unit3说课课件《Travel Journal》:课件一(26张PPT)(人教版必修1)

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《unit3说课课件《Travel Journal》:课件一(26张PPT)(人教版必修1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit3说课课件《Travel Journal》:课件一(26张PPT)(人教版必修1)(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新昌县知新中学新昌县知新中学盛旭兰盛旭兰Unit 3Travel Journal 二、第三单元二、第三单元(travel journal)(travel journal)结构结构: :1.Warming up1.Warming up2.Reading material: 2.Reading material: Journey Down the Mekong Journey Down the Mekong 3. Comprehending 3. Comprehending 4. Learning about language4. Learning about languagea. Discove

2、ring useful words and expressionsa. Discovering useful words and expressions ( (词汇学习词汇学习) )b. Discovering useful structures(b. Discovering useful structures(语法学习语法学习) )5.Using language:5.Using language:a. Reading and speaking a. Reading and speaking b. Listeningb. Listeningc. Reading and writing c.

3、Reading and writing 6. Summing up 6. Summing up 围绕本单元话题的材料” Journey Down the Mekong ”分六个部分贯穿于本单元的始终:part1: The dream and the plan ( reading )part2: A night in the mountains( reading and speaking)part3: Chatting with a girl (listening)part4: Journey Down the Mekong (listening)part5: Their experiences

4、 in Laos (listening)part6: The end of our journey (reading task)三、第三单元教材分析 1 1、语言知识:、语言知识:学习本单元学习本单元2222个新单词以及用现在进行时表示将来含义的个新单词以及用现在进行时表示将来含义的用法。用法。 2 2、语言技能、语言技能: : 通过上网查资料以及写信作一些必要的咨询,以了解通过上网查资料以及写信作一些必要的咨询,以了解旅游常识、手段以及费用;学会写旅游常识、手段以及费用;学会写travel journaltravel journal,养成,养成用英语写游记、日记、学会思考和倾诉的良好习惯,从

5、而用英语写游记、日记、学会思考和倾诉的良好习惯,从而提升用英语与人沟通、思考问题和解决问题的能力以及写提升用英语与人沟通、思考问题和解决问题的能力以及写作能力。作能力。 3 3、情感态度:国际视野、合作精神、情感态度:国际视野、合作精神 4 4、学习策略:查找旅游信息的能力,出行之前讨论、学习策略:查找旅游信息的能力,出行之前讨论、制定旅游计划等与人沟通的能力制定旅游计划等与人沟通的能力 5 5、文化意识、文化意识: : 在旅游中接受异国文化的能力在旅游中接受异国文化的能力Period 1Period 1Warming up; pre-reading; reading 1Warming up;

6、 pre-reading; reading 1 ComprehendingComprehending;(p17-19)(p17-19)Period 2Period 2Language points of the reading material;Language points of the reading material; Discovering useful words and expressions Discovering useful words and expressions (P18-20)(P18-20)Period 3Period 3 Reading and speakingR

7、eading and speaking (P22) (P22)Period 4Period 4Listening(part 3-5) Listening(part 3-5) (P23,55,58)(P23,55,58)Period 5Period 5Structure Structure (P21)(P21) ; ; Period 6Period 6 Reading and Writing; Summing up Reading and Writing; Summing up (P23-24)(P23-24)Period 7Period 7 Exercise (Exercise (自行设计一个

8、围绕本单元话题自行设计一个围绕本单元话题 的语言测试和自我评价)的语言测试和自我评价) 四、课时分配阅读教学的目的: 通过“读”培养学生的能力发现事实、领会大意、掌握顺序、利用语境、归纳总结、学会推测等获取信息、加工信息解决问题的能力一、新课程背景下的高中英语阅读教学的变化1、单元结构2、地位上升3、阅读目标不变,阅读容量加大、篇幅变长、 词汇量增加 4、课时不变 有限时间完成教学目标-加强学生预习、自主学习和利用资源的能力,教师加强检查,适当增删一些内容Unit 3Unit 3Travel JournalTravel JournalPeriod1操作步骤操作步骤warming up;pre-

9、reading;Readingcomprehension 基础阅读教学模式设计基础阅读教学模式设计 (1)阅读前活动引出话题,激发兴趣 (2)阅读过程活动技巧训练,整体把握 整体粗读,领略内容大意 分段细读,注意细节,注意语言结构。 整体重读,深层理解,掌握语言结构。 (3)阅读后活动活化教材,创造思维。 (4)作业布置 反馈教学,形成评价。 Activity 1 (warming up引入话题环节) 1.The National Day is coming, what are you going to do during the holiday? 2. If you are going tr

