高一英语测试报:U1 第四部分课件 Reading(牛津译林版必修4)

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《高一英语测试报:U1 第四部分课件 Reading(牛津译林版必修4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语测试报:U1 第四部分课件 Reading(牛津译林版必修4)(63页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Where can you find advertisements?Do you like them? Why or why not?Take a quick look at the title to find out what you will learn in it.Please skim the article and answer the three questions in Part A.1) What do ads try to persuade people to do?2) What does PSAs stand for?To buy a product or service

2、, or to believe in an idea.Public service advertisements.3) What are PSAs meant to do?They aim to teach us and help us lead better lives.How many types of advertisementsare there? What are they?Two. Commercial ads and public service ads.Read the following sentences and decide whether they are true (

3、T) or false (F). Most people are not aware of how many ads are around them. advertisements are always meant to promote a product or service. PSAs are only found in newspaper and on TV. PSAs and commercials ads use some of the same methods. Commercial ads can often give us valuable information about

4、how to live our lives. An ad warning people against smoking is an example of a PSA.C2.Read the article once more and find the answers to the following questions.1)Where are advertisements usually found?2)What is the major distinction between commerical advertisements and PSAs?3) Why are some of the

5、advertisements clever according to the article?4) When did China begin a nationwide public service advertising campaign?5) Why should we follow the advice in PSAs?1.They are usually found in newspapers, magazines,on the internet, radio and television.2. A commercial advertisement is one which someon

6、e has paid for to advertise a product or service, while a piblic service advertisement is often run for free, and is meant to educate people about health,safety,or any other problem that affects public welfare. 3.Because even if an ad does not lie,it does not mean it is altogether innocent. 4. In 19

7、96.5. Because PSAs are meant to benefit the piblic, and by following the advice in PSAs, we can often learn a lot.Please read the article carefully and then try to find some information about commercial ads and public service ads.Commercial adsPublic service adsCommercial adsPublic service ads1. A c

8、ommercial ads is one which someone has _ to _ a product or service. 1. A PSA is often run _, and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other _ which affects _.paid foradvertisefor freeproblempublic welfareCommercial adsPublic service ads2. Not all ads tell people the _ truth, so p

9、eople must _ the methods used in ads to try and sell us things.2.PSAs also use attractive pictures and _ language, but they are made to serve the public. PSAs aims to teach us and help us lead better pletebe aware ofcleverSimilarDifferentPlaces foundPurposesMethods usedValidity(正确性正确性)The similariti

10、es and the differences between commercial ads and public service adsFill in the chartTypes of adsSimilaritiesDifferences Ex-amplesPlaces foundMethods usedPur-posesValidity正确性正确性Com-mercial ads PSAs? Similarities Places foundMethods used _language_ picturesnewspapers magazinesthe internet radiotelevi

11、sionclever attractiveTypes Differences Purposes Validity 确实性确实性Com-mercial adsPSAsto promote a product or serviceto educate people about health,safety or any other problem that affects public welfareThey are not altogether innocent.They are helpful and we can learn a lot by following the advice they

12、 give.Types Examples Com-mercial adsPSAsBright-Teeth fights bad breath!You are proud of your cooking, so shouldnt you buy the very freshest food?Yes to life, no to drugsKnowledge changes lifeProject Hope educating every childWhen you smoke cigarettes, you are slowly killing yourself.1. persuade2. we

13、lfare3. skilful4. curea.the ability to learn, understand and think about sthb.good at doing sth, especially sth that needs ability or trainingc.the general health, happiness and safety of a person or a groupd.make an illness or problem go awayhcdbMatch these new words from the article with their mea

14、nings. Write the correct letters in the blanks.5. mental6. trick7. motto8. intelligencee.a short sentence or phrase that tells the aims and beliefs of a person or a groupf. related to the thinking or the mindg. sth done to fool someone else, or as a jokeh.make someone do sth by giving him/her good r

15、easons feagUse the words below to help her complete the e-mail dealing with; comments; campaigns; promote; benefit; cheated; even if; foolDear Professor Liu,I want to thank you for offering me such useful advice(1)_ my research. I have just published my article about advertisements on our school web

16、site, and have already received many kind(2)_about it from my readers.dealing with comments The information I found has really helped me educate others in the way in which companies (3) _their products. Before I consulted you, I had no comprehension that a company might try to (4) _ people into buyi

17、ng a product or service. promotefoolNow,(5)_there are exciting pictures and clever language in an ad, I will remember to think about before I buy something so that I will not be (6)_. even ifcheatedI will also pay a lot more attention to the public service ad (7) _. Now I know how they can(8)_ socie

