恰恰相反,not a bit的词义相当于not in the least,意为“一点儿也不”not a little相当于not slightly,意为“相当地,非常” I dont like it a bit.我一点儿也不喜欢它 I dont like it a little我非常喜欢它12 Fun (u)表示“乐趣”或“有趣的人或物”它的形容词是funny,两个长见的含义:一个是“好笑的,逗乐的”,另一个是“奇怪

11、的,希奇的” It is great fun playing golf. What fun! For fun 闹着玩儿 I did it just for fun. make fun of They made fun of her because she wore such strange clothes. funny13 Used to 过去常常 used to do sthDid you use to _(live) in the countryside?Your father used to be an engineer,_?There used to be a well here,_?

12、Be /get used to( doing ) sth 习惯于(做)某事We are all used to our new school lifeWe will soon get used to living here.Be used to do sth 被用来做Coal can be used to produce electricity.14.prepare vt.vi We have prepared a room for the guests. We must prepare for the worst. prepare your speech/dinner Prepare for

13、 the party Be preparing forBe prepared for为什么作好了准备PreparationMake preparations for15. Ease 安逸 容易Lead a life of ease in the country 在乡间幽闲度日(u) 容易,不费力vHe answered the questions with great ease.At (ones) ease 轻松的(地),惬意的We were sitting on the sofa at our ease.Set your mind at ease.心闲气定(vt.)使(人)舒畅,使安心The

14、 news that her son passed the exam eased her mind.Ease sb. Of 解除(某人)的而使其舒适Her words eased me of my anxiety(忧虑)16. for free免费地,无偿地On Fridays, show your student card and eat lunch for free.For nothingFree of charge/free of cost17. 句型Its +adj.+to do sth.做是Its easy to follow others.Its friendly to greet

15、 each other.句型Its +adj.+of +sb +to do sth Its +adj.+for +sb+to do sthIts kind of you to help me .It was foolish of you to eat what he had given you.Its good for you to follow his advice.18. mean Mean doing sthMean to do sthThis new order means working over time.I am sorry to have hurt you, but I did

16、nt mean to .Mean sb for sth打算,注定某人成为什么或做某事His father meant him to be a doctor.他的父亲打算让他当医生I was never meant for the army.我注定不是当兵的料19. As作连词的用法1)当时候,随着He sat watching her as she got ready.2)照方式They did as I had asked. /They did as asked.3)因为,由于She may need some help as shes new.4)正如,如同As you know, Jul

17、ie is leaving soon.5)引导让步状语从句,表示“即使,尽管”,此时用倒装语序,如果表语 名词,放在句首,前面不加任何冠词Try as he might, he couldnt open the door.他想尽了办法也没能打开门Young as he is , he knows a lot.他尽管年轻,但知道很多Child as he is, he could earn his own living.尽管他还是个孩子,但他能独立谋生了20. For example 和 such as从功能上看,for example 用作插入语,可以说明任何成分,而such as 只能引出同

18、位语,而且只能是名词性短语从语序上看,for example 可位于句首句中或句末,而such as 只能位于它所引出的同位语之前 Several European countries have no seacoast, for example, Switzerland and Austria.许多伟人是从贫穷中奋斗出来的,例如林肯和爱迪生 Sweet foods such as chocolate can make you fat.Word powerWord power(1)Appointment (n) a formal arrangement to meet or visit some

19、body at a particular time, especially for a reason connected with their work 约会;预约;约定Ive got a dental appointment at 3 p.m.与appointment相关的短语I make an appointment (with somebody) (与某人)定个约会 Ive made an appointment with the doctor for my son. II keep an appointment 准时赴约 I had to take a taxi to keep the

20、 appointment with my girlfriend.为了准时赴约和女友的约会,我只好坐出租车了.(2)Available (adj.) of things that you can get, buy, or find; of a person free to see or talk to (事情)可获得的;可利用的;(人)有空的Tickets are available free of charge from the school. This was the only room available. The director was not available for commen

21、t. 主管没时间发表意见.(3) Whether students want to exercise or just want some fun, they can use our gym. 知识点whether的用法whether在句子中作连词使用,表示两种情况多真实,意为 “是,(还是);或者(或者);不管(还是)”. whether还可用来表示迟疑或两个可能性之间的选择,意为 “是否” Whether or not we are successful, we can be sure that we did our best. He seemed whether shes at home.

22、Grammar and usageGrammar and usage(1)Donate (vt.) to give money, food, clothes, etc to sb/sth, especially a charity 捐赠;捐献;赠予 He donate thousands of pounds to charity. 他向慈善事业捐款数钱英镑. All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.所有献的血都要接受爱滋病病毒和其他传染病的检查.1名词donation n.捐赠物;捐赠;赠送The work of the

23、 charity is funded by voluntary donation.2make a donation to 向捐助The government called for us to make a donation to the flooded area.(2)Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.知识点 Ion/upon + v.-ing 表示 “一就”On seeing the famous singer, she recognized him. IIas soon as 也可用来表示 “一就”As so

24、on as he finished his studies, he started traveling in China. III表示时间的名词moment, hour, minute, second 等在前面家定冠词the可作连词来使用,表示 “一就” The second the game finished, the fans began cheering. The moment I saw him I had a strange feeling. IV immediately 也可作连词使用,表示“一就” We start the meeting immediately he comes

25、.TaskTaskThe more choice you have, the better your final decisions will be. 知识点 “the +比较级 , the +比较级”是固定句型,意为 “越,就越”. The more you use the dictionary, the better youll be able to use it and the more useful it will be to you. The harder you work, the more you get.projectproject(1)Allow vt. to let som

26、ebody do something; let something be done; permit 允许 They dont allow smoking. My father allows me some money for books. They dont allow you to smoke.仔细阅读下面的句子: He was allowed to stay up late that evening. 句中allowed可不可以用permitted来代替?思路 allow 与permit 意思相同. Allow是常用词,而permit是相当正式的书面语. They dont allow y

27、ou to enter. 他们不允许你进入. You are not permitted to smoke in the hospital.医院里不准吸烟.(2) Require vt. need; to demand; order; expecting obedience要求;需要 I require 后接宾语丛句时,丛句谓语动词常用虚拟语气, “(should) + 动词原形” 的形式 His health require that he (should) go to bed early. 他的健康状况适宜早睡. They required that all the passengers

28、(should) show their tickets. II require 后接v.-ing时, 相当于 to be done, 是主动 表被动. The work requires finishing.= The work requires to be finished. 这工作需要完成.辨析 demand request requireI demand 是指 “ 强烈要求”,而不是指 “请求”, 因而含有 “要求对方服从”的意思,口气强硬. The workers are demanding more money. II require指 “请求”,用于客气,有礼貌的场合 I requ

29、est him to help.III request 指 “要求|”,而不是指 “请求”, 但它强调 “客观上的要求或必须”. You are required by law to send your children to school. Our club is much more than just music.知识点 more than 的用法(1)More than 修饰名词,名词性丛句或起名词作用的动词不定式时,其意思通常是 “不只;不仅仅;远不止”. We must consider more than the beginning of the motion, however. 然而,我们必须考虑的不只是运动的起始阶段. Peace is much more than the absence of war. 和平不仅仅意味着没有战争.(2)有时,more than+ 丛句中的more than具有否定的意义,可以译为 “并非;不是”. You remembered to thank her, which was more than I did. 你还记得感谢她,而我却忘了. The noise was more than I could bear. 这噪音是我不能忍受的.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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