10、aveling, where are you going? How are you going?(means of transports)活动目的:复习初中有关交通方式的语言表达方式,激起学生谈旅游的兴趣means of transportation on footby bikeby motorby busby jeepby carby trainby ship/boat/seaat the port/ harborby plane/ airat the airportby spaceshipActivity 2 (pre-reading环节)1. Imagine that you are g

11、oing cycling down a river, which river would you choose? What about cycling down Mekong River? Do you know something about Mekong River? Where is it?2. 呈现课本插图List the countries that the Mekong River flows through.活动目的:检查学生课前预习、查找信息的效果ChinaLaos Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Vietnam South China Sea Activi

12、ty 3 (while-reading环节)Fast-reading1. Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei ?2. What was their dream?3. Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?4. Where did they plan to start the journey?5. How do they prepare for the trip?活动目的:培养快速获取信息的能力活动目的:培养快速获取信息的能力lActivity 4: Get to know the Mekong River (Careful reading ) Work

13、 in pairs and try to find out1. Where is the source of the Mekong River and where does it enter?2. What is the Chinese part of the river called?3. What were they surprised to learn about the river?活动目的:培养获取信息的能力Activity 5: know the river bettter 1.How does the water of Mekong River change?1.How does

14、 the water of Mekong River change? 2. What can you see when you travel along the 2. What can you see when you travel along the river?river? 3. Is it a difficult journey to cycle along the 3. Is it a difficult journey to cycle along the Mekong? Why?Mekong? Why?Small,clear and coldrapidswaterfallWide,

15、brown and warmGlacier, rapids, hills, valleys, waterfalls and plains.活动目的:培养整合信息的能力活动目的:培养整合信息的能力Hard to breathe; cold; begins at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres.可增加讨论活动:If you are Wang wei and Wang Kun ,will you cycle down the Mekong River? Give your reasons to support your idea.活动目的: 在活动前选择或

16、预测材料中人物的遇事态度, 对比自己与人物的态度 Activity 6(Post-reading)活动目的:理解文中人物的态度,共分易中难三个层次活动目的:理解文中人物的态度,共分易中难三个层次形式一:形式一:“T” or “F” exercise(易)(易). 1. Wang Wei insisted that they begin the journey in Qinghai. 2. Wang Wei thought that her way was the proper way. 3. Wang Wei was a stubborn and careful girl. 4. Wang K

17、un gave in at last. 5. Wang Kun thought that it would be easy to start in Qinghai.Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the tripBoth Wang Wei and Wang Kun think Wang Wei believesWang Kun believes活动形式二:Fill in the following form(中)1. taking this trip is a dream come true.2. that

18、they will enjoy this trip a lot.3. they should see a lot of the Mekong.4. that most of the Mekong will be found in Southeast Asia. 1. they must start in Qinghai where the river begins /see all of the Mekong.2. that they dont need to prepare much1. it is too cold and high to start in Qinghai.2. that

19、using an atlas is very important. 活动形式三:(整合和表达)稍难 Use words to describe the characteristics of Wang kun and Wang wei. Wang Wei: stubborn; determined; wouldnt change her mind; adventurous Wang kun: serious; careful Activity 7Discuss in groups: Who do you think was right about the trip? Why?活动目的:通过开放性

20、问题让学生表达自己的观点Activity 8:Homeworkl1. Who do you think was right about the trip? Why? Write down your opinion.l2. Try to do the exercise on P20 活动目的:巩固本课时的教学内容,预习下一课时 Reading 课时安排小结 Warming up Warming up 引入话题环节:引入话题环节: Activity 1 Activity 1 Pre-reading Pre-reading 环节:环节: Activity 2 Activity 2 While-rea

21、ding While-reading 环节:环节: Activity 3Activity 3(fast-readingfast-reading) Activity 4 (careful reading) Activity 4 (careful reading) Post-reading Post-reading 环节环节 Activity 5 Activity 5 Activity 6Activity 6 DiscussionDiscussion 环节环节 Activity 7 Activity 7 Homework Homework 环节环节 Activity 8 Activity 8 通过上述环节的通过上述环节的individual workindividual work、 pair workpair work和和 group group workwork能有效地激发学生的兴趣,培养课前预习、利用资能有效地激发学生的兴趣,培养课前预习、利用资源获取信息的能力、进而培养学生源获取信息的能力、进而培养学生整合信息、整合信息、理解文中理解文中人物的态度和进行表达的能力人物的态度和进行表达的能力同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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