18、ty. I will encouragment my friends to pay attention to them as well.Thank you again for helping me find so much useful information!Yours faithfullyQian Lilibenefit campaigns What do you think of the ads in our lives? Do they play a positive (积极的积极的) role in our lives? Why or why not? We are so used

19、to them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day. so/suchthat用法:用法:1. 他心肠很好他心肠很好,以致于老人孩子都喜欢他。以致于老人孩子都喜欢他。 He is so kind-hearted that both the old and the young like him very much. He is such a kind-hearted man that both the old and the young like him very much. He is so ki

20、nd-hearted a man that both the old and the young like him very much.2. 他说话如此清晰他说话如此清晰,以致于我很容易就懂了以致于我很容易就懂了他的意思。他的意思。 He spoke so clearly that I understood him easily.3. 我挣了这么多钱我挣了这么多钱,以致于真的想买台新以致于真的想买台新 电脑。电脑。 I have earned so much money that I really want to buy a new computer.4. 这些孩子如此聪明伶俐这些孩子如此聪明

21、伶俐, 所以学什么都很所以学什么都很快。快。 They are such smart children that they learn everything quickly.5. 这么多的奶油,这么多的糖,这么多的这么多的奶油,这么多的糖,这么多的蛋蛋 太多的东西,我们不知如何安置太多的东西,我们不知如何安置它们。它们。 So much butter, so much sugar, so many eggs! There are so many things that we dont know where to put them all. 2010 Pop music is such an i

22、mportant part of society _ it has even influenced our language. A. as B. that C. which D. where It was _ that we want to stay here for another two days.A. such fine weather B. such a fine weatherC. so fine weather D. so fine a weather 1. 住在城里好多年了住在城里好多年了, 格林先生已经很习惯城市格林先生已经很习惯城市生活。生活。 Having been liv

23、ing in the city for many years, Mr. Green is quite used to the city life.2. 当人们搬到另一个地方住当人们搬到另一个地方住, 需要时间来适应新需要时间来适应新的环境。的环境。 It takes time for people to be used to the new environment when they move to another place.3. 我真的不太习惯一个人住。我真的不太习惯一个人住。 I am not quite used to living alone.最近的研究表明最近的研究表明,我们可以做

24、很多来帮我们可以做很多来帮助癌症病人。助癌症病人。Recent research shows that we can do a lot to help cancer patients.他们正在研究环境保护问题。他们正在研究环境保护问题。They are doing research on environment protection.他花费两年的时间研究各种各样的蝴他花费两年的时间研究各种各样的蝴蝶。蝶。He spent two years researching different types of butterflies.对于商人来说研究市场很重要。对于商人来说研究市场很重要。It is

25、important for a businessman to research the market.我和我和Mary每人有自己的卧室每人有自己的卧室, 但是我们但是我们合用浴室和厨房。合用浴室和厨房。Mary and I each have our own bedroom, but we share the bathroom and the kitchen.良好的交流包括分享信息和交换观点。良好的交流包括分享信息和交换观点。Good communication includes sharing information and exchanging ideas.persuasive adj.

26、能说服的;善于游说的能说服的;善于游说的She has a persuasive manner. 她有善于劝诱人的态度。她有善于劝诱人的态度。相关词;相关词;persuade 说服;劝诱说服;劝诱He persuaded her to go to school, even though she did not want to.即使她不想去上学,他还是说服她去。即使她不想去上学,他还是说服她去。Who persuaded you into joining this society?谁说服你参加这个团体谁说服你参加这个团体? 1. (2010) There is nothing more I ca

27、n try _ you to stay, so I wish you good luck. A. being persuaded B. persuading C. to be persuaded D. to persuade2. Alice trusts you; only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea. (2010) A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade 3. While shopping,people sometimes cant help _ into buying something

28、they dont really need.(2010) A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 4. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _to eat more fruit and vegetables. (2010)A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuadedI dont believe in ghosts. I

29、think stories of ghosts were made up by human beings.我不相信鬼。我认为鬼的故事都是人编我不相信鬼。我认为鬼的故事都是人编造出来的。造出来的。There is a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.有一场声势浩大的推销我们新牙膏的广有一场声势浩大的推销我们新牙膏的广告宣传活动。告宣传活动。The company is promoting their new products on television.这家公司在电视上宣传他们的新产品。这家公司在电视上宣传他们的新产品

