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1、Abdomen-the visceral organs in the abdominal cavity Peng Ying JiThe Dept. of AnatomyZhongshan Medical College Sun Yat-sen University1.The localization for abdominal viscera2.Stomach *location*the surface anatomy and part of stomach*the structure of stomachMucosa Peritoneum*the supply for arterial bl

2、ood of stomach*the gastric veins3.The liver *(transverse fissure)(left sagittal fissure)(left sagittal fissure)(right sagittal fossa)(right sagittal fossa)*the hepatic ligaments*the lesser omentum*the structures of hepatic pedicle*Glissons system and hepatic segments*lymphatic drainage and Nervous i

3、nnervation of livers4.Gallbladder and ductsRight hepatic ductpancreatic ductSplenic a. & v.5.SpleenUpper poleLower poleDiaphragmaticsurfaceHilumNotchvisceralsurface6. Duodenum and pancreas*the supply for arterial blood of pancreas*lymphatic drainage of pancreas*nervous innervation of pancreas* ligam

4、ents of the spleenflexure7.the location of small intestine*the arteries of small intestineSuperior mesenteric a.Jejunal a.ileal a.Left colic(hepatic) flexureright colic(splenic) flexureVermiform appendixileumileocecal valveAscending colonTransverse colonEpiploic appendagesdescending colonTenia coliS

5、igmoid colonhaustrumrectumcecumileocecal orifice8.the large intestine*parts- *colic features-*appendix*nervous innervation of the large interstine*Lymphatic drainage of the large interstine9.Hepatic poetal veinSuperiormesenteric v.veinEsophagealvenous plexusRectalvenous plexusPeriumbilicalvenous ret

6、eInferiormesenteric v.Superior rectal v.Inferior rectal v.middle rectal v.Portal v.Superiormesenteric v.10.Retroperitoneal space11.Kidneys and ureters*the location of the kidneys*Relation of the kidneysPsoas major m.Quadratus lumborum m.Transversus abdominis m.DiaphragmSuprarenal glandSuprarenal gla

7、ndStomach Spleen Pancreas LiverDescending colonJejunum Left colicflexureDescending part of duodenumSmall intestineRight colicflexure*surface anatomy of the kidneyRenal pedicleRenal hilum*Structure of the kidneysRenal medullapararenal fatperirenal fat*coverings of the kidneyPerinephric fatPeritoneumk

8、idneyParanephric fatRenalfasciaTransversefasciaPsoas major m.Inferiorvena cavaQuadratus lumboum m.Anterolateralabdominal wall m.Inferiorvena cavaInferiorsuprarenal a.Middlesuprarenal a.Leftsuprarenal glandSuperiorsuprarenal a.Rightsuprarenal glandInferior phrenic a.Abdominal aortaRight kidneyLeft kidneyTesticular(ovarian) a.Commoniliac a.Uterine a.UreteropelvicjunctionInlet of pelvisIntermuralpart*three physiological strictures and three intersections



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