30、。宣传宣传, ,推广;推销推广;推销, ,促销促销提升提升, ,提拔提拔, , 晋升为晋升为They promoted him captain.他们提升他为上尉。他们提升他为上尉。mean : v. 意思是意思是, 意味着意味着Saying that means refusing his friendship. 那样说就意味着拒绝他的友谊那样说就意味着拒绝他的友谊.The dark clouds mean rain.乌云是下雨的征兆。乌云是下雨的征兆。My friends mean a lot to me. 我的朋友对我来说非常重要。我的朋友对我来说非常重要。What do you mean

31、by saying and doing so?你这样说这样做究竟是什么意思你这样说这样做究竟是什么意思?mean to do sth. 打算做某事打算做某事 I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.我本来打算今天给你这本书我本来打算今天给你这本书,可是我忘了。可是我忘了。The book is meant for 10-year-old children.这本书是为十岁的孩子准备的。这本书是为十岁的孩子准备的。The advertisement is meant to encourage customers to buy the pr

32、oduct.这个广告是为了鼓励顾客购买这个产品这个广告是为了鼓励顾客购买这个产品。 (2010) Ouch! You hurt me! I am sorry. But I _ any harm. I _ to drive a rat out. A. didnt mean; tried B. dont mean; am trying C. havent meant; tried D. didnt mean; was trying Why didnt you give me a ring? Well, I meant _ , but later I forgot. (2010) A. teleph

33、oning B. to telephone C. having telephoned D. telephoned 人们常常戴墨镜以保护眼睛免受强烈人们常常戴墨镜以保护眼睛免受强烈太阳光的刺激。太阳光的刺激。People usually wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the strong sunlight.要采取一切措施保护河水免受污染。要采取一切措施保护河水免受污染。Everything must be done to protect rivers from being polluted.使得人们明白抽烟的危害很重要。使得人们明白抽烟的危

34、害很重要。It is important to make people aware of the danger of smoking.你意识到学习一门外语的重要性了吗你意识到学习一门外语的重要性了吗?Are you aware of the importance of learning a foreign language?(常(常to, with与连用)连接;结合;连结与连用)连接;结合;连结Will you connect this wire to the television?你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?If the tunnel is built, it

35、 will connect Britain to Europe for the first time in history.如果隧道建成如果隧道建成,它将有史以来第一次把英国和欧洲它将有史以来第一次把英国和欧洲大陆连接起来。大陆连接起来。be connected with = have something to do with人们都认为这个年轻人与这件事故有关系。人们都认为这个年轻人与这件事故有关系。People all think that the young man is connected with the accident.你要聪明点儿你要聪明点儿, 别相信他那种把戏而上当别相信他那种

36、把戏而上当啊。啊。You should be clever enough not to fall for his tricks.你怎么会相信那种挨家挨户做销售的人你怎么会相信那种挨家挨户做销售的人说的话呢说的话呢?How can you fall for the words of the door-to-door salesman?play a trick / tricks on sb. 作弄某人作弄某人The children love playing tricks on me. 孩子们喜欢捉弄我。孩子们喜欢捉弄我。Children, as well as adults, usually p

37、lay tricks on each other on Halloween.孩子和大人一样孩子和大人一样,通常在万圣节的时候捉通常在万圣节的时候捉弄彼此。弄彼此。trick sb. into doing sth.诱使诱使,哄骗某人做哄骗某人做He tricked me into giving him the money. 他哄骗我给了他钱。他哄骗我给了他钱。though however 可是,虽然可是,虽然He said he would come , he didnt, though. 他说他会来,可是他并没有来。他说他会来,可是他并没有来。I have a bit of a cold. I

38、ts nothing much, though.我有点感冒,不过并不严重。我有点感冒,不过并不严重。How would you deal with such a situation? 你将如何应对这样的情形?你将如何应对这样的情形?Ive dealt with this shop for 20 years. 我同这家商店做生意已经有我同这家商店做生意已经有20年了。年了。This is a book dealing with West Africa. 这是一本关于西非的书。这是一本关于西非的书。He is easy to deal with.他很容易打交道。他很容易打交道。People in

39、their village deal in tea.他们村里的人都经营茶叶。他们村里的人都经营茶叶。Its a deal.就这么办就这么办, 一言为定。一言为定。交易交易,买卖买卖 (2010) We all know that, _, the situation will get worse. A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not carefully dealt with C. if dealt not carefully with D. not if carefully dealt with1. Read the article again and again after class and finish Parts A1 and A2 on page 90 of the Workbook.2. Write a summary about the text.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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